5 ' i -1 : 1 ' v. WILMINGTON. N. U. Thursday, March 5th, 1874. To the' Editor or the Sun. Sir : Do vou mean to say that thieves in office do net deserve to be decapitated ? Please answer, for much depends on it. If you are silent, we know where you belong; and m the day of action vour building will be re membered. "SVe are terribly in earnest. Two of the Commune. . Feb. 26, 1874. The above letter v;ii lately received at thc.office of the New York Sun. The prompt reply was that the Sun bejieved in the "decapitation" of thieves, and it is now supposed thaf O.ma is all right on the goose. Dr. l!o Lewis. Copscicncious editor and others ppeak dcsparageingly of Dr. Dio Lewis, who receives the sum of fifty dollars a night for his 'efforts in behalf of the temperance movement. The crusade , may be.fidiculous and indelicate, but none cannot deny that a reform is need ed. Dr. Lewis is a gentleman of great scientific attainments, and considera ble literary ability. His work is em phatically a work in the interests of humanity, although, after the thinking of someit may be misdirected. The people who pay this sum arc in all pro bability, the honest ; owners of the money; consequently their right to so dispose of it cannot bc-gainsayed. When a singer can command the 'wonderful sum of four thousand dol lar for the use of her vocal powers dur iug an hour or so, the purchased critics' can rhapsodize upon her, and the pub lic greedily swallow the flattery. But when a profound thinker and scholar asks the modest price of fifty dollars for a lecture, these dUkiantl arc much shocked. Is it not covert sneer at the work "Dr. Lewis is engaged in, rath er than at the man ? Dying Declarations as Evidence. A woman lately murdered in Connec ticut gave her dying testimony against a negro as the murderer. It was sub sequently discovered the husband of the unfortunate creature had done the dreadful deed, and she, to shield him, had passed to eternity with a falsehood upoH her lips. The strength of that affection which survived her mortality can be some what estimated. Forgiving the misera ble wretch who had cut her off in the midst of perhaps a vigorous and bouy ant life, she circumstantially accounted for her death by "accusing an innocent person. Faithfnl even in death, her last moments were engaged in consid ering how the effects of his crime could be averted from her slayer, her hus band. But is. not in this aspect" of the case that the public is 'most interested. By .. i-nlo nflnw the dviui declarations of a person who believes that he is dying, arc competent evidence against the per son he charges with the crime. This is so, for the reason that the law holds that a person on the verge of eternity, will not willingly go before God with falsehood upon his soul. Jlcncc the i-bclicf is that the dying liav the same, or perhaps more powerful reasons for speaking the ' truth, that a sworn wit ' ncss on the stand may have. These de clarations goLcforea jury invested with all the solemnity which death can give, and the" testimony whiclP.will contro vert it. must be much stronger than tha - brought against the evidence of an or dinarv witness.. The worst scoundrels who take their final departure from this world by the wav of the gallows, often, with a hardi f hood which the father qf lies may ad . irrirc, perish nviih Jaischood upon their tongues." The fears which encircled death, when tthc rule of admitting dy ing declarations was made, arc not so strong now. 1 The spread of infidelity has gone far io divest death of some of his terrors, fcfysvphus, when death came as his visitor, cunningly