1 ? . .Mi- . - : n -! - ! i , ' . j ' j , . : A " ; - . i : ! i i I. i JTHrTfff 71 k .... a., w J . I ' ' -k Li .5 P; J tt; ; J - At . 4 . . . t . WILMINGTON, N. 3, 1874. 3 , fiw H . ft ' J-WM 14 UM r . i vill ill T . . t ,. . . j - , I. I II . .'i... . i . . I I r -.: :- i - . . . ', '. i T ' - i i ' vol. yn. ! ! : - ; - . -' f -1 fc r - V C, TUESDAY, MARCH u3biaiicd every afternoon cicept Sunday. MKd ' MANN. .Editor and Proprietor xl ' subtcription. year, in advance... tf tO :i ( I W f0 . tmonthsinaJvancc... .nth. in anvATiC" i..t ao'iiu ; , ponioiuT solicited from onr irit o Js Mparts of tbe SUtc. ou topics of jene- .1 intert' t. Political ntjws ana reporio oi .r-'i ire saw AbvimsKiioT.s. TQ BENEFIT ALL!! VINJ "AND A foMPLKTK "iinvif TABLE S.B'N, - fl ,l, w'tiSc ami colored, which ' , ion- rites; ali o a tine ( Lin. i- Towels and T which wc can sell -HortineHt rowel- injr, 4t prl en to rnderell tlie Market! ! wfe do delicacy in slHting to our menus .uVrs'thAt if they call and exam r, e,mr stock theyiwlll tind that no house in.tlo city can contpete iVITH OUR LOW PRI0E3 ! ! ,;; entire btock of Dry Goods have been iu-t lately-bought by competent judjres, and at panic prices, in New York city, we can dnly oiler Firat Class Goods jit Low Rates ! ! oar line of . no.V Unci Handkerchiefs, White Linens and a genoral line of W hite liooiU. including Fancy Goods and Notions are complete throughout, and an early call from those who wish to purchase from a clean new line of all goods in a to our friends J Fancy. Staple and Domestic Dry I Goods Establishment. ".suii;d made it (h6lr T.uincss, as it is alone to their interest, to piammcuiir toik before roakinc pur chases elsewhere. llOSKOWITZ I.IFBEli, !r),7 j; ') Market street. Merirhandise!; brokerage Oflice,, r Vl't.h line ot siintplcs constantly. on naml P hmu importers! and manufacturers in North'.rn m irkets. h VI I descriptions iot merchandise, orders in bids solicited and telegraphed promptly. - j . Merchandise hough and sold ill' this market, orders .. froiu buyers solicited, 'md samples left by sellers will have prompt aU lenlioii. Time as well as cash urcli;isesrnegotial-el whether you wih to buy or sell, communi rtt freely, and j oReii with your local broker. ! ' .IAS. T. PFrrrcwAY. Merchandise and Proluco Broker.; deV-'Ju J. .JLtl.l K K. W. IjI'KK 1 x I DOUO HTKfl LOPER ci 'DOUGIlTEN. A V A. J STORES AND SOUTltEIiN I'll. DUCT3, .Vt5 NORTll FRONT' STRKET i ,: Philadelphia, Pa. ndei - t-jr Turpentine Casks solicited and promptly filled at lowest marker, price, march .5 215-tf PAJUCliK c l A V L.OR S'dtJttBSSUDS to A. H. NKFF, - !.!!. ; it.- and -I "ler" In yr V V7 .' .V 'r ' OO 't '.Oil Tiu .iud.