1 " ,f V .8 , V -V- "... : I WILMINGTON,'. N. C.s SATURDAY APBIL 11, i -n uU I.I In ! ii Z- i vii . ' ... v,,. X L fi ll I I Y I Si f I - . flTil M4 IT V .-Ml I --"I lir,1 ii i i i i f , . v 7 mi i rrv iv j i A.i i iv : X ' i:.. J M ' J:l lv. , : i-r-v-M H- i i i i . x if v i i - r-v.i j . i w w t i ....It . 1 M M ft II K. M I - t 1874 . ; -!V- :! A X t i ' - 1 : - VOL' VII itt ft t CXT?" XTSWLS. i'ruu la . wiil tloe lro:u 1,1 li d ito io fol- -U(nighO mall5-"-- ..s P M At. H"v"n ........ x A f ! j'.iiw.iv malls ." A M ' 1 I'niw.ln nr.( vturtlay inl Tuesday Ji A M ' river, Monday & Friday..! P M ..cviii Vij-.i'-y- fi.l:! " 5 AM iliorse .nail) evc- :... A M ! Lnvrred from 7 ; n to 7 p in, and on ; t !!:: a ni. (!i e on from Samlo 12 m, and ?!,Vp in. Money ord-r n Resfister ttw. !ia,ae s 81M1IP otncc ' "1 , t n .. 41. carrier uoys are uui autuui- pic. of the Post. rvict-, U. S. Army Wcathei Report. ODbEHV Eli'S OfFICB, ! WikMisoTON, April 11, Lt74, ) r.;irom;Ther I vYicd Weath er Lie; i.'i-t!.! 44 K-ir'ri iresn vyicr ... m - I 4 11 M .1 i; f ;a t50 r7 " ao I ao v i:W:51S Oi" lVgln'tl: do ' TTO SCHllTZE, Observer. U. S A. , ,,,v,i:::5, suitable for wrap in- packages of fifty, for sale : thi" ottice. ; ,f i 'xi-EL-aoR P.ock Lime. A supen- article. For sale at ticnty-jivc per , 't A .s- than other lime, by KKEriisEii & Calder Bros., ami Worth & Worth. nch lo lm . CHURCH DIRECTORY P.u-i. (F.PISCOPAr.) ClIL'RCII Services at 11 o'clock, a. April 12th L- m, Rev. 1 . Al. Li . . w v 1 ARiMcr, ULctor. JoriN's Church, April "12th. Hr4 Sunday after Easier, m Celebration of the Holy Eucharist 7- a m 11a. m. 8 p. m. Murning Prayer, at Kv niiiLT Prayer at Sr.rAl'l.V r,VAN.,i:i.lOA LUTHERAN Ciuuru. April 12th. (Jorman service at Kndih service at Sunday School at First Haiti.-r Cnt'R'U 11 a. o p. corner m. m. 111. of .Market and Fifth Street --Elder J. C. Hiaon. pastor. -Sunday, April 12, 1874. SrvK-cs at 11 a.r m., and 8 p. m. MinUy S.-hool at H !a. 111. Prayer a.eting Thursday night at S o'clock. Sr. Mark's Epimopa!. Church, April 12. Morning Prayer at 1 1 111 . Evening Prayer at ,N P- 111 Veducsday,"Evehing Prayer at- 8 p. m. SrroNP PREdnVrcRiAX Church-. April 12th Seviccs at 11 o'clock, a. m., an.l .it V. p,in. by Rev. C. M. 1 aine Fik l M. i:. Church Temperance Hall opposite City Hall, on iniru, He twee 11 Prince Services at and Chestnut streets 11 a. m 7 '. p. m rr.iverIo'jt-in:: Thursday night, 8 p. m I u- the jat week 1 ! carts in market. there have been At the First Baptist Church lo-mor-v night (Sunday), after the sermon the ordinance of , baptism will bo ad ministered. biriioviMi. Iridic, the little son ot Mr. Turlington, who fell from the win 'low of a two-story house a day or two Z0X steadily imoroying. U.vly 'J78 persons have listed their Uxcs up to date, which is not onc . fourth. The time is limited to the 20th instant, and delinquents had better take warning. ?TA;n accident. We interviewed a geatlcinan this morning, who was one the sta-re, between ',j.,,i.. nv..vnito- that was overturned a few davs ago, and which " 'av.5 lUill illKI i.v. - 1 ith n ft or wards. k"v uuiocs itil uwiJ' 7 1 MimnifttAi,. .i.ri;ii;tir it. He savs I .1. i 1 in. til:lT. t mm iv envpn 111 till! Milllv in- f eluding the driver. and that hvc 01 them were more or less hurt, the driver and olie of the passengers escaping un injured. Mr. Williams, our informant has a ven ugly scratch upon his right cheek, and his spine was injured to i. . -o uave oeen.tiie worst suuerer, uu ing hkd:hislcft am broten in two rla. "and reivinr internal injuries of' a Trav. chamcterT . ! Quite ceol to-day Yery few vessels in port, j , Yerj fair market this