j made a chair which imprisoned his grim guest. For r six months 1 mankind was free from 1 Death's rounds. The altars ceased to v send up incense to the Gods, and crime and wickedness ran riot! over the face of the earth. e. 1 This tale of Milltushasja moral rkLch applies at tins day. People must be more thoroughly taught lin religion, and the penalties which arc incurred by sin, " 1 V - jaftcr death, morcyividly portrayed, and ' a belief in them inculcated. Jblse, un dcr the rule iof law people may go to the gallows o the false i; evidence of a wretch; who,;iri death even, hopes for . jio heaven, and defies the terrorj of hell. .1 T. EDITORIAL BUDGET. I j i j- j A Californian sold his orange crop from fiye acres! for $15,000. j j i Michigan has abolished the striped clothing of convicts. Writing) mate rials are to be! supplied to prisoners, those who cannot read and write are to be taught, and jerery convict on his dis charge is to receive a suit of clothes, $10, and whatever he may .have earned by extra work. J r j j Lord Derby has intimated to the British politicians that he will not in terfere with Mrj Disraeli's control, , and will not attempt to usurp' his j plafce. Such, at leasi, is the interpretation given to a recent dinner speech, in which Lord Derby said: "I go in for fair play, and think that those who fought the battle ought to enjoy the victory." f ! j i In the Legislature of Rhode Island the House speciakcommittee on vomen's suffrage submitted a majority report on Thursday, recommending the submis sion to the pcoplo of the following pro position as an amendment to the con stitution: "Men and women, political ly and legally, shall be entitled to equal rights and privileges and shall be sub ject to equal duties and liabilities." ! In the Gerinan Reichstag a motion was under discussion on the 3rd instant to deprive the Governor of Alsace of the power to deplare a state of siege. Bismarck made 'a strong speech against the motion. He declared he never ex pected Alsace Would greet our institu tions with applause: Alsace shared the responsibility of war. The motion was 188 vcasUo 196 nays. 1 . : i The following memorial has leea presented to Congress in regard to irri gation .by, the discharge of artillery. Sucli iheories can only be tested by ex periment: To the Honorable ihc House of 'Aeprcscn- tatives of the Tfnited States: Your petitioner two years ago pre sented to your honorable body a mem orial setting forth! certain facts going to show that the discharge of artillery in heavy batteries .continued for a few hours will bring irain in large quanti ticks mi rl ficldnf' that an experiment mMit be performed with powder and" cannon oi me uuncu jin,tco w u' mine if draughts j cannot in this way be prevented. He now renews his petition for such experiments, and begs leave to present some facets of a different kind from those before stated, wmcii tenu io add to the credibility of his theory. , f that distinguished in vestigator of natural phenomena, the late M. F. Maury, it is claimed that the greater portion oi the aqueous va por that forms the- rain that tails with in the United States is brought about i.,r otmhdnliprin. currents irom the la- cific ocean. It if contenaea; tuat me creat Tsouth east trade wind of the Pa-' cific, which meet? the north 'east trade near the equator atter rising .mere, flows over that trade wind to the pelt of calms near the Tropic of Cancer; where it descends, and oecomes a greau swutn- west rain bearing current across our nni;nintv nnci that above this current is a great Polar current, flowing in ncany. itu -- south cast trade wind ot tne .t'acne, which becomes thtis a great vapor bear in current above the United States, B surtace ot the pecan tis suposed, of about three miles; It moves oyer the ocean thndsnnd miles, and. with slight interruptions, blows perpetually.! The amount oi vapr wxiicu ii i is inconceivably great: for it is calcula aA Vmt. l much (water is evanbrated fmm th nca&n in? a vear as: would de-1 . VU. ; m . 