i - i i H - . . . . ' ' , - ' - ' ' ' : . ' " i-' ' . j i . h .: 1 - i- 1 .. r. . . - " . '! f ! i ' t - A . 14' 1 i '4 : f VOL: VII. J1.MINGT0N, M C, FRIDAY; EEBfiTJlEY' 6, 1874 N6J 224 4 f 1 7 ; Kjjdjd every aittrauon except aundu. 1jca MVNN.L Editor a'd Proprietor kllw subscription. ir ill advance -sree month, in advance. .nth.in .i-lranct.,.. . I 50 . 50 '. nondence solicietifronour rien1 ' '.'.T!:,a nf the State, oa topics of geBe- JM V " .-.-t Political news and reports oi r,i inter-si- are esiciallv dcsxraWc. NKW ADVIiRTiSBMENTS." Mf reliant 'feiie Dflicc. - r -'me f samp!;'--",'tautli' on naml Nrth-rii iurkeU. .iriptJons inerchn'dise, order Li,u -iliciteJ and telegraphed promptly. uercti widic bought and .sold in this .rkJL triers -from buyers solicited, and Sipiw sel!eM wiy have ProPt t ontinu. riniPJis wrll as cash purchases negotiated -hPLher you wish to buy or sell, comrauui freely. oftn With .your local K'.)ker. J .ias. t. rirrrEWAY, Merchaudise and Prodace Broker. 181 tf I. DOUGHTKM LOPER & DOUGHTEN, N" A. V A L S T O m E S AND SOUTH ERN PR DUCTS, So. 5) NORTH. FRONT STREET Philadelphia, la. Orders for Turpent ine Casks solicited and nromptly nllel at lowest marKei. price. '.mrch3 - . 2i-tf M Arnyei per Steamer Raleigu, A 'UTHEJt invoice of Hams, lireufast Strips and Shoulders, of our own curins; hm choice lot of rn me Ixaf Jiard, in 20' mand Oak Buckets, expressly for family use. Give it atrial. ? ! Wo return onr thanks to our customers fH.nris for their kiud favors and libera iMtrouage extendeitour new cnterprlze, and j redetermined not to be outdone in prices nd quality' or uxus. An examination ui oar superior Stock of Groceries, Wines and Uquora, will convince the most skeptical tkat , mgney can be saved by gtvlnsjus their or- Remember the corner under the Seaman s Home. . j. II. McG RITV & CO. Sept Zrio - . ': PARKEH cc X'A YLjOU : .Successors to J A. II. NEFF, i - . ; Manufacturers aud dealers in HOUSE FURNISIIUSG GOODS, bob, Stoves, Lanterns, Kerosene, Oil T i and Hbeet Iron Ware. Bonfing done at short notice i agentsor FairbaulCs Scales. kyr 19 Front Street WILMINGTON. V . C . B0V19 15- SUier's New Family Sewing Maciune. ffltlt t. T T" rATlTTV Tilt' I XT " 1 1." I? "I hkwi N O M ACH.IN E for beauties ot (sbiiit'to eyery clas or sewing, h sua been Mabhshed in fair aud oj:n competition iu wciaal sewing cii.ts:- ..nd the '1'UULIC KrXX MXITItN ot their meiHs is to oe found IttfZI wisirlal Fairs in Amn ion and in Kurpe. in the mnucrous awards o F1HST j already gonei'i n wouki ne we i w uuuu hi- over every compel it-jr at the 1- k hpm done to make the journey to , X.V EXPOSITION and Mtr.riy all the In- " , .,f Mleut Feed aud Straight .Needle and is f f m Haneer 88 humau Skill and tore ieeiiestlolearu. Has the highes app; , ? ; vl lor the Family, the Seamstress ami the siht can accpmplisu. i SB'gHiSSJ.ir' Je-r- 15,TU: V'r "UJ' mr wiuuu jiisuiuiuuui Vi. t"y and full instructions jriven. . Otiice No.t, Lippitt's lCow, South F. Hrtet, Wilmington, N. 