morning. The planking of North Water street I continues. I Sixty reynards were Captured this last season around Wilmington. , The chain-gang are to work over, in Brooklyn to-day, improving the streets. M r. F. M. King ha heen appointed hy his Excellency, a Notary Public of this city. 4 - ; Some of our street crostin are in an I most impassible j condition, liast after j almost impassible a heavy rain. 7 An caslc was snoc near Hilton yes- terday afternoon, that measured five C. J. Newby. This is the fourth . vol feet from tip to tip. M T. ume ot ! the new, cheap and popular . Hands are busily engaged; preparing to lay a pavement on j Second j between Market and Princess streets. 1 j. ! We are glad to learn that Mr. It. U Sellers is some better to-day, though he is still confined to his house. Tiie steamer North State' will be down next week, and the piurchison win be laid up for repaira ori; Monday, . , L . a:, -j nino Tremendous . 71 1 car river. Al ra ,uCuu mendous crowd asscmbedi on the side morning the water had risen forty-five . i Qf & Qn At Fayettevine yesxeraay feet, and still rising. a . t rr Snow. There have been heavy snow storms in Kentueky and j Tennessee, which accounts for the cool (weather we are now experiencing in this section. The debris on the corner of Market i- f I and Second streets has been cleared awav, and the erection of a three-storV brick building will at once be begun, j The sailor who was shot a few days ago is at the Poor House, where he re ceives all attention requisite. He is said to be recovering from his wounds rapidly. ' h - New Lodge. D. D. G. M. Andrews of Cape Fear Lodge No 2, I. O. O. F, Or.Wr will organize a new lodge of this at Elizabcthtown, Bladen bounty, in a lew davs. ' ' '. i . r i ; Sabbath Scuooii BchoUars, remem ber that all of you who intend to par ticipate in the Grand Charity Concert, on Wednesday evening next, are re quested to assemble in the Session Room of the First Presbyterian Church, this af ternoon at 4 o'clock for: practice, j Two women, one white and thej other colored, aro serving out their time of sentence on the street forcel They are both cleansing windows and; scouring at . cit Hall to-day. Better keep them at this than putting them to work upon tuc streets, It has been said; "Thai: music hath charms to soothe a Savage!" ana a friend adds " To split a rock and burst a cab bage." It is unnecessary for us to tell our rpa(jers that our friend f is quite a poeti cal genius of that fact, we feel -assured they are already convinced. . : Still Ahead. 4-The Star man tells his readers this morning, that lie has heard of a cow only twenty-one months old, that gave birth to acalf. If Bro. Muse will call at the Post he can bear f n row that at the. age of sixteen months, save birth to a full size, well fomed calf! "This beats .the Star cpw aii hciiow." 1 : ' I : ' ' ; ! ; Counterfeiter. Anioiie Freeman, k deserter from jthe German Barque Claudia, who was; arrested: last night fnr nassinsr counterfeit money, is con fined in jail, where he will remain uiitil bis confederates are capturea, h poi .0m when he will bc tried j before Jns- t, v.-n.issidev LT. S. Commissioner. w.vv tf ved. Wm. Cole was arrested CONFIN auc 3 1 i,f lfnrn f the Mayor this i . . i . .