Female Gormandizers. WILMINOTON. U. MondayTMayTrd. 1874, illnsinuationsiwith regard to the habits of the " fashiobable" women of Ameri- I ? Pabished every afternoon except Sunday. E. B. 8ANDEKS Editor and Manager. Subscription. One year, in advance Six months, in adTance Three months in advance.. One month. In adTance. Correspondence solicited from our friends in all part ol the state, on topics 01 pene ral interest. Political ncwi and reports oi crops are especially desirable. 0 iu 3 00 1 50 50 with the : occupants inside, and , they should i determine: whether in that re spect they acted without reasonable even though all the forms of )w had have nofc been infrequent for some been compelled with", tha, accused was I time past. There irercr whispers of uiUy of manslaughter in scfrne . of I whisky in connection with this subject, either of its degrees.) If; on thr hand, jj some wcnt0 faWtO count in ab- ai xne ionns oi law naa oeen compiieu e. ? i i 4 . with nnrl IhP ht xvfls arridenfcil. then Sinthe amonS e COSHietlCS to be found it was a mere mischance, and they on Me toilet table of affluent beauty .- should find the prisoner not guilty. These chanres. however. were as thistle- - . - . . m I ' 7 ADVERTISEMENTS. I NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. I . NEW all V KKTISEIt) ENlN. The Judge dismissed the jury wth the customary directions as to their j verdict on the evidence. 1 ! ! The jury retired at 1:45 and at 5:05 returned a vercict of 'acquittal. iUndge Brady then ordered the discharge of the prisoner, lie was accordingly released, and received the congratulations of his friends of the Police Department. Leahy -was suspended from service dur ing the pendency of the trial, but it is understood that he will immediately be, reinstated. hanged A Double Murderer. A barber 'named VaHz, who was in New York last rriday for the crime of murder, com mitted another the day before. His sec ond victim was a policeman named Charles Ernst, who had been detailed to watch Waltz in his cell. Waltz was supposed by many to be crazy, hence the surveillance of the policeman. The condemned" man wrenched an iron door bar frem its fastening, and while the guard was lying down, and perhaps asleep, broke his skull, yhether the man Waltz is crazy or noljsccnis to be involved in much doubt. . ; Skiug as Currency, j ' The large weekly newspaper press of Pennsylvania, numbering several hun- tities of jellies, ices, and other such del dred journals, strong in resources and down compared with that brought by an observant European who passed most of last winter in New York. rHis opin ion is that the besetting vice of Ameri can girls is-well, not to put too fine a Eoint upon' it gluttony. They reject, abitually, the! normal three square meals per day during the ball, season, reserving their appetites foi the late suppers An average dashing duck of aiew . iorK 'oeuc, tins person avers, (mind, we don't vouch for him,) will consume at supper a plate of stewed oysters, a brick of lobster salad, a quart or so of stewed terrapin, unknown quan- fV Neuralgia, Diarrhoea, Lameness. Toothache, 43 Piles, neadactey Boils, Soreness", Burns, Sprains', Scalds, Wounds, Sore Throat, Ulcers, Brnise Rheumatism, Hemorrhages. J. NEW GOODS .- -: ' & 11. SAMSON'S Wilmington: & Welflon Railroad Ck Office on Gekkrit.mimv. 1 - llgasgjigsssg ii 51 mv 0 llK'tj WE BEG TO ANNOUNCE TO THE Ladies that wc have received a large assortment of NEW DRESS GOODS Notice Jo Shippers of 'Early. Ve. clablesi - patronage, and often ably and indepen- ueuuy edited, is a development ;ot tne last generation. Thirty yqars ago the life of the country editor was a thank less task. He had a great deal of work to do, and received very Jittle money icacies tnat are always in season, lhis may account for the forty tons of sar dines which, we are told, formed a part of the cargo of the lost steamship Eu rope, and