- ' . ' I s - I ! i ' "; - ' ' - ' 1 - . , ! ' " ..j- v !'..' 4 ' : ! .- I,;...- - ; - -: -, 1 ' . . V- lM r:.' v..." .' :' -f-:-. - ;. 1-.AS-: vn T " 1 , l; WILMINOT N. C, FRIDMl MABCS 13, ,1874 . N0;'253 !. f i... 1 1 jc (Veiling 3ot ry "afternoon except Sunday, f-xf ANN.. Editor and Proprietor jA1 sabscription. ,)fie ,ear. in advance - months, in advance..... ....eo to .... 3 co .... 1 50. 50 056 m oondence eolicited from our frienda CTSS or thV State, on topics of gene 111 tt. Political news and reports ol lipeciallT iDVERl'ISEMENTS. ALL ! ! ,'iYlNii O N HAND A COMPLKTE II line of . ii ..i uo ran sell llUncn fovrels and Towel- injr. at pri es ta tlndersell tlie Market!! "rrtUVill'nct'that no house g'Kw can compete vVITfl OUR LOW PRICES ! ! . sUMilc of Dry Goods have been l"jr 11 latl boigbt by competent J JudsU and at panic prices J in New York city, wo can only . ofler firot Class Goods -at Low Rates.! ! l,mnTete throuKhout, and nn eariy can SJJ fSSio Vhc M i.b to purchase from a clean new line oi faV - Fancy Staple and Domestic Dry Goods Establishment. i ,.m m ule it their business, as it is alone 1,Ul, to their interest, to examine our "toclc before making pur chases elsewhere. icb; :KOWiTkn Merchandise Brokerage Office, .urr r lino or samples constantly on nand Cm and manufacturer. In .Northern markets. aii descriptions ol merchandise, orders All uescripvi" ciei,nin hfid nromptly. ja bids SOUCll ikiii ww.e -"tr unb?Ue will have prompt at- tention. Broker. T pexteWAY, ' Merchandise and Produce Broker. dec 21) V. L"iptttt l. DOUGHTBH L0PER & D0UGHTEN.- N A. V A. STOR?KS AND SOUTHERN PR DUCTS, SO. 55 OTiZra FRONT STREET i riiiladelpnla, .Pa. orders for Turpentine Casks solicited and proSpUy fllledS lowest market priceu march 8 . - Successors to A. H. NEFF, i "janufacturersandactUersln HOUSE FURNISHING 00 no., atoves. interns, Kerosene. Oil Tin nd Sheet Iror Ware. Radflng done at short notice AgenU for Falxbank-'a Scales. No. 19 Front Street, WILMINGTON N. g. UOT 1 :a. lowery CARRIAGE MAKER & REPAIRER. . T HAVE removed my 'ostabllshuicnt to 1 my new bulldlilgs on the corner ol FOURTH AND CAMPBELL. STi Near Bony Bridge, where l fchall be pleased to see my old customers j and man, new one I Carriage making, painting and repairing neatly done. IloTbu Shoeing, and voua lUads of iron work done oa reasonable terms. 1 , , llavlng had thirty years cxiK-rlcnco in this business, I am confident that I can do the finest work, ami give satisfaction. ALLWOUKWARUANThD. - SeptS-tf JAS.I A. LOVvLBA. J0U TURNER wishes to inform his custx ' mers and public generally, that he is now prepared to do all kind of .work in his line, &d would respectfully request a continua tion of the patronage which has heretofore I been so liberally bestowed 'upon blm. Jauldtf. j New Extra Mess Mackerel ND.NEAV EXTRA SALMON, In kiu for family uie, at 3EO. MYER& 13 South Front street J oar line of Ye Hx SS Fa-neyGoids and Notions MSCELLANKO' ! ' 4 VH THE SILVER: TUMI) 1; . - t: The best ORGANS of thelReed plass TW TTTP. WORTiT).. U The Best for Churches and Lodges The Best for Sunday Schools. ; ! The Best1 for Parlors and iVestries. ( . The Best for Academies and Colleges. The Best &r Public Halls. j The Best for Orchestra and Stage. f, whinhfor sweet- xiiec - j i n of tone and elegance! of appoint- ment stand unrivalled, haye met; witn unprecedented success to this country and abroad.1 MANUFACTURED BY E, P. EEDHAM 1 SON. ItUbLISHED IN 1846. Nos J 43, 145 & 147 East 23d st. NT Responsible part ics applying endes Send for illustrated Driceusi.