. f i t i 1 i' I J1ISCELLANE0US. yr SMITH; & CO.. W HOLKSALS "AND RETAIL ,iJ. I T RNiTU RE 0l " . ! W., . .... ir i .n ui .a i i .Mh.! f ' , , , . ' r ,, . . , ;!urf i - . ..k:i., iH riM. Wot The milium prices suitable for country We' invito :ine attention or tde public our stock, n l can oQer WELL MADE RELIABLE; AND SUBSTANTIAL f FURNITURE ,t fuc lowest prices. We ;ilo manufacture and have constantly on hand all kimla of Mattresecs. JJeddlnj-; Windovr Shades, Sash, B'lnds and Ioors. CAKrETs'ANli OIL CLOTHS aH "T;'ilcs nnd newest pater ns. salesrooms: North Front between - Priu oFaod Chestnut as.; WilmtngtOH, N. C. ttl 115-tf TO pjL'K32!riTfSI.IC. READ XiSD rKUI4!! IllhlvLlil. TUT T)TsW DROP SAL00Nt . . (T i c f?l tPL 1 1 1 f P.S innrlPS Ol tlie I V . . .. . . . . . i I ) times to iuake the people happy, and to .lo usine5s In epiJe of our troubles -rlth Sin, will adopt, tin nirtner noiiee, tne ioi lowins price list, to-wlt: riain drinks 10 cents Cock tails, Toddies and qtther mixed drinks ...... .locenis, or ior-z.j cenis I (KTiiac Ar;uu ortfinary Hot drinks.... soda and Whiskey ilt scotch Whiskey Punch... Hot Tom and Jerry Host Trench Brandy....... .. T I.. lo cents 15 cents 20 cents ...i) CentS I '. '.'.'.'.'.25 cents 1 llWlVE NKW IlIVKR OYBTEIW served at, all hours. r3IJSITSTKSS! Ii i;ik.saud refroshmciils most be paid for n iioiivery. We nave no use ror customers Milliout niaiicy. Once fr all, wk will not i.ivi: i ukdat to A N v osk, no matter what ins standing may K. -Thankful for past fa vors we hop? bywiuarc dealing io merit a tonliuanee of the f-innj. Kc-iv-iifully, TII DVTtY miOV SALOON, Blue Front, No. South Front St. lS-lni M'i J J PIANOS OKGANS, 31cloclcos anil (liroiuo. I'r sale a JIEINSBEUGEIVS BLANK BOOKS, LJai)ur and Envelopes, lKS OF ALL KINDS, DRAFT and NOTE BOOKS For ulo at HEINSBEUGER'S, Live Book and Music Store. ' ' 19G PA"RKliii iAYLOR I I Successors to A. II. NtfFF, Jlanuiaclurers and dealers in I UOUdE FURNISHING GOODS, un, Stovea, lanterns, Kerosene, Oil Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. r Roofing done at snort notice Agents for Fairbank's Scales. No. 10 Front ??UTCt W t L. ri I N (J T O N . N . C . nov 19 ; ; 150-Iy TICK! TICK JOHN II. AIIj)&?ti. Jr., MATCHMAKER and JEWELLER, i i No. 11 NORTH FRONT STREET, i Wilmington, 1ST. G. IA, wofk done in a workmanlike man V. nor. With an, experience of '20 years at a-j bench, he guarantees to give satisfaction tna prices to sutt the times. Give him a nov i- iiVjm have demonstrated that an rAening paper is a necessity in the city f Wilmington, and our growing circu lation is the best proof wc can offer of the truth rf tV,r cfofomnnt i CHir Weekly circulation is increasing etery week, even during the "hard Umei." Only one dolxjlr a year in advance. ' 1 I published ercry Friday inorning, at the astonishingly low price of ! ! one ix)llat; ter annum. I THE EUETJiriG POST I;lhc only Republicm Daily, except one, in tlie State. ! . . " . ; ' i As , ocal new3 and commercial pa Ji the Post ia the ecmal! of any in the 1.5 . It -U design ea to be a necessity TICK iri:u. He has on hnnd a vcrv flneassortment W.YTrUEs and JCWEIJlY, CLOCKS, MLVEuwAivE. rocivirr cutlehy, &c 0 citixcns of Wilmington, and ta ntaj ail f the - atest intelligence. i If'' . r' .'V - .1 : SIISCELLANEODS., $1; S 1W1KDBU lliT TUB M- 1 AmericaiL'.Iiistitiite J. W. McKEE, Embroidery ana Plating Wachi nes. ' It is ingenions and will meet the -wants of every matron In the land.1' q 1 1 v - KX1IIBITION OR 1S7Z! f I ; , '' 1 : " i Barnard, Pre. .Samuel D. TtllmnaCor: 'tiy i 4 t. ffew York, Notemtcr20, u'elul aathe ecwinjj Machine, and Is fast becoming popular with ladiea. In. the place of rxpcn&ive Needle work, iU work being much more handsome, requiring less tine and hot one tenth part the expense, i No lad ys toilet is now comolete wfthnnt. it i ... :r . : i xvu inuoviaicu c rtui&r ana LS1." ?n ! receipt of $3 or Address, The McKkb Manufacturing Co., . oju uroaaway. iNew xork. iUJMTH WANTED. Dr. Garvin's Elixir of Tar. llnn(lrtt UA ""Is' 'r;irV i;oias, uougn?, uatarrn, AsthmaUronchitis, Spitting