,1 V VOL VII. . i : i , ;:! : . - - ' . vi . - -i ; i - ' - , .i ' . - : : L- r , i!' . i .- 1 ' -- v q . r r I . ; 1 ' ' . !., i ,i : r : 1 - ; ?r,-7J L r,r ! , . i ' , 1' . i, .p i f is . ! rr : rr , 1 1 11 : 1 . ' 1 - ;vv- ' 'ty fl: no.;291- i ' 1 V ' I - ' - ' will vUxiO from Ihistilatc jis fal- '.! " - V,rt!i"' - (niihl) JUiMis. 8 I M WMy(day) maiFs.J A M . a .. ii 111:4 1 I ..8 I M ,'rai iuua - iy maiu j a m -Saturday ami Tuesday Q A M .ircviHf, river, Moiuwy v. l? nuay..i I .t,vilI.OyOrolina:ctraUUII-f ..- iv il.Liiv ..o A 2l w -."y t ),;ow Co'-irt -ilousc, (horse uuiil) eve .5 a ii Mu!r,"-Iixo,cd fmm7!,m to7iin,aiidon r: liriilM lf A .vs from Kf h ..!..,,;.' m' Money ord-r on KeKistcr i utuw ut opoii wac hk fcijniii oincc. ",r .'. r.7r npnin- :uid dosi Tvil- minton Library A vvxiattou Heading Boom, dairy : . y o'clock. :i ui, to 1 o clocic in. 3 o'clock m, to G o'clock p m. ;i o'clock p in, to 10 o'clock, p m. t hite carrier uovs are not aumor- lit to .-ell copies of the Tost Neil (Jerkin has charge of our city r,i!l:iti(n. and is authorized to collect ; Serricc, U. S. Army- Weatliei IteiJort. ' 8.-.SHv:sn',3''rr jce, 1 filter I V. iiu! :) i t:i v : . ' j I With ,Mti er ;.;iu A. av.. 'O P. M i:0.'$ Wi ' ircph I do borli'0 ,V''J 5-' 'S brisk ' do f)TTO 3CHUTZE, Observer, U. 8 A. OijP Ni:wi'APF.iis, siiit;ible for wrap paper, in packages of li'ty, for sale a this office. tf. V::.-liould not hesitate to recommend m any friend of ours, Parsons' Turga :Tve PilN; they arc scientifically pre ;m:v1, and are adapted to all the pur- iscs of a good purgative medicine. Decided! v the best remedy that has over been discovered lor the rheuma- tblll SWO'JlCll, or Mill lo;iii.,in-mi uuiius, i . 1 ! . . .....1 ltirk2 ic Jofinsons' Auodviic Liniment. Wcuse i .. i :a i I it :in always rcemiuenu n io our i Jnt'ii' ar.r 2.- -dOt-AVlt Xot Dkad.-V"c published an account some days ago, ot Mr. Delaney, a for mer resident of this place, as having killed several mcmoers ot his lamily, and nftcr accomplishing this Crime, ol taking his own lite, but ltseenn to have I'lon a false rumor,. as we were shown .i 1-jttcr this morning, from a Wilming i 'mau, now-residing in the city of Bal tiinore, who says that Mr. Pelany and his family are living in that city, and furthermore, that he met him on the Erects a day or two ago" We are glad ) ) learn that tlie rumor of this great crime proves lo he all a noax. iijnr.ERY. Mr. John Bowman's shoe ii-i !i-p, on Second between Market and i rmccss blreeis, was cnicieii souiu nine !l-cr ij o ciocic paturua miit 'uv-x,. . ii'Widbbed f three pairs of boots, and -'i".o fit nor articles xnc uafi t'uetiiu -a entrance thronIi the back window, i y pulliug off one oi" the hoards of the -!'Ut;r, ami pushing in the hsli. 'It is ihougiit that he must have been fright t"iAl off, as there were lots of boots and -W in the hop at the time, which he 11 not take. No due as to the perpe i fa tor. ' For the Post, ttrmu wick County Northwest Township. A large and enthusiastic meeting of :-e IU-publicans of this Township was .'"M ;it I'.rinkley's on.