t I 1- ioA I ft I I;.- i if 1 rir. C - -, - a. a r ,, , , . t 4f VOL VII. WILHINGTONi N.? TUESDAY; APEIL ,28 . 1 ' 1874 NO. -292 ' I! " : , ; i ::. , : -.- : h; . , ,i . . .. . . . ' j . ' I i J f ii -; air ;T - - - ' ' '" ' ' ' .. m . t . i. j i r ? : t 1 in f U i m B M i . A tm ill ft. "i. CITY ITEMS. .nis will clo.so from tUis date as fol- nMirt,ur:'a'lsht) mails I M t.r.ni2li& (tlay) mailsJi A M :.f i, S T M . . , vnir.il IWilway mails - A M 'r".'vitle-S;iturihy ansl Tuc!ay A M ville river, Monlay & rriday.,1 V M t,V r.Mil"'bvvralina Antral ltoil- ,. ;lV. UcilJJ i . : 1 Onirt, House, ihorsc rnuu) fc eve- A M ," u : i vt-i"d from 7 a :n t 7 p , and on "" in , iHce oicn from S a m t. 12 in, anU A' J. VI " onler on Register ment open mine -s stamp oilicc- 1 . ... " . Hours for opening and closing Wil-.nn-ton- Library As.iociation Heading IVU AT o clocK a m, iu a viwiv A. . 3 o'clock i m, to (i o'clock p m. 7.1. o'clock p ni, to 10 o'clock, p in. !;.rn: carrier boys are not author fl to .-oil copie-s of the Post. Xni.lKRiaN hits charge of! our city . . . t i i 1 1 r- nhition, ana is autnorizcu w wm-w s lnc therefor. . , L .mi x Service, U. H. Arniy Heiort. -Weathei )rsnavr.ur!?OFKiCK, JS. IS7I. I vVii.MVN'jTon, April ;,,.. oi oh ;r;iroinTht.r i VViTi.l Weath er T.ir ! do ,xi a. M- oJX'.NJ OT1 i7o ; ire S trtui'le ' :i)0 M. r. M Syl'iifli OTTO SCHUTZK, Observer, U. S A. t. sfummpkk. suitahle for wrap j.in-"papcr, in packages of iiily, forsalc . . fl!,' I' ll UN- 'Miivv. h should have hcen W. (. heppard, NPtcttd of W.'O. Skipper, as stated by ,, voterday, who was elected Foreman ,j "the Willard Fire Company. Mil Wk should not hesitate to recommend t ;lnv friend of ours Varans' Fupga tivo Pills they ;lrc cientilically pre-j-ari-i. an-1 are adapted to all the pur-p.H- of a jrood purgative medicine. , i.lnlly the best remedy that ha ,. ; ln.rndicovcrel for the rheuma-,--Mvoolcu,orstitfjointHesh wounds, prain, bruises, eut-s and burns, is Mucous AniKlvnc Liniment." We use i. ami always reemiuend ri. n-K :lr - it to oilr dGt-wit biK'.ii n v. A burglar, supposed lo Uf ..i white man, entered the rc?i lence I . w-.,it..- Kiirlfir.r on (Jhurch, ftween Scco!il and Third streets, bout 1 o'clock. Sunday morning, and jaecded ill abstracting $1 20 iti cur mi v. from a vest pocket, before any f the occupants of the sleeping room rl'ro aware of the presence of a burglar. However. Mrs. Furlong awoke, and tailing to her husband, who awoke, jut in time to catch a glimpse of the jun.lrc!, , who- was making rapid Mri'le.- up the street. K! ,,v 'Phcre are two white ladies l.Miig on Bladen between Eighth and X mh streets- who arc in very indigent vi-cumstances, and actually suffering v the necessaries of life. One of them Mil invalid and" cannot assist her sis H who has to work both day and ii 'ht, to procure means to sustain her mit and suffering sister. The Sisters of Mercy a soon as they 'Si covered it, promptly went" to their ii and assistance, and bestowed upon n -ueh nourishment"' as they re :iicd. In this connection we would " iie thaa white man who is, very "Me. and scarcely able to walk, stop id at their'hut a day or two ago, be--vchiiig tliem to takev him in and ''IniinitcLto him, and the ladies know what it was to suffer cold and hun--t-r. kindly opened their sympathetic hcariN and admitted him within their dwelling-, where he now lies, also in a Hiy 1 ad state of health, with no means Support. Vet after all this has been told, we avo till something else to communi Jtis this, some ilccit, or one of tin devil'?, imps, made an attempt On Sunday night last to enter their dweil for the purpose of robbery, but ''rtiinatoly