DB. J. J. MQTTS YIEWS" f ABOV WHlTCOCMETlia Wi; ll OVSHT Tw rVKftUC it sa bu pti ihu tiM : j 'Cctei-nmdent SkU Ckro:cU U -.i .Just after the jeoent.; eleetioa yea sent me a copy of a letter- ashing aae, as one of the Repafelieens of the State, t give too my epiaioa of these mm Of defeat to Democracy w in Waiioo, , . . ... i-. ,. and to Republicans in North iCarolna, ' v. v ( , ' . L ,. i'' v . questions, no diseoertesy-waetotended; Sines that time, Oowevsr, ijaiy attea ttoa baa been sailed frequent mca tiow ia the aewiplpers all jvr the i .1 il.. .. :!.. -1 I. ..ft ; .K- wk .-A .h- ..ahk. in I vt r- r:' "T eoooeaia with it eaeate iq be on ipfi jog the thoabu of a great nflmlier of - people. This atat of feeling ii im porUaj. following1 iaamedialet as does aa eleetioa won by; elite people of this country for- the Kepablicaa party.& Every oae of the Stages where the aegroea live, haViog bees eouated for the Democratic part Toeitever ioar Uieeetion.:Wh the Natiooel election ... agaio.t the De- mocraej ? di belief is that it was b- eaoae .the Auencea people cotfide in" a Proteotive Tariff. The vole, as a wholri. io tbelforthera blatea, shows an art whelming majority oa Uim Bpab!ica aide. There the is oe was made straight, and witbont eomplieationa. ti tbie had JbeeD so in the Booth th'ev reVdlt would hire been the same. Bat here ts qaestion of the Tariff s smothered w.th te race qaeation, and the ballots were caat withoa)t refaeoce to the lanff. The question of triffar howerer, la settled, abd a Eroteclive jariff for America will remuid witlioa tow far ther than we can see. ' . ' i . i' i t Tool other qneation ws! Whit gave the Democrat tncfa a io;cry iu Koilh Crolma? concerns the jce- probtemrt . and th'e matter of elections ut the JSoalh, iud.this it is well to talkf about," eep Dial y aiooe the question ;is st Urgt 3y fcoajying public atteblion and (eeJingi Wef the South who iereWn here and life here, it woald Secmon ealm reflection, ahould hare some Idea- of a remedy for what has come to be an ell amoaiC Ba. The fact that fhVra ia t deed vote in the South, t whldh about gives us one hundred persons M mem t b rs t tepresrnt ua in ongrtss add X the Electoral College, is knosta of S'J ; men. lA legal citizenshfp eohstitntes ; this deid Tote. j ) . , i'No matter what people jo jtside of the South think of thmj; wemnat see whea we look carefolly that it hurniinH, and if cooUnued must result in great trou- ble toi. The excuse offered ifor thia I phiin alase, so dangerous In iti tendeo ows, is- that ihe home gTercmtnt m : the Southern jSUtcs; andcojmaLities could lot be 'safe std prosperous if this I Bpllifled vote had free eoaise. v The ex- 's ease has been accepted by mahy pec j PIet Bepablicans as yell ik Democrats throughoat the North, al measnrably f justifiable. As a cocseqaeocer the pow er pf the gorernmeai bss Jbeea .sllowed ! to slumber, with the: hoye! tht Uae, . chaDfe and crrcama&Dce might briDg Jight and point to s 'remedy. Ut is not too mueu to ay that! the p traM "npoa lh4 judgment and oinsciucef of tfee Spoantry wrong Lt b tbe platn fact;' lhai a rhinority party bed pcttesed the government under this 3cse for home rale in the South, jhe ; become ery great. Thinking mea Soutb, as pell aejiortb, feel that it ij a tastter ta j)j desl wj,tb withouiiJurtier 4loy. : o I suggest, as a Ho a;! hern! icaa, witb ' kindred here, and interest !nuch a most men, tbat the military upvemenf be madf tn the Soulb. We cannot go backward and undo the Copctitutiou aa to who hall tote, anc as fb w&at enti- 'ties to itpreseDtationn'CDgress and the lecloraleollege.o gel oaiof onr diffioeJty properly. al thejeac&i to b'e accomp Ashed will be thwarted liy this course. We can disfranchie "ib class as sucli,; nor can we glace : qualifica tion on soffrage. &prj frle male citi r 'n under the Coostitat onj,s mast be a toter. 