THE PLAIflDEALER. WILSON, AUUl'ST 17, 869. P. McDANIEL, : : i EDITOR. We have heretofore alluded to the movement recently inaugu rated in this State for -the dis ruption of the Democratic party nnd the organization of another under the name of "Libejal Re publicans f aiM we .liavc un qualifiedly , opjosed it, from mo tives of the utmost purity. We lcem the movement inauspicjous, n emature, unnecessary and em neu'tly unwise, t It has in it the eel of discord among those who have hitherto stood most firmly united in their opposition to the dangerous teachings and prac tices of Radicalism. We are not would -not be so anxious about those many points having had no rain for the power of which it is wielding With whom they acted. To sincere six and eight weeks. Many large solely with the view' of perpetuating men it could not be difficult to I tell fields of corn am totalis rained and its uartT dominat r,ri; who iii the South were, and had been, will not yield anything. der foot whatever opposes the ao the administration's friends." ' We have mot mnnv rid fajAJonArl eomnlisVmmfc cf if This then is Liberal Ilepubli- Democrats since we left Wilson, and poses, and if possible confo.-ming nism according to its reio"- al W3 have conversed with, express Virginia, Mississippi and Texan to tnemsclves as decidedly opposed to I the radical mould, v I the "Lfarar' Republican movement, Even at this moment the people of or any other scheme looking to the Virginia are uncertain what is to be abandonment of the old party. the result of the excited canvass Some have suggested that public through which they have recently meetings be held in the' variona I nassed. not Lnnwin xrWrior the- of the hosts opposed to proserin, counties, in order to give expression are to be trifled with by the radical tioii. Dent, Grant's brother-in- to tho views of those who are opposed J Congress, or whether they are to be law is coolly snubbed, and Grant t0 aDandon,nS principle for the sake treated as full grown men. "the head of the Liberal liermh-1 ettmS the "0Ut int0 .ffic?. It is true they were told that Con- J. I m TTfM 9 , T 1 . . . can party", gives theiniluence of Jn F85 naanot gnany pledge what- I m. r- , " ever was me result oi tne election reputatioa to - communicated. u Mt;fi M , v I wa ava, We AAV VUUUIUJvU vy Mr. Editor: Diring the last two that truculent ruler of the republic camsm nized head. Dent, the modej-ate j candidate for Governor of Mis-j sissippi, who like Walker, in Virginia, was chosen through motives of policy as the leader his position' and the party that has trampled the rights of the people of Mississip- months it has been my good fortune Still, havine traced out 1.1 . : , . i.l . . . . - . . ,J ' pi uencatn its teet and have in sulted them hy grievoas wrongs, a course it in- to travel . through portions of the action to bo pursued, tho people of crs. antics of Wilson, Greene, Pitt, Virginia were justified in concluding iave been, Democrats, nothing nanca an 7 movement so fraught mstance seriously dj tne uronght of WOuld simply range itself among the : certainly nothimr less, with danger, and insult to the Tu J' "lc :l ib ot subjects wmcn, nte questions cn our brethren of the Norths people of our love. 1 ingremamby wei,, espec m 0f principle and good and evil,, we . . 1 1 Titt, Beaufort and Craven. Inthese ihall no doubt be told are onlvV'old ve over xne - vet convinced' of the ticeftitv I committed without number. Tf Beaufort, Craven and Carteret ; and that their actioa would be indorsed " "j l, - . . . 