4 i 1 : . i I 1 I i Ki' Yl i S i I'1 ? WILMINGTON, N. C, THURSDAY, MARCH 12, NO. 252 i 1874 : r. xk -TV-: . .-.v- VOL. VII. v a every afternoon except Sunday. taNN. .Editor and Proprietor t la advance , $5 tO - - I " 3 00 The 1 J ,h inadYance n advance..... 50 3 fl ranee.. " jee onin T -oUcitedfrom our frienda jjUpwt" PoUUjcal news and reports oi iaterci. ae8lrable. " FIT ALL !T IA1 A OMPJ.ETE ifAVlN; M line o . ,.i ,.-1,1,. wftcan sell b'ndersell tUe Market ! I i i licacy iiv stating to pur "friends e teAiitntSt tf they call and exam Ji ci:6SSk they wHl nucl that no hotise S'lhS oity c compote ; ITH 0UR L0W PRICES ! ! . . J tnck of lry Goods have been r Sit utiS bought by competent jUSy5S and at panic prices, inNevork cn , we can only oiler Firbt Class Goods at Low Kates.. 1 .1 Facy Staple 'aid Domestic Dry Goods Establishment. . i..-.. i it iin-ir husines:, as it it : iloiie . VheYr inreU. to rxumljjj -our Mock beloro mainsc P" chacs elsewhere. in wKfiwiT. & I.1EBEK, fb - 1,1 K J WaV Market street "'Mciiandlse Brokerage Office, I'll LLi li- .,r saiuirics constiuiiiy on naiiU HroVii iportcraiid ,u.,n.faclurer in Northern rket. -.. j ... . i..mr..-.iniise. orders JirvromvUy. ,...i,oiwil .mil sold in thrs and iSet. t5 frVni biiycrt solicits, and Smple lft teller will luivc prompt at- venliou. . j Time as well Wh purchases olJ?J nether yoa vista buy or sell, commaul. freey. often Tjth your local Broker. . .m.Rv ay. Mehandj ind Produce 1: dec IS) .i r 48,1 I. DOUOUTEN ' 'ER & D)UGHTEN. N A L STOCKS AD SOUTHERN PR DUCTS, vi) NORTH FRONT STREET Philadelphia, la. rs for Turpentine Casks solicited and .Dtlv filled at lowest market price. fLOR Snccossors. to A. NEFF", ianuracturers and dealers in jilfK FURXUniNl GOODS, u.iN fitovojs, Iiuterus, Keroseuc, Oil Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. i Ruling done at sliort notice gents for Fairbank's Scales. No. 1U Front Street; W I L-M INGTON, N . C. BOV 19 REMOVA JAS. A! LOWEBY CAHRIiSE MAKER & REPAIRER. T HAVE removed my establishment to my new buildings on the corner oi FOURTH AND CAMPBELL STS rXear Bony Hridze, where I shall be oil castoineis and many new j ioee my old customers unu Carriage making, painting and repairing eatly done. Horse Shoeing, and-various kinds f xtrv-L- ilnnft Oil reaSOnftDie ui 33 ouvvm, - Kinds trais, : av w . Havlns had thirty years pe'ienoe m the finest wofk, and pive tlsfaetion. at.i- wouk WARilANTED. L: u"u.oHefVn: Cept-tf . JAS, A. LOWbKi. JOE TURNER wishes to ' inform'his et Lly.tnatne : U9lliUIU UUUUU ucuwwvi 7 Prepared to do all kind or worK V and would respectfully request a conunua- tioaof thepatrpnage wfalcl has heretofore been so liberally bestowed upon mm. J&n 18 tf 206 New Extra Mess ;Maekerel ND NEW EXT11A SAUION, In ku for family use, at; GEO. 3IYERS, 13 South FroHt street. ff REN0 L 1 r ii.w-' Linen llanilkerciues.r ur hue oi no-.. . f SVhit White ns1,dK..tn?y1,t oocls and Notions 'JZ1 rh&Sffit, Arid an early ISS Vh" STd? to purchase from a Sincwlineofall'oods.na I : I 1 -: MISCELLANEO' THE.. SILVER TONKU ORGANS l .i. -n 1 1 best ORGANS oi tne neea ciass IN THEJVOELD, CAMS 1 The Best for Churches and Lodges The Best for SimdayiSchools. Tbe.Best