'ront DIBBLE, octS-tf Manager. REMOVAL. JAS. A. LOWERY CARRIAGE MAKER & REPAIRER. I i. AVE removed my establishment to' v- Diy new bulldLncrs on the corner of FOURTH AND CAMPBELL ST Sear Bony Rrldge. where I. shall be pleased by see my old customers and many new to ones. n!naSe making, painting and repairing neatly Jone. Horse Shoeing, una various Kiotfs of iron work done on reasonable terms. , tKIIavia baJ thirty vears experience in ;J,S business, I am coundent that I can do me ttnest work, and give satisfaction. AUL "VV UltK W-AIlltAJMTKli. crt3-tf JAS. A. LOWERY. JOK TURNER wishes to inform his custo mers and public eenerally. that he is now Spared to do all kind of work in his line, ad would respectfully request a continua- tion tion of the pa,trocs50 rhich has heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him. Janistf aw New,ExiraIMess Mackerel AND EW UXTRA SALMON, ; tn kiU for family use, at -' ! " CJEO. MYER. 13 South Front street. MlSCKLLAiVEOt'H SILVER' TbNGUR' THE The best ORGANS of the Reed class IN THE WORLD. The Best The Best Tbe Best 'or Churches and Lodges. or Sunday Schools. or Parlor and Vestries. The Best for Academies and Colleges. The Best The Best "or Public Halls. br Orchestra and Stage.- These in-jtrument3, which for1 sweet- n ess of tone; and eleprance of appoint- . ... , . L. ... mcnt stand Unrivalled, Have met Wltn uirprecedented success in this country and abroad. 1 . ! ' Riirrs in thia emintrv MAUFACTUHEJ) BV E, P. N EEDHAM I SON. ESTABLISHED 1 184G, i 1ft; jfr 1A7 "Cio'OQd of XT V , 10 a.I4iliaSI 600. SI. JN I No'8 143 -: : 'Af M i Responsible parties applying for agencies in sections U . PfflXf prompt attention and liberal indnoemenis. rartles residing at a distance from ourau- tuorjzed agents, may order from our factory, ead for illustrated Drioe list. aug28-tf EEDING0TES. YyrE ARE OW MAKING THESE STYL ISH ARTICLES for oar customers, j V Will v do well' to call at MrsSTROQK'8 and exam'ne samples. , -' Dress-Making IN ALL ITS LATEST STYLES. - I Mrs. STR0CKS1 Millinery and Press-Making Booms, oct 18 tf jl 'rlnces Street, Evans' giock. Vew buckwheat, JJAPLE ;YRUP AND!THE0r BEST BUTTER IN THE WORLD At GEO. MYERS, 11 and 13 Front st. "v f " ; ff oct 30 TQ TE VESTI.T0 TIIEVE8T! Before making your? arrangements to fol low the advifee of the ''thousands who have your haa been patfinto opeUm on th. .hoe.t rtosslble line irom nasuvui"?, xcuu.. w w.. Louis "the future great City oi me worn. This line, the i f 8T. LOUIS & SOUTHEASTERN RAIL WAT, has, during the past, year, earned an. envia ble reputatlcjn by its smooth tmckj. prompt time, sure connections and the ' magnifi cence of Iti passenger equipment. Its trains are made np of new and commodions day cars, prqyided with the celebrated Mil ler coupler and platform, and the Westing house air-brake. It is possibvely the ouly line lunning Pullman Palace brawing-Boom Sleeping i. i n nltl.nnf tnrf f mm Nash "r ' Zr u ' M U. VHiC lO CU iUUlot ju. w - 2''- I to offer such advantages, either in dlsUnce, Hmp nrfriJnment. Why. then, journey circuitouf routes?. Do not be induced purchase tickets I to St. 