t j ' ' ; " M ! - ; j - : .:!"-- "'( -j : -v : - " , - . .-t ; i .--r-' ' , : ; ;: i ; ; . , . ' , I j "j " -1 iM 1 . g ' ' -' ' ' ' " ' ' " ' .1 ' ' . 4 r i VOL. VIT. WILMINGTON, N. C. MONDAY, MAY 4: 1874 NO. 297 I (f-vctiiito l)oj5t cVtY ITEMS. ,.., oilier i:rinliill-n!.. ... fftm il:ii.t SLS frl- , 1 .r.rJ4: t'tl-11' ' - ; V ; : s i m Vviitr.: Ituilv:i3- mails A M '.-itarilay iul Tuesday ..... A M river, Monday & Kriday..l P M : i.. i,y Carolina-Central Kail . .t.iily - ,J 'v A1 vart Houso,0iorsci:uiil) e,e- ..... .1.. a A M frvTu .:t to a.m. ,"n.;fi o (in from Sa m to 12 in, and ?.' in. Monty order on Register ,"nent .'pen same asstamiWnicc. Rainy morning:1 Have you voted ?s Vkkv dull to-day4 lor jeninj; and closing Wil- Linniry Aoci.tion lvcadm on .daily .. clook a m, to 1 o'clock p m. oVlA- p'm, to G o'cjlocV i m: c;.,ok j. m, to 10 o'lcloclc, p 111.. n: carrier boys abc not author- ,,11 cIi of the OST. Cr.r.KiN has charge of our city id is authorized to collect h'.iU'Hi, ail' iluc therefor. i Jtel)01l. : ( ) Db buy n s Orptoc, I Vii.mikton, My t, Jt. j , uD-.harom Ther Wind Wcatb- -iTfra I u-r. ; , ,. M l'".).i':J'J i"i J'.?;IR 'Utlo -iiut'n 'S iresli I Cloudy OTTO TCIU'TZH, Obeerver, l. S A. Money ! money' !; h still the cry. T . 111 1 i Alt., quiet around thq polls, i Bo say the If i8c Hen from Jie Korth. 1 ! r 1 1 ! The lioard of County Commissioners meet in regular session to nighU J I t i Mr. George D. Flack has been ap pointed a Notary Public for the city. , . -t 1 Deputy Morris leaves for Ildlcigh, on Thursday, to convey prisoners! to the State Penitentiary. ! I ! '1 - J yin: Nathan Mayer has been ap pointed and qualified as Commissioner of Deeds for the State of Georgia. Hio Honor Wjx P. CANADA Y, Mayor ' ' presiding.. , Blue Monday consequently but one poor felv makle his (doubtful) dzbut before this courit this morninfir. , He was sentenced to be imprisoned in jail, there to await a hearing belbre the next term jof the Superior Court, and for what for going (to) (a) me(e)at- mg rs, he ls lto suffer for this but it was not a meeting, called by the people of God but a, shoulder of meat bacon that ho purloined away from a shop on "Water street. ! The United States District CbUrtjfor the District of Cape Fear, convened this mornifig Judge Brooks prckdinsr. The Rev. AV. J. Parkinson preached both a$ morning and night in Walnut Hall, Brooklyn, on glunday, to apprp- ' K. of P. The members of the Uni form Lode, K. of P., arc requested to meet at their Castle Hall this evening at 8 o'clock. Evcrv member is expect ed to be present, as business of import ance will be brought before the meet ing.; Jno. L. Dudley, Chief Division, P. Taylor, First Assistant. ciative: congregations, Ti 1 e members of iStonewall: Knight, of Pythia?,hArerequpstea to b present : at tho" oo!g8 to-night, Jas busineis of. great Jmportaftcejis to tfe transacted. ILLINOIS. .in I H. re. YoiT is authorized to I lor Lull tiue me Ml . i;i:r. IXncUTivi; Commiitee, minion, N. C -P " " (. ? 1.1:.. lacmbcr.s i ino iiqmuin.au m r.u- Cuiiimitlco are lioreby rcquei- ; meet at the City Court Koom 111 v, on Saturday, the '.'ih day of r. Ai 1 o'clock A. m., ! lr the trans- v. tL (.;i;nui:N, Sjc'v. ! I'ik Tri' stiv.s Dr. WaiiK'le has lt . .. n.tifol cliivtiiut "raare. She died of Ne? York, has bee s4nt hereby the Produce Exchange of New York to assist fr. W. D. Mahnrfthe Supervising Ipv j spec tor, in the IdiscHHrge of hisjjduie;?. ' Su xjay. Yesterday; (Sunday) all of our churches were wll attendqd, and several eminent Divines, in attendance on the Lutheran Synod, now irij session in this city, occupied die pulpit of a number of our churches. and a baggage, mail vnd three other cars were