4 ( ,-v r i " ' ' , , . - . - 1 KEPUlli DEALER. WILSON. JULY O. I860. , j g a. McPAyiEU.:.: EDITOR. - " Wo believe that the , time i I not ttar? uiainnr, wu nic vcn 4ha now in a great measure cte ceaU the purposes pf the Kadi i cal ' party, will ' be thrown aside End its hideous proportions be plain! j , perceptible to the moit Illiterate citizen of the country. The progress of every revola tionTsubversive of true Republi can liberty and impelled by ; corrupt leaders, has bten char acterized by a desire to retain the forms of the old government . ta long as practicable, in order , .tbaX the change may be gradual ly Introduced, while the people dwell m fanci d security. ! This has been attempted by the Radicals with partiaK success; . but their lust for more power and their revolutionary inten ; Uons are growing more apparent v every day. j -These violent indications of a revolution, should cause very ' ' man to forget old prejudices and antipathies, and to revert to the fundamental principles of tlie Government. This is the only way by which our time-honored institutions can be saved. The ball of revolution mnst either . roll onward or it must be check- td In Us headlong career by the '"achievement of a great moral revolution. This has seldom or never been accomplished, end wc do not believe that the Kortb, ' influenced as itis by the fanati- ca spirit of New England, will prove an exception to the rule. 1 v' Our opinibuis formed entirely by experience. It is "the o,nly , Jampjby which our feet are gui- ,4cd.n, ;The lawless spirit which instigated the late war, received fresh impetus by the hatred ancl . ' prejudices engendered by such a larguinary' conflict ; and the "thirst for power, patronage and peculation, was the great centri pctalforco which held together the decaying wheel of Radical ism and propelled it on its wild . and ruinous course. No matter thai it crushed to earth the dear- Ltpiberties of the American eit- j irsn, and that the Constitution bequeathed to us by our fore fathers was foully trampled upon! No matter that in the South in dustry became paralyzed, pro perty, insecure ; and a spirit of insubordination iustilled iuto our , laboring population, that often culminated in bloodshed and in i eendiarism! Nomatterthat the National eicutcheon (of which these same hypocrites affect so ,Uiu:h love and reverence.) was all blurred and blotted with dis honor, and that the world sneer ipgly smiled atthe boasted great 1 lies of the American people 1 Atd when we look into the rauscs of these vile acts of usur u pation and oppression, we cannot but regard the corrupt leaders vb iustituted them .with the utmost loathing'and the sequa eiou? opulaeo who supported therewith mingled lmgs of pity and contempt. , . , f No bccsible man will or can, ' "uitTi Any dcgi ee of consistency, attribute , these J acts to sincere convictioa of duty They were not founded on motives of pa tricfUnj, and they were not sug resred by calm and deliberate thought or the majestic voice of wisdom. Nothing of tlie kitHlgufira,recould it accede to unquali wastbonglit of. Things which thcy.once gloried inyrv f6rt Xtnl "The naaies and V samplea ufourlieroea ind stategrncn were ruil Jiirsf 5 rwrenced, and ; the tern lessons ofhistory ( pbilod- opby , teacbin5 rby esaruples r) wcrf,. with the. cxtrao-dinary -cei-bes c Iorther i sclfuS autgc), lnorO, s . Not