4 VOL. VII. mumzmQ nl C., TtJESDAtAPEIL 14; 1874 ' '! NO; 280 ; r K 01 . J 'i- CITY" ITEMS. i- tti-iii-- ..,..-. -.-,..,. ,!:i!L'ii. fol- Our harbor w'getting fill of shirl ping. . r i 1 1 1 if ' ''" ! The Mayor will try the policemen "s alternoon at 3 o'clock, i Norlllf-rn lltniii 'li 'ni 'ht i liiuil- I thnni-li.'- v;iv 'day , ;iii;iils.." t - utJrr?i mail ".irlin: ( 'eritr.il R.iilv;iv iii.iil- Srnitliville Satur-Say :nI 'I'UfH'lay A FayittovilJc, river, MomUy A. f'j:i(J:iy-I T M Fy-tt?villf. !i-r.u !i:i;i ' !:r:! Kuil- way, daily A AI n vio'.v Curt I In;. , h-ii in. ill i eve ry Fri.lay i ' A Mails deiiv. -ml from 7 a in to 7 j in.and un i We were pleased to bee Mr. R. il. Cellars on the streets this1 morning, i Ckir. ...1 e- At ' ' - ? js l M I ".iiarvcs ior me pasc two aays , a M have presented quite a business aspect. : 1 t Curb Stones rhd Schr j "Shara Coti BY TELEGRAPH. YORK. UisiHonor W, P, CAXADA,yr-Hayor, ; . n -ft i, i -.7- . . : . c-. t ., , ' . - t v r o i I-" VAiI'l. XJU.UiUJ.lt;. Ul Lli JiUIUW. aLitLt 1 t- t t ENGLA1TD. , London, pril 11. Tiie Queen of Fleet from Darien ar C Wm Thfimsia ClnlUr. cbanred with-- 'eAU tii ii'-LixOl . -if l, penencca a Jieay galq. , 0--- i ituvitcu uuu suppuea uai new pollers awa She ex drunkenness and disorderlyonduct on andfcblner Thir the streets and Icosts or The Famine In India. -o"" arrivca in nnrfi rt lL j Inn i .1 riirr cnnc r t . .1 l . . " v-vvruto iwi nit; use 01 llic City. G. .. 1 1 Iri 3Iads0n JiasfbeeA appointed streets Two other Irmrii wts Sl,irMMi.ir.-n iron, s a ai 1- in. t Weigher and Gailtr-r f Tt5; T.f T,4r iromilonp m. Monty order; cm n f. Xj ' ' i . f,r? I -h 'i T"' If ilcpartiiicnt iien .sun" as stamp ornc-. ww.v. w ij xreasury 4 rz . . ouoemaker. Hours for openius and closing vn miugtou Library A-oci:itin Kcading Room, diiiiv : ' - ! uVIot-lc :i to 1 o l..k ' in- o'cl' They were each -fined 20 1 yoyjle'siiicene from India are hot hope SO days work on the streets, nfcg outlHavrcsIie fscraped i het fahl s? the.' New York, Sun, and the It' . . . . . r y prospect can no longer be de- Up to March 1 the sum of $12,- 1 had been expended; on the cWteei;inmV. imtressions when I famine, and the' expenditure by Oct. 11 .F te Jr amount to $75,000,000. - And y?t sgbpenam; ,v i rIggl. ViI lirTii x jiauiaa xennenana oopum .uernu, bottom against some stones, but ' I did S109m chanred with iishtinz. were lined .mU nftf iifllA wVUi, o;n- " nied. I cost' each, or 20 days on the wabfverv serious character J I was 5000 UMJL VIroix Drp. The first Virgin I "A ! Ttnirct day at sea the chief mate reported moiey many thousands must die in the in i Dip, n t . , ' '-ni.prvp iUnnsifloraWo. nexi lew months. The Viceroy has not of the season was sold in this Uaret coming into the engine room and beeij willing to spend enough to perfect to-day ; a lot of 19 bbls, bringing ?3 oO , , illosl wiprft nnmp. frnn, Ur.Pnt the J means of transportation; land he The morning prayer meetings at the P4 bbl thbi beiDS 50 cents PWJ?" froi the ship's bottom. j ! " has een too hard a task master in ex- 'int Baptist Churoh Iija Wri Vrttfl than, last year s price. i T fan-in A nn invpifio-af.inn1 thte t. wa acting so rigorous a labor test. Women f I i m til o t locK j 111, It o ci"C! i' lin-L- II III ; I ( o lo'-k i 111. to in o e: Miirnul Servic poncd. ; Due notice will their commencement , l'. .S. Army M'eathei Hjporl. April 4. t fc74. f been postf be given of !iv.';uvr.ii VII. 1 I i f'f., V it j. n ).. pin.: paper at tlii- Mii: ! ; l Mil! ti r. ...ii; ! i .! t ) vi 1 li - r S rut'.' 