which, oddly enough, were on their way out here in company with large consignments ot silks. Let these fair gormandizers beware. Heavy sup pers and good looks cannot long go to- GRAND GIFT CONCERT. lckOQO Frizes. $250,000 in Currency to be given away by the 1 j Masonic He lief Association i j ! OF NORFOLK, VA. I 'i i This drawifag has been legalized by speci al act of the Legislature, to raise funds for the completion of the Masonic Temple in the city of Norfolk. ! : LIST OF GIFTS: Suitable for the season, and receiving more new styles, another lot of r are daily! Also JOUVIN'S KID GLOVES, at 90 cts. 4 a pair. i Ve have also on hand all sizes of the a sinjrle therefor. His establishment was always gether ; and there can be no doubt that roast beet, ale, and regular habits have a good deal to do with the buxom ap pearance of most English matrons, even when pJast middle age. Engtisli paper. Some time mucc. a .New lorkcitv policeman, in pursuit of a notorious offender, entered a housei In attempt- ing to enter a room, the policeman, whose name' wa.s Leahv, found resist ance from thciuside of the chneddoor. He fired his revolver through the.ob- Htaclc, and killed a man named Mc Namra. The Times gives the tcrmina tion of the trial as follows: "In the Court of Oyer a$d Ternvncr yesterday, before Judge Brady, the trial of J)ctec tive Patrick J. Leahv for the shooting of Michael McNamara was resumed. Mr. Hall summed up on behalf of the prisoner, commenting on the prejudice created against him through the hostile net ion of the press, and criticisii etronglv the overzeal exhibited dh the part of the District Attarnc) The District Attorney repficd dh be half of the prosecution, denying that the old legal platitude tliat a man's house was his castle prevailed in this country. He insisted, however, that there was a trespass on the rights of the citizen in breaking in McXaniara's , door, and the gross carelessness shown by the prisoner on the occasion justified room, sometimes located in a frame house. He was his own account ant, writer, proof-reader, and foreman. With the assistance of a small boy, he did all themcehanical work of his'news papcr the composition and the press work, the folding, the ; addressing, and the mailing. And then, vobody ever paid him. His 'appeals to.-delinquent subscribers to come forward and 'fettle up" will always be remembered" as among the most pathetic passages in American literature. All this, however) is now changed, as far as the Northjis cohcerncd.. The country editor is pros perous and influential, and counts pro fits almost asvgrcat as those of .his; city brother. This will de as a preface to the following anecdote, which will be useful as an argument for more curren cy for the South. It is of weekly jour nalism in that section, and is narrated ny what, in printer's parlance, is termed a "tramp," a synonym for a jolly, feck less, improvident typographer, who has no fixed abode, but wanders at his! will over the country, stopping for a; few days' at the; towns stretched alon .his path, and working at each until he has earned enough money to have a good time and pay his board bill a sort of Wilhelm' Meister, always a good story teller and a generous hearted icllowjwho is himself his worst enemy. The hero of our story is a prince among his com panions, who boasts that he has worked in two-thirds of the printing. offices of the country: who is acquainted With One Grand Cach Gift, One Grand C(teh Gilt, . . One Grand Cith Gift, . . One Grand Cash Gift,.. One Grand Cash Gilt, 5,000 unc urana cash Gilt, 2,500 24 Cash Gifts, $500 each S12.000 .$50,000 . 22,000 . 