'fe ; i :i " I The federal Congress is fiot htcetsa - ry for Ihe proieotioo of U me govern-. m nt n: the Statea. ISeither is the eiec toral college neceseary for It. .1 mean it is not neceaearj to naHify a Tote for loBgresn-men awd eieetois Uto rereat urgiy ,uu varpBi-ova aoBlnatlOD II Slates, bounties, snd swd8. " ? iCIearry the first tbiijt for; tlni South 1 1 do' is to get on Idlest groind, by couflningiUelf to tbeiaiit1of the ex eitse given by for faoliag ita itif grasp a deed vote which is eetit.ed; to life and would li?e i perniittel to jlT'Ji dg - this it sb.oa.fd insist Vbat the jrV4eral government lake entire cbargeldf the elections lor Congressmen and electors, and pay for them. T preeentby in fidentisl bearing of the State emotions upon : he Federal, separate the fyo by having the elections on d fferent and distant days. The Bttes woa!d hsve tb$eeme(hohlon the Senate as now, snd such an snaagenxent - appein" a mare equitable, and wu!d, ino lonbt, baoe beea left as if th faberfoald have foreeeea tbe present conditions. ' Ju talkingoyef thj-' aiaJ,1 week at Rlei"gfi; one of .he ov Intelieotnal . Democrats in the Stale said to mc, surely the government jhss sontrol of its own legisl.tu e andl can direct the manner of ehooaiuf the aame atid pro- aide mesos for ita protection A eommiaeioner of elections s filiat ed by the? President foresch Cotrgreiis lonal diatiict ia the United 3tatt,. and a regiitrar and two laerwetcrii for: each . precinct would be machinery enough tc hold thj elections in the' diaJEricaf. The oommissioaex eoah be i dbtbut ingofSoer and under eparato Jboadi for tbe performance of jia tfSeia.daty and for hfs liability- as g disbursing of flcei alao.1 So ra after tfom whstparty such an officer is appointed, if of good character and tUadiag i he showlJ be, the trust accompaayiagf tha ' appoioV . meat, thooath of offioa. sAd the eooep. taneo of the aalary, - will gaaranee a faithful perfomaaeoof Svj, This ex -rptions wonld bo no greater; than Bay other else of oflLaere appointed on der State or National government. A r bares la the Attorney Geaerare efSee, St ths Beet of government, ecu Id ; keep the records, appoint the registrars, and inspector, and verify tbe aoebaata. :? J Any remedy for the- race 'problem is ao in eight.- emulation aadjaiessure menu are out of iogae. in eonWmplat: ing tt, and the imagination algae ia left Jo deal with it. Beyond question the Ang!e Saxon race will dominate Ameri e. 'Neither the Jews the Indian ! the r ! , .';. " .. . .1 J,;. i negro or lb Cbtaamsu Uunk4 anything v ., ; , I,... fslae.Ji Tbesenwof the thing IhatjH to iaeel - .wila.it ia this light. The Sootb ,. . .. . i ere) titateet by eaaon ol cheaper eoe cried with aa old end eeUbliebment eifiksitioo, wid. a a few jeaa, befilV ed ou! with Northere aettleri. There! "l N Angle Saxon majority ia all ' . jl. i turn QMUi vriD4i.a Kuveruiaut, uierv fore .'its owd.- Cease jto reeogaize inter- Sal trouble, and forget ihatj weiiare any ht atuidiialbe way of a deter mined, pa rpote to niake'th country nd migbty : etle itnea as toey ; are owegrded ihihe Sooth are byrier to th'e 1 aeftlement of s race difficulties -jpra atteotioa from family trabfeeby ffMff; M WBtry "?"Mh opportunity ii afforded We Jen see bow to occupy evry foot ml land on which - tbe : Aational Fanthority rests ! We can extend the yaiional care with safety and benefit j Let: tbs Sonih take aa "aettfe hand jin 4hes things. Tbe cbunlrj belongs to all of aa iu name is America and America teaeh Se U the Kortb polo. v Thecoua'ry ibouUi hsve a airy co qoal with thai of Eflgland. ii is kblci to hs ve iM We should nee the aame ef fort that England is using to bush oor eqo,mtaace ihUl Africa, the! home of the tkgro race -not ta a spirit of eon- auosi but of friendly intereati in ' that eaoe. As ws he:d wifhia oar borders greater popolht'en sthaa ad) other pountry, involving a matter If solid tnde,0(1 eJ 4 theta and to oa,; we feonld with as mdeh race as jEngland, carry the war lata A rica. With the Boanry great and powerful, equalling the other pations of the earth ia every thing thatgoef to aiake miht, j and with the different raoea amongst ns tal -ty ecoeated.aad equisped fo al the demands qf citizenship, we may t dis Oove! a solution 6 the race problem vat every Aminos n Anglo Saxon mast be a -patriot, bent oa pasbiag his coun tfj to the front, just'ss everyogisb man is ergsga in doing Bie same thing1 for England. England Is grsnd ia tN patriotism of her people. I tite in slurry apt earing fori the dretsor form of niy article. Hot being an authority ia statesmanship, I j can rhtk gratuity ia adviee and ne a'' gun 4f wfa r iagn, and. shaotat obieota'afar nit -I hope thbogh my acatteying re- mirka will not prevent the seifous dis cuUida of theKibjeot: or weaken the idea tst the governtnent shohld Icon- tfol the elections for Con greesinea and Presidential electors. 1 J. j. Morx. OLDCHESNUTS 1 NEW BTJBSS ; i:-4 t What length J should a ladfa dress bet A Utile above two feet. Wbat ib thieving iij .the Btsklrts? pickipg ladies pocketa. ;M h&t color is a. field of grisa when covered with snow? Invisible green; :UB wust place dia tne cok crow When 11 the world : heard him?1. In Kaah'4 Art :l f ' ' 1 :lt j$u had to swallow a msjn, what kind pald:yoa prrer ? A little lion dB porter.; f'i I- :t " Why is s solar eclipse like a mother beating her boy? Becaase it ia i -hiding of tteon. j .rf jjj I ; ; W hat are the great astroaome ? The irr, fcecjuge they! have sto)i( ed ftbe hea?eas forages, "'g ' J,j Wha ia fbel lost' JifiScalt i rai4 to ca.toh?i The 12.60. because it isfUato oaer i yoaj catch it. . ' Whtt ts a man called honorable rho is Dpstsire beating b wife? He is abore.'doing a mean act. !: When does the rain Become loo famil iar to lady? Whed ii begins to pat bet :(patteron the back. "Why may! carnentert reasonably lieve tere is no sueh thing aa s:onef Cecs use they never: caT it. : ; . Who'are the best tueji to send so wai? :j Lswye;s because tbieir.chsrges ti so great oo one can staud them, i li What la the difference, betwee a log and falling star? pot's mist oft earth and hsT other is missed in heavln. ; Whjrvas Golish Surprised wea 'be IwMttrickbj a:8taae Beeanie aicb a thing nevr pnteaed his head before. If a cburch be on fire, why bjaa L organ.the smallest Jehikhew of escape? Because the engine canhet playjoa It. WhyV tie makws oj the Arnjatrogg guos the greatest tbievea laherjMajee ty'g aeryiee? : Beoaase j they rifie;all the gaBa, forge jbe aaateri.le and ,aieel all' lngu breacaws. s ! ..i - What relation is a loaf of break! a : to I ateSm epgine? Mother," beeanseaa' leaf of bread ia a ecesity, i steam ngtoe an iaventlon: anof neoealty the t iot$er of Snveation; ;f:1' . ! "Ab.f said the fly, as it etawted aroand ; tie bottle, "X have - passed throagh tbe hatcbiag ag, tbe creeping ageit and bow I aim 'in that macflnge"- Ibrtf tt aldck:- i 1 i A ' 'li f : A coDreaUoa of ex Oonfedwa& tpl diers,&ta pensioner, js to bo held at Baleigh duriog the ssion off the Legislature for the purpose of sfskiag of thai body a broader reoognit (heii olajiainpoB the charity Sute.. r I ! -H- Chicago htt now on xbibhiof akin of the serpent that tempted. Eve. Thesaake was oa a w sit, to that city, Ibd went oat pf hnsiaesa ia disgust It BadiaM hixtself so far behind the times ia aB I orjns f gilded. vie. t:M'IIBi- V !) i " 1 tJJB VISEWtako the fiwauirtr- fcn of of the 3 .' ir tbe THE QEXEEAL eJSSEilBLT. First Iistrict Carrituek. Camden, PasqaoUak. Hertford, Gate. Chowan and Perquimans. i.K. Abbott, of Oanv dea, W. e, Huaw, of Hertford, deeaa. Second Dwtnct Tyrrell, Wsshiug- toD,' MsrUa.l Dare, i Beanfort, Hyde and Pamlioo,B. Wi Biubbs, of Uarun, W. S . Itaeasy of Qy dei dema. :; i Third Uistrict Northampton . and Bertie, Geo, iB'ahopi tep. " i q Fourth Uistrict Halifax, T. Ij, Jmry. deavl ' -i - , -?i 1 '.::- ' Hfth ' Diatrict-Edgecombe, D.d Wimberly. rep. Sixth District Pitt, ; W. 14. wuuams, dera f 1 i ? r 1 : ! Seventh Dmtriot Wilson, Sash and Frauklio. DrJB. Wi Kinir. of Wileoet, James G. Sills, of Kaab, dema.: . j. ightta Distinet Craven, Ueo ureene. Ninth District Jones, Onslow, and Carteret, BenL Bro- k, of Junes, dem Xenta Uistrict vupun ana bj do, Abner Bobmaoa, of Paplia, B. F. Ayrock, of Wayne, dema. : j Uevnui UMtnc Mreene ana ui noir John Wttra. rep. . Taeuth jjistnot ew ttanovrr aaa Pender. E. B.' Bioe, rep. . Thirteenth , Uistric -Urnns wics ana Bb.den. Joha'Ji. Beahetu of Bruns wick dem. Li- i ... !