- I . ! . ; I ' j ''z- ' . . ' ' . . . J . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ! f' " I li ,r !, .. .. . ,,, , , '? . - ' ! I . 1 tSr 1 I 1 ' . X . . i . . ' . q ..iimiimjl'i-liwtMtwM. -m - .. . ', -1 ! "- e i " (UJ' if pYn;f1f'!,'i,:,J r) fir' r)T:0 111 -4 jhsfeJ . j - .''r.'l,-',--T,l-- ' . T . - ; . n, r,;f k.i. f 'J . - '-l,r - . .. - -I ' , . . . . i. . , . . " ' r ' i : f -''. ' i' I I' 'i ' ''li ' 1 i m . I nil ' .' ii r . i I . ' 1 I ' ' ' r- f : : 1 ! ; : : r ' - 1 : I ' -A ' ' r 1 H 4 i .i M :' i I 1 i I . ft r ? v - . - r VOL VII. WILMIU(JT0K, N: ,c:, THORSDAYi ( ;i!PE 5, 1874V ; ' N0 246 r i , i3ued every ten;. nra except und.y: 'Vr MANN. .Editor and Proprietor Snbscriptiou. . rcdr, iu advance... v..... 3 (-01 vX months in advance.. . rtnt.h3. ir. aJvar.cc .... i :o 50 .,,.0 urn"" ' .n. n a.l malice U' - ! ::.. .nKl ;n'"f fiOMCIieu lr jui our rn njr rtof hcdUt. on topics of centv " n'o-'1- oli",CHl n'- ws "'f1 report a ol .rnri arc . 4 , - :;: TolENEFlT ALL ! rVlN; N HAND A COMPI.ICTE J line of .1 .rhite iiikI colwrcJ. which wx can sell ritrs:'ftlso aline HKortment Ml o?l5non Towels mid Towel-' in jr. at nri es to , radorsoll the Marlcot!! v-pfrt?lUo delicacy in statint; loour friends Xt . rnstomers tii.it if they call and exam rncd.S? I they will Una that no house an i . . :T,.-iri MsinetC 1Q Hit' VllJ . mm our; low prices ii Ur- entire 'stoclc! of Dry Goods have been int lately bought by competent judges, and at panic prices, in New York city, we can only ofler first Class Goo;W t Lov Rates!! Hup of iiose. Linen I Land kerchiefs, White Uoens and' a general line of White (iowl-S including Fancy Goods and Notions krVcouipletethro.uchout.and an early call from those who wish to purchase from a clean new line of all goods in a Fancy Staple and; Domestic Dry - Goods Establishment. ' xlimr'd made it 1 heir business, as it is alone stock before making pur chases elsewhere, IJOSKOWITZ & MHBEK. Jr.7 Market ttreeU ' .Merchandise Brokerage Office, L'l'hl' line or samples constantly on iiami " " fnm importers aud uwnuf.vcnirers in Northern markets. mi .tPrintions ol inercl.amlisc, orders ,n bids solicited and tele-raphed promptly. Merchandise bought and .jld in this market, orders from buyers solicited, and samples left by sellers will nave proiupu at- Ifrrtlon. Time as well as cash purchase A upgotiatcJ ii t.t lmv or son. cdniinuul ratvl freely, and flen with your local Brker .IAS. T. PETTEWA V, Merchandise and Produce lirokr. dec 2 H K. isi i i i... Pre it , I DOUQIITBH LOPER & DOUHTEN, r N AVAL STORES , SOUTHERN Pit DUCTS, Xo:$i NORTH FRONT STREET Phlladelpliia,, Ta. urders for Turpentine Casks solicited and promptly niled at lowest marsei i''1.,.