. 1 1 - L, m m m . a m a.a w m m . a a-' a-e.ea e 1 as iirin bvb . ww ev n. a i . r r -.. l a . 1 fi ' 1 - . . - aaa--- w - a ., a ... - -. -b---bpbsb wi La.s ate$3 e iraa j eccs AVe.fayitd the apedalVatl&v 'lion of "planter! to the cr?rainij rrticm tf t n1- Frtnrteiy? in this imi)4. o subj ect is one of great -Let thtx.fkftneriJteakouiagi f fitW the ttabject--tmtit gome- tie- 'finite"' fHrtHdhie''nVotf Vo I iiinilitnin .... I IV T . Am .the, t'AUmingo .. ..b,a'. . . .1 ,ii.iT-4 ilfit(.Jofth treasury ! WP to. VffUMyJrfaia to? stump LMf.iA .S9?.?c?tary on 4tue .I-fldical .iultniQisratioa !:ri The Preftitldnt and 'his. cabinet ifwim? just returned tatheirf posts, After .-ofJpnnylvauia.,.rJitpDy T "V JT nn ato-erfcc' iXtdttdlDif : through 'inbst'or lire'fenmtner,' a'winyocs 'Ano oniie'dulef J6ffiCere of-'tBe i Jt - 4 vy r -y vim imau baies anions yonaf that ffqmmerco., paraliuVsolvc.'in tLrir 'i '..S Jyzcdj and ,pauica;.occur ia. the '.'noney markets of thd conntr',? ; vjicn thtwe' "who manage 11 its. "finances1 nm " over rt he' land 'oh V;bi'r ppreci arid efcqtioneW . f.:o Standard has - latterly f: becu greatly elated at the diflur f .0,,c )(?J)jI?!on existing between . tho cond actors of the Conscrva i, live : auit peiqcfatic press ot the ?tateM Judging fioni thefolQU'- iiig remarks of the -Rutherford Starr ;ai Republican sheet, the fefVte, 'it i ' v UZowis thocaso with the Uepubli--r-'im-rrj-iu ipvfin uar6Im.a7 .Have wo .ft party leader in' whom the. peo- plo;.havc confiidcnce? "Have wean orgap'J,;' th'aj the people are willing . Jo, , trust ?-Vo " think , rW T' Gov. ' .no-iien claims to dc tne leader of tne .Republican party of the State. The . MUttiJar J ; claims to be the organ of , . the i Republican party o (he State,' buVwq arei unwilling to acknpwjlcdge A lc. Qltim? pf ,cjthcr. .,' fl'o'dinUjaat' ;j u Uv;; , IIpldcQ, until ..recently,' has Vecwd9bked .upon as the leader, of the' Republican party, but we think that' he has by his own acts, forfeited the ' vhas divert thariy of his "best friends " . fetnhdafd1layben crying "peace, ;' pcaVlrdii there1 is tio -feae'e,'? I Mnth.Qldical'.'faimly 'of this right to" .&cITc!aii-."' He.hasignori "cd ' -tho' i n t cf cats' 3 fbf the party, to 'f atiVfy his pc'iVouM ambition's.' ''lie )romp hii supoH, 'by trdating ihern vrth'. disrespect, and lad faith In Khort, he hAsby hisnismanagement, ; of party dirtferctionV, driven the party ' whip almost to the edge of the whirl; vp'o!.' Tho people have lost con- Tuhnco in hia unwillingness to lead,! and therefore arc unwilling to" follow T hiin, thus it will be seen that ho is no longer the leader of the Repubji 1 cm party of the State." V t. V 4VV also adtu it thit the Standard t "ti ris pnee looker! upon :ts the -"organ" r the party, but by its course fbr the last' ffw months, it has ceased to be td recognised as fucli. The Republicans of the Stat t,o longer honor it with being their organ. -It has lost its a influence -Hvith' th people,. anil of rc coiVf e leaniot .b depended upon , to teach tho doctrines and principles 6f Cuargcs.pt tl5 most serious char- . .nctcr ate preferred by the XeV Or, Jeans japer4 against , -United,. States Senator Kellogg-It? is said investi- ionashow that while he was Col. '--ctor of the Tort of . New Orleans ! -frauds of th. most, stapwdous, charr acter were perpetrated . the', most s. bold and flagrant nianugj. t.t ... " " ' " ' AMal SlaDf niarks that Grant is - . k .?'o7nner the peacock, SprSgvie tho guinea-hen; Ben'Butlcr thcyena,nVcnden Chimps the wolr, t y C6ir; ihj' weascV Jesse Grant the kangaroo, and Forney the ass of the iiation. The liens an:cilc$ if e all dead. ' ... , . ',. 