content with having blun der ed th rough a great war, tub progressive and enlightened " party little relying upon the je- gi 1 1 m ate voti ng popul at on ' for support, set to work with ruth- ies sjiirits to legislate tlmselres into power. This ha? been done, and :ve believe they will continue in power, it necessiry at the poi n t of the bayonet. ' 1 hen cause was and is now jthe common cause of the cori . iunt politician and the bloated bond . holder and speculator. Actu ted by no higher motives, they ; an der the garb of . Patriotism. ap- , to pealed m'a propitious momerj the feat s and prejudices of the impresaible and embittered ex tr'emistsof the North. Uifder the hue and cry of Treason, hey have revolutionized the goviern meiit to which we are alleged to have been traitors. With the insincere acclaim of retrenchment they have increased unnecesjiari 1)' the already enonnotw public debt to an incalculable ex ent. In the name of Peace, they liave conjured up ' all the discordant elements of hell to arouse the worst passions of mankind. A.nd now,! when detected in. thse vile machination?, and they ai e sen sible that the people w ill nc lon ger support them, seated in; lux- ury tfmui the rnins they have ! , . I . . J T . I wrouxni, wita me exninns voite of Liberty breathing reproaches upon them, they with unblushing effrontery, euconrage thestiange' cry now heard through opt the land, that "the Empire is Peace." Cumpromiae. From the Banner of the South j .Compromise is the grave oftruth. A says tne snieiu is clack; litsavs that it is white. The shield must bo cither black or white, and vet they compromise Uy agreeing it is gray. This is a denial oftruth and 'any.edifice built upon such a foitnda tion must pariake of the precairious nature obits corner-stone. Some day ftho stifled verity asserts ijself; somo day it "will not down,' and then the last state f tin's compro mise! business is worse than .the lir&t: Throughout our constitutional history the exemplifications ot lthese piinciples are mourut'ull-y trequnt. ' F o r t h c s ak e o f peace a n d q u ie t n es 8 ' compromise after compromise is reco ded and yet there "a not one of them, that has had any other ultimate effect than to augment ! and exaperpte the evils, of that very entagonism that the compro mise sought to lull into quiescence. Xhereasou is evident. Each party to the compromise has always known and felt that the truth of thecontroversy , whatever that :ruth was, was buried in the com promise, because the compromise was i eith er a' settlement on A's basis nor IVh basis, but on a basis e qt tally unasserted and unbelieved - in by either. And yet, with this plain teaching before us, there are now some who seek.to compromise on the questiou of Race. Some-i and we are proud and happy toj rank ourselves "-.to the throb of heart' mine c tn articulo mortis, in that nu ot her believe that it is the -right of the white man alone to rule i?y this country. Others believe, .or say they believe, that the negro hasun equal right; and between the e two come in some who profess a willing ness to compromise on a quiliiied negro sniTrage. 