s. . . : ... , ! . ,, ; , ;, - i .... : i i j i , , ! ! . - j K I ' ' I ' ! L ' ' ' i, VOL. 'VII: - f." . - - .. v. . r,r ; , i .3 -, r . .- - ' t . -f .. Ti if 'III w s w . ' . " J rV i . t .. . . A i ' . . . . . s 1 IK.--.., 1 l k- i !. f :. A . ? TTi . .'. ."- .m t " ! v ' uii T rr? ? : r : - -r-ti---.i ill ir iicf 1 1 ii ii iiiim. L -4- t ; - -v- i . ib null LUiJi - i : i ' m w.v . , a --v t . , t ej m-r m m m m k m' m r s r 4 -7 . 7 i t CITY ITEMS. ,,1 Ollicc llcsolation. will close 1'ruiu this date a.s fol- 111 ti.r.Kili fniirlit) mails S P M W" ' .. . . ...... tlirouuoc way (uay; niuus...i a. i .Jierii m-'il - s l M .1 Vntnil Railway mails A M .iVll;t. -Sjttuiil:y ;ml Tuesilay A M ..!cillf. river, Mo.ulay fc Friday..! !' M I !,;tf-ill fy JaiX)liaa4:atnil !lail- ;y, iauy 'i Court I louse, (horsa mail; ivo- -v Krily...-r A M j 1 . 1 . . -. . I fVjkiit T i tn f.i 11 in ina nil 1 iv- troni ; l !':- a 111. Li "Hp ' 'Mi':1 open lioni S a 111 i 12 m, and ..,.! p mi. Money order on Register I ,rtni' nl pen s;iiue as taiMp oftiec. l.iir tor opening ana cjting vii- .,i..n Library A.-vcialion- Heading -in. l.tiiy r ' , . J i,,'(!ok i p.i.i 1 ul"';k o !ck in, to VcIoc.k in. ;', oV!'ck p 111, to 10 o'clock, p in. !;.ii i K ciL'i boys arc nof antlim i to -rll cupi-i of the IVi'r. 11I Servic. tJ. ts. Army Sv'eathui lie port. Ot feEKVCR'3 OFKICB, i iiaun'jto.n, May.'.', IbVl. f c, U'..!r...ioui;Tkr j VinJ Wcatb- I .-S v iti'-n V A M. ;J: i7T .711 iSWbrsk' (Jo ' OTTO SC1IUTZE, "Observer, U. S A. o: i Ni:vsPAir-:K4, suitable for wrap in- paper, in packages vl tilly, lor .sale I.; th is ottice. tf. V. II. orr l autlnn i.td :to Hhl ana rc.vipt Iill Hue ttic .... 1 ; rilURCJl jmiKCTOltY. si. Pa ul'.s Evajsoeuca Ll j ii i:is in k n. May 10th. f ' Jeriiian service at 11 a.m. CiiprliLi service at 8 p. m. uii'lay School at I p. m. Fn:vr.jl. Giiujicu Walnut Hall -Kcv. W. . I. Parkinson. rvit os at 11 a. m. -f p. m. Na.lav School at' a. m. rraycr Meeting and JJib'lc talk Thursday iL'ht, p. in. Street preaching at the 'va-l of the Market at 1! o'clock Sab Mill afternoon. Sr. Pai l's (Kits opai.) C'iu'rcii U.iy lth Services af 1 1 o'clock, a. ; ami S o'clock t. m. Iiev. T. 31. Ambler, Hector. iml;i v. Mav loth. The lit. Kev. 7 I'aoma-" Atkinson, O.D., Hishop of Kith Carolina, .will viit St. Mark's Pari-h aiid-aduaiuistcr the rite of con :r:u:iti'in. .Services coininencing at 8 tl'xlc p. in.' Seats free. "i. John's Cm iuii, May 10th. ftfh Sunday alter Kjtcr. lr;':lr:Uioii of the II)lv lOucliaii-l i ii I 4 ' a. m. the rninir Pravcr", : 11a m j 8 p m fining Praver at si. Mark's Kpi-ii t ii i:'ii, V l"th. . ! l illh Siin-fiy al'i-i M i-'aM . 'hrniu- Pravcr al 1 M nf: v.v nin- Praver at ; s p. ni , Kin-r Bvpjivr Cni:r m. -uicrof 'b.'k-t and Fifth Street- KldcrJ.-C. Men. a-toi--Sur.day. 31ay.i.th 1871. !' io at 11 a. nr., and p. in. -viu.Lty School at a. m. Prayer ''".titij- f hursday niglit at o'clock. l ,r,i - Suppcf t )-inoriow alter morning s,rii.n, -liaving been postponed from 'Sil'oaLh. , L 1 " ' ali-gone feeling which people ?UK'tiiiu speak of, is caused by want 5 pr.jper action of the liver and heart. may lc aited. and the bowels v?ulatiil, by 7m-. r , '!; r- Vsin "nail ' ' "i; and Hour are .staple articles: Mot niijkte b than .JJi n- n.t' i Awjihine ''" "i, where known, It ii good for "'"Mreii ur adults, for any! internal rvuVs uf- tllc chct or bowels', and the Liniment prepared,, under what v,niame. . j Lii: following delegates have been 'I hjintcd to the Hepublican Judicial P inion of the 4th District, from Lis countv: OwenBurncv, S. II 3Iau- John Bell, i:. Cantwcll, Alfred J"yk buuean Holmes. uehu were 7 interments in line rot Cemetery during the pa-t week: 2; childreu, fernAXGERS, iead our church calcu- dar. Mk. James leet continues to iiri prove. ; The lighter Modoc is on the way? being repaired. t V . 