the sick man being aroused )Y the noise, coughed, which caused !W uueal to drop the window sash and tike to his heels. Nurdy this is a subject that requires and earnest perusal, likewise i- r-reifyt action uion the part of our Wizens, and we trust that this appeal, coming as it does through one of their neighbors, will be heard, and attended IiitKEZY and( dusty topdaj. . Superior Court has adjourned until 10 o'clock to-morrow inorningJ 1 The "Hose Rrigade" did good ser vice to-day, in laying the jduet ; Emekejt communication of John's Lodge, I this' evening, at 7 j 'clock. j . ; -v ,j --''ii " ; ' . : j" , Mr. J. N. Ceixey, wa drowned in Lumber river, about four " niile from Fair Bluff, on Sunday last.) The members of theH Produce Ex change held a meetingj this morning to -take into consideration t the, use o petroleum barrels for spirits. ' KoriERT Martin riequef ts us to' state that the reporfof his being up before the Mayor, on yesterday, jfor chorderlyj conduct, is a mistake. 11 The steamers Emma Punn and James T. Easton, in tow of the steam dredge, arrived in safety at Beaufort on Sundav night last, i ! j . ; ; Oxe of the machines, in running to the fire last night, broke two of the flag stones at the crossing, northeast'eorner of Second and Princess I streets.; We believe that there is an Ordinance pro hibiting the running on the pavements! in case of a fire. , Palace of Industry;.- The enter the Opera s fair to be tain m en t to be given at House to-morrow night bid the most magnificent of jthe kind that has ever taken place in our city. By 7 o'clock yesterday, nearly all of the choice seats had ber" becured. We do trust that a rousing house will greet them. I IJev. Mr. Miecurn. M a collection taifeu up at Front Street M. E. Church, on Sunday nighl last, for the benefit of this eloquent divine, the bum of sixty one dollars and fifteen ctsj was realized. Mr. Milburn will : lecture in Kaleigh this week, and we recommend! him as one of the best orators in our country. We trust that he will again visit our city. -j . , ' ' ' i . ' Eeected. We notice the names of Mayor W. P.- Canaday, 3Iaj. J. If. Engelhard, of the Journal, and W.H.. Bernard, Esq., of the Mar, among the Special Agents for the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals ii this State. Oh ye hard hekirted, beware how ye twht the narrative end of the donkey in the future ! I Magistrate's CouRT.-j-Before jus tice Gardner to-day: j I Ellen Green vs. James Nixon,! case dismissed at complainants' cosS, and de fendant discharged. State vs. Fanny Simpson, case dis missed at complainants cost. State vs. Fanny Simpsorij not guilty. Case dismissed at complainants cost. State vs. James Nixon, (guilty. l)isw charged on payment of coits" f Ellen Green vs. Fanny fempson, dd fencfant discharged, and case dismissed at complainant's cost. The Mystery Solved! 4 n the&r of the 2 2d, Bro. Muse tells his readers of a mystery concerning two boxes, one marked to Winnsboro, . C, and the other to Ridgeway, N. G., and one of them was said to have contained seve ral pairs of shoes.: He ihen goes on to say "there is evidently food for ji first class item if we only kbew thchisto tory of those boxes. Who can elighten us?" Now as : we are o an obliging disposition and always ready to confer a favor upon a friend and 1 neighbor, wje propose to enlighten Bro. Muse, like wise his readers, relative to this shoe mystery. It is a flong jtory, but we trust our rciidcrs will bear it patiently, for, remember that everything must have an end. Well, a friend, who bwicf being an office tdls.us thatrue W f containing shoes tdere stolen from Union Depot, some