' v f'.l ! ' '"'I ir'il'i ' ' I:-1 "' 'I I "-M'ii ' ; t, ' - " ' 1 '' "'i . l -f . I --- i . -1 : ' S V.' .nntta?.rra:riai. - ; : i ' Str'Oh 8K3 V Jy - Yr. nil i 1 V r M r. VOL. VH WILMINGTON; fl: ; C SATURDAY, FEBETTAEY 28, 1874 NO. 242 I I J -rff 7R 11 XJ I) - t - l- I V J- : . j 1 ' .?'.. Jf-if -nit., fii.j . "" i . i." . ) 1 ' ! .: h f - ' f M ' ' . ' mimm . i . c. rv afternoon t-xiiepthanduy. -.,hU'B F.ditor and Proprietor OlK" " snhscriittion. 1 . ..inh advance; t ; in aivanc.... -t 1 ,n.i..n.-c - Ikittd fro limr tristls ''ru oaho citato, on topics of K?no riaUr Uirab?c. 10 BENEFIT ALL int'yf . ami ol )reil. v hit h vvc ran sell ' ' , r-ites; also tine HMniiiem M tu'n Towrls and T0wel-ii.-K, Ht;pri cs to rudersell the Marliet!! , i i. .iPiicacv in sttin tour friends J ,t , ?rs thut if they cull; and exam cJ l" iJw'l- thpv will rind that no honse our jt"- --- - , , hetiiyt-ancoinpte j VITR OUR LOW PRICES! ! . jnrk of Dry Ooolst have been i,,-t Iitelj- bonslit. by competent ' iu-les and nt p:ini prices, Jt Tn New York eit', j " we can only offer ' i ' r.4 Glass Goods at Loy Rates ! ! Handkerchiefs. lite Linens and a gcnnil Hueof White l;,mple(e throughout, and An early ciU l,m those wno wisn w i'uiuwv, Kail Ilt'W line Ji e,-.- I ..I'.iM infu I 1 n n. ! 'iacy Staple ancf Domestic f Dry Goods Establishment. .,aM matle it their business, :g ti their interest, to cxamii i(3 it is alone Ineour ' j-tk before in ale ins pur chases elsewnere.j liOSKOWITZ & I KB EH. (tf)7 arMarHet stixet. Merchandise Jlrokerage Office, ' . i Lb tine or samples con-st-amiy on na.no U'tm importers ana nwuuiaciuicrs in I'M Ui rn markets. i j ji d -ripti!i.s tt' nierehnnUise, rdcrsi k n hi' IS slici m:.i iiini h;ich1"1"'- k1 vim i . Mcr-mn-ji3- K.iht ami , 4ll in thi' nArk''!. oniers iriii i'.ij ti r i i. i . mpl-'s Icll by seller: will havcj prompt at- fniion. ! . Timp :.-: wi ll a ijisIl ptiu ha-'-.e-i neralia(el L-thtj-ym wish to liuy or sell, coiuimini T-'f-l freely, und iHn with your kica! foker. . -. .IAS. T. I'l-ir j K W A Y . Merchandise and I'roduce Urok r. Mvji 1S1 tf - - k V.-M L'TKU i " I. UUUUHTKH LOPEU & DO UGH TEN, SXVX JL, S T orES AND SlUTirN 'i'U DUCTS, w .yj NORTH FRONT TRKKT : j I'iiiladelpiiia, 't -Its i.r Turpentine Casks solicited and ofimiptjy ai!el nt lowest niarkoti price. rovchrt j 215-tf ''ARKKli L w V LOU Successors to i. H. NEFF, j 1 . ! ."!:!;.- 'lifuiitJ ilfi!'!! s ill "'rj,? S'Jii V7 -; .'.; JO(tJ.-it o'ovti". Ljuleru.-, ivi 'n-eu Oil T t nnd Sheet U 'jii W'are i U)fu done at snort notice i fccnis tor I'rtiilninli'o SileN. I Tin, 10 Front .Street, V. 1 j;.n fv ; r IV , DOT ! N 150-ly RE Ivl O V A PAliRIABE MAKER & REPAIRER, JVE feinove.1 my establishment to my new buildings on the corner of ' . i FOURTH AND CAMPBELL STS. i ''rBonv rri.lj:e. where I shall be pleased nCf n,y customers aud Jiiauy new iil7,a:re m:in, palntiogand repairing jyy ilone. Horse Shoeing:, and various na"-f iron work "dqne oa reasonable