'Louis or the West by an? other line, remember that Tlie "Stl LoTiii & Sontheastern" is the shortest, cheapest, quickest best and only line, vluder one management irom Nashville tc) 8t. Louis, and is from 60 to 200 miles, the shortest to 8L! Louis, Kansas City. Omaha, .Denver California, Texaa, and all western points! It i also the 'Chi cjgo Shortest Line," yia Evantville. ' You can .secure the cheapest rates ior yourselves and your movables on applica in person or by letter, to C S. Bab- bktt, Southern Fassenger Agent, Postot: flee Box Chattanooga Tenn., or to tne & T W B DAVENPORT, Geneial Ticket Agent, 8t. Louis No troubl tt nvr ouestions. july po , ; i i'-vul OUR ADVERTISING RATES . Are pLt down io tfo scale of i ORGANS iiomes iu me , j Co FJ.. . i KIISCELMNBOUS. 33 I P awaudui) iur TUB I Aiiierican jliistitute !' 1 J. W. McKEE, ' ' ' i .1 -; i I , , f i I , FOIt - ' Y f- -f - Embroidery and YMm Hac&Iues. IHs ingenious and! will meet the wanta oi every.matrnn in the land." ,i i m -EXHIBITION'' OF 1872.!, I ' i F.IA. Barnard, Pres. 8ob,E. Gavit, Roc. Secy. j Samuel I). Tillman, Cor. Svcf. I I New York. November!). 1STA This simple. and imrcnious Machine is as useful, as the Bewin Machine, and Is last becoming popularfwitq ladicn, in the place of expensive JNeedJe work, its work beiasr VMMaW t 1 j . . A ujuuu mure uauusuuie, requiring jess lime ana not one tenth part the expense. No lady's toilet is now complete wlthout.ii. A Machine with illustrated circular and full instruction sent on receipt of $3 or uuiBueu in silver piaie ior yo. Address, The McKeb Manulacturlnjr do., M 300 Broad wv. New York. lAG-EHSTTS WANTED. ! Dr. Garvin's Elixir of Tar, Is recommended bv regular Medical Dracti tioners and a speedy pure guaranteed for Colds. Couehs. Catarrh. Asthma. Bronchitis. Spitting Blood, Consumption and all Pulmo nary uompiaints, scrotula, Erysipelas, Mys pepsia and Gout. Dysentery, Cholera-mor- plaints Kidney diseases aDd all aflfections 01 tn sUrtnai Organsperfectly harmless I tree from Mineral or; Alcoholic DroDerties pleasant to take and taever knnwn t.n fall I ?rice 4l 00 per Bottle. Full particulars with medical testimony and certificates sent on application. Address, L..F; HYDE & CO.. 195i SeveT th Avenue, New York. ! Darts from the Deyii; or unpid Alnsei A Bqok just issued exposing the "pbkson xls" that have appeared in the New York Newspapers; their history and lesson. Styl ish viixiass fully bxposbd. Advertise ments from desperate men to beautiful wo- Tne Hi8tory of the goodbich tragett the result of a "personal."