12,500 10,000 leap French Woven Corsets at 75 cents. ! Our Stock of DOMESTICS, IN BLEACHED AND BROWN, Is complete, which we offer at prices to uery competition 10 anytning offered in this market. We have received a line of hrough Kxnress rclnht Trait. ... .7"') ilm follows for the accommodation of H1!,u!, K of Vegetable r,,lHHiu Leave Wllmfngron daily rstiii.i .v ed) at 6:30 Ij M., arrivlig( i?' v next evenimrlin lime to rnL.V.,1!tru,,"'i mers leaving daily for Baltimore an, Vhn11" dclph ia and with New York Steam?r , ,1 ?s except FTiday. ,1H,,IJ ., Shippers will find if. to lo! .i forward by this train. -u,niago ,0 t relghC handled carefully. For ratPS A-f 'innlvtA , ", Genercl freight Ac,.;,, JOHN F. IUVINK. march afigntcndciH. Office Tr NOTICE TO DRAY, CAR lin. MARSEILLES, IN ALL COLOB easnrcr and Collector. Citv ox Wilmington, Fkdkuaiiv lSrir, 1874. ' pWNKK OF ANY TKU( K T OR AGON. THE OWNER of anv Trunk- n, ... Wagon, used in this citv. win rmiii.. ..' . r to the HhopofJOHN A. l'ARK'Hf .... TIC ond street, andjiave their l" The old common school system went into effect in 1840, at which time there were 40 connties in this State and in 38 of these schools were taught, the whole numher of schools being C32, with an attendance of 14,S37, and the . j. An oao ro I tUSV 1,000,00. The new public school system went into effect in 1SG9, when the number of counties had increased to 90, and in '74 of these, notwithstanding the disorgan ize condition of the State, there were free schools numbering 1,39S, with a reported attendance of 31,000, and an estimated attendance of 49,000 pupils, and a cost $12,862,40. So that under the ne,w Itepublican system it requires only $989,32 more to teach 1,398 schools, with 40.000 scholars, than it required under the old system to teach o32 schools with 14,937 pupils; or with the, same amount that was required under the old system to teach G82 schools,' un der the new system over 1,123 jschools may be taught. And yet the present democrats wish to , go back to jthe old system. Our figures are taken from the 50 Cash Gifts, 80 Cash Gilts. 100 Cash Gifts, 120 Cash Gitts, bW Cash Gilts, 9000 Cash Gifts, 350 each . 200 each.. 150 each . , 100 each.. 50 each . . 13,500 16,000 15,000 13,000 2ttc500 Which wre offer at prices much below, the cost, of production. P J REGISTERED NUMBERS THEREON I 5 each 45,000 AN EARLY CALL SOLICIT s . r J. & H. SAMSON. PAINTED -before the first day of March iproxinio, v1Cn the Ordinance) imposing a penalty will bp enforced. A list of the Keri.stP r.i n.,r,K " . win r..ii..i .... :r ",uur' Grand Total, fTen Thousand Gifts, all Cash, ...,. .$250,000 Whole Tickks, Half Tickets, mar 13 lm 43 Market Street. office. feb fy bf til In TL C. fcJERVO.SS, Treaf uror. 2l-eod-tf $5.00 $2.50 II plickets SoO 23 Tickets SlOO mm mm records, and "ligures can't lie."- -Hira. An American Ilero in Ashantee. An Englisli correspondent, who ar- the penmanship of Horace Greeley, of 'riv.ed ll0me Wlth thc 42nd Highlanders, that of Bloss of thc Cincinnati Enquirer YlteSias follows : " Among our passen- thev worst penmanship in the world gers on board the steamship Sarmatian Charles G. Oreen, Ot the Boston iW, rlisrnvprnrl n hlnrl- mnn wlin hnn Manton Garble, Mnrat lia ( stead (and 1d C(1 rather a conspicuolls t in thc John lorsvth ; who has acquired aast fo f war. Tom BoUlar WM n known range of learning, and who knows; the . nU , -, 4l , u, 4, i uii iiuu ivuitu nit nisei v wiin me familiar poets by heart. This eccentric cenius, in tlie course or his wanderings once fouiid himself ;in a It is rnnvirt ion of manslaughter. In charging thc jury, Judge Brady Backwooos town oi Georgia, one oi.ine disagreed Willi tne proposiiionaaanceii h :st 0f that State, located ! his bv thc District Attorney, that in this characters, and engaged to "get out " country a man's house was not his cas- his paper lor the local Jefferson J3riek thi but the AVOnfedrful hQalin tie. . It was as much his castle here as Things went on ? smoothly lor aonth er hi h back blood Icon. rr Tix'n tno wonrloror nrtn rii 1 n cr with riia .. .. i ? . r; " riwi: ttast to white blood, served h m well, employer aud he walks now with a wound that