4 cc&, . .A viLott autv so joa?. ;t C. Si McDANIEI : : EDITGIL i t ' .T t, - iL I We .pauiisa - ewwueiB, we "I v of rmr correspondent H. F. r ai.tr v? t IF -Ls'-lhesnarliuc: stricture of ifofMr. 7L thiJ bcrtl TlUJC and Raleigb ) o j ilA ' , . - . J i'r r ; , - " ; i , rUUUUi ; VJ w urgoon ot the Tost an flpconnx or tne ecuiowu i;uc- I7. ixnt3e from' tnU placo "to gmiuivSUc Wjb hereby endorse all tliat pur (conepon-ent- says in hh vind catiou. Wc expected that such sheets as the T wes and the Stapdard would pretend to take ofTenee at the allnon to the flag ; lh4t they would howl pf "disloyaUy4 and "rebellion.' Ve .vere . not . t disapjiointe'd 1 I 1 . . A. . IM.n AVk-kMA " Br SV pome. . Soch epithets neither . . w jrtoi disloyal to tfcc Governruent; nd so long as "tho flag was the ' flag of a free people, we did not loathbit. ' In other days, before Kadicalisra' catpe into our conn cilsto blight the beauty end ; prusn out tnc iio 01 is govern 'nentaj fabric, Vp proudly, march pd'beneatb its folds upon the tioil of tyeVico, seclilrig the' de fence of American rights and tlie 'vindication of American! honor. Now that it is the symbol of despotism and the emblem of hate tor the people of our love, . yro cannot love it, and we ynako no hollowand sycophantic pretence to tho feeling. When- tiro Jopie ot our section suai 1 nlfbev fcstoreil to the rights of citizenship when the people "of our sepuon, sjiau npppruiiiwu tcpresentit tbV which 1 j;'fi6t farei-;' cal bqr ' ; insulting yb the; Stlte J-'of the South, shall occupy Hhelr iprQp- ppsitionr m - the U ovepmentr,; we may " cease' tf sptak disiiaragiBgly: of thaXa-. tiotiat -tajgiri ; sbi;t until tihcse thhl,hU 6oracvo hare ncith-i prTnorpectfbrit, and wq thMl .ertalnly pfofcss none.r 4 Therrcsidept has issued a pjoclat niation .designating tho 20th of No- yepier for the vote on tbe coiistitu iqp adopted "by ilcu Austin, Texas, fJonvcntioDj'bii ib4 1 otli of J nne. No cxcpptibnatclatiscs are! to be to-cdi:Aipc!r-th vtotd 'being' for 0 figafost tflf ppnst jtution J , , ' A" proclaxnation ordering the Mis issippi. cieynon on 1110 iounu a.ucsr - da'in Novdmber, has been sighed b i 'the President. It submits to separate vote the disfanch'weraent clause, the ineligibility 1 clause, the restrict tioTof th State from lending money m?W. $r coming siock. pcucra m. corpouon..-. tuVits tQ separate voto part of tie oalhj of pfp as follows:1 "iliat I haTO jTierer a J iftember c,f aiijr conTtjtpa toted for At signed ary ordbance- pf secession; ; and (hat X haTfl ncrcrii pember of any State LeslAture,' voted far call of any fonwntiw tnat, passed ny,,su;h ordinanceuv- .It ,ia . nndcrstpod that II pg no part of said constitution . Wft W Washington have advices tt the fo,rpcs ndcr Quesada repprt hxg cature Muting party .neiir an M5c sgpt oat (icn Letona from Kejuvitiis, number ing 75 men. ; w ': The $iban3, him -Crin j SQQ men, encamp on the Sa,gt; Lo Grande , river4, - &xr ' the town of that name, ere: utUcked lby the . Spaniards oodft" ;Qo. il!rittQl,wh.o w.ere three tins . rejulfd and compelled to re . tirf,lTirt.n ljca of their baa gagend'iio field, th Cuban: ; loss wai thirty-fire in tilled and woids . , Ad "eng-gcttftnt i? 1 reported at La Eperirirs, ic which the Spanish trooparrert'jdefeated.' '. Unit Erection, of the tolanteerv . . jnnta.tho property of Cubans suspec ted f fympatliy with the insurr ec- icctiont , fouj to , fifteen, incluv. c TticVothlrtecn! ' vudcr the head ot" ordinances," are considered as form- . : "yi- Jx - -.it' :$ .l.:'-v'.i v:-. . :,it-l- f-.