1 time was had at the neck tic festival last night. Won't somebody get up that dog light that has Wen so long. .talked of. We learn tha t Mount Olivet Council will give an excursion down the river in a lew daws. : - J" 31c. James &pru'nt lell for Europe yeslcnjajr, where ho intends remaining several months. " lr is said thkt there is nothing new under the sun." Anvhow we will have a new Pbstoflice sometime in! August. A 'Ooiey Plv(i)ke 5.f A y oumr man of this city paid lorj one. For further particulars call on Front street. the arrival of the Pioneer a sail, just the thing for the Little Walter .will be brought out, and then sneMl e all "rectus." ' Who ever heard of a sklllett being tried for disorderly conduct ? We have least such was the easel before His lJonox,this morning. I 4- The greatest turnout that! ever hap i pened in Wilmington, will be the pro- cession cm 3Icmorial day. ast pre- parations are being made. The Hew W. J. Parkinson preaches at Walnut Hall to-morrow (Suiulayi) morniug,and night. He1 will also or ganize ;t Sabbath School to-morrow morninir Till: nj embers, of the Hoojw and LacN der epmpany arc, requested to meet at the Truck House on Monda afternoon at 2 o'clock, to join in the jprocession. See advertisement. r 3Ir. H. BeasEKY, who was injured badly yesterday while on hislwayJiome, bv the horse rui ning awav and fthrow- ing him out of i he cart, ' is reported to ,nl, ' 1 be5 suffering very much to-day. We are informed that theimecting of the retail liquor dealers will! be held on Tuesday afternbon at 3 p'clock, at Brock's Exchange, instead, ot Monday, as w e stated on Wednesday.! iu ,.i "iiuuoic or .louaccu-iiewiuK, . ..i.:. lr x i. , i ..l : i rosin-our uev i says ne nas trieu u, -i ! i i when he had n i tobacco, and it act like a charm, tins discovery lie now presents jrati to the Tenders of .the.. a character as to warrant the 'Squire in arebrijfly thcse . There was a Temner Post. M demanding the sum of 3(0 bail, in dc- ;,,. tii.Vt. e.onsi.stinff soltdv of Demo- Anv one doubting Wilmington's be- M.' . J , . - i , . r the greatest naval store market in i i . J . i, u 3 w orld, let him ta&c a stroll along our wharves, and uehoid lor fiimsen me Ui 4 it ic il I pifes upon riles lof naval stojres waiting lcarn that tjie .lvor an,i Board of Al shipmenl. j clcrmeii held a meeting this morning to U-Mvoenvritrheflenizins of Prill- ,:ps, freot. adiiitcut to the Post, were -1 ' 'i ,i I ' 1 called to their kloors yesterday ,alter-t nnn hv- ( h p Tlkord inarv noise occa- sionPilbv ahorie bavkina up a ' tree, - " .Mi "I L..1.J i k..:.i ins owner succceucu hohcu-i.ju uuu-j liii'Hiis anpetiti - i I - , oSequcntH c caunut . . It i is thcwor. are not partial, c( lii-tioliei'V. Mum . f- Talk about jour starry pights for a ramble, ycur Broadway lor a prom- m. nvi.lp fKn wp.it hpr we are iiow eniov- I 1 :ie0fn,lcif from i fKpJOns House to Chadbburnc's extensive! saw mills, just beat all those things hollow. l.oli'pvn 5t insl trv the ex- perimunt. The Experiment. The Ibarge Ex penment, now irt course ol construction liv Arssr.4. Tom merman & Conev. will ; be completed aoout Tuesday, and a fL. VxmUion for the benefit of tun;, iM'nn,U nn, rni.nintuncM will be . . . i """,U J -,! " l : r, I . mv-mi nil The barge vided with ample T he Yacht Retta is being thoroughly head this morning. j j repaired, and iJer friends and sympa- ', l ... r Dr. iKeeu thLrs all say thlt the like has not been Grand Lnited OrOlr (lm 111- J J , ,i..i 1. i.L l ows. Past Grand Master A. Maults- ,L seen, the way sue n gnue uirougu iue . P.P. j:.. : .