r . 1 .. . j ; i i .in ii . w, . :! - i i i r i t . -i r . 1 - ." ; - "r rH -t ' ' - : . - : .V:-H - : 1 :r --a. . ' i i . . ; . i. ".'. i l' L J ,;,-.:xrXT-'A-yH f '.".- VOL. VII. 1874 it- NO. 303 ,. , . , ,ii , p,., . 7 ,, ,,., .r.... ... f ; ; . , "'" I itttt urTtTrimATT' it ;i rr ttamt a rtT' Tf. A TT ' "1 . 1 - - i.l i- i 1A tli I VI I lu lr 1 I I lT i IU Ii l.llllu liU I Hl.l M I ? I ii r . . t , :w w m i ill mvim. r v . m r . k m w . -m m w w . m . j. i m -m m m - a. x a ZZ!Ac CITY ITEMS. .. S.... rrkni Mi In l.Mfj fill- I. ri,- ii rou-ii fiiighUtiiiiiis.......r..H r M- . tnroui & w.y (Uay mall.5 A M ;hM Hallway nisnW.-.. A M d1" . ... ii ii.vi,i.iv f.i m V!f vilir, nver. , iiun"t V - i tt, . tl!e.ly Ouoliuu Central itaii- ' ' 1 ' " r lr vr;iV. ilally..J' -" "" -:- v ... lit I loiisc. horse :aai I) cve- rx Friday.. ...6 A 3I J ilolivi rclfrom taxujtuT.ii m.aon I,l iv , from s::; to ::.J a nf: . . . (tip m opeq from S a mlu in.auu . iJf.n'n' OfiJt'lMiB ILTlStcr Hoiir fr opening and clo4ngYil- t !i..--.rt A?..-iCriif ilti T?rnflinfr iUl.-IE ' . - m cVI.k Ic iw J o'clock p in.- :;(, clKk im, to b' o'clock p in. 71 oVliHik p mt to 10 o'clock, p m. K.ii-IE carrier boy." are not author- f to ctl copiesol' the Post, 1 . II. . . . I III W Weatliei Report. OhSBKVBK 's Urru:s, om, May II, 174. f Wilmington ru,,.f.! iH-iait.mTh wimi Weat h cr r.;rx"ii"::iYi:H'r;r!r.u' Calm Fvj;y mj M.' ' I S freh ou,jy OTTO SCHUTZE, . Observer, U. d A. '1 L,..'r nf illlv. for bale -, ,t i t r or wrai . i I UN' . Ill v- - '...! t-.this othec. Vl' w . r ii" m!i is aiiihoriA'd to mi:. - i x'--- . - - i .. i-.-,Miit. fur biil- lue the iii'.v.L cliivj. .v-'l'- Ink ali-sonc iccung milieu 1 T ...I. ...Ik iw-kilklA -.uictimcs speak of, i caused by want I Proncr action of. the liver and heart Thee may be assisted, and the uoweis u Lit.!. , . 'isuill doses. 1'or.x and Hour arc staple articles at nut more ho than johnC J;io!yc t -f Y.-Hrr- Vnowu. It is srood for or adults, for any internal .rn,-of the chest or bowels; and the .... t itiitiif'iii irti):ired. under what- i.. . i. in.iv t uo n j. I V 1 . I I '1.1 l'- I v ' I ii':i...:..in x I: :iv 1 I iiiiunui"", ' I lu- litrict lonvcnuon iu ""im- ........ i-....1Vur,.:,., landidatc for Con- L ... i.' ..-;ii.. X c :n-i i nice I ai i a v m - - ..... .mm. i,Ut:u,t. Each counlv will ...in.. - . I entitled to as m mv dok-al. s ,in tin v have in the V Oil I V ui'i" mmv Hou-c oftiiC Lcgi-Iaturc. v , W. P. CAXADAY, ( luu'n Ki-i'. District I iunmittcc. r ..n Sf.ii'. nKui. Xl-w Hcrne K.,.:,r,t,t-0'r'!' r and ln,:.: please "'pv. ' 1m. Iii ...v I'liRONH-LE 116 ! . . .i. vine advice rciauve 10 mo -v " p.iu i.:..i, coert ..ariMU, 11II1L.I. I v ft i - ,1(i,n. :is:i collateral for ...... vcrai unpaid pruning uiu, -m . :n . ..... I Iko ..r- ,,nr1iAn :i :i snWiiH to IVimiKl iu ti.nt ili-ivfi lttni rut. to me Tm-nuit of oiir little reckonmnr. The Milton Chronick advkc-3 us to iiKlit (the cut) to the-Peiiitcnliary, and mav atVord our friend of the quill "'me :iti-d;tetion to know that we have ..Pi.lio.l tn Uayo. the "cut admitted niUiin the classic walls of that Institu- ;i"!i. but they -replied that there his faw i, not good, never questioning but tl'.illiH cheek may be prominent, it c itc to end his body ; perhaps it might "n he obiectionale to t'nem.but as they arc not over-anxious to inaugurate a r'-zu-A galfery. they wiU not ncceptthc "or. of havinjr' inaugurated a gaiicry i "f our own -'hoaded bv the Doctor's '"tut." It in interesting to notice how 7 " ' I he Hies in our sanctum make for that cut;' and rest their, tired pinions upon the linnost fp-itiiros of the "Doctor." irr friend of the quill will no doubt mrre our manner of utilizing a fraud, 4n.l.1. .1 " . ..