- lf mjrch t KE 1 iV LA V LOR Suooossors to A. II. NEFK, ' ' ts r r -v vf 'a .v ' o o os. U!i-. itoves. ivn terns. lv iwn-, Oil Ti I and Mict't Lnu Ware. lUjla done at short notice Vgeuts for l'airbar.U's Setv'.cs. No. 10 'root Street, '.V Mi AJ I K i T O N . tnv la 150-ly REMOVAL, .1 AS'. AikLOWEIJY CARRIAGE MAKER'S REPAIRER. f HAVE removed my establishment to L my new buildings on tne corner 01 FOURTH AND CAMPBELL STS. i) see my old customers and many new w t, ntin .i roairimr vtniiam: ih,iiii, (jiu.i.t0 - - neatly done. Horse Shoinjr. and various kinds of iron work done, on reasonable "Having had thirty years experience In me nnest v.ork, aud ctve Katisiacium. ALL YOi;K WARUANTKn. ?5 ept 3-tf IAS A. LO LIU. I " i Ut; TURNER wishes to Inform nis cumu- niers ad public generally, that he is now l-rcparod to do all kind of work W hs une, ad would rcspecUully request a oontinua- lion of the patronage rhich has heretofore L - . I oeen so liberally bestowed upon him. Jan 16 tf , 206 Ncw Extra Mess Mackerel ND NEW EXTRA SALMON,1 fa kits for CimUy isc, at . CiEO. lYEtife. 3 South Front street. HI M1SCKLLANE0I THE SILVER-! T UiN If U IEGANS The best pRGANS of the Beed class N THE WORLD. .4 . i'- The Beit for Churches and Lodges. The Bc4t for Sunday! Schools. Tbe Bet for Farlor, and Vestries. The Beit for Academie and Colleges. The Beit for Public Halls. The Bt'fbr OrchestrW'MMl Stage. i ' These Instruments, which for sweet ness of tone and elegance of appoint inent stanjl unrivalled, have : met .with unprecedented success in this country and abroajd. . MANUFACTURED BY t SON. ESTABLISHED IN 1S40V ! t j - ; ; h II- : Nos 143,145 & 147 East 23d st. NY Ilesponsible parlies applying for .agencies in sectlou still nusupplied,. . wUVireceive prompt attention' and liberal Inducements. Parties residing at a distance from our au thorized agents, may oraerirom our muiury. Spm.1 for i lustratedDfiw. n. angzo-u -i rr- EDIN60TES I AfE Allk OWMAKINfi .THESE STYL- VV - , - : '! - 1 : AKT4cIES foronr customers. ; Will dovrell to 'call at 'if rWikoCIv'3 and exaui'nes$tmples. &rcs8Jflakutg S: . .., j. .... ; e?- IN J LL ITS "LATEST SXYIiBK. Mrs. :STROCKsL J , ner'y and hssjifa.hinfj'ltoom oet 18 tf Princess Street,1 Evans' Block. ' IVJ3 M APLE SYRUP AND THE 'BEST I)UTTE R IN THE WORLD,' GEO,HlYERS, ; ; At ; oct 39 ; il and 13 Front st j i- i I S : ! tf if' ' r TO THEWESTJjn jTIIWST! Betorc iakingnyouV afrangejfenfto fol low tue ajvlco of the owsands who hve already glqc," l would be we I to cotisiacr what n .felfd:mthe jurue your -'Hobies in the West' as pleasant irjd free froroi danger as nunlati skiii ano iorc Aitrht. f.an iccompll6h.. j l3v consolidation and construction a road baa been Hut into operation on the shortest possible fine from Nashville, Tebn., jo at. Louis, tlefature geat City .of theworli.; ST. LOUIS & SOUTHEASTERN RAIL- WAY,i t ; l has. durink the past year, earned an enYa- ble reputation by its smooth track, prompt. i- 'i J.nnViaAtrinh' ni the mJL&tlifl- and the magnifl cence of its passenger ! - r . eauiDmenL Its trains are jmada up of new nd commodious day cars, provided with the celebratea Alii lcr coupler and p'atforrrr, and the Westjng house air-orake i. Ttia nossltively the only line running ' I -.7 ' - i " 2 ' Pullman Palace Drawing-uoom oieepiug cjars vnrou1 hhuwuv; vu-uv w. ( ville to