f ' I ! r ; . I I i . l U' """J " mi m mLt. JL. "' - ''- - F , i in 't "A Si : I :fi.i - . p,, t -ff. -w,. . , , j , . f. TV a . i "H r i VOL- VIL WILMINGTON, N. .'G;, RPIDAY, MAY 151874 1! NO. 307 - , ...... f - . f T .... - aa. - . .:. i ( J : i I ...,. .,... ,.. , ... . . f. - ' - i- 1 ;,. i ' - h hi- j . . ',i , -r : ' 1 ' ' " ' .' - ' i ' - : I . , ' ' '. ! . .- i - I . ' rs ,' . u !- ' i 1 1 j i . . , CITY ITEMS. loit Ollicc Herniations. riu- ni ils xvl'l close from this date us fol lows : Northern through (night) mails ...S p 51 v' through & way (day) mails... A M oatbern mail- 8 P M rolina Central Hallway mails .. j A M mithvllle Saturday and Tuesday .....G A M Fayetteville, river, Monday &Friday..l P M fyettvllle.by Carolina Central llail- way, dally.i...L -- ...A A M Onslow Court House, (horse mail) eve ry Fr!day v o a si Mails delivered from 7 am to 7 p m, and on saudrtys from 8:30 to 9:3J a m. " SUimp Office 'open from 8 a m to 12 m, and from -"to lip w- Money; order on Register department open same a stamp office. Jlours foi dpening and closing Wil minjton" ISbrary Asociaiion Reading Room, daily: : 0 o'cloct a in, to 1 g'clock p m. 3 o'clock p m, to G o'clock p m. 7 o'clock p m, to 10 o'clock, p in. Sfal GeuKIX luw charge of our city .tnA i niilinr! tit r'lilllt money.' due therefor. I vOUTE. carrier boyd are not author ised t sell copies of the Tost. Signal Service, U. S. Army- Weatliei ltepori. - OnbKKVBR'S OFriCB, I WiLMiNttTOW, May 15, 1874. ( Tlmeot Ob "atlTbcr 1 Wind;:( Weath er servation 7:00 A. M. lW M. 2:00 P. M. 2H;SiS 70 iur'ti p:cutic 'Fair 3D. 85!) 7S 8 fresh J Cloudy .-VhSZS .73 l I do ' do JTTO SCHUTZK, Obfccrvcr, L?. A A. Oli sr.wsi'Ai'KUs, suitable for wrap pin' paper, in packages of fifty, for sale tf. at tins oiuce. Mr. W. H. 1'opp is authorized to I'OST. Rooms Rep. District Co.mmittee, ) Wilmington, X. C, May 0. ) Tl.n District Convention to nomi nate a Republican candidate for Con gress will meet at Fayettevillc, 2s . C. on the 19th instant. Each county will be entitled to as many delegates in the Convention as they have in the lower House of the Legislature. ; ! W. P. Canada y, Chin'n Rep. District Committee. K:irpttvnif Statesman. Xew Berne Rnmblicnn-Onirkr and Times leasc copy. - . ' There are several kinds of worms which trouble horses; the pin-worms (pointed at both ends) are the most common 'and most dangerous. Slier i- 'hue Cavatrv Condition Powders will, in a feu davs. piwit the worms, and the j , j , horse, will begin to thrive. Factories and machine shops should not be allowed to run a day witltout Jo'tnmnh Anodmxe Liniment. In case . - of a sudden accident, an immediate use of it mnv save weeks of surTeriiiir, and perhaps a limb, or even life, may 14 dGt & wit. To the Republican) Voters of New Hanover County. You are hereby notified that there will be a County Convention at the City Hall, in Wilmington, on Saturday June Hh, at 10 o'clock, a. m., lor the pupose of nominating a Senator and three (6) Kepresentativcs to the Legislature, a Sheriff a Superior Court Clerk, a Coro- ner, a Register of Deeds, a County . i Treasurer, a County Surveyor, Five (5) bounty Commissioners and a new Couu- ty Committee. Each Township in the county, each ward in the i" Citv of Wilmington, and i - the town of Lillingtou will be eptitled ti three (3) delegates.,' The Republican voters ii'i the several Conntry Townships will meet at their nual voting places at 12 o'clock noon n Friday, 3Iay20tli, ;o chose delegates t the Convention. , The Republican voters in the several "ards in the city of Wilmington, and in the town of Lillihgtoii will meet at their usual places of meeting at 8 o'clock r. m., Friday May 20th, to chose dele gates to the Convention. The polls in Wilmington will be closed at 9 o'clock V- n., and the ballots counted. n . f;. Jclciration., -?rnm an v Ward or Town- "hip presenting themselves