'IT r liUTZE, u.t rvtr. l-T tr Fair ilo do S A. Serious damage has been done in our immediate section, to the vegetables and fjuit trees. But little fruit, and considerable replanting it is feared will be the result. Died. Betsy McRec, the ; colored wo man jwho was so badly burned near the Union Depot and subsequently taken to the Poor House, some day's ago died ithis morning. ' ' . 1 1 1 .M'!...i,;i'' nit t''i i n- wrap t i i tjtv..Mrsiie : tf The young ladies and gentlemen, of j x roni otreet Jd. p.; Sunday Scho!, have a cravat party to-nighi f f it w for the benefit of some charitable purpose. We wish them a pleasant time and much success. A . For the Post. The Jail Sunday. ail is never an inviting place; The r artiilr. 1 ! ' 1 1 1 . U ' ' t : n I" K" ii . i : i Mil l Wo f 1 il lifiiv', ! ( i I'lir: .. '.i:t!i. Has Left Us.-The Rev. Mark S. Gross, formerly of St. Thomas' Church sP in this city, has assumed the pastorship after ofSt. John's Catholic Church. RnleiVh: them ! Jl !. N ' . o I t a -1 I'm: -u i:t.r thoroughly and 'g n w ! )! - t-'-uay. Bepoee investigation th there that the leak had occurred, and and jcnildren. are iorced to shovel earth the pumps were vigorously applied, but il1 ther a puposelcss way before any wnnDUi avail, as vne water Avas passing vx 2 ' -" m inorerapidly than we could discharge E Cnt3 a fr . l.. . - i , , this ilabor and the women are paid even it. On the followiug day we sighted 4Css.! At the present price of rice this the , fcfreece, when we fired a gun and compels them to live on two-thirds, the put up Signals of distress. The Greece quaitityof rice furnished .to convicts. pimp hp and lowered her boits ind in But after thc work is ane the food & came up and lowcied liei boats, and in nQt lhvavg on hand and s0 the toil may two hours thc passengers and crew were be in vaih: Of the 300,000'persons now transferred from the Europe. The employed on the relief works, one half will perish from disease in the course of the summer. They arc obliged u p.nmh out 'in tTie. orpn croniiLrv. whpre ance and a very brief visit 13 usually were first saved. 1 he boats belonging aisentery .' cholera, rheumatism, and as long a time as one naturally likes to to the Grecc6 Avcre first lowered in the low j levers make sad . havoc;' in their stop in such a place. How, then, of water, and as soon as we giot on Wrd numbers. During June and July the the poor folloAVs who are compelled to the Greece Mr. Breck, first officer of the I inteWutthe distress will tot be over ncre weet alter wceK, ana monm 1 lauer iook: possession 01 uic Europe, until October, as the rice which is har month, with naught to comfort but returned after a while to the Greecef vested in August cannot be' eaten for but their own meditations, which Thev onlv saved the mails and made nttyjdays alterward, it is too fresn and . 1 - green m urm, anu causes hieKiiess aim uisease. 111 a portion oi tue xiruoui alone, one of the' famine counties, in to our own, that is the jail, in this; city, j eadi other for twelve hours "and ho dis-lthc middle of February there wore 85,- Wilmimrton. like most other cities, nosition was shown to save the'earsro. 