THE iFLilUlDEALER. i From the Raleigh Standard J ; Iteclucjo tlie Tax H.latcu Acting nnori the recent decision of VLSOMJULY a7. 1869. UheSanrenfW in th ITnraitw llailroad case, the raLItc Treasurer A prominent Government -filcial, who" is perfectly competent to fpcak npon the -subject estimates that the France and Russia hare recognized ,lhe Spanish Regency."" The exncnscj of the Vireinia Mil itary Institute during the session just 1 South ,,M at ,ea5t $10,000,000 io moneT. ' a . . m ' ' the Commissioners of tho PWrr,1 i TKin. nr r wiir a. lew nights ago t&e pastor ot one -Z. r. . . .. counties, advism? them tar,.; tU m;n Ikpa nni v..m Vaw ft. I leaning enurencs oi ixasnTiiie, t.- "Mt1 -11 r ,BW, a,,u "ut ...wiiecime taxes jeans tins apnng. u iev,cd , for throe railroads. C. 8. UcDJJOEI : EDITOR. W NEW. STOBE ! NEW GOODS ! ! . imyorl Mitt Xollons. The Tennessee, brutal'y beat lxis daughter, a tomic lady crown, with a cowhide. I The tron rcnorta from Southern I r.l t- . ..i I r- a i ; i ou n a.o vuaw w uuut a tuuic Georgia and Florida are very cheer- 0f gentlemen who were attracted to nC. . 1 V I the- hou'iP bv hfr nrrraras- SaraLnah expects at an early day The Norfolk Journal says the it Jndfics: concurring, that in- amountspproptiated to the differ nt 5TCirriAgO between members railroad referred fsnectieiw , -cf itho blsckand white i races h for the Univcrsi t . Jroad 8-300,000; f tinUvful and void, accorditier to 1 for the . Edenton & Suffolk railroad I 5a tirUWs Of North Carolina. ' $350,000; lor the-Eastern and Wei- to have a Jinc of steamers running American Fibre Company are about " .n-rrWf'1i. W ,W;.1,1: tern railroad fthe Drooosed roait from direct to German ports. to establish woks about lire miles P,rnn nUnJ Henderson 'to Mt. Airy,) $2,000,000, The Norfolk Journal says the frora tUat cit for tLc manufacture of lLt the homestead and Personal aking a t0Ul f 00C which health of thatcitywas never better FPer out o swamp reeds. They may ihrt the homestead and personal must lc deducted from tho Stat tU nt nrMPnt. al ; manufacture mats, and if they property exemption, provided JeU Tho circuUr rcads: " . do they V.U employ about 1,000 for DY the constitution and laws The Revolution olaim3 Chief Jus- hand:. JOt North Carolina, U cotwtitu-l01" CAUULlA, tice Chase and Attorney General In a communication t0 lh. v i . .. . . .. Treasury Department TTnnr n (losai ana rarospeenve: tnat it , . , T , . . r v v iouis westucne rost, 4u young x.aieign, juiy ,1, lrage. , .- Germans of Kansas City, Mo., com. he Chairman of the Board of Tho TTnhP.l KtafM T Pin of jawaat of younc women at Cotnminionen of the County of 1 partm;cnt bas issme1 $50,000 in the the Utte Place and invile marriage- Sir : Tho Supreme Court of the) new ten cent and Sl,800 in the new aMc especially Germm women, to St. rttrospectiv 4eratc to protect the property xiinst debti contracted prior to th adoption of tho constitu tion. . Thi decision is another To tin come there, promising to marry them right off. - SPECIAL NOTICE. Dutcher's Lightning Fly-Killer I Dcaih to I he Liviu"!' how' lire tie Killer Stdd ly JnultTt Ettryahett ! RtatA a 1oi AnA in tint nmii ?r- e i a 1.1 - . p .i -vww luu vu i vuq imeea cent iracuonai cunency. f :w. - i university