at the Con vention, the County Committee reserves the right to decide which delegation "hall take part in the organization of t,le Convention." ' By order of Republican County Con lin. , Geo. Z. FREncir, -t Chairman. . H GfiiiiwEN, Secy. police are loon to be-uni- . !! r Trinity College Cjommencement takes place, on ,11th of Jilne. Muddy stj-cets are to be observed, fallen. Black HaUk Trioe, 10. R: M., meet t-night, when several Candidates are to beinitiatea. il' The mall tobber, Jas. fNVilliatas, will have an examination before Commis- sioner Cassidey, on Mondiay. An attempt was made to enter the residence of SL R. Weil, Esq., on Wed- nesday night but it was nipped in the bud. . The Co Doctor was tenced to serve thirty ! again re-sen- days on the streets, by hii Honor, the Mayor, this morning. Silas X. Martin, Ecj., of this city lias resigned as a Director of the Peni tcntiary, and his place has jbeeri fillei by the appointment of If. w:; Welkeri Lsfj., of Guilford. ! - !J I. Some one of tha old philosophers has said,-" where! there's a I Will there's a YdJ way" Well this local confesses to the will, but the way 6 find items this morning is minu.v Uy A friend has asked us why the Slar J and Journal did not publish the speech i of Col. A. Ai McKoy, the Democratic candidate for jludge, delivered! onMem orial Day. We think weliknow. Broke In. iHahds are busilv en- gaged to-day repairing the side! walk and i Mar- on Third, between- Princessj ket streets, which has been considerably damaged by tjic recent rains that have fallen. A large and dangerous .hole has been caused, but alli'damages will De repaireq tcj-uay. j j Dull You talk about your, dull days, and yoitr scarcity of items, if to day don't beat any that his individual has ever cxDerienced., tilen he'll iust exchancre iack knirekbr a! sour btclle, or his pocket-book for ft ' horse, or do anyinmjr eiseinat is uesirea. - -I; R - i i Ca la nth a f p LiODGE.rrX t! istruinored that Calantha Lodge Xo.i7, Knights of Pythias, of this city, will! be transform cd into one composed entirely -of uni formed raemhers ; however, matters will be decided union at a meetlnjr to be held this evening when a full iattendance of members, also members or tne otner Lodges in thii citv, is desired. Calantha is; a thriving young Lodge, and it is hoped to record jthe fact of its being the banner Lodge of. Knights of Pythias in this State, co nrposed. entirely ot uuilormea members. We've Been. We've! been Atd the to the Court City Hall ; we've been, House; we've been to the Magistrate's offices: we've been pn ihe wharves; we've been " down street) " we'vebeen " on the hill ;T ana tne LKjra only knows where this "critter" hasn't been tq-day and, in the language of philander jDoe- sticks,;Josh Iiillings, or somebody else, " narT a darned bit of i news could we diskiver." It ain't our fault. We have the satisfaction of knowing that we've i J0nc our clutyi and our numerous read- ers will have to bear the consequences. Jorusalem ! don't we hate to make, an apology, butJ we repea.it ain't our fault. 1: A Xew Church. The Rev. George W. Price, by authority, has purchased -1 a lot on the c r rncr df Xinth and Market streets, on which he Will soon erect a Church, to be known as Trinity Metho dist Episcopal ! Church . - The- firsi j pay ment was made this morning and! in a few days we niay expect the erection of this, edifice td begin. j- i j i In this connection we would state that the Rev. X. G. Matton, Presiding Elder of Wilmington District NJ C.' Confer ence, First M. E. Church! this" city, f iriuph lid Revj W. Ji Parkinson is rastor. is on a visit to xew xorn, ior the purpose m racing iuu in another Church, intended iof the white population. , "j : The Rev. W- J- Parkinion is holding services everyiSabbitk inJWalnut Hall, TtrniVlvn. where he preaches to targe and appreciative congregdtions, aiid on last