i ' 1 r - - j i !j ! i: ; j - - 1,11 "i1 ' i rv. . .. ,v,.j." .J .., i y ft ..MiJJf'? " (V J - If fir Vri 'irlVv A V j f VIM ,1 :7 -1 itonf9 UyJl tr, 4 r l WO , i1 .WILMINGTON,: N. C.i 8JFtiAYp&MH6,'PM NO. 308 ' ,, . , ... . ,' ,, .. ' . . ..r - .-. . .- . .- - VOL Vll. . :. . : ii1;.. I tiJje ocmn0 Post CITY. i ITEMS. ;;v ! V"1 Pol Oltfce Itc?nlntiqn. f I r y ;Jr n Tbe mAlls will close from this tfalft aa fol low: .f M -V ' ': f - -yortliera lhrosh (night) mails- S P M through fc way (Jay) raaUsJ A M oathem raaill.-i .........1....... ...... P M iroHnCentnU Railway ,malla Ji A M SloUllTiUe Saturday and Tuesday ...JS A M pyette Hl. rtver, Monday & FrUUiyl P M pyettville. by Carolina Central Itail- iy, dftt !y.i""----- ....) A M Onow Court IImsot(honse mall) eve- : Mai!i'Xenvcred Trooi tm toV'p in,aud on Sundays fjftra fif-W to'9:3; m. . . ':. "' trtmp Office open from 8 a m to 12 in, and frnm 2 to 6 p n, Monrey order u Kcgister department optn MinieTa stamp oftlcc, "Hours fbr;ojcning and closfng Wil mington Library Aociation Heading Room, daily : . , , ' r - , ' " .-. :-,A - - - : 9 o'clock a in, to 1 olock p m. 3 olock p jn, to'C.o'clock p m. 7J o'clock, p m, to 10 o'clock, p m. Geukis hcharp of our city circulation, and ia authorized to collect I moneys due therefor. Route carrier boys areBnpt author ized to sell copicA df the Potr. ? Signal Service, UY 8. Army Weatnei . Report.';,.; ' ! Oik.bktbbts OrricB. WlLMINCTON . May lu. 167. t Tbcr I Wind - Timeol Ob Barom Weath servation eter. er 7:UO A. M. riW-M 00 P.M 2U:9ll :7l'ii vr gentla' Clear 83 f 3wfresh f Fa:r t9zSl4 183 - I do I do OTTO SCHUTZK, Observer. U. '. i 8 A. Old newspapers, suitable for wrap ping paper, in packages of-nilyjforsale At this oftii-e. ! tf. Mr. W. II. IOpp is authorized to collect and Ireceipt for bills due the Rooms Ret. District Committee, V Wilmington, X. C, May 9. j j The. District Convention to noiiii- natc a Republican candidate for .'on- grrfs will meet at Fayettcvillc, N. C, on the UUh instant. Each county will be entitled to as many delegates in t!ie Convention as they have in the lower House of tho Legislature, YY P. Canada y, Chm'n Rep. District Committee. Fjyettville 'Statesman,. New' Berne Rrpttbucan-Courier and Timc. please P.V- -. Tin: he are several kinds of worms winch trouble horses; the pin-worms (pointed at both ends) are the most common and most daugerou. . Mn-i- 'Inns C'l.rafry Condition PowJcrwiW, in a few days, eject, the worms, amHhc horse will begii&to thrive. Factories and machine shops should not be allowed to' run a day without Jo fin son & Anodyne Liniment. In ease of a sudden accident, an immediate use of it may save weeks of suffering, and perhaps a limb, or even life may 14 j 4 dlit fc wit. To the Republican Voters of New audver County. Yoti are hereby notified thai there will be a County Convention at the City IT.lll I.. Wtlntinolnn Mr, 4 II -l O X TllTlO til T f ILUIUIUII, Vll Iw'UIUIUUJ v nnu I Hth. nf in ftVlw!- ;i m fnr thn nnnosfi nrnnm;nnt!nU Sonntnr ,nH tWo lz Representatives to the Legislature a 3 Sheriff, a Superior Court Clerk, a Coro of Deeds, a County is ner, a Register ach .r.i ; m r u';im;nfftnn nnd iJdl II I IIW 114 I I I I 1 III till: I.UIIIIL t . I tiVU I -t.va in Li v V- vj VS a if iiuiiuqvu the town of Lillington wiirbc entitled to three (3) delegates. The Republican voters in the several Trcasurcr, a County Snrveyor, Five (5) Tonng to peramnuiate wnn boo xxe.vv j a County Commissioners and a new Conn- cargo of angle leg.. Certain it is !vi'limmi(u that something ist"rotten in Denmark," Country Townships will meet at their $160 from t le citizens of YYllmington in uual voting places at 12 o'clock noon afti 0f their effort to complete this tow Friday, May 20th, to