- it Fourteenth Diatribt Sampson, : . W Ken. dem Fifteenth SDistrlct-CoIumbus and Bobeaoo, M OampbellJof Colambas, J F Payne, of ttobeeoa, dema. ; ! Sisteeatb I3lstri! unmaeriana ana Haraett, W. p. Williams, of Cumber SereoteenthDistrict Johnson, Jaa E PonJ dem. Eighteenth District Wske, J L Banks, rep. Aiaeteentn District Warren and Vanoe. H B Faulkner, rep. : Tweutaetb tUirlot Darbam. uraage Person and CssweU, X H Hughes, A 9 tVOBC flema. t -n. t:i Twenty-fin District GraaUlo, ) TF Brown. re - 6s 3 .Twentv seeead District Chatham A Alamance, B 4 Crawford, dem. Twenty thud Dutnot Bookingoam, A L b Moore dem. i s 1 ' ! : Twenty-fourth District Guilford; A S Holton, iep. i: ! ; i Tweaty filth Diatriet Randolph had Moore. J White, dem. ' i Twenty sixth District Bichmond and Montgomery, J r leurana, dem. Twenty seventh. District Ansoo aa Union. It. E-fLittle. dem. ' . !- ' ri Twentv eichth District OabarrdJ and Stanley, fsnl B. Means, dem . ! ! Twenty ninth District Mecklenburg J Sot Reid. dem. i f - T : Tnirtieth Dutrict-rBowan and Davie T B Bailer, dem. Thirty drat; District Davidsoa, P Q xnomss, rep. : ; ; , ' Thirty seooxtd District Stokes and n i.ir i . E r ore jin, xiru uineoaoa, rep. Thirty thisd District burry an aad Tadkia, W W Hampton, rpv . Thirty fouEth Distriet-a-lredell. AU exaaler aa-t Wilkee, W W Barber, W D Turner, dema. c Thirty fifib District AHeghaay.Ashe; aad WaoUoffat W Sifartbinir. dem. - Thirty sixth : District Caldwell, Mo; Dowell, Barke. Mitchell and Yancey U o xilair and ia xt xSnggs, dema. Thirty seventh District Catawba and Lineoln. ir J Turner, dem. Thirty eighlth District Gaston aad Cleveland, Jao r ieper, dem. Tbirity ninSh District Butherford aad Polk, Dr x u x witty, dem . Fortieth : Distriet Buncombe and: Madison. V 8 Lusk. reD. ; Forty first District Haywood, Heni dersoa and Transylvania, M 0 Tom. dem. 1 i Forty second "District Jackaon Swald, Macon. Cherokee, Clay and Graham, L. J., Smith, dem. s Democrats ir ; j 37 Bepablieaaari ' f 13 i i I- I : . , bocbs or KKFRasisTATivxa. ; Alamance S W Soott, dem. ; Alexander B P Mathesoa, dem. ') Alleghany B, A Doughton, dem. : AnsonW J Dunlar. dem. j Ashe Bile j Blevins, rep, Beaufort J iS. Marsh, dem. Bertie E B Outlaw, dem. Bladen C G Lyon, dem. Brunswick Bufas GJloway, dem, ' Buncombe bi E Carter, J 8. T. Baird, dems. : Barke - T. H. Hoffmah, dem. Cabarrus C O McDonald, dem. Caldwell WC Newland, dem. I Camden E M Deford, dem f Carteret A 1H Chad wick, dem. i Caswell Wilson Cary; rep. Catawba A M Hewit, dem. Chatham SiD Wilson, J M Ed-wards-dems. . Cherokee W'B Trail; rep. Chowan -ITA Bond, Jr. dem. Clay J. a Boll. dem. I : Clevelend Dr W O Hamriok, dem. ' Oolumbus Long, dem. Craven J B Hussey, rep. OamberiandTT H Sutton, A. D. MoGill, dems. 1 . M : Currituck Paeroe Hampton, dem. i Dare Rollinson, dem.' Dafidson-ZiB Walter, S W Wall. ; Darie Jno 4 Hendricks, rep. : Duplin J B Miller, dem, Darbam John X Nichols, dem. -Edgecombe ijostioe and Bridgers, reps..; j l Forsyth John T Reynolds, rep. PrankUn O jM Cooke, Jno T. Clif ton, dems. - i . ; i Oasn R liWhite, dem. Gates Martit) Kellogg, dem. 