naitroau uomnanv vs. J , ; debts that have been tho subject the Governor and Ti casurer that Measures have been - concluded -of EO ncch litigation Among our special taxes levied to pay interest havin8 in I view tte holding of a pCOplo; and in all probability on bonds authorized to be issued fdr "onu 8 -.xposuion oi Jianuiaciures, 1 ifiil.ia many cases, lead to a fur- th0 Purpose of. building railroad, m ,asmnSlun a Jcf aence- hm fiommnlilinn nf soo a wiucn were noi oojrun anu unnmsuea tv i u . , . Ut . thn i infl-AftliAinUntSAi. ArKL . . . . . b A THIULLINQ IKCIDEXT tlie matter Will now bC carried " . . -..v., tactory to oe erected m Atlanta, lia., , lh HP tO the United StAtCS Supremo --r- w--.v-r . . D7 benator t?prague, was laid last hswetoMm the "Bapti Monger wlat. 1 iiLFrriiiisniTHTiiin uirn run t .rkiiriAtii i. m . . - T WCCK. . l injr now sue-was sent lorloTusil one of the leral. .' ' I nudJIiistliich priests, who bad been nearlv Ver been cursed by 8ucb incorh- in - viow of said decision, we are ad- Twenty-three Stacs have adopted k.iicvi ; and how, while In the most holy place - potent and ; bungling legislation, vispd that the principle of the decision thc fifteenth amehdment. Four more 5a tteir temple, where none bat the priest had .t ,1.. iT 5 T-.:iL I i t,.iil ::i.f. . .,.. nrk rrniiirwl tA tnnVn 5f. rf f tl. eYr UeD adm.tted, fcbe was permitted U uavG IIIC DCODlO OI lAiOrLn l uimouuicuiv luciuues me lonowini: I j-.-w- .... r. ...v. Carolina,-on the euldectof col- railroads, viz: The University Uail- Constitution 'ICCtion Of debts; .' ' roaa, tnc eastern ana. western A defalcation of $17,000 to 825, Thm fWt has nkn iloriill road, the Edenton and Sufiblk JlaiK 000 Ms been discovered in the Bank NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. r . Imporlanl Facts 1 Woalvl inform the citizens of: Wilson and surroaovling Counties, that bd bas opened THE HEW ERICK STORE, OS OOUtWDOBO 8TKCKT.OXE IKRR PIIOW THE OO&SCIl KASU hTRXCT, AXD- MUCCTL.Y OIIWITK Til CVCRT DOUSK, and is prepared to offer them a large and Tinea noes: or Ready-Hade Clothing of tbo best and most durable Fabrics. Gaits, Youths and CMLiren'i HAT3. 1RY GOODS of vall kindi. compriwng an unajauV.ctl line of DOMESTICS, CALICOES, GISO- llAJIii, it BOOTS AND SHOES, of tlie cos test and strongest makes, for Ladies, Gents, Bora, Humcs aud Cbildri-n. Fancy Goods and Notions, in the greatest variety; and a full and complete stock or lYIilliiiery Goodw, comprising TJIIVJIED AXH UXTKIXXED HATS JSD ItOXSETS. JUBJSUXS 'dlimls, LACES, EXfikOIUERlES, ARTI FICIAL ILOWEllS, ie. 4r. Qrders for Millinery Work will rectirc the special attention "of Mrs- SPIER Call and examine oar stock and com pare our prices" beforo purchasing else where, to satisfy oursclf that wc are what we claim to b The Cheapest House in Town July 20 . 25-Jm StE Ml AT VOO CiX CCT AT TUE NEW JEWELRY STORE, IX ERICK BLOCK JUST BELOW THE , COURT UOUSX, HASH STREET, YlLSOIt, W. C, SIGN OF THE BIG WATCH. S.W. CHAMBERLAIN, bas Jiut rocetrcJ a Co aMrtaetit of . SILVER WATCHES, CLOCKS & JEWELRY, Utll M LAPIU!KTTS. rtUKAJTTIS. K-H KIXOS, SOLIU OUU Ul.NUtt, KHtliT liUTTUSs, WATCH CHAIN, liuu ri:xf ttiLYKU Tiny blws, , a PLATED WAKE. DIKIKU A X I TEA KXJVES,TAnLE hlTMJXM, linTEUKXJVrj,A. I intend kvrplu a good aonuicbt In tLUtlar- road. tfiaf VtnAa.f l.nn.Ur. r,rtt luau- ' i ot Commerce of Baltimore on the ' I I ) V tl'l 1. 