-.v lis nnd I ''-t nen me summer i- 14'vu nc, 1 are troubled and suffering from thc ferocity of the myriiids of the mosquito lribe. we can sit ifi rest and quiet, and miscrv bv the mosouitoes following the rumples of the flies. : "Then all will believe with us," as . I. the V.t . "roisnotlilns ill that iat on this earth totn Kiutoth.oT.M.o.iaicrno.ciriothirive. i' Good bve. Doctor, good bye ! Oun churches were all well filled cn yesterday.f mUHl, 'If f V 1 r s;-)! ' The Rev. Mr. Parkinson preached at the head oi" the market yesterday j(Suni- -- id lOtli, w -VE.STERL EEL S al filaV. 5onaay tiicj lotii, wa memorial but the exercises are taking plJcctoHay. Tnj: LCCpl il Ch 1-L.uisconal (Church is completed, and it L ;inijly beauti ;i i r ; ul. . A new Uniform Lodge of; K. of P, in this citv. is ndw the talk, l It will be organize with about 10 or 50 members. i KevicW...J. Piirkinsou organized h:'a Sabbath School tcferday. Thirty-three teachers and scholars werej present to begin the enterprise. ; TuniTY-six.-t-Our police force now number thirty-six, but we! want, just about- well we!! .say that many more. and then we'll all feel Batisfhed. j r 0 .- Two We understand thit there are to be two places for general delivery in our "new Postoflice, one for thp ladies, and one for jrentleinen. Woii't that be nice. - -- v . . . - v - f , t -a K. bi? 1 Tlie members of the new L'ni form1 Eodge, K. of P., are requested to meet at the Lodge robm ito-nigli at 8 o'clock, for the purpose of perfecting an orpranizatiouJ Pic Nic A pic nic will be given at -t i i !rri i . -... "uiaiue""1" h:nLinfyiiim nn i i iiiiniii i v ziiiu ii nr;ii that many of oiir young pcciple will be there. It promises to be the grandest - - !.' 1 pic nic of the season. 1 - ; ' iSwoitx in. -The. new administration had the oath ofoffice administered to them to-dav, ami noAV they demand the seal of the city.! Shall theyj have it or not, is the question? j L. Solomox,; on Second, i between larket and Dock streets, will have the best beef next Wednesday morning that has been offered for sale in this market for several months. ' It DUMA LiHiIt-', c don t ynt to jom the miliua-wo arc .going;, ta join the lire company, w else get tip if volunter cnmiumv. take onrdcril fori a istandard Iionrer. and a copy Ql the LL.OST lor' I a ' 4 . - . tandard. Won't you enlists . , I , , jluiiih. oumv otuuiuumyi i 1 . , i , - . . inua . t " ""T Episcopal. Church, one mgnp wcex, nml -arrixl ofreverat chairs' but, of the pulpit. The charred remains. ot several r . ... . b;iskcts were lottiidnfUhe supposition. ... ' 1 - I a. J is that they attempted 10 set j re 10 uiu . - .. . i - . W - 1 " ii." I , t ec. .We hone that they will bei caught and. hairj .iS!l 'a!j1?.ii.intH'! Mr.-s KiioDA.i'hat young typo has called iu oiir .;knctum and says that . i ' t! ' Vri, ui,:,. ' Miss Khoda lowery, ui wr- iiaj, i..imc1 down on -the-Carolina Central 'i . 1 n . ljt .foot- : frntri liilllttiO uuc ua v,.w-T r.mi - in Alihottsburir. He -did not in- , u: , - ., n .. A -,4 ., tcrvicw ner. n5mH!V.'i',ry- tunng lour, as ic nas uecmuu to i , 4- .. ... .liJi. Wi i-offil-n ! tmr mi n Koiueuuuv kisv. , IIMIIKH nn an Death, or a I rrvOMisESt: ,Citik- of Beaufort Coitnty- Jab; :R. CJrist, a leading pitizenjof Washington, Bead- fort county, died a few dayinceatlns residence, in Washington. ; r. Grist was, before thenar, a resident of this cirv and is remembered bjy a large number ot our cjuzem. if V "cncroiif, ndble, high-minded man, " c tl , ... 