1 tiers it mm- nA 1.1.i wonev anciwouT.ThfiiralfvvSifrti . .:?"' f - V r ' t. " uiuic uu ausoiniR . , i i iin suTin1, nr iTmi--.; r . ncccsityTcpi 1 Ia0 WhrWftll-iVl ojrD..m or protection for their own proaactsr-lt-is-a trell Irao-n -f.rt 1 . , .. i. - . T ca,?W Producers are the rwoi4vlUlA J..f .i . . -v, ou uere in ine aoutn the -ttiUArjwira--J . . . f - : J mrr ?'" on the success of the fxrm- DrOleSSiOna, r nrwe i - f. tJ1iHpPriMt.90,..tinakejnofc m . aUTjS .t .independent, for- H out o6ncst;' incIustribW and I lnfil1Cn-ttnv lni.rv.. ' --l.t?.' . ' ! ' nrr-.fv,; 7:Vo t Jf. vomyinaiions I are en tfred Jntoi t80cjctics,: 'fpmei; "Sf. P.up, and jail sorts p$ .filse rumora ptit in circufatlon. t And for -t.'- i"L.' " i .-4-. -:-'4 n uat, 4,. u . answer plainly ; to ctieat the farmer, "to get, under 'false pre I .. i i ;- -.- L ' rJf"8' a8mac 8JPPB8iWe of iiis hard V rroJuctf s without paying for p?n. P'481 speculatprs, , ringt J3f ?. ?, o. WllSjan'd eqirk ancUtoek jobhrs mijincto put out some fale toj)rssiono wnts to buy, the products bf honeit 1 ' i T i ' i I i t tml WQudbod by,high prices. .His n9t tnc experience of mpit 6f our r sjncethc.War b gad enough' to ponvince them ?, Has not the chain of nan,?i4 A8 en eufficicntiy rrfl 1 1 in rr t r. mo l-a mrn.i. i. for freedom ? " iliw canjthat Jjejidoin jtvng.,terms'; ' thus ieepin- tKe bulk bo obtained? "By, eooberatioa.'5 bV".f Je "?op from "ieing'1f6rced "'into combiucd effort,,not to cheatanv one cjsfe hut 4tp jPXtje,c;lifit jpwn leanest injrustryto jee; tat theij. products are not under any fal?e imppsjsions, gottoh up for, tho ; express . purpose, J30! .9.? fa, ictuajlyi less , than tilie ,cos$ oprpdution. I. haii wlth ih e?pressible delight , the bright, omen indicating ,thc -speedy independence of: HrA planters. Circumstances, arc. fast making, thern , the bone and fW.iof; our land are 'fpst putting into , their owv lands , the reins !to TJf: '"T'TiHZ t.;wfmjf . .jpni .yekr ten sc otton planters . will be " able ' to 6eUfpr hed their -crop phero one had. that discretion three years ago, . i 1 "The great want of. the Southern planter is a. banking capital equal to the exchanges of the country,". There wilh this -year be ! mPney l enougn trom the present crop left in the hands of farmers to folly accom plish that result. Thus cbuld those who-' have surplus . capital benefit f themselves 1 by u enabling those' less fortunate to hold on to their products," and let supply and, 'demand ' control their sale rather than . allow a de pendence "'force them into markei at a yield : of ; enormous; profits to foreign 1 capitalists, and permit them to die tate thB prtet 1 of South jrn produM: " Shitma en the' South'if fehd longer permits this state of things. Cotton,j the great king of the 'cartly should make its' worshippers seek him at his throne. :.-mV-- -!