! Description of Liv ing Broadway Statues. Exposes social Ct-BRUPTION, Sent-. on receipt of 50 cts. Address, Unique Printing House, SO Vesey I c m Y ' I . " ' J ' : ' Tho Beckwith $20 Portable Fam ily Sewing .tlachinc, on 30 Days 'I rial : many advaDtatres over ail. Satis faction guaranteed, or money refunded. Bent complete, with full directions. Beck with 8ewing Machine; Co., 862 Broadway n. i; may 14 307 tt THE NJEW ELASTIC TRUSS-4An Imfobtamt Imvkntion. It retains the rup ture at ail times, ana under the Hardest ex ercise or severest Btrain. It is worn with comfort, and if kept on night and day, i ef fects a permanent cure in a few weeks. Sold cheap, and sent by mail when request sent to The Elastic j Truss Co., No.&J Broadway, N. Y. City. ! Nobody uses Metal 8pring Trusses ; too painful ; they slip off too frequently. may 14 a07 tf CAlJTiQN? P BUY OXtX THE j i GENUINE FAIRBANR'S SCALES i ' i ; MANUFACTURED BY j E. & T FAIRBANRvS & STJUYBJUip QCMtiS. CiMlruAauc pisIm Travsals. nnirv Scales, Counter scales, &c, &c Scales repaired promptly and reasona bly, j THE MOST PEltFKCT 1LARM" CASH. DRAWER; Ifliles Alarm Till Co's. EVERY Merctiaiit SIIOULLDj DRAWER Tfci Thpm vwv Warranted. SOX,Jl) A.T ! Fairbanks' Scale Warehouses, FAIRBANKS' & CO., 311 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, 166 Baltimore st., Baltimore, 53 CaniJ st., New Orleans. ! FAIRBANKS: & EWING. j i I t Masonic Hall, Philadelphia. FAIRBANKS, BROWN & CO.; 2 Street," Coston. J For saleby all -leading Hardware Dealers. 8ept n 97-2Uw4 Am SALESROOM Foams Celebrated PIANOS. The Strn4tiTd and J'aroriU tj the World. AMI TUNING A MUSIC Cor -4rthL & Market . '!fl"'.v'.-,''. !: lfiltiinzs fMdrhf 1 Mpi RAIL' ROADS. Carolina Central ;RaUway cofflpany ' r ' , WILMINGTON; N. ci, PASSENGER TBAINS T WILMTKGTON DAILY (EX JU cept Sundays) at . . b;00 A Arrive at Wdeaboro t . S:25 p Leave Wades bo ro at.. ..: 7:10 AM ArrlVP. at WilminirtAM m- A.Wi ; s xjwwuui AKAifla. Leave Wilmington daily (except I Sundays) , - fi-hn a Arrive at Laurinbure at 5:30 P Leave, vLaurlnburg at... , , 5:00 A M Arrite at Wilmington at J. ...... . 5. SO p M PASSENGER TRAINS. Leave Charlotte ailyv 8nndays I f excepted, at......., 8.00 A M Arrive at Buffalo at............ .12.00 M Leave Buffalo at.. . . . ........ v. 1.C0 P M Arrived Charlotte at..... ... . 5 15 P.M. Irreffniflr TtimWr r,w TO on'brloauS nessj-equlres. ... ... , v wuo n in dvwu tun iu luuiicc. hiii run in connection ends of this Bail- with v..i. .j."f iI7. :Tr way: 8. L. FREMONT. Chief Engineer and Sup' t. may 19 sil-tf Piedmont Air-line Railway. Richmond and Danville, Richmond and Danville R. .WM N; Division, and : i North Western N. C. B. W. O ! jj Condensed Time Table, j In eflect on and after Thursday!, ' Jan. ' ;j " 1st, 1874; - l . i' 1 GOING NORTH. STATIONS. MAIL. i " ( EXPRESS Leave Charlotte ...... 7.00 p. 7.15 " 10.09 " 2,15 a. m. 5.28 " 8 S5 A. H. 8:50 " 10.47 ' 1.15 P. M. 3,27 p. M. 8.06 ; 11.02 p. M. Air Line J'nct'n Salisbury , Greensboro.. Danville ; Burkville...... it it 11.40 " Arrive at Richmond . . 2.32 P. m. GOING SOUTH. STATIOMS. MAIL. EXPBB8S Leave Richmond. . . . . 