hi1'1" M:xd thirty years experience in K lpss 1 conrtdent tht I can do "'Qnest work, and jrive Hatisfaetloa. ALL WOIIK U'A RIl ANTKD. JA8. A. LOWE it Y. SWOP, JRN'KR wishes td Inform his custo ws and public generally; that he is now "red to do alrkint of work in his line, sl would respectfully request acontinua 3a of the patrouao which has heretofore so llbernlly bestowed upou him. Q 13 tf 2LW Sew Extra Me-ss Mackerel ' NEW EXTRA SAIGON, for family use, at GEO. MYERS. - ) . . . - Pi South Front street. -us. a. xwErrv: r itUSl'ELLANEGI'N the 'Yi:iyp:,,tj(ikT6p 4 ! If- The best ORGANS of the Reed class IN THE WORLD. J' J, .1. The Best forlChurches and Lodges. The Best for Sunday Schools. The Best for the Best for The Best for The Best for These instn: Parlors and Vestries. Academies and Colleges. Publio Halls j Orchestra and Stage, ments, which for sweet ness of tone and , elegance of appoint- ment stand unrfvalled,!'have met: with unprecedentetl success in this country and abroad, j ,mI rL MANUFACTURED BY j E. P. NEEDHAM & SON IiTAUEISIIED1 iN'iSM.' ponsibie panics applying ior ancics in sections still; unsup ctiom st tic unsuppuea. win hjwjjvb prompt atteatiob and liberal inducemenw. Parties residing at a distance ffom oor au thofizedagentZ may order from our lactory. send fo? ilfSstraiedDrlcaltst;! aujstf,; ; j , ' ' OKGANS '1 r I u ui i ? N03 J4(5. 14D & l( HjaSl dou. ST. JN I mg Broadway, Statues. Exposes soci m m mr m m mm -r i rtn 1 t i T TT V j w ',-il -.rriU - 4 Ocbbuptiox: Sent bn r receipt bt 50 Kes t TT1TTTVTO rTITj1 0 ?.f i I Sent complete with full directions. Beck KjjjJJXWijVlJCiCi ...V, with Sewing Machine Cv,' W Broadway i . i ; i s ! , . . I N. TV may 14 307 tf iirK ARE NOV MAKING THESK 8TYL- V ! :-, IS1I ARTICLES for our customers. ' Will do well tocallatMrs.gTKOCK'Sand exam 'lie samples. S i ,V IwAltinZ-' ' ' I I l- t I IN ALL ITS LATEST STYLES. Millinery &nd Drtsk-Mahhig Jiooffii oct ! tf Princess Street, ivans; jlsiock. t- IVIiW BUCKWHEAT, i . ; jyjAPLf SYEUr AlfD THE A 'BEST BUTT At t oct 30 :u IN XlIE WORLD,', GEoj MYERS, , " U and 13 Front st. tf i i TO THE VESTI TO: THE VEST1 llctore makingjyour arrangements tofol low the advice otlhc thousands who Lave already gone," it would ne we-i wrowiuw what has been ddno to maki the journey t6 vour 'Homes in the WestV as pleasant and l.ce from danget as humio skill, and lore- Riirht can accomunsu. , . t . ..fir By consolidation and construction, a road has been put Intd operation on the. shortest possible linefro;SMhYlJlcTei Louis 44tne future great City of the worll" This line, the i f Ii t J . ! I I teT. LOUIS BOUTH EAST1SKN KA1X,- i i .. . WAX, ; ' ! . has, during the past year,arned an envia ble reputation bi its smooth track, prompt time, sure connUons,? n.d;the Magnifi cence of its passenger equipment.' Its trains arc made dp of new and commodious day cars, providejd with the' celebrated Mil ler coupler and rfatforro, and tlie Westing house air-brake. . ' ' . i" -,V .! ..'