chose delegates Cr of their. Chiircli. For ;this literal con to the Convention,! tribution' phey return; their hearty The Republican voters iu tho several thanks. May tho great Head of the wards in the citv of Wilmington, and ciiurehabitndantlyreward.bothintime in the town of Lillington will meet at I their usual places of meeting at 8 o clock J p. m., i? riday 3Iay 29th, to chose dele gates to the Convention, The polls in Wi lining ton will be closed at 9 o'clock ton will be closeu at jo ciock i p. m., and the ballots counted. In ' ctu?e of one or more contesting delegations from . any Ward or Town ship presenting themselves at the Con vention, thcConiity Committee reserves the right to decide which delegation . fT r ganization of "hall take part in the or( me convention. By order of Republican County Con tion. f r Geo. Z. FREncn, 01 Chairman,. W. H, Gerkbn, Secy. - ! inother new yacht lias armed: j heard f agaiii to-? day. Ick is retailing in this city at 1J ct?: per pound. roR the iveek-just ended 132 carts 1 ? i : ' ! - hi I " I hi ! uuvu arrirea. ' strangers and others, Church Calfeniiarf; "'ill read I curs An ice-house has been established near " Boney Bridge Read J. 8. AyiUiams,aJvertisem:ent. ue oners gt iwgin : ; t- 1 '!!.. f t'-jr. 1 A-rPine Foreatr Cemetery the inter- menti for the week were three children. Several! largej perch Were angled at luuk oi juuxiefc uock inis xnorning. The Boai will meet bi of County Comml3Monc Monday, neit, at 10 a.m. One mor poor unfortunate was pick- cd up thiirning ani carried tojthe guardhouse H BArTiSM.H-This ordinance will be ad ministered m the; First Baptist m tne first baptist Uhurch to-morrow night aHer the sermotf.if 7 ' I " ! ' i ' ' There ! have been slaughtered rand Vufiui, iuhj mar aor; wee: joi Deeves, sneep, 6 caivea ana 10 nog3. 1 . . . '4 T r - i j MR. 7 : r w Chairman & Co: "are ! ! '. -1 -4- ! nr ii-r Tun aivi r-ianvmr la a. f,F CT. ' -T71 - , v w w . ta Railroad to take cftect Mo iday next, . r h j 1 . The tliird annual I meeting of the Lumbermen and Timberraen's Assoicia tion of the Southi will meet in this city on the 27th instant. (1: Mr. James A. Hewlett, of Harnett Township, Announces himself, throitgh the solicitation of many friends, a can-; didatc for kegister of j Deeds. Sejad. . . . --4 j r Some thief entered the servants' quar ters of Silas N.: Martin Esq., last even ing about clark, and carried off a lot of clothing belonging to a person in ;Mr. Martin's employment. i , I A YOUN( pond.- Al i large t body of water is to be obsorved on the vacant gates to thfconjsional Convention Sunf.ay (ho0 at.9i'- m 1lr?3'er cobble-stone,, with i Instructions re .. ;1 fe:r !; 1 -, -II : meeting lhurlay night at b o'clock. n& -meDgll i u nr. : lot, corner Third? and - Princess streets, Wanted. -The citizens in the neigh caused by the heavy rams, and the boys borhood of Th ird, Fourth, Filthy Sixth are amusing thcmselve? to-day playing ailj Mulberry streets stand in need of therein. NLARarNG.rVapt. a, j-r.yazaox; having his extensive wharves rebuilt and otherwi ise improved, in anticipation of a big business, now that he is Agent for two lines of steamers, viz, ,the New York and Baltimore lines. PosiPONtED. James i Richardson, lor purloining certain, articles from the store of -Messrs. Bear l3ros.. yesterday, i iL 1.