my t k 5i a . ..X-v:. T ' ft T TT D T TT 1 i 1 J: i t: r&Vt0c Ilegnljtionv I ,ic xrM close from this date as fol- -'Lrn through (night) mails -.8 'ortn "i rQ h& Way (day) mails. .s r m A M atftcrn)1 . Ilailway Inails..,. .,8 P M A M iie-Sfliturday.and Tuesday 6 A M lie river, Monday &Friday..i P M Suieiby CMoliniCfenlml Rail- . : ''ay, dally ii v; -A M Unuse. (horse mall) eve- i? delivered from 7 a m to 7 p m , an d on Mfrom8:.to9::)0am. j : I ?aD o Office open from S a m to 12 in, and HC?to6P m- Money ordeiyen Register rtment open same as stomp office, for opening and closing Wil gton Library Association Reading itoom, daily ' o'clock a m, to 1 o'clock p m. 1 g o'clock p m, to 7 o'clock p in. " on Saturday nights will be kept open until 9 o'clock. - -.. - " 7 r -U GEftkiN has charge of our city circulation, and is authorized to collect Bioners dll6 i . Cr0. r- Harriss is authorized to contract-'for advertisements and to re ceipt for any moneys due the Tost. , iiirnal Service, U. S. Arniy-r-Weather ' i Report. . Ob&ervek's Office, ) 'ilmisoton Janaary 31, L874, f Tlpje.ot Ob- BOEiTher4 eter. ! Wind Weath er 7;UD A. JH. Carm I Fair 30:309 .63 SWge.lej do iOO P. M.'l:260 ,06 , 8 do i do Otto Schutze, . . Observer, U. 8 A. CITY ITEMS. - Baldwin's Monthly for February is . 0'E hundred and tw enty-eight jn market this week, i . parts There Averc eight interments inlPine Forest Cemetery during the past week; 7- . j A!IJ adUJti , cniiareii Bishop AykixsOn will conduct the services at CalvaryChiircb, in AVades- boro, to-morrow. ; Koute. carrier boys are, not author ized to sell copies of the Pose. Effects of panic tremendou s :Tum ' IiIa in nrirps at ' S. Hasstein & Co New York House, tf ;r ' . - jo Market si. S?ixty-eight beeves, S6 hogs, 6 sheep, 1 calves and 1 deer have been siailght eredfor market purposes during the Keek. ':.L ; Thietn' more i slmres of the Street Railroad, making ninety-eight in all, iare been subscribed for up to 2 o'clock to-dav. ' ! Go TO George Myers' and buy some uf the best batter 3 in the world. He has everythihg else in "the Grocery line, anally as good . frfiST PllESByTEltlAX ClIUllCH. Ser- nccs to-morrow at II o'clock, a. in., and 7 J o'clock, p. m., by Rev. Edward Martin, of St, Charles, Mo. Thk person who lost a shawl some time during the present week, can ob tain the same by paying for this notice nl applying at this office. , r. PaWs Evaxgklica l Lutii kkax Hi'KCil German service at 11 a in ; English-service at 7' i. in. iSundav hoolat o.p. m.- Christian Association 'eiting at -Pvi. ?r. Mark' EnscxrAi, Chl'kch, February 1st Third Sunday after th6 iphanv: " . ; Moraing Prayer at 11 o'clock lTemng Pra-er at -7' o'clock - 1VI' to ttie late panic we will sell ,lntil January 1st, our entire stock at j rer cent, less than New York cost, i HAXSTEIX.& CO'S . (, New York House, u ! 15 Market st. Ihe attention of the city authorities N called - to thci practice of cutting aossi the .corner of the pavement on norteast vomer of Dock and Sec 0Qd Greets, as is indulged in by dray niC11. There being no post or gas lamp the corner, vehicles have been driven ( 'gonafly across the pavement to such a,lC5tenttiiatarut,has been marked ,,ut by the wheels, aiid unless it is soon :t0PPcd, the city will be minus a pavc- 'mc,tin that locality. V'OTHIXG is lowu, money being yaree,:We are oflerins: our entire stock 01 Nothing, boots and shoes at stispcn- "!1 lriro . , . Uaxsteix & Cq's New York House, 15 Market st. tf. histon shipped 2,000 boxes of to uac.ene day last week. MI15 TOX7U: iI Mild. Gold is 1 O J 7. ,t 13 M. Business is a cctfrdull. Go to church to-morrow. : ! Read thq jailvcrtisenierits. W Munson splls goods hJ , ? ( The Weekly Post groweth. And the tptinty didn't' divide ! j Tho fWniw 'J -i-JiA Jill.'