4 i r i v j i . , . for an abandonment of the Dem- nt and the cafyet-baggdrs ot !ium v" uvai,OB' au J D7 congress should it be conformed .nt J JMississirmi l e lihArir I'Aiinnli. I oicijr ey : luai lue w tne terms ana plan lam down be- v - v.v... '7- 'VTj crops of corn, cotton peas and pota- fbre them. ..v www, uaig mi; 3ii-:iu-a toes cive promises of an obundant Tn tl,.Mar,fnfi,0fe,infn aspiration for oflicial liQiiors or sch association ! We shall jive harvest. In blta of a few miles, in- gress to ratify the result of theVir emolument, and are therefore Democrats and die Democrats, terspcrscd here and there, corn has I ginia election, which there is proba mmply content to remain as we rather than accept or cdnnte been injured slightly, and in a few bility of their doins;, their course 1 rnoro Wl ein Dtate8 snail gi light, strike their colors 1 and disband their organization wo shall deplore the necessity and the result; and may then deter- iiiine, between two evils whicl we 6hall ch fliavo grown glo and decide to quit we shall he found under Democratic ban nei'3 in Democratic rank?, bat- engers leaving the Weldon trairi for quence there will be no sparity of tempted on earth, and been thesign- thng for Dcmccratic principles tLe JNortn Carolina road, they be- money next Fall and Winter. The al for the enslavement of overy peo and victories. Our "new movement' frier EDITORIAL COmRESPONDEXCEi Ruffin Station, . Caswell County, N. C. August, 14th 1809 Leaving Wihoh on Thursday 'sj one counties, as a general thing, the soil issues," not to - be disturbed, dnd is deeper, more moist and the grow- that we must , address ourselves ' to ing crop less liable to be damaged by the present "live questions" in which dry weather. Cotton, especially, in the perpetuity of the domination of all ot the above counties has a luxu- radicalism is chief that radicalism riant growth it is branching beauti- which a contemporary charactcritcs same barbaric yawp of pro- hich we now hear from the itancy in saying there tanatical destructives and ignorant At Goldsboro wo 1 wero - struck wiU be more than an average yield loyalists of this country, resounded with the bad arrangement for pass- ycSLT an(i a8 a natural comse- amid the ruins of every republic at- W I UhUl thev -diswellsquaredand boiled. .Uoosc. Until they de, we reached this place at . about Receiving no detriment in the future, 2ress whi i wearied of the Strug- sunrise on Friday morning. , I have no hesitancy in saying there fanatical . ed as being of an extraordinary clever and ingenious mind. lie could do things quite beyond what men in general can perform, and his clever ness was even exceeded by his versatility. He was a good shoe maker, a tailor, a weaver. He Blade from a scrap of iron a key by which he could open the door of his division. lie put, together a wooden sewing- machine of his own contrivance, with which he made clothes for himself; and his mind, just before his escape, seemed so intent on improving this machine that thero was. little ap prehension of bis attempting to escape. ' ' "His career, it is stated, before he came to the asylum, was most ex traordinary. He had been in the British army, in the French army, in the French navy, and had b?cn in British, Gcnman, and Russian prisons He had a fair grammatical knowledge of French, knew something of Ocr man, and was completely self-taught, his age, although he had passed the various phases of . existence above described, was only 27. He spoke well and reasonably, the great defect in his character being a fickleness in purpose. lie had that rambling disposition that is never sated with travel and adventure; that if his principles were good and upright he would in all probability have had a distinguished narccr in life. Langfery was, in fact, not unlike one of Ouida s heroes. No trace of him has yet been found." v