--n 1 u by, accompanied oy i . .r., .xj. T Ar water", uisiaucii Wcd iesday or. Thursday, be entiticu u a.s utuj .6-- livc abd let live." Democracy, as rep :a U.,;,t;f,,i thAr nnrl nro-1 the Convention as uicy iic i. u.c resentea by the .Aciw, says, n a lo .fupi x I . , l I , . , ; . I i I . tr .I'll. I ntnrl I nf Ha nlno "i J tfjofsirll It t Q (nnvpnipnrps. siiiu iju i iuhh . . - - - r i doubt the Experiment will prove a suc cess. Should it do soothe Captain in forms us that larger and more he shidl construct a ' beautiful -onfe, for the benefit of excursionists next season. : ! . is Honor TliC followinflt'wcrotlicpuly cisea dUS posed of tins wqng, vii: .William Skillett lor disorderly con duct, find $10 and costs, . or 1 days on the street?. I Phillis 3Ioore, for disorderly con- duct. - Judgment suspended on pa,y- ment of costs. Itobt. Miles, for .selling liquor on Sun- day. Judgineut reserved. r,j : -- - - Ihe number of carts in market for the past week, 1'21.K THERti wa slaughtered lor market purposesduripthe past week, 41 beeves, 17 hogs, 72heep, 1 goat. ; To CEOl'At meeting held t'iis morning at the Produce Exchange, it was decided; to close the Exchange at 12,o'cIock Monday, in respect to Me- morialD ir Akki ved. A dispatch was received . ' . B re this morning from (, apt. Julius Here tins morning trom (,apt. Julius youer, stating mat me jmuia lunn, fi;jvinrr ltt Inw ' tno dnnm 1 1 ror 1 rrr nr- rived safely; at Norfolk this morning. i.jTHE following delegates have been ftnnoinlpd fn tlm l?ptnllicfin iVmorrps- . c , , ... sional Convention, or the ru District "... irom this county: x . Ii. (Terken, L. E. Puce, J. H. Smytlie, Jno. If. White- man, Geo. W. Price, (Jeo. L. Mabson. J.C.Gorman", Adjutant General of the State, and a practical printer, is in the city and made a call on us this morning. General Gorman represents the outjook las very pro'mising for the Republican party in the: coming cam- J'paign, and that we are gaining every- Series of .meetings. -Daily morn- j ing prayer meetings are now going on from 71 o 7 o'clock, in the First Bap- tist Church) and there is preaching every night at 8 o'clock. The congre-' gations show interest, and the ordi- nance ot "baptism will be admimstcretl again to-morrow (Sunday) night. ; , j , , , Co ! Neu.e Mc'K-VV passed through bur citv last niirht. The Democratic enthusiasm in the uppeij part of the district was elfectually quenched 1V the ill)' quenclu nomination of W addell and the shoul- dering of back pay. The people say thev will not go back upon their decla- rations to gratify any set pf politicians or any individuals Sent to JAiL.-Samuel Hayes, for . .. .. PA.vif. x 1 I stealing tlie.;8um ot zou rom jacKsou . J . t W i I tellers, on last Wednesday morning, was tried before Justice Van Amringe this mornimr. and his guilt was ot such fault of which he was 'placed in jail there to rest until the nc.t term of the there to rest unt. . it Superior Court. 