" :.i '-.ii :r r- -i ," .'ft' -1." t. v '!:).' 1 I ! ' i .-. : ' - " : !;' :. : I " i-V , i 1 ' 11 . : t:- !'!' ' ''.') ' ' ' i ' " Y ,-.', ' ' i . . t ! ' : i ' ' ' ' ;V -4 11 - - zTX'tysj. . ..Li , ; !. , ' - V ' 1 ll s I r 1 11 i i ' . ' "- i t Si 1- . - in ; v 1 i i" ! I ! ' 'I I . i I , M I I J I I I. V f IX 0" vj '" - -I " "Z?. , 1 ri.. r -it " v. -i v? w- r-4u ? Jl-- .,--.7 '.ffjr: " ; ' ; !' - V! i ' U u f- - ' Trzz ,1 L , ... - 1 11 ; VOL VII. tic (ftcmng ,JXxr ITEMS. f - win cUw from thi date as fol- rt,,e oway (day) mails.., ,.5 A M mtt ? river, Monday & Friday .-1 P M 4 H Cv iy cVrolina Central llail fayettevHle.JJ" A M w:!Shorinall)eve- 'l,.6lo-w.- HAM Wriilfciy aivd mn t hvW X r w.and on 1 from to 9::) a f T o Uffi"e open from 8 a m l U .u. uud "Uono on Register - TlrfoTiii closing Wil migton Library Aviation Reading Room, daiiy : ? . , , ' . o'clock a in, t 1 dock 1 nu 3 o'clock p m, tcr-0 o'clock p m. Vfil GeRKIN :hi charge of our city sedation, and i- authorized to collect Money due therefor. Route' carrier- boy, are not author-, uc to !11 copies of the 1 o&t, Service, U. B. Army-Weatlxei 9Z Report. OlERVEK'S OFFJCB, ! Wilminuton, May -1, lo'. 1 l ime ol Ub ser?atiii U0 M. 00 P. M. Barom Wcath I er Thji Wind I H - " raif do do . NWfrtti 39 811 ,80 do 4 OTTO SCHUTZB, Observer, U. a a. OM SEWS PAPERS, suiiaoie iui .r - ;.i ivn'k-ios of tiftv, for sale ping paper, in packj0c 01 at this orhce. V H. Iopp is authorized to collect and receipt for bills due the Post. Convent Ion Fourth, Diti- . trict. for the A uepuoi.cau a1 ....u t...i;..;.,i l) strict ot rsonn viii- rouiin uuuiv.... ' .liiiii will be held at Magnolia, Uupnn .ntv- on Tuesday. June 10th, 174, M 12 o'clock, M., for the purpose of rkrin in nomination candidates for Ju Jge and Solicitor of the District and tAunnnhtli District ExCCllti VrCom- V J MB'.' ' - mittee, consist in jr of one ,,,,tv in the Judicial Dbtriet. Dele gates entitled to a seat and vdtc hi tl Convention must be regularly elected I.t a County Convention or appointed h'v County Committees, through their Oiairman ; each County' will be en titled to double the number ot delegates, ai it may have members of the lower branch of the General Assembly, with imc number of alternates. Geo. L. Maiwon. By authority of the Republican State I xccutive Committee. To tho Republican Voters of New Hanover County. You are hereby notified that there will be a County 'Convention at the City . Hall, in Wilmington, onSaturday June ;tb, at 10 o'clock, a. m., for the pupose of nominating a Senator and three (3) ljL.ttffitivpa to the Legislature, a - a rwt Cleric, a Coro- r. a Renter of DecJ, bounty Treasurer, a County Surveyor. Five t ' . . .1 . rim. ronntv (Commissioners anu a v,w tv Committee " 'Each Township in the comity, each ward in the City of Wilmington, and ill he entitled .1 ' 1 to three (3) delegates. ri, Tf0hHit voters in the seyeral r.,ntrv Totinshins will meet at their . .. 1 1 4 '..U.l- mmn UhUuL voting places at a-wVv.- en Friday, May 29th, to chose delegates ta the Convention. TIip Itpnnhlicau voters in thjc several wards in the city of Wilmington, and in the town of Lillington wil meet at mine wwu 01 j-'11-" ""t tbeir usualplaces of meeting at o'clock ' n. m.. Fridav May 29th, to chose dele- gates to the Convention. The polls in Wilmington will be .closed at 'J o'ciock ,m amd the ballots counted. In case of one or more contesting delegations from any Ward or Town- ship presenting themselves at the Con- , 4i.rAittitvnnmmittpfi reserves uimuu, iuuwuu.j the right to decide which delegation shall take part in the organization 01 the Convention. n 1 rTn,.Ki;..ui inintv (in- U VHIU VI 1VC " 'J ' J . lion. Geo. 7. Frehch, Chairman. W. II, Gerken, Secy. The N. C. Sunday School Conference convened in Raleigh on yesterday. 