To tell our secrets is folly, to dij vulge ' the secrets of another is treachery. HEY ADVERTISEMENTS. DR. WORTHIHGTOH'S CHOLERA. AND ;DLiE.fcHT.A MXD1CIXX! AsrtciFic ros all bowel affec tions, ! SerfcM cnntitjL liuntBorji. ursExmr, VHOLKRA MURt I S, COLIV AS D ALL FJ1SI I L.UILCTJQXSOr THE STOXAVU BOWELS. Below otter m few letUtaoeUla to ft bow tu jrretl value. TtK art only a porOo o4 lew IbooMuxl. TUU Medicine can b gtrra to tUI- area (rota lour to fir tnoslaa old. Dr. or Utiojclon ars b gT H l lU rLIM at omij oof day b!4 wlia a oal 1--, i t rttrt. a ever allow aay UiorriU ta abort LU tro rrlMkm on too ao4 lel ioa U U r(!. tifi lr TooraIf. ao4 call foe Vli. wuKiiuu TON'S CllO LkllAASD DIKU-VlHEA MtDI; ClE,an4UlMhaBOtrotU, uatlmto or dcr It vrnudr Mitt to a-ira iu TESTlMUNtALS: Memcal rcaTBToa'cOrru sor .Cn IUlclb, 1 BSC SS, lHitt. 1 Da. Jonx,yrdlcal ParTcyor, fUcbmoad, W, lX-ar fir : TbU will le bttdr4 to roa vr U. II. Wonklntoa, ol Marfrvrburo Dr. NEW ADVERTI3EMEflT3. Efftctanj Caipie4 f or lb Bat af tW JTa. ift trfrmmm aa4 tbo llp. poaataalaf tk Ufnmmi, medidaal prapmiaa wkka balosf U a CXaoJ rmrtCU. I dMeaatW lo FrmaW Oaod for Tfii r CfUUt. A deJVoot Toate. fwi n SPECIAL NOTICE. Dutchar's Ughtnlns Fly-Killer! DciiUi to ibe Living I Lobj: lire tbe Killer! Sold by htaleri Errryveker ! A THRILLING INCIDENT la the mission life of Mrs. Ingalls, In Ounnab ing only allowed about two mmtes Farmer's barns will teem with plenty pie who aspired to liberty. The fel I fnn ltnnr rt liia nWrlA4.:nl r . ... . , ll . . I ivi , liaiu v vac, tuuo -vuuc nig ana Merciiants may anticipate a rich lows wno renew it in our uay, impu- 8 well tola in the "Baptist Messenger " reltt- t . . . . i ib imuoesiuie iuc nicm lick- harvest, l'eas, tnouch not as prom- aentiy nowun ior an aoanuonment 2 now me was sent iorio visit onaot Hie 0 ...ww, u ets from the Agent at that point ising as I have seen then, may yet of old issues, are but imitation of a wgft pnesis.wbo haa beenoearly 6tran?ely COnfOUnUCU. Their 3;,-o r ' Lv , . , , , . r it k.lled andbow, wbUelalLemosiliolypUce V:V"1WU,1W1'L -.Aucii fjapt. bpraggius, Conductor ot- om improve and make a cood crop. class accursed m every age for their ,,,' , . ' . A , . . . prgans in Virginia have mdig- train, did not charge our party the Better potatoe crops I have never diabolism. T1.... . . I .... I i. uantiy.ucnica that the election extra fee for. procuring tickets ori the In Beaufort and Craven this A III a 4 - I . . r t. . " 4 . I Ot; Yalker was a triumph of train but we were lntormed by. others esculent is largely cultivated. The JLxruwtnujf ;lmtvlnirrr thaV'lt tlxat k " " n g ftY " I rula to ma ke lplaa tarn rtnntiguoua - to Newborn raide "U-as a Kcpublican victory won 8uch charS lf such -3 thc C:5Sf 11 potatoes for the Northern markets, by men in intimate svmnathv " raiucr au UI,JUS6 ru,e v" ana tney consider tins crop more re- - w i J and accord with tho principles nnd policy of President Grant. The y loudly boasted of the Pres ident's endorsement of ; their 4. seen. la their temple, where none but tb priest had ever before been admitted, she was 'permitted nr.rebuid to use for him the sacred ressels Great Flri In IMillaaelplua. I which nona but high priest dare touch, mi On Wednesday jniht. week the U. 10 ev" oertura and sit oa ooa of their pm1s S. Bonded Warehous in Philadel- ,orc8t; 'ro8hhgic?flnencoftbe . P. n L;i1. l. .1 .1 1 " O""" nuou cine " so successfllT had the naed it In cur. r.l af I -w-. a . a I ' 9 sengers into a position that imposes muneratiye than cotton. I Early plant-1 as alt2rson 8 storehouse, was dest- j ing their many diseases, some of them couid- a tax of twenty-five cents on one. ell inrrs nnw Urr Pnnn.h fr t-M Oyed by fare With Upwards Of 4U.0U0 ered heretofor latal in that climate, among use- ' n fact, wherever the crops barrels of whiskey and other valu . . .. . . " I 1.1 aj rvu t, i " w '"" V"B The trains from Goldsboro to .Hal- have been judiciously cultivated, the Die a3- x varenouse comprised Rpeak3 ,0,amjs for ,he pftin jm, e:rh: carrv naSSenyS nn.l frr.iryhr. . 