THE PLAIIIDEflLER. v--- BALTIMORE. PEPPBBND SALT. ! KlIOCELLANEOUO. Wit is like aXJhinose ladj's- foot 'it' RUFFIN t amvk . i:nin'rv 1 -v - YV IL&ON, NOVEMBER . I 309. Tini priiEslb - : : ,'. 'V. Our Mtn fl- MI.op high, we try 4 ,, T rln the KiiVonilt at a bound, ; " Wln'ti r-s Mi!d. rrlch It, step by step. And ci'.m") ti fj liddcr, nnind by rwn'l. ftc waa -roil '.-'i ni the suMiulc, ' r braithc !!. ;nir r a nfllfe, Mut not:",?t ? rt In ef, But brace Mnrelf for foil nod strife . , Wo should iot la nr IhWhcm seek To grasp alone ier grand and fTclt DidUnlnjevry snrller rood, ' ' For trlflse avWa Km ajKret?- i O-O And if i r loud should borer o'er t . Cnvv .vy p?hwy, likeapatl, 'RrmemC'T (o(i permits it there, ' ' " " " And Ills good purpose reign o'er all. Life should b fall of earnest work, 1 Oar hearts undated by fortune' frown j - Let perseverance conquer fate. And merit setse tbe victor's crown. Tbebattle U not otheatronjj, Tbe race not always to tbe fleet. And be who seeks to pluck tbe stars, Will loac the johvel at bl feet. . ' -f IIoT ttonn" of Our Merchants mv Itlaveii. A few jeans ago a large drug firm in this city advertised for a boy.- JXexl day tho store was thronged with Applicants, among them a queer look ing little fellow accompanied by a woman, who proved to be his aunt, in lieu of faithless parents, by whom lie had been abandoned. Looking at this little waif, the merchant in the store promptly said : " Can't take him; places all full; besides he is too small." , I know he is small," said the woman, "but he is willing and faithful." There Was a twinkle ancrel soon, for m'v wins: bones are w , a in tho boy's eye which made the mer- beginning to grow.' chant think again. A partner in the An Alabama paper, in putting a firm volunteered to remark that be grocery kept by a woman, says : dld not see w,hat they wanted of 'Her tomatoes are as red as her own euch a boy ho wasn't bigger than a cheeks, her indigo as blue as her own pint of cider." But after consulta- eyes, and her pepper as hot as her . lion the boy was act to work. A few own temper." days later a call was mado on the FloaUng with the stream isn't aj boys in the store for.some one tostay way's the best fortune. -Mariners are all night.. Iho prompt response of not ma(je in Bmooth seas. We all the little fellow contrasted well with neeJ to struggle to reach the best the reluctances others. Jri' the ihere i8 for us. A tug and tussle nuu.iie or tne nigbtUbe merchant with counter elements will e vol looked in to 6ee tf all was right in -trenffth o , R. fESOta, NORFOLK. f MISCELLANEOUS. 1 -.4 J.vcJCDICALj to lengthen your days, is to grj to bed early and never wear stays, Ruth most BaVe been.radeto Boa i when, she pulled his ears and trod on his corn, j .