StL Louis. No other line pretends to offer such advantages, either in distance, time, or equipment. Why then, Journey 9 Tlrti nnt hp. Induced to pUrchise tickets to St. Louis or the West by any other line, remember uat The 'Bt. Louis & Sotheatprrj?! Jo tba shortest, eheapest,4uickest, tesf t and ony" iine nnder one rrfanafcecient Ifpm Nashville to St. Louis, ajid is from 60 to 200 mites the shortest to St. Louis, Kansas City, Oxaafca, Penver, California, Texa, - J.. L4L - 'tn, ?a hA Thl- .. I. 1-.- ' W.itfxnta Tfta- iti. im-ana i iciivri ljuiiuiuiin , : - Tf Ii 1arthf! Chi OUU . v A ..Mih'n4Mt TJnriJI via Evans vale. j v t rates 4 for 9 4Frry?rJ- " , yourejTy wwm "h a ti tidn.on ,-4e,9nX)tbX MV1! C , g01ithern Passenger Agent; Postot flee Box 242, Chattanooga iTenn., or to the I M undersigned. nr 1 ,rB.VI,nT?xi Gtneial Ticket Agent, St. Louto No trouble td answer quesuona. july25 - 1 MJERIBIW RATES put'ioii lojbe fecale of J OUR 1 Ard I r I i r- i A, ii if ;7f i.orr-n! -1 " ?- A nr awwv. v r v American Institute j ;?nTiv McKEE, It is increnious and will meet the wants of every matron in the land." ! , ; JyUuBITJOX OF 1672, 1 S U f ip. a. Barnard. Pre?. Sohri E. Oavit. Rec Secv. I Samuel D. TlIlman, Cor.'icy: New York. November 'io. 1S72. Thispimple and ingenious Machine is as fU?lul as the eewina: Machine, nd fa fast fbtbTn'ncriHmnlar with ladiea. in I the nlace of jrxpenslTe'1 Needle work, !t work being muen.mprsjtjawP.P rpquirmenessf time a..-" nnt ..nt. wsrn,"..L.'iiW! .uu iiuw vuu iciiiii i;ai i tuc ca jrurc. nv JadV's toilet 1 now'cornnlete without it. A. Machine with illustrated circular and furl instructions sect on receipt of 2 or nnished tn silver plate lor W 75. Address, I he McKee JManufactjurnff Co., :J00 Broad w v. New York. r7 Dr. Garvin's Elixir of J Tar, Is recommended bv rccrolar Medical practi tioners and a speedy cure guaranteed for UOlds, Cough?, Uatarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis. Spitting Biood,Consumption and all Pt.mo- nary UomplamtP, acrolula, Erypipclas 'Jys peplia and GouL 'Dysentery, Chjolera-mor-bus. Cholera and aW liyer and bowel com plaints. Kidney diseases and all affections ot th Urinal Organs perfectly harmless tree from Mineral or Alcoholiciproperties pleasant to take and never known to fail Price $100 per Bottle. Full particulars wth'.. medical; testimony and certificates sept on application. Address, L,) F. HYDE & ICO.; 195 Seventh Avenue, New York. Darts from the Defil' or unp dAteed AjBook justis'stled, exposing the! 'pebson axs" that have appeared in the-New York Newspapers; their history and lesson. Sttl isk viMrAws fully exposed f Advertise ment trom desperate men to beautiful wo men: Clandestine incetirjfirs; howjlrustrated; Tie History of the Goodrich 'TfeAGEnf the result ot a "personal." Description ot Liv ing Broadway Statues. Expos' es -sociAii POkbditicw. Sent on receipt) ot 50 cts. Address, Unique Printing House, ffl Vesey 8t ', N. Y, I I Tho lleckwjth &iO portable Fam ily Scwincx,fJachiui on J 30 Days Trial ; mjany advaidages over .all. Satis faction guaranteed, or money- refunded. Sent complete with full directions. Beck with Sewing Mocbiue Co., $& Broadway Nl Y. r ''. : . maf 14 307 tf 4- THE NEW ELASTIC TRUSS An Impouxant Invention. It retains the rup- ttre at all times, and under the 'hardest ex ercise orjseverest Rtrain. It is vorn with comfortiandi it kept on night and day, ef fects a perniannr- cure in a tew weeks. 