5oil has ffenerouslr tendered a rich a 8er,es 01, eiSac st0nC3' cacQ cort" ?" platform and condncr,and hailed and consequently run very slow and ruturn. Those, who do not know dered;firb proof, the whole forming B . J. (. Missionary o.( him Chief of the party which make very Ion stoppages at thavarK when and how to cultivate, can never Riding six stories high, 250 'et Jiail pm chased political redemp- ous Stations. From ltale'iah West expect, nor do they dcrserve to en- pv -v- -w .-.vw m cholera, &c, and canwt rey getaioi.g . - - . - l II. ...a... n I ttr hie Ir.-iTT ctnrnrt in t ha ennfh iH t I t . 1. . i. ti !On for Virginia. A leading pa- thepasscngcr and freight trains Lre W P'enMul harvest, i-rom the - - ""1 ,, T.. J - . w . - .l .5 i.'l. mncf vo (iMn ntnvmiitmn n. Honto . "lowulmlu6t "J ""x vubculuic- i "Tr ' ' lier 111 onr own f.ntA ront ir ruu Buyuraw, auu wjko uovu,.-uimv. i w-vw. ....... .uv.u..- ... ... .... J Vvv VVVI1VI J I ' i announced itself itself, in hope because Gun. Grant, "the head of thc Great National jiepulican Varty had signified his approv al of the liberal policy it avowed. Fi-om these declarations v. e are N. CvnoUibe iTunrkior of the Joilt celebrated rctut-dj Uk h bt-ara ala uaao. tie rialu Klcbtuond to arrrunp ntatcrUla, ai4 tmj aid joa iujy rradcr hint will ha lDcvrvIy y pretUieJ, a the stock la NortU Carolina U ra Urdy exbaaatod, and all the argroa a bow 1 bare aupuliol irrcaUr prefer ll to aay ariiclc knowa lor UUrrbra aod kindred dicac. Ue may find It dltOcnU to rot articlea front the trade, and aa I 1m medlcioa a for tbe army, ba tbooxht jou Bilgbi bare aoiuc ta eacr a. . I aiu, very irpertlnUy,)orobdiavrr t, t. F. fESCUU, Medtcal Purveyor N. C Keepectfully referred to lb lurTc or Gvit- cral ol Ibe Contederaia tSUtea, with tbe uio- uicnt tbat tbe medicine wltbln named baa long enjoyed a blfa rrpuiatioa ta Lbia btatr, UKb tu and out of tbe army. Rrt4ctlully, E. WAUREN. forrejor OennrfcuioofN. C Orrirs or 8i aiXO!i (IctaAi. C 3. A. If Dr. Wirthinxton caa lurula i larg qaan Ullea of bla medicine, ve will placa ll la ibe array as a remedy la bowel afiectloaa. j . V. MOORE, 8urjcoa General C B. A. Camp or IxsTarcTiox, Ralclsb, N. C, Jane 25, loOi. J I take pleasure in clvlnr tvalltnony to ibe prcat value ot Dr. Won utngtou's Ktraedy In all the 'Usc4e for wbtrh It Is reconn mended. I tblok It peculiarly naeful In tba army, and bare fouud it eueuf tbe very bel rrtncdUa tu Ibe treatment of tbe bowel aflot-tlous which fbriu so large a part of tho sickness of camp life. it ua in eo very exieualveiy tuca la tuu Citup, and wlib nnuormlr good reanlta. . M. UaKKEIT, ftnrgvoa lu Chief. Goi.pnoKo. N C. Jinz. 5. ISM. Dr. R. II. HortliluLton: It atloida iue t"K sure to state that I nave lUod jour Cholera aud uuinuiua Medicine on several ocnwloa, and bavc always found speedy relief. Wa bare Uu uai-d it for tbe bvnrtU of ibo pupil of Ibta luatuutiou. and In crerr tbe pcraoa ulnt; ll baa Urcti Ibx-lually rotored. I regard ii as an txcuicnt umiiy medicine. Yours, truly, 8. M. rBOST. Frrsldcnt TVayuc Female College. Tbe following la from Judge Ilcaih : I h.