weeks ago, and after some days they were discovered, in the woods IlMr iTilton one of the boxes contain near JllllOH, UliV. v , , (, , ing several pairs of shoes, which were immediately recked and forwarded to Wi M. Nelson, Winnsboro i So this ends the "mystery, and ' otlr narrative has come-to an eifd. But be fore closing wc wonld state that jone shoe, which exactly corresponded fcj an 1,1 hoe Mr. Nelson received with the hot, was found in the rcdebce of .onf Suo Mason, .which may add another Mayor's Court His Honor WS TP, CAjTADAYrMaybr, ::?presiding:, Only one. case disposed of this mornti ing. j p , r'f J . i . ; t . Daniel Williams, lor disorderly con duct! fined $10 and costs, or 20 dayron the streets. DR. Wright, the city physician, visited the guard house to-day, to ex amine the prisoners. t I '.' I - TilE Fire Last Night A fire broke out last last iiight about 9 o'clock, irfa. iw,in a second tory building, oh the north side11 offMarkct, between Froiit'ani SeidstrVetsCl The firede- partment were quickly at the sceney but theirj services wero not brought into re quisition as the flame? were soon ex tinguished by parties in that locality, whojmad free use of buckets of water. The damage is very slight, not amount ing to more than one hundred dollars. CoImplaint. A citizen has request ed uS to call attention1, to the filthy nnrlitiftii of thfl STUttcrS Oil North w.v-wv-- - o y Watr street, particularly is this .thje case opposite the establishment of Messrs. Willard Brc4 where such a stench arises from the piles of trash and mud allowed to accumulate there, that one can hardly pass. There are pileslof trash that have been lying on thisstreet for weeks, and which atten tion ! has been called to through the Post, and yet it remains. We hope that this complaint will be 'heeded at once. ; - Ti e Odd Fellows' Anniversary. After the parade, yesterday afternoon, the members oif Orion and Cape Fear Lodges, assembled at the Lodge Room at 8 o'clock, when addresses were de livered by Past Grand Masters W. J. Yopp and W. L. Smithj and Past Grand Treasurer K. J. Jones, Past Grand G. M. 'Altaffer, Rev. Jasl S. Keen, Jr., Chaplain of Cape Fear Lodge, and Warclen W. II. Gcrkeh. During the intermission between the addresses, ex cellent music wa discoursed by several ladies and gentlemen, who kindly ten dered their services At the conclusion of the exercises; abdut 10 o'clock, the members, with theirjwives!and"sweethearts," adjourn ed to ;the Temperance Hall below, and "tripbed it to the light fantastic toe, until the we sina hours of morn." This closed one of the most pleasant and joyous occaibns known in the annals of Odtl Fellojwship ,W0 return thanks to the Committee for an invitation to be' present on the said occasion. Lovers' Proverbs. Love knows hidden patlis. Love makes labor light. Loye makes time pass away, and time biakes love pass away. Love me little, love me long. Ami mio ten pcu, mats, continue Love me little, but keep it up. n . Loye one that does not love you. an swer I one Jthat does not call you, and you will run a fruitless race. Love others; well, but love thyself the most give good lor good, but not to thinej own cost Love rules his kingdom without a sword. s . Love subdues everything except, the felonfs hearL . J X,oVe t'cachfes asses to dance. Love, kfiavery and necessity make men good orators. j Loye, thieves and fear male ghosts: Love, without return, is like a ques tion without an answrer. Loye your friend with his faults. Love your neighbor, but don't pull down! the fence. . I " . Lovers'' purses are tied with cobwebs. LoVers quarrels are love redoubled. Lovers think others have no