TtfE PLAINuEALER WlL0Mi8EPTCMBER2l, 1809. " C. S.McDANIEL EDITOR. The ment opinion of the Attor ney General , U tcry clear eipo ition , of the true intent of the ltecontnctko lafrs of Virginia, at well as of those of all the South- .1 tenu uu inc rauncauon ot.ute xu teenth Amendment Is entirely option al with tnc "peoJpVe of, Virginia, yet noi sensible man will, after a little fc riotxs thought.' deny that it is con dition precedent to the admission of that State into tue union, jv grave question right here presents itself to the Radical party, which it would do p no way hjr which these " higher law, '"and pteuJo philanthropical tnadmen ' can extricate themselves from their present unenviable predic ament .Th question is this : Would Mt the' ' rttificatioiii,''' under all the coBjlsory circutuetancea, be Invalid l.w Minn rf Jurfiit t flniilri " nAt tha .construction be Verj convenient lyma3otl'IAnd will not the masses o,the people at no distant day so rVganl it , ' yJ . :::: :. This amendment is a sweeping one, aii iachdej tot'pnly Tthe negroes, b'at tTtry peiton, be of whitever race, color or nation." Besides the Wowinar discontent which is manifes ting Utelf in the 'North the '' great , western states Dare awaKcnea to a ' -.i.:.. i J - ' - , , l proper appreciation of the dangers . with wVicV they ' ar! threatened. Ml . t " 1 1 " 1 at the prospect of beirg overrun by en immense tide pT half-civilized hn- Migrants from China ; and the' bare idea of this horde of semi .barbarians ruling over them- -as do the negroes erer us in many of the Southern States is but to be mentioned, to meet th cir ready indignation and resistance. 'Xhoughmany of these Western peo -pie assisted, by action or non-action, in saddling these oppressive anddes tractive laws upon us, ' they have no jdea of fallowing them to be applied to thepselrei. . " What is sauce for for the gander,' and our wild Had ical friends have inadvertently pre cipitated themselves into a difficulty 'from which there is no escape but that ,6f inglorious retreat, This the pride Of .their leaders will not them to do, and tne consequence win oe that their ranks will have grown very .'thin wWn they go into action again. Now that the pernicious effects of this unwarranted legislation nre gtaring thtptopU ik the face, is it not natu ral that"' they should rise4 up and t bitterly denounce 'and repudiate jthe j.hase ."men who, for vindic 4 tire andr purely ' partisan purposes, have ridden rough shod over the fun- -m ' - a !11 1 uamentai principien ot our govern .mont andwcll nin extinguislipd th'e tires of liberty in this country. 1 The . epaits however arc left, and the flame , Ving rekindled by the breath of x. Atriotitiia. The seeds of discord are ajways found ' in great parties, and ara developed in proportion to the magnitude of the powers either justly - oruniuiiv acquireu. xne uaaicai ,tarty is no exception to this general t rule, and its excessive corruption and tyranny' has hastened its death. - Many and.mahy ' are the sins; which i aro being laid at its door'.' ' Most of . thcse7 flagitious acts aro but the logi cal sequence of tho destruction of ,the .federative features of 'the go , vernment and the rapid progress of scuirwuiuou. war warnings' nave ( jhithertp fallen to the ground ; but a , . murmur s is now heard through-" j out the' land against the unpve 4 celcntci assumptions of power by the present Administration. The re lent instructions of Grant to the mil ' jtary of Kw York torcsisthc right- M ciTilVathoriUcs of that State, U f ,.puV one among the thousand lawless invuions oi me ngnisor tue otates , Other causes too are at work, which inateruny tnect the soh.dity of the , Judical party. Numerous issues are .Gliding its adherents. Temperauce, . )Vomens Rights, and greedy