- . The following cppars in a daily paper: "Wanted, Girls for Cooking." Have we a cannibal amon n? ' There' lots of people in this world who covet misfortune," says Josh Billings "just for the luxkry of gruntiDg." ' ' A man in Rhode Island was sent to I jail far ten days for sleeping in ehurch. Nothing Vwai done to the clergyman who preached him to sleep. "Bill, I'eat a good deal of fish nowr they aay it's good for the brain.'; " It is ? Well, Jdhn, I'd advise you to eat a whale." - !: An old bachelor, who bears his lonely state with much equanimity, say. "It is better to be laughed at for not being married, than to be unable to laugh because you are." In view; of the modern improve ments, it has been suggested that old Father Time should throw away his hour glass and scythe, and buy a watch aud mewing machine. A little girl having v for the first time noticed her shoulder blades, came running in one day, and said : " Oh, Aunt Mary, I guess I'll be an COTTON FACTORS "Till FaH Seion of Ibis o8'.i' M.uaie'l near RitfTln Sttlin. on-liie fl'imoui It.ilroid wilt commence on Momty, jly hh; ml C 0 M Ml S S 10 NMERCHAtfTS , J The ubcrihf r lirts bitbfrto hail 'iiiiel anJ N. Suctm Stbkict, p!eaont Sdiool, llijeJore boidoen not wih to j v o. BoxW ! BALTlilORE, JIU fa rfii-.fl riit rt iiitrvtimi ..if lii- tir.iit. r.iinilx t.r . s ' 1 . J , 1.1'x-ral :.v.b Af1vnvs nnde ou rons.Izn- Or.Ji.r. fr Supplier, including Cotton - ' 6 Cm receiTing bal bovg, bat "chkI ones are solicited. ' iiicuu. Tewmn, prr et Twrnir-0c Veka. j K"H5 T ExoLtHH GaisMAs Tbe eqatralcat of Fifteen Iolra ta Specie. ; LixatiAor-fcTh9 equiratett of Twcaij-Fire Dotlara in Specie. ' If the Tuition Wpaid in currency, the ad- ditioieball not exeeed tbiitr-fiTc cents on. each dollar of ppecle, tod if it be paid at the ' commencement of Um Eeasion a dedaetion of ; ten per cent shall be bade. - Foot barrels of good corn, delivered at the tOiAmrttctmeiU of the 8easion, will pay for tbe Instruction of a pupil in English Grammar. Six barrel will pay for the instruction of one io Languages. ' Maimed soldiers ebn pay only two-thirds of tbe ordinary prices of Tuition. No other deduction except in cases of protracted sick ness. 1: 1 ' Board, exclusire of light, can be obtained for one barrel of family flour per month, or $12 oO in currency. During tbe first three days of tbe Session, pupils can get conTeyance from the Station; free of charge. j Patrons are request ed to yisit the School fre quently, in prder to see how their children progress. Tbe society is good, and tho loca tion healthy - . ,-. : .' " JAS. S. DAMERON, ratxcirA&V Ruflio Station, N. C, May 20th, 1869. June 8 I ' 19-tf AVill. C5. JORDAIXe COMMISSION MERCHANT, vrnri m vossMcs BTXrtT. 1 - NORFOLK, -V'A- J Special aUrailet i4 to &ALU if COUX-1 TKY tttODUCK of ell dectlptsiM. wbkft ' Ubrral C4U AUVANC4 made woca ro- j a ; OrJcrs Tjr OENE11AL MEHUIAXD13E prouiwj tilled. ' Marrb :jo 1 gcra A.STATO.X, w. B-rEXJ.ETT, I. X. BAaVA, I HantiUoo, St. C Kortollt. , Horfolk- STATON, BENNETT & CO., COTTON FACTORS AID COMMISSION MERCHANTS McPhau's WiAar, ' NOUFOLK, VA. This ttouae doe strictly a CemmWioB bnl- nl tnm Saa4 srill n4.t aiBaJsj. il nail JAMES W. DAVIS, , Atnt for WIESENFELD, STERN & CO. bpmtlSStOX MERCHANTS, I ""CONGLETON'S I VEGETABLE SALVE The Creit Cure for Piles. THE OtlAT IlOtSLHOLO UECEMlTT! lltroHTA.1T TU KVEXT TAmILT ! Dorrs ihmnQUKcmnztmwnovss IHOCLO t V TTTtT BOCff V Till laid, trow xviar MATt.xrtxcK. OOXVCilKt VO HAt IM EYttAT CAS or AcciontT or auutio axd j tCAXDWa, raasfaatat of produce to above boaae. HI -Cm April 10-ly J. J. BIGGS, COTTON FACTOR LATXXT HVCX WrXsOTXB- AXD TKK Universal