i "' i . I ' i ; . '.I I . - i V s r r ail 7 ' TaTT TT.TTTVTllm A iT TVT P. rTTT k!H n A Ar I T.TA HI'W 17 1 Sirs A lUrft NO. 256 VOL- VII. 1 ! I I T I I I i 1 j fc A Var Me It. r Z-" l! VI 111 I I I . I r V-ir 1 " ' i' ,' t1 ; : ' . : ! . j ; " ' i " , a afternoon except Sunday. sised ej j Mltoir and Proprietor 4r'' .advance w The best ORG ANSof tie4 Reed clas$ flthsin advance r fs iaadrancc - w fl po- solicited from otir friends ..rrrtT., " at ,tp on topi's of gene- ,i1 P political Bcwi and reports ol ' rterP cHlY desirable. - - - , 1fiV inVKUTiSKM KNTS. line ot t -. hUc and cole .... -rolercd. whletiwe cmi ' , rates- lSO line l,;riX'a Towels and of ins. at pri est 1 - also a tine Mortmcnl Towel- to acrseirthe Market t t . i-is.v in Btatlnz to our friends U ciisioiucw -. flu-a Uiat no nonwj s .rih:it li viiey 1M L..- cnninete ,;he ' ffrTH OUR LOW PRICES!! ,,ire stock of-lW Good, haw been 11 i.Mt lately bougnv uywiuu. J jadscZ and at panic prices, J InNewYork ,city, we can only ofler firbt Class Goods t Low Rates.! ! r ; r u.sp F.incn llamlkerchiefs. )uipieie r- ;-- Q from llSSrnneofangoodslna Fancy Staple and Domestic Dry Goods fcstaDiisnmein- it their business, as it is aloue to t hei r i n ler.estt to examine our 1 LhU before inakiuK pur ck&se elsewhere. , Market street Merchandise Brokerage Office, i imp r tunnies constantly on nand HU nrtrk 'and mnnufcvcturers in Xorth'-rn market. ill descriptions of merchandise, orders , bidf solicited and telegraphed promptly. orders UlcrcTiandlse bougin ana tVad &ke orders from buyers solieiteL lea by sellers will have tutiou. 1 . 2SUfrly. 2 oflen wlth your local Broker. j s T pETTEWAY. Merchandise and Produce .Broker. 31 . : : 181U i r. w: mpks f- doug in km LOPBR & DOUGHTEN, MAY A Li STORES ' AXD KOUTHEUN PH UUCTS. fO. 5, iOjrZ FRONT STREET I Pkiladelphla, l'a. 'Irdjers for Turpentine Casks solicited and .nraptly tilled at lowest market. P"c mirchS PAIIKPj iCterL'A. irLOR Successors to A. H. NEFF .Ujr.raclurcrs nnd'desilers In UOU.it FURNIMING GOJJDti, nns, stores, Ivtutrus, Kerosene, Oil Tl:i aad .Sbeet Iron Ware. Ed)?jig done at short notice Ageati for Falrbank's Stales. - No. 19 Front Street, H 1 L.K I N fi T O N , oo 19 N iwiy REMOVAL. r . 7 JAS.V. LOWERY CIRRIKQAKER & REPAIRER. T nAVB reif mT tsstablishmont to L my new buil rs on the corner of FOURTH AACAJklPBELL STS. Near Bony BrUlZ' to ttce my old c icre I shall be pleased era and many new Carriage matingA,nUi; Jtnd repairing neatly done. HordL am various iviuua oi jum "u")nc ou reasonaoiu . terms. V 1 'Having -had thirtAlTS experience In this business, 1 m cWiit that I can do the finest Avork. aod 8 Wfactlon. AUi WOKK UNTKD. eptS-lf ja LOWER Y. JOE TORNEK wunes i v, hls custo- T mers sna puonc geuei t he is now prepared to do all kind of vK.n nig llnef and ironld respectfully renuetonUnua. ito oi ine paLronoo viiuiu heretofore ben so liberally bestowed upo anwu 206 ; New Extra Mess Ma el A ND NEW EXTRA SAL t n kits for family use, at : . GEO. MYE WI.U-1 .'"ln.iv uooda and Notions ,i00dS' SpS SJSSi early call MISCELLANEOl THE I SIL'TER TONGUE'' ' !! IBM fl TTTriTIT f As The Best for Churches and Lodges. Tlic Best forSonday Schools; , , Tbe Best for Parlors and Vestries, The Best for Academies and Colleges. The Best for Public Halls. ! ! 1 The Ist forOrchtetra and StAge. 