1; But who is to do tjie qualifying.? Is it to be supposed that theTfunatic sentiment which demands 'tbiit any negro shall vote will be sajtislied vith anv thing less than tnat'W shall vote? And how, negroes even if tbat sentiment trt-rcilling to compromise on qualified ficd white auflVage Ht the same time? Is it not tie very war cry audi oolc argument of this fanatic'sm thRt nKhtK '' should be equal, and if jrou: could jgei it toasMrit tp a 1 iiiinlifipd fiuft'raire for one fate . .x - . -i would it not insist on the applica tion of the very Faroe qualifiejations for tbc other? The bare idea of a qualified negro suffrage is als.iuad a ihouijht as uuivcrsal negro suf- frage itselfand tentirr es as illogica1. And agaiu : Suppose there was; a qualified negro suffrage, say $250 of property and ability Xo read and write; how long would it be before the . whole ' fight would have to be fought over again on the question of reducing the qualification, say, to $150 and abilitv to read alone ? And 'then; when. that was wearied out of us, here would be a fresh contest to still further reduce, and so on, contest alter contes;, until the issue would be just as it is now, that of universal savage 6iiFrare, with this difference that we aie aguiust it in toto and theu would be committed to it by having gran ted the main point in granting the qualification. There is no way, then, of evading this is'ue by a coi jpromise, lor a compromise is a concession (of the issue. Choose ye, then, this day for it is either tl e one thing or the other; either to cry Peccavi anil-throw down the strong weapon of your Consent ; or U stand up against this great wrong now and forever as becomes the blood of 'noble gentlemen, "the descendants of a race of men that have dfctnroned Kings." But this is sentiment! " Then O! careless Gallio! 0 ! timeserving Doeg, you who would forget your dead brethren and your living self, we will touch your, pocket in this thing. Yotk are jot, are yt u n.i? industriously seeking to build up J your shattered fortune and, so this is done, syou care not wliat pnee you pay lor a peace that will ena- , . J , ... , , hie you to do it. We pass by the argument that if temporary negr suffrage'is temporary trouble then, permanent negro suffrage is per manent trouble, and cemetothis point: What goodwillyour fortune do you if, when you have gotten it, the Ticgro '.'stands ready to vote 'it away ? By conceding negro suf -1 frage, in hopes that the concession will leave you at liberty to push the money-hiint, you are sowing the tares among the wheat. , The bad beed ; will grow, ji)m jmssu, with thei good, andlo ! wheu you! say "My slave is, with my consent, my fcllow-citlzcn, but then I have made much money," that fellow citizen' will btep iu.to say, ''Give me of your m nicy that I 'may build schools, and colleges, and hospitals, and churches, aud asy lums for my race. Money to pay tne for making tax laws to take your money away. JUoney thati may alwa;s buy enough ;hase white men to turn the scale against you at every election. Motley to keep f.my foot tipon your neck and my hand in your pocket." j :'f IIow will you answer this ? nd can you, ; as a good business riiati, look for prosperity in any communi ty where one race is upright and industrious and the other is pro fligate and pauper,' and yet the power of disposing of property is common to both ? You would not in your daily business take in a dissipated bankrupt as your partner and yet -'.where is the difference in principle between this and that political partnership that; negro suffrage would be? No, my frie.iul; if it has ever entered into your miod that perhaps, for the sake of peace and quietness, it might be as well to fix up S 'Dis kind of a compro- : mise in this ihing,! disiniss the 1 thought. Immersed In the toils of life as men of htisincssare, it is not surprising that .soiuc such incom plete conception of this great tnal-ter.