News. The question arises, -what is news ? Well, we don't exactly know Lodge, lvhatis news to some is just the contra ry-id others. If we tell our readers that feiiavc been out collecting to-day, and, like the unlucky fisherman, got scarcely a " bite"br a mite, some would say that not news. If we tell you this is blue Monday, luid arainy Monday at that, some .would' say, oh, bosh, that is no news! If "we tell you that an electioji 'is progressing to-day, some would say stale news. .XT' we tell von that our Post Office, in the course of timewill be jCompletedinc will nay no news, ch j To-dariearly 900 Italians got v:aei we tell you that " Old Baldy " has not jnated "in consequence of a nunibe'r of explodod as yc'f, some will say that i& I c$&(r, of no new s. If we tell you that a splendid entertainment will be given at the Ope? la. xjou.mj to-u if; m, ftuinu u jii say ,, hiiu 1 m CABLB DISPATCHES. still no news, because we read Satin day's issue of the Post. If we tell you latest Bir telegraph. WASHINGTON STATE ITEMS. NEW! ADVERTISEMENTS. Washington; May 4. j.nc Donate, on motion 01 jir,, 1'pase, House passed a resolution requesting the ate the bill passed a few days ago ap propriating ninety thousand dollars for the relief of persons' suffering from the overflow oil the Mississippi rivet. Mr. Pease saicj that he wpuld move io in crease thei appropriation when the bill Tliere are 1G Quaker schools in North Carolina. Corn is caTkd dear.in Newbcrn at So cents. a bushel. - i Hon. IilGIlTNIIVO RODS. j ' i i .i THE AMERICAN LIGHTNING HOD COMPANY; are prepared to furnlh, JC5H?tllihelr Aent. Ir. EDWAIID IOM their Superior Hafety Koiw.- uruorBieuai t. j. outberland's Llrery S. F. Phillips; Solicitor of the Stables will bdpromptlv attended to. OPEKA HOUSB, should be jreturned. In the Ijouse, a large number jof bills were introduced and referred. Archbis OHIO. M ' Cincinnati,' May 4. iops McClosky of Nemlfork, Ti . 1 . ft li : tit i i f -ri t ianey oi jpauimore, anu wooaoi jrnii- adelphia ; Bishops McClosky of jLoms- ville, O'Qonnor; 6f Philadelphia, and Revs. Jaines O'Reilly and A. J.' Mc- Donough f Philadelphia, hate arrived here to attend the convocation of Ro man Catholic Bishops this week. ; .Mr, W. R. Cochrane, of Charlotte, has two Spanish coins, aged respective ly 161 and 15G years. ! -Thirty-one couples received marring licenses in Mecklenburg- comity during the month of April. . The Cjnrit of thz South says : We are gratified to be able to state that the building of the third Cotton factory; in this vicinity is now a fixed fact. Our esteemed townsman, Mr. James II. Ay cock, informs us that he has secured a valuable site on Hitchcock creek, some three-fourths of a mile below the Great Falls Factory, and will proceed, with out delay,1 to erect ' a factory of -3,000 spindles. Mr. A. proposes to manufac ture cotton yarns only. ' WALTS. I Chicago, Mayf l. The Eastern bound train and the At t :i - 1 . lantic Express were unswitched near a song for the fcmaic temperance cru FlymouthjTndiana. Several were hurt What was Joan of Arc made of ? She was Maid Of Qrleans. Children fed on New York mi"t re quire no chalk mixture. ?Goin' thro' the rye'"' is suggested ; as Op Monday veninff May 4th, 1874. The Beau ital Elttlo Drama of The CqJirt 6t OKicroii; Or, the Threo Wishes. i .... . i i to conclud : wl th tlie CANTATA, ! ' 'l Grandpa's Birthday! To bo given by St. Paul's Germa1!!