-tre nude um of Dr. Wortbl-jtoa's Choi era Mcdlcluo in a iiultf ne ol andden and rlolent dic-c : tu i-ll et waa liuiuedite atd tbe cure pcifccl. I ibiuk ll aa iuraluablc pros cripdon. R. R. HEATH. Edcntoa, N. OcU la 14. rsaii box. k. KArxia. LiTTLJtTox, llBMTroau Con Sc.) October, Kit I hare nsed Dr. Worthlnjon.s CLolcra Med Iclue wlib my iiprora, and have If und ll to be a ruoi4 capual rviucdy in howrl aflrciiona. KEN .N aVTH KAY N LU. 1)'. R. II. Tonblnrton Dear Sir : I bare used yonr Medicine In tusny-caacs of bowel d's. case, for which yon prcaciiucd It, and la erery lusiMnre us cnccia nare exceeded nay rool iuiuj;ulne rxpecuiiona. I regard It ss an Im portant addition lo the fist of family tneJiciuca. boutbainpliou Co, Va. Dr. R. Wortlilrtstoo Dear Sir: I bare been usin your Cholera aud DUrrLwa Mrlt. clue lr three year, i uare glvca U to mr la tint lib sibal succca. UtOUGEW.XEAL. , aneitalaras va dosca kwaUea aaaS I eayaU drwjtbu. rrocava, A, JL M. 1-orin-rr 4 Ca, ntab!Mte4 171 Xa. 11 IT Street. Xesr Trk. 6- & TTATXE3 t COn Ktr!afrv Arts, rruoa. k.c. Ancaat 3 Timm SAM. B. WATERS L CO.) A$rhn 1W mU of A. 4, nORRlSSON'S Whiskies Brandies, Gifts, &c Also a grots far BININGER'S GINS, CALIFORNIA IYINES, Tarrsatfl far liadiciaal wrpa. CIGARS, SMOKIKO TODACCO, SNUFFS, &cf &c WOOD & WILLOW WARE, f ANCT AUTICLES, Ae, kc ME.IL aod FLOUR coeaiaoily eo aa&4, and arrilnj vrekly. Ageau for rUUCHJLSE OF COTTON Highest CmA Print akl. Caab or Barter fir en for all kinds of Frcv dnce. S cTrcirpt Ue&iioo irco to all cocrifa . menu. filers rrcaireJ for LUMBER of all kinds, JdirrreA mt lw, front R. J. Falton's St eana Saw Mill, at lowest cash price. S. II. WATERS t CO, Ar, WUaae, Call Augusts I Jia Chang twins, ' ixi.- .i I Uarniab. writes: shall l lmrnr la I . v -. .i T-f f 1 1 ll ! iiua T 1 1 ii nnnnr rT rT inn I . i A . nr.fl "En Sinntan lv fflcanecl aJonff my rout. 1 learned. " "w !n MMnJin4f . r . Mn., i Mils b a -vav akaaauvw I aj w a '11 I . . a , . ,1 I - n - w ' accompanied by a CroW that, thtf freedcen have labored bet- D""in 0 Slv? ns iung tne spwdT andeffectM) , assist ely so i .i it.. .u-UMi f r,,1 Li. ter this vear than at anv previous kej uuwn mio uie cngmroom. Ma"s"vvt v..-vrv-ro-v..r r I .j . : - : v. In an instant the fire spread through- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. time since their emancipation. Evi- UCulUU yuuuk ,iu;s,i nvio uasstu-i w-... . . . , , J., - - I. :.U .lontW tl,nV tn Wrnfnrninrr tn th S1X 8t0neS and 800n tlie Cera on iuu an mo uuatu nu ua iruiu i """-'j - j o , . , . , j ?i:,.v J i!,.u, ' Ti,-" J the condition which nature has emi- buraiDS wliiskoy ran down the gut- of o2e, their nently qualified them to fill-good, - ----- - u Pollti lU(-UVU 111 l-u tUt; icuuiug mm IUU river, and in a short time an explos- begin to show signs forced to tho conclusion that hair being silver gray, and their step active and cheerful laborers. Gen. Grant 13 a fair c.vnr.hont of somewhat feeble. They have d-ban- cally, .Acy are becoming restive un s. I -. Liberal RepublTcaiiisiu. Let doncd- all hope of ever being a separ vs see then, what Liberal Ueniil- licanism i, according to-hw dec laration of his desires and nur- poses. In a conversation had with Gen. Tarbell, Secretary of the Kcpublican Exoentlvri CVmmir to both of them. AVe also saw in the same coach "Hi v." O. W. AYelkcr, former Con- - i fedcrac orator now Radical Sena tor from Guilford, State Director in arty" gave utterance to the fol lowing my liberal and very re publican sentiments, giving pur- tee of Misaiaiippi, the ' "head of the North Carolina j Railroad, and 'the Great National Republican 'Pial crony of CpcCod Ashloy a nt representative or tne corrupt, class of Radical leaders that now curse our good old State, W Uft tli . North Carolina Roiul r,y Von to tliu ivpresen tives of Lt Greensboro, where wc noticed thepres present to make them gicat improvements for the conven- . pnhlic and. , mdeed.. renuestino ience of pasenrrers in thc shape of - ; . . , x o 1 - ' i . . i that they would do so : ! new ticket office, setting-rooms, etc. Washington, Aug. ll.