!' "v- wuvifii was a irranu sacues J- N ational Hotel repairs grow apace, Improvements are the ortlef of ttie dayin the cityi .. , : j , , ,k First week of Court is over, and a Ac w jury appears Monday. i Read the-Masonic Lottery Scheme iti our advertising columns. Try a ticket fitn lMry?, 'Wey an be procured by' the X5af -t There will ibe &jme$ tprg of the Grangers next Monday! night. I Let ail attend. . .... " f " "' J .ft Dr. Wnght;Tpf ftthd! Humpnrfey House, Goldsbbro rriverte ciiy last night. j - Harry Webb keeps a bulletih of the doings at the Opera- House; on one of his large mirrors. A gdod idea. , i - Moiie improf-emcnts, tending towf rds tne comiort oi tne patrons and the beau ti tying of the Opera House, have been made jhy Capt: E. J. Pennypacker, the lessee. j Goods fouI Last; night between twelve and onje o'clock, a Wash bowl and pitcher were stolen. The owner is requested to cofne to the Mayoc's office on Monday, prpe property Hnct take it away. j :i ! -' I Dead. We regret to ' learn ? of the demise of Mr. Bam'l R. Bunting, who departed this life about two o'clock this morninjr. He i held many i offices of trust prior to he late unpleasantness and proved himself a faithful and effi cient public servant. . I j f !;., !' First Baptist Church, corner of Market arid Fifth Streets El der X C. Hiden, pastorJ Sunday, February 1st, 1874. Services! at 11 a. m..t and 71 P. m: ' Sunday School at, 9 a. m. Prayer meeting Thursday night at 7:30 6' clock. The Lord's Supper after morning ee? vice. ! Dangerous The dangerous prac tice of shinney is indulged in by the boys of this city to a very alarming ex tentj and we are very much surprised that there are !not more broken shins i ? and lame boys than we hear of, thoiighi however, we-learned of an accident yes terday from the use of shinney sticks, which came ycjry. near proving fatal. liuring recess of one of the schools the boys repaired :o the shinney grounds and commence! playing,;was accidentally struck back of the ear, ,and fell prostrate oh the ground, writhin in agony and leaking short i spasmodic jerks. I he little lellow was . pictrea up bv his comDanrons and - tenderly cared for. Had the plow taken effect a little higher up, in all probability it would have proven fatal. It was- entirely ac cidcntal and no blame en bo attached to any one. Cauc; ht. Thursday nicjht, about 12 o'clock, Officer Lawreac AlIen?iiscov ered a man whpm he supposed to be a uiirktrmn4 rhnrnrtpT -wallfinrr CatlOUSly along on the tlark side' of ithe r street with a bundle in his hand, and oiibw cd him until he, ran into thcUhpo shop on the corner )f Front and Mulberry streets. Friday morning, he officer learned that tljie boy, Sam3car, left a basin and a pitcher in the shop, stating that he would tall for it between 7: and 81 o'clock last! night; the qjounterji movements were watched, and as he was starting off with fiis booty, j was nabbed and anl carried to the ' lock-up. He states that lie got the articles from a boy who is wprkin in the) yard next the old marble yard on Front streeti The property is in the hancls of the, Marshal, who is keeping U until the owner can be' found. A bachelor says if you hand a lady a newsDaner with a paragraph cut out of it! not a line ofiit will be read bui FT jady will cpntej in finding out what the missing paragrpu otuwuijc j , 'Wante a new hell," cries a Chi .