supplies indispensable to a .person jof tld haye iamed a Ellropean for some advance guard. - Born in America, he Jigured in the civil war, and eventually found himself in our royal'navy. He was a volunteer for the expedition, and was one of Lord Gifibrd's boldest scouts. I saw hi in wounded at thc fight at the Dah, a ball having gone through his Flan of drawing sameb that of Kentucky State Library Association. Drawing to take place iu Norolkon Tuesday, May 5th 1874. JDIKECTORS: JOHN L koPEK, President, . JOHN B. CORPREW, Tkeasubbb, JAS. Y. LEIGH, r WALTER H. TAYLOR, , GEORGE S. OLD FIELD. , . -f 1 JNO. A. 1103SON, . - ' DANIEL HUSTED, ' - WM. U. WALES, AI. IL 8T EVENS, JOHN T. REDMOND, i 8. WEIL, r , ' ' ADVISORY BOAD : Ex GovcrDoii Gilbert O. Walker, Col. Kader Bigtrs, P. P., i Jno.R McDkniel, P, G Commander, J. J. Burroughs., Capt. Sam'l Watts, Virginia Legislature, Rob't E. Withers G. M., G. M. P. & D. D. G. C. of G. C. s i CoUThos.rF4 Owens, P. G. M., IT John D. Whitehead, Esq,, ex-Major, Col. W. II. Thylor, Mate Senator, Jas. G. Braiii. Orders for tjekcts and sll communica tions should bd addressed to I HENRY V. MOORE, Sec'y Masonic Relief Ass.' Norfolk, Va. DR. THOMAS B. CARR, Agent, Wilmington, ;N, C. jan ol om j . 0i'T TOiL away your THIS-MOST MMABKABIE ALL APPARATUSES sometimes it was in England, and before it could be entered the fo.ms of law should be observed to the letter. A public officer was entitled to the protection of tho . A i law in thc discharge of his dujy, but he was entitled only to the same pro tection accorded to any private citizen. This case had a peculiar importance, since it involved thc rights of! a citizen to the enjoyment of privacy in his own house, and the power of the police, tuit it should be decided without any fear of thc consenuences these thc court assumed. Every man who accepted an office assuniccrra responsibility for the execution of itspowers : he must exe cute them according to the law, and if he departed from the law he should be punished as auy ordinary citizen. The jury shouldulischarge their duties with out reference to public clamor. Xo clamor could affect him, and he trusted thev were equal lv indifferent to it. It was conceded in reference t tliis shoot ing that there was no intent to kill, otherwise the indictment would cha.-g 1 i. 1 1. i rri niuruer, ana not mansiaugnier. i ne officers were in pursuit of a felon, a bad and desperate character whoprcviotisly attempted the life ot a pouccmau. What did they do' in conformity with the official instructions they received ? In considering that question he charged that police officers uiav act on a reason lablc suspicion that a felon has been 'perpetrated. He asked was there in this instance a reasonable ground to suspect that Dutch Harmon was-.the person who committed thc felony, and in this connection he drew attention to the circumstance connected with the murder of the watchman, Schweieh. A man's house -tea's his castle. An officer who desired to enter it : armed with the authority of the law! should announce his character, and demand his habits. At last, hofever, the iold feeling overmastered him, and he Ire-' solved to return to his ways and rcsurfie his travels. He accordingly announced his intention to his employer ; to use his own words, he " formally, resigned," The editor was loth to part with hini, as it was doubtful it he could secure anont er printer for a long time'; but he had to accept the situation, and told nr friend that he would settle with him, and retired to the next room, as the simple-hearted fellow imagined, to pro cure sufficient of the coin of the realm Jebtedness. Visions of luxurious case and riotous indul gence hilled the mind of thc latter,1 and he was busily preparing has plan of op erations, when his recent employer em ersred from the inner room with an arm ful of foxskins, which he coollv derios-r ited on. thc Hoor and began to industri ously and rapidly count. When hejiad set apart twenty-one, he qiiietlvpicked them up and handed tiiem to the aston ished printer, with the remark j 4 That squares us, I believe? 