1 j t : PUvFr, jV an eve witness we the amount of damages occa- Wiicu uy a.voung man s icau , , i ' i i il. ! rIM,..K.l-i' ,.i,rb if f in i ;"V l'. , , grand collation. It is said he wanted another glass, but had forgotten that 1 j 1 1 1 " 1 A. I there was !a ui ick in nis-nai, which at- - . counted for the glass jbeiHg broken. lie was uiscovcivu wuu v "i,p -r i:.. i u., . . m in,.' haW, will leave here on Wednesday next for Newbein. for the uirposc ot enquiring into the utility of establish- tin luniif, I ing a Lodge of their Order in that city. M. J. K. Cutlar, assisted oy viranu "Ma.ste - rs J. '.E. Kimr and J . II. isrow n L,;!! to T?:,leiah on Wednesday next for the purpose of organizing a new Lodge there. This order is represented hrinor in a tiounshiug condition in I I I. Rooms Rep. District Committee, ) i Wilmington, N. C, May 0. ) ..Uo-, , . , The District uonvention 10 uuua- nate a Republican candidate torlon- gress will meet at Fayetteville, N. C. SS imh ilicvi. , - ' 1 . - . . ...:n I on the 18th instant, ricu coum, t.x . , 1 :ii 1 mil. pmimv will I at t fiviniv .. a ' i . - 1 v r. 4" ? in I ' .1 I nirni HD KP (II lilt; At IL llil lull I UIC9 U HV- IHUUJv, i.Ht 'V , n- 'n,lm5HM : the names of these firms should be pub Chm'n Rep. Pwtnct Committee. . . that paper with th intent to Fayetxvuie exumw, .. i.ti i V cir lirvrilA I IRepubOmnonrtrr a... J' v copy. s i Board of A ldee mex. il-A s jneeting of the Board of AldermcD, calle4jby Mayor Canaday, was held f yesrdpiy afternoon ; presentj the May- dr'lina Aldermen Adrian, Fishblatc, Grainger,, Moore, Bice, Bants and Hankies. j The Iaror stated that he liad called the Bqarl together for the purpose of J considering certain appointments made I by him but Monday, on the police force. j These appointments were majle subject to the japproval of the Board, and he recommended that the same be conrihh- cj j ? . t I t " j i i " i A 5 J of thf flavor in appointing llobert M c- enzie as one ot the night Uaptani8, J. fe. W. Fugles aiid . Jb AUp aber- geanisj ami Jiiartm r iioming, oimon Kichardsbn'Benjanim.T-Pxicc, Alonw Fletcher, C. C. Taylor, Wni. jH. Howe, W. A. Daughlin, Lewis Bryant, Ed. McGallagJher, W.H Hcndersdu,. Jas. J. Canaday, Benj.R. Kingand John Ku- ark as (privates, on the police force of Ul?"' 18 hey ai'PT' Petition of the tax-ljstersL prav that thfey be paid $3 per diem for ih ing that thfey be paid $3 per diem for their services, as in previous years, wasgrant- I CU. The Board then adjourn e'd, For i ho Post. Editutr Post .' The campaign is about to open. The Democrats . , , , conceived ana hrofiHit, fort liavc met, conceived and brought forth A Salary Grabber for Congress. A Ku-Klux Chief "or Judge. A legislative gere- mander and constitutional patcher for Solicitor. The way is open all things are now ready. This Judicial ''district wants and must have a pure, impartial, just, uncontjiminated and uprighi man for Judge. A substantial but not over money iloving man for Congress and a Solicitor of quick perceptions and ready business habits. This countv will, sav trive lis Russel. onr DOV Judge1, who went upon the Bench k beardless youth, arid at once came jn contact with the very best legal talent df the State. The boys mind at 0ncc tolichcd the Chaotic masU, mould- e( -lt brought unity and strength out 0f confusion. Born a man, only waiting a few -years i to be developed a o-iant. 1 . iv ! To-dav DanieT L. Hussel stands .forth, without superiors, if an equal in ;tlie Dif net orbta e l, . janieij Lt Hussel must be elected Judge of the Fourth Judicial District Columbus county will roll! up a ma- J"" . " "a natives Tho Democratic papers liave been' boastinU of tV fact that thev carried P i " 1:inv f- a - thfi cjtato ti1(, ite J i r mIin;K:bai oloctions. Salisburv was h u d g havinj? ,r0nc Democratic, .,vw Li,rtw The facts in! the case ance ticket, consistimr solely of Demo- cratSj for Mayor' and Commissioners, T, t:L.M sl,Iinnrfpii follow. is supported as ll v.v11-- " "t- 'Trr FOR MAYOR. i J. J. Sewart, j 41. FOR CO MM ISSION ERS. Y A. Davis, IS, ol E. Marjsh, R. R. Crawford, B. F. Fralev, 44. 