- H6 Northern 5p6rk ?riisefs Send their pork and; bacon down? here for us to price and btiy ? ' There f is s jio niorc reason why the Southern planter should' send his cotton North to be weighed, sampled and resampled, picked, stored insQrcl, handled, bro kcraged, commissioned, &c, &c, thin there would bo in4 expecting "the .o ,r. ;.r it,. nUi. ' aL Jiiii1 i. - imvnuo ui iu iksi. io senu tneir pork' down South to be fleeced in like maiirioV. 1 Such a course is indicaliU of awtakncs3 and base dependence that I tio not believe Really cxistk U wilf much longer app.ar to: :hC Every fannel' : should, a neatly-as possible' make Bis own prdiiildis, and then-make what cotton, he4 cotili independently, and sell it Srhen '.;ie thinks i proper at homo "or 1 as near home as "possible. .'Every county should have its warehouse made of brick and otherwise ai near fireproof as possible4 Tn" this building the surplus. ' cotton "of the' county, should uc sturcu unu mere neicj until it was to' the interest of the producer ifituAl o interest of the.producer lo, it. Thus not only seeing that his cotton is properly 1 weighed when gold, but -avingthe thousand ana one items of expensb that they have 4 to ay 1 at present. - Under such a system 'sup ply and'; demand wouii exicft more influence over sales and purchisbs. by the New York Tw" sau uiegir3i-jiirf 4 - luai cooperation would secura to the . ' Al. JL ' . Ifc tiT . - lrter 18 Prcw case ot t-'!4Jinrt: Ci-a'A J'SalTwii-f ' "-wr' rjLV?l?f timee. At prescnt lt matters iol hhyf hllle-ol-" ton ia njeW"1iSe.yobe rflade, v-n-iiu uci&uiis uein? m a to stann mo.st S lHe crop is gotten out of the hands of, theprpdacer for hdf its valued linden many easel for leiss than lh actual c cosl of J mating ft, "Asl'soon ';as"thVcVdpJiiif of fii-sf hands, cf ll the!k$icS!oVt-.6se belonging to the t lng,' it ii found to be of great Value and awfully scarce, up goes the price, aitdLindefehdent fortunes are secured to' those 'whose brovrs are strangcVi ,'tov perspiration and at tR'e Wpcnse pf hones, toil and industry. Tins 'should not-be so. Southern farmers need 'protection, 1'i.t ,..T."J..!'Uk: ...u t. but such nrbtection nYb.--t ar,J-in able to render themselves by proper cooperation; !v Lelt a'; i-d-oppmiive farmers' ; banking 'Isystem Dd ''ia blished, upon' : a Wsisl o3f3- ilrMt! se cunty, where pur wealthy farmers can keep their monev all the limp if a oat at work at mbderato 'itesand where those less fortunate but mem bers, of the same'' 'protective corpo- f-wrJ -... i. ! - lawuu, uosu sianuing wouia be well ! r Attfn v. ! A- I. - ' ' I 1' -' 1' Bfu"u) "'.S'v uu .accommoaateu on the. market to be , sold off ai'hatf ks value: ' Let the manufacturer, when he wants cotton', comee'i'send where it ingrown, f with AhVs; money to pay for !f, 'as weighed ''betwebn'him and the grower instead of. its being sent alr;dver.th search cf some one t'opr iceand take" it. n -j - ' y. ' . This is evidently a subject tKat should deeply interest the farmers" of the entieSputi;;weli as" those of this.inuje4uitA seqtiQnirattd as it ueeup agitational clp hope that p.thers better, able tq elacidato it will;da so I through thp columns of? The PirAix- dealer, whoso T enterprising editor will doulitless puhlish their commuai: cations with pleasure? ' Fakmek. portrait of;the 100 pup pre- , fcU , A.I.r!?i)untj. 13 suggested for the new postage stamps. ' V J a George McKnight's '( Asa Hartz") poems are to ho posthumously pub lkhed7' . .