5 v These instruments which for sweet ness of tone and elegance of appoint ment stand unrivalled, have met with unprecedented! success in this country and abr0ad. MANUFACTURED BY E P NEEDHAM' & ; SON. ' . - u i I . : . ! ' i ' ESTABLISHED IN 184. Nos 143, 145 & 147 East 234 st. N Y Responsible parlies aPPftagte ctaj . .r . ! ' prompt attention and liberal inducernenwu imarordlmm factory. end for iHustrMed brlcalist. j us W-u B.EDINGOTES. AirE ARE NOW MAKINtl TILEfcJE BTYLr- ISH AitTlCLES for our enstomers M wrS-ft"ia and Will do well tocaliaiJULr5.Aivwv exam' ne samples. M i I i Dress Making TJ ill, ITS IjAIIAI OX ! Mrs. STROCKS' oct 18 1 f Princss Street, Evana EW BUCKWHEAT, BEST BUTTKR IN THE WORLD U ! GEO. MYERS, ' 11 and 13i Front st. oct 30 i M tf T0THE VESTI TO THE VESTl Beiore making your arrangements to fol- low the advice ,oi me iuuuouuc, "-"-t already gne'iit would be well to consider what hi been done to make the journey to your -Homes in the West'l as, pleasant and free from danger as nuroan bmi u sight can accomplish. By consolidation and construction, a road has been put into operation on the shortest possible line from Nashville, lenn.. io ou Louis, ,4thc future greavuy i This line, the L ott ST LOUIS A SOUTHEASTERN RAIL- j WAY,. . j ,;i i ... has, during the past' year, earned an fcnvla- ble reputation by its smootn iraca, prouiv- time, sure connecwons, u . -&r; cenco of Ita pasienirer equipment Its trains are madt up of new tnd commodious day cars, provided with the celebrated Mil ler coapler and p'alforra, and the Westing house air-brake. t- ; i. : It is posslUvcly the only line? xnnnmg, Tniimn Palace Drawing-Boom Sleeping Cars through without change from Nash ville to St, Lonis. No other line pretends to offer such advantages, either in distance, time, or equipment, Why, then, journey by circuitous routes ? Do not be Induced to purchaso tickets . to St. Louif or , the West by any other line, rememocr uiau ; mho Kt. Tennis & Sontheastern" : is the shortest,! cheapest, quickest, best and only line. undM one management irom Nashville to;8t: Louis, aid is! from. 60 to 200 miles the shortest to ou City. 1 Omaha, jDenver.' California, . and an western points. ; It is also the "Chi cago Shortest tine," via Evansville. Toucan secure the cheapest rates for yourselves ani your movables on applica tion, in pcrsok or by letter, toC. ;S. B ar mtt, Southern Passenger Agent,1 Postofi flee Box 243, Chattanooga Tennj. or to the undersigned, j jjaVENPORT, : General Ticket ;Agent, St, Louis. No trouble to answer questions. l , jul25 n.lf ODR ADYERT1SIH6 RATES 1 ;Arc nut down.ta tb scale of -it-- ' 1 It ! f MISCELLANEOUS. D IPL O ISC AWABDBD THE American Institute J. W. McKEE, FOR Embroidery ani Fluting HacWnes. I) ' It is ingenious and will mcet4he wants of every 'matron in the land." j: I EXHIBITION OF 1S72. j F. A. Barnard, Pres. ! 