- ttuB- UEDING0TES, YITE ARE koW MAKING THESE STYL ISH ARTICLES for our customers,. X Will do weft toaiiMr.STROK'Sand exain'ne sartiplesv j Stress-Making T IN ALL ITS LATEST STYLES, ,! Mrs. STROCKS' Millinery and Dnss-Making Rooms oct 18 tf Princess Street, Evans Block. IVKWi BUCKWHEAT, jyj-APLE 'SYRUP AD THE 'BEST BUTTER IN THE "WORLD At3 j ' GEO. MYERS, i ll ani 13 Front st. oct 30 4 i : tf TOTHEWESTTTOTHEDT! "low the advice of the Vthousaado already gone," it would be-Wnsider L Hone to mako thejourney to your -Homes In the West" as "4 'dineer as human skill and rore free from 'dinger as human -s.i,t n nrromolish. 1 ertijat.ionand constructon, a roa has been put Into operation on tbeshortest -possible line from Nashville, Tenn, to St. Louis, 4theuture great City of the worli." S. LOUIS i SOUTHEASTERN KAIL- ' i I WAX, I ! has, during the past year, earned an eavia; ble repuUUon Dy u ; time, eurei wuuv-, . - : a r 4 t. dav cars provided wltn wo-cwewww aay cars, , . iv. westine ler coupler ana p.auuiTii, --( rT. r house air-brake. ? h ii;Jr It 1. - possltlTely tto o.l, le . n.n mg Fallmrr.l.ce Drawing-Boom . 81.epine On thronib without change lrom . M Suto SULooi.. Kb other Uoe pretenda , Jo ertnch adrauuges; either in stance, Whv. then, journey ilouTte., lio not he induced to purchase ttckets toSt Loula or, the West bran? other line, wmemtwthjt: The "St. Jiouls & Southeastern , . ; is the shoriet, cheapest, quickeat, best and only Icelander one manament irom NashviUe o St. Louis, fend 200 miles tke shortest to St. Louis. Kns. City. Omaha, Denver, Cainornia, J, . . t i Tao the 44Chi- chi and all western pwiui. cago Shortest Une," via Evansvdle 5. r ohRftnest rates for yourselves aad your &W$ tion,in Person or bj letur. to C L EOT. Southern Passenger lAgent, rostoi. flee Box 242. ChatUnopga Tenn.. or to, the undersigned. w B DAVKNFORtJ Gcneial Ticket Agent, St Louis. No trouble to answer q.ueu.vu. 57-6m july25 OUR IADYERTISIHB RATES Arc put down to tbe sce of ,. F MLSCEbLiNEOUS. DI PL O M A., AWABDKD BT THE American Institute JJ W. McKEE, FOR I Eilirbiiery aiii Fluting Mines, t is ingenious and will meet the wants of every matron in the land." 1 - EXHIRTTinW OP 1872. j P. A. Barnard, Pres. Sohn E. Oavit, Rec. Secy. - nBTTiTifM I f. i iiimin. uur. a?rc ! New York, November 20, 1872. us sin . . . . . -. -r I. n I 1QI3 ' SllupiC UilU illCUiUUO . iuabutuo jo v useful as the sewinR Machine, and Is fast HUUICttllU I1IUCU1UUO iuuvuiuo jo i OWiwuig j'y,uwi mi" .f--- J T.Hi tim tn mo n ann i or expensive neeoie woric, iw worjwueu5 . tattchTttprttandsofiTt ladv's toilet is now complete without it. A aiacninc wiiu luusiraieu circular uu i full I instructions sent on receipt of f 2 or finished in silver plate