-ifii Tif Iinvin'r raid .1 ULUUqIiv - v I " o ' " mnrninn- CUUlUtu iwm u o , . . ..1 mnntilv- license tax as nis reu ; ! , lnifkster. for the pasnweiv muuwi The Mayor ordered him to settle up at once, or give bond for his appearance before Court Monday morning; both nf which he refused to comply .with, h officials with the law ; threatening f tii. ame time! His Honor ordered w v . , , v 1 Ufil him locked up in! the gnari house Wt Monday, in the mean fame he Trill, be ' released, should he consent to gt re Dai HLs HonorW I Canada Y,( Mayor, J presiding. Ox iM tw a cases VeciOar trial this morning they were contft)ud; over un- til Hon dyl morning. Some. What a city we can;boast of when our road to the 1 Sound is com pleted, cotton factory established, water works in order, an iron, span placed where "Bony Bridge" now stands, a steam ferry at Market dock, two ice houses in our city, a new post office, an elegant (Market house, the street rail road south of Market street, a city park, our harbor ' improved, and to cut short i I"1 t i i J oiir jicasng.4? a complete reorganization of; buYpolice force. AVhen, oh when shall wej enjoy all this? , ThodDex Dowx. A JNovel. I5y Mrs. edition of the celebrated novels by Mrs. m. jm isewby, now in course of publica- tion by T. B. Peterson & Brothers, Philadelphia. "Trodden Down" is a bright aud pleasing story, pure in tone. and commendable in spirit. The plot is dramatic, and the manner of its tell ing, spirited. "Trodden Down," is issued in a large octavo volume, price Fifty cents, and is for sale at Hems- berger Live Book Score, i ; . Where, On, Where ! This morn- Wnear 12 o'clock we descried a tre- ; Market, between Front I and Water streetsj and upon enquiring the cause, we were told that a clerk in the store and a countryman had had arough and tumble combat, the clerk coming on victorious. So dense was tiie crowd, that without exasperation as our read- ! ers know full .well, that is something a 0CaL i3 never given to a red bug would I ililo in plhnw his I majesty through, but as usual, of late, no policeman was on hand, although,! when We arrived on the spot, the fight had been over for some time, and the) participants had tied. half an hour after everything had become: A.M-KJs-v - -" calm, one 01 our valiant and ever-alert officers, like an old cow's tail, always behind, with a "bilcd" shirt on, and that lull ot gold or brass siuas, p seen Coming around the , corner, but upon his arrival on the bloody held, he found that the birds had flown. The question thrUuggested itself was, where, oh, where'! are the police? Answcr-f- ertn nnrnlp(l and the rcot ot them v,. rr- , , home in their 'Uittle beds." Concerning the case of Miss Phillis r;ilumis. who. as it was stated 111 tne Sf&r and other papers, to have .been ty- iiio- under a spiritual influence from the 3rnd to the 10th instant, without eating or drinking,rextept an egg and a little" water. I fuljy acknowledge all this to be true, and, '-withal, I acknowledge jthe final resurection of the above, and giv in- ni full statement of her whereabouts while under religious influence, ibhe 1 . . stated, on' her resurrection, tna- sne . . .Ill dnr the. - influence ot tne XACbVIk f " " Spirit of the Holy Ghost for said time, and is now able to give publicity to tne . . ..... . t world of what she received while inder said influence. It is as follows: On Fn- day, the 3d inst, under tne mnuciicc oi the Gospel, preached by llev.i Isaac King, I felt the power ot my sins which caused me' to fall to the ground, and ! while there, my spirit left tern porarily this mortal body, and sought a place for a while among the spirits, both1 above and below, and while there I said things unuterable ; things pertaining to this life, and also (of that whiVi i tr r.ome. and after seeing all of the above I was caused to yield to that power which controled, not only me but the whole world, (which power the nower of the living God) which no man can deny, wrought upon me a powerful influence, under which I publicly confess I received the remission