000 men, women, an children strag great thick walls; the gucat iron bars; the great creaking doors, and the dingy transfer was made with 'very little coii , windows have not a housdike appear- fusioiu, ind the women and children NEW JDFERTISEHENTS. ' LEAN ON CROl03 D FOU SALE nt ?f 4 S.G.1IALL' Job rrinting Establishment. : aprll-tf , ; ' r . ,J j ; X SMAIili STOCK OF GOOD HATSr ! WILL BE JsOLD -LOW. your cm WE I'lTV C'OTlljlKlU. 21 Xtuth Front .Street. Apr 11-tf fcUtQDll;N DOWN," IlyC. J. New by ; The JlicWcn ln,M "Nine-Three," by OnlUa; "Colonel Dacre ""No Intent lpn9," "PI: ine.i Redux," "The nine llibbon,' "Lottie Par- iug," "Younsi;rown, ",Vietoi ' Ti luuiph.' 'Down thcUivcT," a talc 01 tliv Capo t'car ; 1 j , Tho rcntatcuch," "Hints iuiil IIelalli astoral Theology," boy Win.. Flumtnt i D.-l, LL. 1). Much regret is felt by the congregation often: is poor comfort. Surely it is,pun- no attempt to save the valuables in the of St. Thomas' Church at his depart- ishment. But for an account of a- visit same: room. The vessels;! were near a ure. V 1 i to our own, that is the jail, in this; city, each other for twelve hours aud ho dis- t ti. ovt'th.; V.. tiled ia.- ecn M'l ttjuiie 1. Commissioner! Cassidev -1 J . .; T, , , -, nnA iAn si t 1 int. t i ti J gling on the roads in seach of food and f , I has n mil I r. vii u I hp n rrnorl f. ninof it I It rMirl hnvn honn rlimoJThoiKrli tnfi d P ,. f '. jii.. I ' ; J " " O" "O " I -v "'-' wv-v, y., .v0 nvrii-nmnn i iV Donth. fi-nm ctfirrn. .linuui; rrvcuiau. uic uesencr iroin ine n . j. e 1 .1 41 1 ; , ., , i... m.. b"'vjl"'lu ulu . . ... .i . me suue 01 uiorais wnu ueu uiuiauciu sea was verv neavv au ui lime, i inc . i , fc' . would be no need of one among us. A anoiner onencc, ana ior tne second Deaths from starva tionj had already commenced, and as ... . i j r good j thing for all, except tye legal who vol . . . , time committed to jail in default of t i - t i 1 u w r, i ' nt of this citv iiibMHicdtUe . .. . . J "r it limbs' whose Dread and .butter ;come Europe, ' , i ; in r hail, to stand trial before the , r ,m, . (. A i, letu-r. about the; middle ot r T.. x . A m largely through the existence Of such to proce A. m:i oi: .Marshal bv hist-week, oftiie Jaet that a h;rgc nuia ber of hogs had been put iu :i lot on lovk trec(, l.eiow Seventh-. The M:u h;U told the mt-enjrer, -io bore the letter, that .juiek attenti'.:! ; .should be given the matter. The hoi:- remained undisturbed till Salurdav, when . coin- followinsr morning Mr. Buch and those the season advances the mortality will thing for all, except 'lyej legal who volunteered to take claarge of the increase at a terrible.rate. The Gover- nrp,l nnd . liiitW Wit ,imnnVfrt fnin ti.p ;Knnt nor-Geccral of Bengal, Sir George United States District Court. proceed to our ship. I attempted to tensions. ' The Viceroy has shown him- 1 T.-i. T 1 .1 Ii. At- ; I .i t i i . I i n I" i. ji piaces; iut x nave no uuuui even mey 1 gex into.one 01 tne Doais 10 resume con- sen unequal-to tue emergency. Hkjii Water. Owing! to the .high I would gladly take the chance of secure! trol of "my' vessel,; but I iwas pushed water in thc Cape Fear, I the steamers mo other briefs if the evil could be done hack jand'woiild not be permitted ;to go plying between Fayctteville and this away jwith. But shed no tears, the time on board of her. j city cannot land at some sixteen of the w. not; yet. We have a jail, and; what The officers of thc Greecoj behaved in landings, neither to take ion or put off is worse, many in it, for numerous a mojjt infamous' manner. We saved freight at some of them I they cannot crimes, thc most of whom, wc say yes- the 'mails, bufc, they would not allow us bcrsjof the tickets drawing the capital plaint wa - personally made to thc Mar- J get within half a mile. At Fayetteville I terday, . 