--he t Irt'U Ware. K:j?;ur don at short noti;B ! Kircnts for -bunk's Scalf. So. 19 Fronf Street I v i l "it I n!: ton, n nXr 1 1 1 1 . IVMv JR IE JLVE O V JL, . IaS; a'Jlower! "CARRIAGE MAKER & REPAIRER. I. HAVE removed my estiiblishinent to L my new buildings on the corner oi FOURTH AND CAjEPBELL STS. "ar Bonv r.rid.'o, where I shall be-pleased t'i- sve niS' old customers and mauy new ones. ' Carriage making.' prtntin5 and repairing neatly done. Horse Shoeing, and various kinds of iron work done ou reasonable terms. i ' Having hail thirty- jears experience In this business, I am conrtdent that I can do Hie finest work, and sive satisfaction. ALL WORK WARRANTED. ' opt 3 tf j JAi, A. LOWKRY. JOG TURNER wishes to inform his custo mers and public generally, that he is now prepared to do all kind of work In his line, nd vould respectfully request a continua tion of the paironago rhich has heretofore been so liberally bestow:ed upon him. ' Jan 16 tf 206 New Extra Mess Mackerel ; A ND NEW EXTRA SALMON, la kits for family tfse, at C I GEO. MYERS, i Ta South Front street. 511SUELLAN ni it p SI LV ER r T U N (ijl! n d n The best- pRGANB of the Reed class IN THE WORLD. The Best- for Churches and Ixulges. . The Best lor Sunday Schools. Tbe Bes , for Parjors and Vestries. Tlie Bes ; for Academies and Colleges. The Bes ; for Pubjlic Halls. The Best for"Orchestrarand Stage. These instruments, which for sweet- ness of tone and elegance of appoint- meut stand unrivalled, have met with , i :. . j . '. ' . unprecedented success in this CQtintry and abroad. i ! ; 3IAINUFAGTUKED BY i E, P. EEDflAM & SDN. . ESTABLISHED IN 184G NOS J43, 145 & 147 East 23d SU N Y KesDonsihlerarlicsapplyinsfor aseiicies-1 . ' 1 Infections still, .qnsupplied; will- receive prompt attention arid liberal indnceinenis Parties residing at a distance from ourau- 7T 7. . X -.'"12 J I thorized agents, may rder from our rctory. "y '7"in Send for MTustrated nrlcfl list. au26-tf Trial ; many ad vautag j : ! '.- ; , 4- I faeAion guaranteed, or REDIN&0TES. j WE AUK NOW MAKING THESE STYL ISH ARTICLES for ouf customers. Will do wejl'tVi'call at Mf s. STROCKS and exaiu'uo earaptm- : ' ' ' " -m ' i " -1 -T-Tf.- 1 - - Br ess-Making :; y IN A JlJ ITS .JUVTEST STY'LES. -gD Mrs. STR0CKSV MUUiicrjj and press-Making Hooim octlStf Princess Street, Evans' Block. ivew BUt!;KWilCiiri "rVTAPLE'SYKU AND THE ; in r i .ir- 'BEST BDTTEU1N THE WORLD At ' I GEO. MYERS, ll aiid 13 Front st. 1 t in - i oct 30 tf TO THE WEST TO THE WEST! Bttue makhui yoifr arrangements to fol low the adtice of thd "thousands who have -ee from danger as (human skii auu ioic- gisfht can accomplisUj. ,: ;f . I ciMM'.Ll nntriiC J i. . . - i- -Li ii..'.i;ku I has been put into opprauonniueBuu. lCDr Dossible hoe from JNisnvme, ienn.j, to du I nnU 4'tht$ future cteat City of tho rorli.' ":r,' : ST! LOUIS ; SOUTHEASTERN! RAIL- I I11G. IlTlf'. lilt! ! ti I WAY, has, duriugj the pastyear, earned an envia ble reputation by itsmooth track, prompt time, sure connectibnsi and the magnifl cence of Rs passenger equipment. Its t-oinc arc rrta'trt TtXi of new and commodious day ler connl house air-brake., j f It is pbsiitively the only line lunniqg Pullman Palace Drawing-Boom Sleeping Cars through, with otjt change lrom Nash ville to St. Louis. No other line pretends . 