-ao secular paper: and "Wanted a io.nnf cviiljiTiTMinr '! is a small I part Uv.uv uvv'-j-l-T T - A , of the interesting and cheerful repjy of the Chicago JSorthwestern vnrMian Ailnoair whicli believes in brimstone burning. ' - ' - A farmer reading a journal to his The wife in which was the sentence President was received with j three liiizzaK." pronounced - the last word " hussies.' " More shame for him," exclaimed the ied lady, ndignant and scandal? When I thjnk of. the bummers that left Boston in 1849 to' find .their for tunes in.California, another hear; Bret Harte call-in Urgonatfts," said a gen tleman after the lecture, "I must award tn !Rrt. the credit of refihin"! whatever he teches. t gentler sex and a splendid' hotn&'Wasi the result, but no one seemed to expect a nne concert, and there they were dis 1 appntcd. To one unacquainted with the study of brass band music and practice-j the fact of giving n concert so soon after purchase of instruments would not seem .strange ; Lut to those who have labored over the horns, day alter day to jget a pure tone, the con cert was almost a marvel. We confess we anticipated a wearvsome eveni but we weej highly eV jttf "course thereSfere scrtrie small bitfndera and weak Jips for playing before ah audience is very different from reher sals in, the band rcom but the perform ance was really enjoyable. Prof.Ruec kert deserves great praise for the speed in which he has prepared these vouncr gentUmcn ,fbr public exhibitions of their skill, j It was no small job. Mr Lathan's playing was especially worthy of n6te. The arrangement of the troupe coming on and going off the stage was well managed, and all bein " in ful dressy their appearance left nothing to be desired. ; v N ! f Mrs. Kahnweiler, who so kindly con sented to.i aid them, sang well--as usual. She added new numbers to her long list of admirers, and deserved the hearty encores she received. Her solo "The Heaven hath -shed a tear." with violin Obligato by i?rof.i Iuedkerl, andfpiaAcI accompaniment by Mr. DeRosset was the trem of the eveninsr and ereatlv adt mired. This lady is certainly' I great addition to our musical s'ociety here; and her kindness in singing in public is appreciated. ! " As a whole, the concert! was good, and will beaF repetition. ; We hope at no distant day, to listen to the strains 1 ! of this band in the open air. It is an organization of which Wilmington may well be proud, and: should J be encour aged and sustained. H I A wealthy! farmer at Fulton, N. Y. has this notice posted up in his held : " If any man's or woman's cjows or oxen gets in-these air oats, his or; her head will be cut off, as the case may be. A man eye umaml pay my ' takes, con foolization to a man who lets his critter run loose said eye." 1 I V i An enthusiast was turuedrout of the gallery of a Memphis theater, the other night, for encouraging the antics of ,Mis8j Lydia Thompson with the delight-i ed exclamation of "Bully ' for you, old tow-top! Good lordy look at her kick!" pThus cruel fat thills the ardor oi me iuost ingenuous spun A : noted horse jockey "down east wras awakened. one nicr'H by a violent thiiader storm. Being somewhat tfmidj he awoke his wife with Wife I wife do you suppose the Day of Judgment Las come ?" " Shut up, you fool I" was the afleetioi reply; hoAv can the. Day of Judgment come in the night ?" I i : i y I - . I Some waggish soul having stated iri Harper's liazqr that .the lino , '.' though lost to sight, to memory dear' originat-f ed with'Ruthven Jenkinsrs and first apj peared in the GentIeman'sMagazThe for Marines, in 1701 or 1702, the London Illustrated News fell into the trap, andj