of my sins, for which I foel thankful to our God, who made us an, ana is aoie to do for us more abundantly than we 1 1 -I - V 1 are! able to ask or worthy to receive Xow I PhiUis Williams, am a redeemed rsowxjxui" , .1 from hell, and washed In tUe OlOOU r t,o T .nnib O f God. I thank God that I did stay under the influence of the SmUt from Friday 3d to Friday 10th, for by it I received eternal salvation, through! the Son of God. ; And would that all men could say, even as I can at tMs time, that after staying under the influence of the Holy Spirit for eight days and nights, the Lord has redeemed them froja- eternal destruction in hell. With.me all is well, and hope my ; de liverance may enhance the salvation of many others. A curious cae. Wj II. B. . There have been slaughtered and brought to Market the bast week beeves, 27; hogs, lb; sneep, y. I " 1 Phillia WHUamsj, aged about eighteen a native of Dupliii , county, of iWas stated feUii ft'irance on years, whom Friday,!; April 3d, rnviri vot.Pr.lav morning about 10 o'clockj Vf ? are in formed of the particulars py a: responsi ble person, and give them as they were told to us. She informed her friends ' xi . i z- i 1 1 1 that something wonderful would ke place, that she would dwell in Heaven for a Ume, and that on tiie 9th day,he would revive, which she did on yester a nn nn vpsrsr- i nav. Ollt? 11US li&lu U1UI1G WU I W"; I of Ebehezer Church, on tween Orange and Ann streets, tasting j - I neitherifood nor drink, until yesterday . I.. , l lJTZ l.. fi U ,at.non nf life ferMghtdayB, she. to all appearance I is m the enjoyment of good healthi and tolooMatherpne wouldjbe aston shed to think' si ch a thing jl possible. " , . i 1 ivnf Upon reviving she jumped several feet , i i-ji & a i i , Ji,,vv, hish. and left the church, since whicn . ' , J l-- time she has been going to and fro, . .,. i , - . , i i ! voting her fnends and :acqua.ntances, until at last sh. called upon the pastor of the phurch, and completely surprised him to see what a wonderful change had been effected m hei; talk. She, in company with some eighteen others, will 1. : 4-K rlol- fAnf rt I 1 11 OPT! I OB 1UIU1CIBCU ab Wit uwva, Avyyn -fc street to-morrow (Sunday) afternoon at 3 o'clock. Wilmington CJotton Hilis Or- ganizlvtion of the Company. In th niivprtisAinent. tne stockholders of the Wilmington Cotton Mms met at the bank of New Hanover at 4 pJ ra. yesterday for the purpose of I orjranization. I I 1 .1 AVr Atkinson. Ujr E. Kidder was called to the Chair II J i- vvi. V. if . and Mr. Norwood Giles appointed to act as Secretary. By request, Mr. AN . A French made 1 some s remarks relative to the co5t of I construction and equipment of the lac tory It was then suggested , by Dr. A- J. Delidsset, that in lieuiof entering into details, the meeting proceed to themore imnnrtmt work of the election 1 ot a . xr1 Board of Directors, to; whom shall be left the minor details. ; j Col. J. W. Atkinson: moved that Mr. D. MpRae and the Secretary be appoint ed toiasccrtain the number of shares of capital stock represented at the meet ing, with a view of adopting a Charter and set of By-Laws for the government of the Company. ! j 1 It appearing that (G03) six hundred and ninety-three shares were represent ed in person, being ; a majority, the meeting was declared! regularly organ ized.! ' Mf. W. A. Wright then read a Char ter and .a set of B.v-Laws, which were voted on seriatim and! adopted. Oh Mr. W. A. French's motion, the meeting proceeded With the electien of . , rcaulted in the election oft the following gentlemen : Edward Kidder, A. J. DeRosset, F. ir.. Kerchner, j. H. Cha4bourn, Ronald McRac, S. K. Martin