t' ! - " ! V- . . ! i I . . . !j - .!..! I .... i! ; - " ('. ... '-; :! I ' : ; .. " . . ' - , , I ' i: ' i - I . ;. I 1 ...... i .. ,- "I..;, v -es i .. . v. -JU .i .,l'-f v' V. " . f ' :! V; hi-'-ih1" i ! f 1 1 i i .'S r t -t- NO. 2 51 J.; 'WILMINGTON,N. j iWiEDNESDAT, MRCHll- 1874 W 1 J . f t , ' V"" I i t V .'- 4 V A . i . - a J !--!. -M ! I - f ! v-i . 4 .- : . . . . . . ! I I . ! . 1 I -i . f t ' itt ' ' m ' ; ' t :r : l . ' - i l i t t . ... i ii ' i : i - J-J--J.,- . .1,, "TZIUn -rriTt Sunday . .t An. i inlTnce.. r ill iMi e ooouu ' ted from our friends tt ?foUtletl iicws and reports oi jfctere.-. desirable. ire csw- THE SII.YE.R T01I&UK.' ORGANS The best ORGANS of the Heed elass IN THE WORLD. ;SSinVKKTISESIBNTS. COMPLETE II line of iAreil which xre cau sell "'"ins.atPrleato. dersell tlie Market!! cfffi Uiey Vlll nud that no house mTH OUR LOW PRICES ! ! ..n, k of Dry UooUh have becu hir eoui- bought bycompewm u"'..:.7;p-ondatra MISCELLANEOUS. ID I 3-G Axttericaniilxistit-ato !;j J. W! McKEE, ' Effllroiilei? lani Tinting Hacliiiies. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. :i.a-! hi -May 14-1S73. ; : i I- ' " THE YOUTH V i . . l i i . , ti , ft - r . : rrrrr rt Wi I gainm a m-1 -ft I nmnia &i au r & a m n v mi ii ii i ill mi iih ii in i . mm m -rm w v m . r j utiisia ii- -TvTT J i v.. r.T--""'' T -j X O W XX JT V,lf A J p-1 It is ingenious and rwitl meet the wants of every matron in the land." EXHIBITION OF 1S72. F. A. BarnarJ, Fres. Sohd Gavit;Recj gecy. , ,j u : ! SamueVD. Tillmin, Cor. Scyr ' vwVrirk. Nnvemher20. 1S73. Machine is as Leave Wadesboro at uselul ''"a the, sewing Machine,! end Is fast Arrive at Wilmimrton at. becoming popular with ladies, m Pfcc ? FREIGHT TRAINS. of expeasireiMeeaip wvrtv, xha ' - 1 - AND TIIK r St . ip a. m x r. y r. THE COIPANION . aima . to be a gcrly hy !tbe yonn folk, and ictd with ; . . U. mteresi dv tnc oilier, ; i purpose wxti , lmercsi tvihic it amuses ; 10 ucjuuitiuus, "1r ii ft w n P r & R -R ?B Ii IS liauwJU" 'f : 1 -7 I ,- ML ,iL - - - .. litntvi.w ii...iv .vumuuvui .v j - v , ,, , wtt irTnl n.Tnix t at f Y f Ei-1 tT! iSt i m ifilliir practical, sensible: and to JiaH. really ; Arrlve-at Wadesboro at.v J S h . xik.Tfiie H:OlNmallv?) Wi tno hour. t . . ,- ....... :iu a -p ITT HT? -tr "i ifs vv-if I At is hanaaomciy niustrateu, ana ims. - i-A--4:35;! Leavo Wilmington K'vSA'.it I for contributors some of the iltost at-. ., Arrive fit ir cuw. . . -"-ip tractive writers in the eouinry. ivmong , i ' . - j . a.nn if i r ncso a T-f uf innmcfii : : . . -..Vi o;vi X . t "v I , 1 . . ' -. I I T AAna liVV ll TTIITIOTTOTi fl Rl iv i CACcL' L 1 : muchmorfcUaac$om8srt:quiiW D ""j i "r'i" .-T . & T n. fi-M'A M " ' "rrr.' V .-9n A..M. and ;not one tenth part the expense. o ounqayBi.. ............ -"V c.n P M ' 'a-fWsrrr vltT-flJ,:-trin; M Svi tolled Is now complete without it.- ; Arrive! at Lhnrinbnrg at...;-. . . 5.30 V m LeaVo fcbii .!. a Macoinov.