for $2 75. n r n pre a i nw mhkkk an HDUixcLuriutL vvu. i ??nn Tlrnarlwsv, Nrw York. I AGENTS WANTED. Dr. Garvin's :Elixir of Tar. t Jnmmnai Htr roirnkr fpriinfll nracti- 1 IB ICLUUiUibUUVU Kl I X tinnere and ft sneedv cure guaranteed for Colds, Coughs, Catarrn, Astnma, uroncniuB, Snittine Blood,Consumption and all Pu-mo- narv Complaints, Scrofula, Erysipelas 'Jys- pepsia and Gout' Dysentery Cholera-mor- Ki rtKiM n Hr and bowel com- bmwuwt o uv www j n ... jonjfj VJOUgns, Uiaiarru, asiuuia, diuuvuiiw, a 1 T t4V. AstVima TtpnTKHltlR I Spitting Blood,Uonsumption and aiiru-mo- busi Cholera and all liver and bowel com HiRPpi and all affections of -th -Urinal Orpans-pcrfectly jree trom Mineral or ibuuuiic iwyc -gjutatto uk. gjd ; .erer ta U -'uJ' tertlioSy and JStii5tcs Darts fromtae Devil- or unpifi ADUsea A Book just issued exposing the "pkbsok- to ha. tinvp. anncared in the New York I NfiWKnaners: their history and lesson. Sttl- ishIvilhaws fully BXPOSEU Advertise Hpanpratft men to beautiful wo- IIUVUtD " Taenia uvui -" . . , . nin.4tfotinf mpp.tincs: how frustrated; The History of the Goodrich tragedy the result of a "personal." jjescnpuvu m j-.i iDoi Broadway Statues. Exposes social corruption. Sent oa receipt of 5(icts. Address, Unique Printing iiouse, oo v escjr St , N.,Y, Tito Beckwith $20 Portable Fam- .i., Ariir yTnotiinR. on JU uuys Trial : many advautuges over all. Satis faction guaranteed, or money refunded. Ant rnmnlete with full directions. Beck with Sewing Machine Co., 862 Broadway THE NEW ELASTIC TRUSS-An t. " TMvvTinv. Tt retains the rap- ture at all times, and under the hardest ex ercise ot severest strain. It is vorn with comfort, and U Kept on n gnt u-j. fects A pwnnDCCi vu " Sold cheap, and srnt by mail when request ed. Circulars li, when ordered bylette sent to The Khvtic 'Truss Co., No. fc83 Broadway , a . i . ; Rnrlncr TrnSSeS C lOO pawi'U) , i too frequen CAUTll. I CY i;NLY rrir GENUTKE FAIRBAHKT SCALES, ANUFAUTURED BY 17 Jtr T FAIR RAN KN & tU. t fl t . . rm fwjv-MM JB Ik. MM i9JMMJMfy RlftkScale Coal Scales, Hay Scales, Dairy sK&ai, , i .... Scales repaired promptly an.i reason- V1 THE MOST PKEFECT ALARM CASH DRAWER Ifliles Alarm Till Co's, i T?XfCTV ftrVi... J Hi V iiXV A . i . Merchant DRAfER sbould I Use Them Warranted. SOLD AT Fairbanks' Scale Warehouse ! FAIRBANKS & CO., 3ll BROADWAY, NEW YOBK 1G6 Baltimore st., Baltimore, Ji3 Camp st., New Orleans, ! FAIRBANKS & EWING, I 1 Hasonic Hall, Philadelphia. FAIRBANKS, BROWN & CO.; 1 : f 2 Milk Street, Boston, j For sale by all leading Hardware sept ii Distiller's Supplies. 1 200Bundles Hood Ironl inch iliinch, andll m?h. 50Q "Second Hand Spint Casks, 30 Barrels Bungs, 500 pers Bivets,, iso Barrels No. 1 kle j KmicW&cVpSB PROS, i ' til o O "j Fv' BAIL ROADS. 1 M ' a$lL'KOap.v aiKttXWEJUitfl-is. v i Carolina Central Railway Company WILMINGTON, N. C.V May 14, 1873. f SCHEDULE. PASSENGER TRAINS Tf iVB WTTAnKOTnN! DAILY (EX Li cept Sundays) at ...... J ..... . 8:00 A M k I.. . OT.ooKnrn af . f JV1 w m 'j -i - i ?.m & M cUCilTO UC8UVluv t I jUCaTO niucouviy at Airrive at Wilmington at.'