1 f 1 1 1 '.II III r II Hnr Til Tirll 1 A. -IT - c ! i IT j -" if", part oi one oi us owcers. viae ior tuo collection ot taxes! by uurebuVeJ to use for him the sacred vessels which none.but Wgh priest dare toucS and to even overturn and sit on one of their gods lo reft ; all through the njagicjDfluence of the Pain Killer, called by them the " God niedii ine," ko successfully Lad she used it in cur in their many diseases, some of thein consid ered heretofore fatal in that climate, among railroads arc unconstitutionnl.- 10 mother place will be found tho State and by the several counties Col. S. A. Whitely, formerly of 'icu were.cholcra, lifer ;coratlair.t,;dyspen- WcLrof tho State W ofthe State, on property; polls U -ho eaitorialstnffof thc late National 'rcr, to tho Chairmea of the income," ratified, March 13, 169, Intelligencer died in Washington TtMes Boartl of fJountv Commisinn. the Commissioners of the Counties Tuesday. , , Rev. J. E. Clough, MUaionary at Onjjole, tt, instructing ; them ns to the liavc Power to rovise tax lists, where A premium of five hundred dollars rKmer forrcor'stC lUvWof the collection of the excessive, taxes arc imposed. We i3 to be given at the St. Louis fair cholera, &c., and cannot very well geiaions taxes laid in favor of the bonds of certain roads therein named, . .and which come under this deci lionr, '. tax . lists ' of your County by strikiin therefrom the special taxes pronounc ed void by the above mentioned decision. For the above Itoadsthc taxes on the real and personal property of the State aro as follows: ' ' I Unn'ersity llailroad, one hunn To XleCallors) of Tobneoo.- Orrxcx or Internal Rexenu'e, Wtihington, July 12th, 18C9. dreath of one per cent. .u " ,n J0"' iettcp oi Eastern ; and Western R-ailroad, Sir one per ,tfiO . Utn, inMint tnat a numDer Ot one, twentieth of ono nor cent. i5Jli; domleri hare ' been in tho habit Edenton and Suffolk Railroad, cf .bujiag insnuftcturcd tobacco in fortieth of one per cent. . Ksall .qaantitiot of ., five to fifteen Aggregate, geventeen-two 1 un , poaadf, and keeping the same in jars, jrcati18 0f ono per cent., or 8J cents , for retail, lou inquire whether on the $100 value, ji I ' : tbii oan be done under the present We think it best that this Sk -i ' . i ! h centnee should 'be deducted from ithe ( ,1 reply that tho law authorizes the special taxes. tua io0aCCo, at retail, oniy in sucu Lrndcr gection 19 of tho aforcaia faeksgea as the law prescribes, and u ig the dutJ of tllo Commission by rcUil dealers from wooden pack- t0 make all calculations necessary property itampeu. . for! ascertaining the amount of ta'xcs ; Tobacco which U exposed for sale , V h ta. naYCrh We thillt it ia any other way than in tho original b , ; thcrcfor; that the Commission- FaC)L.Se, lamoieto oe scea,ana u cr8 8uall m?kc tbe correction above , wUe4 tb lorden of showing that the ind;cateiL !By employing several .la bts been complied with as re- clerkg which is nj doubi best, ihis jarda that tobacco, will rest with the WQrk can bo done so gpeedn RB t0 involve only a few days delay. Tin Hartf er4 ' TrcJlifie grapes are ripe mium fhall be greater than a ii-Forida, tent thcrefoi c advise you to amend the fuU fcr the cow that will give the ... . r. . ... . C argest and richest yield of milk. 