-. j 7711. 1.1.7. "i i ..i '..V' '. : Faiol'aQddr8n'ii3bnr1io$sa ntP wc dec7t .cor ?ryaT p' per ' ' I ' : 7f Tim C'onfcic Ihe friends- and rcTattTw of Hief r..C,..l iiL.. ' ;- ' .. s. i.-yviiicu piwmcrt i una taea Point Tiookout -will bo ilao tn Wrn l'ntnt 'Tx.r.. :n o- - " 0. Srmt.il haiT in his W8" 5P7cct list of all those j wha wew ttried- in the Cemetery set j Dctore h,s cnartnre: It embraces the names of all 0 Confe2Jcate3 inter red n the Cemetery, I eac , nwne 1,anS a puwWjr attached, whiih coircspon4s jihly tjic numbers on the j nca.i tpaFasnarJnn the gravps. fly j means,. the bodies, eeu no in thcdilapidated condition of thc olaoe;! ca bp :rcadil y uWified -,5 A copy bf the jist.is jn lhj cyfe at he office -jf Mr. X Wesley Smitb, Secretary of the Loudon Park Confederate Memo rial f5sociation,'an4 .ono, of the firin oft Smith & Brothers Booksellers, Ao Zl eft jlaUiBfoie street. It can be 'Seen . UPOn .atmlieation. Battl' Gazette-,,, 1 Tp rppf. I.nnd Tf the :'t ..! -.-).;, Bouth.1 ". "7-; ' ta Thera: is om talk of enforcing the collection of tlie direct land tax at the iS0uth.1l The Southern States' shareof .this tax-lrhich 1 amounted to twenty millions among therStatM r-waa si million pof this sum only about three million has been paid iatotthe.Tceasury from tle Southern States." v It" will fee remembered th jt when this amount had been collected President Johnson sent a message to Congress setting fprth that jn view of the porerty produced in the South by the war it would iu many instances be ruinous to that "section td enforce the collection of the ta4 at that timil and recommending that it ba sui pended for some time, so as to allow the industrial interests of the South to recuperate,, It ia stated thatTthe liiAitlqf Um'suspension fixed by:Con gres Ji M-'now rpassed and the flaw . . .. -t - .: ! :1 providing for th levying 'andcolle providing or thjA levying and cQUed- 'j ioiuof thejtaxomesiiiito full fbree i Wain; Al!Jsargue4vby those whlo; ?- . ' j . ah r I I jLtrjge,Uus;proceeding that the indo- triou8.bf the. South have greatly in proved in the interim, that the crops ore ttnSant 'and tbat there is no 1 onger any ex ens'e for delay on the score of pfwerty. AV reary;f th.'rreasury will act upoh tho advice tendered him in this ma A V . - .,.... ... tcr retoains to be 'seen. Wash." C&k. if 1 1 JDAtvrbAixiiE Abtn :-Upon oi 4inttryi 09psimH.oppoae it. would acsrcelrf l considered an fait amorig decetit; tihri td notice, much less re- ply to, articles in the Kcwhern Tirads, j ant no c onservative has gt re batasllenry 6nxttanvrjn3tiye: f,;' t;, :tWfte. Jnft?i , niarks,j J?, tbejrrot times whentjic insigiyfi in he nignitnle of the acQusationl" h .rcn wsuo.ofhe epnn shet to which I have referred, pen tion is made in. terms which, xfiopa iVBr.tahlA fin T.VC7 1 1 would call se .vl,oine Tima nWunce lnsttfferaWv. insolent, of an article, pommunicated ; hy, niyself stq y pur excellent paper.; , The Tmcs copies the. following p rgraph from tnc comniunicatiun to wmcn 1 1 WXltri&tVfc S. flag hnng like a thondcr cloudpyer the place (Sm;th- and ii4i alone marred the vLV - r - V; - U.rA.lir'rrl - ?r V;Ti l jT"j IMm C.iJ!dte-r CONSTABLE ing.O iTnig,-; the band played ,wa90J? township,5 aBd eouctti. the-otes with much ; spirit ' eur glcrious oll uf M Lla Irieud4. , tf V-ctcd, he, pledges an 4DLtlc,i and it. vWAS -muic 6UCll i-arncst effort to faithfully dtsehanre the dutua W.ould iingV' maVa life .long yea rs7 f 'he offli-c. . . j . . s . to hear the notes of tfat Southe: h . Election Tbuiday, rni. ;Atym i r : : air; selling undef the shadow of .7 . a.;4.. BRdwv :the tyrjant's ensign." - . ; J.