.. ' a -;.J '1 - r It is . posmveiy , .ine.ODiy . lme, iuijuiu Pullman Palace Drawin&tuooin ioiecping Cars through without change irom. asn ville to St. LbuisW No other, line pretenda to offer such adviutages. either la distance, lime, or equipment.1 Why1, then,. journey hv circuitous routes? JJO nor De inaucea to purchase tickets : to St. LOuis or : the I i ii. I'.tT 1 . r..A w n 4 V. . tlna rornpm rtPT t nil 1 west uy au i uuiujitut'i . wv t The ,4t. Ijouia'dc Southeastern Is the shortest, clieapeat, quTcVeat, best and only line under) one , management , ironk Nashville to 8t. Louis, and isilromou 10 200 miles' the shortest to St. Louis, Kansas City, Omaha. Denver; California; Teraa, and all western' points. ' It also'th "Chi-, cago Shortest Une," via Evan?ylle. . You can secure 'thev'diwpeBiratr, for yourselves and yiur movables on applica tiou, in person qr by letter, to C: 8. Bab kett, Southern passenger; Agent, jPostot flee Box 242, Chattanooga TennJj ori to the ufenlped. I WBD2vKNRTi" . Geneial Ticket Agent, St. Xouis No trouble to answer quesuoss July 25 r, J- , . i ,,; 57-6m OUR ADVERTISING RATES Are put dawn to tbecale of , HISCEtMNEOUS. ' -i-' ' ! 1 'J. ; WMbKEYj,' ;M : ! .; (:'- HTJUrbftr Jim i . it Effluroiiery and Flnlinp Wachmes. " It is Ingenious and will meet the grants ot every matron in the land." F. A.- ifarnard, Pres. ; New XqtK. Novcmler.20. 1ST2. This sinjple, and ingenious Machine i a as uselul a$ taaQwiDgrIgrhrre.. snd fa fast becoming )itopular,MtbiIdie, in i the'placc oi ox pensive reedie work, its work being mucn more nafHLom" nqmrinjr le tiuae ao4 ivot ion.o tvnkiftirt thtt. expense JSo lady's tolet row complete without u. A Machine with illustrated circular and fnil instruction, cjit on receipt of ft or nieiieci 5n silver pite lor u vfj. Address, The McKeb ManulactuKng Co., , 00 IJroadws, v. N ew Yctk Dr. Garvin's .Elixir, of Tar. Is recommended by regular Medical practi tioners and a ppcedy cure guaranteed for Colds, Uoughs Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis. jSpitting BioocUConsumption and all Pn.mo- nary CompialnWfJero4aja, Jtrysipe4as Jjs pepsia and Qdul.5 Dysentery,1 Clioler-tnor-bus. Cholera aud all liver ajnd bowel com plaintsJ Kidney diseases and all affections of th -Urinal Orans-j-peifectly barmkfs tree from Mineral oraAleobolic properties pleasant to lake. and never Known to fail Price f 1 00 per ;Cottle. Fulls particulars with medical testimony and certificate sent on application. Address. X.. F. HYDE & CO.. li5 8eve? tb Avenue, Wcw York.! Earls from tfie Dml' or unpii Hps 3f A Book just isBuea eiposing7 the "person als" that have appeared in the New Yo k Newspapers; their history and lesson. Stil ish villllns rpu.Y bxposkd Advertise ments trom desperate men to beautiful wo- I men; Clandestine meetings; how frustrated; lhe History ot the goodkich traoeoy the result of a personal." Description of Liv KL els i vr"v i-- . i wk ., .i j , I TL0 jjeekwiih fi2' Portable Fank- tuui;, H' Tnalif many .MyauU over all Saiis- ftr.rtn .tmawntpofi or money, refunded. . ! t. . ; i. ; .... on r J H -THE NJEW ELASTIC TRUSS An I Important IwyiiNTioN. It retains the rup- tnre at all times, and nuder tho hardest ex erpfse or severest Ira II ist ? -.with I - . ,rman,.J 's ....... : ... fpw wVeta AnM rhpnn l.v mil'whn ronntU ed. Circulars iiVc, when ordered bylette- D.v4rn XT V lit.. V.l,,..?,- ..r .... ITo.a1 I o l T . . : . ii . too 'rfnuentlv - nvl 1 307 tf T7I K fiPMlTTWP V k TDD K HU'o t r. 1 1 1 1 11 r. 1 11 n i i a n n - ANfJFACTimED HY E.;& T FAIRBANKS k 0. II?" ISV T S l stockScales.Coal Scales, Hay Scales, Dairy Settles, repaired promptly and musona- I bly. iTHE MOST PEKFKCT ALARM CASH DRAWER Alarm Till o's, EVER1 EVERY Hercliant DHAWER Via Them warranted. Fairban; Sl Warehouses, ;,Fi'lRBANK8-;& ;' C0.V ; ; t 311 BRQAJ?wix,-: NEW YORK f 166 Baltimore st; Baltimore, ' " 53 Camp st, Kew' Orleans. ; j FAIRBANKS & EWING, l Masonic Ha,!!, PhiladeipbW FAIRBANKS, BROWN & CO.; , V j 2 Milk Street, Boston. . For sale by aH lead ng1 Hardware 97-2taw4m i i - dealers sept 11 'DistUler's,! Supplies. i oia rtiinriir; noon i Iron 1 inch . i ir men. iinu jji-incu 'ft n 500 Second Hand Spirit Casts, It 30 'Barrels BungS3 ; j 50O-Papcre7.iret,j ! f , ; j 15X) JiarreU NoU Ulue, ' I , 'i"-Forsale',byT'. ...... , rrPnlTXKR & OALDER BROS. 1 1 i 4 A- I faiMfCP I feb. 9 . ' RAILiiROADS. Carolina Central RaUwaT Compauy i ' wit UTVnmv xr i , PASSENGlfeE, TRAIN3 T EAVE WILMISGTON DAILY (KX- JLJ cept Snndays) at . . . 8:00 A M Arrive at Wades borb atti: . . . . . i . 5:25 P M Leave Wad esboroati..!. ........ 7:10 A M Arrive at WUmiinrtou at.;;;, . 4:35 P ' I yREiGirr TiNsi - Leave Wilmington dally except' ii 5uadaja..i;.;;tiVir.'4iU ...... k0Q A il' Arrive t Ltiurinburg lL.,wi &3Q JEiii ueavo AaunnDurgat...t .... . . . , . :w Al Arrive at Wilmington at . . .1 :v. I . 5.30 p M T . PASSENGER TKAINS. ; Leave Charlotte daUyJ.8nndavs I I excepted, at. , . .1 ;. . h 4 . . ; . . 'i . 8.00 A Jtf anveat Bunalo at..., !. J. .... t.12.00 M U;ave Buffalo at. ..... . i . 4 ...... . 1.C0 P M Arrive at Charlotte at. .L i 5.15 PM Irregular Lumber and Timber Trains run on both portions of the Koad as the busi n ess requires. 1 r A Daily Stas will soon run in connection with the trains on oth ends of this Kail way; : ' - -4 I'. if . ' S. L. FREMONT, I Cliief Engineer and Sup't. may 10 ; Sll-ti Pieflmont Air-Line Railway. Richmond and Danville, Richmond aud Dadville R. W., N. DivisioD, and ijrortb Western N. C. R. W. Condensed Time Table; In eifefct on and after Thursday, lb. f GOING NORTH. iL . II ' 1 .. .. . -t - ii i 8pATIONS. , MAIL.. . EiPllEeS Leave Charlotte ...... 7.00 p. ii 8 35 a. m. . Air Line J'net'n 7.2S 8.55 4 11 Salisbury 10.09 " 10.47 44 Greensboro.... 2,15a. m 1.15p.m. " Danville....... 5.28 44 3,27r. m, 4 Burkville....,.1 11.40 u 8M 'V A rrive at Richmond . . 