haying published that statbmerjit, sub4 sequently felt constrained to published another to the eflcct that heither th4 magazine nor "Ruth ven Jehkens" cv- er had any existance. j ' : ' ' ' . j A colored .man .applied to a Boston savings banl4 wishing to draw one doll lar. The clerk informed him that the iron rule of the institution forbid the withdrawal of less than three dollars Our! colored brother was i in a deep study for. a lew lUQairjits, and then aaiS: vpiowsarJ if yer pleases, sanl'U "poset two dollars in de institution' The amount was duly received and credited, when, with his loose dollar iri his pocket, he gave the clerkj a sly wink arid walked away. ' I As soon as the Congressional ch; closes his appeal to the Throne of Graces there is a clapping of hnd all-over the floor. Ifcitfcci waf- J:he member have of calling pages to their side( Every! Congressman begins his day's labor by giving an order to a messen rer : hence the clapping is universal and uproarious 4' Yeli,r that (,l,1 said an elderly manln the gallery, with mud on his boots, which looked as though it had been brought from the other side of the Potomac; "I don't see anything in that prayer worth cheery : . ', ; " - A v . '' A Paris iournal tells the story of a bear who presenlied himself regularly at a'certain coffee house with a clarionet under his arm. "N Hi you aiiqw mej o-pntlcmen," said he in an Hum Die tone of voice, to play a tune? I am only kti amateur, and if you prefer giving me a few coppers 1 win spare you in e annoy anci pf listening to me.? Every one fplti ' at once for a lew straw coppersl and the inusician departed with a pro-f found i obesiance. This he repeated several evenings in succession, At last nn pvpninir a vQunsr man'lasked lum tb Sire him a'tune, good or bad. "But am ataria, , 4 sumi vjsijjviin ; Over mind that; give us a tune.'f 'fBut I am a very poor player, and Kavp a very por instrument. "so matter for that; i want Wfnear you. f wen sir, si"vu j iioiov upu ii, said the poor man, "I will tell you tha I don't play." 0EpA; Hx)UE. The concert last night took eyery one by surprise. Of course! so large a number of young gen tlemen, drew a large audience, csper LATEST BY TELEGRAPH v. - ftsf f-CLEEijAli-iJanuary SI. . .Te fire is still burningbut is now m der contro'. Loss estimated as follows: Worthmgiotf- -oli bufldiiig, from $75,000 e on; stock,, from $215,MX) to $22o,660 insured for $175,000. Koch, GoiasmitBfiJfJosepfe Hpo., on stock, zw,vuuuisiireafior w,yuo. Adams & Goodwep, clothiers, damage to stock by water Unknown. Origin of the tire unknown. mm, New York,, January 31. The Free Thinkersl meeting at i 1 p Cooper Institute to-day was orderly. Gamier 406. beat Ubassy score G00 to WASHINGTO WASHikcrrox, January 31. The French Minister presented his letter of recall yesterday. Mutual com pliments passed. ILLINOIS. Chicago, January 31. The Brai Berith Convention adjourn ed due die. CANADA. A I, Toronto JlnuiLrf The RoyalkLycum Theatre is burn led 1 J CABLK DISPWES. ENGLAND. "LOKDOX, January 31. The city , candidates addressed their cdristituents. Baron Rothschild said that in his! opinion Mr. Gladstone prom lsed Ihe remission of taxes, which would intilve a loss of 9,000,000 ster lirig;to the revenue. He suggested the de ficiency be jmet by the system of liceflfecs for all persons engaged in trade ami commerce.! j -Mr. Goshen declared hiirisclf in fivvor of the integrity of the empire, by which he meant no "Home Rule" and the maintainance of t the present relations with colonies. He hoped the Ashan tee war Would not cost over a million