-i!...- Z Upon thatarticl Sternc3, apdogy of TnnrnaWremarlaWfollQivs: . Uow much longer are articles of tbe kind to dujraee the conservative ! press of the South. Would the stajr spangled banner nave oeen a innnuer clond' and a tyrant's ensign had the Scrmour and Blair ticket been quarter of tbe globe to a section of country where such bitter hostility and bate to the government as appear in the above extract re ptiblishH tnd eindod Jn the public prints? As long aa this hellish spirit is fostcrt ed and mad poblidin so defiant and rebellious a mainer. North Carolina ! xrill look in vain for the capital td devebp her magnincent resources! immigrants - will- eek other Stcs where a loyal people will welcome thorn to all the privileges and rightsj a gyi government bestowv-, and wuorc elected . in he , last rreaiqentiai campaign ? Does Hxe Plain,ucnler ex oect to 1 see 1 immigration front any ' -' - noaood bet infinite harm. " How muelt longerirrarlicU of att&3 kindjp diagram -te Consenra- ivVpres. of th. South ? I i so long aa the stench of auefi political ? in cirrioa as tbe Newfcem Jimei offends the irili of SonthM ( miA: So Ley sance before a flag shich they had nt the courage to defend where brave men strire for victory. So Iohg as oiHcioua interh)perp and their wring ing satellites essay tc teach the doty and njeasuro the desertsiof natirtf Nqrth : Carolina gentlemen. Again I answer, the "Star Spangled; Ban4 ner "! would not bare beea a i thua- der cloud " afad ii tyrant's ensign? had Seymour and Blair been elected. for then it would jliavc been the flag of the.aaon and riot the slandar i of a parttfr -That old - flag has been glorious and dear to erery Southern. heart - The "boys in the blue' from the North anrl fmm thAKftnth.tnrrk ther twinedit with the tronhies nf the Mexican war, and as they fell on pvery eld of glory from :.Rcsacadc la Paliaa to the proud metropolis of the Montesamas, fume -dipped her banner in tbe richest dye that under heaven was found, the welling Yfti blood of; tho American soldier 1 ' -AVe do not iuipijgn the courage of those who bore it through the lato sangui nary war, and to erpry Federal sol dier w lio lores it for its old glories, in the day when it was a type of con etitutional freedoqti, we say, 7lay the God of libeyty smile upon you !" " Hostility1 to the Government."- Government indeed i ? Govemment 'should' be derived from the consent of tlie people and exercised for the good of all, and' wljen' 1 speak in disparagement of a banner thai floats, for the protection of sf yarfy, I certainly need rousfc ho feelii i ' xi' -'.i 1 "1 ... ?-. ins ol nusiiuiy against a governmeni .the 'Rad?t f "party liWKe, .:; T ...'.. iii ij ". "V 1 P0!0 Lpuisrthinks thatYt the4 pompos louis, xmnKs tu Stf thrust is'ininiicaYtQ iKtf wrnw Stnto T iDfl thf n" thrnifnt' no "lTl.; in wliat X h&ve' said and ''are' indigo nan t at the outrages in1jrctedfpii their najr U Iipmigraits Vil "' seek'"' other ci'.vfi'",-1 rPi :, livLjWi'. Sta es 1 hat is jdst what jwe ajt if the Immigrants DO Such' ''as ' the ..' !: . ....!:: !j ' ; "4; r ? i lines wojiia eicome, ana .none qtleri will feel ag rieyed qr he 4c- tcrrea by such articles as'tliat b in ThelaTnde'alpr.