W. A. French. No other business appearing, the meeting! adjourned. The Board of Directors held a meet- araoi wiiwwib . ucm i i.w. . - , , i. ins aiter the adjournment ot tne siock- holders' and elected JJonaid Mcivae as president and Wm. A, Frejich as Vice-President, and j resolved to to call in an installment of five, per cent, on the4 capital stock, to be paid ft the office of ,tkc President on the 2otli inst. jj BY 1 . J TELEGRAPH, WASHINGTON, WAiniNGTON, April 11. The House has aaop.eu --u i: t r Younor. of Keutuckv, I UUCiiiliuj, - c I : tlipUiriinc member, entitled to his seat: o - i RHODE ISLAND. Ttkvi riTvr;R Anril If. tIia Kiinnlemental elections ire un favorable to Burnside a United; States XI. ! . Senator s. f'.fl.rr: I i : . ; 1 NEW YORK. New York, April 11. I A'dispatch from St J John's, N. F., in j relation to the accident on the sealing (steamer Tigress gives; the following re port of the Captain of the steamer Pan- iier the vessel Hvhich brought the in tellijrence to St. Johns : "On the 3rd --'"1 o tk" ral lt ,l" "B"""" " l"okoutreported a steamer, apparently moving OUiy urmci nan, anu r proached her it wjis discovered' that she had her flags at ; lialf-mast, subsequent ly, and after signaling her I ordered a boat to lowered 'andwent on bord mvself. when I discovered her to be the m)se" . r --.o Captain: and chief officers were on deA " :o" formed that on April 2nd, at 2 o'clock I . J .-i 1 11 1 f A . all over by a terrific explosion of a vA;i -l;r.li .vontorl rtiiiffl :i terror and mm confusion as the escaped steam com- Pletclyl enveloped every compartment below and in consequence all steam r " T" J m , 2 , , .on wma f TirTre i ob I reached the deck of the Tigress I ob- served that a number of men were era- i-;nr ployed on carpenter's work, making up iivvv"i , , - . , and ndil ns together a number of rough dUU v , ,a pine wood boxes and asked the com- P g d si2ned for receiving unfortuUate men who , ,., th fUv , 7 f t.- fo ,. kcvim I me: The weather was dreadfully cold and rough, a breeze blowing and heavy swell on. A num&er.or men naa gone . . . i i i i," iJTf. fl,; Jotr.1i or.fi hnrl turned UclUlY iilllvl uiiVAi. iuiyi. uuv , in on jtlie top of the boiler for thesake of the; warmth; 19 of the crew were re- posin in this way when the crash oc- currcu, uuu &um ox '7-- scalded oeyonci recogmuou The con- sternaition was fearful. Thc-twoengi- 1 neors werc on duty at the time and both were killed. ' We! left therein the afternoon of the 3rd, making for land under sail, and promised to report uio.-uisaMei imm I i -. 1 j 1 j: 1 i.imm- dialog 011 ouraruvai. I . . . 1 . r .. . 1 I did not ascer-. tain the names 01 tne men as all the ,iOiJ.. ..( rrio-rfc iinnpni-pd in treat uiuvcp & ;.1,rT- D-- ffriefsuid could, give but lew partial- lars. j Tlic dispatch further says, since the Captain's statement was made yester day, It was learned that the Tigress had arrived off the coast and had put into the Bay of Kobert's, where, in all prob ability, she Avill land her dead and wait 'for assistance. After the Polaris matter had been disposed of, the Tigress was fitted out for skil fishing. She made a trip and was returning south at the time, with her 4catch," when the terrible disaster occurred. ... KENTUCKY. Louisville, April 11. The particulars of the shooting of young Breckinridge, are as follows: He and I i i i ,i..:wi some companions; mm uwu in? sdurin the day, and a seemingly I ing UU-'o mo M plavful disi3iite arose between 15recKin- j . i i ,,f na(1(!. ridge and Anderson, about the posses Jfn nmhrplla bolonfrin toBreck- sionjOt an umoreua oeiongin, iu-dicv,. inridffc This was finally quieted and