1.48 p. M 1.58 9.52 1.16 A. M 3.56 " 6.22 " 6.30A. M. 5.03 a. m. 8.28 1.03 p. m. 4.00 " 6.3; ' 8 53 " 9.00 Burkville' Danville....... GreenBboro.... 8olisbury Air Line J'nct'n Arrive at Charlotte. . . NO EAST. STATION MAIL. Leave Greensboro . . . 2,00 A. M -3.55 " 8.80 h 11.40A. m It Raleirh. J 1 Arrive at Goldsboro'. GOING WEST. schedule: l.T 4 Wjil j , STATIOK8. ; MAIL. . Leave Goldsboro :". . . 3.00 p. m i Jh. Raleigh........ 6.40 " ' i?Co.8nop 10.05 ...... :i. Arrive at Greensboro' 12.30 a.m . . . . , . Nortli Western .N, C. R. R (S ale Branch.) LcaVe Greensboro . V.". 4140 PM Arrive at Salem . . . .. ; Leave Salem . :00'A M ...10:Q A M Arrive at Greensboro. t PstSBcnsTdr trainJeaviae Rileich at; 7. 40 P. VI. connects at Greensboro' with the" Nortnvlij ern bound Uaio; making the quickest time to all Northern cities. Price of Tickets same as via other routes. - Trains to and from points East of: p- Greensboro connect at Greensboro with Mail Trains, to or from points North or Soutlu " ,; Trains daily, both ways. f On Sundays Lynchburg leave Richmond at 9.42 On Snndavs Lvnehbursr Accommodation . . S . .J3 . ' I a. m., arrive t Burkville 12 39 I p. m,, leave Jtfurkviiie 4.35 Ricnmona 7.o a. m. ice Cars on all night trains a. m.. arrive at Pullman raiace cars on an night trains V 'f TV. l4..n Dlnkmnn l nrltk ...4 change.) j Fer lurther inlormation address 8. E. ALLEN, General Ticket Agent, f , Greensboro, N. C. T. M. R. TALCOTT, . i M 5 Engineer and Gen'l Spucrintendant ' 221 "MEUHATISM, NEURALGIA, L . PAINS in Ihc FAi, Ac, : "; THE ELECTRIC ; H AS CURED when all other remedies have tailed. It is eminently a FAMILY MEDICINE, a ramilv chrtnlrl Ha Wif hnntl f Tn raaf of sudden attacks, one bottle will save five dollars m aoexor-s phir. For sale by all Druggists. October 4 J183t E I, E H 13 C T B I p . I? Y i - t V ROADS. 4 gasa R R. Cbmpanyi CBH. SUIJfiBINTElllDBNT'k OfTIC. WiuKNdioiN. C, Oct. XI, 1873; CliAFjGE OF .Em . - TfZGSC M l-r. ti into j cuect ai Ajf enuaay, jr-"- i ".uiC . uu to mavc. really . j . ..Ml -V , permanent: worth, while itfcttnictsrfor -ErHESS.TRAiN. (Daily.) . the hour. ' M iU last. ' DAT owl i Leavo WUmipagton., j Arrive at Florence. Arrive at Columbia. xr I Arrive af-aufriistaV: &00 P. M I e Augusta . V . . ....... i tiA l . . r Aril ve at Florence. f ...... 11:28 P. Arrive at Columbia..;. .. ; L .. .. .4.00. A.-M ttiuj' TAtl 'f i:!5?f a a mt.u Arrive at Florenee m"ir"'m ZoZa ffi a?W&ton;:::r:;;:. Sg-t-S , s AiiiTowriori Passenprs lvinn- Wilin -iv .i . o 1111 I 11 I llll 1 I I . o:iw r. jc. tram make close connection 10 P. M.! t going South. JAMES ANDERSON, Gen'ISup't. 124-tI oct 11 WilaiDgioii & Weldon R. It. f j Company. ( OFfflCK GjCNBRAL BtTPlsBIHTKNDKMT, 1 WtLMlNGTOW, N.; C, Oct 31.1873. j j CHANGE OF SDE1)DLE. ' ' 1. . ... . ;. ..; . ON AND JtFTER OCT. 25th, INSTANT PASSENJIER TRAINS on the Wil mington and Weldon Railroad will nin as follows : ;- . i 'i i MAIL TRAIN. Leave Union Depot, daily (Sun days eicepted, ....... At Arrive at Goldsboro.,......1. Rocky Mount..... Weldon.... j.f, Leave Weldon daily (Sundave , excepted) Z.AX Arrive at Rocky Mount 'i . J. n : Goldsboro. y. i Union Depot...... EXPRESS TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily. .! At rf-An A IU J JL il 11:50 A. M -. , 3:50 P. M 9.