-wunj -iwwu, r rrrn wnwt Akt . 5.80- r m Ti'JLrr: : . to:45 p. m s. The Best for (lurches antl" es. !S fl!551" SSTr 27r r ' T " 1 PASSENGER TRAINS ,t 1 1 Address. Tap McKkb Manufacturing Co., Leave1 ChaHotte . .II I r ,- onn BrnoiTOlV NftW York. I a-rorfAri ftt. . . AGENTS WxlNTED. Arrive at Buffalo L r. . 7. . m I Leave Buffalo at. iDyUaXfin S ilUlXir Ol xar, Arrive; at Charlotte t N-rom mended bv regular Medical practi- Irregular ' tProt Jae. !?eMUl Loniso G, MouUob, . - t I Rebecca IL Davis, C A. Stcphciis, may 1 we can only ofler Firbt Class uooasj , w . r IJuen Hndkcrchiei, ,ur line ofjf . General line of White u-i.it Linens ftnu .i,ti v.. ,j vntinns ffi Vnowiili to purchase from a ;ffiliehofallooUslna Fancy Staple and Domestic Dry Goods 'Estiblishment. stock before making Pur chases elsewhere. mnsivul i Market street. I - - I ' T T " ;tu lut fAr'-ftitraaVScli60C5.! I t. ' J iv' rnkr Medic3l nracti-1 Irregulaii Lumber 'w j -ir i tinrtprs andueoeedv curb guaranteed for on both pprtions Tli. Rpt for Parldrs and Vestries. H0??,; Adhmo Bronchitis, ness reauires. ' 1 T . , 4 LA ffi.urdallPi..mo: A Daily Qtage will soori !The lies, lor Acauemiw JT"iV?; rmfnlA ErvPinelas 'Jvs- with the Uaias on ooui . i. .i xxoila ZiZ' ar,A tin,, -TivRenterv. Cholera-mor- way. . iue v. : , D-Jdholonkaad aitiiver and bowel com- The Best for Orchestra and btae.: plaints I Ktdaey diseases and all auctions 5 . " '-MM tWlPt- otth Urinal Organs-perfcctly harmless These instruments, wliicli for sWeet- ,J:ce from Mineral or Alcoholic properties ueof tone .iml kppoSnt- - 6S& mcnt stand unrivalled, hate met with wh :lcdici,i testimony end cortiftcatcs 1 X 1 ..nAja 111 th ik f rciuntrv I ant. on flnnlication. Address, L. r. tiiirj tinprcccaemcu " 1 AifdTlfe Seyetth Avenue. New, York and abroaa., ; f I .-rtWm T-o-rira TPIIM IlATfT (Hll.'t. I n TX . T11 rli aif Affilfl -.. daily, Sundays f f SXCSFTK M . ! g. S. I Robbins, M. A. Venison, M at.. ;...L....;..r4w.Ai- Leave iWnmicgtiom.;..;f jtxio.r. its reading is aaapteu 10 uic outturn l-?2 Arrivelat Florence. .,v!l 4l:B? Young, lis very varied in its character. i.,M at...4.... hArrivej a.t'C6iana;: .-. . . . sprightly and entertaining. .It gives; .. and Timber Amvs a.. v--r-.- of Advcn- Stories of Home4- ' t Arrive at Columbia . . .k run in rnnnection ArHia.t Florence. ..tt ends of this - I 8:45 P. M 'ture, 1 and fccliool L.ile, - 3:58 Ai M Letters of .Travel. Talcs, Poetry. . I .hot S. L. FREMOHT. niiief Engineer afid Sn . m Piedmont Air-Line. Railway. Kail- Arrive at. Wilmington. . . .JSditonaw- upon selections Jor iu;:.;jrn) - i AH trains kakoj cloec i conpcction, both currcnt Topics, .lamution, ' " f ' -tl ri,r!,t. trninp. ' ! . lMUimuHiii;iU CKa- A W9.umi.iuw.w.r - E. MANUFACTURED BY P NlMAM 1 SOL. 1 . i 1 JLf ? Darts from tie Mir or unpii Abused. A Book just issued , exposiu the rBBjoN xa" that have appeared iu the Ncw-TOrk NewspapcreJ l-bfeir alstor y and lesson, ,Bti h iatf vtt.Tiius fully exposed. Advertise ments from desperate men to beautiful wo meri Clandestine meetings; how frustmted; The History of the gooiuuch tkage the result of a "personal." vvwiyiivu ui "x. ( I. Hff 1 -oet 24 Richmond and JJanvii Danville R. W., N. :WiliiHgo! JAMES iANDEKBON", Gen'ISup't. ! 