- - ; ; ' In conclusion, let me call the fat tehtiop cf the 'jf iwea to the fapt, that i the article has rbeen.'out over a week nueniiai reason, the tact that tnc Times lias suggested a reproof would set upon every ..good man's lips the seal of silence. ,M., F. H. NEW ADVIIRTIS-SMNTS. For township Cdrislable. Tbe subscriber respectfully announces- him-lfa-Car.diJate for CONSTABLE OF WI L SON TOWXJ.HIP, jaod" solicits tbe roles of h?s frleiids.' If elected, he pledges hlmsjlf to a faithful discharge of the dutffaS of theofQce. ; 7 8. Mj llARpiLLi July 'JO . .. i . 3o-te pQn fownship ConSble. ' r vT k ! Th wdc,i-ned respectfully announces j .;PJU1 J F YPlirinh ! MrailU t-AbUl OlUIl I From WiliuiiiKton, Goldsbcro,' Wilon,'Tar hoto. Rocky Meunt. Eafleld. Wetdna and 11 inter nifd ate places to Norfolk, Virginia of three days one day going, one day to visit Old. Ruint Oo'iafnrr, Fortress Monroe, and .tlie Cpes of Virginia, and one day returning.' To ocrupy the 20thj 21st and 22 1 ir.stanl. Train to lea to Wilinington at 4 Vvck, a.m. on ih23b. aa t ariire at Parttmoutli at 4 30 p. m. - Ketoris leave oriMaouib at 6.20 a. n and arritif j in Wilkin at 8 p. ia- 1 ickta for the round t'p as foMows : ' WDoiinpon sad iatenaediaif points. ..S5 09 Maonatrni . 4 ei Mi. Clire 8 1 7 " " " 4 J Qoldsboro, Freotoot. Wilson, Iarbro,.. 4 00 Jovner'a and E-t-kj Mm'J . , . . . . .... 3 75 BWeboro ...... J.; ... ... & 59 Laeld ...... .. . i . .. ..... 3 2- Halifax 00 Asta-er caa be chartered for trip to the Cpes. Old Point, A?'., tor J50, that will car ry CQ0 passeuaers. " f. A fieri s ill be snplied Tith dctftj for tb TJBnd trip": , - f S. L. rBEMQXT. ! -r Kof. it.filipt. ': tVi?ming C. July 12 . , . 2i-lt wMicott u. uSykpf kite vu seat for to viaii ooe of tke ',. . a . r f r , wU ibrt ibe rrtnt had r )ffor len,ajm1ued, iU iu ermlUed bom but hlf h jrit drs Ioucl., tod tmBt-Bd sit wtbw of tbr fwl an tkrsblL totficBBaeoec fib P KiUr, cllrJ by Item the '-Cad medi- iie,"'o eacceMfinj kad e.iit - it In cur. ins Heir but d'.seaea, iome of tiem eemid- ered heretofore fa.tal Io ikU dinute- emong wUich.re cholera, Hyer !'qpcoslai9W lPPr kia, tle biiee ot Tenuous; tf pijw, e.f Tbie pJ3 v)lmc jot' tbe aiu lu!ier!l ZoitJou ' Ber. J. E. ClougV; JliisitrfcTjr a OsgOlt,' gof tberi Jndiik, Frite: fWti ftlptin jftur cholera, tc, end caonot very wU gel 'aWbr nhoatlb VT. f Barob,nriU: ., hII b.hjp7 tf .Msist iaeitendipg knpirWgt: of reij . peed j an effectoaL" - 7 ' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS., :' 'j 7. : : CIRCULAR. Ihe Seventh Sessioa of J. H. FOTS SCHOOL, -at Staatonsburg, Wilson Co., Vi-Ci -opens -Attgtut 2nd. 1869, and son tinuea twicftty mekCieo . 1 - ... . . COUIt-E-EftglisIi, Classic! and Math. f;matical w itu French and Natural Science. The foHoWing are some of 111. d-tinguiBh-njg features of this School . .., ,. ' FtesTU ia an ittfiexi(.la.;rti- (nl io carry i$ out fully disciplinary measures of --"n "-;viii lam.scf win ue TTSorrpn to Jtrr, niil tfcr, correcUvfa.' m4 itiaiulatiye navo ja iieu j 4 that eyeryf pupil, lartf or saiaii, mme or .eniale, itM.iaKe decMcd and seas:' IcimprovcuieaC'jO' Seco5d In 'Eiemcntiirj Matberraticg pupils are subjected to a jieii ddilv drill in the most txhanstive wo-k on Mental Anlamctic and Cental' Algebra now be I'u-e the public. This method of instruc tion throws a vast araiinfe of labor j)on the teacher, ; but is of incalculable bcnetlt to the t learner, f.nho. URdtr paticn nd thorough, culture, 'iviU in, a surprisingly short tinie, learn Utf to Use hU facoltio in the mvc$tiratioa. and rveolntiun i f dicfi cultiei j lie who has learned t tbiulc, i alrc-wrlV mre than halt educated. ' - j;Tn'iiij.