for Parlrjr&anA Vestries The Best for Academies' and Colleges. The Best for Public Halls. The Best for Orchestrh and Stage. These instruments, which for sweet ness 'of tone and elegance of appoint ment stand unrivalled, have met with unprecedented success in this country and abroad. I v1 1 i MANUFACTUIU f 1 1 , i E. P. NEEDHAM I SONi ESTABLISHED IN IStG. , 43, 145 & 147 East 23d st. N J Ii ! v Nos M uonr BM r.ln .inniil. will receive n secuoiin . ""-rr,t"iiiiim REDTNG0TES. 7 K AUE NOW MAKING THLhh i.x j U I (,orI. I iJlt ARTICLE for our customers. ARTlcll& for our cummers. T I -rTlT'JiJ Jll AIX-P , Wiil do well to cail at Mrs. STROCK and cxam'ne siimples. ' ! . Orcss linking j IN ALL; ITS LATEST STYLES- ! Mrs. STR0CKS' ! ' Ali'linci y and DrtsMaking Hoomt oct 18 tf Trincesa Street, Evans' Blocfa MAPIiE SYRUP AND THE j i j j BEST BUTTER IN THE WUJSL.lv u GEO. MYERS, H 11 and 13 Front st. i , . i . . II 'oct 30 TO THE WEST1 TO THEVE0T1 Betore making your Semen , ... ..Lsiiof tha.thousands who have OW tub 'Uivy,- I it wonld be well to consider :hdonetom.thejbu ..rrnmesn the West' as pleasant and ? " r ArM humabakill and fore- irtu nuui M has been put ipio opemww . .Afl. possible Unefrom J'aUA Louis, 4the future great City This line, the t t?1tt ST. LOUIS & SOUTnEASTERN RAIL- j WAY, ' l: l has, during the past year, earned an env ble reputation by Its smooth track, prompt time, sure connections, and the WJ. cence of its j passenger ! equipment. t IU train, are made up of new and fj day cara, provided widths .JWtettoJ ; ler coupler and platform, and the Westing- house air-brake. T....MM.ui'w Uieonly line tUBnmg Pnllman DjSSZ D, -- . rft IroniyNaah Care througnwimuu. -, to StTJu',;. Ho to offer such idyanUges, lUerM SU. t0 pareUase jUaw- o u.v e, that w DJt rnls &' OUtheatolll" The "St. IXUW w - a Ar anil H La livuw ' . .a,Mf AhAAtiefit. QUICfcWS uw i q inij BliUllvdia . . I .. j o manairement ; irom only line up T to Nashvine to di,-, ;- Jf " 4v Lvnrtest to St. Louis, Kansas 200 miles the ahorteat 10 o. CUv Omaha ' Denver, California, Texa., Lti JXipomta.' ItUalsotheChi- Texas, co Shorteat line," via K Willie- - pest rates or ? ... . : Tn appUca JV" n a. BAB- Uon xn ; person fsArVL7 -L- .flLi r.hattanoon v nco uw""i r4nderslgnea. VV B DAVENPOBT, Geneial Ticket Agent, St. Loai. No trouble to answer queaUon. -, jolyaa ; : .J,f . : tt'.'l,1 OUR ADYERTISIH&. BATES 4 i - "ii 1 5 ! e i " Are put down to the scale of 1 -m : I VP -? in seen "'j; ; " andliberftiinducenients. -"xhSlleckwitU rortaDic iiam- KrUePs d ily Sewing Machine, on 30 Days fhir zldeutf, may ordeT from oar toctonr- TJ,al . many advautages over all. Satis- ?ri?.,ticdDrlcftlit. .aus2b-tf " ' ar!;ntPftd. or money refunded. MISCELLANEOUS. 1 - r!i p eo m 1WABUBU BY THE American Institute ! J. W. McKEE, . I! ' I . FOR ' Embroidery aM Flutiiiz Mines. It is ingenious and wiii raeet the grants nf pverv matron in the land." i F. A. Barnard, Pres. Sohn E. Oavit, Rec. Secy. Samuel V. Tillman, cor. ?ey. i. New York. November 20, 1S72. tv.?o eimnlA nnrl inp-enious Machine is as uselul as the sewioff Machine, and is fast becoming popular with lames, m laepi ac of expensive ieeaie wuu, vwi. a r.h?ni. with illustratca circular ana full instructions sent on receipt of $2 or finished in silver nlate for $2 75. Address, Tjie McKeb Manuiacturms vo., I; i i 800 Broadway. New York. ACFTN'TS WANTED. Dr. Garvin's Elixir of Tar, AoA hv t-pjrnlar Medical praeti tioners and a speedy, cure guaranteed for Colds; Cough?, Catarrh, Asthma, cronenms, SpitTftrBiood,Consuinption and all Pn.mo- opitb.u iv ,y vnakGii kfi- nary vjompiaiuis, otiuiuw, jaiJc.t.v.