Blood, Consumption and all Pa.mo- nary uompiamts, Hcroiula, irj6ipeJas 'Jys pepsia and Gout . Dysentery, Cholera-morons, Cholera and all lifer jand bowel com plaints. Kidney diseases and all affections ot th Urinal Organs perfectly harmless -iree irom Mineral or Alcoholic properties pleisant to take and never known' to fail di?J&!!Sf ISSSS sent on application. Address, L. F. HYDE Darts from tie DbtU or linpii klM A Book just issued exposing the 'pkbson- als" that haye appeared in the New York Newspapers; their history and lesson.; Sttl ish viLLiAKS FULLY expossd Advertise ments trom desperate men to beautiful wo men; Clandestine meetings; how frustrated; resultofa,per8onal.', Description of Liv ing Broadway statues, exposes social corruption, Sent on receipt ; of 50 ;cts. AaivSS; St , N. Y, i . . mo uecKwun zu ronaoie. ram- a 1 . K aw m w waaVvVma ocus .ivuuu, m uw uais Trial ; manyadvantagea over i all. . Satis- liict-iuu tuirautccu, ur launer reiunaca. Sent complete with fall directions. Beck with Sewing Machine Co., 863 Broadway N. Y. j may HS07 tf THE SEW ELASTIC TRUSSAn Important Ihvkstios. It retains the rup ture iit all times, and under the hardest ex ercise or severest strain It is worn with nmr..rt anA il L- on sin nllif on1 rlaf ! of. fccts a permanent cure in a tew weeks. ooiu cueap, ana seni oy mauwnen requcsi ed. Circulars lrce, when ordered by lette sent to The Elastic Truss Co.,, No.: 683 Broadway, N. Y. City. Nobody uses Metal Spring Trusses ; too pain'ul ; they slip ofi too frequently I marl4 307 tf mY ONLY TMfi GENUINE idRBAHK SCALES MANUFACTURED BY L'. & T FAIRBANKS k StockScales.Coal Scales, Hay Scales, Dairy Scales, Counter Scales, Ac, kc I M Scales repaired promptly and reasokia- i bly- I - i : THE MOST PERFECT ALARM CASH DRAWb Miles Alarm Till Co's EVERY Merchant SHOULDl EVERY JTiUKfCK vtanSEKCttx DKAWJSR 1 Use. Them I Warranted. SOLD AT Fairbanks' Scale Warehouses, FAIRBANKS &! CO;, . 311 BROADWAY, NEW YORK 166 Baltimore it., Baltimore, 53 Camp st. INew Oiloons. FAIRBANKS & EWING, Masonic Hall, Philadelphia, FAIRBANKS, BROWN & CO.; 2 Milk Street, Poston ! . i - r-l i For sale by all leading Hardware Dealers. I I M sept il j 97-2taw4m JOB FEINTING i TO THE KORTIi. S. G. HALE If EETO CONSTANTLY ON HAND AN ex eel lent assortment of r . i I PAPER (ruled and plain) j J. ! M j. . i - h CARDS, v L i- - U i . . ' H : AGS,' ; jj i l . , i ' i : . ' ! BLOTTERS, Ac, i. -i. t. . tii wvi t ol en nil fl fTjrP AS to In- duce our business men -to have their JcpiJ PRINTING done in tnis uuy. Patronize home lndustr " id have your 'expect to do Job Printing done w?"T tness. - - nwvm w. m 'im o-'i- is QHOVELS, SPADES HOES, 1 PITCH-' ; - r -7 NATH'L JACOPI'S -.1 Hardware Denot. to. ; i ! I No. 9 Market street miscellaneous; THE. l, SILVER TOiltiUt. The best ORGANS othiBeed class IN THE WORLD. " -. H The Best for Churches and Lodges. The Best for Sunday Schools. Tbe Best for Parlors and Vestries. The Best for Academies and Colleges iThe Best for Public Halls. The Best for Orchestra and Stage. f These instruments, which for sweet- ncss of tone ' and elegance of appoint- unrivalled, have met with unprecedented success in this country and abroad. i MANUFACTURED BY E. P. NEEDHAM & SON. ESTABLISHED INJ184G. Nos )43, 145 & 147 East 23d st. N Y in"eet iois iM I - ----- I ' ' y . ----- . - I nrntnnt. att.ont.inn anH lihorol hHnromant J Parties residing at a distance from our au- tnorizea agents, may order irom our ractory. Send for illustrated once list. aug 28-tf lyEW BUUKTVHEAT, " JJJAPLE SYRUP AND THE 'BEST BUTTER IN THE AVORLD,' At GEO. MYERS, ! 