. . . . r - ? . . : VPITlllHT TR1TNS t 7 - - 4 Leave Wilmington aailj (except 6:00 A M Arrive at Laurinhurg at i . . . . 5:30 P M f,:00 A M licuyc uourmwuig Arrive at Wilmington at.. - PASSENGER TRAINS. ; PM i Antra ihtriAira naiiT nnniiavs . 8.00 A M iPi-P at Hnffoln ot . . . . .l5.UO Al Leave BufQilo at. . . 1-C0 P M Arrive at Charlotte at 5.15 P M Trrp.irnlAr Lnmber and Timber Trains run " : . . . . n both portions of the Koad as tne dusi wamm fflntli 1 nesa requires. . A'Daily Stage will soon rua in connection with the trains on both ends of this Rail- way, rnvxinm 8. L. FBKMOM, ubb rcuiico. Chief Engineer and Sup't. may 19 i 311-tl iPieimont Air-Line Railway. ... ... . Richmond and Danville, Richmond and ... . .;- j Danville R. W.. N. Division, and North Western N. C. R. W. ; o Condensed Time Table, Iu cflcci ou and after Thursday, Feb. i ! L'2d, Lbi l. "'5 GOING NOUTH7 STATIOKS. BXPKEfcS EfcS Leave Charlotte. Air Line J'net'n I j Salisbury j j Greensboro.... i !' Danville.. 7.00 .P. M 7.23 44 in no 8 35 A. M. 8.55 41 in a7 2.15A. M.I 1.15 P. M K 0 8,27 p. M, :' Rni-kvillft . . 11.40 ; 44 2.32 P. & 8.0! " Arrive at Richmond. 11C2 v. M. GOING SOUTH. 1 i .1''- . ..:-...,.,) W TO" - ii ' I j BTATIOXIS. MAIL. EXPKK3S Leave Richmond 1.8 p. m 5,03 a. m. ! , Burkville 4.58 44 8.28 I : Danrille.. 9.2 44 1-03 p m. Greensbord.... 1.16 a. m 4.C0 4 ; ' Solisbury ..... 3.56 44 U.83 - . Air Line J'net'n 6.85 44 8 55 Arrive at Charlotte. . 6.43 a. m. 9.00 4 i r GOING EAST. ! J STATIONS. MAIL. Leave Greensboro' .. . 2 00 a. m Co. Shops .... 3.55 44 - Raleigh 8 30 44 Arrive at Goldsboro'. 11.40 A,J J' l GOING i WEST. I STATIONS. ' MAIL. !Leave Goldsboro' 8. 00 p. m i Raleigh........ 6.40 44 "i Co. Shops H.C5 44 Arrive at Greensboro' 12.30 a.m ; North Western N, C. R. K J (Salem Branch.) ! Leave G reensbor o . , . . Arrive at Salem;... . ; Leave Salem. Arrive at Greensboro .. 1:80 A M ....:5 A M . ..10:T0,A M ...12:00 M Pafeengar train leaving Kileigh at V. 10 P. M connects at Greensboro' with the North- ; era doui u uiu, uiamiig ir . r;- i . to an rsorinem tiu.. xiv sante as via other rontes. . Trains to and front points East ot !ortoro connect. t O;'" uu inun., r K--r ' T-,:-,o intliT Krtth 'WAV'S. On Sundays Lynchburg Accommodation leave Richmond at 9.42 a. m., arrive at BurkTille 1239 p. m., leave BurkviHe 4.o5, a. m., arrive at Richmond 7.58 a. m. Pullman Palace Cars on all night trains between Charlotte d Richmond, (without chauffe.) l , Far Inrther information address IS. E. ALLEN, ' General Ticket Agent. f ! Greensboro, N. C. T. ti. Ri TALCOTTj a'At - iEuirineeranauen'jipuc",',-"UA"fe7 feb 24 : . t jf OK m NEURALGIA j in the VAVK, &c, Tiir, t ELEdTBlC dies i FAMILY MEDICINE, dollars in doctor's bills. For sale by all Druggists. October 4-H8-3t . I . B Ii E T R I O . T S3. I 13 if RHEUMATISM WilEiii:toa. Columbia & An- sabfa R.': R. Conpany. GB3. SurBEiSTEKDSliT'S OF1ICE, ( Wilmington, a.,u,ua' z,;io'o GHAflGE OF SCHEDULE. i i - . X i - . - - - - rfpHE FOLLOWING SCltEDULE WILL LL tainto effect -at 4:S0 A-M., Monday, DAT EXPRESS TRAIN , (Daily.) i T ( ijeavo wiimingioni.. 