Clothes Wringer TXTTE, iraxs; rati a err, old aotEa, ciurno face, urt At nxrif. aoK Til no at. Buii-a. maioA. BICUEa,SU12IULtAU.aB raa EET, A Tar WORLD'S GREAT RUSU Y FC I TKt MLtSt COMX V A5D GENERAL ISSION MER Ctt A XT, NO. 51 PRATT STREET, I BALTIMORE. ESTABLISHED 1831. J. . M. FREEMAN, -V. S3 yftrfn Strrrf, Corttrr T(ft Slrrrt, Constantly on band a full aMortmeot of Itarrored with Rovbi.l's Patcwt Dmi Coo-Wacaxa. and tbe Path Stor, are aqMiloMblr far epcrlor tat uitfHniii for welE cloibre erer taTeM4. aa4 wUt i aate ibtlr fuel twke a fear, by sating tabor and rkMbea. i Toom wtHf bare wae4 tkea gte tntismy aa ' Ti freM remiM tUi eTr W4 W mmm ini-a.ariT IBS mciiiTif , r-i Or riLtS wbkb UkaaHltea. 4t k br yt4 cliw a IW ftrmirU rrarT 9tw Uto tfkwaeeia. swrnt w Ima, bartaf rmr-a iollows We like oar machine uxttb I ceWU net be ' pernaded to d wlthont it, ard wtta tbe aid i.t iMr mm f1 lhtt ir mtitn af tia WATCHMAKER & JEWELER, ! vUr-. ily." X. r. Tr. " In the lanndry of say boaae trre la a refTetUal lbank2Uira en Mdaya fo tbe ' inreriiion." jrT. Trn4mrt I. CtfLr, Lrery week baa gWeu it etrwbger bold t lac alad. c of tXJXULTTO.'I'S VtnETAaXE SALTL. V$ed eraJ reevmmrmirJ by lt hrtf l'kytlclxnt ef fJLr emmtrp. iiirai aavancea maae on cotton and otber I WATCHES. JEWELRT. R1LVKR WARK t Prrwl nri in lunil -i I " t u. iw it i . v n I M r.l T A LL8, fltc. t upon I be an-diooa ei lb u.taaiee m la tana- t MhJuMr BSTW-ebe od Jewclrr cefallr and pro Urjr.--.V. Y. rr. , M by IrwrH-U fd IValer. taPy, a.4 ZION'S LAND MARKS DEVOTED TO TMfc primitive Uaptiot Causf, ' : ; ! 13 PUBLISHED I ' On the 1st and 15th of Each Month, ' i AT re the storp, and, presently discovered Ms tuuthful protege busy scissoring labels. "What are you doing sail be ; " I did noi tell yott to work nights." I know you did hot Tell lac 80. autTtKnn'frrir T mn mm rill J - ."...Ml Ulikll c doing something." In the morn- cr thn iiah? O - www.... Owv w 0 v UVUU1Q in dnv'l unnoii 1 T.a !a til: . ' I) u LLi'. t 1 un la n 1 1 1 1 II I' . , , . v , o , iUnh a few weeks elapsed before a " Gentlemen of tbe jury," said an Irish barister, 41 It will be for you to say whether this defendant shall be allowed to come into Court with un blushng footsteps, with the cloak of hypocrisy in his mouth, and to wire draw three bullocks out of my client's pocket with impunity." j. . "118ns, where youget that knife?" w of wild beasts passed through " I Buds " him, fardei1. " Han-, I oiivtu, , uiiu itvtv naturally ait I r J r 6 j Lis jn the store rushed to. witness! f&rder, davt is true; I is the luckiest pcctacle. A thief saw his op- boy you never see.'ft 'Yell, Hans, I nity, and entered at the rear has to vip you. "Not cause I 8 teal somethinff, but in a "teals, fardcr ? V-No, Hans, 1 vip iug founr . himself ... firmly you cause you so very lucky." - a iy ti., diminutive clerk A member of the Irish Parlia il',-nn (tor a truSKle vras ment, boasting of his attachment to L JNot only-was robberv U, Bvafim " Mr. fWnl-pr ' t 1 ... t.' .11. ! 