1 - 1 r .Ut, a ViAf press its wnoie butd wkukwi vex ictu.; It is true that mucn ot tne vapor mat rises irom me ocean ians uau. again atterwaros as ram, uut me a- mount which id earned oyer me conti nents is immense,! and vast quantities of it, transparent! and invisible, must pass over mc uunp ovaw, .x , tcrwards, as rain oi- snow on the Atlan tic Ocean, in Northern Europe, anin the? Polar regions. J Now, the deductions of Maury in re lation to winds and air currents, made r inm i thousands of observations taken in all parts of thei world, seem - to be confirmed bv the observations of the Skrnal Corps of tie Army, for, it is found that nearh all our principal storms come uom the westward ; anu southwestwafd, and this, as Maury shov.s, will be the course naturally taken by the air 'of the southeast trade wind when it becomes an atmospheric current in the northern hemisphere. The observations of aeronauts also add confirmation to his theory, for they de clare that they have found an eastward current which they believe to be con stant. ' : Yonr petitioner, therefore, respect fnlly represents that these facts gire reason to believe that there are at jail times vast quantities of acqueous rapor passing over us froih the Pacific Ocean ; that the existence cjf an extremely cold curreufc Above thejVapor-bearing cur rent gives reQ o believe tha the conditions necesu produce ram in the manner in which we are faughfc the Huttonian tUedry jt jusually is prpr; duced, are alwavs jprescnt ; nd that the occurrence of htayyrafos after bat tles giires; reason tcj believe, oi iir that such! condition always exislnij, that the process by which Wloutja !an(J rain are formed from the 1 invisibly vapor can at any tinie be set in motion. And your petitioiier further repre scnts that, wuile tie obserratioDji of the Signal Corps sh$w that on an ater age as many as nine storms traverses our country fromj west to east in a iinr gle month, thesejtdrms are yet so un equally distributed that some portions of the1country suffer at times from ter rible droughts, while others are drench ed with excessive rains j . and that, iT it should be found that' there is, in the effects of heavy concussions suchj a power as to cause storm-centres to de viate from their natural courses, a sys tem for distributing the rain-fall can be worked out, which, by leading to the prevention of forest fires and by adding to our agricultural resourceSj will be of inestimable value to thecbuntrf. 1 j Y' Edward Powers Simians playfully remarked to his wiTe that hehao) fburfoplsr Beautifool, dutifool, youthfool anddelightfool. i" Poor me !", saida she; J'tl have but one." ' ; " i..: 'iKilUtU-' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS- St. John's , Lodge, No.J F. & A. M. T?MERGENT communicatlou tbis (Than- a. day) evening at 7io'clock, for work in the thiid dejree. A ' ' By order of th W. M.V j JAME3 C. ilUNDS, Secy. SU Johp's Hall; Mach a, 186i. ..It For Rent or IiCasc.; TWO of the most eligible building LOTS in imithville, each fronting 66 feet on Bay Street and running back the whole square.: They will te leased for rive years or less, with the privilege of removing, at the end; of the