1 WILMINGTONv N. Rejiember the speaking !$o-nigh .1 We expect our SeniorJoine to-night EXCEEDIC :edixqly pleasant hveatner to- day. ; Business in ou? qity is at a stand still. The sprinkling machine'is ioinr. val uable service. Wixlard Bros. advertise oaM),(XX) hrii'k for sn.lf. 4 Services will be fceld at $t. John's Church this evening.! j i A Republican' Mass greeting will be held at the Market House to-night. ' ' J S i ; For the past three nights hot soli tary arrest has been made by the police. : 4 K-rVhl Our regular weekly review f the markets appears to-day, Avjiich will ac count for the scarcity of local items. ; 1- l ; 1 An enthusiastic Republican Mass Arpptinor was- held i at the corner of O ! i , Sixth and Castle streets last evening. Proposals for furnishing rations and ship chandlery to the Ul S. Revenue vessels in this district, will be received at the office of the Collector of the port. See , advertisement. , ! --k - r ,. jt l 1 'f Wm. H. Moore, Esq., requests us to spy that the rumor that he is about to withdraw as a candidate for the Senate, is false, that it is his intention to run as his friends assure nimot nis ciecuon. Returned. Mayor Canaday return ed home last night ;from Fayettevilie, whither he has been in attendance on the Convention. There are a number of cases awaiting his attention, which will be given a hearing to-morrow : (hi day) morning. i j ! County Commissioners The Board met promptly this morning at 10 o'clock according to adjournment, othing 1 L'liAnvinw rf : bivml alVAP wiiinh thevadi 1. VUIP""- " . j . . . , : t in n'r.rlr tni nourneu 10 uicct- - rr morrow morning. We were pleased to learn that 011 1- City Marshal was complimented by,' re ceiving two votes, in the! onlyjrcgular ballot that was cast in Uongressiona Convention, but the votes; were changed u-r nnfhn frtrOo . Mchav, at the request of Mr. Price, j j! Johnson's Anodyne Luiiment wi'l giv more relief in cases! of C matism, no' j matter how ironic; Rhcu scvefe, ; than Lanv other article known to medical men. Used internally aud cxternauy. It is'often remarked by strangers vis iting our State that We show larger proportion of good horses than any other State ! in the Union. This, we " . !.. It 11 . tell them, is owing to two principal reasons : in the first place, we; j breed from the very best stock ; and in the second i)lace, our people use Shcndan' n .... rmetlers. which in our tlcy J , ,1 in.ltrniPiit are ot mcaicuiaDiej iiuv.m- Juu -w - ; tae. ! may -'i-uo - ' Resolutions. During the dowh- rd trip of the steamer North State, on wai which the i delegates to! the Gqngres- siolial Conyht,n returned frmFay-l etteville, tliey nem mj .u er f t in A to the chair, and uauauaj . . n .-nliitinn tvpr hdonted. llie rou(,"Iuo 1UU1UWU ... , and on motion the chairas authorized to appoint aCommittee to present them tn CaDt. Green. I ! j I AVhereas, The Republican pkrty; al wflaupreciating any courtesy icxtend- aPPrec.ia"'r r ftUfraM ea to ' .i . desiro to express their I r ii-l ratmrlt.thev appreciauuu u , uy have received while on boarci of the lRtwitet That we thedelegates from Ut nf Kihr HanoverJ Bruns- Bladen; Columbus, Duin,bamp- son and Ons ow, tenaer wr; U,M', ilL xtw. nnr Captof tho cf nt which we have received t his hands, and j crnesfly hope that h-13 example may pe.iouow. j 1 J, urnlsh a cVpy of the same tQ the' yilmington and Fayettevilie