11 and 13 Front st. tf , Oct 30 TO THE WEST! TO THEVEDT! Bclorc making your arrangements to fol low the advice of the "thousands who have already gone," it would be we1! to consider what has been done to make the journey to your ''Homes in the West" as pleasant and free from danger as human skill and fore sight can accomplish. By consolidation and construction, a road has been put into operation on the shortest possible line from Nashville, Tenn., to St. LouTs, "the future great City of the wprli." This 8T. line, the LOUIS & SOUTH EASTEKN RAIL w WAY, Die repuiaiion vy in f-iiiuoiu irue, prouipi time sure connections, end the magnifi cence of1 its passeeffer equipment. Its trains arc ma-Jy up of now and commodious day cars, provided with the celebrated Mil ler coupler and p'alform, nnd the Westing house air-brake. It Is possitively the only I line tunning Pullman Palace Drawing-Boom Sleeping Cars through without change Irom Nash ville to St. Louis. No other line pretends to offer such advantages, cither in distance, Umei or equipment. Why, then, journey by circuitous routes? Do not be induced to purchase tickets to St. Louis or the West by any other line, remember that Tlie "St. Louis & Southeastern" is the shortest, cheapest, quickest, best and only; line under one management from Nashville to St. Louis, and js frem 60 to 20O miles the shortest to St. Louis, Kansas Cityj Omaha, Denver, California, Texas, and all western points. It k also the "Chi cago Shortest Line," via Kvam-vlllc. Toucan sccuFe the; cheapest rates for yourselves and your movables on applica tion, in person or by letter, to C. 8. Bar crrr Pnnthern PflRRpncer Afi-ent. Postot": flee Box 242, Chattanooga Tenn., or to the I undersigned. . WB DAVENPORT, ' Geneial Ticket Agent,' St. Louis No trouble to answer questions. juiyi . 57-6m Singer's New Family SewiDg Macnine i i I ! THE SUPERIORITY OK THE SINGER SEWING MACHINE for ; beauties oi stichi simplicity of mechanism, and adapt ability to every class of sewing, has been es tablished tn fair and open competition in actual sewiiiK couim, uu hd a RKfJOGJNITlUiN oi ineir menu is w iuuuu in the numerous awards of FIRST PRIZES over every competitor at the VIENNA EX POSITION ana nearly an me iuuumijw Fairs in America and in Europe. Silent Feed and Straight Needle and is the easiest to lean. Has the highest appro val for tbe Family, the Seamstress and the Dressmaker. 1,200.000! !! IN DAILY USE. 219,753 ! ! ! sold last year. 43,670 ! over any 0t SoldcHthe Installmeni plan. Terms easy ind full instructions given. , . SiJVcifj a T Innftf'i Row. Hon 111 Frt street, Wilmfngton, N. C. fih23-tf I ! I Distiller's Supplies. ISO) Barrels Bungs, 1500 PaperkJii vets, 150 Barrels No. 1 Glue, I ' For sale by KERCHNER & C ALDER BROS. feb.9, ' ' "'i-' I - 13. B. SANDERS. .!r office in tbe Post building, Princess st. . 1 cW-dwtf . ' i . ; ' r-, - OKGANS 1 - Jgpg j i I ' ; 1 oQ0 Bundles Hoop Iron 1 inch 1 I lHnh, andljinch. I 500 Second Hand Spirit Casks, I i t . HI CH I S w Br: . AVJiich is the Sewing Machine, is a j . '. M f point onWhich different Companies dif- fer; each, of course, thinks its own the ;r v ':i j ... beft, but if the point Were to be decided by popularity the Howe Machine would surpass alt others. It is a noticeable fact that the Howe Company has '4 SIX HU30KED THOUSAND ot their. Machines in Use although hav- ! i i i . j ing existed but t.r years, while the Com- i ! .1 1 J panyjwhich claims to! have, most infuse, has: only about i though Laving existed for twenty year!?, i -' ' i i " Until the year 1866, Ilias Howe, Jr., the i " i j ORIGINAL INVENTOR OF SEW- ING MACHINES, did not manufacture, but was content with; receiving the royalty which all Sewing Machine Manufacturers had to pay him for the use of his Patents. A ; sample of each Machinje was sent to Mr. i i Howe before a license could be obtained. 1 i ' '! ! I Constant, study upon them enabled him to avoid the defects of each and improve upon the excellences of all. This fact I. i explains the to which Hr. Howe brought his latent pattern of Machine, without which ad vantages such a result could not have been achieved. These; facts should be ' ;' j ' borne in mind by alljwh) j. intends to purchase a jSewing Machine. Afe the purchase of a Machine j may be thc act of a lifetime with some, care should be taken to ! . i 101,C-H AS ON L Y BEST. w. On IvdEsurket. Street Near Third, WILMINGTON, TN, C offers the Howe Machine on shcji emy terms that no one excuse for doing without a Sewing Ma chine, f No pains or to give thororigh satisfaction to . every i customer.' oct!8 THE B EST twice that number. 