1 to offer sue), adviutages, either in distance, time, r equipment. Why, j then, jpuruey hv ipcniotia ronics ? 'Do not be induced j i to pnccliase Ucketi to StiLouis 6rf the West by any other H&e, remember that The "St. Louis & Southeastern" is the shortest,; cheapest, quickest, best and only line junder one .management lrom Nashville to 8t. Louis, and is lrom w to 200 miles the shortest to SL Ixmis,. Kansas City,--OmahAen?er,w.CaHrornia1 Texas, and all western points. Itls also the 4,Chi- cico- Shortest Line' V v ia Evan? ville. Yoacan isecure the cheapest rates ; for yourselves lahd jour: movables on applica- tlOT,lrscm:letter. to C. S. Bar- kktt. Southern Passenger Agent, flee Box 249, Chattanooga enn.t urjvu mc i l .V- . Geneial Ticket Agent, St. Louis. No trouble to-answer questions. July 25- 1 - 57-601. UUR ADYERTISniG RATES I T Are put down to the scale o already Koqe," it would be wc 1 10 consiuw h f?-!V It Biiff i what has t,?eu done to mak0 the journey to f ' Ky ISfWbt. vour -Homes in theiWest'.' as pleasant and tO; lC?V& " - SV cars, p(oviHKne:;ceWate er and pittorm, ana tue wesung . JUISCELONEOUS. j A rqpiucan, Institute Emlroiac'ry : and' Flntins 'HacSines. !' ' ' -' ' It is ingenious and will meet the wants of every matron in th land.". j ! EXHIBITION OF IS72. I r- ; F. A: 43arnard, Fro. Bojin E. Gavit, Rcc Stqy. Samul LK, Tillmu, Cor. Sr-cy ' 1 New York, NovemWUO, 1S72. TLIs simple and ingenious .Machine ia as metal os the sewing Machine, and Te fast i'Vbwinc ivopuiawitl, ladies, Jn the plfQ 51 Of pensi rJNe3l6 wprk- il a 'worfc h6s"' i I tnncu mora hnnom : rrnnirincr Ipcc tlmo and iot on tenth part t lie expense. So lady's toilet is how.eompJete without it. A Macliinej with illustrated circular and full instructions pent on receipt of $3 or finished in silver plate for $3 75. i . Address, Tun McKee Manula'ctur-nsr Go., i I 1 800 Broadw?v. New York. . . t AG-KNTS WAFJCED. IDrGarvin's Elixir 6t Tar. Is recomnended by regular Medical practi tioners and a speedy cure, guaranteed for Colds. Co ugh?,. Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis, Spitting Biood.Consuraption and all Pa -nonary Complaints, Scrofula, Krypipelas 1 J)vs- pepsja and Gout- Dysentery, Cholera-mor- dub; Cholera and all liver and bowel com plaints. Kidney diseases ai d all affections oi th Urinar?fDrgans4-perfectly harmkts pleasant to take and never known to fail f rice fljDO per Bbttle. Full particulars with meoTcal testimony and certificates genton uppHcaion. Addres. L. F. HYpE fe CO.; 195 Sere th Avenue, New Yoik.j Darts from the Deyii or qnpii Ated A pook just lSduea exposing ithe "pebson- ALfe' that have appeared in f he New York Newspapers; their history and lesson. Stjl isai villians fully ExrosEb Advertise ments lrom desperate men to- beautiful wo- men; jianae$une meeiings; now irusiraiea; The History of the goodkicu trKAGEnrihe result of a "personal." I Description of Liv in Broadway Statues. Exposes social CoKRUrTiON. Sfr-nt nj receipt ol 50 ets. aaress, unique t nnung uouse, .u v csey I A J t n!..i! . IT TTi St NV,y, .