-American Instil tute. 25 cents. ! Hcserved Seats )X aheet nnen f ti la mnm. ing at Ileinsbergcr'g liookstorc. may 2, It NEW AND FftfiSIl. i I- our clothing; HANbsOMt i Well made, desirab Admission ohlv 2 CAlltV saders. burned. NEW YORK. New Yore, May I pmall pox -being , reported among their countrymen. Hf li Pors ani Cisterns. A friend tells us that there have been four pumps and tr.A tu li f I nil :.4 . .1V (.'man in. iuvi uim ui hj "iv ji i iuuii, u in u iti;i fi i ljf 1 " V 1 JkHtf . th-j W. ct W. Ji. Hi, within the past three or iur weeks; a want which has lonv; been felt in that rapidly growing portion of the city. J ! 1 1 ; , Incendiarism. We learri that. an vt-'I) 111 I.JtTJU--bots or harnes., ! piii il l. worins. Jf r..'yi, I'., ,.. .y. nouhl, no ?:.. lav - had !iis ?(!.re l--Iay -they I- ,it!i oi vornis. . j N ii..i.; 'liiitidsaic very rom?iitu with Lave their hand.-, much in A Jew drop of Ji'imiui t A ' !.':.; r. ,j riibbed over the hands ' "rthryc times a day, will keep them -iHwliite. Fishermen, sailors, and 'rviil do well to remember this. :;o -do wl. ; '!if Schooner Tary Wheeh'r, oue -"fore last Christmas, bound to -k' thCity iVom the South, in or- "'' avoid Frying Pan Shoal, passed 'tiio main bar of the river, i ntcii' out at 'New Inlet. In New 'ic struck on n sunken blockade and rapidly filled. An anchor noj.j.eW, ami the bteamer N acca 1 iri.l to save her, but at the time ''ujkLhh-nv so lioavilv that "'lie Wac- ''ijro the place where the Mary ptr h;it I been, but .she had disap- "' -viout, ten thtys ago the Alary .;lr v;ei:t ashore between lldguc p;Ni Kiver inlet, having been puf- "laiw.ut on the ocean for more than lif.nti,, aTfy on the J Sth day of June, some will say no news, and some will -ay sad news. If we tell you that in fact we have been searching for news the entire morning all over our muddy, sloshy, and sandy streets, some will ;av lio'iu ws-: but. ah. attempt was made one day the past-week; '(cIl YuU llV Uuu.n., iu this or to btiraji house on Fifth between Red .mc otllCi -column jf to-dav's l',..r,ycu and Campbell trecs,yjplaping: au-:u.otJl!.,tf;riUI,li,l.r )llaii i,. dry stiekspaper, etc., undernpathj the bcry .,t rniol, !,..,,.( .(in Saturday nidit hou.e, but fortunately it was di5covcred vot all fVitl. tl. exception of a ENGLAND. London, May 1. The Qbeen will probably visit Ire land next autumn with the Duke, and Duchess of Edinbursc. , ;i A special dispatch from San tander to It is true that one swallow doesn't make a Summer, but it comes summers near it. . Any candidate for office in Omaha who Avears a shirt collar h considered a bloated aristocrat. A Yankee wanted the Bridge of Sighs pointed out to him, and then offered to bet Amen ia had several bndares the size. Thought for a schoolboy's thcmeibesu- ty and bashlulnes are often united; yet tiie loveliest maiden is admired for her cheek. A Georgia clergyman has thirty-two children, and his parishioners object to his having tour pews without pajmg for them. YLE, fabrics and cheap $16 50 t - , 11 SO io ro i CAXL AND fc$I$ MUNSONH& CO., A good Suit AbetterSuit, A bctteflstill, 1 may z CityClotiiii;i:s, 1 North Front Street. s twite "R sKU?S.TLrATTRn61 T,IK :ct Ai.. U, AU c.0ltN once, nets moro-tuiotii. er Involve Just EeceiVe.1. n?la 'A grave older hian English church iobade the bannol a certain - j v.u. we couple because c had "intended Han- i kiceh. hand, a jrcnt rn nom- r w V., ?' NED GOODS, y&i riUDE OF fniE MARKET and j SEEK Nrt FURTHER Flours give gciora) RAtlsfuciion. . ' imr.Mr. Donhoo beine now ,rin main sometime at the North n vr .j v. .v. ucs.wnw liar i --i w 1 . rv .. . . toputourBwas'to TcAbii V ijStVjiSw u7 nah for himself.' Instead , o saying " It's a lonr time aril tf the Times ays a deputation of volun- between drinks," Western men jioav re- teers from fei'lboa visited General Con- mark, 'It's a long time since I' signed cha, who iiad been operating 1 in the mY la4 pledge." J . rear of the insurgents and informed ;A.