'iL! -:U .,11 assessing great popuiaruy .uu classes of people his loss is deeply teit. A WEEPixa'T REi-i. There is a mul , y trcc an thc premises of . a colored woman living on Sixth street between ;t that has betn! attracting conaiuer- . , l,,T1inn frdm nassers-by, from the .I1IIL ttlVV-M X - - f t tl t ..ithouch the sun was shining rignt, and nojeloudto bessccninth'e h' ens yet there waa constant ,ii,,n- nf small particles of water f the leaves of thistree!, iu aU re $ct rcsemblm;xain, which is quite . . i j 1 1 l . lutinraan fill- v;siUc WhCil tnc iiyv ? wvv-v Vntf Wcrf. IVe at tpnt:ou Qf the fcWious to!flu.liveep;m t 0 U(i ask for a.solutlonf thc mys: " j - cannibaW'oue who piuipn 101 lovea nis iciw r1"". f u - : f 1 t 1 . 1 I fcVI n -It; f When is a ma 1. frii-rtlftiiR? When it raas ".?'' Wliv ' should i magisn T7i,v 1 eli mi d a macisiraw tyv r cold?-liecaUse he represent ust-ice. I EXaTors r Court. hi HonurFW. PCanaiay, Maytir - i ft k'presidid: ; . ,, J;; The follqwins cases trere ilieposed of this morn iritr ''-4 u " ' Hcnrj' Neson7for disorderly cpnduct on the streets;'' rined $5 and costs or 10 days on1 the streets. - ; Two persons, clraged with disorderly conducr, were dismissed on payment of costs. Hubert Hill, disorderly conduci; case continued, over. j James Conlin, disorderly conduct and drunkenness, fined 10 and costs, or 15 days on the streets. John Nixon, drunkenness, fined 5 a.u4 cosU,i)r 10 days on the streets. W. A. Adanw. drunkeness and fight ing, fined 420 and costs for 30 days on the streets. Four of the above named individuals not having the wherewithal to purchase their freedom, and go on iheir way re joicing, had their names finrolled upon the "chain gang list," anil were set to work improving the streets. At this rate, four links every day, that chain gang will soon be long enough to survey and build the road to the pound. k ,Tiiat Dog Fight. Anything we desire, all we have to do is to ask for itsays our devil. We asked for a dog fight to be gotten up for our benefit, "and it has been done ; yes, it took placr Saturday afternoon, on Sixth street, and a bloody fight it was toobut eye-wit nesses say that our devil's dog com pletely whipped, bit and scratched Neill's dog into a "cocked hat." We understand, we were not there, and we simply nn rrate the facts as they were told to us by eye-witnesses, and our special reporter, who says that Neill is going to have some good sausages for sale to-morrow morning. j 'Dangerous P r a v t 1 c e. That cjf horse racing on our streets, as is the case almost ..cry day in the week, and Sun days for a variety. Several persons were indulging in this pastime yester day (Sunday) afternoon, near Ninth and Chestnut fdreets, and as they ap proached the corner, one of the horse men, suddenly', wheeling his borsp, came near running over I several sma,ll children, who were sitting upon tile irrass nuietlv eniovinr themselves. o 1 1 1 Surely such recklessness upon oiirthor oughiares, should not be allowed, dcii tlemen, please apply the remedy. At it An a i v. The : irrocerv shon -iof Jlr. W. 11! Diiguid, onMcRae, between Mulberry and Walnut streets,. was en tcred bv a colored man on Saturday i.i 1.. . ,.I,Mif . S-:'.!! ..lr-L ;ml :ii- IlIlTJlt litl, .uivuu ...... w v.uv.., --1 , . - i ,V!w1 ujU 0 , ..., n : thc counter, began asking. the rice oj several articles, when he called for goods amounting to t. After getting them tied up securely, he again called for otlicr soods to the amount of $1 p0, making a bill of $C 50 :in all. By this time he had managed to approach near thc door, and handing 0.11c of the bun dles to a confederate, who stood outside, he seized the other package and away thev went, closely followed by. Mr. Du- mid for about thc distance of one block, but they soon distanced him, and he was comrielled to return to his shop, there to become a wiser man i It is a srreat pity this class of " Ijght fingered" jrentrv, who have .settled up on this novel way of getting a living at the expense-' of the unsuspecting mer chant, could not be captured nnd made to suffer. 