--.., h,;0 xjnnnr was urougiib up uuoit uio xAUiw , thn absence of proper witnesses, the trial was postponed until aionaay next. , . ... : I 1 days a wniie man, a sif anger, ua uwu Been upon dur streets, with a bundle of bagging under nis arm. rrom nis ap pearance 'oie is led to suppose that he either a maniac, or that he is endea- and wc c& rnc attention of the authori- ties to said individual. ( I I j ; For the Post. The congi egation of St. Mark's Parish desire to' acknowledge the j receipt 'of and eternitv, those who have so kindly aided in the completion of his temple r.rt.f i fhrn LIW TPtol-pnPA tn inr. IOI s . IIM.I1A XVVJiJA. M-r T I proceeding of the Mayor's Court tins , .,i L t ' . . . ... I T iHonimL'. ib nun ou vw v - i r police force, a white man, E. to. iiarriss, JWrkd fWtht3 force .land or- - - t m t tr . WT dered to clit off bjis buttons knd depos- Sf Ti,.m Jn ttm rarshal's office. ! This is the second? time Ithisi Ume; individual has b een disch arg ed for the sameof- nas f f . P . . , , . khnt weshall again be called upon to chron- :.i.i.:;.nlWlifrtim!thi3 bodr. :He Has been sufficiently iested, "tried in the balance fcnd found wanting)' J I I i i r. ins u. 1i3U(jww 4 , , m i STAui7sEv-GEucLLutHE CHCECu.-Jiay nth. ? -, V !9 English ?etTiceati ,. ; Jl tau iTerma Sunday JOHN S UJIURCII. 3lay 17tU. oj . ' J 4 . onuuayauerAcensjon uay. L.W. Celebration of the Holy Euchar&T at '--" Morning Prayer, at Evening Praver at i l 8J P111 St. Mark's Episcopal CnuiifcH, 3iay ltn; 1 Morning Praver at HI a. ffl Eveqing Praver at p. m First Presbyterian CHukcu - - - Ser vices to-morrow at 11 o'clock a m, and Graves of 8 o'clock pin, by lie v. N. Z GoldsboroV Sunday School all 4 o'clock I p m M. E. CuUKCH-WlnuUIaU : (J I Kev. V . J. Parkinson. , Re V.. AY. J. Parkinson. Services at 1 1 !a. m. Tjp;5m. 0 a. m. Sunday School at PrayerMeeting and Bible talk Thursday night, 8 p. m. I or. iauls episcopal) uiiurch I May 17th Services at 11 o'clock, a. I m. iinrl X n'r. net t ni iov I' 1 Ambler, Rector. Seats free. FlRsx. Baptist Church, corner of 1 ArVof w.-rn, u. t n I I O.T.CXlVW C 4-1 VI. J. Hill UllVVlO ju.arjt.eb aim rum cireccs Jiaer I tt-j x - i Tir i-lt! t I Services at 11 a. m.. and S p. m. I ' L EST Colored 1 RE8BYTERIAN and Eighth streets. Services at 11 o'c rvi - r ii t .. iii i 1 1 i i if u 11 i r-.i i l :r i n i ii wx., . c. v p. m. by Rev. ;D. J. Sanders. Sabbath School at 9- ii. m Mayor's Court, , His Honor YV. P. CanadAV, Mayor, presiding. The Mayor passed his opinion upon the following cases this morning : E. S. Harris, a member of the police force for.drunkenness on the streets,. was discharged from the force. Thus. Clark, for drunkenness and disorderly 'conduct fined $20 and cost, or 30 days on the streets. James Richardson, for laicem-v, case continued until .Monday. sidewalks Boar to of Aldermen. -The Board r0fTIllnr CPS;ftn r1(if n;0iir prPs. t the Mavor and Aldermen Adrian Moore, Grainger, Fishblat Bice and Banks. Petition of Kerchncr Nc Cahler Bros., to be allowed to replace the old wooden roof ished at foot of Chestnut street, on Baltimore Steamship wharf, by. a new ' two-storv shed with a tin roof, was . scrantea On application of W. II. Harrison, President .of the N. C. Beneficial Asso ciation, the tax on dealers in prize goods was reduced from $o0 to $ 25 a month. ' Complaint of E. P. Covington rela tive to sidewalk and fence on Sixth and Mulberry streets, was referred to Com mittee on Streets and YVharves. tYpplication of Donald MjcRae, Chas. A. Price and H. B. Eilers, on the part of Oatdale Cemetery Cpmpanv, for grading and sawdusting Miller street fromMcRaeto the Cemetery, was re- ferred to the committee on Streets and WhnrvM Application of James Richardson, Thos. Conner and James Eagles, on the part of the Cape Fear S. F. E. Compa ny, the application being endorsed by Capt. J. H. Robinson, Chief Engineer of the Fire Department, to be allowed to take their engine to Charleston on the 20th inst, was granted on compli ance with certain conditions. The Committed appointed on behalf .x xl -11 n ... hrt irks r tlin w IUC CUV IU nuuraa iu vu vi i. uie uian nnrfpd. and the rcnort was