-should have entered in. Dut cast it out. The main question is one that- does not admit of any compromise, for in its material aspect it simply is: "Whether the earnings of the.vrhitc- race axe to be at the mercy of an ignorant and facile horde of pauper barbarians. CarVnt risings aro reported at sev eral points in Spain. George W. Peabo;ly has made an other donation of cne million dollars to Southern educational purpose ;. Communication has been restored with the Great Eastern, and the lay ing of the netv'-Atlantic cable pro creffees satisfactorily. i " The State depart menthas official advices that among the articles ad- uiiited dutv free i a Great Britain, are wheat, barley, oats, rre flop.r, biscuit and bread, flaur, peas, beans, potatot-s Indian' corn ;aud their j meals and flours. , " " RnfowooD, IUlitax Co., N. C, Joly 3rd, 1SC9. f Dear PlaindeaUr If yoa will allow roe space, I will endeavor to giTe jou a brief account of the doings iu mis section. iae first and br fat the most interesting matter, is agriculture ; which in the language of the father of his country, is one of the most healthful, useful and no ble employments of man. I am not a professed agriculturist, tut I am sure that upon the success of those engaged infilling the soil, depend the success f other professions. The farms throughout this section are looting adrniribly, and if hence- forth, ire have good seasons, Tre are of the opinion, better crop3 will be realized than for many years. June has been dry, giving the farmer a favorable time to kill grass &c, and indeed, we have .seldon seen more cheering prospects for crops than now. Some of our farmers are try ing -the high improvement" jdan, and from present indications, are very certain to succeed. - . The Messrs. .Garretts, owners of the far fumed Welter's Vineyard, have corn from which they expect to gath er twenty barrels jer acre, and ho doubt will if the seasons are good ; out as they take notes, and we ex pect they will furnish their mode of preparing land, &c., to the public, we will tiot go into any details.. An otli r enterDrisinjr farmer in this sec. tU, Mr. L B. Manning has proven bcvoi.d a doubt, that oats can be sue- caUy raised as a money crop. lie obtained several varieties of seed from Pennsylvania farmers, and any one who now looks upon his fields flowing in golden beauty, will see that ! u: l.i. -ii . i '. his labors will compensate hitn grea' i ly. W e expeet t6 see, ere lcjng, un-I uci m ligut oi developments now ! .j . u I-!.. e i i . t being made by th energetic farmers ; pf the" country, small highly impro ved farms, Yielding more to their owners than large areas poorly culti-i vated could ever be made to do. In deed a complete revolution is taking place in the farming, mind, and no doubt for the better and if we can once more have freedom and liberty once more have the sunlight of peace and good will to reign through out all sections of the country we may yet be prosperous and leave i p?