1 . . - . . T '.I'1 i, uui ;uu.iuit; unifies jiaKen gaid he. " with trial bv mrv 1 have r stores were recovered. lived," and, by the blessing of God, a Dy inc. merchant why he with trial by f jury I will die !, What f said Curran, . in, a stage .to liams A I Co.. Raluizu. N. C : Mai. J. M. Mavo. Vliiiker, N. C; Jno. Myers 8ous. WasMng toh, N. E. E. Burros, Uankcr, Wilminirion, N; C; Hi A. Martin A Co., Petersburg, Va.; Kaier Bijrjrs & Co., Norfolk, Va.; CoL Win. Ltimb, Norfolk, Va.; Robt. Tannahill, N-w York ; Pr. P. P. ClcmennU, Bnltlaiore. 87-12t WE KNABE & CO., i i Manufacturers of GRAND, SQUARE AMD UPRIGHT perl? Repaired. Bliair ork mrae op to order. Mari b Xi R-13m FREER & CO., WHOLESALE LIQUOR DEALERS, 12 Roanoke Squarr NORFOLK, VA. Large stock of i of all grades, for sale at BALTIMORE Price. Orders promptly attended to. " 8cpl 28 Zm "1 Lesnily comueeMltt to ececmiefs of I lime, mo try, and coleataet)L Krt. TV. Friend l)oly Tour lat irppttm-m of ; i ronr Wah:ng-Mscbine i a complete sorreaa. k aasure yoa eur rnacbiae.' afUr a year's ; is tboagki snore of to-day than ad wonld be jarrU with auder eaj circasa. atancee." .Uw E Aim mm. Your WasLing-Macbibe has ben in dallj dm in oar lanrdrr, and IV bakper ez prrases beraelf aa bigU'r r'eaaed bb ic It ceruialy accomplishes a crealer alaeaat ef ! woik with leas labor, and dure net wear ibe ! cloibes near so sancb' as tbe old fast. ioaed wasb-board. Br osier, it one lanndresa ie dis ened with" U "at. )t. F. aW, Srntm dttt ml Jmfmmi lyrtmrul mf St. (toWnsr Xrmrfy, -V. 1". CVy. ELOER I. I. BODENHAMER, TKRM8 : TWO DOLLARS PES AN1TJM, IS ADVANC Specimen copies will be mailed to any ad dress on application to the Editor. Ksv" For Clubs of five, subscribers, a sixth copy will be sent gratis. , , tiff The postage on oar paper is sis cents per quarter, (three months,) when paid in ad- vance at tbe otnee where it is received. J - " E01T0P. THE PLAINDEALER, A DEMOCRATIC, AGRICUL TURAL AKD FAMILY JOURNAL, Published Weekly at Wilson. H. C. Pkics 12 per Year; $1 for Six Months; 50 cents for Three Months. Address s i ; . f - C. S. McDANIEL, Eiitoh, j W'ii-on, N. C. PARKER, MURRAY & CO., CARRIAGE ! I -AStJ- " , - i HARNESS MAKERS, PIANO FORTES. WAREROOMS, So. 330 XI'. Baltimore St near Cataw BALTIMORE. These Instruments have been before tbe Public for nearly Thirty Years, and upon their excellence alone attained A tarcRCHAsan I'KE-HMix kuck. which pronounced them une qtialcd. Their TONE combines Treat power, 'sweetness and fine at U Drat; ttort e4 O. J, HOUHTHtf. wtj?c, X.C. I'rloe. AS Cental aa Ilaa. oot. w eel as in at JOOT B CCSOLETOl, PUmaeevtlit. MaanJactnrvr aa4 rtwprWaor, To wfcewi an orders PRICES A Fair Offer. THE AIIERICAN Rheumatic Linimerill TUa; Great Hodicina of the Ago ! Send tbe rHail prlc. Wabtr fl.. Eilra I Wringer $10, and we ill furoard euber or j both uachiot, fiee of freifbt, to places brre ' no one is 8ellin ; and a sure are we lUr brtn f j U tPf. tSrrrw IV will 1 liked, that we aeree to refund Ib'e btrt " M lSn- bo are aanVt. Umm JAMES E. CLARK, WITH G. W. McGLAUHON&CO. Cotton Factors. Sfc COMMISSION MERCHANTS. scale AUetr I """"" nn.uiiiKi.n sua lc iitcii, Y. C. GRANT Sc CO., GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS i AND Wholesale Grocers, iVt7. 