124-tf c, Richmond and Division, and o ! itt ; . i j ' r V cfi GmissAii surjsair.TEJJUBNT, l iikgtoS, N. C.Oct. 'J1.1873. J ches,i ' Religious Article, ,: Subscription l'rice, $1.50. -Hpcciuien coiues sent free. Address, 1 i... PERRY MASON & CO., , ; ' h Trmnlft PInrp . Roston . Max, ' i T 1 r ""' I . .jr. , , . tf North Western N. C. R. W. feb' ,io tix,MilTtT7AjSit nd St NY ing Broadway Statues. Exposes sociaj. N0S J43, l45&14Titia6tQ - cokrcption. Sent on receipt of 50 cts. ! , UfVM. eucies Addhiss; Utrlqtfo Printing Houc, oO Vesey HesDonslble parties applying toi afcencUJ , l sectlonn st 11 nnsnppncu. ... q , -LTTtrftinT'oriable fain- iVXTTI VII. KhLCUHVU TT 7 ' .av-M r II- I 1 In el cct Merchandise Brokerage Office. - Iiui - r - Sorthern markets. J promp.i,,iyfl-from-otrraa- ..' ,in Iachine. ?oriSentl.mayor over all. lilSfttedSrlBllst.r. "SJftionuaranteed, or money re REDINGOTES, All descriptions oli merchandi .A1LiS!S5lcited and telegraphed 1 . i 1 A In fills rdet S buye solieltid, and w"Tllve prompt at- Tim m well as cash purchases negotiated Broker. 11 r K ABE tW MAKINU IHK5 BT YI "tHENJS W 4 E JLi A.S i' I C TBU8S-AM se. orders W if ;7 T tmvpstiov It retains the rup- promptly, jh ARTICLlii for our customers. ' i JTU2S audnndcr tbc hardest im9 Ji . --rCl- i iSu! or Severest strain it-is worn with on 30 Days Satis- fnnded. Rnt -oraDlete with tui oirecuons. . cttn- -o- Gohdensed Time Table, un and after! Thursday, Kcb. 22d, 1871. STATIONS GOING JN0RTH. 1 MAIU Leave Charlotte Air Line J'nct n Salisbury ji Grdensboro. a. I Danville. I Burkville Arrive at Richmond 100 P. m! 7.2S " ! 10.09 u 2,15 a. M. 3.28 4t 11.40 44 2.33 r. m. EXPRESS J GOING SQUTH. erc . niirht and day. ef- STATIONS. MALL. Merchandise -joc a) k r. w. LPKR L0PER & ;ks. WU1 do weli llMix.? - aermenA examine aamplea. : , , - ; ! So P4- wbe?, ordered -".v lett nrrJiS-JtlaLUlg , , Mto The Klao Truss Co., o.tU ; &rWrWt Broadway, Y Citv. Nobody use Metal 1 'AND SOUTHERN PR UUCT8. 14 tf- , I. DOUGHtBN D0UGHTEN, S T O R K S Mrs. STR0CKS' ii ort is tf Princes Stree, w too frequently. C A Leave Riqhmend ..... 1 i Burkville.. J Dapville.... . ' j! Greensboro.. ' I Solisbury. ... 41 Air Mne J'nct'n Arrive at Charlotte. . . STATJOKS. 