4:C0 A. M aiuic.na .iuiyuvw.... . - : - r ., ,ft x A nn. nnlnmhla ' . ... . - ; S:10 IT. M 10:27 A. 31 Arrirn of. A nohistfti . !' C.W.iT. Jl. Leave Leavo Arriv Arrive NIGniTEXPRESS TRAIN DAILY (SUN DAYS' EJUifrriisii'. Leavo Wilmicetoc t.L- - & ? M Arnveaiijiorcucc-...... ,? t ' V. Aat SgSV.V;:r.:: S 1-2 ff!iTr-F : 4-15 p. M juca o a uft uo w v -- - i r',coluulu,B ' m Arrive at Florence ..... 1:53 A. M Arrive at Wilmington 7:lo A. M ifJ0 Sf ' North and South. , Arrive at uoiumuxa. . . , j. . i I Pullman's iPalc.ce tlecpic- Cais on all night tralnf. JAME3 ANDERSON. Gen'l Sup't. oct 21 124 ti WilialRgtoa & Weldon R. B, Company. Omcs GBNBRAL'aurisaiKraMENT, 1 WILMINGTOH. N. C Oct. 24. 18T3. ) -s? a f t t . w CMNE OF Si'DBDULE. - -xM AN!u A kTF.R OCT. 2( Lb. IN STAN 1 . I I PASSENGER TRAINS on the Wil jjmngion ndWeIdon Rajlijoad will run as :oliows : MAIL TRAIN. tioave Union IJepot dally (5Un- aays excepieu;. .i Arrive t Goldsboro.., 7:40 A. 5a 11:50 A. M Koeky Mount.. .. . Weld onj ... 2: CO P. M 3:50 P. M ,eave Weldoii daily (Sunday exre uted'i . . I At 9:50 A; M 11:85 A. M Arrive at Rocky Mount ..... itoia&ooro. ijnion Depot EXPRESS TRAIN. 1:37 P. M 5:50 P. M 11:10 P. M 3:50 A. M G:03 A. M Loave Union Depot daily... At Arrive at uccsDcro. . . . Rocky Mount. Wei den 'V 8 00 A. M Leave WeldOu daily 7 50 P. y Arrive at Kocky Mount 9 43 l. M G 'iasooro...!. .. . . 1 1:55 P. M Union Depot ... 4:3 ) A. M fil 'Vrr. m mi irpa ' (IftPA roniltCtlOII At Wrfdcn tor.ll r-oints North vi BavUne indAcqulR Creek routes. i Express Train eonsccts only with Acquia Creek route. PULLMAN'S PALACE, SLEEPING CAES ON THIS TP.AIN. , 47 XVJUf AVT Ak A- JL AkiAi.1 W tf AAA X VI V W f AI ItlAAig ton tri-weekiy at 6.00 A; M. , and arrive at 1.411 r". M . . , ) TfTPRPBa1?T?ir.TnNT TRATXS will lAiivft 2j00 P. and arrive at 5:30 P. M. JOHN V. DIVINE: General Sunerintcndetit. ort 24 136-tf j THIS MOST EEMABKABLE AF ALL 1 APPARATUSES sometimes called a meclianical paradox nosr used yith aach wonderful success In qm principal cities for tne cure, oj-t'tJitiiAjna eisE, ol nearly an , Chronic Diseases and Weaknesses, Is for sale by the undersigned, by whom all orders will be prooj ptly rilled. r ; stantly aujust it lor a person 10 nit any weisnx, jruixi iwciiij i twcivc uuuuxu Rounds. It is miwleaiinosi wnoiiy oi iron auu sieei, ',,-. ,.- , weihsl-JOpoundK.andcoversaspaceofonly The owners desire to bell, in older Iff j-ur-20by3(J inches; and although, but recently chac a larger one. ;j . i . A ' 1 1 A 9 ' introduced,-nearly 1,000 have already been 1 : soia. PRICE S100. BOXED AND SHIPPED. t 3 1 CVL . .vyv.J.p. " - ' .-..'"1 " -- ' ' J Can ne liau Jlc u uim; ui i Lie m. lJrooKiyn, iM. i . sept ll-d&wtf A. ADRIAN. lL.VOLLE.Tts ADRIAN & VOia Uroccries aiid Xiquol Importers of German and Havana Clgarv, Coramissioii Merchant ROTJTH-EAST COBNEB DOCK and FK02TT Streets. WlLMINGTOli, N.C.. 1 TTavi r 2 the iareest and best assorted Htock h:lrwJS: i h r;itv. Dealers will ftnd It to their Interest to give us a call before buying eisewnere. , . .. . mavl7-tr j . ; ' - " - VTTARRAN;TTE -DEEDS- On hand" aud IT lorftaie : feb 25 ft Q HALL -4 ; -' ii ;e ! l if i THE YOUTH'S O O lur F-l 1ST 1 0 1ST - A WEEKLY PAPER FOli Y ou ng JP e,p p 1 , ANDTIIE . 