lease, any. buildings which may be erected on tueni. , Also three Water Lots. i L. AlEGINNBY, Execetor. mar-GA7 1 : , ' 210 2t AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING A "DONATION " TO THE vcape FEaR AGRICULTURAL- ASSO CIATION " BT THE CITY OF WILMING TON, N. C. . The Board, of Aldermen of the City of Wil mington, ;N. C, J Do Ordain, and Direct as follows : Section l.That an election be held on Mon day, the twenty-third (24) day of March, 1874, in the different Wards of this;City, at the respective places at which the polls for the election of "Alderman for the City of Wilmington are usually opened, for the pur pose of ascertaining by a vote of the qualifi ed voters residing in the City whether a do nation of Four Thousand Dollars (JM,000) in City of WUmiagton Bonds, face value, shall be made by the City to ihe Cape Fear Agri cultural Association. - Sec 2. That the said election shall be held under the same rules, regulations and penal ties, as is provided by law in reference to elections of Aldermen of the City, and all persons qualified to vote for such Alderman shall be entitled to vote at Jaid election. Those persons in favor of making said dona tion by the City shall vote a ballot on which shall be written or pFin ted the'-word " DO NATION,? and thosd who are opposed to such donation shall vote a ballot on which the words i" NO DONATION,', shall be writ ten or printed. sec. o.Thc siidCap&Fear Agricultural As sociation shall pay the whole expense Of the said election, and shall deposit in advance the required amount with the City Treas. urer. 1 j , , The above Ordinance was passed ata meet ing of the Board of Aldermen held February 27th, 1875. ! T. C.SEUVOSS, i City Clerk and Treasurer. mar.-2W, j td T AT AUCTION I i i i ; i i A LARGE LOT OF f . I - : ! ; Iron neflstcncl. lattresses, AND OTHER HOSPITAL FURNITURE will be sold atAuction at City Hall on Mon day, the Dth day of March, 1S71, at 12 o'clock M. W. T. CAN AD AY, march 1-td . Mayor. " COME NOW i . L . I A'I) BUY AT A V T UA Ii V O'H T, CLOTJISaiSSIjtERJlS, IMA GONALS anl VESTINGS. For a verj few days only, the opportunity will be offered, as we propose to close our M. T BUSINESS. ! AIUNSON & CO'fc?., mireh 4 Citv Clothiers. SlnrainsI IS a renins ! gQjj BUSHEIS VHITk CORN AT 7 CENTS. Ajjply at AITCTION STORK, ,11 Market street. xnarcb K Nj ABE' S ! QELKHRATED PIAN'OS, Chas. M.-StieflTs Pianos, . -o " T .... j Jfirshatr& SiitWi's Pianos, and ' GrovBstcen & FalJer's Pianos, Sold lor cashtor by rnoatliiy iwiiaHnientFat " The Live Book. 8tore.' ! " " ' ' BtJRDETT ORdANS, ' U 'A.. ! i i: A 1 ws y a on liud. tfnd for sale at ' ; U HE1NSBKRQERS -:: iJve Book and Music Store, THB WBITE CLARK & CO'S. Ccntrii'ugral Pump.. riuiE best And cheapest machine iJL In the world for draining lnaa ; jzaa ta ke v.. ken nrizes over all the best Pumps in use for the last three years, .including Win, I. An draw's, of New York. Ifo-or'a nf Nanr Vrvr Ir .1 41 5es furnished to order, from 100 to 18, tedV " I 7- For reference inunir.e of ftr. WiRnls. Vfinufactured ft Baldinsjrle, 4 E. 