1 1 . . . ' .1.1 I ii ' ;tx t err : A I Srtiir m to save the baggage. A" Hard Joke on the Olathd Fortune Hunters. Oil last Tuesday the Times published an extra containing telegrams from the Louisville lotterv, announcing the nuiii- ni f I ir ni;iN.sni;iL(;KK:s NOTICE A LL 1'EItSoNs I ' I 1LCH A .4 1 Is li XXY GOODS -hah who promised to move tnem that J A ' alternoon. Tli fence between thc hog,' lot and the complainant was not in con dition to resi.-t an eilbrL of hogs, and as it surrounded a mo-t lwomising garden, there was nmeh an:;iety. Well, an Sundav and ve-icrd.-n the ii"-s 'came in, ami made short bcansT'onions, corn, cabbages, radishes, vc. Tv his neclect ol' his dutv win he knew it, the dar-h:l i-e'hielly sponsible. nor;: ut turni)-, leii re- thc "water is said to have risen 55 or 60 feet. School jCensus. iNo. j of children listed up to April 14th, 1874 : j White males, . , I' ! 219 ( . females, j ; 1 223 Colored males, ' 228 " females, prizes. Some of these extras found their Having has so rccen oi j. i - . .i .i..i e I mt - . ? f it. . r ' J, : 3 oouie; guou apific .picjinpieu oevtuu 01 j. ne captain oi tne LTifceee juumifteu u Olithp IC'inns Tliprp somr the wpll-disposed Of our community to to allpw me to go on board next morn- wic(I wag rCmembering that the fol- go to pur prison yestcway ior mission- ing,; but did not do so. Cant. Lamane x & d wag AU Fools d conceiv j . n r yi i r . : l I . . . . . . ,.. , I J ' ary piiri mr. uuce, or., several aid npt change his clotlics.aiter gqtting C(J thc idca of piaying apractical joke B.aFmyvJ-mQ W on PaKl tnc Greece, not being willing Qn the dcvotces 0f Fortune of that burg come to our city, to or- to accjept any courtesies alter tne man- who wcre holding tickets in the- Louis , were thc parties, i The ner in which the officers of thc Greece v;iip! lottcirv Tie took a conv of th; T'uar.i extra to the printing office and had ii large number! struck off, adding the numbers to the coupons held in Olathe. These wcre distributed through 1 rpi, 1 . ; o noo ' .iU . l .1 1 1 I t j. I i, - , . ,: . I LilC. IOU1I. J-iJU 11U1IIUUI 0,0.0 WilS )UU" (jrOOD liYE JO. v e regret ery a i'i vv cv man wxu icnuu. vrtptaiu ;jrta m .y iisiiecl a tkawing the 75,000 prize.- Should not fall to eall, beioie )iirchaMH;r and examine thc Immene htoclc of S. JL O U S S V V O . 2'J NORTH PRO XT -ST. (Old .stand G. i. Ficneh tS: Son. ) Our prices we guarantee hs low, it iml lower, than any other hon.se. in the cily. ! . been purchased hirini ti e Inte er. citcmenlt in tlic. Dry Ooods nnirkit in New i orK, we can sen goods :0 PER 'GWr, . Uheapcr then if purchased three feefc;s ngo, ! I 1. ganize a cnurcn, were tue parties. xne ner in which the officers ol; thc Oreece Wtir was about 2 p. m. Mr. Nash, the I had (acted. He attributes the leak to 231 j keeper of the: place, jailor, I Suppose, disarrangement of the plates. j kindly greeted the company, and soon Captain Thomas, of the Greece, dc- hadifihe