7 'FAMILY. y! THE COMPANION aims Aug 2c favorite iu eyery iamilv lool . gerly by the yonng folks, anf jL, Zrm'a ' fnteWby the older. Its nfcp P!; v interest wliile it amuses ; to pejuQ16ftfu, u ; . practical, sensible : and to have really permanent worth, while itVttracts for the hour. j i -' i , It is handsomely illustrated," and has fr nntrihntora snmn of thft mnt at tractive writers in the country. Among, these arc : I r. I. I. Hnyci. Moulton, May." At l. m TtcAmora TT Davis H A'. Rtrnnpns. C. W. Flanders, Buth ai&terfield, Ita reading is adapted to the old nd vounff, is very varied mils cuaracier; and entertgining. It gives , Stones of Adren- Stones of Home . j c i i t i t V2 ' r rr i o 7 fT ' ' Letters of 1 ravel, Tales, Poetry. Editorials upon Selections for Dec' current Topics, lamation, L TT. , . ,. ;il . . . wiy, .mv v" ajih., Mistonca I Articles, AiiecaotcH rilzzies Chcs, Religious Articles, Subscription Trice, $1.50; j!spcciiricii m - ... . t..- copies sent free. Address,. l .) 41 Temple FLice, Doston, Mxitf. " tf i --I AN ORDINANClE ll f i I : CONCERNING HAVING ON CHESTNUT STREET WITH COUULE hXONIi riHE Board ofAldrrmcu of tho city ol X Wilmington, N. C, do I ' ORDAIN. 'J hat that portion of Llu Mmit street, brtween. the wet-tern line of Front street and the river, bo paved with col bio Hiuue, aou vucu iuo wom miuiuihvuuuu completed; the Mayor shall cau-e Hn asM . X - . t - . 1 , I M menioi mo rcai properly aionjc tuiu nrem nd the vicinity thereof, to defray the ex- - - - r ..1 . . . ... . . 1 . I . . i as Is provided by lawt j , All o'dlnances, or parts therof, ccnlllctlnK with the above ordinance aro htreby rc- .peaiea. i i The above ordinance wan paKsrd by tho Board of AJdernjcn at their meeting', held on tho night of January 2d, 1672. i- T. C. SEItrOaa. Cltv Clerk. Jan.3-tf Jon rnal and fctar copy NEW STORE. -:o:- NEW GOODS. I - r- r r r n T t T rrr r-j i -! r -1 r-v fN W " V, l' U WU UUU1V U VV 1 1 J U LIlDIJiJU WILL BE OPEN THIS WEEK; It TVr ? ISSni'li'l1 (rpi(. The s.ubiscribtrs lwivc relumed a full line of Staple ami rant DRY, GOODS. il which they will otfor at luiccs TO SUIT THE TIME. jan 20 ' v. 'ii 202-tf TO CHUKUH ..CONGRGATIOKS. i. ( FOR SALE. ii i a handsome nn: OIIGAN. ! i case, 7 st pf, swell, blow pcuui.nnu Lanulc i uiutciiiueuu very lil tie. This I an opportunity rarrlV fond In the Houth to get a good instrument .... - i - i or ruriuer parucuiars, annreii JanO-tf THIS Ol'PICE. TDC BRIGDT WASONV j S'-rCBLlIEU AT i j ' CONCORD, isr. ( o.; The vjaperiln the SoutherutA"Uc . bij devdted entity A TVT?rsoTiif TTitercHt i?- i 'LYOSE lypLLAH X- YEAt " CIBCULATIp!! NOW, 0,500. Clus of CO, or more ,.. .. '....X.Jo ceu 1 EvenOiason In the land should inhecrlb., Address Publishers Bright Mason. Con cord, N.C. 11 MsrA.UxtTMiX number or notccUcnablu advertisement, wjii bereceivco. jenz , i , ii jiK-r-u ABSOLTTK DIVOUCES obtained lrcni Ouita of different fctaU for dcRertlon . XTrt fttlhllcltV rPnntrMl Knrlnnr nntl dlvorcf granted. Add., ,; ,. . , .i novAtf f 194, Broad way.K. Y, i I r, 1 1 V;ll 8:! t. ' I T it r V i 4- I'. n i

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