4 A'0,'55 NORTH Wront strbbt Flilladelphia, T. orders tor Turpentine , Casks d and promptly rilled at lowest market Ve. march 3 i I j eARKEK & tax Successors to A. H.f NEFF, Kiliitiujtui ws and dealers iu ans toveS. interns. Kerene,OU and Sheet Iron ware. fRoofing done' at short notice Agents for Fairbank's Scales. No. 19 -Front Street N NEW j BtUKWHEAT; MAPLE SYRUP AND THE 'BEST BUTTER IN LtL GEO. MYERS, GEHUIRE FftlRBAKK'o S 1 : ANLTFACTUHED 15 Y ! B.iir. iFAlRBAKILS & Leave Greensboro' . . ? Co. Shops . ; Rileieh Arrive at! Goldsboro' . STATIONS. ;At oct 30 11 and 13 Front 8t. . -,,.i.u1i-' 1;-. tf T0THEV?ESTjWp7ESTl B.ore making yont noM ,A M aice of the "thonsands who taw t ii vn'pnnHiuri l ,mmmmmm ra j van-Jift w. iwh . mm r- imi WUak -- tVpt" is pleasant ana W 5i W SsmM " vonr -'Homes in the West as P tiJi f3v,MM!ft - a I - 1 I I Tl 1 1 1 I lUlO I -3- ' - ' m- Leave Goldsboro' ir Rolftiorri I Cd. Shops Arrive at) GreensDoro Horlh Westernl Tl I I (Salem Bkaxch.) Leave Greensboro . Arrive ait Salem Leave Salem Arrive at Greensboro . WILMINGTON, aov 19 c. 150-IT REMOVAL. . . Lv-tM find fore- free from danger as nun.au - aisht can accdmplih. j - y . i fl By consolidation and construction, a road baa been put Into operation on the shortest sil,e Ut Louis, ''the future great st louisC& southeastern kail- i WAY. j I . --initSSw Mil- lcr coo II Them C. thmw "r- Une protcpdS JAS. A. LOWER Y CIRRIiGE MAKES & REPAIRER. . ... i PsiablUhment to c. i1-.:-.- No other FUUltTU ANt CAMPBELL STS. mc, orP- g j Near Bonx ,Uc! . ' to St, ,1.0,1s or the to see my old customers and iuadj to purcuv .member that i IV . . Tnpricnce in nlv line unucr r , frt uavinz nan ininj j? " i':,-, ,.nrfn ... i a f ni and. l irwuw s business. . l ftaanvm r - Hf ruis. Kansas 200 TDm Canfornia; Texas, City. mLC'f itualsoiheChi. and all western point- s nuu ., u Evan&ville. isnoriuDfc ... for becurathe: cneap StOckScales,CoalScaleIIoy Scales, Dairy 8cas, Counter Scales, Ac ,Ac I Scales repaired promptly aim i bly. . THE JUOST PEKfECT AMRM CASH DM wiia Miles Alarm Till Co's. irp v EVERY . Merclant sirouLi Pissetlfirdr train leavi wnnnLnta fit. CSruensb e m bouid Uaiu; making the qt lime x 11 -iurn fitips. Price of TiCb.ers Warranted. this the nnest work', and Se! I'Stkt?' AbU "iM'V.' 'T' witt'l.'.RY, I . JAC5. x. " B ept-tf I BAUBEit SjUOP. I i I arvfvi Li, ... irrm his CXStO- I mem and duWIc generally, that he la now x u ( movables on appncai Prepared to do all kind of work iM yoVbT letter, to C. 8. Bab- ad would respectfully request """ uon, a PaaseneerJAgcnt, ostoij tlou of the patronage -nich ha. heretofore 8ottU "S Tefn., or to the Ace ioi. r undersigned. j ' rl a v KN PO RT, GeneialTiCketAgenVrtSt.Loms. been so liberally bestowed upon him : Jan 16 NcW Extra Mess Mackerel ND NEW EXTRA SAUJQN, 2D6 A In fciU for family use, at No trouble to answer ueaUons. . mm m mmm 99 I 4 'Ml 3E0.-MYE1W IS South Front street. 