9 Roanoke Snuare. NORFOLK VA i : 7 ; 3 V. . T," WiEUJfATWII.jriUEAUJU, HEADACHE aukiuu.aa. chines free of freight, after aaonib's trial, ac- ruv iv thv imt . ' . . to selling COTTON cordinjc to direcUoos. . j Xi IX Tf! ?? EACK A!,U No hisband, fatber or brother should permit i a, c the drudgery of wasbinf witb J he flfty. ; Tw w nuMt. wo daya in tbe year, wbeo it .can be do.e j fnl o mn4 ,an. Kh mJift better, more ex rediuewaly. with leas labar, lbe nlltKj0rUo of ihu Urtwt Pasntly Mekiaw and no injury-lo tbe aarosents, by a Vnj j 8 thrir non.r, tbe Ian4rrrrwr re mm4 Cloibes Vi'aslier and a Uaiveraa Wriager. , relief frotn tWrtr saflrrlnKS aad p'a-, for tMe Oanva-frrs witb exclaive right of aals 1 is tbe fore resell whew t woirrfl nedtrtaw Pnrticulsr attention paid aud NAVAL 8TORE8. Sepf-M TOUCH is pliant and elastic, and entirely free from the stiffness found in so many rlanoe. la WORKMANSHIP they are unexcelled, using none but tbe rrry best seasoned matbkia!, the large capital em ployed in our business cuabline us to keep continually an immense stock of lumber, dc, on baud. All our f-QCARB PiAKOa have our New Umprored Overstrung scale and the Agraffe 1KEBLE. We would call special attention to our late improvements lu GRAND PIANOS AND SQUARE GRANDS, , ritnird Agut 14, 1866. Which bring the Pinno ncsrer perfection than baa jet been attained. TOBACCO WAREHOUSE, NORFOLK, VA. K?" Will attend nrntnptlT lo aa'cs of COT TON, GRAIN, LLM11ER, NAVAL STOKES, FISH, Jfcc, and purchase of supjlica. Liberal Advances Hade on Consigmenti. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED, augtlft S-iL HYMAN8 & DANCY, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS Ko. 47 Wid4 Water .Street, (Hear of Custom House,) NORFOLK. VA. DANCY, HYMAN & CO., GENERAL make irotiry fast seUint thees.- U osed. Limbs as4 Jats s that Stare US- Sold l.y dealers Benerally, to wbooi liberal 1 'or and refused to fr"rs l 4r mJ rfwrva. dis;ounu are made. ?VJlTJ. - CZTLl. .TI'J!.- ........ . . . Unlri," bora rrrtorrd to ibHr lorasrr sc R. C. BROWNING, Gen. Agent, , S3-60. No. n ConrUandt tV. N. T. j 'J' W WALsTER A. WOOD'S y'imvin LI J I w r.NT. la rtteraalaailae Tala as4 rro flag Urav. rtid Jirfnu Ua Y.m4 Wt tirtr rhJ EVERY PIANO FULLY WARRANTED COMMISSION MERCHANTS, m to watch when all their ork, the reply vraa, me never to leave the hthcrs were absent, and i ,d stay." Orders were glfefl'- onCe rncrrc i t boy a vages; he is ,Uhful.,'i To-day that a 'salary of ?2,500, whisper, "do ypii taean to be hang ed, Jack?0 V V Aft example of the blunders or absurdities which excite laughter, arising rather from ft' confusion of words than of ideas, is afforded by the paragraph in '.the Irish newspa ' 1 Aaa AtinAnnnin (w tv i i mtlAri vvIao rywill become a mem- - tT,l m, T, ... I sure tuil w duvu s v. t uout jsj I U0IV1 1FUV1IV T V11VUUVVV4 uw vt a vi u vr Xhe body, occupation the Church of Rome for those of the 4 -ii. i. .e j - v 1 Ithand happiness, Dn Hirichliffe, who died Bishop of upon wnicn every- reterb0roigh,'- had much ready wit, ion seems to be - .1 -.---.i.- - 1. principle of na those vho trere fond of cavilling at inanimate things m,n:ns- If different texts of e windswaves, gcripture. ,t 0n beinc asked one day what(was o be understood by the expression.- f lie clothed himself with curses as with a garment?" 