- , j; ' . . ji The largest J crop of cotton ever produced in the South was in 1860. It stood fn the market at 0160,000 000 in:m11 a .5-.--.iff. -- . I - t t, t Blackburn,, of Louisiana, makes usd of hist election Whgress' by ?vjting,. hi friends, under frank, to subscribe for Blackburn's newspaper. - ' Commissioner Delano has decided that. the. mixing of. different whiskies J to reduce its strength, or reducing its strength by, tbe .addition. of water, is rectifying. .; a 5.;; - ..j.',- a.v: '; " About $200,000 worth of granite from James river quarries near Rich mond,' Va.yfwill be taken to build the bridge across the Mississippi at St. Louis," Mo. ' ' Xt is rumored that the jacaticy in the 'United States Supreme Court, occasioned by tho death of Judge Wayne, will, be tendcretl to Attornev ucnerai near. J " r-Y ' Th Cuban ar agents in Washiagton deny.tScnator; Sumner's intimation that a decree has been issued by the insurgent government v maintaining Blavcry. m The constitution guaranr tees absolute' personal freedom to all.3ir- zssi: ii;.'... ... '.; . '-.j- Mr. 'Pcabody has just given $400,. 000 more to the Peabddy 1 nstitute, Baltimore.;UIIIe writes : "I tliere- fore now give to you . 300,000 of 4 fwi.'i:r .- :: v t . . xenjiessee six, per , cent, ponus : $i00,)00;of Virginia State sii5t and per cent. ' stocks for the purposes here X 1. T v .. f r f vy'.o jouu. uj li um u v g .v .vrf,"?r iuui luauq xDis year i0!40 W'oAto last 'tV world fire yearsthere's iwngfto be aVar,' the hnprovemctft-'tf thcT ttr f of '.v?p!f!5 . -painting W8coTptifW AVea- n.'? . T body Institute. commission- tJ5iSKFSHS5 tftal portfrom tfiebftnif Cr t . - -o'- ir- year to the 15th in.t.nr m- " . t.-ai. agnmst 102,482 to correlond- . ' iociasfff 24afr . on ine ravniA rocorpaf.A reported 1'n the neighbory ifft A duces .from .Cuba : received Jn .Washington,, confirm the account of we , Wttle of Las Tinasand fte cap jure of- Col,, Benigast's , 54' letter, from a.distinguih Southern gentiemanj now in Cuba, at one timo a m ember , of the Confederate 4 Con--gress and colonel in the Confederate army, states that jealousy, . influen ced by malignity or. Spanish . gold, has nccessifated a reorganizati&n of the Cuban army and compelled Gen eral and President ' .Cespdes" tQ take command. ,of. the army. .-js. t r i . It is stated that theuPreeidcnt, on reading accounts" strongly commit ting the JSxecti t i vo j to i in reference in favor of extretoiets intTi.xag.apd Mississippi, said, to parties of his ofli cial household, that the reports were .not substantially , true. ' The facts are, that the President will allow his secretaries, tld act their, pleasure : in their several departments. , This will throw the patronage of the At torneyrGeneral and l'iostoffiee..; and Treasury .Departments for . tho, r. ex tremists ;and the State, Javy,, War, and Interior, ;if they. interfere at all, will favor the . Conservative Repub licans. -.This rough statement of. the situation is the closest approximation pqssible, . Best opinions jperLit. jiii asserting ntmtrality in highestuar ters f .SPECIAL NOTICE..' HOV" TO Cl?RE It. 