2.32 p. m 11.02 p. m. j GOING SOUTH. STATIONS. - MAIL. Eil'KESS Leave Ricliniond. .... 1.4S p. m 5.03 a. m. b4 Burkville 4.58 , 44 8-28 4 c Danvilla. ...... 9.52 44 1.03 p. M. " Greensboro.... 1.16 a. m 4.00 44 44 Solisbury 3,56 4i? 6.33 il ,.) 44 Ar Line J'net'n 6.35 44 8 55 44 Arrive it Charlotte. . . 6.43 a. m 9.00 44 j going east: " STATIONS. I MAl. f .' ' r- . 1 1 : Leave Greensboro? ; . 2 00 a. m . Co. Shops vl.. 3.55 44 l.i....... 44 Raleigh....... 8 30 44 Arrive at Goldsboro'. 11,40 A. m .......... 1 GOING WEST. STATIONS. MAIL. .1 Leave Goldsboro'.... 3.00 p. m 44 Raleigh....j... 6.40 44 h... 44 Co. Shops llfC5 44 Arrive at Greensboro' 12.30 a.m North Western N, C. R. R ' j (Salem Branch.) - ; Leave Greensborot 1:0. Al Arrive at Salem . : J ..... . .... .3:25 A AI 'Leave Salem A.. ..i 10:?0 A Al Arrive t Greensboro.... 12:00 AI Passenger train leaving RAlcigh at 7.40 P. Al. connects at Greensboro' with the North ern bound Liain; making the quickest time to all' Northern f cities. Prjce of Tickets same as: via other routes. I Trains . to . and; from- points East of Greensboro connect at -Greensboro with' Mail Trains to or from points North or. South. ! Trains daily, both ways. On Sundays Lynchburg Accommodation leave Richmond at 9.42 a, m., arrive at nfl,i.,in. inon nm Ipstp fitirfcvillp 4 Burkvitle 12 39 p.!m.,leavenrkviiie4.. aFv, 7im .T m; 4m,Z jruiiiuBu xneace vrr uu n ui&uv hwjo octween ivnarioiie na menmonu, i wiiuuuv change.) " i . . i .. Fer turther information address 1 S. E. ALL General Ticket i ' Greens T. M. R. T ALCOTT. r I Engineer and Gen'l Sput feb 24 ' -vl .,;.., icnntcnaant rrbohatish; hedralgia, PAI1VS in Iho FACK, &c, "; - " THE : i it ' - - - I ' ' - ' V- : - TJA8 CURED when all other remedies JJL have failed, it is eminently a FAMILY MEDICINE, And no family should be without I L-In case of sudden attacks, one bottle "will t ave five dollars in doctor's bills. , .'v' For sale by 11 Druggists. : october4 I18-3t . i. i :.-:.,t ; EX E CAT K1C. a Hit i.1 w v : -tf r- RAIL , ROADS, WHHiagWa!JTehtabia'';& An ,W7 WaiKUTYN, II, IU.,UCl...ZV15iO ) 'ii Wyi tidinto :cflcrt y&t 'a ri'rtHHW n -- :xrKir,s ri a aim -j riaiiw M 4 , . ....j.y . J- DATS BXOJtBTED.: .f,V. (..t niiuiig wu.. . . . Tf ' rnuWni&erVEjDfnfii'i r; 1 J Scrly bVIic yonnS folks, and rdud with , gCHAgflPSt?H r: interest by the older. Iu nunsc is to Mi FnTnivvftlT.tTT Wti t interest itlnlc it amuses :46 be tsdiciouM. DATE Arrivcjat Florence. v. :. i . . . . t.10:27'A. M JOC contributors boiiic ot.thc niost itt Arrlvc at CalcnibiaL.Y.f 10 P. M tractive -writers in the countryj Among AJTite at-AnUta, 8:00 P.M. these arc ft " Leave tapV;v;v.ivj:irn42orAV M.: iklWartl Egclcstoii Dr L T Hive- Atrljit WntnlTKrf - . ift.tr p ii 1 JUOHlSJLf . Alcott. " FOnhin n Mnr. " n..... .. . - b;io i. m jta reading is adapted to tbd ttilu yf;. vyried in jts $ 8:45 a. m. sprightly i and entertaining. It Arrive at JTloren.ee. . Arrive! at Coluiabia Leave Augusta J ,,v. ,., 4:15 P. Li... u