1 ! I For thc Post. Betjfort, N. C, May 8, 1874. Thfi followins persons have been tn from St. Paul's nhnreh. Beaufort, to the fifty-eighth nnnnal ConvehtionKf theH Episcopal Church, in this State, to bo held at Wilmington, on thc 3rd Wednesday 111 .May, 1S74. A. C. Davis t George Walker, J. C. Davis, Alonzo Thomas, delegates. Jacob L. Gibble, W. F. Higgins; Thomas Duncan, W Alexander, alternates. What nation U mos t ntclv to Determma in a limCUlC enieii'ii tion. Whv is a ship designated as "she . Because she always keeps a man on ,uu. lnok-out. ,ii .i.i.tiiHf' . Manv of the daily papers say . they nro oDDOsed to mnauuu, ,.uu - w. - . 1 . Li.nff nn upon e. are constaniy p.y."i"b . r rf rww nit fcu;:;T.i a - -if i-ri NEW YORk. New York, i May 11. A Little Bock special, 'dated last cveninir, contains the follotring: t v. -. , negroes were killed by Baiter's picket) near the Fair Grounds, eiterday morning. In the afternoon s$veraiskir- advanced up the 'street and joined Baxter's pickets, when thetffiicer in commano: oraerea an ciuzens w meir homes Sand the soldierso thefr.quarters. The regulars kept close at t$m barri cades, i A fight was expected- at any time during the afternoon 6r! evening. Ther,e are two companj.es pi ieuiars at the pity Half, one at the IT. S. Court buildirig, and artillery with horses harr nessed on a side street. J The rcguUrs have four barricades in the city and! one on the opposite side VJX VUV fllyl. ; Orddr3 were issued by all parties yes- terday afternoon for the soldiers to go to their quarters and the citizens to keep in their houses. I In the evening, Col. White, of Bax ter's force, rode to the outskirts of the citv, ahd the regulars followed shortly after. TENNESSEE. Memphis, May 11. ThcJ steamer Cheek, from below, i 1 1 1 brings j important news regarding tnc overflow of the Mississippi. I At 9o'clock yesterday morning, the levee ih front of Friar's Point, on the Alississippi, broke at Magnard A Mil ler's. fTlie former crevasse is one hun-. dred vards wide, and the latter fift y, and as the kvater outsidee of they levee was fully five! feet above the level inside the water poured through in an immense rolume, defying: all attempts to check it, andl soon inundated the;; town and surrounding country. The crevasses will inundate a very lare arid rich' sec: tion offeotton lands., j St. ifrancis river "was stationary yes- terdavjarid the levee on the 'Helena or. V rlrnnias si do still held good. About two -illousand hands are engaged in strcngtiiening it, but the river had made a cut cJff yesterday at Council; Bend; cut- ting on; some. lourtecn raiies,anuiucoii sequenfce the river is rising, below the cut off iat the rate of one inch per hour. Further news from Helena is anxiously looked for. LOUISIANA , New Okleas Mav fl. The ! Fifth Quentcnnial convocation of the Sisters ot Charily 01 ronn America was inaugurated yesterday iu ck county Maryland- About 350 Sisters, comprising Superioresses of asylumk, hopitals and otlier institutions at San Francisco, Boston, Buffalo, -JNew Orleans, and other cities, and represent- h few exceptions, every Ameri can diocese, were present at Ujeinaugu- cejremonies. -Mass was celebrated by thejRev. Father Guedsey, Superior of the iommunity in the United States. Thp. rftiivocation wilt continue until Tuesday May lum .. ARKANSAS : Little. BpCKIay ll Fedtiral Coh Rose ordered the resto ration fcf the steamer Hattie to owners whereupon the Brooksites scuttled her. She sunk to the hurricane decjf ; ; Both parties (are reinforced;., The lines am closely drawn and more cannon A number of .Senators an reseji: tatives have appealed to President Grant, bling for protection in their ssem- ! WASHINGTON. rV-b , 'WAsrfhrcrTOSi i&Iy 11 " Tlie House has passed aJWt appro priating ten thousand 'dollars " for, tM iniprovtement ot the tJsienoaia rner m GeorgiL- ' ' ;aif ;4; ( , In tile Senate, the billfor'jthe better organisation of the tates; iriet Cburis in!lx)uiaianawsecoiE- mitted if,)- to the Judiciary Committees 1 it' r.ft MICHIGAN. 