-ospcriy in store for the rising gen-' tat eration. . L Our village was the scene of a Pic Nic occasion on Saturday last. Many young and beautiful ladies from this and Nash county, accompanied by their beaux, were present, and all seemed to spend thoday delight'ully listening to the soui-stirring notes of Pomp's violin, while some kept pace in the misty mazes of the dance." The Editor of the "News" was pre sent, and if his heart is not like Stone, we rather think. he's in love at last. The weather is extremely warm and dry, which the farmers say is the very th ng for cotton, but as I am no farmer, I would prefer rain in mod eration, for a lazy man can find com fort no where. G. E. M. Mr. Solomon Pool, Assessor of the Fourth North Carolina District, lias resigned. This is the President of the University of North Caro Una. j SPECIAL NOTICE A THEJUINO INCIDENT rn ll' in bsion life of Sirs. Insalla, in Bormab weiltfl'l in ibo "Baptist Jlessenger," rtlat- i:ig how she was sent for to visit ono of the PuJ(iU':st high priests, who had been nearly k lietl; and i bow, while in the most holy placs in their ieui.le, where noue but the priest had ever before been admitted, she was permitted ur.rebuVed (o use for htm the sacred vessels which Done but high priest dme touch, and lo even overturn V'l sit on one of their gods to rest ; all through the magicMaanenee of lbs Pdia Killer, czWti by theei the '-God medi ine," so successfully had vhe used it in cur iua their many diseases, some of them consid- e.red heretofore fatal in that c'imtc, amor J which were chokra, liver complaint, dypep kia, the bites of renoinoas riilrs, &C. This ! peaks volumes lur the Fain Killer. Lmdrm Timtt. l'.er. J. E. Clougli, Ufesionary it Onjjole, Southern India, writes: We esteam your Pain Killer very highly for rcorpiaa stings, cholera, &.C., and cancot very well get aloag whboutit." Rer. I.D. Colburn, MioDry at Tavay, Durmah, writes: -I shall Ue harpy to asaut in extending a knowledge of a reaiedy so peedy and effeciual." Mountain Bulter, RFXEIVEP FEESII EVERY WEEK, At WALTQ'S, mPDLE STORE, BRICK BLOCK. . JjneS 19 If NEW ADVERTISEMENTS;' FOY'S SCHOOL STANTONSBURG, N. C The Seventh Session will opea Anrt 2nd, '69, and continue twenty week! COURSE - EnKlih, CUicl and Math ematical ith French and Natural Sckncc In point of cheapnes-, the ratet cf tuition will compare faroraM y ith thoc f ant achool of iqnal grute in the State. It fa tne earneatdete or the Principal to build up a School ct cons-an Uy incrrasixg patronage, merit and oaetnlncsa, ani to aecure auch a reulL he ill 'evotc ertrr energy of rn rd and IxkIj. lie deaira i.o aucccs tl.at doca not re, upon aterliog mcni. Utnce im ro-ttn it ami wv.I be, "TiioBoroHstsa." The Principal la filled with an ardent educational teal and labors haid and heartily to pronitjtr the bcit in terests of hi pupil He therefore not unreasonable calculates upon the cxhili tion of equal industry and concern on their part. Xo uL't p4rto, sul v ftmi, lmf4 or tmaJl, if found to h utfrrigAly trilf, viff kneed to rtmmm m tttttukfr tha Scha.1. HUnutliodof in' ruction and the cha racter of th text bocks employed are calculatetl to quicken the intellect ud fac ultici of his pupil into a peely and vi orou hCtivity. S confiden- is he of Ihi ing ab!e to meet the expectations of hi patrons, that he cheerfully guaranirtg the aati factory progress 'of every pupil pos sessed of even ordinary intelligence, jm-m-i-M the Parent or (iuardian will