44 Hut !" ejaculated the disgusted drea- mcr, wnat am l to uo witu tuese things ?' ; " Them's foxskins' said the other ; ' I get paid in them, and " '.elp.it. l ou can pass them. j . olowlv, and without lullv compre hending the situation, the traveler shouldered his "skins" and betook himself o'.W After a jaunt of two dayp, he reached another town,! where he re solved to rest and to test the value idf las currency. He stopped a week iat the largest hotel, exhausting its bill 6f fare anil wine list, the former being the plain food of 'the countrv, arid the lat ter the inevitable apple-jack. j - hen he went up to the bar to pav his bill, it was not without some trcni- months. Sir Garnet, iu recognition of his services, has sent him to England in hppe of getting him a berth." 1 ' ! . J . called a mechanical paradoxhow used with sncn . wonuerlul succe8s in our principal ciues ior jino cure, Dy cumulative "ex kr eisis, of nearly all , . if Chronic Diseases and Weaknesses, Is for sale by the undersigned, by whom all orders will be promptly tilled. THE REACTIONARY is so constructed that even a child can in stantly adjust it for a person to lift any weight, from twenty to twelve hundred pounds. It is made almost wholly of iron and steel, weighs ISO pounds, and covers a space of only 20 by 36 inches; and although, but recently introduced, nearly 1,000 have already befin sold. i ; PRICE S100, BOXED AND SHirPED. Small books or circulars, showfng its use can be had free at the office of the Post. S. II. MANN, Brooklyn, N. Y. sept 11 d&vvtf P. 0 Box 201). 3 khool TeacherL Wanted I in each county for the Spring and Summer $luo -per month. Send for circular givintr lull particulars. ZElGLEIt & Mc CURDY, Philadelphia, Pa Ny York Day Booh. A Democratic Weekly. Established 1S30. It supports White Supremacy, political and social. Terms. $2 per year. To clubs. nine-coptes for $8. Specimen copies free. Address DAY BOOK. New York citv. T NOTICE. . o j Lisling ol! Taxables for 1874 WITH IN THE CITY OF i Wiliniiio ton, ,N. C. 1 V-rr viOAf P1- A J'DEMA N OF. THE . Clll Of Wllllllliirtnn X' I l.i.. i... -General Tax Ordinance " d lrr.,i iu,. ..fi Properly liable to taxation within tho cor porate limits of this City, together with Po ls and all other Taxables shall be KivV in to tbo " Persons appointed to receive the Tax List," at thej City flail, between the ilrlt days of April nd May, 1S71 ;aud in viola tkm thereof hail pay a double tax theie- AII Pcroti and Corpora tions will therefore be required (by thmeselvi-x or agents) to give in their Taxables to tliedulv appointed City Tax Listers, viz: J.L. Barlow, w. II. Banks and D. E. Buntlpir at tbe COURT ROOM ill the Gitv irN 2EVin. , e ,, Z -'"I .. 11IU11 til tween clock iweeuuie n ours oi U o'clock and II o'clock P. M.. tinder a ncnaltv nf nui'm v t v FOR FAILING I'O I.TST i hr VkiV 'I aforesaid. , i. ,.w T- K- SERVOSS, City Clerk. "y 7:y ''"""Sion-Aiarcli 3V, 19,74 march,,'! 268 apr 1 eod i 1 the hours Of y o'clock Ai M. and 3 o' P.M., and Jon Friday evenlnes. be . GOODS IRfesiI STOCK 7 desirable goot lm. CHANGING. icominsr.dailv. of the goods in the ; i WHOLESALE! GROCERY fRADE. New Molasses, Bacon, Coffee, Pork-, Bny J. & P. uOATS' Black Thread FOR YOUR admission befwrc resorting to violence, I dation that he produced: his bundle at otherwise he was a mere trespasser, fox skins and awaited the result. The even though the felon of whom he was IJoni lace regarded them a moment, in pursuit was actually within tl (luuiiuic. nic j"i niis iu . ticciue i grappling, witu sonic aosiruse matue- whether the otticers properly announced Inatical calculation;' then he quietly their true, character and the pupose of took the bundle, deposited it behind tie their visit. He drew attention to the bar, and, producing fourteen rabbit evidence on mis point as published, observing that even if they announced they had no right to go Into a private house without some reason justifying their action. He charged that the mere announcement that they 'were ' Police officers and in pursuance of a proper purpose was enough to place tnem in NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. MARSHAL'S OFFICE, WILMINGTON. N, C. April 22. 