-50 A: M 1L35A. M 1:37 P, M 5:50 P. M 11:10 P. M 3:50 A. M 0;03 A. M 8:00 A. M 7:50 P.- M V;43P. M 11:55 P. M Arrive at Goldsboro. -. Rocky Mount... . . Weldon...,,.... . Leave Weldon daily. Arrive at Rocky Mount. . . :.. ' 1 Geldsboro.; Union DeDot...... 4:30 A. M Mali Tram i makes, close connection at Weldon lor ail points North via Bay Line and Acq.uia Ojeck routes. ' Kr !f . Express Train connects onlv witii Acauia J Creek' ' route PULLM AN'8 PALACE SLEEPING CARS ON THIS THAI t. FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wiimin- tontrt-weeklyl at 6;00 A; M.,1 and arrive at 1.40 P.M. 1 EXPRESS "FlRKIfiTtT 'f MAINS wilt Wilmington daily (Sundays excepted) at JOHN F. DIVINE, General Superintendent. - 136-tf oct24 O IIHBBfft H ?. WW ww & www s jt fifi m -r- ; ..... THIS MOST REMARKABLE I fF AiL IAPPARATUSES sometimes t called a mechjanlcal paradox now used with J guch womleyfttf success to o cities for th cure,, by ctxjlul. Cise. of nearly all our principal LATIVE EXER- i gise. of nearly, all I . I f. I ! Chronic; Diseases ; and Weaknesses, Is for sale by the undersigned, by whom al t orders wiU be promptly niieq. ! RE ACTIONARY is so constructed that cven'a ehild can in stantl.v adlnSt It for a person to lift any weight, from twenty to twelve hundred pouiius. . It is made almost wholly of iron and steel, weighs I3Q potaiuts, and covers aspace of only 20,by 38 inches; and although, but recently introduced, nearly J,000! have already been sold. i "PRICE lfljo, BOXED AND SHIPPED; Ismail books orclrcularsj showing its use, can be had free at the office of the Post. S. II. MANN. lirooklyn, N. V. P." O. Box.2!9. sept II d&wtl" A. ADRIAN 4 : H. VOLLERpj ADRIAN & V0LLERS. . i 1 '4 ' ' "WTlbLEl.K PEAjLeKS IK '"" ''"ii:i,;;A, . . i Uro eerier stl IlqiKirw. linporteni of German aud Havana Cigar. -' -?v' - "! -AHDr-: ' Commission Merchant . South-Est Corjteb Dock and Front . ' :'" - j- - Streets.;; i - U'lLMnfGTON, N. o. V Ka'vins the 1 are est uud best assorted Stock of Groceries and Liquors In the City Dealers jwlll find it to their interest to give ua a call before buylngr'elsew here. ) i i I vTTrT ARR ANTTE DEEDS- On band aad .ffifor sale K g HALL feb5 Lve UoluJaDla. i i . . ,10:20 A. M Prof Iri)pA 11. t r (Vr1 ,,l'r ArriveatFIdrencd.,.i.... .. 248P.M. 2- ft Mille, Louise C. Moulton. , Arrive at Wilmington .... . . .10:00 p. m Louisal M. Alcott," Sophie Hay, ' !' NIGHT EXPRESS TRAiN.riAir.T sn r. 5?bcaD!C. A', f Stephens " . . DAYS EXCEPTED.) v : aimers, Kuth ClrcsterfTtld,-' IKlijn II II 1W1 MM A h j 1 W - r i NEW 1 2aDVEnTKEaEK7S THE YOUTH'S I O O ISE I? A 1ST I O ISf A WEEKLY rArEfl F&ti J ' X O 11 ix r .Pnn n l AND THE. ; : I interest by the older. Il 'mi. i.t " 4-20 A M 6 aasomcJy Ulu&tratcd, and has ...id-l0 A.M for contributorH some of thd most at ............. s:00 P: m tracUvc writers in the country. Amonc M. I these are Eggleston. Dr. I. I 1. Have?'