pounds, and favored the advancement of the working, classes by education and the removal of burdensome taxation, but was opposed to the Government providing employment for them in would stop the tepiirit foU, iiMlependericiB.1 Wm. HJ Smith, the Conservative can didate for Westminster, also spoke at the public meeting. He stated that dur ing his recent trip to the United States he had full opportunity to obcrve uni versally the 'corrupting tendency of Democratic institutions which Liberals sought to introduce into England. There were several meetings where speaters were compeiieu to stop, mere is apprehension of disturbances at Greenwich1 this afternoon, where Glad stone speaks The thoroughfares will be closed an hour ' T)cfbrc Gladstone commences. All the troops are ordered to thWbaWacksr 5 1 ' STATE ITEMS. J Quantities of tobacco is coming to Durham, smd the price is good. All the press of the Statoarc calling upon the General Assembly to adjourn. N. p. Effirdj of .Stanje cpujtv, yl1 jIe repairing nis cotton screw, leii trom;T;he top of it and was instantly killed, j A bounty of two weeks rest from duty; in pay still going, is what Char- otte ponce get wnen tneir wives pre sent them with twins. ' At the New Berne tournament j last tjaef hofse of Johnson H. Tbnrsda Bryan, Jr.; threw nis ml' ler, causing a 1 7 - 1 1 fracture and dislocation of the his right arm. . 1 j A. correspondent ?at Jackspn ililhS S. C, w.ritcs to the Rockingham Spirit, if under date of the 4th inst as, follows : ' I write to inform vou that this coun- limiSlSwl of Robeson . th. a, ,band of robbers They have! been in the woods ever since the war ; were a very dangerous, trou blesome gang in those troubulous days, and liave lott none of their mean qual ities! siuce They " use " most of their imc in thwesterh' part of Randjlphn and en-sterh nortion of Davidson coun-f ies making occttl6hal formy4 into Richmond Moore, Montgomery, Stan- y and Rowan counties. Ihe band numbers about twenty-five, including some ten r a dozen Voinen. - A certain fanner, hating company at dinner, was ambitious to make it ? ap pear that he wast somebody, Address ing his bov, he said: "Have vou driven thoseheep. inr ".Yessir." "Arc1 you sure you drove them all in ?" 'Yes sir; I saw him jump over the bars." He had but one. DIED, ,"f I Vt ! ., ,-;;.. ' ' liUNTIKU-TWinorning.Ht his reiidenco in 6iiscity,SAUUEL Ii. BUNTING, age, Si years and ti months. .7 . , The frieiids of the la toUy are Invited to at tend Uie funeral at 3 lo'clock, tormorrow Sunday, from St). Jatnfes Church to Oakdale CemeUrj.:. Gradea of Rosin Adopted by the Pro . auce liXcnanire. Black G.......-...Tow No, B. -Coiniiion Strained C .. Strained I: GoodStriined ij .... o 2 F. ......Extra No. 2 Hminuuu....n.HuNO. 1 I.......M...Extra No. 1 K .M.. Low .'ale N x.....KxtrRl:le Wintlowfeff uot lettered. and water white Krades Some persons grade one grade higher, b-. ginning with I and running to N. - COL! ICIAIi iVlLAZINGTOf MARKET. Saturday, Jan, 313:30 P. M. Spirits TunrEXTiNE--Sales of 114 'casks; at .43 cents p gallon. Market firm. I RoSix No transactions that we could hear of. Crude TurpentiIxe. Sales - of 480 bbls Xo arrive at $2 15 for Hard, and S3 Id for Yellow Dip. Taji Sales of 100 bbls at 2 45 1 CotTO.-No sales reported. Mar ket nominally unchanged. . i . Receipts per railroad of naval stores as appears on the bulletin board of the Prodtice Exchange Jan. 31st : Cotton, (bales) ; 139 Spirits Turpentine, (cks.,) 167 Rosin, (bbls.,) 1,782 . Crude. Turoenline. fb'bls.l 325 lta. rbbLs.V . 