8ohn E. Gavit, Rec. Secy. Samuel I: Tillman, dor. Bcy. i New York. November 30, 1872. ! Jhia simple and ingenious Machine is as j tiseinl as the eewm Macnine, ana is iasi Koonminir nnnnliir with lfl(11f;. in ' tlie DlaCC I bf exnensive Needle work, its worK Dexnc touch mdre handsome, requiring less time Land not lone tenth, part the expense. No Address Thk McKkk Manntacturlng Coj, 300 B road wNer York. i AGENl'S WANTED. Lir.i uarviu s ruiiu. ui xai, Is recommended by regular xueaica i pracn- itinera and a sneedv cure enaranteed for I COlds, Qoughs, Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis, Slitting; Blood,Consumption and all Pn.mo- nary Complaints, Scrofula, Erysipelas 1 jys- Ptpsia and liOUt. lYSeuiery, vuuicra-iuiui bus. Cholera and all liver and bowel com Ptpsia and Gout. Dysentery, unoiera-mor- rjlalnts. ! Kidney. diseases ana an anocuons 6( tha TJrlnar Organs perfectly harmless frftA from Mineral or Alcoholic properties pleasant to:take and never known to fall Price $100 fper . Bottle. Fall particulars With: medical' testimony .ana ceruncawB sent on application. Aaaress, l,. r. txiua ft CO.. 185 8veT th Avenue, New York. ; Darts from.ine Dew or unpift Auused -. i X Bonk iust issued exposing the 'Jpbrsok- itji" t.Kat have annearcd in the New York Newspapers; their history and lesson. STvju- minti ft-nm dereratc men to beautiful wo- m nn P.Ian rtp.stine meetimrsihow lrustrated; ThVlUfnrv of the GOODRICH TBAGEnY the rpnlt. of a "Dersonal."' Description of Liv- ino- Rroadwav Statues. Exposes sociai. COBbuption. Sent on receipt of 50 cts. Address Unique Printing House, 36 Vesey 8t , N. Y, : I "Thn :Rftkuritti 20 Portable Fartt- Swins .Machine, on 30 Days Trial ; many advantages over all. Satis faction! guaranteed, or money refunded. hot, nniwnir.tp. with full directions. Beck- with Sdwinff Machine Co., 863 Broadway N.Y.7' may 14 307 tt: THE NEW ELASTIC TRUSS 4n Importakt mvBUTioN. iv reiains iuc i up nr at. kll times, and nnder the hardest ex ercise or severest strain. It is varn with fort, and it kent on night and day, ef fects a nermanen care in a few, weeks. Bold cheap, an 1 feent by mail when request a rjirftnlara tteii. when ordered bylettb sent td The KlusUc. Trufs Co., No. 083 Broadway, N. Yj City. .Nobodv uses Metal Sorine iTrusseftii too t'uiu'ui ; they slip OU too (rt duentlv i may 14 .07 tf GENUINE FAIEBABn SCALES . ANUFACTURED BY E. & T FAIRBANKS k C(l. Stock'scalesoalScales.HayfBcales, Dairy Scales, Counter Scales, &c., &c. jScales repaired promptly and rcasona- oiy. THIS MOST PERFECT ALARM CASH DRAWER Ttlilcs Alarm Till Co'B i- V . ITo-nnriQut JIIWUUQlll. viTJgr TI I ) iWCT unnnija suoutnl Use Warranted. SOLD AT : Fruanks Scale Warehouses, FAIRBANKS & CO., 311 BROADWAY, NEW YORK i ' 16G Baltimore st,, Baltimore, i I f3 Camp st. New Orloens. FAIRBANKS & EWING, Masonic Hall, Philadelphia. FAIRBANKS, BROWN & CO.; :-osloiju 1 . . : sale by all leading Hardware Dealers. 97-2 taw 4 m For sept 11 Distiller's Supplies. . ! ! . i I ! rllps i Hooi Iron il inch ' i 1 1 J nr-b and li inch. j iiOO Second Hbid Spirit Casks, ! 500 Second I 30 Barrels Bungs, i 500 Papers Rivets, ; iBo Barrels No. 1 Glue, ? , a Forsaleby , KERCHNER & C ALDER BRO&. lov'i Pt U nnnr pnmn cte witnoui 11. I Arri vfi at Lnnrlntan rtr lit :y . . . . .fiiKU e Al . c uSu"a- . iit. til A;mnlai anA I T A T Il . i I fc.V f A W 1 iliCaVO ' (JOmnibia . 'a 1 . L v . -m . . wkll:4U A.. M full instructions sent on receipt if $3 or Arrive at Wilmington at ; 5.30 P M fr"X?4? flniRhcd in silver Dlate for $3 75. i I PASSENGER TRAINS. I Arie at Wiiffiin2ioB (I . iXl 1 10 10:45- P.-M .C- ( RAIL.ROapS. Carolina Central BailwarCflipaiiy wiLmington, n. c, i I SOHEDpLE. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE WILMINGTON DAILY (EX ceptiSundays) at. i :00 A M Arrive at Wadesboro at 5:25 P M Leave Wadesboro at .... 