8dld cheap, a'u. cent by mail when request ed. Circnlars free, when ordered bylette- sent to. The Elastic Truss Co., No. 683 Broadwav. N. Y. Citv. No'dv t??es Metal 8pring Trus?e ; t.- pin m , thf.y slip off tdo frcqnntlv m?vl4 S7 tf ,' j.t' i oNT.V ill' GENU 'E niRBMK'S:! SCALES, I , MANUFACTURED BY tl : ' . : ... f w ,-... E. & T FAIRBANKS k CO. jStockScales.eoat Scales, Hay Scales, Dairy Scales; Counter Scales, &c, &c. ,$cale repaired promptly .and reasona- THE MOST PERFECT ALARM CASH DRAWER Slilcs Alarm Till Cos. PVERY EVERY Mercliant DRAWER iHOUEI Use Tlicm Warranted. a . AT Fairbanks' Scale . Warehouses, FAIRBANKS & CO., 311 BROADLY AY, NJWYOK 66 BaRimoro si.j Baltimore, 53 Cnip st., New Orleans. FAIRBANKS & EWING, 3Iasonic Hall, Philadelphia. FAIRBANKS, BROWN , & CO.; 3 Milk-Street, ICoston. For sale by all leading Hardware v; ; - ' Dealers. Distiller's 1,200 Bundles Hoop Iron ?1 ;nt : XI inch, fd lHe.k.' . o0 Barrels Bungs, - 500 Papers Rivefc,f 150 Barrels No. I Glue, ; For sale by J iD I PTTO Mi j ffiwifluB Supplies . , . ...-p..,,,, ... . . : : , i ; . ii r . : r ri : : RAIL ltOIDS. Carolina Central Railway CoiDany i wilmingjontn; a TI i -"i f ,i -s r ..j;.'. n' i ii , ,, SpELEDXJLE. PASSENGER TRAINS P SAVE WILMIKiUTON DAILY (EX: jlu cepi csunaaysj ai. , . :ot A Arifeat Wadesboro at...f 5:25 PM LeareWadesboro it..... I. 7:10 A M Arrive at Wilmlnir-rrm P M i,t ' . , -v FREIGHT TRAINS. Leave Wilminffton daUv fexceot Bundaysl:u...v.,....;..v &O0 A Arrive at Lanrinbura: at 5:30 P Leave Lanrinbnrir at. A:00 A Arrive at Wilmington at ' 5.30 PM I. p PASSENGER TRAINS. Leave Cliarlotte daily, Sundays Picepieu, int.... ...... .w AM Arrive at Buffalo at .... , ..12.00 M Leave Buffalo at . . . 1.C0 PM Arrive at Charlotte at 1 . . . i . . 5. 15 P M irregular Lumber and Timber Trains run on both portions of the Road as the busi- ness requires. A Dailv Stacre will soon run in connection luc ...1U.U.. .ucoubu ims nan 'j .. " 1 SJ L. FREMONT, I Chief Engineer and Sup't. may 19 .311-11 Pieflmont Air-Line Railway. Richmond and Danville, Ricbinoad nvO i "i Danville R. W., N. Division, nod ' North Western N. C. R. W. i o Condensed Time Table, o In ellect 011 and after Thursday, Feb. 22d, 1874. GOING NORTH. STATIONS. MAIL. KXPItKfcS Leave Charlotte ...... 7 00 P. M 7.2S " 10.00 " 2,15 a. M. 5.2S 11.40 44 2.32 r. m S -'."j A. M. S.55 " 10.47 44 1.15 1". M. 3,27 r. m 8.o; " 11 02 p. m. v Air Line J'net'n 4t Salisbury ' Greensboro...-. Danville " Burkville. rrive at Richmond GOING SOUTH. I STA.TIOMS. , MAIL. EXP11E3S Leave Richmond L 1.48 P. m 5.03 A. m. 1 Burkville 4.58 44 8.2S 44 Danville . 