jealousy i - tisions-peeuliaronly to the uDrosrres wiand hypr-civlited people of New England, .are hastening ''the wurk of dissolution. rf.Tby kave built ' their hoUBe imnn thp mirl amla f T m J"Ssaj v t malice and corruption, and it must be washed away ly the surging billows cf virtuous in-lignution. It is Uhi- , Jed against itsif ami cannot Ltand I UutJiotwithstanfling sill th'csc siks which keraM the downfall of our e-je- out that wc must furl iho Conserva tive Democratic banner, under which wte have bo long and bravely battled, I acknowledge all wc have hereto- fore done to be wrong,1 and join what they are pleased to Vail the Idbcral movement." Even though mi we WOuld not ffr o4.v wvii ywiwro , muvu less snail we do so now, when we believe that vic tory will soon, be within our reach and that , we will but have to stretcn forth our hands and grasp it. liet us " watch and wait," and be really when the battle comes to achieve great yietorr, which will give U3 substantial " Peace, " and puri and restore that reat palladium a a of our liberties, The Constitution of the United States. xnv Kfc neea oi America is wise and honest public men. At the present time there is not a pnb t.ic raan who is worthy the title jof statesman. Thfl places once occu pied by , Webster, Clay Calhoun and , others whoso names are illus trious, are now occupied, but nbt iillcd, "by tn en who in comparison to tlrem j are but dwarfs; . - '"The nation suffers from tbe w4t tf wise men to direct the rQachine r7 of government and to gpeat vrords , cf wisdom in the couneils of the nation. Never has America hacl greater ; need of statemanshp has she had so litttle of it. "There is not to-day a public man in either party whose intellect euimes mm i-o ranic aoovettie common mass, and the lack: Of statesmen is and has been painfully manifest. It is seen in the political complications which are paralyeirig our commerce. It is seen,1 in the vagne (and 'undetermined policy of our ditferent administrations. It is seen .in every act done , ly our legislative bodies. ' r v; "Instead, of statesmen wo haVe demagogues, men who are scarcely better than third rate politicians. And the country suffers. ' j "What is to be done?. It is dear that if tho blind are to continue to lead the blind all will fall into the pit. It is clear that America can never attain to any high degree of prosperity- until she has men of wisdom- to manage her affairs. . It may bo that there are such men anions us,, but they are not visible, and the character of the politic? of the day is not such as would tend to put good men into office. Howi Jong is tins carnival oi acniagogism to continue! It has already lastet fifteen or more years-Will i: never be over? We need a new or der of things. We need a new class of legislators. We need statesmen!. Shall we ever have them?" j We clip the above from the Stan dard of a late date. We are fcuij prised that the editor of that sheet has been1 so long in getting acquaint ed with the "d wai ft, demagoguesi, nnd third-rate politicians,'.' that his party have placed in control of the National 'and almost every State go vernment. Verily, we agree witt 'the Standard for once"if the blind arc to continue to lead the blind all will fall into the pit." Already the "demagogues" of his "blind" party have brought us to the brink of the pit in which' all nations have sunk, when their rulers Were bent only on their own personal gain, or gave themselves up to corruption and de bauchery, lit is true that "the cha-H racter of the politics of the day is not such as would tend to put good men into office." This. being the" case, we repeat the Standard's question :- What is to be -i done V There, is hut one answer. - Hurl from power the 'corrupt patty that has placed the country in its present deplorable conditionrestore the Constitution in its purity, and let li wise and honeist public men" again administer $ie affairs of government. We cheerfully give place to the communication of Contentnea,- In record to the-Railroad from thte-mriht i to the" Ntwe.