-Saturday, Ajirii -iii. "On niofioji, Sam. Allen, Jr. was tilled tn the chair, and A. J. Swinson appointed secretary. Oji motion, ' oiuinittcc of six were appointed by 'ic chair to prepare resolutions and se lect delegates to the county convention Brunswick, to be held at Smithville "? t lie third Monday of May next. lac committee reported the following resolutions, which wcrc unanimously adopted : ' ' Rctotced, That our lirst choice for Judgeship he the present incumbent, B. L. Riusell; for Solicitor, the present 'neumbent, rkl. Cant well, and for Con e'rs, Keill McKay, of Harnett county. Iiixofccd, That the following peV sous he appointed delegates and al ternates to the county convention to be h.eM in Smith ville: Delegates A. J. inson, G.N. Hill, Sol. Vebb, John Barper, Jr.; Samuel Moore, Archer chaw. Alternates George Webb, Pat rick Browr, Wesley AVebb, Nathan! ne, j; jjall, Henderson Ferry. . &'olcelt That a copy of the proceed ings of this meeting be sent to the Post wr publication. !.r III r publication. " . . . . V u, ' . 1 t Samuel Allen; Chairman. ! jl Charlotte will liave1 the, circus, and A. J.SwiNsoN, Secretary.! 'jet it not entirely happy, f - I hie pavement mama, lis. the order, o the if The Iter. J K. paruion ipreacbed at the Market House yesterday1 (Sunday) aiteriioon, to quite a goodly bumber o persoua. , Im . f; I'Mi y Six persons, four ladies jand two gen tlemen, "were confirmed1 at St. John's cuurcn iass nisnti oy tno? lit. Rev! the J3islioi of North Caroling AckX0WLEDGEMESt!AS care under many obligations, to CoL-T. 31. HolL I " - " " " " A-a-j. iwmcui ui me otaie gricuiiurai c?o- I ciety, for an invitation to a dinner to Association on the occasion of the Visit t) Haw Kiver in May ; also , to Messrs. Holt & Moore for an invitation to visit the Granite Mills, in Alamance county, of which they are proprietors. Here is the latest discovery of mean ness, chronicled by the Aisheville Ex positor : " A man not a hundred miles ofl', owed the Exjyo&tor two dollars. The aSent 01 ine paper, staia all night, with mm, aim he made the agent pay the cash for his bill of lodging saying that he would pay for the, paper soOn. j His name went off the books in haste. He ought to be 'shook by Bald Mountain.'? -fr-". ,! -i r ELECTiON.At an election held to day, the following' were elected ! officers of the Willard Fire Engine Company, (Eagle Island,) viz: Foreman AV. O. Skipper. J First Assistant , Forcman-UW. D. Small 1 Secretary and Treasurer-KR. McLeod. Pipemcn E. F; Sesson and James Lyon- Yesterday. Yesterday (Sunday) was a delightful day, and large congre gations were present at all of jour churches, but more particularly jwas tms tne case at i?ront street M. h,J Church, which pulpit i was occupied uuiu uiuimug uuu UJgm, uiat ciur Intin. - t who delivered most eloquent sermons, J I u j wuicn were usicueu iv oy tnu aim vi 'oT o uta7 S alike, with the profoundest at- vnn n tention. Off. The schr. Nellie Grant, which went ashore on Friday-. last, on Zeke's lslapd, succeeded in getting off on yes . . ! " I . i i terday, and arrived in port this-morn 2sot much 'damage, if any was sustained. This schooner1 seems to have hpnn nfortiinai; ! On nr!wv tn thi port she cncountercd:a gale off Hatter- oo -Vo -nJ I i I m t t i- I i UO OVlJlV 11 VbiVO I 11 AO VVUIlilU ! i ; 11 1 ' to be towed to Providence! for repair tributes three large and spiritedly drawn eignt 2hdBIuddy sesesJtoiiK 3rd and now on her second ! voyage to this pictures of scenes in Florida, one ot the Kuclxism as a religius prinserple. 