received and I I T f A. f 1U n .v. - 1 I. a L. r m v.. I oraereu un Petition of sundry citizens for the T J J U E I cleaning out of certain ditches in the eastern suburbs . oi tnc city, was reier red to the Committee on Streets and nYHarves,wno were uinxini to reyuib at the next meetin- of the Board in re- gard to the ditches in general. Application of W. D. Mahn, for compensation for injuries received by I his horse, In running against an pb-1 ')L New HAVEy MaV 1(S r. iL if ii ' - . i i . J . VTO N!f Ks3?i , Dffv4;fBJb'''K. '"''iteDatn.ctcdta - - I fu0lli.t 4, j , !. -., - cl"11 he .had, examined his Ijooka and Wnrfftatrt- .r -L : J flviV . 1 V a - whereupon the Board ordered the i&id f aUJUUUb IJ21III. The contrkW. npaira oa Oramre streets Eok itl?. The contract - 1 in4a r the awarded ttfiJatnesBryWtflttdnb per foot, equal to $6 75 jjfor aCn os- I mg, the city to furnish the flags. r", t A consideration of th6 Jbid reterf ence to eweand dnun, yoneu nnu. tnc ncx . meeting. :..:r;: ,-; I , 13101 lor paying sidewalks, wiiere nec- I essary, with gOod-jhard ;t Eastern ? brick I on Front from ;Rccf 5 Cross -; to Church j reetas w at $L per. square yafd The Mayor submittedi the plaii:of the n ' cT - - .n-,.-!-: , ..- City Surveyoras to the grader6f Sec - ond street; betweeri Marketand YVal nut, vhich was referred Jfcq t&i Commit tee on Streets and Wharves for? report j 7rZ ti, Tif-i.i- J iut.l j k 1 u I ine Mayor was authdnzed to adver- I J. v 5 . " T tweeny Front an&.YVater streets, with j lfc ordered that if hecontract for !- paving Front street, between . Chestnut and Orange, with Belgian1 paving stone, j ue aignou, anu a suitame Dona sud- mitted prior to, the iiext meeting of the Board, that' the contract shall be de- Glared null and void, It was ordered that, in all contracts of the city, bonds shall be required equal to onerfourth.of the entire amount of the contract: Thq matter of establishing a proper grade on Front street,1 between -Red Cross and Church, was i referred Jo the V; f-'4 'C, taQry.4fcA;iargeiloss of Ale is reported. I -frvtw w eucct. l 0;W A- Mondj; ; I YValnut jialfclJ tuk L J' J3 TRAIN, (Daily.) , . wasrded tH. Mf&Mtt?ZFZr 2r v v uv M h X: J L icJJwrfc;' , t - . , UrrUottColnmbU...w.;..: :.J00A.M- forlarlncerfeiiii crosa fv IV'', . 'i , f . Arnre at Augtau ...&43 A. M M cityiwith flag-stoneUwas irr. ivt ASAS;; t ,i Leaver Columbia.. XV.?X7ife M Committee on Streets and YVharves, to President of the Assembly, will proba report at the next meetibg. r f bly be called upon byl MacMahon to Nine applications for positions on the' police force, were referred to the Com- mittee on Police. The Board then ad next regular meeting. Ijourned to the IjATEST BY TELEGRAPH MASSACHUSETTS. Boston, May 1G. A disastrous flool in Williamsburg, Mass., caused by the breaking away of a reservoir, occurred this' morning, caus ing considerable loss of life. No par ticulars have yet been received. Florence, May 10. The reservoir above' Williamsburg, Massachusetts, broke thii .'niorhiiig, loos- ening a large volume of water, which carried away nearly every dwelling nouse in its course, iuanv lives are lost, but so great is the excitement that it is impossible to get tjhe exact num bcr. " 'r ; : At Iveeds the silk manufacturing and and button shop are both carnd away. The station agent of thejN, H. & A. R. R., with his wife were both drowned at the same place. Many persons were swept down stream. The water is now falling, and it is expected that in about three hours more correct and definite particulars may be obtained Several bodies were seen going down stream, but so swift was the current they could not be recovered. ILLINOIS. - . CAkRO, 3Iay 1G. Au officer of the steamer James How ard reports that a