- We trust ' thkt tte people af?ng the contemplated 'route will awake td the importance of this work, and take steps at once to haVe the road built. All that is necessary to secure thft road; ior the people immediately. interested to come bp liberally to the aid of its projectors. Let the matter be thoroughly discuss ed among the farmers ; the ( advan tages of quick .transportation; to tjie best markets considered ; the enhan ced value of. the lands resulting from the bmlJIn, of the road M-eigltetrT itnJ tLcn "let them tate Btdck and S Wotk-it out g-al?ig portion? the road most convenient to them ; others by furnishing cross ties ; and s; 11. ethers by contributions of land, say in sections of from one to two hundred acres ; while those wlid pre fer it, take stock in money. It will be a safe investment, and in all pro- bability the stock Will pay dividends in a few years. We urge all who are interested in the enterprise to attend the netting at SnoV Hill on the 25th ' . We would call the aUcQtion of our agricultural readers to the article on the Practical Analysis of Soil and Marl, to be pund in the local column of thi3 issue. The article Was fur nished to us by a gentleman who has given the subject attention ; and while it does not pretend to use scientific phrases, It is practical, ; and we be lieve it will be useful in testing th marl ahdi soils of our section. We have seen the last test mentioned in the article in practical operation and the result was entirely satisfactory. Mr. Editor : I sec that a meeN ing is to be held on the 25th ihstant at Snow Hill, to consider the new Railroad project fromlVilson to some point on the Neuse river which will be the head of navigation the entire year. This is an important matter for those persons living in the coun try through ) which this road would run,' and also to Wilson ; and it is to be hoped that the Tneeting will be large-and enthuaiastie, and that mea sures will then be taken to insure the early construction of the road. Those who have visited the Con- tentnea country, have ; been struck with its beauty and productiveness, and wonder that thetthrifty planters have not long since connected them selves with the outside world. The time may not hare arrived for such improvement before, but it certainly has now, and it remains. with the cit- t izens of Wilson, Greene, and part of Pitt, to say whether they will or will not haVe the road. I am informed that the Wilmington and Weldon Railroad has recently sent an I Engineer to examine the country, and he reports most favora- hly. ..! The Hon. ; R. R. Btidgers, Presi dent of th W. & W. It. 11., who, by by ' h's extraordinary energy and ability, has done so much for his road, I learn is the originator of this pro ject 'ihis being the case, if he meets with reasonable-assistance the road will be'a fixed fact! Let each one therefore discard all selfish feelings and work for the general good, and we will have the road. ! CONTENTNEA. Tlo Love of Notoriety. It is impossible to pick up a paper now in whicli the doings and where abouts of a lot of obscure and com monplace people are not chronicled with a minuteness which their in significance does not warrant. The world does not care a penny where these people are or what they are doing, and yet the exactness and care Hvith whicli their dresses are described by the hungry correspon dents of the "fashionable" papers would lie inappropriate even if bestowed, upon persons of distinct tion. The number of nobodies whose toilettes arc so faithfully described by watering place letter-writers is Appalling. The result is tnat this giving publicity to obscure persons has " begotten a morbid love of no toriety amoug certain classes which is disgusting. Liet the iiress cease to notice mediocrity and the evil will be stopped, but not till then.' 4 Exchange. Geo. W. Shanks is establishing in Florida a cottou factory with an immense number of spindles. We wish spindle-Shanks ail success. Prentice. Five ; thousand six hundred and fifo-?