'A barque recently left Baltimore for Cuba with 24,000 stand of arms and a lare amount of ammunition. Another expedition is being fitted out. ' v v ; !( Information was received here yesterdsiy of the death of Captain- S. S. Lee, formerly of tho United States navy, and recently of tbe fon'odcratc navy and commander at Drewry's Bluff. He died yesterday morning at his residence, llichland, in Stafford county. lie was a brother of Gen. Robert E. Lee, and brother in law of lion. James M. Mason, having married that gentleman's sister. Captain Lee was greatly esteemed in the United States navy, and was warmly welcomed by he Confed erates, to whoso cause he was faith fully devoted. He was possessed in a high degree of those graces of character which adorn the family of which he was a member. He won not only tho respect, but the affection, of those with whom he came in contact, and dies regretted as ono of the purest and best of men. Richmond Diiatcli, July 23J. The Cubans in Washington have official news to the 15th. The Span iards made two attacks on Quesado, and were repulecd both times with a loss ' of over one hundred and fifty. Quesado continues the siege before Fucrto Trincipc, A portion of Gen. Jordan's com mand, posted forty miles from St Jago de Cub i, was attacked by twelve hundred Spaniards, commanded by Va'mesada in person. After three hours' : fighting, tho Spaniards with drew. The Spaniards were reinforced, and renewed the attack next day. They made three assaults, losing heavily. Gen. Jordan commanded in the second day's fight. 1 The Cubans lost sixty-two killed and wounded including two officers. The Spanish Sss is over three hundred. They taadeged their retreat fo St. Jago "Cuba. The Cubans are in good IriUf and suffer r but little from cholera and vomito, which arc so prevSnt among the Spaniards. : Havana advices of the 24th state that several heavy skirmishes have taken place, of which no details have been received, uen. Jordan is be tween Santiago de Cuba and Baya mo, reinforced by Tuscan's command. Gen. Jordan has not been wounded. The rebels have burncU the railroad bridge near Fuerto Frincipe, gel along without it." ReT. 1. 1). Co'.burn, Missionary at Tavoy, Burniali, writes : '! shall be? happy to aesibt in expending a knowledjo ot a remedy so kpeedy and effect ual. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. rerson exposing it for sale. 1 11 . I . f I ; (1 i cry respccuuny, . , corre(;tion3 can bo entered on the f J.A. Douulass, lists iifany convenient blankcolumn ... f vxcung commissioner. After a1 the eorrectiona have been TO Jw. V. LOBB, Assessor 'Ja district, madcthe Clclrof thc Board of Com Norfolk, " a, missioncrs must forward to the Abdi tor an amended abstract showing -thc Xtrt r cieneral Hteadmnn, taxes ceneral and special dua by, the A cerrespondent of tho New York County to the Fublic Treasury. UaraM, writing from Santiago de in carryiDg into effect the forego Cb a the 8th inst says : . rccorQmendation it U not at all Wtta deep regret I hare to an- ncccS8arY tUat there shall be sea&ee