- - . pepsia auanuut. ijBi-uvMj, u.v. hn. r.hnipra and all liver and bwel com- niainte Khlnpv diseases and all .affections ot tht' Urinal Organs-pcrfectfy harmless FFBEE with medical testimony and .certificates gent on application. Address, L F. HYDE & CO.. 15 Sevetth Avenue. New York Darts (routine Dew or uupid AM ments from desperate men io uauuiui men; Clandestine meetings; how .frustrated; The History of the oooprich TRAoanj the result of a "personal." Description of Liv- ggrBgg f. IJrA ri..Vrintin House. 80 Vescy AUUICDP, V-l - , Sent complete with lull uirecwons. ce- - with Sewing Machine uo., oo f"J mar x wi " ""Tjjjjj NEW ELASTIC TRUSS-AK Important IUVBNTION. 11 reiaiuo tuciuj- at U tlmJs, and under the hardest ex- ercise or severest strain, n is voru witu Smfort, and ii kept on night and day, ef- 8 , . a- permanent curein ir8: Sold cheap, and sent by mail when request. ed. Circulars i cv, wneuuiuw. sent to The Elastic Truss Co., No Broadway, N. Y. City. No body ; uBes J Sorine Trusses ; tx pamfu. ; tuey a i Metal poll mavl4 307 tf too frequently CAUTION. IV Y GEHH'NE .FA-IRHANR'"S SCALES ! A N U FACT U RED BY E. & T FAIRBANKS k Qi - j 1 -- ' sm v -an oi1l Counter Scales, &c.,&c. repaired promptly and rca3ona- bly. THE MOST PERFECT ALARM CASH DRAWER Miles Alarm Till Co's. iwt,:; j every EVERY ; Merchant SHOULI)(1 DRAWER Use Them Warranted. SOLD AT Fairbanks' Scale Warehouses, FAIRBANKS & CO., 311 BROADWAY, NEW YORK 166 Baltimore st.j Baltimore, j 53 Camp st., New Orleans. FAIRBANKS & EWING, i Masonic Hall, Philadelphia. FAIRBANKS, BROWN & CO.; j j 2 Milk Street, Kostorf. For Jale! by alTkaing Hardware i i ! Dealers. , Dt 11 Rsn T,-0flllnr,.Q SllDtjlieS. U lO UAAAWX ATA; ; ' r i f ''' I l t0O Bundle. Hoop Jron-1 inch ' IV inch, ani inch. , -500 Seiondkaiid Bpint Cask., 30 Barrels Bung, ' 5W raicTUvets, 150 Barrels No. 1 Glue, KERCIINER & C ALDER BROS feb.9 much more haudsome, requiring ieg "i'"u"u6'--" v fi-no A M nd not one tenth part the expense. No Sundays)............ (. V'-JSpm frit. VMintl. w Ttinlete without it- Arrive at Laurinburg at o:30 P.M A Book just issued exposing the "pkrsoij- Richmond and Danville, Richmond and ji 1, RAIL ROADS. Carolina Central RkUway Compaiiy WILMINGTON C, PASSENQEIt TRAINS TTTTnr.xr n.Tr v n"V SAVE WILMINGTON DAILY (EX- cept Sundays) at..t J5 Arriv at Wadesboro at 5:25 P M Leave Wadesboro at 7:10 A M 4:S5 P M Arrive at Wilmington jjt FREIGHT TRAINS. Leave Laurinbursr Arrive at Wilmington at 5.30 P M PASSENGER TRAINS. Leave Charlotte daily1, Sundays excepted, at.... .... Arriye at Buflalo at Leave Buffalo at 12.00 1.C0 PM Arrive at Charlotte at. I 5.15 PM Irregular Lumber and Timber TraiDs run i both portions of .the Koad as the busi- on both portions ness requires A Daily Stage will soon j;S, nith iho tra ni on otli ends ot this lian- the trains on oth ? way. j I i T.r li-trrk-MT a. JL. v i.mai.ys j. , i Chief Engineer and Sup't. I h sii-tt may 19 Piefliont Air-Lie pway. Condensed Time Table, In eficct on and after Thursday, Feb. L 22d, 184. 