$he students have been educa ted at thcleflerson Medical College t itl Philadelphia siuce its commence- meat in lo26. The Emperor Kapoleon ha9 par doned all French political exiles, without reservation and without any iron clad oath. Imperialism is more magnanimous than Republi canism, in these days. Commissioner Delano has decid ed that liquor dealers cannot sell from what is known as stand-casks, which are replenished from time to time, as tne law-requires mac ait . t . ii i 11 changes of ackuge in the case oi liqucrg requires re-stampin g and jofj-re-branir-S- SPECIAL NOTICE- CHOLERA. HOW TO CURE IT. : At the Commencement of the fiarrhM, Which alwav precede an attat of the choVrm, tk a te.-wiK9nfnl of the Pla Killer 1 ugar aal water, (warm. If conTBnlect mad then bathe frctl the stomach aud bowels with the Pain Killer clcarV Should ike divrhea or cramps contiune, repeat th dose every teu or fifteen minute till the patient Is reiiered. Ic extreme cases two or more tcispooafuls iuaj be gireo at a dore. . . Thi; l'jtfBUlcr, sa an ioternal remedy, has no eiioL .In cases of Cholera, Hummer Com I uints, ryjci!a, Dysentery, Athm, it cam in one uiht, by taking it Internally, and batLins wiih it freely. It action is like mic, when external') spplicd to bad Sores, Bums, Scalds, and Sprains. For Sick Headache and Tooth ache, don't faU to try it. Id short, it is a Pais Killck. The KUlcr is sold by all dealers In Family Medicines KOSKOO, Are yo sick, nerrous or dcbiliuled 1 Are j you sulYefiog from any form of S'crri.A, wrspersutriiasriiAiisji, Livbr Complaist. ividnet WiKAss or krvoub Pkostkatioj, &c.l If so you cau be restoekd to biiltii and V'coa b-y nng Dr. Lawesxck's ctle brattd " Ksskoo." It cures the most intrit rttte forms of Chrrfoic Disesse' tckm mU uthrr remedies jtftt It bot a tccret tmicl wttlicux; the FoKjufTl it mroHHd eaeh. hoi1. And It is a sTAKdard remedy of retogniztA wfrtf.. It js daily prescribe!! by physicians, and recom mended hy many thousands of our best citi zens. For sale by iJniggisu and Merchants everywhere. tjf Ladies suffering front any disessd e- cuhsr to iheir sex, can be restored lo heslth hf using Da. Lawbbxcr's 'Womas Friexo." It purifies tHe sedrCiions, and restores the'sys tent to a healthy condition.-Sa 8'i-ly NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE. P rsuapt to 8ection IS of an Act concern ing the goTernment of counties, ratified 14th August, 1868, notice is Lereby aiTeu of Uie accounts audited, county revenue and charges incomes, disbursements, &c, for the year eudl ing Sept. 1, 186!). The c'.aims against tbe county presented anaited and ordered to be paid are as toV ovrs : , OU county orders to amount.. ....$2,080 28 juror iicseiS Stste failures - ait expenses5 . . . . 454 64 718 68 094 43 119 23 275 70 201 63 To B. F. BHggs, Sheriff " J. W. Davis, Sheriff " Wm. T. Clark, for hoard.... . Wm. II. Farmer, for board . " T. J. RpTre, for board Guarding prisoners lt Joseph G.King " Joseph D. Barbee .... ' Dock. Taylor " John Batts .!.'.. Quardinr Jai! ' Charles O Xeih. 679 00 i : 2C8 CG ir.) 00 31 33 37 60 41 00 48 00 830 73 320 75 2C3 00 Con oo 75 00 330 "00 1(52 00 7 00 20 00 'Kt 40 r no 120 00 23 00 830 00 74?46 100 00 120 77 24 SO 10 00 47 50 50 00 " Charles Gay (c.l).... ' B. F. Bri-g, Sheriff " S. Jlarrell . . . . . Assessing and taking tax list up to .