-In nn Aftcr an hour's itinS at reens interview 'Vith Gen. Tarbell, the horo, (where wc had for five,) Secretary of the Republican Execu- w0 took the Pcidmont train, and two - tiro Commiittfo of Missipi, at the hour'8 ride in maSnificent coaches, residence of Secretary Fish jn this brought us to this point. City, on tho Gth inst., President NYe comfortably quartered with Grant remarked upon the small nura- friend Dameron, of tl.c RuSin Sc- bcr of Republicans engaged in the kct School; which, by thc way, is National Republican puty, in Miss- onc of tll bcst institutions of its class issippi, using tho name of Jude in tic State. Situated in one of the Dent, and -said that in his jud"ment healthiest sections of the South, stjir tho tact was m itself evidence that rounacd ly ucauuiui scenery a ' tbew rnnl.l rnt ha Afli ,,. i refined sfteictv. with ucrfect svst. - -.w v.u.a niM tiiaii I , ; rf" j 1 usedby tho opposition. The ! Prcsi- RI1 admirable discipline, it affor der the galling yoke of their Task ttd, eminent European and American jNlastcrs, the JNortncrn IJarpet Jiag' physicians having concluded that gers, the Scalawags and the Rene such an opperation would prove fatal gades and manifest a willingness to assimilate themselves with the native conservative element of the country. The hand of tlejtiny has unmistaka bly inscribed Ichubod on the escut cheon of Radicalism in tho South. Farmers are in excellent spirits. They arc beginning sensibly- to rea lize that thc surest road to compe tency and happiness leads through a well cultivated farm. , ? Idlers about 1 Towns and loafers around st reet corners will pleas mete this fact and be no longer nuisances to their families and the community in which they reside. . M. JAMES E. CLARK, wrrn G. W. McGLAUHON&CO. Cotton Factors. on ook place in the sewer, breaking GENERAL COMMISSION - MERCHANTS. portion of it, but not doing any tobacco warehouse, Norfolk, va. very great damage; tho flames con- ,.. .. . . , ' J b O ' .1 aS" Will attend nromntlr trt .ii'm of f flT, titued, however, through tho sewer ton, grain, lumbek, naval stores, to the end of the wharf, which set Advances Made on ConslgmenU on nre, ana came near nnng a ong consignments goLiciiD. rmnnAiKtfiamnF Thft flrft ftrtAnd. anst 18 I 29-tX. jf 1 aj uvu a. - s,uv iivs .mw x -awwb ed to' tbe adjoining houses in the block, and thratened their entire destruction. Tne los3 is generally estimated at over five millions of A- Is From tho Petersburg Express. Old Issues. dent said that-his only desire was excellent facilities for' procuring U peaco mid amity, and ha would do practical and useful education. The ... ....! as a. - 1 . a I- - ' . . .J ir v.3 r s 1 10 UrnS that sehl nw numbers sixty-five pupi& about but that these people cast sus. quite a number of whom are piion o:i their own motives by thc ii i t v - - . fact that all their efforts teemed to and adjo.mog col It is quito popular to speak of ccr tain issues as old, by which the idea is meant to be conveyed that they arc dead and buried never aain to be revived. Adheranc to principle, enncsition to endowing a mass of 1 1 ' ignorant and semi-civilized negroes with the right of suffrage, devot:on to the constitution and adherance to its provisions, have all been alike characterised as old issues, not to be revived nor to engage the attention a of political disputants. Rampant radicalism would have it imposed upon the people s mind, cs frojm beanaed at dividing, riot aidin". tho Republican prrty in their midst. they