9.52 f41 1.03p.m. I,4 Greensboro.... 1.10 a. m .4.00 44. Solisbury 3.56 44 f 33 il !44 Air Line J'net'n 6.35 44 S 55 44 Arrive at Charlotte. . . 6.43 a. m 9.00 j ' GOING EAST7 STATIONS. MA lit. Leave Greensboro' ... 2 00 a. m : j' Co. Shops .... 3.55 44 I "I Raleigh 8 30 44 Arrive at Goldsboro 11.40 a. m j gqin6 west. I STATIONS. ' MAIL.. Leave Goldsboro' 3.00 r. m j" Raleigh 6.40 44 "1" Co. Shops 11.05 44 .......... Arrive at Greensboro' 12.30 a.m North Western N, C. R. 11 (Salem Branch.) i Leave Greensboro.... 1:30 A M Arrive at Salem 3:35 A M, Leave Salem v 10:80 A M Arrive at Greensboro .' 12:00 M . J Passenger train leaving Rale'gh at 7.40 P. Ajl. connects atGreensboro' with tbe North ern bound tiain; making the quickest tinie to 1 all Northern cities. Price of Tickets same as via other routes. 1 Trains to and from points East of Greensboro connect at Greensboro with Mail Trains to or from points North or South. j 1 Trains dally, both Ways. i I On Sundays Lynchburg Accommodation linnn Vtyilimnnfl of Q A9. m m o rri vra of RnrtvlllP 12 1Q 11 m leave Burkville 4 35 SU"T5i"T&iSAi?5e txm ID j ai live av invutuvuu aaj. Pullman Palace Car? on all nig at trains between Charlotte 9nd Richmond, without change.) ' ; i Fer lurther ialormatlon address : ! . . S. E. ALLEN, General Ticket Agerd. , 1 !" Greensboio, N. C. T, M. R. TALCOTT, 1 i vEnifineer and Gen'l Spuerintendarit. febN24 237 RHEDtfATISM. NEURALGIA. FA1V In the FA:;, Ac, ELEC17B1C TTJ AS CURED when all tber remedies XL have failed. It is eminently a FAMIIiY MEDICINE, And no ftmllv should be without! t. In caso of sudden' attacks, one bottle will pave five dollars In doctor's bills. , For sale by all Druggists. v October 4 I18-3t E L. 13 CTK1C. T ;:. v Wilcsinsrion f olumftla it Au ; GB2I. S U jr JEUIJS TEJi DBH T' B QFIlda, t WILMISGTON, N. C.pct 24, lS'o -V-J .. CHABE OF SGKEBUU, XpaE rOLI.dWINO 8qukbuL2 WILL m t-y 1 cuwi at j:ov a. ionaaj. -lu met. ; j 1 DAY EXfiiESS 1 KAIN-(Daily. 1 ! .iJ Leavo'VUmicgton... 4:E0A. M .Arrive afFlfcifenee.. . ...10;27 A. M Arrive at Colombia StlO P. M M i-Amxc, atugtaAViVV,. ... 8:00 P. M. M I-eave August.... fi:$0 A. M. M I eav CojKfcnbia.;.,. ............ IU40 A. M Arrive at Florence. 4:28 P. M. J Arrive at Wilmington........ .. .10:45 P. M, NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN DAILY (3UN- ,A '-,, 'tt.JJAX tfJULi; JUTTED. 1 ,'n ' , . . ' ca7 Wilmmgton ............. jg kt Columbia' """""" Arrive at Anen?ta& '"'" '" Leave Augusta, Arrive at Columbia::::::.'::::.'. a , t.i- OwlO P. M 11:22 P. M 4 00 A, M S;45 A. M 4:15 P. M :45 P. M 1:58 A. M - Arrive &t Wilmington. 7:15 A. H Ail trains m?ke close connecticn, both Aorth and South. - Pullman's Falr.ce fleepir'g Cars on all night trains. r JAMES ANDERSON, s Gen'HSup'L oct 24 " 124-tt WiFmjiigiQn k WcSdon It. R. OrFic'B General supkbintesdsmt, 1 WiiMiNGTON, N. C, Oct. 21,1873. ri 5 ItWBJJMJSd ; o N AND AFTER OCT. 0lb, INSTANT PA S3KNGEK TRAINS ,ov the Wil mingtou and"Veldon Railroad nil I run as follows : ": 1 1 MAIL TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily (Sun- days excepted) ,.At 7 7:40 A. M Arrive at Goldsboro.... 