--ParteularUttcition will be liM W twlt. hay ipg a brkptntJ bearing not, however, to tljp ncglpct of tho-OjOt. a UoVSet.o1k'H)rteHaiiter' 7n Latin, (Irtek .d i:rcfip'iKia addition ito tlie cu-Uma-v translation-, from test books), dail" '.writ- ien ferpifccs, wiiu Cjmtacticni citations mraueonstr actions, wiu.lje required from i ISdyanr -ej pupib, , , ,4 .FQVKTjr. A(Vtj,haviug imdjip tbe P- pafitort Cotirse, Students X be. allowed ! o select a college i can leulu in; i but from Wbiin C;!tenfCo?.t)ie;rgre;..t draught.; upon rthe teachers time, don" V ra cs of tuition will invariaby xi vequirixl. r . ' tuition will invariab y Ui requirtxl ! FiFTt.IlealAiand Rijrill Pnbii- Ex- asaina ioas ftvery. mouUj,. at., which t'-e ig of each , pypi T for tli e "pivce1 i ng stand n "Wonthv'.i: tbe nuuibcr and'Oaallty of his pitn, wJUbe. re8d opta.arittcn n portof wmc trHnsniitted. by Ria to rent or enardian.- ' ' ! Iji.'-. . . ; rent or guardiau Sntnt. In orilpt to tTdftiop and prrcour- k : pm t : em ui4 1 y h Jbeal liarc Qf the income of the Scl.ool will !' an- pl.cd ekcfi'fecssioa to the purcha3tj 6f hit- sustain thu most-creditable . examinations. CertigC-itenf nieU will rbc awarded .to those'who,' withrftt dlstlngt'nsMng thcin Siilrct in the entire icrursCi display couspic uousjaicritia one.or ajcue jlepartiueuU of stifdf;-. 1 '77' 7 11 "V Sl-ift V rf!t ' care " will ' e 't'akeu hat the tliscipl ine s1nl 1 n ot be reiulsively stern., CpuftRsytcaclra am) fellow pu pils. dHigcqrie in mdy, toge'iher with dec otous condnct chiel and ok, re de niandcji by the Kegulations of tbe Schtxil. In ,tl;e sti; prcssion of iado!e ce or1 vice, before ' resortrng t ha- w asnr, he Principal -has .Uen,ia tbe. habit of thr Qughly exhaiuting a!l mgan9 of a kind and persuasive character. vflis experi-nce goes 19 pr ve t!ait iri the majority of enscs Livj ia a. more efiicauoua ipeans of gjvern liiieiit thiin'Fear,' whatever other educators may tlih;lt; . '; ,j riopin. In yieftnuntorstudj exact ed fr-iu each pupil, dpe, regard will be paid to age,; constitution; 6tate bf health, A.c. i Par. nts at a distance may rest aau red that a constant and vigilant fupei vis ion wilMe exercised over the health and Dior.-Is of their children. :i .a ft .'i5. th 19 money willfc be ( taken from any patr n whp, after ttltvnding the Public Exauilnati n shall fail to - le -perfectly fcitii-rictl with h,e progress of his child nr v.arl. :Tlii feature is honestly ificorjior ated ai a jrn!iranec ot hrd work tm the part of 1j il ipstnctor aad the intruv-te.L Tmmi.-A Litcrarv Sucipty will he fos- terptljvy the Piifipal, an(l u'.l ntipiU pf sutTicient auranccnv tit wl I lc required to participate in iu diecwwUu ayd crercisea. TERMS (currency) per- Session of $0 .t ; . Weeks. v.. . 7 MALE DEi'ABTMENT. Elementary BTtnchj- tV2 .r0 KosraUr Enfrllah Courtr,.. ...k-... is 0 I lawica r 2j 0U Trvnrh' '' 5 Ort 4tHiteiu-1.-... j ... .. & 00 CouiincHit Fee'fwoad aod reptlra, pen- , xlUt, petia, 4a.)v"-.