1. ----Detroit, May 11. I Thc wimflia!ilulied 'anil Muskegon c6nsid(eur safe 4 from th0 burning 15 woods. I' r" CABLE . DISPATCHES, j 4 ; , ENGLAND. ' 1 Lonlhon, May 11. A; dispatch from Bayonne says: that Don Carloi has issued a proclamation aiinuncin:that he jwill offer strenuous resistance W1 the Kepublican army in tue iflseaysprovincesf. 1 h s 1 , Lieut (4en. Sir -Archibald Wilson, Knighted for services at thd cajtture of Delphi, iu jl 857, ik dead. 5 - 5 ! ; 5 Ijeb4njg,i-ff6Hi!' Liverpoobfoi? Ma deira, it is feared is lost with aU aboard. STATE IT Crceu eas are fifty cent a petk iu ,Newbern. .. f; v;!!; r" ' ; . -j 'j if The Newbern Loan and Building As sociation has been in existeucc one year, And loaned $10,000. ' ... .s i The blissful month of May has indu ced twenty-one couples in Cumberland county td Walk up to the office and pur chase a marriage license. ! There are five divorce cases pending in the Cumberland Superior Court. An evidence, a paper of Fayettevlle ob serves, of kn advancing civilization. The Newbern Republic-Courier says : The Republican nominating convention will be held at Goldsboro' next Tbtrrs day. From the present outlooif the chances for the rc-noniination of .udge Thomas seem to be the best. : THe FavettevilleSSVacaHai says of a Democratic ex-officeholder: Wejhave been-shown a co y of a writ of ;sum A. McPhersoi Jr., mons. siffUed by Clerk, issued against a bondsman of Mr E. P. Powers, in t ie suit of ythe town oft Fayettevillc vs. E P. Powers, et al. It calls the defendants to answer a com plaint 111 which thc town of Fayetteville has laid its damages at the. sum of ten thousand dollars. The bondsman says 'this suit is brought on account of a te fieicney in the settlement of Air. Powers' list as tax collector of the town, when it was under; Democratic rule. Chinning Over Drinks. Lawranpe Hanley, a reniarkablr frank young "man, was yesterday ex plaining to a jury in the General Ses sirin howl Henry Lent z, a bar-kieper, happened to shoot pirn in the breast. Hanley on the night of April 2.5 met four acquaintances in the bar-room at tended by Lent z, at Laight and Grcen- which streets," and called for a round of drinks. He had a dollar but didn't like to break it, and asked Lentzto hang thc drinks Pp j Lentz replied that his sup ply of hooks for hanging drinks .was ex hausted!. A slight dispute on this point was followed by the'discussion of fa dif ference of opinion as to the name of one of the drinkers. " It's Riley," said the bar-keeper. " No it ain't," answered Hanlev. - You are a liar." returned thc bar-keeper. " Your are a- -fliar, prcsisted Hanley. Thereupon thc bar keeper ordered the party out , of his place', and Hanley retorted, telling him to go to" - V ' 1 "Lentz's Dutch was . up by this Mime, and without further parley: he snatched a seven -sliooter from behind the bar and blazed a 4 way at Hanley. The ball danced and inflicted but a trifling flesh wound. "What did you o then?" asked Mr. Kintzing, prisonercounsel. I told him to shoot again,- d him, answered the complainant. "And why did you tell him that?" Hanley paused, and shook; his head, seemingly to imply that the1 question was superfluous. " Answer me," continued tltc counsel ; "why, did. you tell, himjt6hoot you aain?" '! Well " said Hanley, " I just thought lie might w well make a finish ix KJ,HAMn ! Ol U.UC SCCJUi iiv yvwu. : i '! . ' . ! . Tpnrz will snend a vear in ihe l'em- tentiary atiary.