'Graham Reuben Carver, dem. Granville B Amis and H G Tilley. reoe. II' ! ll Greene N H'Beamaa. rep. ' -Guilford Woods aad O Starback rep. I i . Mi t ".. Halifax W H Anthonv. T H Taylor: dems,M ; i i ri Harnett Wni Pearson, em. i Hsy wood W H Hargrove, dem. i Henderson J G Grant, rep. Hertford JLAndei son, dem. JJydo M Makely, dem. Iredell J B; flolmaa. A Loaiad dems. : . . i -) ; ! i Jacksoa EM Painter , dem. : Johaston Josenhaa! Johnston. B Welloas, dems.! j ii Jones E M Fomuo.) dem. Lenoir Shade I Wooten, dem. Lincoln W A HokeJ dem. McDowell Wf M Blaatoa, dem Macon George A Jones, dm, Madison Lawson, rep : ; Martin J B Uoffield, dem. Mecklenburg-i-Jas C Long. J W Hcod, K Gibboa. dems. Mitchell 3 M Banner, rep. Montgomery -!J FCrowder, rep. Moore M J Blue, dem, i KasbJ B Phillip, Bern, New: Hanover,! V Howe, Jno Hollo- wav . ! Xortbampton.i A R : Jaoobs. N R RwsJ reps. : ! p . ; I Onflow Xhosi (ill man, dem Orange r bos. M. Cheek, dem. Pamlico R D'McCotter, dem. ! Pasquotank Bareo. rep, Pender R C Johnson , dem. Perquimans John D Parker, dem. Persob T J Yanoey, dem. ? Fitti-M C 8 Cherry, G BKing, dems Polk-4-B T Thanton. desB. -Rndolph-rI H Pogh and Benj Mili- tia.repf, - y'i' : M i! j , ;. v Riootaond-i-T p Wootea. dem. Itubeson--D-CilVgan, T M Watson dems. ti . ; - ! . : H l; ! ; ' RoekiBgbm-F W,0okins. O T WtlktildeaasiUt' . ' I v ' Rocs a J S MicCubliiBS ! Hr denu Rutherford-Tboe J Wiikins, dem. 8apa W E, Bt. tens, Dr ; W B Uorphyi dem. l Mill v taalV-WSKMUon dsto, i y Stokes J A. Leak, dem, - ' '.,' Sorry Lather Weagh, den. ' Swain Frank, ind. ; 4 v ' Tratuyrraaia TM Cooper, r p.. Tyrrell David Ak4MdertLdeea. r ; Uaton J A Marab, dem, f .?.' u.,: ij V.ooe J 11 Watsoa. sam. :,U W-ke Li D Baoeom. . E O Bed- dingfle d, dems; J 4 Ttrnphi, W H Ben- nev reps.' -iff ' s ( warren -K O Ward, rep.- J- -Washington J H bnell, rep. ' I , Wstsuga Crisp. Np v I ' )''" Wayne H J Ham. Boo B Overman. Jr. 'dema 'f I i " j z Wilke-E O Uaatin, iep. ' Wilson Nathan B48. dem."' ; -I ad kin M H VeetrH r-p: '- ! Yanoey W P Whttington.1 dem. ! '' Demoorata ; I sf ! " 85 Kepnblicaas i J fit ' i i I - ? t " - 85 120 c i ixotrrxauoi t 4 123 4H TVmwtr.A l S r f 11 Bepablicans I I 3 170 i. Sonnd Legal'. Opl ilon. F BaiobridgnMoDdav, Esq., County Attorney, Clay Co., Texaa, says: '-Have used Eleotno tJitters with "moat bappy results. , My brother also was very low with; Malarial Fever had JaUndioe, bat was cured by ntaely Ose of this medi cine Am -satisfied Eleetfio Bitten saved his life." .'( j- i is' i .51 : it ,s Mr. D. L Wilooxs"tU ; of Horse Cave.! Kj. adda a Gke testimony Baying: j Ha positively believes he would nave died, had it not beea for Eleotrie Bitters.- Thu great remedy will ward off, as well as eureall Malarial Diseases, and for all! Kidney; Liver nd Stomach di ordra aUnr'a aoequslod Price 50c. and tlatDr. V. O. Thompson. I . ' : A;NEW TEAR S GIFT. The Ra PtmuoAK one year only 1L60 Bend in your name and the money at onee. GREASE Vf i!BESTINS;THB; WOB.D. iM-wmrtwr qoalltlea art u)irvauMHl. artimllj outiaKtUia two boxt-a or any U! r" brand. y trwB-Aaim1011 UtJET TUS tLMlM. rou. &ixx BT hsaxis ox-VKaaixr. . : U; j ! f i i ir ii '.' jElleri;& ;t4rlmckt ; : ATTORNETS-ATLAW, I j Wrasroiiis.ja ; ' .; : With special attentions to Collections, Loans. Insurance. MaDSement of Eatates, Aa j; v i i'i I May 17 tf J. H. KESTERj SJD.! E. KESTER Iron Worts and KksTEPl B.0S. (PlfOsii 'i i MANTJFACTTJRER8 OF 1 : ' ; f. , ! Wood Planers ad afaichers, Saw Mills, Shingle Mills, Rip and CutOffSawa, : : Tobaooo Box Grovers, i Lumber ; Trucks for Saw Mills, and the -jj. pi j j n Keiitepjloifoe Pumps : for deep;snd shallow wells. "tl iiudkeViyiraWGr !: ' 1 ! ii 5 j t fl i r of Engines, Boilers aad Machinery in 'i 1 PtUMfelFO, ' i I ii s Tf i Steam and Gas Fittings and! all kinds of Pipe Work iff j ; ! Sll ACTING?, i Pulleys and Hangers, ht all sixes. '' H ; i t' i i ! Mill I Spiodles, Gearing, j Ac, AH kinds Maehiaa Btack-Smitbiag. ; Call or address J V I Vr : : i I j KESTER BUOS-, ! Main St. opposite: Brown's Warehouse, Winston, N. OJ i i- Feb. 16 6m if. mm frotrprjrr : joBPaiirriiTG i $ 01 I Mj WINSTON,; w. . Our Preaeee'aie operated by Steam and we i ; defy competition both in I Style and Price, i "hi i. i f rj ii :li ! gsjy If yoo desire Printing of any kind bo certain to call or write for estimates and samples. It will . . PAY Y0U:TO DO SOe j i f- -" U ;: I & l ' ST We do good work at living prieea. All we ask is a trial! 