-.I. Tho liecKwith 2 Portable Pain- ily Sewing .Jn chine, on 30 Days cs over all. Satis- guaranteed, or money refunded. 8ebt Ciom.pl etc- with full directions.. Beck- with Sowing Machine Co., iJB'i flroadway N.Y. -1 . ; . mav 11 307 tf TI113 N15W KLA.ST.1C TRUSS An Important Invention.! It retains the rup ture at all times, and uiklur the hardest ex ercise or severest strain His worn With comfort, and ii kepy on night and day, I ef fects a perm!pcn curp in a tew weeks. Soid.yheap n; .. .-,c t bvl mail. when request edl Circulars frcr, when ordered hy lctlo sent, to;, The Kl.istic Trust" Co., No. 83 Broadway, HJ Y. City, j Vd..dv nees Mtal SpHnt; Truspes; t immi , th-y slip; off too irnnntlv m vii 7 I I'V OKI A' TJl K I INK- FMSBAHr. SCALES AN Ul-'ACT fjREl) IJY & T FAIRBANKS Y E 110. t - - " .0 -m m, ,p ft mjk :rir P1 LM1j.&. . . .. . 1. Htock8cales,Coal Scales, liny scales, lJairy ot, uu. nuu, Scales rcpairfcd romptIy And rcasona- j ! . blv. , , w THE MOST PKKFECT ; ALARM CASH' DRAWER Miles Alariii Till Co'sj I . 1 ! EVERY MerGtaut should! uie Tliem EVERY DRAWER Warranted, SOLD AT fttrMnkV VScalc Warehouses FAIRB1NRS k CO., 311 BROADWAY, NEW YORK 166 Baltimore st., Baltimore, 53 Camp st., New Orleans. FAIRBANKS & EWING. ! 5 ' Masonic Hall, Philadelphia, FAIRBANKS, BROWN & CO.; j . 2 Milk Street, Boston. For sale by all leading Hardware JJealcrs. epUl !7-2Uwliri Distiller's Supplies. 1 200 Bundles Hoop Iron1 incil, 1 inch, and 1 inch. rWi G.nrifl Hiinid Soirit Casks. I SO Barrels Bungs, 500 Papers Rivets, 150. Barrels No. X Glue, ; i ! - For sale by ' 5 f kERCHNER & CALDER BROS. 2SC . ... , : t Carolina Central Railway Company WJIi-HIHGTOtf,' N. c. ; I ' t May 11. 1873. t-f ' if SpHEDULEi, I r, j j PASSENGER TRAINS. " s Tj SAVE WILMIKGTON DAILY' fEX XU eept Sundjiys) at &00 A It Arrive atWadesboro at .... . . . . 5:25 P 11 Leave Wadesboro at.; 7:10 A M Arrive at Wilmington at... .'. 4:35 P M S FREIGHT TRAINS." Leave Wilmington dally (except' Sundays), j J (5:00 A4 M Ai-rive at Lanrinburg at 5:30 PM Leae Laarinburg at . f:00 A M Arrive at Wilmington at . . : 5.30 P M ; , PASSENGER TRAINS. Leave Charlotte daily, Sundays excepted, at. ., 8.00 A M Afnve at Buffalo at ..12.00 M Leave Buffalo at : 1.C0 P M Arrive at Charlotte at , 5.15 P M Irregular Lumber and Timber Trains run on both portions of the Road as the busi ness requires. 1 ; A Daily Stacre will soon run in connection wth the train on 6th ends of this KaiM way. . j : 1 ' . S. L. FREMONT, I Chief Engineer and Sup't. ? may 10 . Sll-tf ! Pieimont Air-Line Railway. Ml Richmond and Danville, Richmond ancfj j Danville! R. W., N. Division, and I North1 Western N. C. R. W. H1 .M - Condensed Time Table. I '( o . Ih effect on and after Thursday, Feb. j j 22d, 1874. 1 GOING NORTll. ' . I IF j STATIONS. I MAIL.. EXPKES3 : Leave Charlotte . ..... 7.00 p. m 8 35 a. m j 44 Air Line J'nct'n 7.3S 55 f- Salisbury 10.00 " 10.47 i . v Greensboro.... 2,15a. m. 1.15 p. m. ? Danville. 5.28 " 3,ti7 r. at'j j" Burkville...... 