4, GOING NORTH j STATIONS. MAIL. Leave Charlotte Air Line J'ntt'n ! Salisbury...... tVi ; Greensboro ' ? Tlanvillc. . . . ;. 7.00 r. m 1 7.SS " 10.09 ! 2,15 A. M. ! 5.28 11.40 " 5 A M S.55 10.47 V 1.15 P. M. S,27 r. M. 8.05 11.0 V. M. s Exntsss ! Burkville A rrlro of Rif.TOOnd . . GOING SOUTH. BTATIOKS. MAIL. Leave Richmend. . 1 I Burkville I Danville... I nrponftboro . . 1.48 r. m 4.58 V 9.5ti 5.03 A. M. 8.28 1.03 P. M. 1.16 A. m 4.00 6.33 8 55 0.00 i J Solisbury. Air Line J'net'n Arrive at Charlotte. . . 3.56 i ; IK 6.43 a. m. 1 iUSjr 11 .5 i T nMmln4nn nnilfT Yp'TP'Jlt. i :, i I 't - I- 1 i i j STATIONS. ' MAIL. Leave Greensboro' . . . 2 00 a. m S Co. Shops.... 3.5o ( Raleigh 8 SO Arrive at GoldsboroVLJ:1.40JA..; m -i - y GOING jVVEaf. STATIONS. ) MAILi - ' Leave Goldsboro... 3.00 r. m Raleigh 6.40 ' Co; Shops it-05 ' Arrive at Greensboro' Di.30 a.m (Salem Branch.) Uave Greensboro Vs ' " f m Arriye at Salem "io'0 AM LeaveSalem ,...... -f -?2:S tr Arrive at Greensboro..; H,uw ' Passenger train leaving Raleigh at 7.40k P. M. connects at Greensboro' with the North ern bound Uain; making the quickest time to all Northern cities; Price of Tickets same as via other routes. Trains to ana irora iiu "wvC Greensboro connect at Greensboro with Mall i Trains to or from points North or South. . I - Trains daily, both. ways. , On! Sundays Lynchburg Accommodation , M' t,.. ot o 42 a. in., arrive at Svine l3rp.m:;ieaVeBurt,ville4.35 a. ra.i arrive at Richmond .5S a.m. . Pullman Palate Cam n all night trains between Charlotte Jd Pvichmond, (.without change.) I , J f General Ticket Agent. ! Greensboro, N. C. , M' R. TALCOTT, ' Engineer and Gen'l Spuenntendant. ieb:24 ! 1 i RHEUMATISM, HEDRAL6IA, PAIXS in the &c, ' sr. - th- !. ' : -ELEOTBIC TTAS CURED when all other remedies Hve 'Sled. It is eminently a M FAMILY MEDICINE, ; M" ' i And no family should bewi thouti Un cae of sudden attacksone bottle will save nvc dollars in doctor's bills. For sale by all Druggists, j October I iLBCTBIC. ? .. T ii .... I" B . : ' 1 -tf ii Must a :'PK Ear. SurakixxEsi t'eppsny. WlXMIHGTOS N. C , Oct. S4, .IS'" ) QHMiOE GF SCHEDULE. .; i. . . -.1 k 1 - i - ffl FOLLOWING SOHEPULE WILL I tQ jrjQ eCect at' 4:135 A:-'M." Mondav, toth fntf t - ' V " DAI EXPRESS TlTAlN-Daiiy. Leavo Wilmingtcn . . i . Arrive,at Florepcc.,. 4:C0 A. M a. J 1 " ""'SiaP'M . . . T.Mpo;Apirnst!iL TAflTrt nlTTTnWfl' . L . .. . . .... Jl:4W AM I Arrivfe a6JrioTaiv' . "----"T. F- ,. I AjriaWilrnSngipn, .. 7 f NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN DAiLY (SUN- DAYS Exurii.u.)! Leave Wilmirgton... s 6;10 P. M 1 : i1???-? H.i Arrive at Florence . . Arrive at Columbia. 1. . Arrive at Augusta. . . Leave Augusta 415 p Ml iclcacf f!nlt!Tnh ft.. 8:45 P. M Arrivo it Florence . l.l vw uy ww. - . - . - - m . mr i j:oaa.. ju gtonj,..