Sabbath f Sunday. School .was or ganiiednujubcring some twenty-five Our new formed. scholars. t .it i wr.: s-m . d:t His Honor jW. P. CanadaY, Mayorv l presiding. Matthew By mans, drunkenness on the streets fined $10 and costs, 'or 2d days on the streets. , fUet, 'fl J.t ,j day, on the streets. I C. McHenrv. the corn doctor whose t i flf; . , ... . , l terni of sentence has just expired, was, arrested asain on yesterday for drunks enness and disorderly conduct, and again sentenced to nav a fine of $20 and costsjor 30 days on the streets. Of course the latter was his choice, and for; the third time he is engaged in impro ving the streets of our citv. ' I Knowing ones say that we are going to have the Sound Railroad. THE Grand Encampment II O. O-F, is in session to-day in Greensboro. This is what ".Young Probs" said this morning : " The rain Tall af.:er 12 O'clock last night amounted to 2.2S inches, If to this you add the amount that fell yesterday, you have 2 91 inch es, or .03 of an inch more than the total precipitation of rain during the entire month of April." A young deluge. The Xew Collector. Gen. F. C. Abbott, the newly appointed Collector of this r'ort, is generally well known in in this Stale and conmmnitv A jren- tlemen of indomitable energy and great sagacity, lie will bring to the. discharge of his duties judgment and skill. There is no man in the State w is more de serving of the favors f the administra tion than Gen. Abbott, and there is no man in this district who would fill the office of Collector, better than the new appointee. - Paddy's Hollow. Somebody has said that the "greatest humbug is a humbug," but we say tlfat the greatest humbug, nuisance or some other cogno men of the same nature is the region in our city known, as "Paddy's ""Hollow." Xot only is this place a nuisance, hut it. is a disgrace to our city, and we be lieve that all nuisances are contrary to the law, ! We hope soon to chronicle the fact that this nuisance has been ahated. This paragraph is the 'thought and expression of numerous citizens as such it is hoped that the proper steps wilfbc at once taken to bring about a change. Manufacturing lfi o s r e r i t y. The St. Jonnsbury Caledonian, of April 18th, says, "Last Friday, the Fairbanks Scale Company had an order from the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Company for twenty-four five-hundred-bushel hopper scales to bo put into their new immense elevator, building at Locust Point. As these are fifteen-ton scales, and arG all set in a row, some idea of the size of the elevator may be gained." The production last week was one thou sand and seventy-eight scales, includ ing six iron frame railroad-track scales, of thirty! to fiily tons capacity and fifty five hay scales ; and these orders come, not only from all parts of the United States, but from every portion of the rlrLo It A XEW ARRANGEMENT- XEW OWN ERS and Xew Agents. Capt. Ai D. Cazaux, has been appointed Agent at this place for the Lorrillard Line of i steamers that was, this line haying been repurchased by Win. P. Clyde, Esq. of Xew York. - I There are three first-class steamers on this line, and under the manage ment of Capt. Cazaux, we predict such an influx of trade as never was known before. For the present, the line will be a weekly one, but additional steamers will be addel as business increases. 