papers.' t tpj j GEO. W. PRICE, JR., h . rritAofirrmv!' ''-- , Reuben MaulTsby. j Mr-Lyon, ot tne weeuwu nnr1 AfJ Fannie Small, of 1 wasn- I f l , "V . - - i. , 1 I 1 .J .ttnlwuin mini iugton, iN. C, navp retcuMj rrk h rK;in. i iinon 10 De ruu one. jluc aw!"" 1 hy Small i t ' - The cotton fields arounaiiieiguc seriously' damaged by frost on p Tuesday. C;, THUE8DAY. XIAY 1 LATEST BY 1 E LEGRAPH The Alabauia, Pressr Conf chtion Ttfe-' elected ' itr former omeefs, -conclndedl the routine of -business, passed resolu- ions ottnanks totne autnoriues or joif- mingham, and the citizens-, for their; un bounded hospitality to themselves and their New York guests; also to the va rious railroads, and to the Western Union Telegraph Company for the free use of their line, and adjourned. The session' was very harmonious; After ad- joh&ment-ail the editors visited the oar bed, coal mines, furnace, etc. The visitors expressing astonishment at the immensity of mineral wealth. ; Montgomery, May 21. About fifty editors of New York pa pers are now in Alabama,' inspecting the iron and coal fields, rind the quality ; of the land. They have been everywhere received with the greatest cordiality. They express great gratification at the manner of their reception, dnd profound astonishment at the immense mineral wealth of Alabama. They go from here to Atlanta on Sunday, and spend Sim day night and half of Monday in that city, : go thence to Chattanooga, and thence directly home via Washington. MISSOURI. St. Louis, May 21l The Presbyterian Grand Assembly commence their annual session here to morrow. Three hundred delegates have already arrived, and nearly as many more are expected. i The Presbyterian Sabbath Institute or Convention has been in session to day, and is well attended, J. Bennet Tiler, of Philadelphia, presiding. WASHINGTON. Washington, May 21. Tlic marriage ceremony is over. The presents aggregate fully $50,000, and are very beautiful. The'party will cross the Atlantic on the steamer Baltic. The captain has decorated his deck cabin as n boudoir for the bride. The only tlung that marred the simple citi.en-like cha racter of the ceremony, was the pre-encc of the marine band. ARKANSAS ' Little Ro k, May 21. The Legislature will investigate Fed- eral Senators Clayton aijd uorsey on the charge of an attempt to overthrow the State government. A bill of amnesty for those enaga-ged in the late entente has been introduced in the, house. ILLINOIS. Chicago, May 2 1 . Notice has been given of an appeal from the Presbvtery to the Synod, upon tlift vote acouitthi Professor Swing of heresv. TheMutuals, of iSew ork, lJ:;tiie White Stockings, of Chicago, 10. CABLK DISPATCHES. ENGLAND. London, Slay' 21.- 1 tr. tho "Dnilv News, from frpi , .-JJJUAKH ' 1 X ili mi.-J r.,.:, Ki- Hi-it. 11 eauiuci Ml 1 J. 1, . been formed. Its principal members are . If . L J Goulard de Cazes, lcwergne, yjny and Cezanne; all of whom belong; to the moderate sectilon of the Right and Ui-ht Centre. 'The object of the hew . ; covernment is iu wuuuanv, tres in order to carry the septennial con stitution through the Assembly. M The New Berne Times contains; the following (iCapt. James Albritton,- a native and for many years a resident of Snow Hill, Greene county, but recently of Marion, S. Q., where he was cngageu in keeping store, met a sudden and un timely Aeath a few days ago. A num ber of laborers were in his place of bu-' siness, and high words ensuing a gene ral took place. Capt. AlbnUon, attempting to interfere, was stabbed to the heart and almost instantljr killed r n,A v toarticiDaira. vc iare pleaselto too that the .coundrelho committedtl.il dastardly act was appre- DV one "i 1"- i " I 1 . ; I. JI.l rnnflnfII in lail. nenaevi uuu : . :.. . 