-'i i I CO FEMALE DEPAr.XMF.T.. .' T"erma'same"ailn tbe Male' when tte'aainei etudiee are ptmtrNU i j , , - " . , Mnsic, (Pl&no), with tLe of Iiatmnient, f iS CO Bnwiae 12 CO ocat Mtic - Nocbof. t By the esUbllshed rstom ef it Elgh Schools one half of taidca is eltrars py- able n adranre, Bui as money is arce tLiirule wil he waived for the present. . u j. it. ror. July a), , . tjva-Sa. J A. J, Morrisson's Brand Superior W HISKIES. W are sjrott for tie abote eeebraled Crawl of Whwkey, and aolieit orders for aatoe. Cratum's Old Suad. , S. B. WATERS A CO, Ai,etK. ' JuneiSv-J. V. ablp 03tclai3 pr othw prizes for distribution J A" v "ttw ",e oi .aaw ,,,. h oi. im,';i ' -. ;a !.. . i. i decca-ed arc hereby nt;ne1 to ral i-iiiiril- amogg tU se-uupils w h, in i the judgment aUj paj.m,.B,, mnd uUe hp via? cl..l, tHiau of a competent Board of Visit&ra shall . ;,, ,raini il --..7. r h, IS. SPEECl, Would Inform the ritixe&i of T-Km aid urroun Jiag Chanties, that Le has ojirl THE HEW BEICE STOEE. ok ooxBoao a rku r.oxK vexjx nxicn tbe coi:sB or sasu gvxrr,'AiiD' DIKXCTLT OPrO.-lTE THE COVET UuCiE. and ii t.ri.narr.1 In offer them a lirr en.. . - ;Tric4 stock of q -t r J f Ridv-Mdfl 'cinf hif.n i' of the best and mod durable - Fetaica. 1 Gents, Touths au4 Ctilirea'a HATS. DRY aipODS of all kiads. eorr.prWna an uncquilled line of DOMESTICS, Gl.XU- DOOT8 AND GHOE3, oX tbe neatest and tr.ugnt Jmaktor laoes, dents, Kovs, 3Iisoe and t Uua.or. )nrTT IT!4 .nil ITM.tnMa ia the greatest variety ;' ami a fall and ,. tpruplctc stock of ; ,.t , . -Millinery Goodn, 1 ' cuiprfIng5 i ' TUimiKIi ASJ UXTHUIHED HATS AM 1SOXXET. RllibOXS tf Uu. LACKS. F.MMiOlDKltlES, AKTI' ' tU Lll. HOJl'KMX, 4., f . 1t Orders for 511. inerv Work will receive the special atUntion of Mes- SPIt:R : ' Call and examine our stock . and com. pare oar prices before purchasing where, to satisfy jourself (l)'at Vc arc we claim to bo . , v:k. . The Cheapest House in Town ' July 20 . Selling Off ! Io order to mke room for vmj Fall Block, I am now selling SC AIMER GDQli AT 0ST! A fine rpporlunity U thus cffeiej the peo ple of Wilon and ridnity to ruppty Utem- J selres at Wholesale Prices I ' Mr stock was bonght low, and tl Idiea eiipeclallj', will find ri w lfn tf DRESS QOOWt'sp,e beautiful siyles, aitonUhinly i'aP. . Call early if you r.tnt B A R Q A I N 3 1 . 1 AT n T RTRTOTC Tj AXD'S ' L A Akl-lV UiVX U J. tv o ' ' ! - "-j x TOl TnE DEBTORS A5D CRKDIT0R8 OF JOSEPH s. BUlD(iKU, dee'd, Uio of i -,e ' CopniyorWlr.Qn, U. V. - Oa tbe nluth diy ot .la y, A. I). l'.OO, la the Court of I'lOkite for Wil .. County. Lt-tu-. 1 1 Administration Ufun tho eute -Joet Brldypi''", dce'd, l.itcof 6..UI County, were 1uly rr-uu-d or said court totlieftnbfCrtOer, wuoai tuc tame time viu quj tame time viu qua:iaed a aJmlnUUatru. ) , of the said doceaoed lu due form of law. aruiost ed are requested to prevent thera for paymcai to tbeauJerilcr u or Itf Ute the flrat day ( October, 1S70, or they wlil he barred of rcccV er), by virtue of tbe Act of tbcWrrdA-tciz bly of. thin Smiv, lu tact) ac . mado ana lrt wlA.t . . : . . . CATilARlNE BRI DOERS, ' f Adinhitstratrfx. 25 uw : L90K 1 n At tho New Brick Slore, NEAR THE nAiLrtOAD'ir lJl' 2SEWf irr.lC 5TOKE OX BApKES STREET. BEIXG C0MP.;T.:i. f .Vt. J10VE11V STpCK OF UOODSf, 1 ' INTO THE SAijK, Where I abU be pleased to iftnre all my eas- uniier. ! . . j : : , . tl ui FLOVrr U grades. , , , meal. . very beat, POR5, BACQ!; Hlfiea, 8loalders and IIui. HOLA85ES, SUGARS and COFFEES," CANDLES, SOAPS, LYE, SPUN COTTOX, SHEETING atd PLAID?". Larje Lot of OLD DOMINION NAILS, OASDILS.JNUFFS, CHEWING TOBACCO, 'floe and low gmf. AND ALMOST ANTTIUNG ELBE. HrloT beea appoKti Atnl for a larre ci(;.Tt manufactui:t. i V'1 drfj di- ic w bolUe tr rel.'". PrAoa wfehlaf OUAKS IU do weU to call. E.,G. CLARK. Jane S3 ' 71 mHE aadertinr4 harettUtUj formed a Partnership under tbe style of 8. B. WA TER3 A CO- Areata, tot tb parpo of. Car. rjiocon a Ueneral Meicbandlng Ea.Unet and are kv rerdvlag a good stock ol . 