11.40 " 8.0;i " Arrive at Richmond., 2.32 p. m LI 02 p. I - GOING SOUTH. li I i , J! . i-: 8TATIOBIS. MAIL. EXPRESS' Leav6 Richmwnd 1.4S p. m 5.03 a.m. Burkville...... '4.58 41 8.28 ' i4' Danvillo. ...... O.J2 44 1.03p.m. 44 Greensboro 1.16 a. m 4.C0 44 ' I4 Solisbtiry ..... 3.56 44 5.3:: 44 4 Air Line J'nct'n 6.35 44 S 55 44 i Arrive at Charlotte. .. .6.43 a. m 0.00 44 1 GOING EAST. ' ; i STATIONS. ", MAIL.. Leave G reensboro' ... 2 00 a. m 44 ' Co. Shops .... 3.55 44 1 i44 u Raleigh 8 30 41 J Arrive at Goldsboro'. 11.40 a. m f " L : GOING VVE8T. ! ii : 1 . . ,: i j STATIONS. MAIL. ! , - . i Leave Goldsboro' .... 3.00 P; m ....... j 1 .! . J4' Raleigh 6.40 44 44 Co. Shops ..... 11.05 44 Arrive at Greensboro'jl2.30 a.m North Western N, C. R. It ; j (Salem Branch.) Leave Greensboro 1:30 A M Arrive at Salem. . 3:35 A M Leave Salem. l0::i0A M Arrive at Greensboro. . .......... 12:00 M iPoouwnnf train loiTtrr l-f 'J 1 5 rr li of 7 Afi Y M connects at Greeusboro' with the North erin bound taain; making the quickest tiroej t0 all Northtra itieb. Price of Tickets same as via other routes. lT i 9 to d froui 'points East of Greensboro connect at Greensboro with Mail Trains; to or from points North ori South. Trains daily, both. ways. j On SimdftVR Lvnchbursr Accommodation leave Richmond at 9.42 a. m.. arrive at Burkville 13 39 p. m., leave Burkville 4.35 f i ZiL o niohrttftnil 7 ns - m ! a.! m.I arrive at Richmond 7.58 a. m. Pullman Palace Carp on all night trams between Charlotte a Richmond; twithout change.) ... ::Fer lurtner iniormaiion aaorees 8. E. ALLEN, General Ticket Agent, ii ' t ! Greensboi' N Ti M R TALCOTT, ii EuKineer and Gen'l Spuennttnoant. feb 24 237 rhedhatism, keoealgia, II ' ' -' i ' . . i ' i IAIXS!iii Ilie FAt:fr;, Ac, THE t ; ELECTRIC TJAS OUREn when nil otnpr renneoies il have failed. It 13 eminently a FAMILY MEDICINF, And no fumilv should be without t. In case 1 .1 atlrB rm Fw-kK let nrill fl VP dollars In doctors ouis. For sale by u uruggisis.; 4 October 4 I18-3t . - E -i i. t E - E C TRIO r ;r i i f Rillli ROADS. Wilsaiiitoa. Columbia & Au usta IL IL j. . WiLMiijiGTON, m C, Oct SllSIS. CHArlOE OF SCHEDULE. THE FOLLOWING SCHEDULE ,WTILL to into eflcct at 4:30 A: M.,- Mondr.y. 27th met. !, . I DAY ; txVRKSS TRAIN. Dally.) Itc Wilmington.:.;.. 4 50 A, M 4i50A, M I Arrive at Florence....... - . id-27 A. AT Ajrrivet .Columbia... 3:io P. M Arrive ax, Augusta... . ...... .... S:00 T. M. xave augusw o:K0 A. JH . Lavo ColtLmbia...,... 11:40 A. M Ai-rive at Ftorenw..!'. ...V.V.V. 4:28 R TIL Arrive At Angus ta Leave Augusta.'. Afriveat dommbia. . . . Arrive at Florence ...... 4:45 A. m :io i'. f:ro? JI 1 58 A. M Ai. . -i Tmi i h ip I Ail iraics! mkecloEe. connection, both North and South., Wilmington '& Weldon 11. R. Company. f Office (jlENERAi, tirria hint cn dent, i Wii,mino;ton, N. C, Oct. itJ 24. 1873 I . i ,E j sat- . w f 1 ,-.TrT7 &Jtfl ON AND AFTER OCT. 2(itfc, INSTANT1 .. SS-ElNGKR TRAINS on the Wil miuirlon a ixui Wc'ldon Iiallroad wi -vcidon uauroad will run as follows : i . MAIL TRAIN. Leave Unio. Depot daily (Sun days' ekented). At 7: 10 A. M Arrive it Goldsboro. .. .. ,1 1:50 A. M ! Kokfky Blount 2:00 P. M i Weldon 1 ... 