1 lorcrpt wolt ever seen m a fow days ,iiub - in .ui, mmmmmmmmrrmmTTm, , . -.. mTmmFmmmTmBr-r 11 ' 1 i.,:i!irr !- . WEEKLY REVIEW 0 IHE- i 1. WILMINGTON MARKETS. - I ,4 m CRUiE Turpektine. We have no change in the market to note, this ar ticle hating ruled quiet and steady the entire week, without experiencing any change of1 quotations. The receipts for the 'eek foot tip 1548 bbls: against 82 last lreeki 1 he exports fSot up 0000 bhlfc against 983 last weekl 1 The fol lowing ire thef sales arid 'quotations! for eachy'-' ' lV ; 3bls Hard lipip Wirgin 323 $lf 8o $2 ! So $3 W Fridav, Saturday,1 Monday, Tuesday, ; TO., 250 245 212 ' 200' 103 1 85 1 85 1 $5 1 85 1 85 2 85 2 85 2 "o; 2 85 2 85 3 50 3 50 3, 50 3 50 3 50 Thursday, Spirits Turpentine The general tone of this market has been quiet but steady, with a little better jdemanft ex isting for export . Prices have j been uniform throughout the Entire week, 35 cents being the ruling figure!' The re ceipts fqr the week foot up jjs,780 casks against 2,191 casks for last week, and the exports are 3,786 casks against 1,659 for last week. The siales, together with the tone of the market eacli day, are as follows ; j Friday The market ruled quiet with sales of 400 casks on ,sp5t, and 150 casks, buyer's option, May delivery, at 35 cents per gallon for Southern pack- i ' i " ':i - N ages. . I Saturday Market quiet, with sales of 305 casks at 35 cents per gallon. Monday The market ruled steady, and the sales were 285 casks at 35 cents per gallon. ij Tuesday The market is unchanged, andthe sales are 180 casks at 35 cents per gallon. Wednesday The market rules stea dy, and the sales are 250 cents per gallon. 1 casks at 35 Thursday For this day's . sales we refer to our daily market report. !.l . "Rrw-iTr Diinntr the nast week no 0 - , i perceptible change has taken place in the rosin market, it having ruled quiet and .steady, 'vith transactions confined almost exclusively to C, ut a s mall number of the higher grades having changed liands. The receipts for the week foot up 15,433 bbls. against 17,136 bbls. la't week. The exports foot up 9,608 bbls against 21.392 bbls last week The sales for each day in the week, to eetlier with the tone of the market are as follows Th ft murket steady with sates JL j " of 100 bbls. C at $2 25. Saturday The market;; quiet with sales of 1,000 bbls. C at 2 20 ana and 20 bbls. M at $4 75. li . Monday The market steady with no sales reported . f ! Tuesday The market;! ruled firm with sales of 1,500 bbls. C, spot, at $2 25, 1,500 bbls. C, buyer's, option, May delivery, at $2 25 and 2,500 bbls. C. buyer's option, June delivery, at $2 25.;' Wednesday The market ruled firm with sales of, 500 bbls. C; buyer's op tion, June delivery, at $2 25. Thursday For to-day's quotations see daily market. jj Tar. The market for tho week has ruled steady, with an advance on Sat- I f 20 cents bbl from our last 1 liiu v r - 1 ij . week's quotations. The receipts for the week have been light, footing up about 1600 bbls. against 1,060 bbls. last week, and the exports are 1000 bbls. against 2,519 bbls. last week. The sales togeth er with the tone of the market for each day, arc as follows : M ! pj.iday.The market ruled steady, with sales of 123 bbls. at f2 per bbl. Saturday. The' market ruled steady with sales of 300 bbls. at $2 20. an ad vaincc of 20 cents per bbh 5 ; Monday The .market ruled quiet and steady with sales of 400 bls. at f2 -20. .1 ' Tuesday The market ruled steady, with sales of 200 bbls. at 2 20.;. Wednesday .