'J! - At thc-poinnrcnccmentbf tTiefiarrhea, Whch. alwaya precede! an attatk of u,0 cholera, take' a teaapopnf jil of tlw Palo Killer ia luijar and water, (wariu, If coDveniept.) and ,tUen biirha freely the stomach au'd bowels with the Vain Killer clear Should the dUirkca or dramps contiuue, repeat the da- every ten or fifteen minutes till the patieut is relieved. .Ic extreiaq cases two or more teas'ioonrula miy be t'lven at a dose. " - . : . .;-' . , . I The Pain Killer, as an 'Internal rcrpetfy, has no equal.. In cases of Cholera, Summer Coin paints, Dyspepsia, Dyscutery; Asthhja, Jt'ctires i one uight, by taking ft ininally,aud batb'in vtUi it freely. Iu action ia liU maic, wheu externally applied to bad Sores, Bums, Scalds, and Sprains. For Sick Headache 'an Tooth ache; don't fail to try It. : In 6hort, It U a Pais . - - - -t J i '7i -' - - The Tain Killer is sold by all dealers in Family Medicines. -.,;'-5 --' u -! "i-oskoo'. . Are you ick, netTous or debilitated 1 Ar you sufllnug from any. form oi Sckokcla, DrsPKlTSIA, KhkI'M ATIH 51, LlVgR-CoMPLAIXT, KlRSHTf DlSBiSK or NlKTOOa I'aOHTBATIy.X, &C.1 If so you can be rsstoxkd lo ueaiti and viaoit by nsing' Db. LawkkSe's crte brated " Ko8oo.l Itlctaaa J most indu rate lornis of Chronic IXxease tcftctt all otter rcmediet fail. It is rot a mrret qh toedictHt; the Fo5mix.a is kroui eatlk,. boltU and it is a standard remedy of rrengniztd merit. It ia daily prescribed,. ly physicians, aDdxecora mended by , many Umands of our lcst citi zens. Foi; Sale by Druggisrs and Merchants Ttrywhere... ;,;, q :.t , ,..-,. tf Ladies suffering from any d isease. pe culiar to i heir nx, can be restored lo Jiealth by using Da. Lawre.vcb'b ''Wojias'b Fkiejt d." It pirrilies the secretions and restores tbe sys tem to a healthy conditiou.-ja 8My ' i . NEWVDVERnSEMENTsT FREER & CO., , WHOLESALE 'f A LIQUOR DE ALERS, I 12 lioanoke Squart J ' ? NORFOLK, VA. '' Larjye stock of of all grades, for sale at BALTIMORE Pricti. 'Orders promptly attended to;;' ,l iiiii2 , ; ;. , -;: 3m - - yZC. GRAT;& CO.r COMMISSION MERCHANTS ' .Wholesale Grdcers, ii .. jyio". 9 livaiwie Square, ' . AOEFOLK. VA. s Particular attni tUm paid to acUins COTTON and NAVAL bTOREi, . ScjVi : ' a? ; ! ij ALLE.X QOftAED. Old. K. MAXTBr. HOWARD & MALTBY, l W U oLl-SAL M UKALH3 1 31 . . :1 OYSTERS, FISH.TURTLE; - - .'.;!, ..i r s.. . .:iar ,-'ar.t. " NORFOLK, VA. K'umero-is outbreaks amomr lh?" i&ti-Arm? of5 Sioux-jecently killed a riurcWr of Tawnees on the Pawn c.i.T.f?: CHOEEBi: pgV ADVERT 2SEM ?T JlMcpiEETR!c v .tuivi:i4iLij f. -uiilMVUb K . --..-. . .. UUifcM CM - r JuAkTATlQ-t ML'PriJFJ. . . ... i : . .- parcbMfd at lowt c.k Uleml rtcr-. 1 "Tij V. , " r9itm oj T. A. Oriffln. Eq , Kocky Mount. Mo UX i m Hfat rtatar Star Mpplxia or frUk,; pUutiax- - - --- - MR W MAa-k m TAYLORr nABTlW CO., . ;"tv offlsf iii cx'at NittYokKfRrcts. Lat4j of Jtknjoad. i , ; Ut9 o iucra pV. NEW CRQCKER1H0USE I TO THE TKADE QJf. VIUUINJLA . AiD OUiU CAROLINA. J W LaV' "opened I r NORFOLK n Main CUrcct, opposite the Post ORkc, tbu Urucit and most complete aiotk ot " ' ' I CflJNA, KOCKRKV,ir8ILVEIM'LlTtU ' it- rvitxisa.xvr'mooixiX - U'baa-er t.-cn the pleat nr. ut aa mitt to ollvr to i lie Trade, Uur ttK-l i : - ' OUR' -OWN ' IMPOttTATlOS ' aod boujrttt of thti Ma-mJix-tur.-M .l.r. ct t ir lull ,!.....,... ...I ...... ... ... . . 1 tOM-ll .6 llnj Trudt a uAljv- i.w.-r 11. nn itiv l I' W.i.4 ..r....i . .;. In. war. . ' ; . atyl oue m-cJ but j;a i.inlur Ua v ill 0,1 u auU tinl a'couj.ilfie asvurtinnf puo'i" ai i; up.-i:i l.t'i.t.bjr.&it.