77. I) I aiJtCl, G. A. Bingham, if x Woodson: Andrew Murphy, 27. I . . i Thn. Mho.r ticket which was sunnort - r r i by jthe Republicans, amf elected, was as louow i ,i FOR MAVOR. vo COM M ISS1 oNKRf-. 31eronev, 'J4b' 1P4 MtCorkle, (Rep. A. L. Clarke (Rc,..) S. L. Linton, M.L. Holmes, (Rep.) 205 312 243 if c..li: 198 Davij E. Bringle, (Rep.) 211 201 French, (Rep.) The 6ld Ku Klux spirit shows itself blislJ thc namcs of ycrtain Democrats wbo bii01Jg to business firms in this citv. who voted lor Mr. llOIden lor I ! Wiiiih . ml1 enre th)ir totii should be "marled and never trusted again."!' A citizen it seemsMs not -to vote he pleases lest juried The blood v Ku Klux "rindrk" their . tf j f his so. knd in keeping with thcir b-ttcr intolerance. . Andthe A'r says it tn ay. publish names sothat' our ; i -----j - - nnnnfnr fnpnfl " TTuiv rifit trjiflft nnv wuuu mmui. cv . rt. t--wr 1 ii onn ; mav Tiiir. 1 r'li ii. nnv moie with these firms. Republican say, fi. TJ" W" " man bitsf rifts 1 he jeics snouia oe a mue careiui. ir mjuratnem in tneirusines, ine parries . J." . . '. ' . Ha 2. l"V"jtIt " i LATEST BY TE LEGRAFH TENNESSEE. XAsuviLLE, May l. f Ten thousand persons, two-thirds of them colored, witnessed the haugipg of Bill Kelly. A passing train frightened a horse, which stampeded 2,000 people. Several were hurt. J Mkaitkis, 3Iay U. At ri ve minutes past 9 o'clock this morning the Little Bock .wires went down, and it is now impossible to com1 iiiunicate with that city, either directly or indirectly! or by way of St. Louis ctr Orleans. At lad accotuits fightiiig was going on, and the supposition h that the lines have all 4een cut, or the lei egraph ofliec seized. ! Oapt. Sam Houston, wlio was killed 'y'ekekfay above Little Bock, nis foi merly Supervising Inspector of steam boats at this port. NEW YORK. New ORK, May 0. The Pennsylvania met the Ethiopia, with a broken shaft, and took oft her ... . .... . ... passengers. Uie Ethiopia proceeded under sail. A letter from Havana, jdaled April -.on. -i, .... rr i i t i . oyth, says: Frederick Dockray was takpn from "Vnpvit'i on tho 'lth rf alsu, Kmall lot POTOMAC HOE 1IKK taken irom sueita, on the ith, or RiNGS.'very nice lor breakfast o- tea. New April, and taken to prison in Puerto MACKEREL and coi Fisir.. Always on , . . . . .. ' i Principe, no doubt lor security s sae, nsi flip. fIill'nc li n vt linon cii noir Vnnv- itas as; to render the capture of the place not difficult. Nothing new has, up to the present time, been made known regarding his case. ARKANSAS . i Little Hock, May V. The railroads are interrupted, to stop recruits. Four Brooksite uejrroes wern killed yesterday, lhe Baxtentes arc confident of a quorum in both houses of the Legislature. : , The 'Brooksites have captured the steamer Hattie. Frank Linnis was killed. Capt. Sam Houston has died from his wounds. John Myers, the pilot, wras mortally wounded. TEXAS. , Jfffer.sox, May D. James P. Boycc, of Louisville, pre sides ; at the Baptist convention; Dr. Burrows of Hichmond, Jones, of Nash ville, Crane, of Texas, Devote, of Geor gia, are Vice Presidents. There are three hundred delegates present. KENTUCKY. Louisville, 3Iay i). The great sensation in the proceed ings ol" the General Conference to-day was iu the reception of three commis sioners from the Methodist episcopal Church North, Rev. A. S. Hunt, D.D., Rev. C. H. Fowler and Gen, Clinton B. Fisk. CABLH DISPATCHES. SPAIN. Madrid, May . lleplying to fin address, Marshal Ser rano says, he desires a week's delay to deliberate on tho political crisis before reconstructing the cabinet. A dispatch from Bilboa says that Gen. Concha's troops are throwing up fortifications. Don Carlos and Gen. Ejce are report ed to bejat Durango 13 miles Southeast 1 of BilbM. ENGLAND, London, May V. The fimes' special from Madrid says that Marshal Serrano has declared he will not solve the political crisis; before the expiration of eighi. days. ..Mean while he will study the question. GERMANY. 