'Al!lBA,NK. Aeen t. - : 1 - IBOil and aftertthU dae all rwirti.es arp lorbidda to enter the fljeld; Jj:novn a the Poor House field, or to trespass on the poor house laads, or to hunt! with gun or doss on said tract. . v u i I H. B. SCOTT, feb 2S, 1874-lm HnpU Poor House, i NEW ADFERTISEEIEfiTSj THE r. - J We hare taken the advantage of buy ing al (Joods which wef t)uefed Oliegup for Osisli, and are ready now; to offer to our cus tomers and the public generally to share the behefit of our purchases; French Wnyen Corsets worth$l 50, Me are selling- ror 7S cents. GENU INE JOUVIN'S FRENCH GLOVES REALLY WORTH $2 FOR 90 CENTS. KID 10-4 BLEACHED SHEETING FOR 40 pENTS A YARD, WORTH 50 CENTS. - ; - Our jeneral stock of DRY; GOODS will be sold very cheap. We have the very best stock of Domestic aiid Honse FQriiistiins Goods and all other goods in proportion, lower than has ever; been offered before in Wilmington. AVc kre also receiving a large "as sortment of ! ' i SPRING GOODS. & H. SAMSON, 43 Market Street. feb 21 lm DQNT TOIL AWAY YOUR i I- ; LIFE FOR LANDLORDS. BUILDlNQ LOTS for sale In healthy and if i "i desirable: localities on Church, Nun, Ann, Orange, Dock, Cbesnut, Mulberry, Walnut, Red Cross, Rankin, Dickinson, Wood, Char lotte, Sixth, Seventh, Wilson, Eighth, Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh, Twelfth and Thir teenth streets. Satisfactory time given fo payment.! Apply to ; JAMES WILfiON. i 226-tf feb 8 : Havana Oranges. ; ESSINA LEMONS,! AT 1 i 1 M jan o ! GEO. MYERS'. IUozart Saloon, No,l, G-ran ite Row, iSburn Front Stkekt. GERKEN & HAAR, Proprietors, i i The best of Lienors, ! Wines, Cigars, Lager Beer, And ALES always on hand. OYSTERS served every style. A respectful invitation is extended to all. feb 11-lm " GRAND GIFT CONCERT. ijo.OOO IPi-ierf. I ! ; 0,O(J0 in Currency to be given away l by the Masonic Relief Associai lion !oF NORFOLK, VA. Tl.ii rfrowinrr hflA hppn leirflUzpd hv SOecU al act of the Legislature, to ralae funds for the completion oi me Masonic xecope in the city of Norfolk. . !. ' H LIST OF GIFTS : I One Grand Carh Gift, Oiie Grand Caeli Gift. .$50,000 22XK) 12,500 ......... 10,000 5,000 2,500 .$12,000 ii. l'i,500 I 16.000 One Grand iUaeh Gift, !. Orie 'Grand Cash Gut Ohe Grand Cash Gilt, Orie G rand jCasli G ift, 24 Cash Gilts, 500 tfach.. 50 Cash Gifts, Vt each . . 80 Cash Oilts. 200 each . . . 100 Cash Gifts, 150 each... 120 Cash Gilte, 100 each... VJO naah GiftR. HO each ...i 15,000 12J500 9000 Cash Gias, 5 each . . '. . . t , , . X 45,000 Grand To.taj. Ten Thousand GiiU, I all Cash, : . J; .$250,000 Whole Tickets, $5.00 $2.50 A---- -' Half Tickets, ! 1- - 1 ipUcU $SO Pnn of drawinc same &a that of Kentucky gtite Library Association.' Drawing to take pwee in WorfoiK on rnesaay May tn mi. j DIRECTORS: JOHN L KOPEK, Pbesidbmt, JOHN B. CORPRKW, Trkasurb, J AS. T. LEIGH, I ; WALTER TAXJLUK, GEORGE S. OLDF1ELD, JNOi AJ ROSSONV : 1 DA KIEL HUSTED, ' NVM. HJ! WALES, M, II. STEVENS, OHN Tk REDMOND, 8.WCIL, V ' I ADVISORY BOAD i Rx Goreranr Gilbert C. Walker. Jno. R: McDanlel, Pi Q ; Commander, Cant. 8aml Watts, Virginia Legislature, - RoVt E. Withers, G. M., G. M. P. fc D. D.fi. fJ.of G, C. . ' . ' John'D Whitehadf Eso,, ex:Mayor; . Col. W HiTaylor.'jefat fefiator, II Pr4era fori tickets and ail communjea- xinnit shnnlil bo 'addressed to ;' V- I ' ? - V f . I 1 HEaKT, V. MOORE. Sec'y MasoiJ Relief Aas UorfQlft, ; nn 'mmnf in b niVD ! Acept, Wilminjft oq, X V. . rSnnilHT'- . T" (Sf' ' NEW! ADVERTEnEHTS. i . LADIES 1UNDERGABMENTS. EMBROIDERED AM PLAIK. Handsome and Cheap, LADIES MERINO VESTS, i BALBRIGGAN and. ENGLISH IIOSE. I B. WEILL i i v -:o: Table Linen, Lincu Sheetings, Towels and Toweling, 4 : i ) Cotton Bhirtinas w ' ; ! i i Bleached and Brown Cottons, ! .... v T 1 I - . ; good value at low prices. B.1 WIELL. -:o:- - ;.' j. i Shawls. Shawls. 