1 Gome to see as st our offlje on the 2nd floor of the Qfaj Bloek, or address I J. iWi G08LEN. Hi I 1 Wlastoa, si IJHTO T OGRAPHER 'IS.!' i 1 . h-OF a. 5 - ti MAIS ktBEET. WlXSTOIf Makes Crayons, and finisbiag work ia Water Colors a specialty, i Copying from Pbotogrspas pr ita Types fo any siae required, and gaanteawall auch work aatisfaetoryLl and done ah cheap as any traveli ig agent will do it. i I maks aTl (he fie w styles Of Photogrspha auch aaTrip-plex, Minetles, Pits. Statues qnea. and else the auai sty), snob as Guds,f Cabinets,; Panels, Boudoirs, ia, - I havo a -largt ajsortakeat. of bsck-groaoda, and Sew pgea, especially ior foil length figures and ebfldron. TJs limited patience; with tbe little onee. I have; a hidy ait'nt, Alisa mm Fisher,; of baJem, who will eheerfully render any assistance to ladies and rbil drea4 Aay one Iwiahlng Photographs will please call snd examine ray work, sad get piicea. Tbey aa be assortd of courteous, treatment, land carefot 'at test ion, i i b J , i Tiews of aU. kinds made ofl aDDlica Uou and frames constantly on haf. Octl.'8S-a sl s. Bprjaa,- i-'-"Si - ! . ' FRAZER THE -.li ; -r i isss - . , UABFEKB, MAGAZINE. Harper'a Magma ta the most nao fuL enlertaiaing, and beautiful period ioal ia the world; Among the attractions for 189 wili be a ew novel -aa Amer ican story, entitled Jitpiter Lights by Cooataaea Pi Wooisow j UTuat ration a of Shakespeare's -Gomediea by E. A. Ab bey; a.aeioaof artioles oo Busaia.il, tnat rated by T.t da Thalsirap: papers on the Domipion of Cahada an a ebar acteristia serial by Chatlea Dudley Warner; three Norwegian tttudire, by Bjornstjernej illustrated; n (te'uimodua, a historical play by the author Of Ben Hur; ittnatraied by J. H Weguel a, eto. Tbo "Editorial Depart menu are eon daoted by George William Cartiax WU bam Dean Hpwella, and Charles Dad lej .Waraer. - r I .' S lv-: ! f i ::f " HABPEB-H PERtODCALiJ ' 6 j Per Yearj . jl' !: Harfxb's M4oarjM.4 i . .V. . .1 U 00 Haaraa'a Wtasxt.iA l..!.;.. ! 4 00 HAaru'a Bixaa. j. , j . 4 . . . .L ; 4 Qu Hakfibb Yoiuxa Pntfctm;.. ..... 1 i 00 PosUge ree to jail sabeeribera in the tjnf'ed States, Canada. or Mexico, i ' Tbtolomlee of 'the Mugsainw begin with the Numbers for Jine aad Decem ber of eachjjearj S-ben no time is specified iabacripMons will begin with the Number nrreat at time of receipt of orders j p.-sg uji ; j : j j Booad Yoinniea of: Harper a E Mga ziSe. for three years back, in neat eloth binding, will be aent by mail, post paid, oo raoeipt of $3 t)0 i per vol nine. Cloth eases lot i binding, So oents eeh by mail, ppst-pead. 4 j Ind. x to Harper's ; Magazine, Alpha betical, AnaJytioal,; and elassified. for folamee 1 toj 70, inclusive, from Jone 1850, to J ane! 1885J one voL 8vo. olotb ft 00. I i : h ; U ' -: - ! RemitUoeeg sboaldibY made bv Poet- Offioe Money Order or Prait, to avoid ehanee of loaw. f i tl:-i-iii- - Address HARPER BBOfHERS N 7 : ..: ? : f 1888.; 5 H " f ; EARNERS WEEKLY. Hsrpex'a Weekly has a well establish ed place aa the leading illustrated news paper in America. ? Xhe fairaese of ita editorial comments oa correat polities has earned lor it the respect anaoonfi- denoe of aa impartial readers, and the variety and excellence-of its Uterary eonttBts, which include serial and abort atoriee by the beat and most popular writers, fit it ifor the perusal of people oi uie wiueetj range oc- isstes ana par suits. Supplements are frequently pro vided, and n i expense ia spared to bring the highest order of artistio ability to bear upon the illntratfoa of tbe ebange lol pbas. a of homeland foreisa history. A new w rk if fiction from the pen of William Dean Howella, and one by Capt. Charles) King, wit) be among the eading feature, of the: Weekly for 1889. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Babpkb's WfMMi..i.i....... $i 00 Barpxb's Ma4(Uxs 4 00 Habpxb's BAksjti.!..IJ..i..j. J : 4 00 Haapsa'a Yopae PaoPbB...... ; 3 00 Pi atage Fre to all shbsoribera ia tbe United Stated, Canada, pr Mexico. Tbe Volumes of the Weekly begin with tbe flrsli Number 'for January of each year. Wbea no time " is mention ed, su' scriptiojs will begin with the number current at time of receipt of order. I f J f. i ' I Bound Tolamea of Harpers Weekly for three years back, in neat cloth bind ing, wil be aent by mail poetnge paid. or by express jfree of expense (provided the freight does not exceed one dollar ter volume) fbr S7 0l per volume- Cloth eases for each volume, anitable for binding, will be sent by mail, poet paid, oa receipt of si.weaen. t Remittances should be made by Post-office Money Order: or Draft, to avoid ehanee of loss. M Addr a HARPER A BROTHERS, N Y 1 1889 Is e HARPERS BAZAR. rtLcsTSATXD. ) Harper 'a Baxr will oobtinoe to main tain its reputation: as an ; aneqoalled family jonrnali Its art illustrations are of the highest-order, ita literature ia of the choicest kind, ; and its Fashion and Household departmeutst of tbe most practical and economics! character. Its pattern sheet; supplements and fash ion plates alobe will save its readers ten times tbe eost of subscription, and its artioles on decorative art, social eti quette, housekeeping,"" eookery,! etc, make it indispensable to' every house hold Ita br(ght Short, stories, and timely essays, are among; the best pub lished; and not a line ia admitted to ita eolnmna tbat qonld offend the moat faa tidiona taste j Among the attr Otions of the new vol p me will be aerial stories by Mrs. Frscea Etodgsoa Burnett, Mrs. Alexander, William Blck. and Thomas Hardjj, and; a Series of pap. rs on nursery msbsgentenl by Mrs. Chris, tine Terbune Herrick. h I HARPER'S PERIODICALS ixaiAB::j Habpkb's Baaaa . . . ; . . ; . ....... .4 00 U sarin's Maoaiam . i ; 4 00 tiABraB'a WaxjaXT. J 4 00 Habpxb's Yorto PxoPLE.;.....i 2 00 Postage Free to ail subscribers ia the TJmted States, iCsnadaJ or Mexico.: . The Volomesj of the BaSar begin with tbe first Number ins January of each year. Whea ho time.ia mentioned, subscriptions Will begin' with the num ber current at jtbe ; time :ot ; receipt of erder. f j-j if I ,j ;. , BoaDd samara of Harpers Bagar for three years bacft, in neat cloth binding will be sent by knail postage paid,: or by express, free off expense (provided the freight does njt exceed one dollar per volume) fyr $7 jOO per volume. 1 : Cloth eases for each volume, suitable for binding, will be t-ent; by mail,: post paid, on receipt of 91 v0 each.' Bemittanoea ihoald be made by Post Office Money Order, ;or Prait, to avoid loas. I .! H 1 i ij i Addia HARPER A BROTHERS, N Y '-4 1889. i ii i -j HARPERS YU UNO PEOPLE. . AS HJjSsTRATSD BaJU.T. j : Hsrper's Yaag people begins its tenth volume with the ' first number in November. Dqrlng the f ye r itwil eon tain five serial ; stories, !; including ' Dorymstes, byJKJrk Muuroe; 'Ihe Red MnsUng. byWt O.Stoddard; and A Day in Waxland, by R K. Munkittrick. Nets Tuorlowe Trial. by J T. Trow, bridge; Tbe Three Wishes, by F, Ans tey and Brandet Matthews; a leries of fairy tales written and' illastrated by Howard Pyle; Home Stadies in Natu ral History, by! Dr. Feb L, Oawald; Little Experiments, by Sophia B ( Her rick. Glimpses Of Child hfa from Dick-, isas, by Margerel E jSaagatr; articles 0a variona sports aad pastimes, short stories by the best writers,- and homor oaa papers anr poems, with many boa dreds of illostraliooa :of exoellent qual ty. Every lias In the paper is subject to tbe most rigid editorial ecratiay, in order that nothing harmfal may jsnter its columns. , - j : . is . .u ;. i ; ! An epitome of everything that ia at tractive and desirable, in Juvenile liters-tara.-rBoaton OoorieK 1 ; ) ? ' A weekly fea- of good things Io th boys and girls ioj every, family which it Visite Brooklya Cou. Ur. f t ) It is wonderfoj ia its wealth Of pict Bros, informatiott, and intetest-ChrisN tin Advoeate, S..Y. ? , j. : iTEBUS .; Postage Paid. 2 per year. ITolX begins November ,6. 1888, j ' Bpeeimen copy sect oa receipt of a two oent atrmp, ' i j Single aumbers 5 oents each. ; -Remittaaoea shohld be ma4e by Post Oflke mooey order ordfaft, to avoid ehanee f loas. 4 u i H -. A j i 4 Address HARPER BROTHERS H Y '-SUBSCRIBE FOR THE Ifi' 1 s union REPUBLICAN, j: : "'' i" ' I WINSTON, a If ! i i ; 11.61 a Year 85c for Six Moobst I Srtaag s-2&a5 'III i : '; i i Ifever Missed an Issue in Fifteen Years. ' I 'JUST. WHAT YOU WANT. SseSis sCS5 wrd-Sl -Fresh and Newsy.