eyes. Lovers anger is fuel to love. j Love-merchandise is jealousy and broken faith. Lover-plant : must be watered with tears1 And tended with care. Loving and singing are not to be forced. J. , tiQve and pride stock , Love, being jealous, Bedlam, makes a good- bye look a squint. j Love comes in at the door and goes out at the window. . Love does much, hut money docs more. I- 1; ' . I , Lbve is alsweet tyranny, because the lover! endureth his tornfent willingly5. ' Love is the touchstone of virtue. Love is the loadstone of love. . Lcjve is without prudence, and anger without counsels. j . Sweetheart and honey-bird keep no hours. j ! -iA , t Lcjve will creep when it cannot go. I Wedlock is a padlock. . , ; -I ' i; 'I O, I bother cremation! We have to earn our living and we . don t want to be compelled to urn our dead. - ; IATE5T BT; TE l-EGRAPH, 1 WASHINGTON. : WASHrToA April 28. I f le'oUowuig'-'.dispatch'wasp jrecived herei to-day c if j U,n ij j , : ? f l LiTTiaE Eock, Aiil 27k To J.S. Graot, President: Ori the 19th day of this .month, as Governor of this State, I tteTegraphed to you jthat there ? was an armed insurrec tion here against the legal Government of tihis Sta'e and made a f requisition upon yoii fqtjLdj to suppress it, and to prevenT domestic violence, i I have just now Ibeen advised y you but -iever :-rc tjeitfi,thV redtifeitidnV' I' now take occasion to say that an, armed insurrec tion exists in this . State against i the lawfully' constituted authority thereof, and frs the Legislature cannot meet un til the 11th day of. May, I ; call., upon yon ,;- - ! E. Baxter, ' Governor of" Arkansas'.' similar call' : had , previously been received from Brooks, claiming to be Governor, and two attorneys for his reliejf reached here yesterday 'jto urge a compliance with the call. ; , Fitve attorneys despatched by Baxter will fcoon arrive on a like errand, in his interest. The question as to who is the actual Governor will be presented to the Pres ident for hid decision unless some other mod4 of settlement shall intervene be fore the matter is formally taken up for Executive consideration. 1 Since yesterday forenoon not more than fifty depositors or small amounts have applied tojthe Freedman's' Savings Bank for the withdrawal ofi their funds. In all other respects business is pro gressing as usual. w j ? ; Tbje House has appropriated; $i),UO0 to- pJurchase -rations for the distressed ft- j !' i people suffering from, the, overflow of the lower Mississippi. jjv jf ,tv The Judiciary committee has been authorized to take testimony looking to the Impeachment of Judge Story, of Arkansas. ; . - j . ' : Injthe Senate, Mr. Alcorn presented the mchiorial of the State Grange of Missfssippi in favor of the Fort St. Phillip canal. Referred to the com mittee on commerce; i ARKANSAS Little Rock, April 28. Th'ei-p is no material, chance. The Baxterftes have got a sixty-four poun der gun planted at the corner of Mark ham 1 and Scott streets. Both parties are expecting reinforcements, and have both telegraphed to the President re garding the situation; ! Fifteen citizens of Boughton followed the Worse thieves to fight, t One citizen and three thieves were killed. ! LOUISIANA , Baton Rouge j AjirU 28. There are three hundred families in this parish homeless. ! if' 5 New Orleans, April 28. Two hundred dollars from Savannah have reached the Relief Committee. Advices from Teche county are dis couraging, i ' Thje Government supplies have ar rived ' i ' A ... PENNSYLVANIA. Shenandoah April zb. Tlic severe wind and rain storm of Sunday has been followed by a heavy snow storm tO"day, which still contih It is now two inches deep. ues. NEW YORK. New VorkS April 28. There has been. a slight fall rof snow if it is raining now. MASSACHUSETTS. j ! . Boston, April 28. 