were really h j earnest th Counties. corn crops It inrouguoui au mis scciion, nave oecn Tho tobacco and ey j seriously damaged by the droug:h4- peeially that of thc SoatU, that it is an old issue to oppose Ks tyrannies and iniustice that it is an old issue N. C STONE WARE. Consisting of JARS, JUOS, CHURNS, PITCO- EK3 aud MILK UlUMJKS. ALSO Ground Alain U lu Sacks, aiolaaaca. dollar's: w'ne person has since died of Jnst .ixJZii for sale at theCcmer Sure, injuries received. The total insurance i,rlclt y on whiskey is :$2,288,000. York and Eastern companies arc the heaviest losers. : The London and Globe lose $180,000; Imperial $319, 000; Insurance Company of North America of Philadelphia $127,000. Philadelphia companies probably! lose $400,000. Am6ng the other! M. W. JARVIS, A cent. From ItT. J. IL Darla, 1 1 V orfi t sboro, N, C. Dr. WortMtiEton's Cliuk-ia and Medicine laa been um-A a lib lbs. litirt tUcvt undt-r iuj oltacrvailon lor l!ic U i tao juu u this iiiaiiiuiioii. Wc fl ii J ll a .ie anl i.roiut rcintily lu diacaacs of lUe Uia ein, tjr hicli It is ii ii.t iivll j doiuid, and but Jin ctUi-ai'iou la of tlie ikttou at a leiu. We ktp ll vunuutly on L md. and re aoit to It wlib lnctialn cuufldttire wi:h trcrr . 1 1 1 . . . . r it. .. . . , t, ...... . rvjiviiuuu ui urn uac . il. uai PrcalJcnl W. Y. College. Dr. Worlklnzlon: Your Cbolcra Mcdlrin. Is lite bot medicine I bare crcr dmh) fur Clmi. era PiiL-viiUDf. - I ALU. D. ruiBKKXJJ dcnlon, N. C. J. A. lllallJON. ' WlLMIXOTOW, i. C. nr. it. it. n onumjion oir : raiict)d me one doscn of yonr Cholera Mcdlcioe, for 1 cao i uu wuuoui ii ; u i uie it-si I crrr ud W. t. H. ANDREWS WiLUBuao, Ans, Bcptcralicr Ii7. 1 MrR7REr.sroao', N. CL, Nrr. 2. iw Dr. It. II. Won blnzton Dear P!rwv. tht nndcrrlkTied, iit.r. BS of Hertford count y believe your preparations more Valuable In tLc household, as a famllv medicine, than any other we bavc erer ord. We say what wa helleve We have erer foauud It t be of. tcnr8 Ul tU foct In rcllerlnj thute aQcctions for which It ts rccoramencM a. J. W. Hill. M. M Wis?, L- T. fuWr. E unsu-r. . r. jK-aruan. ii. t i j kcr, Jolin W. lUnxer, IL f. Park, T. J. Hot- nitt otin, 4. ju Anderson. B. 8. II Wilson, N. C Anjroat 18, 1NK. tt PREMIU1!! For the FULST BALE of NEW C0TT0 U. OFFER AS A FREMIUM FOR lie Fiwrr Dale of 'W COTTON sent to us A SILVER CUP, Jfow being pretiared hearv losers are a numoer ol Dank 2 . . a- r KADER BIUG8, ere, sneludmg Jay ix0Jce io., wno KADER BIGOS, A CO., .Nettolk, Vs Af A nn;;s Favmrrtf .V. C. had advanced money to whiskey men to pay the tax on June 30. A. ltcmarkablo Iunatlo. The Pall Mall Gazette tells this story: "The intellectual activity of a certain class of lunatics is curiously illustrated in thc report on the lunatic asylum of Ireland, which has lately been printed and laid before Tarlia racnt. A man named Joseph Ling frey escaped frcra the Central Asylum with two other patients, none of thc party being looked upn as lunatics- by the medical officers, al though confined there as criminal Mnr..t; Mr. larfflrer was me a suuiaaa wwl w O mf XtfUi, IV. KADER BIGGS k CO., GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND COTTON FACTORS, Deira Wharf. arf oik, Taw (e'.crk of tbe tSoperior Cosrt) Charles F Camp bell, D. D.. Jese 1. Teate. J. II. M.i-rt J t Trader, A. W. Darden, KMirnel Uoora XT. C. barker, (nrKe A. Butt, . D. Wiaborn. Benl !rr. T. D. Roonr. I- ? f ..maa. r it Rolle, Uriah aacnan, L.H. Cowprr, UJerk lor Conrt, . J. lh-aue. sTa7"TLU McdUIoe Has Leca hcrdo'ore o hlsh that It was Dot ever ona that had one dollar to iarc Jo buy a bottle. Hirlar adt inmcciu' ma wiin ur. w. to Me tlie ej elaaire aholcaale rrnry fur thu if Airi i bare Indncvd Lias to put lt up la two sicca, the cent aad Ui cenia, at retail. 