1 Stuttoardt May 1. The Emperor of Russia, has been in this city since thc Cth instant, having come hither to be present at the marriage of the Grand Duchese. j He depart hence oil Monday next for Eng land. ' A lamji lately exploeded in Durham, seriously if not fatally burning Nelson Hopkins. j , ! There) are vet snow drifts in; the Blue Ridge three feet deep. ! TI TEMBKIIS: Meet at the Trnrk HouMmn lf Monday,: 11th instant, at 2 o'clock p. m., sharp. In full uniform and white gloves lly order of the Foreman. ( I WM. A. WILLWUN, 6Jecrctary.. MOEE Of those CI Elegant and Cheap Suits, of ot lii ii g; received yesterday. NOBBYi 1). B. SACKS fclTIS, the latest cut, jjut at hand; They are t vcry rrct,v:. C i v Ceothii:p-, 21 Xortii Front Street. may 8 riuiK ami.:uu'n i:rrniTMiicri ' ttm't. X COMPANY arc prepared to lurnlsh, EKOY, tlielr Superior uafkty Koto. I llrilara lott ul T U ., . Vml .1 '.. 1 I ........ staWes Via be nniW. may l-iv - ElYVAUD POMEIIOY. TjrKRY ONE that Tltllis THE DUILD JLi SUGAlt COUN once, irets more anoth er Fresh Invoice Just Keccived. a.uu, a general one oi uitLH EltlKX, CAN NED Goops, W1NE.S uhd LltiUOR.s. Our I J . . . A . . ?, PKIDhJ OF THE MAUKET and I SEKKKU FURT1IWL Flours give general satisfaction. Our Mr. ponahoe being now, and will ic muin some time at the North, and biivliir goods exclusively for cash, we arc prepared to put our goods to CASH CUSTOMER at NORTHERN PRICES. J. II. etiARlTY cLICO., apri tf Under Seaman s' 1 lot uc. FOR sbi.iciToiV. "II TE ARE reiQslcd to announce, tlnil. T T J'WAHJ) (JAN X WEI A j, the Plenl. liny. Viin I c. .... r . . . . . . this Judicial District. Kubiect to the lu tiim &nvent april K tf "REMEMBER THE THE BEST BUTTER IN TJ iE ! WORLD." u yrE are now' prepared to furnish thin 'Choice" Butter to the family trade. EVERY PACKAGE STAMPED. Received fresh every week, direct from our Orange county dilry. "J1UY ONLY THE 11I.SI. For sale only by aprll li GEO. M VERS i NEW ViVI) rUESH -f- - - -T - (or 1OOJW - EVERY WEEK IM PORTED CANNED GOODS L Try the 1 SjALAD DRESSING. At april 21 (iEO. MVEfi'. HTcAv i''OR i JL f 'The Hidden Win,'' Mnu-Thrce," by OiH'l.-; 'Colonel liaere ' "jS'o Inteiitiona,' "Phinta . Kednx, ' 'The Rlue 'Uibloii,'-"Lottie Dai ling," "Young lirowfi, " "Vk'loi ' Tiuunph."' 'Down the ltiver'ii talc of thc Cape Frjir ; 'The Pentateuch,". '.'Hint, and IleJa m PusUnal Theoly, ' boy Win. H. I'liiiumcr, D. 1 ., LL. ih . HElNsJfJEKliKIPS aprll-lf ; Lic. Hook and MasJeHtore, iTloxai'f Saloon, T . 1; Gran ilu How. , $ot yii Front s-ihkkt. GERKEN& HAAR, Proprietor?, Tie be.-t ol -o- Lipors, ymes; Cigars, Lgger BBer, And ALES always on hand, i iY:Vl'Elt.' served every fctyle. A .rejcctfiil invitaiien is extended to all. feb 11-lm ! LADIES, YOUR ATTENTION IH ESPECIALLY) invited to'our large and saried lock Of 's p r i n g-; . j -and- . : SUMMER MILLINERY, yhich "will be sold cheap, ' ' FOR CASH: ONJjY. I PRICES TO HUIT CUSTOM E1LS. E. 31. STROCK EVANS BLOCK, . l'rlncess Street, near From aprll 17 it 1 t i if ml : Ji v! ll r v it ,-i '

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