1 COntriOUIlons iiave leatucu fou,uw. ' ' . -t l J.U 1 iiQ fifUi CABLB DISPATCHES. ENGLAND. j j, ; ,j :-Lqxdon April 2S. , In the House of Cosunons the Home Sefcrvtary iniroduced a, bill almending and considerably ameliorating the licensing act. It fixes the .closing hour of public houses half kin hour later at , -:ii,4. . 1 1 1 j '? IS. Raleigh had a lo fire last jFriday night. " The tJ. S. District Court is in session in Newborn. i Raleigh jewelers keep watches Nvhich arejleft for repairs 35 years, waiting for the owner to. turn up arid claim the pro perty. . ; :'!( : ! (; 1 ; ' - - ,Thet . jfehgerpiya: "We learn that the j store of - ptsilX Whitaker, at Foun tain Hill, ;Oreejie i county, was totally destroyed ty fire 'on'tlie niht of the I8il iostantj,fTherfr an insrxranca ,of $80& oniiiUo. pK)pei:i4estr)yed-' Ve ctid not Fear n the origin of the fire." The' JY7f says : The Board of City Commissioners yesterday voted to allow the grounds of the State Agricultural Society to be mortgaged for an; addi tional sum of $10,000, in-order to allow the managers of the affairs of the So ciety to take up its floating indebted ness. It is thought this will relieve the Society of every financial embarrass ment under which it may be laboring. The officers1 of the Society are ma king every endeavor to have a Fair un surpassed by any hitherto heh in the State, and the indications at present are that they will meet; with even greater success than obtained last Fall.; The grounds will be in thorough condition, the buildings will be thoroughly t com pleted, and the Society, have a, Fair Ground costing some $00,000, which will be wholly paid for, in five years, apd North Carolina Can boast of grounds unsurpassed by but few others in the country. WAIFS. Two heads are better: than onfe- -es- pecially in a brrel. A Newr York dentist. gives a premium chromo for every tooth he draws. J Mr. Barnum has offered one thousand dollars for the "nineteen bricks." Alonzo Dante Arnold Butler is the name of an Illinois poet of the? crusade. A Georgia editor was bitten by a dog, "being evidently mistaken for a bone." 'The Brooklyn "Argus is of opinion tkat a kind word will always go fur ther than a flat iron. ' . Advertisements printed in Chinese characters are beginning to appear in the California papers. The editor of the New Berlin Gazette wants to trade his Midland stock for an old setting hen. A Western paper announces the death of a lady celebrated for the "purity of her character and complexion." The Stars. - Here is a beautiful thought f Thomas Carlylc : "When I gaze into the stars, they look down upon me with pity from their serene and silent space, like eyes glistening with tears, over the little lot of men. Thousands of gener ations all as noisy as our own, have been swallowed np by time, and there remains no record of .them any more, yet Arctnrus and Orion, Sirius and the Pleiades, are still shining in their courses, clear and young as when the shepherd first noted them fro in the plain of Shinar ! What shadows we are, and what shadows we pursue !" As a travelling party were riding through Palestine the attention of a certain .American was called to tne re puted seat of Moses' tomb. "Moses who?" says Jonathaii. "Why the great Moses wlioi led the Childrenof Israel through the desert for forty years." "How far is that?" "Three hundred miles, maybe." LTpon which the Amer ican remarked : "The ' Chjcagq and Northwestern would have taken 'era through, I guess, in eight hours." St. John's; Lodge, No. 