44 The clearest thing in the world," replied the doctor; "the man had a Pole Wholesale Agency for CAR HART A NEEDTTAM'S Cclcbrutsd l'AaLoa Oboaks aud CUCBCU llAKMOWIUM. : WM-KNABE & CO., Xo. 350 Wnt Baltimore St.. ttfer Entaic, 1 BALTiriORE. T iT. IW'OTTTPtTirp rrT CJ fir. f WTt AAAwA 1 I rillAJUAWJ U( WW. W ILSOIV9 IVo Co '' ' - - COTTON FACTORS AND Solicit orders lor FIRST-CLASS work in COMMISSION MERCHANTS, their line, assuring: those who may favor tbeai I v ' anm n, .n.v therewith that they shall be ailed promptly and . Ntfc 6 800x11 HoLIDT TKirr, at as LOW f RICES as work of the same qual " BALTIMORE, IHD iij una niiisa ran ve imu umwiictk nua an 1 ...... . .t, ,,i, rrnm f-,t ... ... Liberal advances made on consljmments of natter toKm SillmtStiij& o.f...iin nnH .bh rr miLi. TILIZE- and PLANTATION BUrrLlta nunrous iVlends and patrons In thU and ad- I1 !? K'?!!!'!- joinlnif countlea. j Orders by mail promptly at- n " "rc I J, , "J tendea to: j . CARRIAGE MATERIAL and BAR and BUNDLE IKON FOR SALE. " tf No. 24 Eichaice Tlace, NEW TOIIK. Cotton and other produce sold at nwiMrr option in Norfolk or New York, charging ouly one commlR-lou. Februarv 1 . 1-tf lestlcs?, and the oid flowers, is Lml part of na- rixed rule of ixercise every open air if e almost cer- .mption from licks of low Fjister who is nd indolent. giant dies." limunity dc- e youncwo cultivated, , the young r.rement that be uprtghc refined; but if !-t frivolous and rwill be found to Jrorthlcss. But .it a sister is the rother'a integri tt inculcator 0! STEJCSrGrXEIS, John O. Williams A Co., Bankers, Raleigh. Messrs. Powell & Co (ioldsboro. T. A. Orifiln, Esq., Rocky Mount. Messrs. DeRosact & i;o Wilmington. Mai. W. A. Blount, Washington. We bare rude arrangt-ments with a reliable MIrsIssIddI Plauter for supplying our Irlends with a GENUINE article of tbe celebrated PEELER COTTON SEED for thtlr next spriug plitntin?. ! . J't MRS. 14. YY. HUNTER'S PATENT LABOR-SAYING SOAP SOMETHING NEW AND WHAT EVERT FA HILT KKKUS! ' Persons can bo supplied with this JasMy - t.ta aaIJC At rersonsean DO suppnea wun wis jumij CARTG. ACOriS, ftC.f celebrated labor-sa vixg s oa r. 1 -i r- a,, r it r rpi vrnv Beinz permanenUr esUblished in the CAR- " Z7'- ' ..r. lj RIAGE and HARNESS BUSINESS, I will I tna M f . g. w. CHaSiBERLAIIP, eouraTvr ku seep aa ssvrwuvus v. hand, such as . 1 Jiabit of swearing!" ''.When Isaac Hopper, a member of the Society of Friends, met a boy with a dirty face or hands, he would stop him, and inquire if be everj stu died chemistry. The boy, with a wondering stare, would answer "No." 44 Well, then, I will teach thee how to perform a corfoas chemical experi ment," said Friend Hopper. - f4 Go home, take a piece of soap, put in waterf and rub it j briskly on thy hands and fae. Thow hast no idea what a beautiful .froth it -will Bake, and how much whiter; thy, akin will be. That's chemical experiment i 1 nlvi the t try it." BUGGIES, ROCK AW AYS SPRING WAGONS, Plantation Wagons and Cirls. Also, Double and Single BUGGY and WAGON li A K.NESS. All work warranted for one vear.. Orders solicited and promptly attended lo. I . ti xl nDITVIV I vr Wilson. N.C ScpL 21. 1S69. 