7 FiriC WHISKIES, WOOD WILLOW VYARE, and' fffet tha same at the LOWEST CASH PRICE 4. 1 bey are ready to exchange for foods or ear cbMeirodaec of ail klada attbeaurka prtoe. Call at Craftoa'a Old Suad, and Jacgs for yotmelvea. SAMUEL B. WATERS, . J. A. CKA1TON, Aeswra. Wilaoa, JtM 2d, 1MX 19-3a i ait . . !. i . . i ... . i t a tanl Facts! YOU CAX GET AT Tlir. NEW, JEWEtMlFORE", IX BWCK BLOCK. JTST BXUOWtTIS11 UOL'KT JKU3E- .11 : iCUtfi ""y-'"" JOt?ICV SIBN OFTHE BIG WATCH. Vl! S.AV.CHArilBERUHl. siLVEaflTAf Cr.: ttDCitSTETEtf EtliY( Linus nai ttXACcrurf.xfttaxod. - snnrr bttoxxtatcu ciuiixf 4 . iioLn E s, eityxa taj vm.Es. ", a - t i X ,1' t PLATED-WAItE. lIXn0'AnTIA KXVE3.T.r.LK t tulead kreploj good aortuiect t&unae. ' til All i i Every family shoaM hare'ACOOD CLOCK ; o call CJiajttXpL4 o4 srt um i, 3dpwT.-.- fr tVtei- from 1 keep tbe beat ankle of cctclce that are manafaetoritl. FlRKEtCOflC, PARABOLA and I'LAIN .LAbSL", at all fwicca and io suit all age. ' ll'JTCllXt L&OCZS : ,Jf JKWEI JtY - - 4 SHEET MUSIC o.i'crrtl and funlbc4 at PuUUtlicr pitrc. Det f rwfercace si r en. s3. XI. AHBERL'Al-f, . Jy b. I.EW DRUGOUSE. 4 V JAM ill WILLS WALTOif i Tbe Modim'ed epeclfuUy anuoanco to :letptfi yf Wttson atd utt4tis Cot- lh.it tliry Lve opvocTat the e'libd rt4rit- I , " , , I v ottojiedby Joo. 1 ! . v . , Mrprlde aa a Jewelry tot c, A SEW 8TOCK OF J ; I i .axu J ' - ..... . v i f - t ! CHEXIOX, i j A iid .wceilj In .tea tl cf JretSj BprpUca, ttmt r4 arpiM y aoMJ l i J ft We dei!r:U nil.iUl atlei)ll-n to oar !." bwect tj ilri'ii., admirably adajtr 'o tllWfw; aldiiLy wiW late buVfuah-., Our lck of rnej( Aftji lt bV ucer been 1roek-Uf;d Viit.vjoiaba, of tbe ac.l ot.ef.:. ' ..... ; HV, Nall'aad Joo?, Brnihcs, (r'' ! Toilet 8oaps, Porfamu7. Ulr Le. P4ia, sod Stationery. .4.-. - - ; .' ,Uur tKk cf ClOAP st-d CITEWI50 TO uACCfJ cannot le lcatn an wt.ir.' Weeor. X-7 In Tile' oar iricotU ao4 tbe pnUip to call 'nod craajlnoi. v . - ) v, lc, ' j .. , 5 - tilj.iiooa creniUy cmpoyoded at a l limr J?trBOtnwfclIpf urd)cin it al-t, til find ua aleclnlntbeoffl'.-eofMr. ti'Vf. WLItr acid, adjoining our store. . W,'.on, Jioe 13ft).. 8 X J 1 2 11-ly I Alum xnid ' KxJinB Spnngs (" 51'AH KEW L05IM13t, TTTDrnCO CO..VX The lcrlber take tdeaacre Id tuvmp-' r to V'jk fd-de and U'puWlcaaicr.-,lT.,i-i ". j ' c lel.i t d WtTo: PIjcp U uow o-wa O- . ! r.t ej tion o, .1 !t'ra. He plcd'.rt V"a ..I ". ev.ry tTS-n will U nade to iw.iOrvt.er.cora- inocaitoti Mfvtifl to uoi la i..Ml. , j iLm fare atiail Ijc the rrry bet . ha ta.- r.c. aCu4. DtpfHoatba Viriuiaand Tcnet- o. i, 10 mllea above Lyucttbur;, aod 4 M r ,.oj tbe Sprtajrv TERMS: ?3 rca oat, $13 rta wtsc, $70 rta woxvf . tkxxja! rofitracta with tfcitKa, Ac Cl" oq atfd Servaata, half price. , Bmd tor Paorblrt " dUIUI A. KILE, KuHf. Zl-lia Jooe22 Change of OchQduIe, Prrrea Siaboaed Ko-iexa K. a. Co, r . ioaxiitatmt, VJalyWu lco. J Oa aaafc4 KO90AY, Jfly ftk, Tralaa wtU IXlVKJPpaTSVOCTH DA1LT f?C3rDAT .vJtXCJrTAi Ail FUtAOWt , ManTralaat'.... !. M. J reljcbt Trtta at- ' - xn A. M. 1 -enrx at rarmcocTs.. . Va Trala a -T7. . . .. nj r. H Treticbs TnOm oa Wadaaadeya aad rrtdaya-..