4th port gjie rau ashore, but fortunately, as is stated above, she received very little if any damage. W4 ( Almost a Fire. This morning, about 9 o'clock, while some workman I wcrc CUnrajred in drying a lot ot hickory r tho boiler at the loundrv ot Messrs. I if- - . I jjart & Bailev, the entire: pile caught men, with the addition of lhersleam " , - . i . v 1 w ' -T . - - w . Imf hv Hip nrnmnf np. of UiP.worK- I pump in the yard, it was extinguished before the alarm became general. One of the workmen had his hand badly 1 burned while engaged in eitinguishing the fire. Not much damage was pus tained. Parade. Cape Fear j and ' Orion Lodges, I. O. O: F., paraded through the principal streets, headed t y an ex cellent band of music," this afternoon. They will be dismissed at the ldge Room, when tney win again aemuie, with their wives and sweethearts, at o'clock, and alter listening to tne aa .-c tr lr nviP i will rh I Will not OC- I cupy longer than two hours, those leeit 1 . . '. 1 l ing so disposed can aajourn 10 lue Temperance Hall below, ana engage in the pleasures 01 me uauue. , . , ;. I , , , 1 - : iT'-l" 11 I rvn 1 r.Tivr. Ar.P.vrv.-Wi callatten- 4 rarrl rtf "M"! -T. -T f!:15i- dev and G. O. VanAmringe in which 1 T? ! 1 iJ they announce that f they arc prepared to undertake thc collection of aU sorts of claims for debt, ejectment; lifehs, &c., both in this city and in the country, by the ordinary means of collection as well as by process of .law. ' Hr Cassidey U a well known and efficient Magistrate and Mn VanAmringe has a large and l 1-1 n.r in ti omi n ti l nlT;l- ness, and we feel safe in making the as- sertion that those in need 6f their ser- vices could not do better than by erH trusting their business to them ii Hi Hbnop qADAV, llayor The wgewc(5posedof this mora.iD.pexore-ta tnwlnaiT-- i . VrmBrriee and Chas. -PalBeiwo sailors, for fighting iii a saloon on North Water street. Falkley was ordered to pay a tine of $S0 and costs, or thirty days on the streets In the the casa of juruce me jjxayor reservea nis decision uniil!to-;morrow morning. ': ri? Charles: Holland, iailoiy for disorder- Iy canductj was ordered to jav pffinc of $5 and cbsts,'rten jay on ftl btrcelsi I rBob aiartia, for disorderly conduct, George ! il IJor'don, lor insulting" a a policeman while in the discharge of his1 dutiekj was-ordered topay a fine of $2 and costs, or forty days on the streets. ; andy Campbell, tor disorderly con- .(was I1 ordered to pay a fine of $20 and costs, or thirty days on the streets, Henry Williams! for stealing chick- ens, some weeks ago, from Mr. Gerken, and whose arrest ha just been effected,' was brought ud. but the Mavor reserved his decision until to-morrow morning. All! of the above arrests were made by the day policemen, not one being arrested by any of the night force. ivxights of rYTiiiAS. 