524f mmm reapers, Used ia all Ooatrlc, and talvernaJlf , Commrndrd sa THE BE8T IN USE! AwardeJ MORE FlRtTT PREMlCilS tbaa any otber Machine manufactured. BOTH IN THIS AND FOREIGN COUNTRIES Among which la , 'X'Hl! KIOHEST PRIZE I Two Crand Cold Medals and Croat of tho Loglon of Honor, A.T I'VIIIS KXI'OHITIO.V, XT. More than 120,000 now In use- 20,000 rnanufactured and sold in 1 80, and the demsnd nn;ojplied. NEW GOODS. Just received and for sole at COBHER STORF, DltlCK BLOCK, consistinr of CALICOES, brcwn Drilling, SUZETlNfland 8IIIRTIN(V COTTON FLANNEL, COTTON TARN, Ac, Ac. Also FRESH GROCERIES.. rLOUR, SACK SALT, &-. Arc. M. W. JART1S, Agent. Wilson, N C, AuuU 31, IW. SU It and tn .'M to Ibrir furcurr . t '-Am mm 4 wcMrs harr k s .OVti r ' tV m m4 ftl Isaiisui asm! N-rslfl, mm La rspMay rrstond ItMWstolkHr twalll. s4 wrm,4 c tlrMy. and sorMtrt rr tr, ttrss trmm a.a, aud tbe jojoaa sattr UI t TU Jm,rn MUirjfJTPC UXtXTJSTf Sold by Drajstos af fV-Wt rrwerany, mm9 attbtProitrereof c. j, nojKTncE, WTfJOtTT. nc. PRICE 25 es4 ST" CEXT A B'rTTtX. sot.D WbtoLcaaLa ar J02HT 2, C0I QLXTOT, IxrniaertTijt, r At at(ll. c To wasa afl rdert swsaw be sddrrsr4. MsyH ja.. INCREASING DEM AMD, Additional Improrraenti, to 1569 J WILSON TINVARE Lloyd's Hymn Books I Self lUkinj Resptr. iib New mwimm AtiaLaeat. Hand Rate Reaper. Haines' Illinois Ilartreter. Maaufaetnred by l he Wilt A. Wood Mewlaf ' and Reef iaf Machine Coospaay. Oseral i Office aad Alseafaoiery, Heesick PalU, JUoe. seiaer Ca-.N. T. Branch OJJieet and Saltt Jioemt, 44 Conlandt Be, N. T., l P. U. IVm, 20fl Ul Stmt, CLico, 1U. Aletaadria. "a. Aladieoo, Wis.. 77 I'rper bsmes Et- Loodon. MANUFACTORY. We keep always on band a full supply of tbe PRIMITIVE HYMNS,. by Elder Benjamin Lloyd, wbich tny be bad on the fcll'jwlnjf terms : PatMiTivs Hiwas Casb Paters. i. i - : f. WUSuo. If. C All wbo are dltsathfled with the soap, after fair trial accord1 ng to directions, can bare their moner refunded br calling on us. Throw, awaT your wabboarb, aad save oncbalf of the wear ar.J tear of your clotb- ingand at least one-Lslf tbe labor of washing. It will effectually remove tua, raims ana Stains from clothing. Warranted not to tmjitrt the I met Mr. 8. W. CHAMBERLAIN. ! Wilson, N. C, CHAMBERLAIN k RAWLS, ' - Tarboro; JC. C, General Agents for tbe Stat. 1 on 5 no 9 00 1 so 8 00 15 00 D. A. SMITH, Drugs and Medicines. parlor, Chamber, 1ixing-R033J, OPPICE and LIBRART FURNITURE, HATTRESSES, WINDOW SHADES. SASH, BLINDS AND I POORS, CRANIT& FRONT BUILDUICS, 7-lT ' " 'WILMINGTON, N. C. i ironcE. I HAVE tbbj day appoiated SAMUEL B. WATERS hit Agent, to tarry on nsy GEN ERAL MERCHAND1SIXQ - BUSINESS lsr tins town, at the etaad oreor of Nash aad Banls Streets, Wilson, N. C - i Tilt lit V. V.Tr,Ki. Among others KEITH'S CONCENTRATED PRE PARA TIONS, TILDEN'S FERRATED WINE W.CUERRT, HOUGHTON'S PEPSIN, T A LERIAN ATES OF IRON, QUINIA, JIOREHIA, AMMONIA AND ZINC ' POWERS A WEIG HTM ANS QUININE, KOSKOO, WOMAN'S FRIEND, SOUTH AMERICAN AGUE RSKEDT, rad 1 '- CHILL AND FETXR FILLS, For sale by C- J. ROUNTREX, At bU Drug Store, Jnt abort tbe Cwirt Ilense Pirr ;Uf WII,4,x.r 00 00 00 Plain substantial (sleep) binding, single copies, Six copies for Twelve eoptce for Red and bUtft morocco binding, pUlu edge, single eoplca,-... fix copies for Twelve copl-s for Extra rilt ede and gilt covers, elegant style, single copies,. 