prisoners in array to hear nies very erripliatically the: statement apr 7 Iw S. II. FIS1UJ1 Supemf ndent: 901 .ATE, Foi" the Tost. A Kcpuidican nuctiu ' was held in iraut Township on tho 11th instant. There v;t-' a line turnout and much en thusiasm prevailed. Thc following res olution were adopted : Wiu:i:i:as, It being the desire oi all the Republicans of New Hanover coun ty, far as heard from, to hold hut me County Convention during the coming canvass, and whercai, it being a fact that the nomination ol count; officers and delegates to the Judicial District Convention can be made at one lime, in one convention and w ticularl li therefore, v,e, the KcpubUcansof Grant Township, do j j R'-fofrr, Tiiat uc earne-tlr request the members oPthe Kcqmblican Countv Kxccutive Committee of New: Hanover county to call'the next County Conven tion t niaKC the above nominations in much that the steam dredge, that has iake conducted the opening exercises, wayjKindered from returning on board been so successfully at work fox a short except the prayer, which was offered by his ship. The matter is likely to come time in our river will be called away, I J"- ifarjcinson, anu auerwarus reaa a under! investigation ere longL it hn ncpomulished much for the short portion oi pcupiurc, anu mauercmarKS ok rrV fltiil WA si ni A upon the same. We were struck with eerely trust "that .some: arrangement the attention paid by the prisoners, mnv h effected, whereby ! the dredge Everyj.eye and car was open to gft and can be recalled and operations once understand each word. Mr. Blake ' A more begun. ILLINOIS. This ticket was held by a club often persons. It Avas soon discovered by one one of those interested ; the coupon was brought forth, and, m'uxtbilc d'utu, there was the .N o. 3,028 as drawing $7o,000. The club was immcdiatelV called to gether. Thc scene can better be ima gined than described. Each member supposed himself the possessor of $7,500 A N ADJOURNED MEETING OF 1MIE JrV. members and policy holders of the Wilmington Mutual Life Insuruhco Com pany will be held at the Rooms of tho Wll' mington Library Association, uU Tuesday, April lith, at 8 o'clock, .I". M. fsAMLJEL N. CANNON, ft.'fCTTtary. April 10-lt - " J " ' Chicago, April 4. regular meeting of the Chicago ( no tyi fling sum these hard times.) They CHARITY CONCERT WILL TAKE PLACE AT THE i' O PER A 11 0 U S E talked about twenty minutes to the Pry,. r ri nhorrJhn. hushed, almost cried. Thev, shook i - jOU r Llvl IIS 14 AX VJ. 'J LJ i ; 7 - - - ml iJ poorlcjreatures, after which, by request- fxjoinst Professor David Svin haudU and embraced each other. They m -Pf of. thd prisoners, Mr. Parkinson ,oecu- TMd Mh .prAvt' i.,,, ru'uvX bSan speculating as to what use they kin time we say to our readers don't fail aut the same time. What wis tD TT ujd Ptlt their suddenly acquired Ji 3 iWi,! i,i;n V.t- , , , Of this city and one of the eduoia of wealth, toome proposed to erect elegant to go anu near p saiQviaenwas The charges are very preacher and poet juev.ij)yri. aiuj i incarcjerated company. The tear was i ' c.L zat.... .... i .