tP. . . . , . . i -i- Breckinridge asked the party to aniiK; while they were leaning over tne Dar Anderson suddenly drew a derringer and! placing it at ureckiiixiugt, & uuu .. . T 1 ! .1 head i.v...: tirAfi tup. oau -neneiiuLiiJu w CABLi: DISPATCHES. ENGLAND. London, April 11. -phc Funeral of Dr. Livingstone takes place on the 18th. The governmerit will pay $12,000 toward the expenses.; ' PRUSSIA. Berlin, April 11. A dispatch to the Daily news says tha!t Bismarck distinctly warned several liberal deputies who called upon him yesterday that he would not resign in " fai)r of Manteuffel unless the military - question rri, i:u-ia nf was settled, rhe liberals at- I I .-, T - terwards , agreed to compromise Ttis - ! ; 1 . JfEW ADVKRTISEMENTS LANKS, J3 i&j 0N CKOl BONDS for TITLE DEEDS, 0R SALE with Power bfHalel'dr.,-de., S.G.HALL'S Job Printing Establishment' apr 11-tf SBIAIili.-TOCI' .OF , ; ; GOOD HATS WILL BE SOLD LOW. ' roun CHOICE For $1 50. I - . ' i - . i I City Uiotiiikrs. " . ' ! ' 21 -NorUi Front Strcci. Apr 11-tf I itrcVTJIITGr FOR ALL. "rpRODDEN DOWN," By t'. J. Ncwby ; "The Hidden Sin," .Nine-Three, e.'b: . m 4. by Ouidn; "Colonel Dacre ""No Intentions rhraens nedux." -TUe Be K:Wjou,-,tU. ling," "Young Drown," "Victor's Triumpli, Down the lllvcr,"a tale of the Oxpo Fear ; "The rentalcuch H" "Hints and HelaHn Pastoral Theology," boy Wm. S. Plummcr. D. D., LL. D. HEINST1EUU EU'H apr 11-tf Live Book and Music !5tor:. NOTICE. A LL PERSONS IT uuiusixo ! DRY GOODS 81lould not fail to call, before turcliatiU 1 and examine the Immense StopL: ol S. Li G UIS Vi 20 NOR TU I'Ji 0XT AT. ,(Old stand G. Frenelt & on Our prices wo jiiarant e a I'AH pot lower,11 than any other house in the city. I i . OUK STOOK. . i f: I ITavinir been riuchafcfl tltiiiu'a the laic, fx- jabt'd tltuiiis the teVnet ln ule Dry Ci.Mjds market In Nfvv 1 York, we can bell goods PER OjN1. . Cheaper then if pur'chaed three week.. a;". FISHP.LATK.M BuiK.rinttndtiil: apr 7 lw NOTICE. AN ADJOURNED MEETING OF members and policy holders of the Wilmington Mutual Life Insurance tOom pany will be held nt the Kooms of the Wil mington Library Association,! on Tuesday, A t rll 14th. at 8 o'clock. P. M. I I , Secretary. April ll-lt -A TIIE CJKAIVD (fH A R I T Y C U N C E R T WILL TAKE PLACE AT THE ! O PER A HO USiE HEXT WEDNESDAY EVENING, the loth Ins. The leading amateuiis of the city haYe kindjy tendered their services. ; Mrs! 8. H. Weiu the dlstlncfulBhcd Vocal- 1st of our city, will also lend herva!mUJo assistance on this occasion, t : The GKAXD choruses rendered br tr- eral hundred children of the vurioun fcabr bath8cnool8 will greatly aid in maklni?thlfc the most lnteret ting entertainment of the season. I i ' i aprillO-td v j, 4- finfinO PLH MPT MP UUULlO UnnilUlUU. thresh STOCK comlne. dally, of themofet I ii in tim- i i - WHOLESALE GROCERY TRADE. New Molasses, Bacon, Coffee, Pork, Lard,. Butter, Ales, Cider, Can nc Goods, Bitted, Salt, . . KEROSENE OIL, All kinds of Snuff andTpbacco itice, Sugar, Candles, &a, &C Our catalogue embra-ses over j , FOUR HUNDRED AD FIFTY ' ' I1-' ' different articles. For sale! low to mu or ADRIAU & VOtlERS, i H - . x Corner'of Dock and Fint Sireeta, i npril 10-tf WILMINGTON, N. C. Stonewall Fertilizer ! "f -r 1 Highly Concentrated. lias ALAVAYH hei fVnT.factnrfid on the baaU of a mianuteel analysis. Will NpW be fold subjeettoall I laws in rezaru 10 rmiuwis, wau LViirKateed analysis.! - l - I ! B. C. &Sojf. aprll 9 2 lm, r;:- j. i I 1 1 I - ii ; sr.!. J ' ,B 1 1 t U i i A- I r I"-.'-' 1 ..'1 I'. ' V I:'. -! 1 1 i i 0 ... M- i -I 14 ; -I v- I-' m 41 " 1 V-i i 1

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