8ix eoDlea for Twelve copies for At these prices we will send our books by mail, to any post oflice in tbe United States or TerrUortea, at our own expense. Any persoa company or church ordering a dozn books at tbe above ratea, shall bare one hock extra, of the aetne quality aa the dozen ordered ; or, u a mixed doaen is wanted, tbe extra book shall a vers e with the dozen. These books are got ten ap in the best STTLX of printing and blad ing. At these prteee cash atrrr ecwnrraay orders Sams over five dCllara, send by Express ; under fire dollars, by mail, la registered letters. Address, MRS M. A. CHEATHAM. . Orreerille. rhitler Coeval r. Ala. Greetrville. Al-, Warch It, . . 3T Persons ordering cook wiu pitswe ik their Boa oflsee, eowwty aad State rtAraxr. Send for New Detcruire Crremlar and Price Li it. Applications from Ibe Son lb, soata of Vfcr gina, sbsald be addressed Is tbe New Tork Branch Offics. as above. Reliable Agcnto Wonted, ' Kitra laducesseau Offered ! January 12 ly TEWfl1T PLOUGH TOO: ALL THE rREXIUKS rr ASW STOVE STORK In the Ploughing Hitch at the ' Danville Fair in 1887, OVZH OTHERS. Waa tbe l4tng plow In a reeswt Stase trial (llh August, 1V,J.) at tbe EiprrtoseataJ ram f Pennsylvasika, wbrre aboul F1PTT dSkvcart patterns of plotirns were tested before more . UsaaV.CKO of the beat and moat tntcUlgeat farmers of the Mate. 1 Over 10 ,0U0 of these plows pro now ts awe. the Union. 8ead for erolsT and priea rtsta. WATT k KNIGHT, 14M Frank lis Btrsw. lUrhsnod, Va. Bs7"rVH by D. L. I1ABDT, AURIC L'LTU. RAL AUKCF rick Biawkf ash Strert, WlUooN.C tUt LUTTS HOTEL, BEAK THE DEPOT. THIS nOUSK. WITHIN A FEW STEPS OF THE RAILROAD DEPOT, has bees tbsv ronr. Mr overhauled as4 Stted an, aavd Is The etd.ssAssw rvvperffewy l ama of WHsow aatd tbe srrusadtac Uaoaaiaa, that ia tonnrrik whh tbsae Tnasrere bwsiawae, Ury have rflrrlrd aa arraw. nsrwt wk east ef tbe largest MssaUrtartsf M aasara ts the se try 'J wbtrb tbey are esssUed ts rvrwfeb IO0 KING. OFHCC AND FA ELOl HTOVEK, DrUrrrvd la WUsew. at a Vw sfwie sa fWy rsu be pcrrbssod ta aay aaarhet. Ur a trtsl ad we will twv U tm tbe slUtrrt of ""iiT-AU kladt of TIN ad COrTEE WORK os at sbert notieo save aa a March SO FREE MAS A WTATT. all.KOUIwTBEECo. TARBOSO tTREZT. Brown' Cotton Gins : . ' and ; lngersoll's Cotton Presses, For sale by DAWeoN. TEEL HENNINO. "I rn ifieinyt.Mi. . eprv for the rrerptlow of vlskora. THE TABLE wUI alwaya be ewppllei with tbebretlhSBrketaflorda. AUewUve sirvaaas fca store, s4 are 4m0f taefcc, sptead4 stork STAPLE. 7ANCT AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, eoly employed aad every sUeaaJoa paid te Ue comfort f gwata. The Ilowsc is ander the persossal seprrhrtra deace of tbe Proprietor, aad be eoliriw saeUl ft oca hit former psArovja as4 lbs UsrcXUag pwb be generally. HN t. I.UTT, rrrVi. J.nsrv '.. t tt CROCCRICS. HAUDWAlsE, IRON, ac. ALL SUITED TO TUX SEASON AND THE TRADE. , . WTUew.N.C. April a, lata Llountain Buller, 1 fZITED FEES II ETXET VELK, At1 WALTOISW, XllTLt T.rtt, ttlCK ZVX VfWr li lWJ lw

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