1 1,000 SHAWLS muat'be sold regarlcss !'''; ? of post: B. WEILL. -:o;- HATS 1 - MEN'S HAT'S, 1 BOY'S HATS, LADIES' HATfc, I GIRLS' HATS. B. WEILL. -:o:- Blac4 Alpaccaf. At 2535, 40, 50, 60, 75 cents and $1 and $1 25 per yardj i x ! ! B. WEILL. The Best General) Stock, of Dry Goods in the city from which Ladies may obtain rare Bargains. B. WEILL. feb 16 if The Slate of Horth Carolina SUPERIOR COURT, NEW JIANOVER I COUNTY. , I William H. MoeoRE against Petition for Divorce. Anna JSU Moobk. ITX) ANrfA M, MOORE: You are command JL ed to appear at the next .term of paid Court, to be field at the Court House in Wil mington, on the eighth Monday after the fourth Monday in Febrnaiy, 1874, to answer the complaint of tha said plaintiff. If ou shall fail to appear at that time, the plain tiff will apply for the relief demanded in 6he complaint, together with the costs of this action. Given under my hand and seal of said Court, this 2d day of March, 1874. i J. C. MANN, Clerk of said Court, j Adiji Empie, Plain tlft's Attorney. march 3-law6w j Singer's Hew Faiily Sewing Macbine THE SUPERIORITY OK THE SINGER HEWING- MACHINE for beauties oi stich, simplicity of mechanism, and adapt ability to erery class of sewing, has been es tablished in. fair and open competition in actual sewing contests, and the PUBLIC RECOGNITION of their merits is to found in the numerous awards of FIRST PRIZES over every competitor at the VIENNA EX POSITION and nearly all the Industrial Fairs in America and in Europe. Silent Feed and Straight Needle and is tha easiest tQ lean. Has the highest appro- ...i ..haVamilv lh Rfl.mat.nui and the Dressmaker..WO! ! i f N DAILY USE. 219,758 ! I sold last, year. 45,670 ! oe? any other company, i . 2- Bold on the Installment plah. Terms easy and fnll Instructions given. i 4-Office, No. 4, Llppftt's Row, South Front street, Wilmington, N. C. i ' An Ordinance CONCERNING DRAYS, CARTS, AV AG OS, &C. ' ; j ' The Board of Aldermnof the Ctiv of A 11 mington, N.C., DO ORDAIN, That any Truck Wagon or Cart lound In use within the city limits WITHOUT THE B ADGE OR REGISTERED NUMBER as required by. City Tax Ordl-i nance passed May 6th, 1873, shall be subjectj to SEIZURE by the City Marshal, and the owner thereof subject to a FINE OF - FIVE pOLJyAES for each and every day the sama is used i n this city without the prepayment ofNie Monthly Tax, or without having oh the Badge, or REGISTERED NUMBER as the Ordinance of the city requires . Any Ordinance or parts thereof, .conflic ting with the foregoing are hereby repealed The above Ordinance was passed by the Board of Aldermen it their meeting Febru- wry 16th, im. T.C.SERVOSS, - Cty Clerk, i Sugav House Moln jsses. (i 200 Hhd Sugar House Molasse kaX-tjki- Mer.,,.7 . MnlAsL - tXJXf liUlSt ' t -- 7 ' ? , For sale by KERGHNEB & CALDER BROS. feb 9 y-; J; . ' ! . comparatively new KNABE PIANO. This Piano has been bat little used, was taken in exchange for " ACHIUKERING." For ssae cheap at J. F. RUECKEhra Fiaxo and Cbrz-dErth Uartpt St3.:: . i fe7 24Tjfyed T?C Jj O V R. AT HEQ. MYJEli. Jaa 3 I NEW ADVKilTlSKMKMvs. W TO j.II. McGARlT Y V1M1UAS,! i'UUUUQK ana uurr V T " 0 ated WINES a; UciUOllsTuS01 Medical u$e. ' 'I,U,J' tnr Our Goods are aBvay FBtxir J constantly, receivin i by steamers' l!e.re Z.Z...7 .... t . vi i, I IB IC1.H iork. the ltfr,,: UxlU 1 LjS3 1 UUODSMn ... i7 "fTl n.i .jvuuiMi i.ui't.fcK.ou cents rtor ii, f oor tork, sausage, and) koimus'a ',i'tlt,.'""fe , 4, i . unr. t... a. II. McUllUTY 4 rl i oi.k PKorai TlIKTORsI .JiWj... . . PRIDE of TliK MAIUvTr ra0tt il lour Of T1J i HKK NO Fl-ktiiv,, iUKn Seamah' Home.) p feb 13- Extra Mess Mackerel "gXTIlA I FllEir SALMON, ! GEpilGE K HANK CUDFl.fat- Jaa 3 ; I UEO. AiKlls. IiiiIiorlaiiirNticcT" rpiIE UNDERSIGNED HA NXV THi X. eStie,i; interest In the j NIJW WILMINGTON 15 US IN ESS DIUKcThnv and the causes of its delay no lonr it , ing, it will be completed very poou.1 v .!,; DKMAKDKDiTILt. WOKK JS COMl'LFt'f'it v DKLI VKBKI. Mr.