-r 7:15 A. M Arrive at Wilmington,. :1p A. w I Ail traits m-?ke close conuccxion, ooiu North and South. J ' . I Pullman's Palate tlecp;cg L ars on an night trains JAMES ANDERSON, i Gen'l Sup't. ! 124-tf oct 24 ; . Company OlTICa GENE3AL bTlsaiKTENDXNT, 1 Wrmikgton, N. C.!, Oct. 24.1873. f I C0MGS OF SBEliDL& ; J . . 1 N AND AFTER OCT. 3Gth, INSTANT i) PASSENGEK T11A1N3 on the Wil minglon and Wcldon Railroad will run as follows : ! j MAIL TKA1N. Leave Unioh Depot daily (6ur. ! days ezcepted) i At Arrive at Goldsboro.. 4 Kocky Mount. . . . WeLdon . . . 4 ' Leave Weldon daily XSunday? i excepted).. . .. . .At Arrivo nt Rocky Moun At 7.40 A M i i.tnTu SSv S tI' U:50 A; M 11:35 A. M 1:37 P. M 5:50 P. M GoldfcDoro...; r-r . f TV - i union lyuutM EXPRESS TRAIN. Lcavi: Union Depot daily... At Arrive at Goldsboro . . L Rocky Mount. . . Weldon. . . . J . . . . Leavo Weldon daily. . . j . Arrive &t Rocky M our t Goldsboro...; Union DecotJ 11:10 P. M 3:50 A. M 6:03 A. M 8:00 A M 7 50 P. M 9; 43 P. M 11:55 P. M 4:30 A. M ! Mail Tram I inauea close counection at Weldon lor all points North via Bay Lint and Aquia Creek routes. ! Express Train connects onij ith Acquia CreeJs route. PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPING CAES OH THio TitAi?(. i FREIGHT DRAINS will leave Wilming ton tri-wcekly; at 0.00 A. M., and arrive at 1.40 P. M. ir.YPtJW.SR FREIGHT TRAINS will leave vji.mi no-tnn dailv fSundays excepted) at 2:00 P. M., and arrive at 5:30 P. M. JOHN F. DIVINE, ., General Superintendent. . 136-tf oct 24 THIS MOST REMARKABLE F ALL APrAP-VTUSES-soriivtlmes o called a mechanical parauox-now usca such wonderful success in our Principal cities for the! cure, by crMruTiVE kxkk cise, of nearly all Chronic Diseases and Weaknesses, Is for sale by the undersigned, by whom all orders will be promptly ftlled. is sd constructed that even a child can in stantly adiust it for a person to lift anj weight, from twenty to twelve hundred pounds. ' - . ; It is made almost wholly. of iron and steel, wei-hs 130 pounds-, and covers a space of onlj a)by:3G inches; and although, but recently introduced, nearly 1, (MX) ;have already been gold. i ! . i PRICE 1!X BOXED LVND SHUTHJJ. Small books or circulars, showing-its use, ... .it a .r 4 l- a UacT can be had tree ai i-nc oiuue ui i.uc w. S. Jl. MANN, . i - Brooklyn, N. . i sept ll-d&wtf r. p. Box 290. A. ATIRIAK. rf. VOLLERS ADRIAN & V0LLERS. WHOUE4XE DSAXX3 1 - Groceries aiu liquors, Importers of German and Havana Cigars, I ! AND ' '' mini ssion Mercliant East: Corner Dock and Fboit T ! 5 Streets. ; . .. '"".I ; u i socVrt- . WIEMINGTON, N. a Having the largest and best assorted Stock Of Groceries and .Liquors in the City, Dealer will find it to their interest to give ut a call before buying eisewaere mav 17-ti - - . j TXTARRANTTEE DEEDS- un nana VV for tale feb25 ft Q HALL NEW aDVKRTlSEilEjiTS. THE YOUTHVS j 00 nF-A.isri o isr i I A WEEKLY PArETl FOli 4 TQung- People AND THE F A M I L,Y . ITiE COMPANION aims lo b e a fvoriie in ever famil v looked for ea gerly by the yonng folks, and Tad with interest bv tile older. Its nunosc ii to interest while it amuses; to bejidigiou!, nract:Aai sensible and to hf pRlcucaJ, fccitoiuic . aim w 11. pcnnanent worth, while it at have really attracts for the hour. It U handsomely illustrated, and has - rdntributors sonic of the most at- tractive Writers in the country'. Among .xiwam ucrgicsion. jr. j. i. naves, Trnf -Tna DpAIiIIp. Illlisn ( . JiflUltOIl. 