tho, death on tho Ctb of Gen. adj Jn tll0 collcction of taxes, CtNlUiU WUIVCU VVUOUI Uh pert. Tbe General only arrived "ea tbe 29th bit,, and was soon after attacked by yellow fever. On Satur day bis condition became critical and defied all mjdical skill to save him. The funeral took' plaoo on 'Wednes day, and was attended by a large of- Soialconooursenclttdmg the uorcn GRAND MOONLIGHT EXCURSION ! ON THE Cape Fear River - AND BAY AT 8MITHVIULE! WITH A DANCE ON THE SEASHORE! An Excursion will leave Wtldon at 10 A". M., ou the 20th, anivin at Wilmhitou, at 7 1. M., connect infi with Maimers on thc Cajo Fear Klvcr, and reaching Smithville about 10 P. M., visiting tue rortSjlbc oca-eliorc, Ac, uj moon-lithu lU'tnrninsr, leaves Snitl vlllc about 3 A. XL li-avia;; Wilmington at 0 A. M., aud arriving at u c.don at 3 I . Al. Fare for Bound Trip : Weldon to 3milL7iIle tml Return, $3 00 All other placps South, to Joyner a 3 00 Wilson and South io l'ikeville, - 2 75 Goldsboro' and South to Masnolia, 2 &0 All)lces South of Magnolia, 2 00 C7"AI1 kind of proper refrehments will bo eupplU d. Also, a Band ol Music at low atcs for uaiwiB;'. ' 2?lPeraonf diuirlntr lo do. so mayeuy over one d:y lu Wilniingtoo and icturu ou uaxt train. . n , S.'L. FREMONT, Eng. & Sup't. any Tho Sheriffs hold rigidly to the accountability prescribed by lav. ' .Very Respectfully, D. . A. Jkskixs, Tublic Treasurer. 11. iiAMs, ituuuor. ur. Ired Wade Bolton, shot., in Memphis, ftr. th Mninlir nmiL officer from some days since by a DiQkcns, is the Branisb frlte LeaJud. Briiiih dead. Ile" befiucatkfv loep Vestal .and Nortb German tbottsanfddllaru tuner Victoria. The coffltf was poses, inciuar .ao. Wrae frcra the Cthedml by Ameri- to -Stoncxr.ajl 4rs. .w h 'caacititent. Tho General's death fifty acres of . BfJicacu t;.-; ' jratrse profound aorroxr in totrn, U son's former sUcs? - ' tboajb from tbe recent date of his ar- .x'x:T" , ;. '. rival ba ba4 tado but few. acquain- Secretary .Boutvell, in answer to taaeef. ' Pending thc nomination of the inquiry -when be intended to General 6teadm&ns successor, the make another sale of gold, replied bosiaess of tbe Consulate irill be that be did not know when another atitnded to by Mn A. E. Phillips, sale would be made, but that he was not inclined to sell gold until the pre pre- Selling Off! In order to maka room for my Fall Slock, I am now ssllin2 SUMMER COObS . AT COST! A flue opportunity is thus offered tlie peo ple of Wilson and vicinity to supply them selves at .... ' . Wholesale Prices! My stock, was bought low, ami lb Ladies especially, will liml in my line of IUi:sa COO!S, Bomc beautiful alyles, astoiiUliinly cLcap. Call early If you want BARGAINS! AT C. B. STRICKLAND'S. July 20. 2-Vtf PHOTOGRAPHS. Tbe attention of the public U rrnertfully called to thefnet, tht we take rilOTOUKA I'l IS and MODERN 11CTUUE generally. AIo, j REPAIR JEAWELRY, f nuchas Breastpins, Uingr, W.itchca, Clocks M usicnl uoxes, etc. Wf W) repair AtvvK UEONS aud MELODEON8, where the brass tongues hare been broken oil or bocoine Im paired of brllllaiicy ol sound. PIANOS care fully and properly tuned on applications, ho i-nort will be spared to merit Increased Itatronngc, and to rctalu M, U Ur treaunent. moderate prices and coou work will uo it; and I feel confident that 1 can rive complete ur rea sonable satisfaction to all who may favor tue with a trial, as I irive proper, tr mpt and cr eoual attcution to all business In my lln. i WM. J. CIIURCUWELL. WlUon, June 8, lfC'J. lU-tf . CLOCKS. Every family abouM b,ire a GOOD CLOCK ; to cull at CIIAMUKRLAIS'S aad k?1 one. l'ficts from (5 and upwards. SPECTACLES. 