1 F. & A. ML E MERGENT cvjznmuiifration this (Tucs- Aky) evening at o'clock, for work in the fcjecond degree. By order of the W. M. JAMES, iJIDSDS, Secy. Bt. John'MjHall, April 28, 1874 it 'xcisx i lost : IETVEEN Boncy Hrid-?e and Hilton, an JL ACCOUNT JJOOKof no value to any one except i the owner. A liberal reward will bepaidfcur its rctnrn to ; THLS OFFICE, april C7-2I-2t ' General Collection Aseney, SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID Td CUl O lectin; nls and claims of all kind, by ordinary collection, or by process of law when necessary. 5 Ej eelm&itk under Ion d lorl and Tcaan t Aci;.tilingLJensoii Heal and FerHonal 1'ropn erty tinder the Mechanic's Lien Law and collecting d ;bts in the county will have prompt and earemi attention. u 1 : J 1 1 ' i fl . 1 I , r. . J. J. CiVSsIDEY, si . 1" Jfnsf i.- rtf ih Pear. Ait. 1 Oflice ou House. rrince$s stree);f.nqar the Court april 27 : STATE NEW ADFEamSElIENTS; The Palace oi Industry. . j - i ' ' JUyENILE OPERA, BY OVER, ONE Hundred Ladles, Gentlemen and Children, j i i V- will be performed atlhe OrER A HOUSE on ' ' ! - i - r . next ; j ' WEDNESDAY EVENING, 20th inst., weather permitting. 'Doors open To ctock; performance to commence at 8. Admission: Dress Circle and drehcsUa Chairs, SScts.; Tarquette Circle, ."V)cU. No extra price; for reserved seats. iprtt SS. ' 1 it-t t FOUrSOLIClTOBi Wf. E ARE requested to announce that ft n;nwAHn cantavkll, the f pj-esent Incumbent, is a candidate for Solicitor of this Judicial Districts subject to' the action of the Republican Judicial Nominating Convention when called. j . f april 16 tf , PAtM LEAF HATS, PANAMA'S 1 LEG HORN, f ; WHITE CANTON ' ,.'' -i '..', : ymi : ' IMC en slucL Boys ' JtN GliEAT VARIETY,! . Received this morning by MUNSON & CO., . City Clotiu itr., ajr 21 North Front Street. ... i . LADIES, ' '. ' YUU ATTENTION IS E8PE(jALIA invited to our large and varied block f . S3? 11' I 1ST ci mnmi siillinery, 7 Wliicli will be tiofil iieap. FOR OAS II ONJLV. l'RICL.S TO oUIT crfoTOMElls. ; EVANS BLOCK, j I'rincess Street, near FronJ. j april 17 tf .' j MAYOR'S ..OFFICE; CITY OF" WILMINGTON, April 18th, 1871. piioroSALri will be received at tlyr JJayv or's Oilicc until , i 12 Q'CLOCkVMAY lr, bsn, 1 for the PAVING cf SIDEWALKS oh Front street, between Dock and Nun KtrcclMol 1 r I bricks, known as Eastern Clinker. Bonds required for completion of con tract. W. P. CANADAY. t Mayor. aprlS-td. Star and Journal copy Id. THE -TILE E&T liUTTEE IN WORLD." THE f E aire now prepare! to furnlsli this "Choice" Butter to the famll trade. " . ' ' . ! ' ' EVERY PACKAGE STAMPED. Received fresh every week, direct from our Orange county dairy. I '33UY ONLY THE IJEbT ' ! For sale only by april 21 I GEO. MYERS NEW AND FKESIIT. i QOODS EVERY WEEK IM PORTED CANNED GOODrt Try the At april 21 N i GEO. MY ERfcf. WnRODDEN l)OW'," By C. J. Kewby ; 1 i i "The HiUden Sin," 4,Nino-Thrce," b OulUfi 'Colonet Dacre ""No Intcntlonii,?1TldDca Redux,'! "The Blue Ribbon, 'Lottie l)as- ! '' . i ! ! . ling," "Young Brown," "Victor's Triumph' "Down the River," a tale of tlie Cane Fear ; "The I4ntatcacli,' "Hints and Hclaa In. raslorai; Theology' boy Win n.S. H tirnmvr. .'I . D. D., LL. D. t - HElN&BEUGEIUt, Li ve Book and 11 ukIcI st or . qpr"1tf Moxavt Saloon, 2f o . 1, Gran ito It t v . 1 South Fijojct Strkct. " i , 1 1 GERKEN & HAAR, Proprietors, . 1 i The. best of Lipors, Wines, Cigars, Lastr. Beer,: ' And ALES alway ou baud.! OYSTEKH-; ; served every tyic A. rcspecuui. lnviution is exieuaea wau. feblllm REMEMBER , i . .1 n-' t r. t 4 - 1 j I' l at once. ' link to the Qhalp, , '." - . , ! "-t i )? tin t&f. Mi sr..