1 rom a pri TV A .. r-y vate letter to P. G. C, W. II. Gerken, of braggering as if de victerry wus steeple, 1G0 feet high, on the Congre of this city, wc learn that the following theirn, Dare i wus prehapsl sum -uv. de. gatioal church. Fart of the falling are the officers elect of the' Supreme Lodge of the world K. of P. : S. C, Pi G. C, S. S. Davis of New I Hampshire. S. V. C, P. G. C, D. B. Woodruff of Georgia. S. It. and C. S., P. G. C, Jos. Dow dall of Ohio. S. G., P. G. C, Hugh Lathan of Vir ginia S. S.. P. G. C. C. II. Hodson of West iVirffinia. . S. S., P. G. C, W. II. Mogston of Tenndssee. I m u r 4- . : . r. i. l I beautiful jaS the month it represents; fiUcd fo the brim ,vith clloice flowcrs f art and ! literature. The en&raines, i "niCDj 111 lus upcru moninj lo 11f J 1 1 A- lV0 f acncc( 1110 luZllcl I)OHU OI Per" tAfifi . . , innllt 1 til -sir - 1 1 1 onvThinir ivvtiii, .in; ujub heretofore seen in an illustrated maga- 2ineJ I J ohn fc. Davis opens the number i ! ! ..ii u ti. r: I wun fl lull'lm' P'ut-, Hound' which is one of his best efforts, . i i :i : a.,,1.. I a sl?Pf worK' wuig umt it is u uuy fromT eal life. J. D. Woodward con- most peautnui ana ; picturesque in the; Union. The1 first picture of-the series is a deliciousjy cool view of the famous Silver Spring, which boils up from the earth; the second picture is a handsome, full-page illustration of the f ii. . i r mouth of the bt. John's liiver, showing tho runs ol the old licrht-liouse. asrove ii ' Li?. i .1 1 : i. 1 I 1 - I of palm trees, etc.; the third picture is a wild and tl ream v View Ol a r lorida hammock, one of those strange emerald i , islands in the midst of a desert of sands. Two other. 3ther handsome and interesting pictures are "A Retriever," after Dei Jeer, and ''The Bashful Lover," by J. Af Tinrfiolrl L '-Tin Knrinfra- thn Lart " t " i :::r v 1 : & ;: ' is the ui. a viitiimiui, xvw exceedingly appropriate for spring time. John Hows has a full-page picture, . striking for its boldness, called the "Hemlocks of Otsego." "The New nnYtinl nf. Wnrtford. Conn., is a finelv nvpcnVR1 drawinff of the large and buiIding now in VT0Ceas of erec. , J Hartfor(1 Thc iast illustration ji nutaber is all excellcnt portrait Jf . . . I f ivfiv Sfratosc.h. the lmnressano The couten of the May Aldinc MM. ' 7 ftf . reater varjcty and excellence ftJld are of the lligUest order rit SnWr ntion once. o, in- vl U1VIIK x. A , . . : , ..-ri.. v?,.4?f "Tho eluding chromos iue era, n TniATt Tnk New Y"ork City. For thc Pos MnJ I'ost :Ware I tu stait de per- tictuler reesons fur dis kummunikashun itmout kreatea wunderful sowumess d de gude ole Dimokrats in de kun wi try, wbar aint nau u uuwuui a long tim; and who is groan mite hon- M x i l.-Vl i oitmfntn Ion rr fnrf crv aniorv w uvu puiumiu ' i 1 1 :; Kf for Koin nn now. an woou er t-u jv, ro ' c;de. Sum uv dem hed almas eepablekeiis wuncc4 but den dev Ikecred fraid de partee ' wood laiot hole its own long nun w giv uui um 1 1 . i Wnm - andarefore dey whipt bak, an I kraii an aare i 'j; dejr ir now scene at de. tale nae uy det -X)imokrxtik partee; ,-rcddy to poui, set dom. stan up.fineeze, korl wink, grown. or make enny utherfsakrifice ito ingra- j eherate idemselvea wid de hie .gentle- J muns-uv ae!pariee.