attend ne or more of the Regular Monthly Kx ami nations t-ifSo Progress or not Pro gress enough no pay, an-t the Parent can act aa Jndge.mH2 The School has btcn noted for its cxccll nt discipline in the past and every posiIIe effort will be made to sustain Us good reputation m this and other particluara. Bo rd can be secured at moderate rates in the neighborhood. The countiy around Stantnnsburg pos sesses all the elements that are repaired to constitute a desirable sect run, such as health fulness, morality, absence ot all incentivi to dissoluteness, &c. n.l parents .n m- lecting schools for thtir sons WJ katt an ty$ to tuck advantage. TERMS (enrrency) per Session of 23 Weeks. MALE DEPARTMENT. Elementary . Branches f 12 .V) Rcjrular Enlmli (Jourc with or wltliout I Natural Science 18 & tlissie ..................... 0o Prsnoli . fWl Book-Keerin s oo Contiugeui Fej 1 oo a - iraMiaii aa-a a a a a Terms same as la the l!a!c, aneu the ttndiea FEMALE DEPARTMENT. c " Music, (Pi iftno). whh ne of Instrument, f ?5 00 SUIIIIIIirilirilriirNoiiJaS Though one-half of tnition is jm'aMcin advance, this will not lo iusUi d iioii Vir full Tmcmpnt 5n s.lvatic ir i-ti discount. i.mckiit Intmetre4se4 In otlirr oriim-.i-ntal brauches will bet-nipped li-n iired't. ; For further infoniitttiun smi1 lor a rlff-u'ar to j. n. tor. Sunloni-bur. ". C U--3-r.m July Sd, 1G0. Important Facts I SEE WHAT TOO CAN GET AT THE. 1W JEWELRY STORE, IN BRICK BLOCK JUST HELOW THE COURT HOUSE, NASH STREET, WILSON, N. C, SIGN OF THE BIG PATCH. d. vi.unHuiDr.nLum, bas JnLt received a fine asortrjcnt of SILVER WATCHES, CLOCKS & JEWELRY, such as LADIES SETTS, DUE A ST riXS, EAR RIXGd, FOUt PLAIN COLD RI.NG3, SHIRT LTTaX3. V.TCH CIIAI5S, GOLD PEXS, SILVER THIMBLES, 4e., 4c. PLATED WARE. DIXIXO AXP TEA KX'.VEd, TABLE BPOOXS, nCTfEH KX1VE5, .c. I Intend keeping a good astortincnl In this line. CLOCKS. Every fcimily abonld have a GOOD CLOCK ; so call at CHAMBERLAIN'S and -ct oue. Prices from 15 and upward. SPECTACLES. I keep the beat article of Spectacles that are manufactured. TERRESCOFIC, PARABOLA and PLAIN GLASSES, at all prices and to suit all age. JTJLTCllES, CLOCK mud JKIJ'ELRY ILKPAXXLED "- te lt vwnntr ty icmrrw'rd. k SHEET MUSIC ordered and furnlahcl at Fabliabcrs price. Beat ot rercreaee circa. S. W- CHAMBERLAIN, PKACmCAL WATCIIHAXEB, wilsox, x. a. July . isca. U-2MT " FIXEST BRAXD3 OF Bourbon and Rye Whiskey, For sale at CraAon's Old Stand. 8. B. WATERS A CO , AjraJa. Jaaa1tC9. ; HCY ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW DRUG HOUSE; 3. V. WALTOX JAVCS WIIXS Tb aaderira4 reTctfaI?y aaaona la the people of WjUoo aai aarroMilac Cosa- Un, UwU tbey kt ope4 at ia im4 rcet j oerapledby Jao. McBride aa Javclrjaitfrc, A SEW STOCK OP CHEMIC And ara veeaiy la receipt of Trch. SarrUca, thai caa b arp cJ by bo oo. W daatra to call pelal aurvUoa to car stock of new rccacdW, asck a th BUa)(a( Cthoa,a snre aol spcedj ear of Ncttou HcaUacbe. Saeri Q alulae, ainirably adaptr4 to cLlldren; aad tuaoy mW lai imj rorr-tn. Dl. Our stock of Fancy Articles aava arrir brcu arpa4 In iLU vicinity. racket and Drvaaiag Comba, of tha fiucu order. llair, Nail aad Tooth Bnubea, (EnflUb). Toliet 8ops, r fooery, Uair Dyra, fouaoca, ad Suuiooery. Oar stork of CIGARS aad CHEWING TO BACCO cans be bcatrn aaj wUeta. V cur dUy Intlle oar friends aad the paulte to rail aad examine. Prescriptions carefully eonpooaded at a.l tlmaa. Persoa Lblug medietas at blbt, will flad us lorpluK lo the affic of Mr. O. W. WLU field, adjoioieg our store. WALTON & WILLS. Wilson, Jnca 29, Ib&y. 11 ly WILMINGTON & WELDON U II CO, .TON & WELDOX It. II CO i Cnitr Kso.