'i The Steamship Regulator will sail from Xew York for this port to- mor row. : i An ardent lover, pouring out his pas sionate devotion in verse, spoke of that night when, walking with his sweet heart, he " kissed her under the silent stars." In print he was made to say that he "kicked her under the cellar stairs." , T?nbrn Smith, of Xorthfield, Vt.. wanted to die because he thought bis wife was unkind' to him. lie tooK mor-nhine- but the wife was prompt eLough with restoratives to keep him alive. r. So he watcnea ior anoiuei cuautr, wv-aui to the barn, and there hung himself.1 ; IiATESX BY TBCJ03,a.PH WASHHIGTOIT it v WAsniifaTaxfliaY-io? The following- carofirif itrif-ori tementpftlie meaning of theVurren- -r,-,- t ' -'TVl "Jl vi'ui i Wlffthetl, W.WWflW as me closest approach' tlr the Solution , .,a . v J,. i: f. ct. T f X cur- T , J . ' r ' i rt V, cept five per cent, Whf llis to fce- posited in the Treasru-yfr purposes of icuwupwyn iu uniiea itiatQes notes, ana requires reserves on: dpositcs i itep oy eacn.; ban in itsfwn-vaul & part ot which: reserve A sliall ho one- fourth part of the "coiH-lived by: !r as interest on the hotjds &fcas Security by the ITiur Stateerr pare lbrspecie payments thie bill requires the retirement of greenbacks equal ' in amount to 25 pet cent, ofjjthc new na tional hank currency issued, the retire ment to begin 'within thirty days after the amount of $1,000,000 df the nation al bank currency has been issued, the maximum amount of the United States notes is fixed at $382;Oo,OO0 and re tirement shall be in reduction of that amount until it be reduced! to $300,000, .000. The redemption section, of the bill provides that on ab aiter July, 1S78, the greenbacks! whenever presented in siims of $1,000 or any mul- tiplc thereof, may be redeemed in com, Or bonds bearing 4 percent, interest in coin, at the option of the 'government ; and it shall be compulsory on the Sec retary of the Treasury to re-isue the nbtes exchanged for, bondsJ - :M I The best features in this bill are those which require the reserves to be kept by the banks of! on deposits he different parts of the country in their own vaults, instead of sending them ofE to Xew York to be loaned for speculative purposes in Wall street, and which prp ides that a part of these . reserves shall be constitu ted of one-fourth part of ithe coin re ceived as interest on the blonds' held by the government as security. These provisions may servje to strength en the banks at homo, and perhaps tend to keep up a better distribution of cur rency, the volume of which, however, it seems inevitable, mustbelincreased, if the bill becomes a law. Thus there is to be more or less inflation under it, and the much talked.! of " elasticity " per haps. The provision i releasing the banks from the maintenance of a reserve on their deposits, except 5 pet cent, depos ited in the Treasury for purposes of re demption, is a liberal one for those in stitutions, jj Attorney Goneral Williams has given an opinion in the Arkansaf matters re ferred to him by the President. He says that it would be disastrous1; to allow the proceedings by which Brooks obtained possession of the office to be drawn into as a precedent ; there is not a State in the Union in which they would not pro duce a conflict, and probably bloodshed; they cannot be upheld or justified upon any ground, and in his, opinion Elisha' Baxter should be recognized as the law ful Executive of the State ff. Arkansas. President Grant will tcWlay issue a proclamation in accordance with this opinion. j The Senate is considering bills from the committee on Claims. The House is " considering private bills. j The House committee on Kail ways and Canals, to-day, decided to report Eads' jetty bill as perfected by the Sen ate committee. Itlwill be" reported to the House next Monday hy Hurfbuit, of Illinois. The Committee leave to report at any time! havmg ARKANSAS Little Eock, May 15. The BaiWites captured Brooks' car riage,hiis daughter and coachman, t Col. King White in atempting to kill a Brooksite, killed a Baxterite instantly. Xamerous murders and outrages are reported throughout the State." KENTUCKY. 'tjnri LTO Maylo. 'The Vcathcr is mir, and the attend ance large. , Iucy Jackson won the hurdle i race y Cape Cod won the mile and a quarter dashT" Time :12. ' f - .. . - i . 1 1 i 1 r- z f r 1- 1 ,..