-. .. .... , Bri Jge Building To John A.Jenkins. II u T l. " Elbert Felion. ......I.. " Harris Boj-kin .. " Terry llentfrow " 5.'. F.-Xorton...-" Wm. Woodard.. i. ... .... " Vid. t. Brewer- '.'.v. ".".::;".'.:.; " JVnn W. Smith ........ ... " Vrilie Lamm., , ' To A. J. & G. W. Earefoct. .... Allowaii nvule to B. F. Briggs for makifiT out tax list'l858 . . .T . . . . - T. D. foi lumler, work, 4c. , at tho Poo.- House . ia - II. V. P-ele. Coroner, account for.. Dr. It. y. King, Coroner, account for.. . Dr. L. A- .'th for attention and roeiicioe to proner Fit. 1? f!i Harlinni fn .n . ion and mecPcie to pauper -.1. S. M. Wren, amount paid tl State for DuiLand Dumb 150 00 - 18 00 21 02 157 50" . 5 00 34 75 Plaiodetier for registration- baoks and avertiement M. Itontree k Co., store acconnl..'' A. J. 8 tiws, Deputy Sheriff, for ex tra fee Garry Fslghnm, Deputy Sheriff, for extia fees..,. .... M. H.irriyson clothing hill , ' James Wiggins clolliinjr bill 13 10 Kxcesi of Uxes over-listed 1868 aoiinst the followin$;j)ersons : N. C. Clirihtmas W. D. Moore......... ... James D. Arinslroug..., Harris T instead It. H. Blount M..V. Darnes....- Wm. Barnes... Amos Atkinson 117 61 8 40 100 00 60'00 11 60 115 36 13 23 D. Farmer.... 1 1J J. Adams 2 00 U. .'omlinson ,. 2 00 B Crafion ; t , , 2 00 Jlrs. Battle.. , f . 1 q J antes D. Barnes 7 20 Wiliie Flora 7-0 Allowauce made by the County Commis sion era to tha followiug persons, tiz : nobert r iooi John Pittinsn . Kedv Davis .. 42 50 8 00! 9 00 8 00 15 00 10 00 2 00 4 00 4 00 10 00 12 50 6 86 17 50 3 13 142 00 25 00 Sarah Pitt mn David Rone..'.. ..u S.lomon ! Parker.... .... .... j .... Larry Beasly ' Eiizab-Mh and Penny Sasser . Joseph Lucas. .t. J- N. Howe. J Allowed Silas LacasCourt Crier. . . B. II. Lnncsster, ' ... James H. Worrell, " . , . L. D. Farmer, amount over as county trustee.... T. C. Dafis, old account together with interest. .... J..TV. Lsncanter, accouot for profes sional services.... B. F. Brig's, amonnt credited on two county orders.... " G. W; Stanton for stationery .... . . A. Barnes for stationery - F. W. Taylor for stationery and or der booc J. H. Knais for bok of certificates. E. S. Waltoa for stationery A. J. Brown for deed case Willie Tomliofcon for cleansiugut Court House well 1 0. Lipscomb for work, dose the Court House . ; Assessors for 1P69 101 04 61 50 11 40 5 25 18 08 6 85 12 50 7 50 70 00 A. J. Brown. 2S 00 2C 00 1 00 12 00 11. W. Teele.... B. J.Burm Alvin Bsglv Joi aMian Tamlinson Jacub II. Barnes Joliii S- Boykin J. P. B"i.rdin Jont- T arum Jamt- T Graves I. U . ;.rou . ... J. W. A' oack.... , L. XI. II yes . ;2 10 14 13 14 8 10 VI 14 a j ia v.Ti;ot.... K1 win Barnes 9 t II r Wij:imi Wslson.... " ' l (k) 8. IX BnvVi " W'J. ' IS 0 Allrt Fwnfr 1 (uj V.-R.Wo, J (in B. M. Owfi Xm " j;J The perevns ar exwep'd ,-m P?32 fvll ti f.r !lie pnrtrnt , yr aad or ileis UuvJ to each one for the saint : Ueoree Thomjoo Noel Frrrell . Cofteld S rickUnd Thsroas IiojeU..i. A. Brviui. 2 00 2 tSl U in) 2 A. J. Moore . 2 lJ Enos Ferre'l .... Y. Webb J. H. I' Ames , . i 2 is) 2 0 2 ip 2 n 2 ki .X. K.'J. Waller... Was. Wells Paail Raker . . Henry Kttby.. Jesse Darls.... , B. Daris taj 4 ... . t i 00 ..4 ..... z w 2 CWl j w. L. Barnes.... Wm. Lara , J. M. Merrsr It. II. Tooiliason.. BWtbb.. Thomas Bose.... Wn. Woodsnl.... A. B. Moore...'. . 2 OU 2 0 , 2 00; - 1. Id' Ul 'n Bvtt., 2 t; Amount Jose Ferrell oer IlMeJ . 'ii 2 f rl,MrM, rlmwn I w 6 and 'Ji ll. W. I'eele registered 1 9Xnato. Janwe II. Reutlrow rrfisiered (H namek M. V. Barnes registered l,l'.r$ names Solomon Lauuu registered 8.) names .... 