1 1 Areutdowutuelebf .si a t mrvi I i PRESENT Jfw SOLD AT Fairbanks' Scale Warehous, i FAIRBANKS & CO., i ail BROAPWAY, NEW YORK ' KiG Baltimore si., Baltimore, -. f,3 Camp st., NcwiOrleaii I FAIRBANKS & EWING, ' Masonic Hali, Philkdeli)hia. FAIRBANKS, BROWN & tu.; I For ale by all leading f Dealers. sept 11 Hardware ;i7-2Uiwlin Distiller's Supplies, 'i 1 I ,au0 Bundles 1-1 ; U inch, and U inch :kjK) Second Hand fcpint Ca, so Barrels Bungs, ; 150 Barrels o. 1 iilV For sale by KERCHNER & C ALDER ieb.9:; ' ' BRUB, j i.48 P. I M 4.5a r 1.16 A. M -D.58 " 6.35 ' 6.43 a.m. 8' 35 A. M. 8.55 " 10.47 1.15 P. M. 3,27 r. M. 8.0(3 " 11.03 p. m. EXPaESS .CHANGE 'G SIIBDUL 5.03 A. M. 8.28 1.03 p. M. 4.00 6.: 855 9.00 41 ti GOING BAST. MAIL. 2 00 AJ M 3.65 ,4 8.30 44 11.40 A. M GOING VEST. 3.00 P. m 6.40 44 1.05 44 12.80 A.M. MA.IL. N, C. R. K ON ' AND A-FTEK OCT. 20tb, INSTANT PASSENGER TRAINS on the Wil mintrfoa and W.oWon Kailroa.t will run bb follows : : ! : .. i i MAIL TRAIN; Leave! Vv.l'jn Depot daily tun (lavs excepted) . . j : At Arrive at Goldsboro .... j .... ! Kocky Mount j We!doh......i ...j Leave Wei don daily (Sundays cxccDtcd) . , Al Arrive at Kocky Mount J : ! G0ldboro.... I Union Depot. t.... ! EXPRESS TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily . . .At Arrive ft Goldsboro. . . iwocky ilout-t, ; Weldon.'.. -i Lcavi vVeldon dally..-. . . e at Roc.ky iot5ntr . , Gftldsbbnn .'.A.. M4i Trim manes cice" connection at Weldon lcr all -point tfortl-- vie Bay Line and Acquia Crock routes. , Express Train conaects cr ly vrith Acquia C-eek route. PULLMAN'S PALACE SLEEPING CARS ON THIS TRAIN. -jrir-mT TRAINS will leave Wiiraing- mv f?wp.f.klT at 8.00 A. M.. and arrive at 1, 40 IT. il. 1 BXPRSS3 FREIGHT TRAINS Vt ill leave WUilnpton daily (Sundays excepted) at Arrij 7:40 A. M 11:50 A. M 2:00 P. M 3:50 P. M 0:50 A: AI 11:35 A. M 1:37 P. M 5:50 P. M 11:10 P. M 3:50 A. M . 0:03 A. M 8:00 A. M 7:50 P. M 'J:43 P. M 11:55 P. M 4:30 A. 31 AN ORDINAKCE -; CONCJiltNlN'G :iAV!NG ON ClilisTWUT , I HTREET WITH COCRLE STDNE. - 1 r - : rpHE Board of Aldermen of the city ot, X Wilmington. N.C.ilo J ?u . ORDAIN, That tbat pjrtlon of Chefctnut , street, btt ween me western una 01 rronv- ,. street and the river, bo psivotl with coMde, . s stone, and wllcn the wort shall bavebeu conipleted; the Mayor Khali cause pin asset- rr 1 mentof the real property nhJUK raid 'street . end the vicinity thereof, to defray the e-C' pense of said pavement , 111 wnoic pr in pari. . as is provided by law. ' All ordinances, or rarts therof, o!nflictln ;. with the above ordinance are hereby re- pealed. f J " ' - The above ordinanco was nassicd by. tbn Board of Aldermen attheir meeting, heldou the night of January Ud, 1672. I 1 , , T. C. SEItVoSS, City ClerU au3-tf ou rnaLandbtar copy . 1:80 AM . ....3:25 A M ".,....10:30 AM' ; 12:00 M Ing Raleigh at 7.40 P. boro' with the North- the qn Price 2:00 pP. M v.i arrive at 5:30 P. M. JOHN F. DIVINE, General Superintendent, i 1 Stiff NEW STORE. so:- new goods: .(.: BOSKOWITZ i L IBER-- WILL BE OPEH THIS WEEK. At No. 29, IiSaritt'l.Mrci't. '),- to all Northern cities. sameas via other routes. f Trains to ana lrpm " ,,y Greensbloro connect it Greensborc . with Mail Trains to or iroiu fuf , - y South. I '! "? ' - ! Train daily, doiu vraje. , 1 ; ' int!ftA' On Sundays Lynchburg Accouiooadation riiebinond" at 0.43!.. arrive at Burkville 13 3U p. m. wZn a i ak-rive at Richmond 7.58 a. rn. a. m., arrive i i.. fro?r,k Pullrdan raiace an- " ,Vvrr betweS Charlotte d Richmond, without Fer luriner iuio '"T r. . t IVn D. iii-liVUli".'