--, i , ., m,, ft curoRiniu : : Jf tThft bandil Yasqucz, with ttr of his 4!i- i . , . t ijaug, nere ijiureu near .uoa, geios. 1 ENGLAND. , London.. Mir 15. , The Que-'H. gave a stat;ban;t last urght to the Czar and Grand ! lr;i AI cxis. llie Prince and e Vrifti jfa of 'WaleSji jpuke'and Duchess of Edaurg ent. . .The Czar will go to Buckingliam Palace at noorL to-uay, and W1 hly visit the Empress ' Eugenia next Sunday. V t j Paris, May 15. ii 1 o challenge of the Left ahd1 Extreme n. , , f - -i , ! i i M1 0:,.r Xl'lUU ti.X IVVUVIUL Mill, : CAI.A II Hi make his imotion for its iijwnediate dis cussion a Cabinet question! j STATE ITEMS. Twenty prisoners in the Charlotte jail. 1 ' ! " i Sampson county farmers arc behind hand in their work, i ! ! The! Good Templars of Greensboro i had five initiations Monday night. ThclPiodmont Press says the tariff i tt i c- charged in Hickory for a first-class thrashing is $1. 00. Messrs.Purnell and Pool, candidates "or the Superintendent of Public In strttction had a discussion at the For syth Superior Court. . ; , ! A lightning rod man had his arm broken! by a fall from his wagon, in Orange county. A bad road was the cause,' and he will sue for damages! Didn't Know Him A California paper tells the following of Lieut. Derby, "John Phenix," the humorist : "One evening, at the theatre, Phenix observed, a man sitting three seats in front whom he thought he knew ; he requested the person sitting next to him to "punch the other with his cane." The polite stranger did so, and the disturbed person turning his head a little, he discoved his mistake that he was not the person he took him for. Fixing his attention steadfastly on the pfay, and anecting unconscious ness of the whole affair, he left the man with the cane to settle with the other for the disturbance, who being wholly without an excuse, there was, oi course, a ludicrous and embarrassing scene, during all of which Phenix was pro foundly interested in the play. At last the man with the cane asked, rather in dignantly : " 'Didn't you tell me to punch that man With my stick ? y "'Yes." "'And what did you want?" " 'I wanted to sec whether you would punch him or not." A minister once was heard explain ing to his congregation that Urim and Thummim were the. names; of two pre cious stones which were etiin the high breast plate of judgment,; and when consulted they displayed j the will of God by showing a wonderful brilliancy, though thev gave no lustre if the mat ter required were disapproved. "Mv brethren, this is what learned Jewish and Christian expositors tell : us con cerning these two precious stones the stones are lost, but my Christian breth- ren, we need tnem not we have a surer means of discovering the will of God : and still it is by Unmand Thum- inin iff we alter a jingle letter in one of those mysterious words.-; Take your Bible, my brethren,! use him and thumb him, ahd you will discover thcavill of God as; surely as ever the! high priest uiu uj :i-iiv dwij vi vuu K'lriob Fiittr. atA t m Kit 4hn orAVTf j- Ii twAflcf v Inf a " " The bommissioner of Internal Hev- enue states that the receipts from inter and olfier memberf of the RoVixt lmily anddladslone'and Disraeli yitKall the member of the" Cahlnct were pres nal revenue for the fiscal year ending I HltUEi NORTH CAROLINA STOCK OF June 30 1874 will reach SlOOOOOCOOl THIS SEASON'S OROWTH, and 'Mar june tsu, win reacu ?iw,uw,fw I ranted pure. Sudfamples,nUtt(iinui- without doubt. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. rpRODDEN DOWN," B C. Ji Newby ; It:!- i x. ! - The Hidden Sin," "Nine-Three," by Ouida; ; . '' a Colonel racre ""No Intentions," Thineas Redux,? "The Blue Ribbon "Loltld Dar ! . i . , I J ling," "Yottnalirtrirn," "Victor's Triomph," Down thc River," a talc of the Cape Fear "The Pentateuch," "IDnts and Helas hi -l- y .. . ; - u . . - m Pastoral Theology ," boy Wmi S. Plummcr, " ' 'r' ',. . i-i . . i...