-,cisvi -h.i.a4 aua c tuii CrocWcrj', C'Uiu aud t.lu Waub.'iv. '' MResiH ctfuUjr, .1; . - - Main Urcet, oiKi.itc'l'o8t-;ni.. XorfolkllioJt. ii. .... 1 i,M 1869.5 : PALlTtRADE. 1869. . i 1 1 . i : i , .1 1 "Hardware ! taVlor, MARTIN & CO., CO'lC jVAIN bT. AND MARKET StjCAKli, NORFOLK, VA. ''"" Your aUcntlon is jKirtk-ularly and rcfpectfuJ iy c.ilicd to our Jorge stool: 6f ' ' ' ENGLISH AND AMERICAN HARDWAilE, ;. CUTLLRY, GUNS AND P1STU, 8TEAMBOAT. HAILROAD AD 'MILL SUrPLIES. . ' ' ' c nro now receivlni and will coullnuato do so all this teaion, illrcct from Europe, birgo Hues of , CUTLERY. OUN8. ANVILS, VISES, FORKS. S(JltEV, IIINU!;,&4tc. . . J Tills, in addition. to our etock of American Goods forms ou of the larcu-t stocks In thk Jiintry ;aUof w bK-U we "Ifer m low aa you buy from any New York, 1 illadofruta or BulilmorCbouw). : i . We solicit a H-ronal cajl and will take ceat pVasnrw hi li.iii- you through our wtal li.hw nt, and if you aro not conviiK-rd timt you can do at well ill) us an yon can elc where, wa will not ask you to buy. . . . ; Orders will, receive our .prompt ' ani oarc.nl attention. ' -Very reportrniy, i t ;! . t. TAYLOR, .MARTIN & CO. Norfolk, Sept. 2S. UI A. MYERS, ' ; rroMnrELT op j ilistout,' i. o, FOREIGN & DOMESTIC No! COMUKKCIAL nV, Vlvll R V ! Sv II A R F ' : L N O FI FO LK V A . " , Always on hod a full aiortniut of elect WINES and LIQUORS, both Forvlxn and. Io rjcsUc, Which win ba sold to lb trade do as acctiiuniodiitln? terms as cfln he bd here or eliewhrreC Orders reM-t.ly 'solicited and fllled with promptness and dwpatch. . (, KCIrcat advf.nt.ijcs olT.'red to rti trade in ,w IXJME8TiU LIUL'Ons. t to whWi I call ESPECIAL ATTENTION.' March 23 l :it !i l..c :h Htn KAEIt Bf(Ja. ; ASA nitHlH, .'i A ft ymftfl. 'aj , L .rwrmertM X C. ivAJ)EU BI(JGS oi CO., 1 GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, COTTON FACTORS, .' I ,' Wfcrf1 Vau. Liberal advances on Conxigument. hlpiisenW;to Llrerpw.il- fKEK OF FO K W A R D I N (f COMMISSIONS, 'tti - usual advances tuado. "..1 ? ' ...t; -.. C" Ircii atU'aUon pnid fa Ih CorniNsmla:i klaJsoi cnir .r f ' of rKY pko DUCEaud nrooipt n-Xiirna mad". ana Ktirz. And TIM furnUbe.1 on ;ibtrl terms. . , , . , .. August lt ' Tjttm. . - WITH G. W. McGLAUHON&CO. Cotton Factors. GENERAL5 COMMISSION MERCHANTS. turner lVaakitiriMS a a 4 Lee Mirceta, TOBACCO WAHE1IOUSE, NORFOLK, VA. " " i - -1 17" Will attend promptly to al of COT TON. GRAIN, LUMBER. NAVAL 8TOUES, FISH, Ac, and punluoe of aappliea. Liberal Advances Kads on Coosignenta. -U.A8M..Mt..M8 8UL1CITELI. augt 10 HYMENS & DANCV, GENERAL ' " COMMISSION MERCHANTS No. 47 Wide Water Xlrcj;tt. T (Bear orcuatota Uoue.) i NokroLr,VA. , DANCY, HYMAN & CO., A GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ' ' 3o.'J4 Bxcvlxoi Pt acb, CT NtW.TORI. . . Cottoa and othi r , rrod Oee "told At wwaer ofS io-XarfolJUar Scatl Ctk:bax ealy one cvmmisrtvriL Fctruo. 1 1 - tf TTTJOR F OL K. rnnn a COMIIJSSION MERCHANT, l vrrm hi i um m . I -( , , - - - . ' I 'I'1' io tMUd lO BALu Of COL'V. TTRT TgODCCX ofon AuuUHum. vm wUA i liomj CAsU ADVANCES .. m . ! I !! , tar uxKKfi JJICZCuUtOlSK II m. KKTT, "COTTOri' FACTOHO ai f- . couuussiWUEHCMms K JUtrran' ,W4r. x V f a'.t A r k ' SOATOLK. VA. I bta uae oaa atridlT mniiMaij4iT.r nulla t 10-ly S C3TABU3H CD tS3 . -INr3j3--C3Eii dh ' CoaitauUj oa ha ad fujl aaarttnaat wT WATCHES, JEWKLRT. FILTER' WIRE. , . , 'SPECTACLES, &?. fiy"Vaicl.c aad Jcarlrr careall j aod fro lriy Rofalrrd. - - " F notice;1 i i rs.iam i.i oactiwtt ISol m i-.Kei t J i" Hi it.feraMi.iW cvtint. . . al i. ' . .. . . . 