1 JAME8 T.WIQQINS, rcontiETAttr wiiolmaleaoilht. Mu Srktrr, Noarouc. Va. ITS'" To whom all ord-rs ahoald La ,t.t.. t roraalabj Dmr-Utacd VlcrchAcis rrcrr where. . ' E. ROSENTHAL, JUNE lit, 1SC0. 1 hare opened this day my SECOND NEW STOCK, OT SUMMER DRESS GOODS. I hate tba prettiest stock of Drrae Ooeai'aa baud now that has hnm here this i na. Wartar J oat recU ved a new lot mi ta LAT 1ST SZ I LXa. Also, BLACK DRESS SILKS, SILK PARASOLS, LACE SHAWLS k MANTILLAS, . CORSETS, of all aifca, IIOOPSKIRTS,tmallndcxtrnixe. In fact irT staek Is row ada evrapleta. If f REST CALIVGEX n.,4 e 15 trmtt mrr mmrJr Becuod quality 11 cents. Also, rccdTcd aad eprocd to-ds j, a aw stork f READY-MADE CLOTHING, Cawrnere and Linen, of ALL SIZES. And always on hand and received weekly. a fall stock of LADIES' HhocH ami Qnitei-H, - wMrfi 1 in ha Tin Bnaaafaclarcd lo or act, sad whk-h I puraatee. , lhanklul for rMt Ltrora. X reatM-tBttv .v " .wuMHiMwt. vi ftiic Mine Jane t E. ROSENTHAL, on coart Jloaaa fr aare. a f C. J. R0UNTREE. srnuu K rrtRK 1X t A wtt mrrr, A KW YAHXt4 AIXJVJC TUC VtrCKT HOCIV l(jCAU.-U WILSON, N.C., OtT.ts to the y-aUir.acd oprrlaDy to th rra feaalwa of the Tkiulty, a Mock of Drugs and HedicineSy which In point or ra lety has mm been sntel. led In this eotsmnatir. ajd to ik .rti exceHoea of wik-a IsrXca Molcaoaal arm! In t. lis auo has ta rtort aa orliatut of SCHOOL U00KS, PAPER, &c ht lil aiumuon to the al "f ! Ju rrerlrrds artIr of School IWA. OTT0S- and all kind of COUNTRY 2'R.-1 M , . 7?' . DfCR-and prompt return, nvtd-.' MK.nS j s It, Sd, 4 and 4th Stealers. Liberal advances cn Ca&furnmcnta. py hLlpmcu tt I.irer)Mol FKEE Or FultWAKDISi OJMMlSsIuNS, and the) tuna I skti t Dcr mau& to record it as different from the government of tlie 0niUT State j icader of thefugitiTes, andi5 dcseril)- BAiI Tdk on IHcral it 1.1. AagaU lt raad T1U fnralald GOOD NEVS FOR THE BLIND. rmAMBEULAIN HAS JUST RECEIV- ed a complete aBsrrtmrnt of the i Putcst Axcota aaaomtl mu Sptaclea. Warra&lcd to salt the eye. I baVe the exclusive rlht for fae sale (cf these Superior ipectacles la this Coos' J. rt. W.CHAMBCKLA1N. Brick.- lock. Dlow Conrt I loaae SICS Or THE VUi WATtt. Wetiater'a Dlrttawy mm4 Sprtaac Hooka. fitrrllh's Crannnsr. MileUcira New Primary Cco-rrapLy. Do. I)x Inc Dv Anti-roaa Lada Lraaoas. v - Cnj-y Coo a. , CorntaorcUl Note, Cap a4 Laid 5oe riper. EaTak. oja cad, Ac, y la ao4 colored. Sl Fcna, a good asaortmeat. Whkklotkrtor sale at toj store, corier Brick Block. M." T. JARVIS, Ac ext. Wilsoo, JaJj iCtk, isocl - PATENT MEDICIflLIO. comslatln mainly of tboa whkk Lava baesi spiovrd of alter ton; UU1 la oar satdat aat. frua a bleb care U taken to rxdaa all wonh lean aod ankaowa nostra tna. Aiuons; otWr nrue aa to be fonnd la kls stock FOK EAsIILT UaE are ' (oajroaW), aod Elarorlaf Ex-' Pepper, ilrtlrt, Glnxar. Clnnsmin, CWraa, xronad aaC warrna-u4 rsaraciXf rvmtL l. H Dje nd Mbaa- UHM anidca. Alao, aa Oil Urn the II air. conspoaWre la his wi, rmn u reooeLmcaoc4 ao tleaaat 4.1 ! . . LnUal Cfirlta U oft-T4 to o cparcewn IMUc of tke oOralr asaetl of BecHna, and chcaer. ,;2",Ml,,r -Omoax-oaJa El7 Paper eVruvya Ilea wlta aalatraod coaTecleoca. v L-ps sad OJ, 1, a atonJW, Ac:," Ac, or rwnUe alaaa. - lia k rus.ata4.vy raoaJrlof rar1r of Paints. . Oil tuitl Tdrnfihcv w nick are aoktrery tow. nrrrarr W a,IBj mtmtmrtj loaw arBg snejk toa'al a!Al viStbdadnk t tho tere.a la akort, W U dVteraalsd rMt oU.Ur akall U Ioa ky tkona vhofstor LUankk petrooace. lajjaai ot aniens prtcca cksrs " -rrtrotcam UUVubr OO," lor saai ilnn J. Jat roired aaJ tor sa ckn. ' 1S.J

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