1 1 - a A Amount Expended oi paupers lo Use fUow ig peraoaa, via : ' . To A. G. RoOJn for burial expenses. S. M. Warren far attention John II. Barnes, Foor House ex penses " Solomon Lamm, Vow House ex penses . ... ... i.i. .... ; " Thomas Stancil, poor House k penw.!.. .; " Wll.iam llinuant, l'oor lloiue cxenses.... " Henry Jones fcr bnrial eifenw " J. J. Tender " wm. Hswty, poor expense .... To Henry Wiggins, kurial expenses " Harris Boykin, 1 " -" Ellick d ward, i attention and burial expenses. ..' " Piety Morris, poor expenses.,.. 82 0 8 ( 10 Ot! 0 00 7 00 11 70 9 oO 8 () T 00 4 1)0 8 00 20 00 8 (10 15 (Hi 5 Ot) 7 jO 6 00 ' Arthur Fittmaii, buriil expenses " John I. Gsy, butial expem-es... Irket Evans, burisl ex tenses. " Amount allowed John Wilkinson " Amount allowed it M. Warren for pi paring the abstract Ux list r j Do. for auditing the County Tress- t urer's accounts 1 For registering the voters in 18S F. W. Tsjlor registered in WiUon ! District i .... ..... ...... j Alrin Bsgly registered In Stantons- j burg District I Jone Peele registered in Old Field ' District.... ; D. W. Barnes registered in Gardner's i District J. John T. Lamm registered iu Cross Roads District I. j . Random Hinnatit registered in Spring Hill District.. ii. : i Jthn P. Jtatdiu registered in Black ' 100 00 5 00 4B TO 13 70 14 12 13 70 6 05 7 TO 1C 21 11 13 6 37 Creek District B. M. Owens registered in Saratoga , District Alfied Thompson registerel in Tsy " lor's District ToUl..J i 11 -173 12 Disbursements for the jKist yer bv " he Cuu nty Treasurer . .. fSC77 72 County revenue received from ettry source' Received trnm S. M. Marten, i'rp- ; uty Sheriff 4 .I'.Hl ; Received from B. F. B bhnll". y,40; on " F. W. Taylir. Rt-g- iter 51 2 Peceivel friiu A. Bat ucf, Clerk and Piuba'e Judge Received tax on ciril sui's . 17 ;l " bastard bondn.... ', C5 Ut - fins on Hiate docket.. .... 1 t " tax " 21 00 " " oh deeds and mort gage 115 21 Recwred from H. F. Briggs, Slwriil,' baiurd bouds '. : 20 00 ' 'J crttKIXT BirOBT. Permanent debt of the eounty alibout in tereet $2,t30 48, debt eontracted during the last three years prior to Sept. 1, 18C9. i.lty order Board of Commissioners, 3 jw f. w. Taylor. Oik. Treasurers Reports John Wilkinson, County Treuvurer lor the county of Wilson, In account currcut Dr.S,81l CO CR. 1S00. -' Apiil 3. By amount recetvad frnta 8. l. Warren, Depnty Sher iff H.str 00 Sept. 1. By niuonut received from B. F. Bi igs, Bluinfl 3,4X) 00 By amonnt rtt lod lrai W.Taj lor, KeieUr M 20 By amount received from A. Barnes, Clerk and FrobiHe Judj ' Tax on civil nits--- .. . Tax on buatffd boodt- Fine on State docket Tax on State docket Tax on dends and raortrijii From B. F. BrLs, BUerifl, bssLJrd bvuda.. 17 .V) . 10 2Ut tsi 81 00 11 24 20 to 9M i V4 J 8,"U 00 .1 W Ey balance dtle coubty- . ; " ' To cnjm'u6ios) on M? Tfeeltetft at 3 icr eeet-.s r To ctHnniLislosj o 4,441" disbursed at 4 prr ccat . - .... ........ com mats ton on $3,793 94 received ail per cent ' Tt cutatnUslon on $3,795 94 dis- biiLiscd at 1 pcrjtttit .......... f 145 41 145 41 S7 V5 87 So TA 72 Sit 94 Balance dtle Treasurer la tenement . totJcpt. 1, ltsti9 - 34 7S In obedience to an appointment by t!.c ttotd of CoHtn!aloners ot Wilson county, I hereto certify Hi-'t 1 bave exs mined tbe fun-'-oinx ar couut and tiud it corrrcL, sad a biUnce due the County Treasurer of thirty-soar 7-lii d:iar. I M WARKEN. Wilson, N. C. 8eitember 7, lsi;9. 