& Gt.x Scr'r. V klngtun, K. C, Joljl, 1B9. ) OrricK or Wilmli EXCURSIONS to our SEASHORE, FORTS AND BATTLE FIELDS. PXUUUSIOS TRAIN'S WILL BE It UN m conntTtion with SU-aini-ra fro h al points on this road, as well aa Cot-Dttti g road., to c.rry t-xc rsionUta t tLc tx-a-sidcat Sj:. ith villi-. Fort Ca.wcll, Kuhti, Am'crso.i anil tlie uumcr us otber Orkc kivo works constructed daring tb 1-U civirwar. A bo will tako in Land tht acconulut ons for rxcur-io..ista on the 3abor anl at Smituvillet , 8. L. FREMONT. Eng. & Bup't. julyO 23-lt. WILMINGTON !t WEIDON R. R. CO- Ufru a CMiar Eso. A Oai si r r. f Wniuuitou, .N. C. Jau lbC9. TO EXCU11SI0NISTS. TOSUPrLT AH'IiLlCUEMAXD.NOTICE U bcrt 'of t.vtn ih-t x. ar.iati triu of lUrrv c.ir or lo't mill run otir snj pait tf tui ruj lor a c.siai.re ot n.iy tulle tr more uon ttm r ! f rei'f'oakiLi (riles tbt u ar out !cm tUau out duitar p.r uU.a ruu (oue way.) Ou ucu trains t-McBKtrs aUl b rrrl-d t iberatftoflwo ccuu )kt rolia ifotnf and re turning, tqual to our crtit cr utile rwli j For a Utrurr auiubcr of cars a i ropoi tioaal :u . crcare to Uc ctiicvd. P. I- FREMONT, CukfEax. A Suj.'t. Jun29 :-i-3 . . F. W. ROHLEDER, Aokst kor as. a to.i OtTers ta tLe trade, at prices to suit las limes, DRY GOODS, Ready-Mado Clothing,' GROCERIES AND LIQUORS, in Taitet. A call is all I ak. - T. W. ROHLEDEIa. Jleat. Jur.a 16 30-Coi For sale at CrafWn' (ld Suod. 8. B. WATERS A CO, Agta. Jane 8, 1S'5. BEDFORD Alum and Iodine Springs, NEAR SEW VOX DOS, BEI'FnUO CO., VA. The subtctlber takes ptaanre la aaaoaacia lo bis friends and tbe public generally, that tM celebrated Wau-riox FbK U now 0-a for I be reception of vl-lto.s. lie pledges I imflf t:at every effort will be made to rmdcf tbe a-or-tnodallon second to nose la Virginia, Sod tb fare shall b tbe very bet tbe marlu-tean aBord. A convevanre will iaei lh Trains at Forest D pot on tbe Vlrtlui aod T-ietec iUi rl, 10 mile above Lyuchbnrr, aad 4 nailta ftom tbe Spring. TERMS: 3 ria bat, f 19 rta wstc, $70 mi mostm Special contrscis wltb froille,Jtc. CLiiden aad Servants, balf price. " 8cnd for Fan; bin " JuiiS K KTLE, Manam. June S3 il-lra LOOK IN At the New Brick S tore, NEAR THE RAILROAD. . EI. . CLARIS. i SIT 'SEW BRICK STORE OX B.IK NT 8 STREET. BEIXO COMPLETED. I HAVE MOVED MT 8T0CK OF GOODS I5T0 THE SAME, VTber I atatl be pleased to aerve aa my coa tOBcr. FLOUR, cl aa grUe. 1fXAL,lUvery beat. FORK, BAC05; Eldea, EbocldcrsaaJ ILvb.. M0LAS5ES, tCGAES aad COFFEES, caxdles. eoAra, lte. BFCN COTTON, SUEXT1X0 aad PLAIDS. Larje Lot cf OLD DOJtl.MOX 5AILS, CAXDIta.SXCFFS .1 CDEWI.XO TOBACCD, fine aad low pjaiea. AXD ALMOST AXTTH1X0 ELSE. Havlnx brw appolBUd Arret for a larr CIGAR MANCFAClUktr. 