3:50 P. M Leave Wcljddn daily (Sundavs excepted).;; .'.At 0:50 A: M Arrive at Rocky Mount . 1 1:35 A. M Goldsboro 1:37 P. M Union Depot 5:50 P, M EXPRESS-TRAIN. I JjC;i ,q tmioniuepoi aaijy.. ai J 1:30 P. M A rri vt at Goldsboro Roeky Moun t .... . Weldon.. 6:03 A. M 8; 00 A. M 7150 P. M i43 P. M 11:55 P. M Leavq Weldon idally Arrive at Rocky Mount. ... . G.'ldsboro Union Depot..!. . . 4:3D A. M Mail I rain makes close connection at Weldon lor all points North via Bav Lice and Abquia, Creek routes. Express' Train connects only with Acmtia Creek route. PULLMAN'S PALACE SLEEPING CARS ON THIS TRAIN. FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wilming ton tri-weekly at 6.00 A. M., and arrive at 1.40 1. Mi; EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAINS will leave wnmingron aayiy iMinuays excepted) at 2:00 P. M.s b.iid arrive at 5:30 P. M. JOHN F. DIVIIE, General Superintendent. ! 13C-U oct 24 TTTTS iVTOSsT RTMAT.KART.K I , , AP ALL; APPARATUSES sometimes V . . . . ,j. caiicuAmcqnanicai parauox-now usc wm such - wonderful succecs In our principal cities for the cure, by cujiuxativjk kxkr cnsE, of neatly uil Chronic Diseases and Weaknesses, Is for sale by the undersigned, by whom all orders wilt be promptly filled. j is so constructed that even a child can In stantly adjust it for a -person to 1 1 lit any weight, from r twenty to twelve burklred pounds. j It is made almost wholly of iron and steel. weighs 130 pounds, and covers a fpaqe of only 20'byW inches: and o It hWueh, but Irecntly introdncedi nearly 1 ,0J0 have already been sold. '' j PRICE 3100, COXED AND SHIPPED, isinall boolii; or circulars, showing; its -u.'-c, can be had free at the tn)ce of the 1V.t. . JI. MArt, I V Brooklyn! N. Y. sept ll-d&wtr i I. O. Box 201. a. aijuiajn. 11. vollerh 1 il r ' ADRIAN & V0LLERS. CiJrocerics aud Ijiquorh. Importers of German and Havana Cigars, AND I Oortirnissioii Merchant . . i . i - . - South-East Cqrnkij Dock and Front j, , : streets. WILMINGTON, N. C. Havlnsr the lartrest and best assorted Stock of Groceries and Liquors in the City, Dealers will find it totheir interest to given a can before buying elsewhere. mavii-tf . . . i T ARKxlNTI EE DEEDS-On I and and VV for sale I feb 25 a G HALL : F 1 7 : ''.(.. .V..; j -.j. " io '.! Arrive at Wilmington .. J ........ 10:45 P. M - --aicou, -opi le JJla', " NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN DAILY' (SUN- 3' S'f ( Ml SW DAYS EXCEPTED.) (, ' ggfi ; AlfSFtt:::::::;::::: tlJS&S Jt -4hV Atrivti at Columbia 4 00 A. M ou.np. , cry aned in itt character ! Puilman'4 Palace Siecpipg Ors on all -tustoncal Articles, Anecdotes, Puzzles night trains. Biographical Sket- Facts aiid Incident. s - ( JA-ME5 AHDEKSON, ches, v Religp!U3 Articles, up! .24 I . , (len'lup't Subscription Price, Specimen NEW IWtERTISEiBENTS. : JTHE YOUTHS ooiiiFivnioisr A WEEKLY PAPER Voit Y o tx ii g- JE ci -o p l o . AND THE j I 1 ' FA M I'L V THE COMPANION amik to be .1 favorite in every family looked for ea gerly by the young folkvaitjd read wit'4 interest by the -older. Its hurnosc ia to ' interest while it amuses ; tpjfcc judicious, practical, sensible: arid tc4. have really permanent worth, while it attracts for the hour.. I Ti ; : i i t . mi . !. . - . . v ii.mstrntcu,: aiul Has lor comnuuxors some ol liic most at- tractive writers in the coiiiMry. Among these are : . . Ixhvard Eclcston. i)r I I 1 Invr-j Prf ToBlS!ii t Vr V ' i roV JaD.eAIll,c ?iP Moulton. sprightly and entertaining j It gives iuoi-m ui yvuven- pionesi or liomc L tllrc andchool Lifo, ' T.Ptor nf Trnvnl Jt dltrials upon Selectib is lor Dec- T.I: a ? i . . .'. n .V current lopics, lamatidrj, copies sent free. AddressL1 PERRY MASON & CO., 411 cnrplc Place, Riofcton, 3Ia,vs. - AN ORDINANCE CONCERNINfi PAVING (N OIIESTNIT STREET WITH C UUULfejhTONE. JL Wilmington, N. C., do ' ' OIDAI.N,.That that iortloh! of Chfstnut street, between the wcfcterji llinc of 1-niut ' street and tho river, bo paVcdju llh cot.Olc stone, and when the work hall have bin completed; the ilayor slmll cauc nn nssclv- n.ih V ui 1, 1 ,Pc"y.a,'J,r. strait SJnVo as is providctf by law. Vj . f ' Ail ordinances, or parts thetor, conflict with the above ordiuauco rc hereby Re pealed. t1"0, lb?Y? ordi nance was rnsxctl bv 10 "nivM1 viuciinciiHii.ncir rnoetliiK. he d the night of January 2d, 172.1 i - -r t T- U MKRVossH'Jty fkik! Jan .-tf .Ton rnril ami HtarVorv NEW STX)RM: NEW GOODS. At: BOSKOWJTZ !i WILL BE OPEN THIS I WISE. At TVo. L Mini-In I 1 ub.- U :3 l.avo jJijjchiiM d'a Cl.l oi .Lfi'dTai-jv I )RV (;()( which t icy will oiler atpi-jf 1 O hit; IT-THE TJ jail 2) 2'.M1' TO CHURCH CONORS OATIONS. : 4 KOK HA IjZS. ' ' - - IT' A HANDSOME I'll E (lliCLVN. i - ,"f7lVE ilUNDBl l) DOLLAlir; IN ( AMI. will buy a handsome Plo iri:an. in I case. 7 fctri'N. swell, blow I tdal. ail bnirtlli! miaciimem. . . l i . . - I F . The ow ncra dot-he to j-cll, li idf r to f ur chje a larger one The instrument. Ik in rtrlirt nn!fp g-nt fsoonve years ago, and ban been used bdt vcryjiltlo. TMs Is an oprotrtunlty rarrlv found in tbe South to ;et a fcood Instruincrtt. cheap. j For further particular, add revs Jan b-tf ; Tljlp OI TICU TIIE BRIGIIT llASON. " ' J t " ri'BM.SHKD ATj-' cojstcokd, . c. The only Taper In the routhcrh Atlantic ; teiates devoted entirely to . iVCasoriic Iritc estn. ONLY ONE! I)OLLAR A YKAR CIRCULATION IS'OIV. 0,500. ! Clubs of 20, or more, , j ..7j cents. Every Mason in the land should eubscribe, Address Publishers Brighi 3Iaton, Con cord, X. C. , . . ' TJ- A limited nnmber of nbbJettlonablc auverusemenis Mill ue icceivid. jen i' 131 If ARSOLTTE DIVOI1CES dbfalried "from Courts of dlUerent Statfd for desertion Ac, No publicity required. Kocharre unill divorce granted. Add re, f I iM. jioi;sk. Attorney, nov Z'jU . m, Broad way li, Y. L1EBE 4 . I V A h I' ,- 1 i 7 PIIE3ENT Fatf-ES j CI i- i . 4

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