4 .-.... li?o ,. . . 1 1. L. uuty ;! juror tickets Stale failure Jail expeimev ; 51 To D. F. Itnjr-,, Sheriff! k 1 - J. W. lav,,, aiietfll.i..; ... m. II. r rtiier. fur 1mt.1 . ..n r.i- M T. J. Roae, fur bjaid r. ' GavrJing piii.ra Jo-ej.li (S. Kiiia...-. .1. Jos- h IMJarbe-"... " I)k Taylor ..- ''' " Joha Harts. ... ...."".-.;-" Guaidn.g Jail - ' " l li.irl.. fi V.;l t . , t.j km 2.H CC HC I) . 31 S3i : n,arie,Gay(o-j:::;:;;;--' -ji;; .1 no b. iL llarr!l A.aeesios Aud Ukiag tx lin ap to 1'J.... ............ Brliige IlMiltlins ii-'j T. 2 00 &N) CM 5 t) 3-HI (O lei txi Ml 20 40 r i ISO 00 i". 00 00 74 4ft To John A. Jenki&a .. O.Jordan .71. " Mlert Fel'on.. ... Harris nojlia.'... , "Perry Rent flow... " N. F. Norton " Wm. Wo.Klard.... M Thomas Lama ... ' Vm. T. Hreww... " John W. Smith v.. " Wdlie Lamn... " To A. J. & G. W- Barefoi Allowance mai 14 11. F. Hrigji fur Dr. R. W. KHf, CTor, &ruat for.... Dr. L. " Al' S'-itb for aitiiii. . 10 00 ma-ticloe .o prtsoaera .77. .... " " j jn Dr. K. G. Lax him far jaiewUoa'anU ' lieina ta taper, (vj 8. M. Wirreo, staoust ralj u gui - for Deaf and DaaiU.w.. . txn vi riaiadaaVr fw ?ef iraiioo "ka aiKiaawniM-ateat M. Roaatre 1 Coatora acrau,,t.. A. J. 8 rums, Deputy Sheriff, fur ex- 2 A 00 21 02 j Garry Falgbum, Depoty Bterig'to ta.i-v.v'-v.;.. ir rrw....- 1(7 0 ft 00 r . r. . - . D. Moore ......, ' tf 8 40 Harris iBrfead.. :.. .V:: .. - M j. 11. iivnni , M. V. Dsn.es.... Wo, Dames..., . Amos Atkinson'..':: .f D. Farmer.... ...A." 115 M ..4 13 2J ....... ....... 2 ,7 ..... .... . A 10 . AVIDI., .... w . t . ...... .... It. Ton'iuoB. ........... .,., 2 00 F.J7';0 - 200 James D. Dames. . .1... 7 3) 7 20 Willie Fhira.... AHo rv-rerade hy tba'Cfy CowifcU- , , - j j. 1 20 Nady PaTii.... . DO "arh Pin man.. David liwe.... . Sl(raon Pai kef Irry Healy.... 0 00 J3 00 10 ft) 2 Ui . 4 i Kliaab ib and prii,r S..r Joaeph Lucas . IJ-S. Rewe ' 4 I.i isi 12 .e All wed 8da Lucas, Court Cit r'.' '. B. II. Laocskier, ! Jroe II. Worrell, " I f - Farmer, amowiif nter a c u'i'v trnstea ; v 4 T. C. Davts, aid aceouat teether wiib Interest.... .... .:. J. W Lines ier, account for ptii. ak.Balser,iee. D. F. Brijrga, anx.Bnt Credited 142 00 25 001 iwo county eraers.... t.mi t..,, 101 04 O. W. Suntoo for sutinaery t'' ' j, A.nroesXbr(7ferT,...,:.;;;;. n 40 . ... j ir or sai oaerj ad or der bmt ......, 4, J. II. F.aais for book of eerti&caies! E. 8. Walto fer stationery ...... A.J. Iliowa 1 for deed es....i. wtlHrf Txa:iakm for cleaain ot t'Jurt IIu weil... ). l;lemh for rk dooe tii . ft 23 16 08 Ki 12 V 7 iO fJ 00 vwnii use Asirfo's for IbC'J -A. J. Era a lUfr. Peeta . i44v tf 28 00 -uJ 0j 14 00 12 00 12 U) lo to 14 00 12 00 B. J. Bwaa Alvia S.rl - J anal baa Toaalirji.."" Jaewo 11. Baraes.... John 8. Boykla ....."...". J. fB4b M. , J.aw T. Or srtat.: ' I. C Ai J.W.A 10 00 00 Edwta Barnes. ri t " 1 r.o-jiiie,, i;ilurrment 1 r , 1' ,if'I Worrif,Mf etjietj.... g Oil ., '.1.1. ' ' a VUrPl!.t,i5o.tnrUlefeaW'l 'ISfiii ..Jbe ainst ii., w-; A...., I - I 0;H.fiW,..;'. a-CiO aaJn,-,! a .d oiJ.re.1 i,t U -rl , l?k,rl Lt'""' lHrU ' T (M lows: . r 'An.tHiMBltoweJJIiw WflkHss- - tJ ordr 1.. .... ...... . ... i 1W T. V. LRa-I lor lanler, work Ac m"r1. HMM...,A.,.iM"'. i2r- II. W. peele. CorarKT. aeeMta'fcl" J. - j James ATicalMclotLiogUll....... jq E xcm of Uxea otar jiated 188 iaalait tbe fallowma paraoiia : . Tbi fo-iW-ka AeM fr a (Xevst 3. Krtr-TTU..AiIS..4.. 