- , i : ' . ' . . , . . j tx ((UM. i . oiummuus, iweun-iivu uiuiacia aicci- hcreas, the people ot the county; par- burn, deliver his lecture to- night: Uhat pn alnost every cheek, andthe sob told flaUU Kp Lt UuUa in ono cularly the larniers will be great jy re- a Blind man saw in England.;', For the pialniy the ul's bitter, feeling : Iwhile ons being included in one a.ltcle eved by having but one t onvention: . .r..,.. i;tv t. rn out ?. n -.u' . ' ' V :tL i.i alouH . I k ... t t j. 1 . a .i l i I lhev were rcterred to a copimittee lor ot mastc, as n wim not umj uu v3ui . ymero is a sott 'place even in the .r; nn,f ,,p LA AntnrT . ' , .. t ' ;nrt , , I , ' .. -i , ' I consideration, and aie to be picacnted a mark of hospitality and appreciation, hardest heartMlte gentlemen. througirL. l U ml'- o. k ... . . . .t i " : u ;n lw .ivlr ., . t. I .t . t . . r irroieasor owing n iuuuo; to cununu mnnnfn atr-"i?lK 7 me t,WFiDutexrw ppaice ffici-grouuls upon wblch to Us bblat o lhL Vilmin Lihte SOme kindwOrds the men,fwhicii a case! & tnbghthe casUillxiome ley orh NOT . . WEDNESDAY EVENING, the lith int.. The SHADING ama'teciis of tjio city have dly tendered their.servlccs. I " Mrs. S. K. Wkil, the Uistliiirulshed VtM'.il - proposed to erect elegant "?i"';,!T 2" ?ntX Ver v"'"" mansions ; others would take a trip to The- c;kanf c imnusES rendejred by m?v- e. Visions ot luxury and ease fra ,AH lur'ra cl.V'arcn ,i ine yarmu-i i5a- , -ii , , 4 1 i , ' i -i I uritii raciiu.j in Kiviiii niu ill jli;liii, i i i i - danced beiore them, and just while in the most ftiteresting entertalmncht ol the me midst ol their rejoicing and hilarity season. Ili 1 1 I 1111 tc. " a.v;i I liCKeis.J c;enis: ciiiairen ,.T m ' , 1 bo hadatth Book aud prlm.lK'1 htoi ol iooi : vi)rii iooi ine eneci oeggars i tne city. i aprn la-tit i but aid to ciation. Then all bear in mind the trial before thii meeting oi; the n mind r fift I ' t. i: a i i i .i i- . . t . -"o- " : i weru tsigeriy. lxsi-eucu to -anu uecuiy ap- i fnt. . 1 ...! I .... 1 A A. - J I . .Jfc" Si , . - i . . : I Ul' XVI t. i w tin- ,i,'nrr t, r wnn 4 ,...4 c..itiot nniAP.E. time anu mace, i n.AA;AAi it .;t.t.4I.. i the Pi.trict Convention to attend s.-.i.J ff L.J t,.:b '. uJMl It will bei sharply contest ( "mi vent ion when called bv tlm Wmr's sMcctive District Executive Committer ui-,i Vnrtli- Watk- street this I Partuio Ume ;Came, The call for said Counly Convention. I'."' . .i u.: ; nf irn earnestly asked to come again. morning, -m-1"b " -, rr .' later than the T.rd day of June. 1S74. or something or mat juuu , o. -H7,rt - e, tike Kcpublicauj of readers with, at a break necK( pace we ,u ,Jr feast l-tbe prisoncss-and when-the I J " i...ca.. L il.tu i. . iim iu it uii:uv;i eueiuoiasneai eooii. s I '-. i !' I J . ... ... The! case excites great interest in IMEiUth..N i- communication ujuts- scription. Indescribable tJlankness sat upon every countenance. From the mountain top of workllv honor and one dash thev fell into thc val ley ojf hopeless poverty. NEW -.IOVKKTISEKNTn. St'FFER NO MOliK! ';i'- -AA ( Jrant tciwnship in mass meet iug asscm- started be it understood our) life is ih- sured -ibr several thousand) to enquire bled, being of. a sentiment Unit bids ii extend feelings of gratitude for faithf-il services rendered u. do therefore IUoln That we hail yith patriotic pride the true and faithful stewardship of Jfon. James lloaton. !; Rejoiced, That as a rew.ud for his bold and unflinching advocacy, of j true KepubtonUm in our county ud State, nitv . i til .V. o nroCflntimPTlf. I tue cause,: auuuugu n'w "! vt: , L.t 4, . ' .A iitt ihAr ihroat. to frclaebtly upon the ra iob. or! that a bid