213 --. i ii m ! BY TELEGRAPH. NEW YORK MARKETS. Nw YoRK.Jan. 31. Cotton dull land nominal with sales of 1-74 bales. Uplands 16 cents ; Or leans centej Futures opened as follows : February 15(?15 9-16 ; April 15 31-3216 1-16 ; May 16 1 ; June 16 27-32 cents. Flour "dull. Wheat steady. Coni quiet. Pork firm mess $16 251 Lard steady. -Spirits Turpentine steady at 4 cents. Rosin heavy $2 45$ 2 55 for Strained. Freights heavy. mm tm ii i If JJY- TELEGRAPH. I FINANCIAL. ' S EW York, Jan. 31. ( iolu opened at IHj. Stocks active i . and j strong. Money 4 per. cent. bid. Gold Ills. Sterling Exchange long 484; short, 487. Government Bohtls strong. State Bonds steady. LoSTpox; Jan. 31. PaRi, Jan. 31. Erie ij-2(ridi, i iventes 58f.(a0c. FOREIGN MARKETS. - i Liverpool, Jan. 31. 1 1 . 1 Cotton flat. Uplands 72 d. ; Orleans SldirSules of 10,000 bales, 'including : to speclators. ' LATER. Uplands not below. Low Middlings, shipped January and February 7 13-16d. . Uplands not below Good Ordinary, shipped February and March 8 l-16d. " Siles of cotton to-day 16,000 bales American; ... T MARINE, Port of Wilmington, Jan. 31, 1874 .-, ARRIVED. qteameTT5"Iurchisoi, " Garrison,' Fayjetteville, Williams & Murchison. Steam tug Ida, Baker, Norfolk, J li Neff. ifTfr - T-'. - V-v. : - 'f Schr C0A16, LeSvis, Chrlcston, . Har- risi s& Howell. ' Schr John Slushman,' Adams, Port- I land, JUc. Harriss & Howell. 'l CLEARED. j . ' cieaiiiMiip ei.rooiis, itKiiwu, New York, Barry Bros. u . Steamship Rebecca Clyde-, Cliilds, Baltimore. A D Cazaux. Steamer D Murchison, : Garrison, Fayjetteville, William & Murchison. Ibeceipts. . PER RIVER STEAMERS, &c. Stmr P Murchinson 703 bbls rosin, 61 do Spirits, 73 dotar;;23do tUrpentine, 29 bales' cotton, 3do yarn. EXPORTS. j COASTW4SE. ; .i New York Steamship Metixjnblls 457 bales cotton, 691 avsks spirits tur pentine 418 bbls bbls rgpin, 316 tar, 152 do crude ! tufientine1 1367 bushels peanuts 40 empty oil Ubls. Baltimore Steamship Rebecca Clyde 96 casks casks spirits turpentine, 680 bbls rosin, 50 do pitch,, 181 bales cot ton, 33,000 feet lumber, 223 bushel pea nuts, I lot rigging, b(bl whiskey. V Bedford, Pa., n Kvspper. tells of a I half-buljel meas srirLwho stands on ure and gracefplly 'shoulders three bns-hesl-of wheat. To a doubting editor in an 'adjourning countyylthe newspaper monitions-. the fact Ithut she is a bmn netlSe, fivo feet three inches longitude: tha her gravity is tivo' hundred and twenty .five pounds, and that ihe; can whip any editor in Cambria County. The Grand Rapids, , Mich., is getting economical and has &ivcn or ders for its night editor to keex stand ing tlie head-lines under which the de falcation of Republic an cashiers anxi , 1 n 1 fhcials arc 'recorded So says the St. Albans, Vt., Trahvcrij. 1 of Vessel inthla' Port. ? STEAMSIII PS ' 7 T.ltrt1lo Ilnnnflt A,D Cazaux. J II Nef . n .. '. i ilEHeidc UEHeider Steam tiig lda, Baker, BRIGS Avancc,frhorstcnsen Nor Elide. Klotn. J KudolplL Paske, . . .T ' " . E Pcschau Oliver, Llarea, G O Baker Ger brjd August, Shawcf, , E Pcschau. Al-rl ' Vnutllitr - . ( . j ' : : A7,E Kiddcr1& Son; German Fanchou, Vbss,'dis; ; ; ' ..W;-?.tVv '.- . vE Pcscfiau German Bertha, HillerKhs, repg, r , : ?rxv-)..Ecschaii Swed Augusta, Ddmcyi 1 "RE Hcidc Ger Brig W Von Freeden, Ilube, .' - ' Navassrt Guano Co 1 Alwina, (Ger.) Klickaw, ' i Sprunt & Hinson -Seevoge! (Ger.) Langhinricb, '' -' ..... -v EIecliau - Actif (Grer.) Voss, . , E Pcschau , Swedish! Delphin, Huran, ' E Heidc i BARQUES.' . j Ger Bjirue Amelia, Hedwig, Antwerp, ' dis, E Peschau & Vcbtcnuan Ger Lcopoldine,.Freuda, J I E Peschau & WesUnuiui Erlkonig, Nauch, Sprunt & Hinson Claudia (Ger), Dince, " ' i returned for repairs ,. German Ernst, Erdmann,dis, . 