- 1130 A.M. : Frrlxttt Traia oa Taeadajs, Tbardayaa4 aatardaM,...lJO P. M. MsJl Traia oocoeni at Wetdoa wit Irtiaa p( tbe Wlhalatoa aoA Waid . a4 Jt-Mk ad Qtou IUUro4a, aodea Twadaya, TkardM ad Satardava as . Fraak.Ua wtO asu-aae tor Edeatoa and Plytanik, aal oa faardays at rrmaina wua eteaaer for naCa iira4. Mall Traia bound Nortk will atop forrnmn pn only at Seaboard, Bovkla's, Fraakba aad Saflolk. . E. CI. OHIO, f uerirttcedrU cf Tn&ijxrt vine.. E-.iROSEHTHAL I a. J I lore wwl t 4f mj s cm: '- bicoxd snr itock or i SUUMER DRESS COWS.,, Wn4 to t-. tw J.iaA4aar let of iiM LATEST ITXtXa. PLACK PRESS SILKS, . 7 r ' SILK PARASOLS, fOC SILUYLS aiMAXTILMS, i , CORSKTS, of an aites, U00PSlvinT3,f't;airaaiirasf. 1 frt k rl Viirk e. My Al rrcdf4 aod vjxwd t4iy, a Mtr Mark Cauimrre m.7 Linen, tf . LL nrts- ai alTtys oa Liajad ractivvd weei1y, HliopH tin (I Qaitcr, ...,..,.., .... E. llUENTHAT.; U LlwiV M CDrl - 3XTeY7 Qtor!. Tfee sobmlticr baa Jwst pred at Ua tton ' i iinicrc m-onc. COM EX OF NASH AXP COLPSBOEO ST A rood aaaonaievt of - Staple & Fancy Dry Good' NOTIONS AND CLOTIIIN: DOOT3 AND 8WOE8, 3XITf AND IIOYH II ATM. CCOCCCRT AM CLAWAPE. IIARU WAUfc AND HOLLOW WAUL, KLUiSEXn,tlL AND LAMT. FINE FAMILY GROCERIES, "N. C. FLOUR IN SACKS, XUrKCREL, Ac, Ac I bow rceiUac kl rt arrW, t4 lo K Tri ad UtUlmnrt, whkk be 8er 8 ELL AT SEASONABLE THICES fun C 91I OR IX EXCUAXQE FOR rKOULCK. aad WojK-a i reeie a akaresX tbe TATRMSj. iCE or.TllK TVBLIO, ,03 V'.JABVIS, Ac in. ,.C. JROUNTREE., r nit i k ht k r. us tjvjv ! XX mi rrt. a raw V4nm anuva i ui. cn tt r kh w WILSON, U. C, OnVra to the pnWlr, ard erprrldy t lb fro fc-toB of ttv'ticiittiy. a mmi f , . ' t t . ; Drugs and Medicines, wl.U-1 la tAn uf vaVf b rrr fcrew rM 1 led jnttiU coiuaiweHy, rid Om wrtt Md ' . fx l-.-M f 1.1. Ii l.i I . It m . . . . 1 crutUy. He alio Ua la uara an aaaoruarat of PATENT MEDICINCGi 4,w , rouUtlnj ta4faly f tbM wtikk br 1 -n ap.ti)rd of, attr trUl la kAJ . -4 fruui wblrb fr li i.Vrn to eiHuda all wonli le and atilmmrti imintwt. ' Dyii. f4cts, (njrvb), n Tferorlwf F 1 ' . lp:r, Abj Ire, (iit-trr, CnttamtMt. CJovj, Ar, jtound a(! wrrai4 rrtrwnt rt a. tvr . lir Dyt ud otbr tUWt aruor. AIo, L4 fr the li iir, .mt4 la La alert-, 1 ia be toaik)et4)d at kaMJ, W ft kU! rrot,wiulal. Ln tral fplnta I oS-f, to rvtna Gre " i. s A, rtc, i: U lit la f uc vO. u Its svil 01 D- uxJno, and cbcaprr. Tlor le Kayo and -Opepoai" ca)y rA a ti Ul. "Hy Papct deV-ro) C wUb aalcty and rosturar.. LaaadOn, Ljeaad Soda, Siailoacry. Ae.. Ac,erdr4r4MeUt,4. II la ctmtaatty mrHt a Vmrtrty of PalnU 'Oils and Varolihca, LVbrt 414 rtry lrr. r "-t wv Feraaae waatiag taadiciae at algkt wilt fi(l a cle'i k ab-epJa j la ik att.Vt la abort, Le U drtcrailaed cWt wolUaf U1 La k Ly Oxae Lo fa. or klawUk pauoaac', in qul'.ty cl arUos I-rkxa ckr4 k( tbrtn. relrolewtn I.tiVWaOar Ott," lr aMilwtr, Jat rtchcd and Vot ! ibfap. 1 June! J 1 f Hountain Bulter, P.O:EIVFD f REfll EVEET WEEK, . At WALTON-S, MIlDLC STORE, PP.KTK BLOCK. Jaatk 1- F. W. ROHLEDER, t aok.tt roe ic.t coj . Offara io tba trad at pcfewa U aaM Ike Cm , DRY GOODS, . Ready-Made Cloth!ngt CDOCERIES AND LIQUORS ' ' " ta variety. A call Is aH I atfc. F. W. KOHLtUtJL Aa0a4. It tt-lm flTHT BKAStrS Of Bourbon and Rye Whiskey Fee aalc at Cra&ca'a O Staad. B B. WATERS A CO,Artv Fine Newark Cider, Tut aaie at Omiloa'a Old I B. WATERS A Ul, Areata. .'HStJ,lW

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