1 ' j . j , THE LATEST AND need Jonjrer have an expense spared 1 t " -' - . 130-law6m ! i i I ! m?e TITJE AX.T3INI: An Illustrated Monthly iournal. uni vcr sally admitted to be Handsomest Pc- nodicaLintheAvorld A Rep- resentative and Champion ot American laste. - Not or Sale in Book or Music Stores THF ALXrtNEwbile issued with all the regularity, has none of the tern pom ry or timely Interest characteristic Of ordinary periodicals. It! is an elegant miscellany of pure, light and graceful literature; I and at collection ol picture, the rarest emclinenM . of artistic .skill, in black and white. Al though each succeeding number aflordsa fresh pleasure to lta friends, the real value and beauty of THE ALPINE will be most appreciated after it ha been bound up at tne close of the year. While other publico -Uons may claim superior cheapness. a compared; with rivals of a similar I class,! THE ALDINE is a unique and original con ceptlon alone and u n approached a bao lutely without competition In price or char acter. The possessor of a complete vol am e cannot duplicate the quantity ol fine paper and engravings in any other shape or num ber of volumes for ten times its con ; and then, there are the chromos, besides I ART DEPARTMENT, 1S7I. The illustrations of THE ALDINE have won a world-wide reputation, and in the art centres of Europe it is an admitted fact that its wood cuts are examples of the high est perfection ever attained. The common rejudlce In avor of 'Bsteel plates," Is rap dly yielding to a more educated ami dis criminating taste which recognizee the ad vantages of superior artistic quality) with greater facility of production. The Wood cuts of THE ALDIFE possess all tho deli cacy and elaborate finish of the most costly steel plate, while they afford abetter ren dering of the artist's original. To lully realize tbe wonderful work which THE ALDINE is doing for thecause of art culture In America, it is only necessary to consider the cost to the pooplo of any other ' decent representations of the production of great painters. . - I . In addition to designs by the members of the National Academy, and other noted American artists. THE ALE1N E will repro-. dace examples or the best foreign masters, ' selected with a view to the highest artistic success and greatest general interest, i Thus the subscribers to THE A LIEN K will at a timing cost, enjoy in his own- homo the pleasure and refining Influences of true art. The quarterly tinted plates for 1S7I will be' by Thos. Moran and J. I). Woodward, jt The Christmas Issue for 1$74 will contain, special designs appropriate to the senson; by our best artists, and willsurpass In attrao tion any of its predecessors, j 1 . , ' PREMIUM FOR 1871. , j Every subscriber to Till ALDINE 'for the year 1874 will receive a pair of chromos. ' The original pictures were painted in oil for the publishers of THE ALDINE, by Thomas Moran. whose great Colorado nicture wa fmrchased by Congress for ten thousand dol ars. The subjects were chosen to represent " The East " and The West," One is a view m the White Mounting New Hampshire tho other gives the Cliffs, of Oreen River. Wyo-" ming Territory. The difference la the na ture of the scenes themselves In a nleaslnir contrast, and affords a good display of tho artist's scope and coloring, j The chromos are eacn worKea irom tnirty distinct plates, j and are in size (12.x l(j and appearance ex- j act fac-si miles of the originals. Theprescn- ' 4' ' tation of a worthy example) of America 'a greatest landscape painter to the subscribers i of THE ALDINE was a bold but peculiarly j , happy idea, and its successful realization in attested by the following testimonial, over . . I INkwauk.N.J., Sept 20tbJ ' Messrs. Jamks Kuttoj & Co. . , Gentlemen, I am delighted, with -proofs the color of your chromos. They ! wonderfully successful representation liy . 1 mechanical process of the original piUntiugs. -Very respectfully, I (Signed,) ! THOS, MORAN. : These chromos arc In every sense American, i They are by an original American process. 