1 keep the beat ankle of SfwrUclrs that are manufactured. I'ERRESCOriC, PARABOLA and PLAIN GLASSES, at alt prkrs aud lo suit all a-s. -ETROSEHTHAL, JUKE lit, 19. 7 i : i I Itire fpcwol laU ilaj lay f ecuxd srw rrocx of SUMMER DRESS GOODS. " 1 Iutc t rtetUrvt atnrt ttt Dreaa GoA tm Land bO I aa rm Vrt tl atan. WrWr jamxirrJaacw WUtW LATC5TSTTLAA. Alao. BLACK DRESS SILKS, SILK TAHASOLS, LACE SHAWLS L MANTILLAS, C0IISET3, of all sue, . IIOOrSKIRTS, imall aad cxtr site. Ia fact say itwi. te K agala riiilslf. , If j KZST CJLlCOl S rrUtU u 13 trmt ftr fU. 2cua quality 11) u- Ako, ire-rtTrd a4 pce4 to-day, a a m aaoi4 4 READY MADE CLOTHING, Cutlmrr( and Litnti'f ALL Sili. And alvajs onhxndaxd reed red veelly. . fu'-i.tock of LAnm SIkh'h mid Gaitcrtf which I am bavlnc aaaaataciaet tw4r( a4 wtiUU 1 rwaraaieo. Ttuakful fur pt (a tots, I rcrprlfany ak a rowitaaoiKW tf ttte ia E. ItOSKKTlIAL, o. Co art I1om twrx. Jane 1 la 1 C. J ROUNTREE, txj-iuut k KTma: onxaoix ntxr, A KtW TAU.'H AriOVKTtIK tXtirT ItolaK WATCHES, I LOCKS i mJ JEWELRY REPAIRED tt. Ui ijer ' J SHEET MUSIC ordered and furulnhcd at PuUUhcra prlcvs. Best of refcreuce given. S. W. CHAMBERLAIN, . PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER,, WILSON, N. C. JulyC, isn. U lT NEW DRUG HOUSE. J. M. WALTON JOS. W. JEXKIK3. B. H. I'BXUKB, Lull of TarloifL X. C. JOS. W. JENKINS & CO., COTTON FACTORS COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 2J South Street, O. Box Sfvl. BALTIMORE, XI D, Liberal Cah Adrances made ou consign ments.. Ordcra lor Supplies, lnoludir. Cotton Uasrm?. Koic anu 1 yes, souciiea. f July Zl SG Cut M.ROUNTKEE&Co. TARDORO STREKT, Have now In atore, and are dally receiving, a spleudiu Block ot STAPLE, FANCY AND DOMESTIC DRY .GOODS, - GROCERIES, HARDWA11E, IllON, kc. ALL SUITED TO THE SEASON AND THE TRADE. WUfon, N, C, Aprd C, . 10 tf A. J. Morrisson's Brand Superior WHISKIES. W are agents for the above ce e1rale Brand of WbUkey, and solicit orders for same, l Cnulon a Old fcland. r ' 8. li. WATERS & CO., Asetxa. Juno 8, lSOU. , SCHOOL BOOKS, ; ' PAPER, &c. Jnst recti! ved a supply of School Uuoks. tc vizi McGuffv-y's 1st, 2d, 3d and 4th Readers. Webster's Dictionary aud SjRlllug Books. Smith's Grammar. MUebclI's New Primary Geography. to. Do. Tut. Do. Anderson's Latin Lc&oons. Copy BooWa. Comiucrclal Note, Cap and Laid Note Paper. Envelopes, open end, Jtt, while and colored. Steel Puna, a good assortment. j Which' I oflcr for sale at lay storcJ corner Brick Block. ' - ; M.W. JARY1S,Agext. Wlson, July VCth, 1SCC lG-3in. GROCERIES, &c. A Frcih Supply in store, vk : j SUGAR Crushed, Soft Wbita, and Brown CoftVe. : OLD HYSON TEA a flue article. FLOUR by bbL or sack. Molasses. . Concentrated Lye. Butter and Sutfar CRACKERS ; Fresh Starch, best quality. CROCKERY, GRANITE, 4e. For sale. Corner of Brick Block, Nash and Uoldaboro