-The market ruled steady with sales of 160 bbls. at$2 200. Thursday. For this "day's; sales wc refer to bur daily market! . i CkftTON The : cotton market for the week now under iview jhas continued tMm, .-..l of the hales last week. The following are tne 1 , y ... ij, i-r, ' - official quotations for each derj Fancy ? 'review; 4 ' i 1874 1 ' I' N0- V2 F- R i d. A y .No sales reported.- mi- . . ' ": . '. I. 1 . ' B I: 1 Market nrm at nominal omciai quo tatiens : ; , Low Ordinary. Ordinary, J Good Ordinary, Strict Good Ordinary Low Middling, Strict Low Middling Middling, Saturday. Sa! 12 "cents t Jb 13 t( u - , 161 17 171 ill u es yesterday, after our report of 120 bales. .No sales re norted to-dav. rarfeet firm at nomi- ... - - i nal oflicial quotation : Low Ordinary, Ordinary, Good Ordinary1, 12 cents ti tt) 1! it it 151 " 17 y " 171 " 171 " Strict G6bd Ordinary,, Low Middling, ; Strict Low Middling, Middling, M o n d a y .Sales Saturday, after our, report, of 80 bales. , No sales re ported, to-day. Market firm at official nominal quotations : Low Ordinary, ! 121 cents tlb Ordinary, j Good Ordinary, 13 15J 161 17 171 .17 Strict Good Ordinary Low Middling, Strict Middling, Strict Low Middling a Tuesday. No sales reported. Mar ket firm and nominally unchanged : Low Ordinary, Ordinary, 12J 131 15 cts. lb a a Good Ordinary, Strict Good Ordinary:, 16 Low Middling,; - 17 Strict Low Middling! 17f a Middling, I 17 a Wednesday. N9 sales reported. Market dull and nominally unchanged as, fellows : ; Low Ordinary, j j 121 cents lb Ordinary, Good Ordinary, . 131 151 161 17 17 174 it Strict Good Ordinary, Low Middling, I Strict Low Middling!, Middling, a .a Poultry The market is well sup- ylied with grown fowls, and but a small number of spring hickens are being brought in. We quote by the quantity at 35 to 40 cents for the former, and 20 i to 30 cents each for the latter. Bacon The market for this article during the past week has ruled quite firm, with but a small amount of North Carolina being received. The following are ,the Tuiing quotations t North. Caro; lina cured, 9 (d) 10 cents for shoulders, 12 (n 121 eents for sides,. 12 121 cents for hag round, and 15 16 cents mr hams. Western smoked, S (ay 8 cents for shoulders, 10 (a), 11 cents, for sides, and 15 16 cents for hams. Dry salt ed 81 cents for shoulders, and 1010 cents for sides. Wood We have no change to note in the market, the supply continuing good and fully equal to the demand. Wft nuote as selling bv the flat load as -j. - s follows : Pine, Swamp Ash, Split Ash, Oak, Blackjack, $2 00(2 50 2 WUrftZ Q 2 25 $i? 75 $2'75(2$3 00 m 00(13 25 Graix The griin market for the past week has presented a firmer tone, and an advance of AAriM I-. - a 4nlrAn - place in corn, peas and bats. The re- npinr.4 far tho. week from all sources. i . will foot up fully 30,000 bushels, about 10,000 bushels mor0 than lat week. Corn is selling by the cargo at from $1 to $1 02J bushel. From store we quote yelloW, mixed and white as sell- inglat from- $1 12?, to $1 15 t3 bushel, e-iW'inr.lnrlo(1. Oats are in good stock quvmj - --. - - j V witn a light demand. Tlie quotations are, including sacks, from 77A to 80 cents t1, bushel. Pcas continue to be in light demand, and stock small. We quote cow and clay 1 10($1 15, ind white fl lofeJSfl per nusnei. itice is in fair demand, with a good supply. Clean, Carolina sells' by the cask at SI (aSi xents tt. Rough is in small supply, an4 brings $1 20 to 1 ;40per bushel, as in quality. Com Meal is selling from the mills at $1 12J(2$1 15 per bushel, including sacks. Pea Nuts.