. : o. c.: itoDDins. jvi. . a i rwUn . M T I JT " j s l".u? OAU . i T " t urreu in its c laraccr : ffll "?! f Advcn Stn Of ..Home m t aV. ' L and Kchoql Life Ed nU Travel, Tales, Poetry. I -kaitorials; i upon Selections for T)Ar. V I L "J'W" OCietHOnS IOr iJCC" i a.. u 1 I I 1 - . ..I -1 , - i uiirreiir, nina nm.t.A. i T,. , . . :w nwiauwi. Historical Articles, Anecdotes', Puzzle?,; Biographical Sket- Facts arid Incidents. ches, Religious; Article. Subscription Price. $1.50. Bpecimen,,, copies sent free. Address. M PERRY MASON &;0d, 41 Temple Place, Bostdn, ' it MassC tf AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING 1'A -VING ON I C IESTNUT STREET WITIf COBBLE ! St T,Bo?ird! of Aldermen of t Wilminerton. V. r? h ie city ol ORDAINi. That that iWwf street, between the western line of Front street and the river, be paved! with cobble stone, and wb en theworJt shall have been completed; the Mayor shall cause an asses-; Tl$? 1" wholof in par.. All ordinances, or porta therof, conflicting with the above ordinance are hereby re pealed, i- -; i t I Ifie abOVfl nrrilnania nai n....t 1. t . . . - nin IHUOtU uv lilt!' foffdof Aldermenattheirmeetlng, heldou I tne n 1 sr h t. of .Tan no nr o,i 1 c-r- I i Jan JM.f I v. Djiw urns, ii.iiy vicrK. Jon rnal and .Star copy , NEW STO RE; NEW" GOODS. :o:- BOSKQWITZ J, EBER - . - m Mi- . v-.-u; ; WILL BE OPEN THIS WEEK. n At JVo. Sill, ifllirlil't Hired. r.O,- The siib."criber.4 have iirclut.tjil"a full liuc Of Staple ami J'anrA DRY (j(JOT)Sv Avhich thpy will offer at prick:. TO UIT THE TIM jun 20 2()t)-tl TO 0H tjRUlICONGR EG ATI Ok fcf . for &Ari&!::l " ii; A HANDSOME PJfE ORGAN.. HUNDRED DOLLARS iN-CAMI, will buy p handsome1 line 7 stops, swell, blow peda'f Organ, foil J attachment. case land. handle The owners desire to tell, in, drier to pur- chase a larger one. 1-. . v The instrument la in Kct order, cwt S8UU five years ago, and has been used but very liitl. This Is an opportunity rare lv found in the South to get a good. Instrument cheap. j .! . r , , For further particulars, nddre' -Jan(K-tf J TH1H-O.FI CK. i h ; . . j-. j s r- THE BRIGDT UJSON. I FUBLISJlED-ATt- .ji. CONCORD, K c. The only Paper in the Southern Atlantic States devoted entirely t6 r . Masonic InterOstH. . 0LY ONfc DOLLAR 'A1. YEAR I CIBCULATJOIf KOW d,500. Clubs of 20, or roore,,..MLr.f.-,Lif..7o cents. Every Mason in the land should subscribe. ' Address Publishers Bright, 'llason, Cou cord, N. C ' 1' ' A limited numbepof Unobjectionable advertiscmenu will bereeeircd. . w jen 191 If AIL AiBSOLTTE DIVORCE 'Obtained Irom J. Courts of different tttatf for, desertion , Ac No publicity required. Nocbarg until divorce granted.-Addreovi 'fir -. I -i .At JIOUHE mtornej r ) :2 ' f. 'i'l PRESEilX PJUTEB. it if. 4 : I-.f,-