-I,YI? comVWf. wanting his ser- k:... A ,a rw.i Jnt called eut, "Where's that block- luav T v'ttl"K ltultv r ! iVeau of mine ? " "On your shoulders, ena linmec uateiy communcacga 5:10 111- sir," vid a lady telligence to Serrano, and the latter re- 1 J. H. McGAKITY & CO., Uuder Seaman s Viorne.' A Canadian matron, one hundred and 1 . J . . . . I .. . I T 1 1 . ; . And so did the robbers, who carried the Pllcu ly tfiegrapn granting, to Vonclia misnt ears om, is suu aoiq 10 aevoie Du. 3IoitAN -Rcv. R &. Mdraiil m llpon top of the honor if first entering Bilboa much energy to bringing up her httle D pastor otFiont Street M JE. Church. - 1 1 i i J, , . . , boy, aged ninety-three. 1 -l-iy 'o1- AOI1; yuuc4. . .y., bvlhc'b:'" full news here A decred has been issued in Madrid ' will leave this city- to-mOrro (Tues- i " I 0 ' , calling fork lew cif ill nrnn i'inhl tn -A AVcsteru member of Congress who dav) for Louisville, Kv., whither j he f"l " there-moie news than they "Xr If preted M. C. to mean More Cu r- goes to be in attendauee at the .Linnual -th we venture to duty, m d oyer 19. ye.rs of d te dewta!ld thatjit ConlereeeofiheMetlEcV,pal a,se. We want news, but none of that, V V;;,,- Tw " 1. JL, "M Mi VOU i) tease, now, let incmaii step to 1 , . .. - rrJ wwu tmur uvuiuujse.j ior uie .1 A'i KonnEiiY A Hoax. In our ' '' ytiide iu to-day's Post, we ir,om ivaders an account of a heavy ir.il,bcry, t'nattook place at Union t'"'- "a Saturday night. We had it an uiiieial at the depot, but upon na":i Col. Brink, to asccitain the vie. he astonished us, (as no 4 "l v'ha e unintentionally astonisl ,jrir rtadors. ) by conveying to our doleful tale of not a bit of "'T? llt saeh it was at the imc 'i'-'l to have been. It was all l'- or through, the netrltct of 'I' ! 1 Uutoilel -ivivs. that no roblrv - . , co"uuiited, and our readers will ll.-j IlV. ll VJ IVIl I lit 111 Jt lli writing, 1:'J0 p. in. rain is n lir around this, our Post of I "leu. to ail appearances, as near I Call reeollfi.f vnrv ihiipIiI r.-jf.TYT .-'-t experienced bv old Nbah and '!.R.'l 1 " n ' uy. iut of coiirse ;we were not -an t vouch for the accuracy Church South:" TII81)ocorairr5eab sent about thice - wcek.s, but ha4 made arrangements to have his pulpit .sup plied during his absence. , J j : 1 !,.!(- Dhajia and Cantata To-night. The' pupils of St. Paul's Oermii-American Institute, will present the b'eduti ful littlcTdrama of Court of Obcron; or "The Three Wishc?," ' at the lyou please. ow, jci me man sicp the tronl whii Idares, and say; wc have not. hit the " nail on the head," and we'll .well we'll -just hit that man on the head with a! "shooting stick or mal let," and. learn him better matters than to, criticise this, our first attempt, at composing njo&u news poem. Marshal Saturday. ' There is deliverance; The Hay! of all Beauties. Opera :j jQ dc janer0 deserves the ap- Hou-c to-night, and we hope to.sce a PiTat;on 0f the "hay of all beauties." finc.audien.ee, as the entertainment wdl jt: presents a view which always offers certainly be deserving of one.' I 'l some n'ew scene 6f beauty and enchant- The "entertainment Avill be inter- nent. From being surrounded by high spcrscd with botii vocal and instrument mountains whosd peaJvs tower'abo vc the spcr.cau clouds, and n.1Ving a very. narrow cn- tai.music, aun,m iviuwvvuvvh trance, -it was known among tne Indian triDCS, wno owueu mo wnoitoi coujiuy before they were conauered by the bar nessed cavalry bf Spain, as 'The Hjd den Water." It is a small Mediterranean sea, and what is tabled of the: entrance to that sea is partly true of this, for here at the mouth stands one of the SPAIN. Madrid, May 4..