mutiny occurred on that vessel yesterday and that the deck crew virtually; had possession! of the boat' until an armed force from here boarded ' her. The negroes' drove the officers up stairs, and warned them not In si-nn rlrTirn nr lfinrl t ll cttlf. i' A Tin c0 be had tho. officers, made . . m v. Ti v ivir tin rpflifiinriF: Tho boat wis rilh near enough to the wharf boat at Hickman - . trrk& t luA TT M Q&. for ; to meet the boat below the city OHIO. Cincinnati, May 16. The May"or will issue "orders to the Captains of Police to. prevent .women I front praVing m th streets hereafter. CtONinSCTICUT Jtaie' iie . fW. iWe wii ter Weepiti2rejcrythinprTefore it; 1 he AhSTvenamwl trww; rrfii Almost pntilv ."r ccpij.uxjr. lAYe named tSwbs were almost entirely jT1' ' " ins as IIajdeu9;A7iensc5 brick is v- Jl-ITTLEkJfeOCKiaiayib. Negotiations are progressing -fiivora Dly Tor the peaceful dispersing of the J!axtcr Uas iucd a coa2,aluiatorv aailrcs3 to hu adlu,rents. WASHINGTON. Washington, May 16. The House is in : Committee of the rm, i 1: 1, 1 j ' 4. j Whole on the consular and diplomatic 1 v -J -; :t -ii appropriation bill. CABLxj . DISPATCHES. ENGLAND. v j London, May 10. , fin the . Commons, upon the question of granting leave of obsence to Captain to examine into the Erie aflairs, onespeaker thought it derogatory to the national dignity to send out a gov- ernment officer to investigate what he termea "a Dankrupt trans-Atlantic con corn." Although it w satisfactory to know that the Erie road was in good hands. Sir C. B. Adderly. President of the Board of Trade, and Sir Stafford Northcote maintained that permission given Cant. Tyler to absent himself from his duties was proper, and the subject - j was dropped. A special from Paris to the Standard j says if the ministry is defeated, Buffer! form a new cabinet. The questlonis about forming the upper house. -1 STATE ITEMS. Rockingham has a money order Po&t Office. ' Chicken cholera is raging in Rich mond countv. . i The Wadesboro' Argus has more than I a column of advertisements of candi dates for office. The Union Republican savs : Died near this place, on the 0th instant, Mr. Joseph Crew.s, aged 92 years and- 20 da vs. The Fayetteillc Lrazeftc says: We learn from Captain D. Jones, conductor on the Egypt train, that a 'negro boy was drowned at Swann's station, while fishing in the culvert which runs under the railroad, and from which the engine J is supplied. The Advance gives the following roll of honor of the 'YVilsonj Institute. The following students recited 25 lessons perfectly, and received no demerits during the week ending May 9th, 1874 : Misses Fannie Woodard, Bettic Wood ward, Katie Pervis, Katie Landing ; Roscoe G. 'Briggs, YYllliam Woodard, Jr., James "W. Hayes, John YV. Farmer, Jefferson D. Bad in, John Alvin Clark, Bennie J. Taylor, James YYTestbrook, Wilfam -T. Farmer and James Lips comb. . . ; NEW 1DVERTISEMENTS. ! For Register of Deeds. T for THROUGH THI solicitation of many friends, l announce myself a candidate I for the office oi Register of Deeds for Mew I A. Hanover county. JAMES A. HEWLETT. may 16, 1871 308-3t Our Third-Stock ;: Of .hose incdmparable i 4 a 1 Received to-day. IMPORTEDVORSTED SUITS, i Suits from $7 00 up, Suits '-from $40 down. s j NOBBY SACK SUITS. ' , MUXSOX & CO., 1 UNDER NATIONAL HOTEL. ' may 16 21 North Front Street; NEvt AlilT I01TISE1UENTS." . ... .....,,. - . - MWiiniEstoo. I'olnnibia, & ttu. gtxsa R. Company. 