- A good demand for ex port continues, and prices are well Up, but a3 the crop is abat exhausted, only 1 1 Z hAAtl VAPfll small receipts uv ,,vu' following prices will be readily paid dealers, rizi Ordinary t Prime, -n l Extra Prime, $1 GOl 70 2 002 05 L 2 15(2 25 2 302 45 -No change to note. Beep Cattle.- The demand continues fair ivith teiy few arrivals. Dealers are paying 10 12J cents P,net,-in quality, jor the hooC ' ; " j Lard. North; Carolina is scarce and in demand, and brings 111(12 cents lb. Northern, 'steam refined, sclU at 101llj cents, j ; i Siieep. Thc arrivals continue light, . but arc fully equal t the demaijdj 150 head have been Received for the veek, which brought $2(T,$3 f hcad as jto size and quality.. j Eggs. t A very good supply on the market-J-16 cents fldozen Is thd wholc- sale price, andr18(20 cents f llozeif the retail prices. ; STATE ITEMS. Hail last. Ml in -Magnolia on Saturday i i .;' prcseiil !iUl,vi "4"fc --f-i i at the opening of the State Medical' Society Iwhieii convened in Charlotte on Tuesday than has" ever beforo been known m the history of the Society, f . i he (jJharlottc Otocircr says : A sufli .; cient amount has been raised to insure the' success of the Charlotte Cremation! project beyokd a doujbt. Tho maQhiue will be used!, first for the. buping oX those newspaper men who hayctiecn; green enough td look at this matter in a serious ugui. j ! , , Says the Charlotte Observer-: A jj'ouug ludy, arrived in this city over one of tho railroads; bringing with her a bdnd-box full of kittens. Eleven of . theni wcrb dead when they got to town;-but. the remaining; eighteen are living and doing well. What a splendid crop p( i fights are coming on !,- NEW iDVKUTISEMENTS. BRICKS 1 300,000 VKH vwcitiiAi by iay 2t-im WJLLAKU IUIOS. Proposals for FurnishiDg: Rations and Ship Chandlery for U; V. Kev enuci Vessels. i 1 ' CciiiiiixrroR'.s Ox-KicK, Slay i!.sTtr$71. OEALED PROPO8AL8 will be received a tbis Office unlll 12 o'clodir. noon, Satur- day, June 13th, 1S7I, Tor supplying ItatloiiK and Ship Chandlery for the use or crews ami 1 ver,selsof the United States Revenue Marine Service in this Collection District, lor the fiscal year endlnsf June 30, 187t. I , J tfchedules. or the articles of Ship C'hari dlery td be bid for will bei f urn 1 shed ton ap plication to this Office. j ! D. HUMLET, Collector. rqay 2-eod(Jt fi . ' i.om; creek muDtiUm IN pmiBUANCE of au 01 tier of the lioaid ' . j ..! '- " 0 County CommUfcionerf, the time lor opening bids fcr the rpuirs of Ling Creek Bridge 'extended to 1 l Wednesday; May 28, at 12 O'clock, Noon. Bonds wfll be required for U V.hiu peforni- an ce of, contract. Parti inter s'ed will hand in at the dttlo of KegHter of Deeds. llu lr bidfr HILAH N. MAUXJN 1 I ' ii-.- Chairnhin Board of County comniif-ifnerh. I . ! " 1 T'-.f M- niay . Journal and Star jcopy iit it tt i- i mil :-.-.-., et i n n f6W J Oil ullu WllilllUglDU fij B,. U U THE STEAMSHIP! CAPTAIX York ifor Wilmington , wllial from , SAfl'KDAV, 3y Ski, 1871. Por freight engagement), appll to I A. I). CAZAL'X, Aget. noay'2rt. 1S74 .7-natf New Music 1 ..; Ai KKW ANI WELI SKLECTLUlVS. : SOUTMENT of Vocnl and Instruifht- al Music, just receiveu at uie ( I i.i vi4 book & iirsic wToi Ptf alios and OrLranJ. i-..k-u AUn,m.l by oroveKtlen AFnller'Hcelebratedi'iano), MA80N IIAMLIN'B'' A5D THE j I " f Burdette Organ? IIEINfcJBEUGEf mi- lS-tf k audi Music pie BRICKS "'if'.; t y - s n 4 1 4 -I y 1h- ii '! i ii I 1? M i h t -

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