7:10 AM ... j 4:85 PM Arrive at Wllminirton at i ramuu Leave Wilmington daily (except Sundays) '.. 6:00 A M XeaLTe Cnarlotte daily, , Sunday I . i excepted, at. ..... . ... . L . . . 8.00 A M Arrive at Buffalo at ... 12.00 M 12.00 M 1.C0 P M vuyM. ... , . jt. J irregular Lumber ana Tim Der, irams, rua I on both ' twrtions of the Koad as the busi- J necs reqtdres. ; . i j A Daily Stage will soon run in connection with the trains n both ends of this Rai way. 8. L. FREMONT, Chief Engineer and Snp't. 311-ti ay 19 Pietaont Air-Line Railway. Richmond and Danville, Richmond and Danville Ti. W., N. Division, and j Nortb Western N. C. R. W. o 1 I Condensed Time Table, i o Iii effect on and after Thursday, Feb. . 22d, 1874. GOING NORTH. SfATIONS. MAIL. EXPRESS Leave Charlotte 7.00 P. M 7.88 11 10.C9 2,15 A. M. 5.28 " 11.40 " 2.32 r. m. 8.35 A. II. 8.55 41 10.47 "! 1.15 P. M. 3,27 p. M. 8.0ft " 11.02 r. k. Air Line J'nct'n Salisbury ' Greensboro.... 'V Danville. Burkvllle. Arrive at Richmond GOING SOUTH. May 11873. 'II . uaul f" I Ij ''"' 'i . f: " I . S'TATIORS. MAIL. I EXPRESS Leave Richmond.... f1.48 p. u 5.03 a.m. Burkville..,,,, 4,58 4 8.2S Danville....,,, 9.52 V . 1.03p. m. Greensboro,.., 1.16 a. m 4.00 " " Sollsbnry 3.56 " 6.33 "l " Air Line J'nct'n 6.35 41 8 55 44 Arrive at Charlotte. . . 6.43 a.m. 9.00 44 GOING EAST. F8TATIOSa.; , I . UAU I Leave Greensboro'. . . 2.00 a. m 4' Co. Shops .... 3.55 44 4 RaMgh 8.30 44 ;.. Arrive at goldsboro'. 11.40 a. m .. ........ ; GOING WEST. STATIONS. MAIL. Leaye Goldsboro' 3.00 p. m 4 Raleigh 6.40 44 Co. Shops 11.05 44 .......J.. Arrive at Greensboro' 12.30 a.m r North Western N, G. R. It ; I (Salem Branch.) Leave G reensboro 1 A M Arrive i at Salem ...35 A.jM Leave Salem , .10: A A M Arrive at G recn&boro ............ 12:00 M Passenger train leaving Raleigh at 7.40. P. . M. connects at Greensboro' with the iortn-i ern bound tJcaiuS making the quickest titne to all Northern cities. Price of Tickets same as via other routes. " . : , : Train3 io and from points Last jor Greensboro connect at Greensboro with Mail Trains to or from points Nortn or South.', i Trains dailv. both ways. On Sundays Lynchburg Accommodation leave Richmond at 9.43 a. m., arrive ai Burkville 13 39 p. m., leave BnrkviHe 4.o5 m . Arrive at Richmond 7.58 a. m. ih r unman Jraiace vair on n uijut irmuo between Charlotte Richmond, (.without change.) . i . ' Fer lurtner miormaiion aaaress ! i 8. E. ALLEN, ; ; General Ticket Agent. ! i G reen6 bo io, N. ( T. M. R. T ALCOTT, ' Engineer and Uen'i spuernuencam. i feb 24 XX RHEUMATISM, ft I PAIIVS ill the FA CIS &c, , ,; - . THE ; j: : . j ELECTRIC j f . L TIAr. HAS CURJiU wncu an omer rciiseuies have failed. It is eminently a family medicine, ! And no family should be wilhoutl t. In c;se ollara in doctor's bills; j . For sale by ail uruggisis. October 4 I18-3t j. . , j : ! ' 'i . . Ij j E 1 1 - i r NEURALGIA . p -tf " 1 RAIL ROADS nf wnaBQ; (ifiif&i An- iposra .WMJ,?- flam i ainrMiiMTBliliJM!. Dwrci, f. r WiuasQN, N. C.Oct. 24, 1813 f., , GHArJSs, OF SCHEDULE. DAY EXPRESS IRA; PaUy.)4 Leav? Wilmicigton . Arrive at Flotincfe. V Arrive at Columbia. . . . . . . - . 4:50 A., 3d f.H'..;; 10:27 A. M ...i'.-v-.y.. ::10 P; M s:oop;m. Arrive at Augusta. ..:V..Piil.1'P:SAS M. NIGHT EYPKESS4TRa wyAlIiY kSUN- T L vqruiBKm-.-vr.rfi ... ...... i. JIX Arxlv' a"t Columbia;: ..; Arrive at Augusta ...;. 