Street. , M.:W.kJARYIS, Agent. Wilson, July ; 1C 3ca JAaM WILL TO THE DEBTORS A!D CREDITORS OK JOSEPH J. BR1DGEK3, dee'd, late of the County or Vi ilson, ri. C. On tbe ninth div of Jnty, A. D. 1809, In tbe Court of Probate for WiUon County, Letters if Administration npon the estate of Joseph J. Bridgcra, dee'd, late of said County, were duly granted by said Court to tbesubrcriber, who at tbe same time was qualified aa administratrix of tbe said deceased in due fonc of law. All pcrsous Indebted lu llto estate of said deceased are hereby notified to make Immedi ate payment, and those having claiaas, accounts and demands against th cat-ue of said deceas ed are requested to present tbcut tor payment lo the subscriber on or before the flrt day ol October, 1370, or.tbcy will be barred of recov er), by virtue of tbe Act of tbe 'jvocral Aacn.- bly or tuts Bute, in sucd cases uauo and prt Tidcd. CATHARINE BRIDGER3, ' Aduiiuiatralrlx, jalyS3 2Cw. , Thc nndera'cnoJ rcpcctfuOy announce to lite 'ople of Wilson aud aurroundinj; Cuon tim, that they have Opened at the stand recent ly occupied by Jno. klcBrlde aa a Jew elry store. A NEW STOCK OF AND CHEMICALS, And ar weekly In receipt of Frcsb Supplies, that can be surpassed by no oue. AVc desire to call special attention to our stock of new remedies, such as Ihe Bl.ulpbuc Carbon, a sure and secdy cure of Nervous Headache. Sweet Quinine, admirably adapted to children; and tuaay other late Improvements. Our atoik of Fancy Artkius have never been aurpassvd In this vlclulty. Pocket and Dressing Combs, of tho flucst order. Hair, Nail and Tooth Brashes, (EnclUh). Toilet Soaps, Fcrfuuiory, Hair Dyca, Pomauca, and Stationery. Onr stock of CIGARS aad CHEWING TO BACCO cannot be beaten aui where. We cor dully invite our friends and tbe public to call and examine Prescriptions carefully comoundud at all times. -Persons wLthlntoediciue at nibt, will Hud us sleeping lu the oSce of M r. J. W. Wbit ficld, adjoining oar store, WALTON & WILLS. WUson, June 29, Urto. 11 ly BEDFORD " Alum and Iodine Springs N KAIl K CV CUiniUi) CK, V A. The suliserilicr take pleasure in announcing to Lis friends and tbe public trtierullT, Uiattbls ecltbrau-d Wat-rlnx Pliee I now jVn for tt.c rocej tiun of vi-ltois. He pledges Lhuclf tUat every rQort will le tn-uJc V render ib ocxna- modutiuiih Mrund to none In irjjiiiU, and tbe f ire Ua!t be tbe Terr bt the market can allord. A eonvctaiic will turxt l lie -Trains tl Kwtrt l pot on tbe Virginia and TrDDcuca lUltrcjad, 10 tulles above LyucLLur-, aud 4 tnllea frwta toe Springs. TERMS: $3 rtn at, 1S rtn wcik, t'O rca moitii Sot LU contracts with CiiMilirs.Ase. CbKdm WILSON, N. C, OlT.-rs to thc pnblV, and Ully ! tL w feksioa of lL icibity, a stuck of Drugs and Medicines, wl.k-N In piit of var irty tea mvot tirctt equal. led iu U.i cvtuiuuuity, aud to I La purity aa4 rxcctk? cc il wblch b lavlUw prole tnwtl M-ruwtt). He iIm ba ia store aa assMtaacwi of PATENT MEDICINES, ronl'll"e tinluly of lUtmt wLkh ht tcew aproid f alur locUUl la or auldst aad fruta wbk b rsr U takcai to eaclada ail Wtxvk less and unkfcown nwoUams. Anun ml artl 't-s to be fund la Lis stuck FtU Y MILY L'BC ar Diis, tfpM.ts, (uu jroautl), as 4 FUvotlBf Es UtmU. Pctict, Alple ti!r-t, UnBraMa, (Vir, c, cround