1874. NOTICE. I WOULD MOST RESPECTFULLY CALL the attention of the citizens to the fact that the warm and siekly seasoi Is near at hand, and it becomes my duty to'adopt the most stringent sanitary measures at this particular time to preserve the health of the city and prevent the introduction of disease that may originate fr0ni foill and unwhole some matter, filth, garbage, trash and re fuse matter which has a tendency o create unwholesome and offensive odors. In, or der to prevent as far as possible the spread of those diseases peculiarly incident to this season oflthe year I would most respectfully solicit tbQ co-operation ot the citizens gene rally in placing our cily in such a sanitary condition! as to render it as far as practicable impregnable, at least; to those diseases which originate from foul and unwholesome matter, : To this end the entire force of the city will be employed in cleansing, drain ing, cleaning, disinfecting and removing trash. &ci, for at least the next fifteen or twenty days. All persons are requested to .have the trash, oltal, refuse matter, &c, cleaned from their premises and placed up on1 the streets, whence they will be removed immediately. When it is convenient please use boxestor barrels. Tersons; needing disinfectants can have the same free of charge by calling at mv office. I t he health officers, designated by a yellow rosette, njay be notified of any stagnant water standing upon any lot. or damp cel lar or anything that would impair the health of the city, and any complaint lodged at this olnccshall receive prompt attention. llelievin&That a proper sanitary condition adopted now; at this early season, will in sure a:herflthy summer I earnestly. solicit the alcranu co-operation of all the trood cit izens to accomplish this good end. Respectfully, Ac., GEO W. PRICE, Jf., aprll23 tf , City Marshal. We have demonstrated that an Evening paper is a necessity in the city of Wilmington, and bur growing circu lation is the beet proof we can offer of the truth of the statement. LIFE FOR LANDLORDS, ' r BUILDING LOTS for sale in healthy and desirable localities on Church, Nun, Ann, Orange, Dock, CJiesnut, Mulberry, Wainut, Red Cross, Raukn, Dickinson, Wood, Char lotte, Sixth, Seventh, Wilson, Eighth, Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh, Twelfth and Tliir teenth streets. Satisfactory time given fo payment. Apply to feb 8 JAMES WILSON. 2Vi-tl THE CELEBRATED E jan o M P I It E L O U K. (iliO. MYERS, AT Specific Medicines. i PR. GREENE'S FIT CURE The Great Remedy for Epilepsy, j cuhes Mi J?itp, Spasms, Convulsions and Nervous Wakeiuluess, alttn arresting the Fits from the hret day's use. COMPOUND EXMCORYDALIS ! CURES Sciofula, Secondary Syphilis, Eruptions on ine okiu, uiandular Eulargements and all diseases arising from impure Blood. MEDICATE!? HONEY ! A Sovereign Ualnj lor Coughs, Colds; Bron chitis, and Asthma. By its timely use many supposed cases orjConsumption are promp tly reiievcu. i ; TO ADVERTISERS. All persons Avhocontemplatemaking con tracts with newspapers for the insertion of advertisements should send 12(3 ctx. to ' ! Geo P Kowell & Co. 41 Part Row N Y, for their ONE HUNDRED PAGE PAM PHLET, containing lists of y,00O newspapers and estimates, showing the cost of advert 1s- mg : oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo o . ; o o me ixng contested Suit ot tlie o o FLORENCE SEWING MACHINE CO.,o o against the. Singer, Wheeler & Wilson o o ana trover s uaKer companies, iavolv- o o ing over 250,000 o o Is finally decided by the o o Supreme Court ol the United' States o o in favor of the FLORENCEhich alone o o has broken the monopoly of high pri- o , , ces. o Z THE NEW FLORENCE o oistnc UiMJUY machine that sews barken o ward and forward, or to the right & lcft.'o o Simplest Cheapest Best, o o Sold for Cash only 'Special Terms too o l,iujbs ana i kale lis. 0 Atl ltri t.