8:45 A. M t o Aa - a.isp t T.W CX. ATX Arrive at ColHrabia... . ...V.... . 8:45 P. M Arriye at Fior 611;... 1:58AM Amvo;afc vumiBgton.... 7:io A. M jAH traits m?.ke close connection, both NOrtu ana Bontn Pullman's Palace Sleeping Curs on all night trains. , :;fc7AME3 ANDERSON, i Gen'l Sup't. oct 24 - . 124-tf Wilmington & Weldop II. B. Company. OrSiCB GKintRAi. supjaarNTBUDKNT, ) WriuiNGTON, N. C, Oct. 24,1873. ) CHANGE OF 8nEDl)LiC.' O N AND AFTER OCT. 2GLh, INSTANT PASSENGER TRAINS on the Wil ins-fan J'nd VeJdon Railroad will run at, low MAIL" TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily. (Sun- 7:40 A. M Arrive at Goldsboro Rocky ! MOuill.. .. . Weldon Leave Weldon daily (Sundays excepted).. , .At Arrive at Rocky Mount.... Goldsboro....;... . Union Depofc..., .. EXPRESS TRAIN. 11:50 A. M 2:00 P. M 3:50 P. M 9:50 A: M 11:35 A. M 1:37 P. M 5:50 P. M Leave Union Depot daily... At 11:10 P. M Arrive at Goldsboro Rocky Mount 3:50 A. M 6:03 A. M 8:00 A. M 7:50 P. M Weldon . Leave Weldon daily... 1 .i... Arrive at Rocky Mount. . . . . 9:43 P. M (ieldsboro.-..: Union Depot 11:55 P. M 4:30 A. M Mail Train maKes close connection at Weldon for all points Nortb via Bay Line and Acquia CreeK routes. Express Train; connects only with Acquia n7 .tn 1TTI T.lf AM'.Q PAT nV SLEEPING CARS ON THIS TRAIN. FREIGHT TRAIN3 wiU leave Wilming ton tri-weekly at 6.00 A. M., and arrive at 1.40 P.M. j EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wilmington laLy (Sundays excepted) at 2:00 tf. M.., ana arrive at 5;yu r. m. JOHN F. DIVINE, General Superintendent ' i ' r-I--1SG t.t oct 24 THIS MOSTBEMARKABE "vF VLLi' vi-AHatuses sometimes w ..iifri n TYiff1uiniral naradox-?-now used with such wonderful success in our principal cities for tho cure, by cumulative exer cise, of nearly all Chronic Diseases and Weaknesses, Is for sale by tbe undersigned, by whom all orders will be pro&ptly filled. THE REA.CXI01Sr-A.TlY is so constructed that even a child -.can in stantly adjust.lt for a person to lift any weight, from twenty to twelve hundred pounds. It is made almost wholly of iron ami steel, weighs 130 pounds, and covers a space of only 20 by 30 inches; and although, but reccntly introduoed, nearly 1,000 have already been sold. ! PRICK ?i00, 150X1: 1) AND BHirPED. Hmall books oj circulars, showing its use, can be had free ;ut the .ofiice of the l'oT. H. IT. MANN, , Brooklyn. N. Y. sept 11 il&wtiT P. O. 15ox20. A. ADIUA. II. VOIiLEHg ADRIAN & V0LLERS. WHOLEf: VLE DEALEE3 Ilf im roccricj and Liquor,. ! Tmporters of German and Havana Cigars, ' v AND - i Gommission Morcliant South-east Coiwer Dock and Fbobtt ' Streets. . . i " ' ' WILiMLNGTON.N. C. Having the largest and best assorted Stock of Groceries and Liquors in the City, Dealers will find ft to." interest to give u a call before buvWg elsewhee. mav 17-tf . WARRANTTEE bEEBS- On hand and or wle feb 25 t - 9 J n a I Into effecr at" 4:0.' Vl Monday; 2?th Inst. ? i-ynrx vJ tii) , f t i I ft . . A 7-i NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. TybuiSs . ; - O O ML F j&l 1ST I o isr ? . A WEEKLY.PArER OR. Young Feo ITt0. AND THE FAMILY. THE COMPANION aims f A 1,-A favorite in every familv looked for gerly by the yonng folks., and read with W- - - , . , i-r ' mieres oy tne older. Its mirnoee i to interest while it amusca ; to Dcj ud4ci6us,! . luaLuvM, bt;iiiuic; auu io nave rcniiv; permanent " worth, while it attracts for ' the hour. I. : It is handsomely illustrated, and has for: contributors some of tho most at tractive writers in the country. Anion;; these are r 'M,l " 1 Edward Eggleston. Dr. I. L llaTC? ' 1 Prof) Jas. DeMiHe, Louise C. Moultort , Louisa M. Alcott. Sonhie ALav. M ,Reb(fcca H. Davis, p.". A. Stephens j-' u.i W. Glanders, Iluth Chesterfield j' ' S. ; S. ' RobbinsL M. A, DenUoh ' Iti reading is adapted to the Old. and V. young, is very vanbd in its character . sprightly and entertaining. It gives M Stories of Advcn- fetories of ; Homi ' ' ture, and School Life, 1 Letters of Travel, Tales. Poetrv. Editorials - upon Selections for Dec current Topics, lamation. . , Historical Articles, Anecdotes, Pnzjslcsi ijiugiivpuiciii qkci- r aciaanainciuenis, ches, lceligious Articlealj Subscription Price, $1.50.- Specimen copies sent free. Address, j TERRY MASON & CO., 41 Temple Place, Boston, .'Mas. ; ' tf '. i ' '' AN. ORDINANCE CONCERNING PAVING ON .CHESTNUT STREET WITH COBRLE STONE. riAIiE Bdard' of Aldermen of the city ol jl v nmingion, n. u., o i ORDAIN, That that portion ol Chestnut street, between the western line of Front street and the river, be navetV with cobble. stone, and when the work shall have been completed; the Mayor shall cause an assess ment of jthe real property along paid street and the Vicinity thereof, to defray the cx pense of jsaid pavement, in whole or in part, as is provided by law. . ' All ordinances, or parts thcrof, conflicting with the above. ordinance are hereby ro; pealed. ' I The abovo ordinance was passed by the Board of Aldermen at their meeting, heldou the night of January I'd, 1S72. 1 T. C. HL3RVOKK. CI tr Clerk. Jau 3-tf Jou rnal and Star copy t NEW STORE. -:o:- NEW -:o:- BOSKOWITZ- & L1EB-ER i i WILL BE OPEN THIS WEEK, At Bro. SO. nini'ltt't Slrecl. The ' Ktibbcribir.s have jui chafed a full line nt iSlaple and Fancy, jl DRY GOODfi A. . which they will ofler at prices '"' 1 - TO SUIT THE TIAIEif. jan20 TO CHURCH CONGREGATION. iron SALE. A HANDSOME TIPE ORGAN. !1 .' T MV1 MVK HUNDRED DOLLARS IN CA I1 will buv a handsome l'lpo Orr'an. ftil case. 7 stop, swell, blow pedal, and handle attachment. The owners desire to fclI. Jn order tope r- chase a larger one. I The instrunicnt is In perfect onVr, rvst SHOO five years ago, and has been Bfed but very liitlc. This is an opportunity rarelv found in the Kouth to get a Rood instrument cheap. e, ! . For further particular?, nddrcsfi ' " I janG-tf THI OlTiCK, . : ' 1 r-f- THE DRIGHT MASON. ( 1JJBL1S11EI) AT if ', CONCORD, INT.o .C. The only Paper In the Jfouthern' Atlantic Stales uevoieu enureiy a . i j Masonic Intorcrittf.- ( ONLY ONE DOLLAR A lYEAV CIRCULATION NOW, 0,500. j Clubs of 'JO, or more,.... ...M....7.5 cent . Every Mason In the land hhould subscribe. Address Publishers Bright Alason, Con cord, N. C. 1 . j , S A limited number of nnohjcctlonabl advertisements will be received jen2 131 ir ABSOLTTEi DIVORCES obUIncd from Courts of different States for desertion Ac. No publicity required. Nocharge unU divorce granted. Address, ! iM. -HOUSE. Attorney. . j ' nov 25 tf j .191, Broadway, xi. x. GOODS X- iff , V, 1 . I. I. IS South Freat L feb, 9 PRESENT PBXTES, J-'-it ' Li ;,t.

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