1 wilt oefy aJlrHa pelltloa, wbnli la ar retail. Feraaaa wUklar C1GARA wUl do well to catt. A 1(. lUSk. NEW AOVCnTISEMBHTg. C. B. STRICKLAND WoaU Wg U o n lb aUnuM wf taa dilva oT Wno aai arroadi( aai Wa t taa ftMt. that b la ao reetlrUx rXX&U ADDI TIONS t kU already lCLL STOCK, . XmA If tky an ly favor aiaa Ha eafi aad rtaia'ae U OtOl?, taej U be eoaivtacad af ia bet taM a u Oclllngthcm Low. II U aou la "qvics aatsa ai svatx raov m,aa4 tcarT7cmtaaBaaaraaalrka iytatka 4 Onc-Prico Hjntem. trrry aa aaay b aars tVl a barcala eaa ta aadoTblai altboM coaaaaatrr bia aad laatr Tlut.: tlBM la tolas la Uaa aavm Ua artoa of aa article. Trmma frota & roaatry, iWluaf toa ta fartrbaM coo4a aul eaaaaU latr liHnu Im Bad ( STRICKLAND'S STORE 5ear iba fVpot, before soakiaf tbelr i MiUoa, A. C. Jafiat E. ROSENTHAL, JUNE lit, 1669. I bare t8cd tbU day caj ticoxD xi vr stock or SUMMER DRESS GOODS. I Lave the pet:Jet slock af Dr Iiaatd o that laa bvrw kciettk i aanet. Uttif J ax niHcl a rw Uh o( lUe LA TUT St I LL. AIo, , - BLACK DRESS SILKS, . SILK TAUASOLS, LACE SHAWLS k MANTILLAS, COHSET, of all iixcf, IlborSKIRTS,fmallandtitrsite. la fact i t tork mw ajrw rvsat !rte. kit B hST C.I Hi 01 rmU4 U 15 ttm!, jr 4; fc4 quality X1J cr.is. AUo, recelvr4 aad pnrd lo day, a new aaoak 4 READY 'MADE CLOTHING, itttimtre and Linrnt,f ALL f Ilti, And ilwayi on Lxad xA reocired mtklj. a fall stock ofLAUlIA' HIjoch and d ixi LerM, . f l. Hi 1 stn bartor ctaafartartd to'oiser, aad I..U I fuvuirf. 1 b ukmi lur pat farora, t rerelfaPj aak a cuausuaaee of itt saine e. icusentiial; on Co ait HoM aaar. Juce 1 )a if ' ECTew Store! Tie salcNbrr lue Jaat f j-rsl at &tr JlltU'lC lllXHK. corm;k of n ami and6uldboeobtj' A gtod jottui a Staple & Fancy Dry Goods, NOTION'S AND CLOTHING, D00T3 AND SHOES, Mi:r am novel iiA.'ix. cuk:klrv and glaware. iutr. WAI'.K AMilJOLLOTf TfARE, , KF.P.OSCNE OIL A.ND LAMPa. FINE FAMILY GROCERIES, N. C. FLOUlt IN SACKS, MACKEREL, Ac. Ac . I wow trfflulu; kU rrr tl r-r.rrbM. asade lo New Yt 'k -4 IU'iiiae, wtlea be oSrra i f F.LL AT REAWNAP.LE PBICEK FOR CAMI OR IX KXni 1X0E FGR PEOLFt E, aad b;ra t. rece.v a har. f PATR S. A'JE OF THE rt'ELIC. M. V. JAItVIS, Ackxt. Wr.s.a, Msy t.ivrj. C. J. ROUNTREE, aWBRtCK rrORK OX rCk,OlXZ TRtaT, a rxw Tatr-d adovk iuk cvuaT curx KUARE.,X WILSON. N. C.t 07rrs to lb paMie, acd etpicUny t. tit pen f.Ua vf tbe vdiity, a aiock l Drugs and Medicines, wbk-b Id r- lol of va'lrly L sevT brrst ral led la tttia rofomunUr, at.4 ta lk prJ a4 excfiittcm trf wtich L tartiia prltmwml arrutinjL lie aiAbaa la store aa aorlcs4 ttt PATENT MED!CINL:0, roaUUx toaSbtv of tbnae wkkk bae .poi vf rr km; trial ta otr a.Ut a4 froa w b b ear I fkm to raavaAa all won), law a4 stkauaa kutUiiM. At&onr o4Ut hu m tw be fi end la Lis stork FOR FtUll.T L'SK are Dy t, ft ln, (atvroaad), aad Flawriwc Ea. trarta. Frfprr. k'.'ylrr, Clitgrr, OvmasMW. CVrea, Ai-. cror4 uC warraai4 rsar rcrt.r rraa. ma, llif Dje aa4 etbcv UUr arUctre. Alao, aa OU ljr tit llair, ta pa-waft a ta tore, ca be tttve.oeadd as pkaaaaai, bwF tial a&4 eroacwulr ,. La.irl C4rUa m oCcr4. U rraaove Craass Pt-ou, Ac, l . whb IUtieWlbevCt waive aaa4 4 lb acta, aad rhaprv. nf da Maio' as4 Orpowar Oaly awed a Utal. -riy Fart' dVatrojs ties wtih aairry aad cowvraicacwk Laia at4 (U. Lye aa4 Soda, Btatlowary, a Ac , o 4r.rlM i 14. 11c la coeataaUy reeeirlef a variety of Faints, Oils and Vamlihc; wfcUb are aokl vary law. tiTfnirTyMM an ytunAJ trie I rt. l'erm watner oflldJt at atf.il w.U Cvl a c!e k iSepii ra Ik atf.swl la abort.1 la 4rtmale4 ifcai aotaiac aaall be lo, try aae b for iUawkb salic la qaaUiy .! arUcJca, as etcaa rWpl lor I Uw. -frtroWwa LaWa'Jsf O L" for aacUbary, j4 reeclf ed aad for aale rbcap. Jim I I1ECEIVED WEEKLY MIDDLE f TORE, HICK BLOCK. . ill. i

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