auC warraiiird raarscrtv rv a a, tua, lUti Dye aud 4ber toilet ank-lra. . Also, an (kl fr tbe Hair, compounded la Ida store, f-aa lm toroawtcuded aa kwaaat, Ucsm B- (Ul and economical. Ln.lral fplrits Is offmJ, to rrsnova CrtwM S)hHs, Ac Ax, With Lille of tbeotl ur!l ol lleuainc, abd tbcaper. "Flor de Mayo" aad 'OjpoaTr owly srrd a trial. . -Fly P; i"' dnUoja Cka a lib aaJcty aad convrtneitrc. , Iuup acJ OU, Lj c acd fod), t tatlowrj, Xe , ol d.r14e kinds. He la roiisUttUy rrcxlvla; a variety of Palilts, Oils and Varniahcs, whk h are sold Very Utw. rrrr. I'rtaotis wanting tuadklot at aifkt will find a clei k slrepla j ta the aar.-ia In altot t, he 1 detrraatard that wothlaf shall be bt l j those who fakot him lib Uoaare, In quality ot aiticUw, or friers catarr4 Jor thrin. Pctroleam LaU kfcliac OU," fur Saacblorry, just rrcrhrd and for sale .bep. Jiwl ttI LOOK IN At Ihe New Brick Store, KEAU THE KAILROAD. 3. . (DEiAHK, MV NEW ERICK STORE OX EARN LI 8TBEETJ BEINO. COMPLETED, I II AYR MOVED MT STOCK OF CfXJDS j INTO TIIK SAME, Wbcra I sLaU be pleased to aarts ail cay ras louvers. FWiUR,of all trades. MEAL, tWrtry brst, PORK, BACON ; Sidra, BboaUers and llama. MOLAWES, SUGARS aad COFFEES, CANDLX8, eoAIH. LTE, HPUN COTTON, EHEXTINU and PIJIID!. Larc; Lot of OLD DOMIMOii NAIL.H. CANDIU.oNUFF.'S CHEWING TOBACCO, CmuIIus rrsje.. AND ALMOST ANTTIUN'U KUL Hatin? l-n aprmttitd Afrat for a lrf CMtAU MAM FACTOK IT. 1 .ill o, ailroa. rirsows aisbirg I and Scrvaou, lulf t'rlcc. flt-bl JOHN . KTLE. Maaarer. M Send for Pami June 32 lilrt." Slim Mountain Buller, RECEITED FRESH EVERT WEEK, Vt WALTOISS, MIDDLE STORE, BRICK BLOCK. June 8 19 Fine Newark Cider, For sate at Craftca'a Old Staad. 8. B. WATERS & CC Arrets. June t, 1H-V. Change of Schedule. Orrici Ssasoaati A Roaaoai R. CCo - Fwr-wovTB, Va Jaly'Ah, lici. On iM after XVDAT, Jaly 12th, Tralus wU IJCAV2 P) I'TC prtlilou, w u'l'-wl or r-tiL CICiARS a til do il to rail. Janet? E. O. CLACK. ;-if r. -jf Tit.T rsiAVai 6P.K. a tti. .oxcmfutrrii. MallTraiu. J CUP. M. Freight Train. m Wedacadviys aad Fridaja U3i A. M. Frdght Train on Tacadjj., Tborsdajsaad 6atordara....Sj30 T. M. Mail Trda eonnecta at to cldos wUa traioa of tbe Wllralngtoa aad .VTcidoa, aad Kafeig aad (iaatoa Kallroa4a, aad ow Taeadiys. Tharsdaya and Satardavs at Fraaklla wi'U. strata rr fur Edenton and Plynowa. attd on ftatnrdaya at Franklla witi stear for h'ax's IIcAd. Mall Train bound North wlil $ttrp for pa as ra rers owly at Seabuard, Boraia's, IrraakLa aad ttaSolk. E. C. GUIO, Soprrintrd-Bt vt Trwwrutm, F. W. R0HLEDER, (AOli.VT rocA.s. W CO.J (iTcrs to tl-e trade, at j-rioea U sail lU tliura, DRY GOODS, . Ready-Made Clothing, GROCERIES AND LIQUORS, la variety. - A call If H I afc. i VT. &OULEDE2, Arrat. , Jnn li ZU-lm . . . rnUE naderalrd have this day furtas4 a Co-Part aenhlp woder Um atjla of 8. B. WA TEUJ St C , Arrwta. for Ite pmrpoM of ra rylnrwa a (iaweral U Uaadiaiaf liaslaicas, and ar aow rredvka a food stack ol GROCERIES, FINE WHI8KIE8, WOOD U WILLOWWARE. Ac Ac, lc. and T-t tLo aatae at tU UiTXLhT C-tEII PRICE. 1 bry arc ready tm rtchaax fc pools or par cLm l rodtcw Of aii kiftda ai tb sawarkct vrirca. Call at CrafWs end Euad, aid Jaajt f-c yowrsdraa. SAM L" EL K. WATER!, J. A. CRAFTOX A.rr.