-v D. D., LI D. J HEINSBERGER'S ! ! aprll-tf Live Book and Music Store. mW ADVERTISEMENTS. THE "BTEAMSlIir JELIZ GULATOR, .pit VIN will sail froni New York ibr WilmingtoD, SATUKDAY, May lath.-iirj. i :' y- . , r f i . ' ; For freight engagements, apply to A. D. CAZAITX, Agent. 1.1S71 3u7-nalf may Office of county Commissioners GW HANOVER COUNTY, ' ) mington, js. u., May 6t lb7-i. T N PUltSUANCE OP SECTION K Ob AN 1 act to liaise lt?venue. railflctl Fclrtiftrv I 11 til. 1874. 1 lift Tln:irl nf nn vl'iinm 4 1 wT J 1. T a . . .... . . . I ners or New Iian6ver county will meet at I the Court House in the city of W'llmiDgtoiii on the THIRD MONDAY IN MAY. 1ST! and thcin and there proceed to revise the tax lists and valuation rcnorled to them, mul complete the lists, by computing tho tax payable by each nerson and aflixliii? Him sam&opposlte his name, The session of t ho Board will continue for the spavo of three working days. I ! t j . J - - - . i ' . The following duties devolve, upon the Board : j ! 1st. T ey shall hear all persons ohjct lin to tho valuation of their properly, or to tho amount of 1 ax charged against them. 2. Tliflv shflH Via.v iuuvki- l ' 1,.. ..,! nation lupoii such properly as they ia1l I Weem unreasonably low. Jor tho purport above indicated the Eoard of Commissio ners aro cmpower-d to summon and ex amine wi tnosses, and toeon oct t he abs! rat-th of tlie Township Hoards of TruslecM. I AS MAY UE J UT AND III G I IT, ! " i ! ' and sot the valuation of similar nrouerfv throusrhout the count.v shall be n. muir uni form as possible. " , i ; : ! I ' A After the Tax Usis aro madn tin mul placed in the hands oi tho Sheriff it will bei come very difficult to mako analtemtlon in inem. 'liiereroro all ncrsmis interested will please attend to this important matter. The frequent applications to the. County Commissioners heretofore for relief and correction of errors almost entirely tho fault of ;tho tax-oayers has become an evil of great magnitude, costing tho county much more to correct errors than the whole amount involved. Nptlcc is now given that no alteration will be mado alter the time exnlrps inxffont. in npi'irrtnnwuilili dm r of the laAV. , i . i. SIL.VSX.MAUTJN, 1 i Chairman I3o?rd of County Commission ers. r. C. Hili, Clerk. may 1 1-dEt A wit. Ofiice C. C. Railway Company, WltMIXGTOX, 3IAV 143, 1874. XOTICE TO SHIPPEBS. rpiIE Warehouse at Eoygan's is now ready JL for thQ reception ol freight, i'or the present all shipments to that iolnt must be prepaid I t S. L. FUEMONT, i Eng. and Supf. may 1 -'it Good Ants. News for tiic Hard Tim I'AITTEN will give ONE 1IUN- JLU. UKEIJ AND NINETY POUNDS ofUAKED BREAD for a Rjarrel of Family Flour, at her r J ' . old Stand, may 11 1 lw ' II MAItKET HTHEET. rplIE XPItliSii BIUNU8 US MOKE OF - ! - i I i a, vow aa i.a , i j V-Vivu iulu L I BL VE FLANNEL SUIT Straw Hats f I'oin 15 cents U aw iiais li-oin i& cents up.-; LIXEX HATS, 50 CEXTS, I ISTow So Oliea-p AT MUXSOX Sc CO. UNDEtt NATIONAL HOTEL may 1J 21 Xorth Frout StrdcC CoIIard Seed Wanted, ; I fainples, anUuae quan- tity grown, to JAMES tUsEttRF:' ! V ,i - ' P.O.Ihx63, . . PhUadelphla. ln.) may 1C lw EVKRY ONE THAT TRIES THE DRIED SUGAR CORN onrceeU morcv-anolii. er Fresh Invoice Just Received, t ALSO, small lot POTOMAC ROE IIER BIN(iSJvery nice Tor breakfast o ti.-Ncw MACKEREL and COD FISH. Always .ri hand, a general line of (JIUX'KRIES, CAN- 2ituu uoous, w iri and Littuoiu?. - Our PRIDE OF.TUE MARKET and v. , J ' SEEK NO FURTHER . Flours Rive general RatIsactIori.; i i I . uur Mr. Donanoe ocinr now, and will re main some time at the North, and buying goous exclusively ior casn, we are prepare! to pntoureoods to CArsII CUSTOMEltS aL ,k J. II. McXiAKJTY i, (Jul aprllO tf - Under Seamans' Home, - ' ' ' ! . ! ' I jrwMiiM&Miiiif) j I LaaHiipi ril-JtX i i5isHLLL 3 JLitJ -. v Jj If I- v : s ; i si ti I. 7 III i ! j i i i ?t.' - 4 I r