0w. 8tTrxHiHTBKDXMT"s. OrricjB? ; fTiuuifQTON, n. c, May lCi:lb7i. f I i "lZZSS?VllJt-S5Zj:; itT""" 1 ' I " u rtr u'-H CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. J rpiiE FOLLOWING SCHEDULE WILL Jbcavc Florence ...2:10 A- M I numiKton..,i.. L.,7.15 A. Mi 1 152?,?? IC8fc ' 10 1nU bJonl I Wilmingtoii at a 10 P. M.' 11 I i ACCOMODATION. DAILY (8 UN DATS . .. j EXCJCPTEp.) "l . ton.... J Leave Floren ' -t ...' ...3.CHA. M Arrive at Columbia. . J P.. M Leave Cplumbiaj. ...... J..6.C3 A. M Leave Florence... .il' .T- - i2i v xt Arrive at Wilmington . . . r'. .". f v-7,15 P.rM ' Accommodation train iaaku no connc o tion tit Columbia. J - Express : train makes closo connecioD. both;Nortli and South.! j JAMES ANDERSON, , Gcn'18nnt'' may 10 TT4:VINa decided TO DiwcoxriNUi: JUL toy present business,' by the first of clte toberneit, will from date cell my entire VVA. J V4 DltV; GOODS, OAIIPKTING, MATTING, id. it-. r ln quantitica to suit, at rinaiE cost. Von cash on Delzvkuv consumers invited to examine tbe TIIE STOCK AND PlilCEH, ' "'" , ' ' 'i i .i to bo convinced in regard' to m v i Persons who are desirous ol encasitvs In i, business, will And tbls afHvomblo oiioi lu- I nlty for inveatnicnt. i may ie-2t , . j. s. wiluamuJ - Office of County Commissioners, . . , . . . NEW HANOVER COUNTY, ) 1 YVilnungton, N. C, MayI3, 1871. f i -' -1 . . .. . , ,.; i IN PURSUANCE OF SECTION J(J OF AN acttoltaiso Revenue, ratined Voh rtmrv 11 th, 1874, the Hoard of County Cxmnnissio ners br New Hanover coumy 'will mcetni the (Jurt House in the city of WUiiUuirton. on thfi i IxillRD MONDAY IN MAY. 1671. , 1 ! 1 ;.' - and then and there proceed to revise the lax lists and valuation reported to.thcin. atid tuuipicto iuo ijrls, uy roinpminif mo !h payable by each person and aflixn (L same opposite pis name, The session ortli Board will continue for tiiohpuve of thr( working days. ' J ' I The following duties devolve upon ! the Board : : I ' i IsU They feliall hear all jJtrbon- objiclln' to the valuation of their properly, or to iho amount of lax charged agaiiist tbi ui; i i , i 2. "they shall havo power to raise ho val uation upon such property ah. they bhall deent unreasonably low. . For tho purposi above indicated the Hoard or CominubW. ners are empowered to Kumrnons and x amirie witnesses, and tocorretthe abrait. of the Township lioartls of Truttev. AS MAY DE J C.ST. AN I ) 111(2 1 IT, t and )bo the valuation of similar proprl; throughout the county shall he a nOar uni form as possible. t . I s AfLcr the Tax Lists are made hn ami placed in the hands oi the tshtiW it will be come very difficult to make any alterations in them. Therefore all persons Interested will please attend to thin important matter. commission" Ihe frequent applications to the County rs heretofore lor relief and correction of errors almost, eutln-lv tin- fault of tho tax-payers ha become an evil of great magnitude, costing the count v much more to correct errors than th w jioV amount lnvoivel. iotlce Is now jfl ven that no alteration will he mado aflcr the linn expires except in accordanetfwlth the lettci oi the law. HILA8 N. 3IA Chairman Board of (I'ounty CommlHhfoti- ers. J. Q. HiLi., Clerk. may li-df tk wit. Good News, for tae Hard Tinfe Tl pta. PATTEN will give ONE II UN- VHE KEt AND NINETY POUNDS of HAKK1 ! BREAD for a barrel of Family flour, at her . t I . i ,. old Stand, , 1 jna-14 lw 41 MARKET, STREET, Collard Scad- Wanted. fPRUE NORTH CAROLINA oTOC'lC Oi- THIH RKAKON K GROWTH. nml'wn- ranteid pure. Send ramples, and ttcoiwui tity grown, to i i . JAMICS LAHlHtRIi . I P. O. Do xt2. I may 12 lw Philadelphia, Pa. Oflce C. C. Railway Coiniiaiiy. AVILMINGTOX, 31 A V 137; NOTICE TO SHIPPEliSj? 'i THE Warehouse at Boss an 's l now really for -the reception of frelachU For the present all shipments to that point must' be prepaid. . , . , .... , hi I :' S. L. FRI2MONT; X 'may II 9t, .. -H. Eng.andSnrt, . - L I' i r n i t i I.I 1 1 'I f.i . i I. if i i 'Is .t. i. K ; i i I I , t

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