-. Serrano entered Bilboa on cr the great rejoicing here ov of the city; On Saturday evening there was. a gen eral illumination. ( deficiency of the first coition of his pa per by saying he was detained at home by a second ed;tion in his family. I Boston pays one hundred and forty two thousand dollaio a year for church music, when congregations stand ready to s:ng without charging a cent. ; j The IM?.nry Wbrtd intimates that H. W. Beeeher is not a good punctuist : but nobody can deny that ic makes TO ME VVJMuijc. rj.UIE COUNTY CANVASS Davl.,- ben opened iu New Ilnvir .....,1.. t . tally take this tnctho.1 ofunno iui Z "bo people that I have yle'ded to the i&siro S many fnends, and uow present my"Sr TOFAVlIfw1e,nomI4illto,1 or COUNTY IKEASUIwERJtobe made in ihc next Re publican Connly Convention.' My fithail 'ervieoH to the Rcnnhllr in party ahd the people Keneraliy are win known land If AmVnoS?ilSoJlS to the 4bove position, 1 -will uualifv ami serve nl only an honcKt nian "an. y 1 april 2Q-2t FOR Vrery rcsnoctfuli v ELIJAH llKWDEJTV SOLICITOR. WEfcE m! to aanoanco that ' fKYNVA?lP -ANTWELL, the present incumbent, is a candidate fof Kolic Kr of SKi?acia4 i8trlotv subJcct f Uo actiou of the Ttepublicaa Judicial Nominating Convention wlien called april lbtt I 1 ' ' REMEMBER ! " The munjicipality havc gent congrat- pome of his points admirably. utatory despatches to JUarslial Serrano J The Courier-Journal allows its proof r I by General Concha. reader to go to prizei figh on steam-' detached parties of - Carets 1 cursions, down in mines and up J . . T, ... in balloons, but it car. 't kill him, tdenng to the Republicans, but - . t will loqd their aid and assistance, The price of admission is very low, and we trust that no one: will miss the opportunity of witnessing '.the j ! enter tainment thus afforded them ty-niht- Imposing Services at St. TudMAS pillars of Hercules, the great Sugar- Small are surrenderii i 1 I T . r.M. l L . . . . the main bodv of the insurants have . x oine no" f Sreat ter, but , . T . j . , j. 1 lie unuerstoou iiumart nature. Finding rotrpntpl ill orfit nisftrnpr in t in HirAP. 1 n i i.-. 1 t 1 h . o ... 47 vv j xnac nis dook naa a siow sale, ne pro- tion of Ouipuzcoa. T : I cured a prohibition against the reading An attempt was made yesterday to 01 ir nna e cry copy was disposed ol. ; assassinate senor P'y Margall. Thelnan The Western editor whb asks if cqm who is as yet unknown, fired twice at fessing one's self a donkey is auricular him witfimfc pftppi. .ind thPn sbt nrl coniession, nas met nis quietus Irom a killed himself THE "TIIE BEST BUTTER IN THE WnDTn !l JlUU. r. are now prepared to furnish this "Choice" Buttdr to tlic famllj trade. EVERY P VCKAGE STAMTJED. Received freish everr week, dlrrct from our Orange cpuiity dairy. ( Catholic Church the occasion of ihe unv .-i-Yesterday being Kf. mountain, one tnousanci eet nign, eilingof a stiitue . p nf p:sn ;At its base crouch, like of the Sacred -:lleartl the serf ices atj nU2e mastitis, the batteries of j J iU.i; r!lnirr.liWfro tnrtrinV Uliiiri J and K.in I llPOflOSia. 1 WUlle Oil tllC ii. . -; 1 i' i LJrX. I site 6ide stands the frowning for usuany iii.FnC.( tb- wr r'mv litnmft frrimsen bay. tion emn White, and an eloquent and able dis course was delivered on the' lessOn of the day, and the devotion to thejSacrecl Heart, bythe Rev. Father Reiley, of Favetteville. t Mil -i' ' ' -r' . tf tl.l'ii . Jl (l.Arn oro; ni hoT tinH V ria,:,nd Ka life-si roPrc3CritaH6n Of ; :rnd ac, brother of the goose-quih, who reminds tne lormer that nobody should know oeiter man ne. , Of all jokes, says the Salem Gazette, that of the legislature passing a law I to prevent young men under eighteen frcm hurting themselves ;by overwork; is the greatest, won't i oung