ii ijj' i . i t.r . . . ... n. Arrive at coiumhia.. .......... K:45 r. Ail trains m?ke close connection.! both North imd South. -v j PWlman'a Palace SJcepirg Cars on night tgeinp a- oct JAMES ANDERSON, ' -Gen'lSnp't. I ' 124-ti r vw.. j 1 1 . l. ! WR.1I1NOTON N. C . Oct :t. 24.173 I " of ss;nKiiji..;. ONiND AFTER OCT. .ilJlb, IITAN H pAsst?nmpt? TiiATva n fhi tvn mir rgfoh sn.l We don Railroad will un ai follows I ! . N MAIL TRAIN. Leave Union Diipot daily (Sun days excepted) ..At 7:40 A. Ai i 11:50 A. M Rocky JVIount.... . Wei don. '..i... V.. . 2:00" P. M 3:t0 P. M Leai e Weldon daily (Sundays ' excepted ) 1 v .AJt 9.50 A : AI 1 1:85 A. AI 1:37 P. AI 5:50 P. M 11-: 10 P. M 3:50 A. AI 6:03 A. AI 8:00 A. M 7 50 P. At 9:43 P. M Arrive if TJnplrxr UTrmnt Goldsboro Union pepot. . . . . EXPRESS TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily.. .At Arrive at Ucklsbe-ro f Rocky iou nt.. i Weldon Leave Weldon dujily Arrive it Rocky Mount . , ! ft?;dsboro ! Union l)epot... 11:55 P. AI 4:30 A. AI Aliili JTrain mi-Kes ctosc connection at weld on tor au points notVivm Hay Line end Acquia crccKj routes. .1 . ! Exprbss Train cjonncets my vith Ac Creels ! route. PULLMAN'S PAL SLEEPING CARS ON THIS TRAIN. lfJt.JlUUT TKALN3 will leave Wnning- tcn tri-wectiy p.t (.t0 A. M., and 1,40 i. Al. . JltXPRKSS FUKjlGUT TRAINS will leave wiinungron aany toanaaysEyeeptea) at a:uui'. M.t ant arrive at 5:uU M. JOHNF. DIVINK, . GeneralSuperintendent. iIS MOST EEMAKKABLE lE ALL APPARATUSES 'sometimes ' ..' ! - - I Kcaucaa iiieciianicai paranox now usee wim in otir prJnclpal Lcitics fov the cue, by cumulative kxii- 'called a -mechanidal j5a"dox now used with J i cisk. oi nearly ail Chronic Diseases and Weaknesses, Is for sale by the undersigned, by whom all 'orders will be prqimptlyjp:. iiied. . is sa constructed that-' even a child can In stitntiy adjust It for a person to Jift any weight, from twenty lo iw.e.ivc nunxireu pounds, j . - it ' ' - It is made almost .wholly 6'ftrbn and steel, weighs ISO pounds, and covers a space of on ly 20 by 3G inches; and although, bnt recently lintroduccd, nearly 1,W!0 have already been SOld. "':.); ; PltlCE S10O, liXED AND SHIPPED. ' .Small books or circulars, showing lis use, icaaj be had free .the ostlce of t he Post. ; i -" s v ' -8. II. AIANN. '' sept 11 dd?wtf .! P.- O. Box 2ft. ; if. VOLIaEKs A. ADRIAN. ! J AjiRiAJ & V0LLERS. j VHOI.ECA.LEDKAI-i:ilti lXt, Cs'ocerse a?sd ILiquort ; - I Jv..'. . 1 . ' ImpoitCrs of German and Havana Cigars f'f ! r "' 1 " ; ' A1V D ' ' j i i ' Commission Mcrcliaii t Sotrrtt-EAjyr Cokjoee Dock and f.bot j Streets. WIL3 INGTON N. C. j. Having! the largest and best assorted Stock of Groceries and Liquors In the City, Dealers will nnd it to their interest to give us a call before buying elsewhere. ; mar l-n . Afe tANTTEE DEEDS- On hand acd for sale " A HAliL r a.. j. " 'S V . - ; ! - I ' - , - jvlr NEW IDVElttlSEJIENTS. - 7 I T1IE YOUTH VS ooisFisrioisr A WEEKLY PA