1 E Peschau 7. Nor Barque Staubo, Gunderseu, ; . 1 I ; R E Hcidc Adolph (Ger.) Berincricksen, - - Susie (Br.) Smith, Sprunt Tlinoii I SCHOONERS : Martlia A., Glass, G G Barkcir& Co J C Craft, Kennedy, rpff, . "IV IVJ' I G G Barker & Co , A J Collins, Minton, DeRosset &Ud . Henrietta, Langlev, ; " R W Godfrey, Bachelor, ld, N Y Harriss & If owcjl.. Lizzie CMr, Wall, J ' Worth & Worth ' Jennie B Gilkey. Gilkey, dis, " " J GG Barker 4c Co JWiHa l, Jr..Gehen. ldff.NY - . Harriss & Howrll Ella: Holson. Nitkerson,' ; ; ' Isiavassa Guano Company F E lMctonald, McDonald, . B F Mitchell & Sdh ( Georgia, JMcClure, " B F Alitcheli & Son Schr S P Hall, Chipman, Navajsa Guano Co. ? Riverdale, Cory, dis, Mitchell & Son J W Hinton, Simmons - ' ; BF Mitchell & Son,. Schr Julia Scldcn, Hill, r i s I ; B F Mitchell '& Soli t Schr Sophia Hansen, Millar, ldg, W I, j Harriss & llo well Como, Lewis, Charleston, j j Harriss Howell John Slushman, Adams, Harriss & Hqwcll 3tiniiic Ward, Bloodgood, Edwards "& Hall List oft Vessels Sailed for this ' Port.' ' ' BRIDGEWATER. Hcrtha, plthabcr, ' j. sld Ike 6 BRISTOL, EsG. Nor Brigj Ara, Evachscn,' I sld Doc 23 Arcadia, Lldrup,' , sld rsov.f BERMUDA.1 ' " ; Br Brig Caronella, sldjecil . BANGOR. ' Isaac Cifver, Williams, , eld Oct 11 Addie L Cutler. Smith, - eld Alii: 2H NEW BEDFORD viov ourioii, x iiiiuicv, !iu,f r i ti.i .1.1 irnL ..(I SWINNEMUNDE. UIiO) chltpp, Sept 17 A Richards, sld Julie !'" GEESTEMUNDE. Bosse. sld Aug 2 sld Oct. 7 sld Oct 26 sld Sept 2d -: if Id Noy 7 CARDIFF. V1 Gunderson, DEAL. - r Retriever. ' FLEETAVOOD. Nornen, Jensen, MILFORD. Rose, ; ANTWERP. Gcr'Elise & Anna, Wendt, eld Aug 2j; I LONDON.., Vick h Mebane. Hull. ' eld Oct 20 . G N Gredlohen, Dethloss, ; dd Aug 6 Douglass; ANTilson, sld June 2 LIVERPOOL. ' ' Speed, Natvig, . , ent out Dec S Willielm Aischcr, Burmcistcr, , . . ' cnt out Dec 8 ; Louise Ecrothea, Kracft, cut out pcc O Albatross, Stohass, cnt out Dccl ; EmanuclL,Tobiason, cut out Nov2!) , Vitruvius, Drummond sld May? Invinclbld. Jamesj cut out Sept "V j ' GLOUCESTER. I " Forsete (Nor),lChristiadsen; sld Sept 4; ' . Michael, jBentall, sld Sept K SeevQgcl,.Danghinndcs, Br Troubador, Scale, BELFAST, L August Scjmner, - EXETER. !Br Abbyj Eastinan, sja kjci eld Sept 20 sld Oct 20 1 sldXu- V The Democratic United; States Senator elect. Withers, from Virginia. should ha ve acquifetl h very considcru- ; ble knowledge of parliamcntarjfiaw and practice by the time he. takes his scat in March, 1875. lie is, as k well known, al country physician, 'without . any political education or' experience, ' . or any further qualifications r for the . office which the qnaojproud old Dominj'j ion has conferred upon him than the activity oi his. attempt to dismember , the Union! At present he holds the " office of Lieutenant Governor bfj.-Virginia, and is ex. officio presiding . pfiiccr of the Senate in tliat State. The sug gestion h iving4betiCinrulci tliat VJ0iers should redgn the ollicc he holds to take his scat immediately ih the. LrniteI l States Seilate, his friends and llio news--papers-cf his party : insist that he . re t main for 1 time in his present position and very frankly assign . as the " .reason i therefor that he will be enablcdr to aU 1 tain' somcj knowledge of the parliament 1 , tary busijicss. This admission U re ceiycil with much disgust ; by DenKy crats who arc conicllodjdiowcveri to ( acknowledge -itsustwjc ;'' ! J " , : V 'Si 1 f ( ft 7: 1'- ? 4 j ' .i - ,1

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