1 with ma terial of American, manufacture, from designs of American scenery by an American painter, and presented to subscri- bers to the first successful American Arl Journal.'If no better because of all thi they ' ' " ! will certainly possess an Interest no foreign production cau inspire. and ncltherarc ther ' any the worse if by reuson of peculiar lao ilites of production iliey cost the publisher! only a trifle, while equal in. every respect to oiuer enromos max, are soiu singly ror dou ble the subscription price of THE ALDINE. Persons of tasto will prize these pictures lor themselves not for the price they did or did not cost, and will appreciate tho enter-, prise that renders their Jits tri but km possible. If any subscribers should indicate a I pre ference lor a figure subject, the publishers will send "Thought of Home," a new j and beautiful chromb, 11 x IX) Inches, rcprcKen- , ting a little Italian exile whose speakings eyes betray the ionelngs of his heart, f i . TERMS. $5 per annum, in advance, ' witlrOil Cliromos free, - j For GO Cents Extra, the chromos will be sent, mounted, varnished, and prepaid by mail. i , . i THE ALDINE will, hereafter, be oMrtlna bleonlyby subscription. There will be no reduced or club rate; cash for subscriptions must be sent to the publishers direct, or banded to the local canvasser, without res- . ponsiblity tp the publishers, except in casrs where the certificated is given, bearing the facsimile signature of Jamijj Buttom t Co.- CANVASSERS WANTED. , Any person wishing to act permanently a local canvasser will receive full and prompt information by applying to JAMES SUTTON ACO Publishers,. 58 Maiden Lane, New Yobk. THE SUN, WEEKLY, SEMI-WEEKLY, A'Xp DAILY; I' THE WEEKLY SUN Is too widely Known to require any extended recommendation. but the reasons which have , alreadyj given it fifty thousand subscribers, and which will Ywrw orlvo it. manv i Hticrfi w1 u -wis.. are briefly as Vol lows, 1 . i . i It is a nrst rate newspaper. I All the new of tbe day will be found in It. condented when unimportant, vat mil length t hen o moment, and always presented in a clear intelligible, and interesting manner.-- . it is a nrst rate family rapcr. full of enter taining and instructive readlnsr of everv kind, but containing nothing that cad ol. lend the most delicate and rcruputous tastu. Itris a nrst rate story paper, ri ho best tales and romances ot curren t literature nro care fully selected and legibly printed in its pa ges. - t . it is anrsii rate agricultural paper, tbo most fresh and instructive articles on ngrl-j cultural topics regularly appear In this de partment, -i - it is an inaepenueni political rnoer. be longing to no party and wearlmr no color. It fights for principle, and for the election of the best men to office, It especially de vote Its energies to. the exposure of If ho great corruptions that now weaken and dis grace our country and threaten to under mine republican institutions altogether; It has no fear of knaves, and asks no favorti from their supporters. It , j it reports tnecacnions for Uieiadles ana the markets for the men, especially tho cat . tie markets, to which It pays particular at ten tion. - t" t ; r Finally, it Is the cheapest naner nnllsbeir. One dollar a year will secure It for any sub scriber. Itisnotseceftsary to get una club in order to have THE WEEKLY SUN at this rate. Any one who sends a single dol- . tar win get tne paper tor a year. . . we have no traveling agents. THE WEEKLY SUN. Ehrht paces, fifty six columns. Only II 00 aycar. No dis counts from this rule. ? i , 1 - i THE SEMI-WEEKLY SUN--Samc. fciro aslthe Dally Sun. , T2 00 a pear. A discount of 20 per cent, to clubs or 10 or over. - i THE DAILY SUN.-A larco four newspaper of twenty eight columns. ? Daily : circulauon over 120JU0O. All the newafor a cents. Subscription prico 60 cents a month, or ftf CO a year. To clubs oflO or over, a dis count of 20 per cent. Address. 1 nor IS tf ;. City, - 1 ! 1 A

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