34-Jt BUGGIES, CARTS, WAGONS, &c. Being penaaneatly esublilel in tbeCAK ui ici. iiitvti4 p.rlvrsx I . baud, suck a f BUGGIES, ROCKAWAYS, ' SPUING WA :.OSS, planlallon Wagons and Carls. Also, Doub'.e and 8iagU BCGGT and WAGOX oo 00 Oft 00 00 00 Ot) 00 00 HARNESS. All work warraated far one year. Orders solicited and promptly at ivld to. li. 1L GRIFFIN. : z, SaX-, Jrt- 2 U .V . Zirii NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. WM. UN ABE & COn fJsfAc:urrt- t f . GLAND, f (jUAkE AVU Ui'RJtillT PIANO FORTES. Xm. 3 XT. BHlmri smr Estsw, BALTIMORE. before the TuHie for near r Thirty Tr, sad npow their rtct-ljrnoft s'n sUAkntd an CsrvCHuss mt Iliixrtr WUirS) (xvBoMn Ui HMlvd. Tbdr TON K ! rbwtNDi rnt power, sertarwi and flae tnsi;jf quail: y, a well as crM vnri'.r 01 Uu i tMliuu, d ciiatcM UavhWwal tU ruluc Mule luitr touch ! iJe. fe..d U ... maoT tnatni. U WORKMANSHIP . . . a . . a. ' I ItlAVIHl In Jtiif IkM.Isw sea 1 .1 1 wt m as ftj, ceiitiuaally aa lMsseae stock of lumber, Ac-, on baud. CT All our F;rai Prao bare nr Nrw Improved Ovcrunn Kt! and the Aoaarra Tufslb.. Wa would rail special atualloa t owr Ute trsproreaicDts la bKANb PIANOS AND SQUARE GRANDS, rUuAtd 1, ltC& h brio PUno nrsrer prf.-rt m than has jrt been stulnrd. r.vEur piaxo fully warranted FOR Fl K YF.AU4. W'bo1cM Acmrr for CAUIIAr.T NF.EDIIAM'5 Cdchmted Piulob OkdiJts and CuvacB HAaxojiicw. - WM- KITABE & CO, X: 830 JTttt Llurt SL, mr Eafr, BILTIJItUEii The Louisiana Equitable Lire Insurance Company or NEW ORLEANS. This is one of the best Companies In tbo country. It bus Uir' cndorstnmt of Bihop Wilnirr, (leu. .rVaurrjru-d, Hood, lUrty Hays and lbs leading men of New Orleans. -Urn. Be orchard -ys: Iu 03it-mi and Di rectors bate been svlerted from our motl ro liable and Itileilljjrnt citlarn. Instead uf sending tt'l,0X),000 atrnttally North, ottr ciilsciu can find better Cotnua- nioa at home. JosErn Ei.t ifo. President, New Oriwu. Ijl D. II: HtM. A-,'cut, C'Larlottc, It. V. W. S. DARNES, for VII.MN, MA8I1. f.'UKENC AND j I'll T ICC Mifcd. ik'm DISSOLUTION. The iatu Una ol TA7LOK t TVAkKEN ti4tiiK ly iuuiujI ciiiM ui diwutlvrd. li e lul- lll'. Will If . OIlllUllIll I lh. klllt-. Hw. - - . , tor'tirr riprietor. lie will also alxud lo all lu'" out-fUuidli-c co-Dirtin rl.l-i i,itur. ; llC krt'lM luUsUI-ftl ul lt Ati'.INti 1 11 Pn ' n,,l offers In. M-rnn in f.i warJii-j tXirni ,;hr l. No.fuik, I't tci.l.oi bxUiuore ui ; l. w .i ; t It- T.TUlR. NORTH CAROLINA LAND COMPANY.! t1-1 iaa. I sin A ;:. t for thf alMive tvmpay, and rr ifjc.t all I' lK'tm aUhiti to m-II r putx uasr t.ral cLit to aJdrrs or eV. on m- A li.t o( Fa'ii.iit anJ T;mJrre1 Laiivl and Tcwn Luts on band. Wc tuiU Nil i IIAKtJK If we d skH effrrt a oale. OOi.f at Vr. lU.lU ' ilotrl. WM..i. BAUNF.S - WiUon, N. C, SS-4t. 13, U. wu. s. Causes, FORWARDING AO EXT, (Office Mrs. Battle's UoUl.) trno.w, !t. r.. Solicits eonsbjpimeots Cf Cotton. Pro 7 attention airm. Parties wUklor Pull irlcat , and nnU-k returns should ship tUroun us m 1,1. jun -I - r 1 FOB RENT. Mf STORE; and WARRHiH-'lX, and If 4. lred.aDUrKtLltt asnKlot, In Hie town orUakvtUc, N. vj( opedi.e or onat r bnalnets. AwUyto ,:' t " W. "lis, HARPER. , 83 liaV , ; '.J- JtsabvilK N. C. . -.i i U. 8. TNTERXAL REVENUE AmtT AssaMfHt's orrira, Silk Diviaion. 2d Pirtjkl. N. CL I will letn U l.(.n for the aaKToa of As- avsslmr nartic. Iiab to Intrrr.t tUveaao Tst, on TIICKSD.W OF EACH Tk'EKfCsfler this rirUe. rron uAc. r. take coUce, snaae bfte rNiirn and rireth pcaalty. -ByUOce with Clerk of Coorl at CovH XJovsc, Assistant Atm-Ptof, " fttb DitUloo, 2d Dtotrlrt. N. C - JIJ 25th, laCU. - il-U To the Public. - Having my brick, work nw fully nndrr way. ana bavinj; the promlo that my uuf blacry sb'tTi he ridy ta t I fee safe ta mmorint the public reneralty that I abetl In a tew tnii be ready to commence rlrklaj aad paekU Uottew at tny Steam Mill, la tke lows ot WUaosi. I ba!l cbanre the rcry niodcrate rate of oav TwixTirrn of the seed eotto, or I will pick ror tue seeo stone. I also design KirCir at same tlase a small Corn Mil!. Alter ward I expert lo ptrt aa a pair or laic, nm-etaas raunon, wun a I rar antee to make as food sncsi as tke bawt water mtits. S2-tf R.J.TATU)R. NOTICE. Accrdinr to sn Act conrernla: tK Gorerw mn t of 'nt-. rallied Ue 14(h dar Attju A. l 1C rerMif tbe tlerk to Hrt a.! eumi-et.aailoa aadited iy tbe board lo iti msuit-r ibrrrot seTcra:;y, tb nuialr ot days tbe Board waa la sessKn,sad tLe cjHsoc tmvelrd try tfeemembrrs res peel 1 w;:y !a aitrftd int; lb a:ne. I Irfbj tire ttuUcc tbat J.tfne t1'lo, Ckalrmaa, baa attended as County CuiB;.4oBXf Iflr days; dlua-c trarcd, I'i tnle. P. W. liarnca hu attended as Count f CVtanslo - ! sioiter -St d iys ; dietaMc travrtrd. 