VEtt FQli Ypungf x c o h 1c I AND THE F A M I Xi :"V j. THE COMPANION aims to be a , (Tavoxitc in every familyJookcd for cn- I practical J sensible : and to havb real v - ... , !i5 ... I; . , "I , . ... . ' it is Handsomely jUuslralcd,) Kind iw LY- FJandcts, IJuth , Clioicrfield, I Dcnison. bid and Uaractcr i r. . . . . . ..... M Mories 0f Advcn- Stones of I Homo . AI I "ture,; nnd School lAfo JvictiiyiiSi ior icc- current iopics, . lamitron, j J f L all -HistoncaJ Articles. Anecdote. Purzle-s. biographical Skct- Facts and Incidents. ches, Religious lArticles, Subscription Price, 1.(K. pcciiqcn PERRY lASON &;C().t 41 Temple Place, Boston tf I Tass. AN ORDINAKCE CONCI-UININU -RAYING N t'lujlSTNUT STREm 'ITH eOBIiLRSTOjN'T:. rpllK Ikril, of Aldfimeii of the city ol I Wllinlticton. N. ('. itn . OU DA IN, That that (portion or Chestnut street, 4etwnon the western line f Piont street and the river, be raved with eobble stone, and when the work shall have been coinpieiea; iie .Mayor shall eaute an asses-- JPJ',? ?Jry ?luV'$ L hXrt'X !"at.he.v,?l.nl,y thereof, to defrayitho ex- as isprovideef bv law. ' " VJU 'rtV',' I All 11. T, . . , . - ' yvu oriuuances, or parts inerol, coliljictinc with the above ordinance arc heicby rc- ' A jetieu. ne aoovG oruinftnrn xrns nsivcrrl r.v n i . . i ' v j Jjoamoi Aiuermenatthelrmcctinjrjhcldou "'enignioi January ill 1 L o ... T 1. Ci. r?JMV:V I JrSfS,' 1 lty jl lC.fll. jan.-.i jou rnRjiimiNsrcdH NEW STORE. T :o: EW. GOODS. :u: BOSKOWITZ ' LIBBER WILL! BE OPEN THIS WEEK; A I fiO. UO. 3S.I rl.t'l S 15 i'f. o. The : lib: ( ribei.s li:i full li lie !' Hliij.Ic vc urci ;i"C r:iii( v DRY (JOODS which they will ollt r at prices j jan 20 TO CHURCH CONCUUXJATj OKsf- FOK SALE. A JIANDSOA1E 11 UK OK(. TIVF! HUN . will buy a 11UN1R KD DOLLA KH I Nl (A Si I . handsome l'lfe (Jrurv f"il cae. 7 stops, swell, blow rcdal.'and lii'.ndle i aiiacnTiieni. The owners desire to ell, In ordcij to luir- cmise a larger one. j - The instrument is fn ier t rdrr, i os-t $800 live years ago, and has been (used but very little. I Tbls is' an opportunity rsr found m the j-kjuui to get a goca instrument cheap. ." Kor fnrflirr rnrt leulais. nddrenK ianf-lf I . TIIIH OFFICE: TDK BRIGHT 3US0 rUBLISllED AT- coisrcoii). iv. ri The only raper in the Jfonthern A tlantic States devoted entirely to ; lilaonic Intercut i ONLY ONE DOLLAR! A I YEAH CIRCULATION NOW, C,5fj0. Clubs pf 20,or more,.U .......vJ7i cnts. Every ilason In the land should subscribe. Address Publishers JJright Ma ton, Con cord. N. C ( - - r 43-A limited nnmberof rtnob cation able auvvriiKeniemii win uv itrtrei vvu. r i '-Jen 2' ... , j, - . - - t . ! -101 if AESOLTTE DIVORCES obtained from Courts or different mates for def er(lon , &c No publicity reiuired. Noclaric until divorce granted. Address, i - i M. JiounK. Aitornej nov: -tf 1JM, Broadway, ' a" I 9- - I 1 1 if V i ' v.- PRESENT PB1PE3, ' .'"3-f f- t:- .V

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