1 1:50 A. M 2:00 P. M 3: SO P. M Rocky Mount Weldon ' leave Weldon daily (Sunday? exc opted) .".At Arrive at Rocky Mount Goldsboro.... , Union Depot EXPRESS TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily .. .At Arrive at Goldsboro.. ....... Rocky Mount Weldon. . Leave Weldon daily. 0:50 A; M 11:35 A. M 1:37 P. M 5:50 P. M 11:10 P. M 3:50 A. M 6:03 A. M 8:00 A. M 7 50 P. M 9:43 P. M 11:55 P. M Arriv-s at Rocky Mount .G'.ldsbofo Unien. Depot...'. . . 4:30 A. M Mall Trfctin maiies cioee connection at Wlioa iolr- all points North via Bay Line and'Acquia Creek routes. Express (Train connects orl wit h Acquia Creek route. PULLMAN'S PALACE SLEEPING CARS ON THIS TRAIN. FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wilming ton tri-weekly at 6,00 A.M., and arrive at 1.40 1. M. , EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAINS will kav,o Wilmington daily (Sundays excepted) at 2:00 P. M.s andLarrivc at 5:30 P. M. JOHN F. DIVINE, General Superintendent. I SO op t 24 ; THIS' MOST REMARKABLE I T kF ALL APPARATUSES -r- sometimes called a m,eianlcal paradox now used wrth wonderfnl success in our principal cities for the cure, by cumulative jexli: cise, ol nearly all Chronic j Diseases and Weaknesses, Is for sale by tho under. igned, by whom' all orders will be proasptly filled. j rrXITd REACTIONARY cd that even a child ean in it for a person to j lift any twenty to -.twelvehundred stantly adjust weight, from pounds, j It is miidc almost Wholly of iron and steel, weighs 140 pounds, and covers a space of only 20byo3 inches; ami although, but recently mtroduccd, nearly 1,000 'have already been sold. ' - : . i f ' ' PRICE f 100, BOXED AND . SHIPPED. f?mall books or circulars, showing its use , can be had free at the offite of the Post. j H. II. MANN. Brooklyn, N. Y.' sr pt ll-d&wtf : P. O. I56x 90. A. ADRIAIS, ti. VOLLEtta ADRIAN & V0LLERS. WHOLES 41. S DZALKKS IK ! CJroceriejj anil .'Wqiwr. Importers of German and Havana! Cigars, j , . ' AJiP j: Cormxiiission Mcrclian t SotfnirEAST Corxfk Dck and Piiont . ) . Btreets. WILMINGTON, N.-C Haviud the largest avid best assorted .Slock of Groceries and Liouor In the t.'ity. Dealers will nnd it to their interest to give us a call before buying elsewhere, mar I7-tf , ? I TTTARllANTTEE Di$EDi- On hand ard Y for sale feb a HALL '1 f - T- isiiiiii NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. - THE -YOUTH' o o Ivd: 1ST i o JM A WEEKLY PATE H roil Y o n s JP e p p 1 o AND THE T7' A TVT T T THE COMPANION , alms to bo a favorite in every faiiiily- looked for ea gerly by the yonrig folks, ajid read with interest by the older. lbs p un)oec to interest ivjiile it ainuscjj; lolwjudicious, practical, sensible:' and to have rcallv permanent worth, wBilc it (ittr.ic.ts for the hour. J It is handsomely iUustralCd, and hia for contributors sonio of Uic most at tractive writers m thccoiiiitry. Anion these arc : Edward Eglcston. J)r.T. Prof. jus. DcMillc.'Lonlsc J. 