-t-V; Y. Sun. ' i 1 r 1 Newspaper readers do not like to pe ruse indifferent poetry by little girls unless the little girls are their own. ylf yourt brain is on fire blow it put. TSSW I ADVERTISEMENTS. 1 ! Aouncemeat T ANN0U5 ICE MYSELF A CANDIDATE lor the office of r .if; Clert of the Snperior Court OK NEW' 1 HAK0VKR COUNTY, and respeclfally ask the support of the ' 1. VOTERS OF SAID COUNTY. ; J; X CASSIDEY. 5-: ; i may .ll-lw - Ik t'i 'ti '.i . . 1 ,5" ' . I 1 NEW AD VKitriSEulM'17 , - ... Iff-, , ot thosd Elegant and Cheap Suits of received yesterday. NpBBY D. B. SACKS SUITS, the latest cut, just at hand. They uie very pretty. ; jm.unon;& CO., CitYCJAfruiE, may S 21 North Front Street. ' I WK AMERICAN LIGHTNING l'.OlJ I X COMPANY'are prepared to furnUIi, throuizh theii1 Agent, Mr. EDWARD 1D.M-, EROY, their Superior Safety lions. Order least T. J. Southerland TJvery Stables will be promptly a ttended to. may4-lw EDWARD lUMEROT. EVERY ONE THAT TRIES THE DIUED SUGAR CORN once, gets more anotn cr Fresh Invoice Just Received. ALSO, small lot POTOMAC ROE HER RINGS, very nice for breakfast c tea. New MACKEREL and COD FISH. Always nn hand, a general line of GROCERIES, CAN-' NED GOODS, WINES and LIQUORS. Our PRIDE OF THE MARKET and REEK NO FURTHER Flours givv general satisfaction. Our Mr. Donahoe being now. and will re main some time at the North, and buylne goods exclusively for each, we art prepared to put our goods to CA-5II CUSTOMERS at NORTHERN PRICES. i ' , aprilf5o4tf J. II. McGARITY A CO. Under Seanians' Home. FOR SOLICITOR. WE'AIlK rc(iuoRtel to annouuee that EDWARD CANTWELL, the present, incumbent, is a candidate for solicitor ot this Judicial District, subject to the action of the Kepublican Judicial Nomlnatlntf Convention when callnl. u aprilio-tf "REMEMBER I " j THE -THE BEST1 BUTTER IN THE W0RLI).,, 1 . yyE arej iiow prepared to furnish this Choice" Butter to tne family trade. EVERY PACKAGE STAMPED. Received fresh every week, direct from our Orange county dairy. A "IJUY ONLY THE REST." i ! GEO. JIYE1W f For 8aJc only by iaprll NEW 4ND l UtiSIl r-. QOODS EVERY WEEK IM1-OUTED CANNED CJGODb ! . j Try;' the ' ' SALAD DTvESSiN(t. At; I ; . april 2 fjiRUDlEN 10WN." K C. . Newby ; "The : Hidden Sin," ,,Njiie-Thicc," by Otd.hi; "Colonel lacre ""No Intenlioim," 'Tldneab. Redox," "The Dine Ribbon," "Ixdtle lar 11 ii?;," "Young RrowiiM,Victor 3 Triumph," 'Down the River," a tale of the Cape Fear ; "The Pentateuch," "lipids and HtlaB iu Pastoral Theology," boy Win.. S. l'l 11 miner, J D, D., LL. J. - upr!t7tf ; HEINSIIERGIjRV . il ve Rook and 'Mush' Store, 1ST o. 1, Gran it'! Bow, , fDOL'TU FllONT SrilKKT. ' ' ' GERKEN & HAAR, Proprietors; - The best of -- Lipors, Wines, Cigars, Lager Beer; And AT. erved ev 1 extendi S always or-hand. OYSTER ' served every style. A respectful InvtUition is extended to all. ' feb H-lrri LADIES. Y TOUR ATTENTION LS ESPECIALLY invited to pur large and varied stock of. 1 1 s "P R I iV '1 Ml SUMMER MILLINERY. Which will be sold cheap, ; FOR CASH ONX.Y.- PRICES TO SUIT CU8TO3IERH.' n. strock. EVANS BLOCK, ncess Street, near Front Pr aprll 17 tf 1 ,1 resh Sns;ar Cured j r 7 ' j, 1 I G n a AT jauS GEO. MYEIW. r THE WEEKLVPOST Is published ' eVcry Friday morning I at , the astonishingly low price of. . , ' ONE DOUUAU PER ,ijK2jTO ! , 1 V;-'i ' - i n.d" ..":'''; ...,. 1 i t '1' '4 t i V.ti P1

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