-i - u ui,ioii r lurence, Jiass. o oooooooooooeooooooooooGooooooooooooooo Lard, Uuttcf, Alen, Cider, .'an ncd Goods. Bitters.' Salt. KEIuisENE OIL, J All kinds of-Snuff and Tob acco. . bugar, Candles, &c, &c. Our catalogue embraces over FOUR HUNDRED AND FIFTY different articles. For sale low to cai?h oi close buVing customers. ADRIAN & VOLLERS, . Corner'of Dock and Fj-ont Streets, april.10 tf j WILMINGTON, N. C. TICK .Mill VIS. TICK ! TICK! IAI1J!1II1IIII! For Rats, Mice, Roaches, Ants, Bed Bugs, Moths, &c J F HENRY, CURRAN, & Cci. , "N Y. , Sole Agents. kins, said, " There's your cliange." Ill is needless 'to fav that the wanderer 1. '?' 4 - sousiit, as rapidly as liia leers could Till; WflOLKLY IOSsT Mi - !' Js published erery Friday morning, i the astonishingly low price of I ONE DOLLAR PER ANNUM. at transport him, a section where currency .Old newspapersJ suitable for wrap was more abundant. Perhaps Congress VDS VaPTt n packages of fifty, forsale ."! 1 A A t A ; ' L A A 1 . AT - 1 A f the risht can now find a better reason for the ur 1 at this office. gency with which some of the Southern newspapers demand more of the circu so far a to obtain a parley 1 fating medium. Philadelphia Press. tf. WAKKANTTJ DISK US- On hind Had for 6&)e feb 25 HALL 1 l ; i' -.'!! .; NEURALGIA SPECIFIC! A prompt, positive and uermanent rflTf ior the jjexcruciatlDg pains of Neuralgia, Rheumatism and Sciatica. WABASH VAtLEY AGUE CURE ! A Specific Jor Ago?, Chills & -Fever, Billi ouse Fever aDd Cqnetlpation of the Bowels. As a Bowel Begulator it has no equal. ; t tST For sale by, Mi and Prepaired only by, !, Drs. GREENE. LINDLEY & BENTLEr Charlotte, n. (j march 20-259 9 mosi ! Our Weekly circulation; is increasing every week,. even during the " hard timej' Unly one dollar a year in advance. FITS aud EPILEPSY. positively cured.iThe worst cases, of longest standing, by using DR. HEBBARD'H CURE A bottle seat FREE to ail addressing J E DIBBLE, Drugeist, 8110th Ave, N Y. Stoneivall Fertilizer ! Highly Concentrated. Has ALWAYS been Manufactured on the basis of a snaranteed analysis. Will NOW be sold subject to all laws In regard to Fertilizer, with THE SAME guaranteed analysis. 13. C r LA KNAG & SOX. I Charlottesville. Va. april 92H w lm. JJLANKS, BONDS for TITLE DEEDS. LEAN ON CROPS with Power of Sale, &c, Ac, FOR SALE at - 4 ' ' ' , i G. HA-LlS Job Printing Establishment, apr Jl-tf ' . r ai,m:i Jr., WATCHMAKER and JEWELLER, No. 11 NORTH FRONT STREET, Wilmington, N. C. ALL work done! in a workmanlike man ner. He has oh handa very fine assort ment of WATCHES and JEWELKY, CLOCKS, VILVERWARE, POCKITT CUT LERY, c, and is i now prepared to do all kinds of plating, both silver and gold, some thing1 that has never been donein thlseoun--try before. You can have all of your old plated spoons, casters, cups, fV:c. replalcd at a small cost, to look as well as when new. april 13 LTlKJm E Extra Mess Mackerel, i : XTRA EKES It SALMON. GEORGE'S RANK CODFISH, ;it jan :t I GEO. MVEKS. Bacon, Port! Floor and Oat?. i : 17 o Roxcs Smoked and D. S. Side, ' 100 Barrels Pork, 1,200 " Flour T,000 Bushels Oats, For sale by KERCH NEl & CALDEB KBOS. feb.-O i. House Molns.se?-'. 00 Hhds SnL-ar House Molasses 500 VbU. jr 4 3Iolasf.es, For sale bv KERCH NEK fc CALDEIt BROS. feb 9 ' Till7; EVE1VING POT p published every F1V evening except Sun- R ANNUM. Sov Crop Cuba, Sec. TIERCES NEW CROI A , JgQ IIUDS -AND C IT; B For sale by KEKCHNER & CALDEK BK0S. feb 9 'I