America enjoy tne laugn : uard tlie entrance to3 this beautiful hyith wild date and thistles. Itwiljtake A Cincinnati seamstress uses a gray ."u m & . v.y 1 stjiuirrei a-- a mouui power ior runnin; What Alcohol Will Do. It may sdom strange, but it is. never ?an Jose theless trueL that alcohol, regularly ap- boards from the fence, let lis crops: kill his fruit "trees, For sale only april 21 IUY ONLY THE F.EST." py ... .. .i MVK A A. onno- piiea to a t tress of removo the tinel. cattle into assembled at the jusual hour; a, sol-, j hei areseveral Qthcr rts which mortgage lis farm; and sow his fields high mass was sung by Rev. l4 fltnef guard tl NEW OOD;S EVERY HH AiVD FRESH WEElC IMPOIiTl CANNED CiOODS glass out oil the windows and fill them from" man- La n -ma ire of the Clouda. with rags. It aviII tate the gloss m, ia. ffiii sVv of nrtirnlar his clothes and the polish from his times afford wonderfully good'evidence. ners, subdue his reason arouse his pas Not! only docs weather and her machine, and well he does his wor not only sewing straight seams, but nemming anugatnering a rumeasnea ly as could be done by Human hands,! - i i A Western paper says dealers in but ter classify it as wool greuse, cart grease, At april 21 Try! the J - i SALAD DRESSING GEO. 3I YERb", accuracy the Savior, with the Sacred IHcirt eS- ii irt the evenlmd indicates the ma den as.well MM- tlfi ml .fu ,n the hreas't. and'ondof the i-ind a pale yellow, wctj.a neutral lor, m it awaiy cgw a W tne imman B - , Nc hands pointing to its , I I. . rul Li n1 nlfiui rtp nmtrAn i soan areas, variegkted, tassclated cow "TKODDKX bow: indicates the maiden as well as iq tk toer j boardCgouse breakfast,. infe-J rrfeiiWdeafiiL -KThU''by J.icfa; luuiwiw . iLji 4. A. 1.. I nor tun. common tub. mpfimm rnll I- -t s i , i 'No Intention Th l n ens t, auu uucjwi luo pumj .1 r . ' "V'-V ; - nipnnfj ft wsneeter lift nprvtts f gooa roll, ana gnt-ed! hlpcdino- stirfitce cniy color constitute! a fiivorable sign race, alcofcoi is no respeeter oi persons o t gjcal 1 bleeding btirtace. gray unfavorable C;ne rThe Tewjkrance .J are strictly technica.. good roll, and gilt-edge roll, The terms Lacre Rcdnx' The statue present a very handsome g ornilj The elands ire full of Tbc felue Ilibbou" "Ijtlk Dar- fine; specimen of meaning in themselves I If their forms Ici ... .. -ii. 4 ' -rGA nni fwW fliA takes i . 1 . . . r i .a uian fffiu iuw wuiciiers snop, llns.YoiujzIXrawii "vieinr'iTriiit,, ansylvania, as isgeneraiij tnown4 ind, finding ;hc owner's wife in attend- J K , .. i , V its iitametirom W llhamJPenn, : i tho. ahsenco of hrr hnsnan'rl Pwn the River," a talc of the Capo Tear: word ?1sylvatiia l meaning woodsy thought hd would havft n. int-A at- liw "The ivnGnLli. i.fril L... .r appearance, and is a the art, for which some parts of Europe are. soft, undefined and feathery, the ak are Itutly celebrated. ,,t h - 4 wnm uc ,; rJi-ttr At the close of the solemn High Mas, EW a 1 "i,:- ,nniflT LlimTwJ trn 'hAlre. onta'coontTrift f inn rmft w th A viirdnfnort?" "VaU Mral Tlieoloey, Hoy tni.S. Hammer. the act of consecration was read by the 1 i:npJ,hptoken wind and rain; while the dogs heard! something drop and went I sir," said she.; J Andthen, turning to a I D- D-. LL D Rev. Father White land ; the services i more quiet and f delicate tinfcj bespeak tk for it, but ilwai hot the eoom s Tt wia I boy Jhe added : V Jamea, giret 1 Eliif . fifcffUeniIn:fhreepi 4; that geh- i IlifilNSBERCjEU'S Ii bv ? lvv. "if, i r . ' -i i J ' i. I: i A ; 1 1 A J t . J i I 1 ! .I ; 'v; ''.'I,. our sUtenient, etc. came to a close. aprU-tf IJ ve Book and Music Store, 5 t li 'If V' "V, H ' 1 '.'

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