2 ru T-iliiS!!4 1 ( A.Bryt ; in - t...,, l 0 . wi Ton laak UaW ... "T nfl Tfeftfyyarty...j .... ...:!" j J Dat n. i ..-.. . . m n. iia-ux..... .... r.. ? -4.J--JJL 2 CO ,Woxlralv, .. . . .. 1 cn a. n. ioor r..r.... ..,' oo AaUoM FerrrU a-rw UW.. U W nxWtttW wm1 tLUAmm Wtww . t M. W. Pa rvflMar4 tTSt Tiiaiii..- M 40 Jawrt JL Rentftw hHeod 449 aa .... U.J 1 S3 U. V Barwaa rriafd, . ,. . M4.M4..j..it w (9 QD Btolooi 1. 1 mmm t 9flmA i Sj a . A&asa Tifsadsl paapr la lit l.frtv tU: f ,:. l To A. O. EaQ for korial etfnttas. Kod '',8.U.Krfti ftr lUi-Uot.,., . t, Wl r JtAa IX, iWrwa, Toor Hon ' ' . ' JVW' .'..:...4Ji9 is Tkomai fUajKil, Poc Ila-4 r - '.joo " TUn.ra IliLuaht, IW JI finun....'.,..;..;;,;..' - if ;0 Ifmr7 JMearjrbarkltsransfa . 3 V J.4.Pr.det . ' ftCft Wni. Hswly. pooretpeoM.',t .7 U Ta llesrj IVtrctaa, karial txjwaaas " 4 Ui Karrta tUyUn, - hw 1 l lr a4.iU R a County Trra " 1 ! Xg.i . & (O ' ':r rec"U.. ru'w.Ja - . 1 '.... 4 7(1 14 4J iMt79 A,r,f ,,'y T,rTvred 9fvtrm- b,,g utrfct . .; .-,7.-; J.e ltrl rejjeied ia OU f. ' lwrk-L... , D. W. Banna rreUterad In Gardae r 'a - DiWS..i.4.4.4.A A4. John T. Linasr trlasared U Craas II. 1. 1'iMiM-i ,M ... ( 55 Ranoni IlianaatrefMiered ie8fnc Hill Diatrtofc :..... ...r.. '-7 70 John P. Bardia ref tri Hi Biaetr" 'ieek Driet. .....:.. .. .... '124 U. It. Oaeua re(Utred ia 8arior Uiwrlct, 4. ..............'. f... " 4 11 Alfred Tbonipsoo reflvtereJ la Taj. Jtfr ' UUtrkt... 27 Toul. .....4114:441 f DUbaraeflteatt for the (! year fcy I T J iha County Trunrr , t,C77 72 ui'UQfy rrvraos rrmted frow arery w -l ... t ClA Brcrired froaa , JJT. .Warreq. Pet- ,uvjaeriff ... ...4 ,., 4 I7 ml Heoettad from H- F. H'ls.Flrir.r4O0 W Escaivad bvea A. tarae, CTari Vr.3 lrpbaae Jadf . . lLecrre4Uxoadnrn'if.......; T7 i-l . . . r .Usiard Wad.... (.1 . neaa Siata Locket.. .. "JM a . , r . Uxr ; -I orj ... '.,.- ,mmt&Mmy'"'-' . , .... 15 24 tomy 4 fra H. F. IMr, lrriL ' U.Urdbuad..,f..:.V.. ') 00 , crxfrjt ft trot r. -remasa leb f U antjrri!Llo&lla. letwat t2A2) 48. debt aool ratted dorr tbo W I Urea years prior tSey4. L. JCX . By erdsr Board ( Comnvasiatters, . 84-4w , , W. TAYLOR, Clnk. BUGGIES, CARTS; IWInr fmaaMiItMtMlal04l H the CAR BlAOK.sad HARNESS BU8IXtta.'t iti adeSTor to keep aa assortmcat of vw uq BUGGIES,.. HOGKAV AYS, planlalloiv Wagons iad Carls It ARNESS' M BiBgU ?t0aTWAOO3S " uroer aoikuiad axxJ nrx-r.Dv n.fJ 1. k. H-CKIFFIX. The Loulslana'quilabli U(9 Insurance Company . NEW ORLCANsJ: Th. i me cf the beat C..at,k-s 1 ' '""oiy. It luitlM hi 1nm WM t f jrwt ) r. 'J-ia. IWnrrrud, Hj, 2 CTrrL'rT!.1 'Hour t.0-4 e- ilea at h7u ' " fcaa ' : prrsueaL --zz:r7. D. n. IftUL, Arewt, r 4 r.T Uarloue, . C. j . . - ; v.,8, oAnriEs, fWILOH '.WASH. OEEEXE A 511 '"TTtOTJWliEa. - s DissOLulrio kaTiTe ifl, TATWK t Will t r.'"!r,ta'r: t tU.aTve. awr. UlStlllM I lo Al'ra$ a:i aad!!'1' "i V i ?l KG TIE-, -5"' .B..TATLOK. I vibcs vuaraM... .......... ...... j rvi rim 1 mm m - - - 9 1 a i im la, 00 U 00 vTuaaaa Wvava s j-

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