Mosh01vtIlO5evhoare r,' C UU1 anJlud to give our .reader thU brl 110t onlyf the ,Hcle,.lmt t '-i "'.JJ' -"5 "'!V''"'f of ljclerieal brctl.rrn, vhn have been Jmbst iiomiheut ; in bringing the futse beforejthe tribunal of the c riffht Ir- s hurch. was C ABLii DISPATCHES. AUSTRIA. wnric nr i.iip. Rinn t i.1t, n.n h(vnnn4 for'Mrl Blak6 ind "other3 haVe ben in samo 'mission,- but so kind as to dp uproeto&: .that thfa wkprccta- mlghtlmvealoDS.kheclfor.opportuipca, ana.to.inc Pu..c gencrauy tne to display our; muscular I miporumtc vif7uu:u,uo ulu,dl I" we cheerfully recommend him to our power in thc : way of protecting ouH lorm. xnere is mucu necu oi goou next County Conventioii as our first and .J,;,, ralianx policr fromrougjid deeds' ,m thwas m ( aiKcuiAncttwe . . l .? r- .1 . .... 4 -.'..t . I "iiu uui mit"'j , . .m . i;w m ' - .,- - . I .. : ... -- I . l oah'eHS'irioVciurt T ' e ; "bu judge of our surprise iM WW fep'j lp toe Pope', rcetprotet aga-nst ftot?. tho rU of we:rAvedontbe:S;ene,lto;ind no rUhoeprfd.lP, ;-5h. ccU-fad . bllW. underwood thw aascrobUgc. that. .all. rotolutiou mtii of a fisbt, or i any thing tf inaj, me-morji wuraSe hi uo we ji.oik. tnat opposition to tnc Vatican is merely t i .1 . . . . . i A w - i . i " r . .t . . .. : i . . i . . Lj - a : . - ,hou?p of Heichsrath, to- eccleiastiial bills, whtjrc- UKn tue -i9nops withdrew in a body. dar'j dveninu at oYl-xrU, !br work in the T'elloiv Crafts d iee. Cy onler uf thnlV'. AI.. jaaij-js r. MUJNl.-i. ?ecy. Ap.ii! 11. 1571 H Jit. .lohu'ii Hi! W.) Tf It 1 I 't T T l , . " ;Ri:y. W LI i ; n AU V ASS(J ;i ATION. IL MILHUKN, BALT.OU, who: .1 Vri:SlS"A. April 14. 1; THE BLIND HAN ELOQUEST V." ILL I'LIdVLIl llH IafKE, ii Vli:ii illiiirlancl." yaw ill passca uy mis rnceuug, logemcr with tlw v- l hnfc Must cimply jl little quaq- oome otner iinw wv may give an acr-f tormnn. SteHdl" ",c cul- rraSfo&ly torquUoirlcoimaftU, prisons tliemBelve,; but TO K' AsDBENitnv pi.. m.. .Wntf. M-ottcr.'HjilTLthSUidl;thi 6t day, passed - - i uaio i - - i - Tuos. ixox, iject'y. nothing more. :Ve TT9.lL On Tuesday Kvcuinjr. 14th inst.f at I o'clock. Admission oO cents. W Seats mav be reserved at Heinsber name where nr i-. known. Js sufllcltnt (o fill nU oiiw i- wifb paticctritbe whole time idurljiir m. office hours is stopping) Cor a few 'days at tho i'urccll House, parlor tit W a copy llio'lol. lowing from the News and Courier, Charles ton, ssS.C.r The Doctor x certainly inakiuir some ot the most 'wonderful etircs tluit ha ever beeai known here.j J. W. Serakfu, cor ner lieaufaln and Coming Rlreets, who has had Itheamatlsni for oyer six yearn. Is now walk in 2 around. Wcaro wituettscs in the above case : J. H. Piepflr, Capt. t jO. Uuck er. .lie has a!o cured Wm. If oflman of Sciatica, N. B. Fields ot Iiroiichltlf!. Henry Leonard of Neuralgia, and several thM.r Lunjc and ThroatT' Diseases whoso names may be teen at his olliep. The Doctor purr all diseases of the Generative Organs, Semi nal Weakness. Ac. All treatment itrlrtiu confidential i , , The Doctor invile all classes of I'hvkt. clans iu to see the eflwct-c of hi remedies lie win remain unin uh cures any cao ho W- ii&as ; mav w rcserm a e.f 'Lm 1 contractu to treat, and he cures many cases ger s Uooic Store without additional charge. I onc treatment. ; , i apr l;3-2t spril 13 ! I tf 'jn v .j i , ... . . . t i h i ! t ; -'t i l ;i i -f- . i:Z