-?y n-t hi u I Master Editur, , it, wolod my ermuaed, u to uy scene.de olosedy remanea dat wus exyumed an.ieUYerd to desatty hier gentlemuns at da t lass exherbishun dat wus jhed bye de Dimokrats ,afc do. Coat j AXVUi w ujoLwujri7u4i'iTiiciM) ' biff sinellihg 'aboittiisamor )e8U, tryn -ia git jfyfarvr wic des ipubiikans j h$h&6 puljllkans got bredi cteranvtfem fie farty w,-jan;dey darforedekUngditp gifum enny offivantfendese poro foUers'blti IUp to git'iiak in wid, de Dimokrats. Jurden is a haird rode . to itrabbelv I blieyfe ! i j ; s. i ?r : i -;-! f Tojgit,bak On iaverubbleUurms,ia;de j questiun I jVell, dey aint .buti wUn wa to dop,it. What's that ?, Why, bekum me undiguerfide insterminl now uv a partee aginst whitch dey hah warred lor 4 ef rf -LhanJfcful fur smart fayurs, dey air:wiiiin to go in on, enny turms dey I S1 wl-i.') - , : , ; bup. uv dem fellers trum de kuntry tuthek nite; lukke .like4ey had neber seed. (I e lite uv sivilizashun,an Kvhen de hicr gentlemuns uv sitty pretenshuns an assomeshuns! gan to fier 011 deir lectle batterrees, dey jest schrinched ' up, an I 1' ' l.t' 11 1 ! V i i gio up ae ieeia uv opposisnun, an went longefst koat tales dare for de seesen, considenn it is now Aprul adyarnced: dat ufor enny uther mann eber sede 'Deed, u coold not hab kunkluded frum reesodubble grown dat d ere wus so mutch kloth in de kuntry, fur wee ' had kun- kludeil dat Sherman's men had destroid ... an'kairried awa awl de reliks uv formur distnkshun but taint so; fur i de fong tales boar orf de parin on koat tales: an dat Isfawl dese; kuntry aspirunts1 srot to konsouLdem ii deir retiremeanb. r Date wers borne pore aisappintied menn dare dat Wiold not' stan de temp - tashuh to deverl-c : Und whenn ruuled i f i i kitoe bad to reti diTerige n,,'!' hrasiri? awl de nromernuntbrinseroles uy deir trik to ketch de kuntry forkS , A . A but dey ware not sede timenuffur dem . . - ... . 1 . ... to esiqape; so dey jest went m,' tuk: de batGj 4n got kort rft fas. But dey say dev hi ft at Mairknowliera i)lat- : , . firm got to be eructed up thare, an maid si, materierls es thet VVaddul kant ; i- gtan on it , It be abstracshuns fwia '' tmcle. istStait anver- Cuihulaytiffe sufferidge.1 5th No rgom Jfor foreiners. 6th Denunshia- sUn uv awl men whoo tuk bak pa for survise5rendurd. 7th Antee-Inturnul TmnrnVment. 8th-To de viktiirs bee- . . i iang fte pUe.f, 9th Exeyle all white RpniiTilerkans. 10th Disfranshiso awl - -i r a :Lna- iitw-inn n w,i. lllVl UVU Hl-I lUlj'lUTV mpnts! cenerrullv. and cherrush Dim- lUUb JViAO Y UV uLl lldJtXl X M til JJXlllii .J.r 11 I.Ij ioUl Tl: anuther war as airly as posslrble.-13th To inshure warr, sen men to Kongrus whoseibitturnis will ledc to fites kn bad feclin Jwid memburs uv Kongrus. 