! General Ticket Agen t . GreenBOoro, r. ISputfiintcn'Jant. I Lo7 odt. 24 THIS MOST REMARKABLE ALL , APPARATUSES - sometimes called a mechanical paradox-now used with such, wonderful success in our principal "cities 'Tor the cure, by cwinnvu 1' rjl- eisE, of nearly an . . . r , .mm i T. M. U. i ALCO i 1J lEnineer anaoren f eb 34 RHEUIATISI HEURALGIA. I THE iT,ECTElC . L ..11 i.t.vu int'flirs TiAHcuKfiU viiii 'ir:;.: FAMILY MEDICINE, if tmuf i t. In cae - " V I Aua 110 iam j Uhi; will save five of sudden atiacK. om v dollar in doctor uui. For aie by U Druggists. October 4 I18-3t I JEJ LECjTKIC. T 1 . 1 0 The ubATibci- nave pi full ljncof Staple :mu.I Fano i DRY -GOODS, which thcvwill oli'tr at price' TO SUIT TIIK T1MKS. jun 20 Chronic Diseases M' Weaknesses, il vhIp bv the underaisned, by. whom all orders will be promptly rilled. THE BE ACTIONAIIV is so eonstructed that even a ci ua can m- iiokitty -adjust H A weight, fr'in twenty to twelve nunaicu pounaH. TO CHUKL1I CON( iUKCiATK). I FOK SALJ. 1 . A i!.NJsiiE l'iif: nnt.A-N.: , THVH nU-NDREl1 JiOLLAKM. IN . A 1 4 r will buy ft liand inc lMpo .organ, f r ca.se. 7 st- ps, kwcII, blow pedal, mid bandit attachment. His made almost v. holly of iron and steel. Thc-mvnc..s desire to tt'll, in weishs JiiO pound.,, ty hao 20 by W inulics; ami ; ho uph, J 't gently A. ptll-d&wlf ADKIAp.. ADRIAN er whole: vi.Bj rntryuccdTncaVlyd have already been sold. ., - . . I! .., " mnil hooks or ciix'dlars,l;o.wing- its UhC, cau be -had free at Hicblleot tne msi. Brooklyn, N. . 1. O. Box -jy.'. (lil dt 1 to I hi 11; VOLLERrl V0LLERS. M-hL rilniiPr-lif 1. ill tlfii VcrV Uir TbIT "m" opiorlt.nity rarrl fouud iu the South to yet a gwj niMnunr 1 ClF3f further i -articular, ... TFIK BRIGHT KlAlsON. j - 11 Ct.lSlIM AT ; ' CONCORD, JNj- Vr i . . .... 1.. n. iJtii Allnudc jlie:onij iap - ..:ri..V r 0 -tf Iiinpoiteri ol ucruiau auu nru vfe.-. Commission II erohitii t Booth-East Corvb. Dock aad Fkot if t.V n l-r DOLLAU 1 lii.U CTECULATiON Tv'OHl 0,500. Clubs of IS), or more i. 4.f ccnT Every Mason in the land should subsciiL. ddresR- publii.be r Bnt;ht piawn, op- cord, N-.c . L,.. -Alimitcl nniw-oeroi niioojtvuu"" WlLiUNGTON. K. C tfr.t. assorted Siocx I auvtiu.iutuio ... . r fTtniR in the City. Dealer? jen a 01 wnwiys-"';:;" -t lnv( na a call 4 will nna It 10 tneir 31-11 Tl-ifll before buying elsewhere mav 17-u ' . . . x I - . - ..i - . n T T"" U 1.. tQ11tl RTIl I .II.ama ,llPll T ( 1 1 J T - - VV forfeale- eb25 A BSOLTTE DIVOUCW oDiaineu uvtv Ai Courts of dinerent.btatK ftr . wcrtloii &cJ 'o pnblicity required. NOcbise unU. fl G 11ALL nov 25 tf 191, Broadway, X r I i " 1 1 1 1 1 1) I J v.- t i , -i

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