5 ru'.Ir .ii ! 8.ohio Mm baa attcaaea a .oanir tom J hotter tl days: datae travciad. I. o.U- Jaa.W. Davb4 arteidcdaa Covntj Cutaxls- wsaiaguaa. N. C. sloacr d;ys l do mi-cio. t . , " " Sana..os JUauant lua attended a. County Com- , M. C STONE Y ARE. mla..oar 15 Ujs; dUtane travel 13 ' T .. . itltr.. ' ltlairoJARJ.JLGCilLsU,rTCK F. W. Tatlor kaaauended Ei3rlo CUra . - KUCK. to Buar4 la aw4vM J aUra. 1 brrel.y tertlfy tbat tbsre kws trot bee say tit Its abure acejuwata mf;eU by ta fjard uf Cva&:y CoairaU:onev. f. W.TATIX)R,EeriWsa4 F.s-OCcro Via k to lV,.rrf. JAHES V. DAY13, 1 JLrrctTor 1,1. W1E8ENFEL0. 6TRN ICO- C0MJUSS20V JIEnciIAXT.t sXALTtneu.c. no. TTin mtketrVvwi siarr oa bow4rwi!i of -re4we M abore S1a CSTABLISHRD 1831. J. HI. TRBEJlJilt.'. WATCHMAKER & JEWELER ) CoMtaatly om Svaad a fall asaortittvt s tTATCUL3, JEWILRTHLYEi; WAtE. f PETArLE5, Ae. BV"rW H Jrwlry carwra:!j as4 ft Wllmr Wfkc4 ww toordcr. BBOWNlEYtt GUTHREll. WU50NVXC. llsvlstksd errtral fr i prrW- la 11 tulicF, a4 twins U4i t'raral tTtHktHrti, e are prrpared lo eserwf, m kuwim ntcb, alt war rimlH m. Ail 4cr 10 mrt wtla r reisii autto. --4 s: t uamtmm. ULUkiit CUTlLltlXL. Aptiin-tr . MEVCOODS7 . J ast reorlred sad fr si at CwttxraTTtiBC tsarvjc ii.kk. ' eWUtliL; 4 1 " -CALICOS. Isivj.- UiuWN DRJLLItts, - eUKKTINu a4 elUSTl'., COTTOM KLAMXKU iVTTON YAIW.AAe. - ' Also-' tt . FRE3II CEOCtRllU, WLOV&, BACK fALT, ..-.. H. v JAP.f !, ArL VriUos, N. C sVswstai, ltfU$. M At E. ROSENTHAir - . Jt'XE .lit, ISuD. t Hi" t. e . I bare opened lUs day (ay ? acan mw stock or SUMMER DRESS COODS. I HTS the rUkrttrfc oT Jlrr tiM.4. ..fl bsod (tow tkat has ba KeretLI. -m. t J st reU vid Autw lottd Ue LATLsTtfTT I.r" Auto, IJLACK DRESS SILKS, SILK 1RAS0L. LACE SIIAWI L MANTILLAS of .11 ifc HOOrSKlUTS.fwall and extra slic, la fvt t"y rVar-k new ernNa?li. t MS T CiLliVi S rri-,.4 JJJ p.' v .. . Feaud Uiy U ceuts, AUo, rwvhed aoj warned lo djy, s new t V t READY MAD CLOTHING, Ctit-fiuicrcanJ Laten, of ALL fiu. An d alwa ji on hand and recartd weekly, e fill LADlKi NIioom nnd Tinitot M. 1 hklut U-T t,TJ. I thin'.-. 1 . (VbanniKxul iiaw,r, UOSEXTUAL, i-r June I Selling 0flf! i ' I , ... . In order ta suks mesa for sv fall Ittsv I ass b ss42mii tSL'MUEJL C4MIU2I ' AT COST! A ine ofpeTtaaily la tbt tWr4 I be t-... pla K Osoa aad riduilf U aopply iLs sItps at i Wholesale,, Prices I My stack was srt low. and tbe Lad'. 0ODS, tour beast if ul sij W,' VaiUsksnf cheap. j I. Call if yo waat B A R Q A INS! 9 A ' AT C..B.STRICKL'Ab'S. " iaty 30 25f THE VAH PLOUGH Took aia. tuk nzxivx In the Plouahlnsfxfiilch-al Ihd Danvilfe Fair iq i8fj7, Was Ik leadlnc W I a rel S'a. it. (T9t Aarwt, tacejaata tttrla,aj 4 FswsJ Irawta, wbsra abott flrTT d C?tl patlerwanf pUxt-tt Were tatsd Wfore t' thaa ITO f i as bat aad ra4 latcUrait farasnra of tbe (Hate. - . tHer 10. of ikes fAam arm aww ta . ereosrlsautfarU, tatwtra tumvf taeL'Bbfts. CmA erVieW at yrt li. WATT k HNIGIIT. of , r i 12 Frank Q Rlrrrt. Ccr.m'dj t C7"-U bT t. L. HAr.Or. Al.ilICt t.7t - L AfiE.ICT. Brtrtc riork. Soli Frvt. WImow. X.C. Citt Brown's Cotton Gins Ingtrsoirs Coltcm Presses, for sale ly - - ' " UAtrwsi.TxrT.AtHExxixti. - ALBO irmmn Atwss salt tss ocas, 7al LattaUtkc fast recHted sad for a. at UcCfrntr .c: Crick Row, by m. tr. j inri-p, Af. t v.v, y. c A.-t :tm, if

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