'Haves, tT. laulton: jouisa m. Aicott, " op.ic ' lav, " jtveoecea it. uavis, u. A. Stephens, C. W. .Flanders, Rulh Chesterfield; fr. fc?.. Kobbins, M. A I'cnisoii. Its reading is adapted t (he old atid young, is very varied in its! character f sprightly and entertaining. I W A jkJl'glVCt j of Home- fetories of Advcn- fcftorics ture, and Sc liool Lifer 1 Letters of ffravcJi Tales. Portrv Editorials upon Belectidiw for' Dec-' current TojVics, laniatiqij, Historical Articles, Aiiccddtbs, Puzzles Biographical Skct- Facts a jitl Incidents', ches, Rcligiblis Articles, Subscriptio;i l'ricc, S1.5dj ' Fpccimcfi eofnes. sent iree. dlress, ! PERRY MASON & CO.. Acmpic 1'iace, Udstou, 3Ia. tf AN ORDINANCE CONCERN INC; PAVINO ON 'ciIE.STNVT 4 BTIU5ET W1T1IC01J1ILE ifcTUNC ii rrJIK oard of Aldennen cif i the city t,i 1 Wilmington, N. C.,(Jo j; A OLIDAIN.-That that mr in r.r i.i street, between Jhe Weislcrii 11 nc of l-Yoii't huvui. ana uic river, be paved ;wlth cobJn lnc'.anci hcii the worli Kliall liuvoUt n completed; the Mayor Khali c;fuse an bfscm raentuf tho real nroncrt v nlnkn' .i.i Pinl the vicinity thereof, to dcJrjiy the ctc pense of said pavement, in wiluleor in i,ntt iis is prov 5 is provided by law. ,: ' ' All ordinances, or nnrfs i uri.r All oi with t pealedj with the above ordiuanco iiru litii.v.r..2 ' I . ' The above ordinance was I'ussrd ly tin-. f;,,ai 7 Amcrmcii at their meeting, hvld on i. U KKHVOSSJ City CRik. an :i-f T .v . NEW STORE --:: NEW GOODS. o:- BOSKOWITZ 4 tlEBBR WILL BE OPEN THIS! WEEK. At Wo. 2Jnn:vUt t direct. 'J'I:d l i! ift lia c riuclia.-td ;i I lull line of v't;.j.Ie aul i aujy DRY (iO(R)S, whit-li tiicy v. ill .ofii-r at n 1 e. J . ' ;!iE5. to ,surr the rt Jan 20 ToTh URUI CONOKl GATIOH. - ( FOR SALE. a handsome 1'ii'K i;t;.'K 1AIVE HUNDRED DoLLAliS IX Ai II ' A will buy a bandsouto IJ(0 Orcau. fnl case, t Btcps, swell, blow pUM, and haiullu illUlCJJJllt'lJl. The owners dc.irevlo f efl, Irj hrtltr to f ur cnr.se a iarger one. -i Tlie linstruineiit is In rcrfet order. st fWltve years 0aEd has been used but very lilt le. This Is an opportunity ran I foucd in the .South to get a L'i'd fiistrumcnt; cheap.' V j For further particular, address Jan G-tf Ti1IH orF,t:?'' THE BRIGHTASONi ! ' '!.. ruEMSjiian at- qONCORTJi 1ST. p. The onlyrapeT in the roufjiiern Atlnn ic i States devoteU entirely tp iVTa.s'oTiic IiitbrntK OXiY ONE HOLLAR A YEA t CIRCULATION XOIV, C,5o0. I Clubs of 20, or more, " ccj.it. Every Maon In tho land nhfuld snbrrriie. 'Address rubllbhcrs Britrhl aton, C"in cord. N. C. ! I Mir A. limited number of nnhMrrtionaiii. advertisements will be iccelVed. T 1 I am - 111! k . k -4- v' ABSOLTTP: DIVORCTXI retained f lrni Courts of different State tf for desertion . Ac No publicity required.! Nd charge until divorce granted. Aldr. LI Jl. JlUUHh Uornev. ev," J' not 2 tf 191, lirctdwey. J r V 1 1 V 1 tUrn 'A ' J. J i 7 . : A' VI' i:. . 1. 4 ;.;

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