- W. W. Yonp s authorial' ' to receive "adds " for same. The ins Mi1 of all is spllcltedi E, H. WaKuK K' . ieu p-uiw; lVcWjir6rk Day llookT A Democratic Weekly. EKtablis iCil Kill. Address DAY HOOK, New York cit $25;000F0R $50. . " FourUi Graml VU Coocrrt i i 1 FOR TUB BENEFIT OF TUB I ! PDBLIG-" LIBRARYOf KENTDCKY On Marcli 31tst Ntjxt, GO.OdO Tickets 12,000 .-rlltS, LI3T OF GIFTS: cash eilt One grand One grand One grand One grnd One grand 10'cadh 30 cash 50 cash 80 cash 100 cash 150 cash 250 cash 325 cah 11,000 cash t25O,0U0 cash gift cash gift . . . . each Kilt... W.000 5,000 17,600 00,000 cash cift. eilts flO.OOOeacb. gifts 5.000 each. 150,000 50,000 40,000 gifts 1,000 each. 500 each. 400 each. 300 each . 200 each. 100 each. , 50 each . gtlta, gilts gifts gifts gifts gVts 40,000 4S.000 50,000 32.500 W0.00U Total, 12,0C0 gilts, all1 cosh, ji amounting o ...1,500,000 The Concert and distribution! win positively and uequivocaliy take place ou the day now fixed, whtther all the tickets are soldvor not, and the 13,000 gifts paid In proportion to the number i tickets sold. PRICE -Oif i lCKETS : j i Whole tickets 50; Ilalvcs $25; Tenths, or each Coupon, fo: Eleven Whole Tickets for $500 ; 221 Tickets, for $1,000 ; 113 yb6le Tickets for $5.0Q0:2i7 Whole Tickets lor $10,000. No discount on less than $500 worth ot Tickets a)t a .time. r The time forrprawlDg Is near at .band, and personsrniending to purcuaee t keU have no time to lose. TI 08. E. BRAMLETTE, Agent Publ. Llbr. Ky.. and Manager Gift Concert, PublJ Libr. Build., Louisville,! Ky.' feb lb Brys arid Middle Aged Mctt Trained lor successful sifrts In biislnesJ Itfe,.' taught howtOKt living, make money and become enterprising, uselul citlsens. Eastman Uusiness College, roughkeppBle. N Y, on the Hudson, the only Institution devoted to this .especiaky. The oldest, and only practical Commercial School, and joply one providing I situations for gniduateM.-r Refers to'patrous and graduates In nearly every city and town. Applicants enter ny day. Address for partlculai s and catatogue of 4,000 graduates in business. ! j ' 11. G. EASTMAN. LL. IJ i Toughkecpsie. H . WOOD'S HOUSEHOLD MAGAZINE THE BEST IDOLLAU MONTHLY. ; I i OA- TVf Ji R a day made by canvass- tftj I W t'J)J ins lor ine magazw now in IIS Mil VOL Wli" tmvuiui " THE YOSEMITE VALLEY j 14x20 INCUES, IN17 OII COLOM Maerazine, occi ye4rj ytlh mount4 Chromo. . , . . . . . . , i ........ ,f . r w Magazine, one year, with Unmounted 1 1 Chromo......!.'.... y-:- i Magazine, alon 1 year . . . . . ...... ... I: w Examine our Clubbing ind Fremiuin LiUts Two tirst class Periodicals for the price ot one. Wo solicit j&xpcrienced CanraeMrt nthsnin tunti SLi once lor icrwi w Specimen Magazine. I Address, i -rv , h k SHIITES. Publisher. . . or Newburgh, N. T-j tz n CiOH l?er enW Tini V W V-u All classes of worklnif PW- pie, of either sex for us in their Prt? ments, or all the time, than at wpjftSJ Particulars free. Address O, n'i'i money ai worit else. Partlcnlart free. Address o, SON & CO. Portland. Maine 4-1. i i sn For'KatJS,' i?ec, Roaches, AnU, Ucd Motns, ;.- j' j . f vY. FITS aiul EPILEPSV posilively curcd.SThe fontcawiT-j etondlngf by using DR. HEBBARUrt jkThAt n 2 - v UK K in all add reKslaj J , DIBBLE, Drugel8t, 811 eth Avet U rr Rankers and Brokers, 30 Wall-st, T. 'riiK E IV ! EGO ploso stamp for circular, i R AL,L,15VC-V Y4 MTVrrf.M -!.. ........ . T ant social, j Terms, per year. TV 0T' nine copies t for ?8. Specimen coiJk fr ' L. - L ' . i ij tst afo 0 1 i tune. No risk. I-Dae M.KMf 5 x,i I-1