14th Mak dd kanderdait who gits de nom- ii ij u: if tr, L i - iua pic"se " "r" . rr.r1 larineisir eieitieo.anu mtcn inienninjrs jrenerrullv, an sum uthers tu tdgious to ' -a.. . ' raentfon. , iKespectfully, Mizpah. T.ATR IT Bf TE LEOR APH NEW YORK. Poughkeepsik. April 27. Tliei trains have been delayed by a storm.! The show is four feet ecp in NrRv YoitK. Auril '27. I " ! I , T jl 1. ; Revi WV T. Taborc, Rector of the Church of Atonement, whose refusal to bury'Geo. Holland, ant actor, jfrpni I hi. Wnroh rnUoil fVirtli m n criticism several years ago, announced yesterday j that fxc intendedrtd resign . from the minisiry o" the ?iIr9teptaht Episcopal Churcli, and then gave in his i sermon his grounds for this actibn,Jand for his preference for the Reformed E 31SCO Uhurun. , t ... Thd steamer -Exporter left here yes terday afrernoon with1 seyenty-fivo tons of government rations for the Louisiana' I - - . .Mf y: J jSercrs , , t.p lr . ,,a , , ! ; 3 LOUISIANA. New Orl, April 26. f TIje river is falling. . and 'fe'-now two feet below liigh water. : '. jFrom. five to seven days mails are due !from the Northern Eastern and West- erni ci . L,' MoxkoE,; April 26. . The water rises, and the people con? tihu0 coming in from the rear. r ; 43;, a'PiPrQaches ther side walk and streets are only pastures for stock. The loss of cattle -and horrs by the? overflov is very great. ; The sun shone all day, and there i-J a pfoppectibf better weather. : ,. ? 'The last night: and , a ho bafck water an inch , , and a half. Washington s tree t is flooded to with- ihUhree blocks of the river. 1 '4fjThe riyer is at a stand to-day and the weaiuer is iair anq warm. inere is no intelligence trom above orf below. ' , The Railroad Company have surren dered we mail contract between here and Vicksburg, and the telegraph is now the only source of correspondence. VERMONT I? - Rutland, April 27. A gule at Bennington demolished the LpPj struck aii adjoining residence, crushing the root. f 4nP SQow drifted 10 foet deep to-day iu consequence; of the furious gale which raged. MISSOURI. ! St. Louis, April 27. ; The St. Louis Times asserts that 24000 topnngneia nn.es, id,uuu rounds ol am munition, and several cases of pistols, PP cret lor books' te uuu am uiai, uve car loaas I i . - 1 1 ! Ii 1 OI Pwions nave oeeu smppea to tne I .nmn GEORGIA. J Savannah, April 27. Tlie Chattalmochee is overflowed its entire length. Considerable -damage I has been done. DELAWARE. , r Lewes, April 27. The gale was severe. Two. schooners foundered, but uo loss of lite reported. I CABXiS DISPATCHES. ENGLAND. I ; London, April 27. - Experts to examine the Erie Hail road books will sail on Wednesday. - Alexis is the only member of the im perial family .that accompanies the Czar to England. I Castellar declares in favor of a fede ral republic. I ' Bald Mountaiiiis again quaking. ! lhe price 01 herrings advanced one I "UUUA hundred per cent, in one day in the Newbem market. ' Isaac Burns, who was confined in the Rockingham jail, broke out a week ago, and succeed ed in escaping. ; Lockharts is the name of a new Post Oflice, 13 miles from Ashville, on the Burrisville'road. The Western N. C. Railroad will be sold fat Salisburv on the 18th of next J xmc under a decree of Uourt, to satisty a mortgage of l,200yCKX), in favor of Hrram Sibley and Henry Clews. Mlf ftlWII5J!ilUIJaTl. ; 4 I 'LOST I ijetween Boncy Bridge andHiitodfTs A ACCOUNT BOUK, of. npyalne to a any one exceDt the owner. A liberal