1'Louisa M. Alcott. " Sophie . 3Iay, . V '' -- -7 -T-- . -ri Pfl tt rnvi P. A. Slpnhcns. c Flanders, Ihitli Chesterfield g a Kobbins, M. A. Denison. its Reading is adapted to, the old and vounsf. is very varietl in it$ character." Stories of Adven-Stones ot Home ture, and School Life, .. ' ... , m t i betters oi l ravel, laies, x oQiry. Editorials upon Selections ifor Editorials upon Selections ifor Dec , T . lnmAHftn tt-.T.-! .;'1vo .a IHittIa- xiiowiitawm .v , uua.u, click, . lieligioits jArticles, "Subscription Trice, 1.50. ??pccimcn cpie$ sent free. A ddrcss, lERRY MASON. & CO.j f 41 Temple Place, Boston, Mas. tf 1 ; ordinance: CONCERNING PAVING ON CIIESTNVT STREET WITH COBBLE STONE, rpHE Board of Aldermen of the city oi X Wilmington, js. cM no j OK DAI N. That that portion or Lntsmui street, between the western line orhront street land the river, bo paved with, cobble stone, and when the work bftll haVcheen completed; the Mayor shall cause tin ossei menl of the real property alon said strtot and the vicinity thereof, to defray tha ex pense pf said pavement, in whole, or in part, as is provided by law. I . All ouinances, or puns mcroi, coniiictinr. with the ubovc ordinance aro hereby re pealed. - ' , The! above ordinance was passed by the Board of Aldermen at their meeting, hld on the night of January 2d, 1872. t . I T. Oi hErVoss, City Clerk. jano-tf Jou .rnal and Star copy N W S T O K Ji. -:o;- NEW GOODS. :o: BOSKCWITZ & LI EBER WILL BE OPEN THIS WEEE. At Wo. Market. Street. The Mib.-vFibcr.s la c j urtij.Toed u ! l i full line of ?lalu ami Fancy i DRY GOOD, which they v. ill oner at priec TO MUIT THE TIM Erf. L. to '2n0-tf f jan TO CHURUII CONGREGATIONS. : FOtt HALE. a H.v.NDSoJiK rin: ouMan. . 1MVE HUNDRED DOLLAKS IN CASH. i will buy a liandsomc Pipe , Urgnn, fril case, 7 st ps, swell, blow pedal, and handle attachment. f ' '. The owners desire to fcell, in order Co pur chase a larger one. j i ' The instrument Is in -nericet order, cos t; sKifivft vears aco, and has been, utel but fSmrThiis an opportunity rarely found in the south to get a gool infclrumen t r.iVMrH.or nnHlrulars. nddrcM' 51AS0N. I'UBLLSHED AT COjSTCORD, c. janO-tf - pmir0 1 1 VT'' I'UBLLSHED AT 1 1 ' f ' I The only Paper in the Southern Atlantic States devoted entirely to Masonic' Interest h. ONLY ONP; DOLLAR A YEA I CIRCULATION' TfOW, CjSToO. Clubs of 20, or more........ ,.l"o ceu I Every Mason In the land shoidd subscribe Address rublishcrs Bright Mason, Con cord, N. C. i A limited number of unobjectionable advertisements "will be received, i j Jen 2, ill 191-If . I . I. - i . j i . ASOLTTE 'DIVOIUTES obtained tront . 1 Courts of tliflercnt Htatew for desertion Ac. No publicity reiuired. Nocfiargc unti divorce granted. Address, . M. HOUSE. Attorney, nov 25-tf 191, Broadway, K Y. ana 'v ; i . i i ! ! t -4 -r 'I T-f, HI 4 i ii 1 1 : 1. 11 I 1 1 '!. :1 '.il !- i r,r v. s -ji . - r . i-'j- ' . M . ' :: T" " i ; i j

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