reward will be paid for its return to THIS OFFICE. april 27 20I-2t General Collection Agency. OPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO-tXJL- I ' O lecting rents and claims of all kinds, by ordinary collection,' or by process of hvsr when necessary. - IKleotmentS! under Landlord and Tenant Act, tiling Liens on Real and Personal Prop- ertv under thc Jlccnanlc's Lien Jaw and collecting debts' Hi ' the county will have prompt and careful attention. ; G. "VANAMRINGE, if- J.J. CASSIDEY. j J i ?! J in. h Justice of the Peace, &e. m. rineess streei, near in H27i- 't'"-,: ; W ,k: , : Oflleo on I'rlncess' street, near the Court NEW ADFKRTISESIENTS. The j Palace ol ! Industry; A JUVENILE OPEHA, BY OVEU OE X- '1 i ; j i Hundred Ladles. Gentlcmcnnnd Children. will be performed at the OlERA HOUSE on next' j ; ! '-,; v " WEDNESDAY EVENING, 20th lust., weAtherpermitUnz. Doom open Vi octock; pcrformanto commence at8JC Admlsjslon: press Circle and OrchcsUtt Chairs, 7.5 cts.; rarowjlte Circle. o0 els. No extra "price for reserved seats. prll 23 v -s-- x.-. i,. r - u" Jt'OlS, SOOCITOIC ' ; 1 W TOWAHS'CTeTSt ' I Incambent, is a candidate for Bollcltocof . I this .1 lid ir.in.1 I)lcfrif t-nt.lrv in. 4 1. n , I -m -m t-1. .. O . . I 5,f lhe lpnbUean"Jdlclni Nominating ' aprlll6 tf . , - i 1 FAjNAMA'S LEG HORN, i - WHITE CANTON, i-oii !M!en and. Boys, IN GREATt -VARIETY, i. Received tljw morning byv ' MUNSON & CO., City CLoxniELiS, ajr 23 j 21 North Front Street, LADIES, I "youit attention, is esij-X'IALLY Invited to oiir large and vanett stock of s p n I N G 'I -.Ajsn- - SUMMER MILLINERY, Which will be sold cheap, for'cash only. TIIICES TO SUIT CUSTOMEIW, M. 8TROCK. f EVANS BLOCK, rrincess Street, near Front. ( april 17 tf 1 MAYOR'S vOFFICET" CITY OF WILMINGTON, ApRXL-13tb, 1871. "PROPOSALS will be received at tbc May or'sOlllcc until 1 12 O'CLOCK, MAY 1st j 1874, for the PAVING cf SIDEWALKS on Front Street, between Dock and Nun utrceLs, of bricks, known a Eastern Clinker. Bonds required for completion of con i tract. W. P. CANADA Y, apr 18-td. Major. Star and Journal copy td. j TIIE -THE EST BDTTEK IN THE ( WORLD." "yyrE are now prepared lo luru'sh thi "Choice" Butter to the famlli trade. EVERY rAClCVGE STAMPIS). Received fresh every week, dirtrt from wwnswuwy uairy. BUY ONLY THE BEST.' For sale only by aprll 21 GEO. MYKKH JVEW AND FRESH Q.OOD3 EVERY WEEK IMPORTEDj CANNED GOODS , i : py the SALAD DRESSING, m At april 21, GEO. 3IYEKS'. HKJ$kXiixG- jsJLiX. TpRODbEN DOWN." By C. J. N'ewby ; "The Hidden Sin," "Nine-Three," by Quida; "Colonel Dacre ""No IntentIonit'.4PhineH Redux," "The Blno Ulbbon," "Lottie Dor lingr," "Young Brown." Victor's TTlnrnphr Down the rtl vef," a tale of the Capo Fear ; The Pentateuch," "Hiuta and llela in Pastoral Theolocy,'; boy , Win. 8. riuinmcr. D. D., LL. I). i h HEIN8BERGEIPH Live Book and Mnsie Htore. ' apru-vi Hlozart Saloon, r , i S" o. i; Granite Row; "SOUTU FlKXNT f3TEKT. . GERKEN & HAAB, Proprietors The best of , ' . Lipors, WinesjCigars! LaitT Beerv" And ALES always on bAnd. OYSTIOtK served every style. A, respectful Invitation UHurnaaaiflaii. i i ... a . '. yd I-. REMEMBER : i i-' V i