- X f I . ' ! Ta NEWS OP OUR TONS, COUN ii t v 'I ! TY, STATE AND NATION, CAREFTJLLY COMPIIED clear LT PRINTED. - 'ii. i'i I Subscribe at Once AND KEEP POSTEEi ftp n:ii t f t I. W.'GOSLEN. EdiUr t Propriet&r. ' H ' St A ' 5. BOLTOS, ' j CJL J j ATTOBJIBf At law '.'': TAIXI5TILXiE. V. & ; ; I' . - -4 i: - - . j !' !' - Wfll praetioa ia tbo Conrta of flurry Sill xjtfci?t, i ail - rvt 6.. ." rftJA- ; htei u fur knF.r.ATf, rf.t ow oaw oirte Um t!S fajft-il oflleej anj can ; lam i-alt-iii, in hfm urns than Ihua renwar ttima PIHITr l ln-ntiii mm M-w hullT ffrc of iliante am) we naac C( LllAMtiX- UALKSS rATKXT i Stia I : ;i ra- similar ! advHav lenoa and tefepenee to -euialirtlMMts ii) ynnr owa Watr CiouaiT. City ra orita tor"arww.i na.nn i OvponU fount Wee. Wrnm M C JADIES ! laftdlM de year sva DjelaKial - i- Uexaa.wltsi ' PEERLESS jDYESr They will'dye everything. fTheylsre sold everywhere Price lOo a pa kage 40 colors, : They hsve no etanal for Strength, Brightness, Amount : In Paeksgee or for Fastness of Jolor, or oon fading ! Qualities. Tbey j do not crock or amnt. For sale; bv Brown 1 A Brown, Druggists, Wholesale and Re tail, Winston; A. A. Parke, Parke; :M. H. Vestal. Ubesnut nidge? -tt. w. Msckeyand M. H. Vestal A Son, Yad- kinville; Williams A Warren. BpUlnr; n: E. H Wright, LewiaviUe, J. A. i v. A. HeUaboek, Five Forka; D.IM. A t. r. Mi Johasoa. Ash Hill: Wilmoot' A Crsmel, Bnonville, 1'i Hi Beesn,Eer-: nersville; A.' Horn e it fire. East Bend; J. A.;Sbeek A Co., LoDgtown;i Asbcrsft uwens, UruKgiss, Winston; Ultcbens, ran bosh, fit. O. Ie. u U7 ly. s Csn Fear & TattiH Taller IR Co. boiroxsaap scHKmje soi 2. ; i Taking effect 5 a, re . M.ond; r Deo. : : . i 10th, lboo. i I I Trains Moving North " .': ' i No 1 : Freight Pass. A Mail, and Aoe'md'tn Lve Bennettsville 6 20 a j6 0s m Arrive Max ton Lve Maxteo Ar Fayettevill j Lve Fayetteville Ar Sanf ord j Lve tiaoford Ar Greensboro Lve Greensboro 6 SO 6 0 8 25 8 50 10 60 11 05 2 05 35 6 35 20 do 19 15 Jo 11 25 do 59 25sm A. do do do 1 4t pm do 30 do p m J 25 do uo 10 15 a m do 6 15 pi m Ar Mt Airy No 1 breakfast at FayettnviUe. din ber at Greebsboro. Fr sight and Ac commodation dinner at tjerrasbton. Trains Moving Iteuth.i n.- tt:l o,i. I ! - t ; . i.lUI iUVVlUK ftWHIU No. 2 Pa Fi-ght and sad mail 8 45 a m Aeemda. BISsm Lv Mt Airy f Ar Gteeaxbory Lv Greensboro Ar Sahford Lv Sahford ' I Ajt Fayetteville Lv Fayetteville Ar Maxton 1 Lv Maxton ' t Ar Aen oetfcrville 7 45 a m 10 00 am 1 35 Dm 1 55 pra 4 00 pm 4 15 p m 6, IS p m 6 2t p m 4 15 p m 7 30am 2 30pm h50pm p40am 9 45a m io aa a m 7 45 p m IpOprn 4 No Breakfast at Gr ensb- rd, 1 Freight and AooommodatioU dinner St GermaotoB' No 2 Dinn r at Banford. Factory Br hob. Fgbt and Aeoomdn j 1 Traios klovitig Nort Ji. Lve Millhoro! 8 00 a m. j Ar Greensboro 9 30 a io. j i Traias M.Vin'g Booth, Lv Gaeensboro 3 30 p m. Ar Miilboro f , 6 15pm Passenger snd mail trains rah dally exoept Sunday. i i Freicbt and Aceommodatioa Train runs from Fayetteville to Bennfettsville and return on Mondays, : Wednet-davs and Fridays, from - Fayetteville to Greensboro On loesdaya- lUnrsdays and Saturdays, and from Greensboro to Fsyetteville on Mondsys, Wedpeebays and Fridays; 1 from GrtH-iosboroj to Ms. Airy on Tuesdays. Tbnrwdays and Sat urdays aad from Mt. Airy to Greens boro on Mondays. Wedaeadays. aad Fridays. Trains on Fvastory Braneh rna duly exoept Sunday, i p j W.'Ki Kyle, Gen. Pass. Agt J. W. Fry, Oea Supt . I - J r t r Dissolved JJouc? for FAR31ERS f I : 1 WILL KEEP DRIED BONE FOR ; 1 A tj WAREHOUSE. I i ii ' I ' 1 ! ' I . ' H . : - I ' ! He has sdopted the CASH 8Y8TEM and propoeea to sell all his goods as low sS the lowest, he makes no: alio wane tor any oae to py hie bad debta,! but he has cut down to the LOWEST SPOT GASH PRICES. I H t I - Will keen a large stock of SHOES for xwjs ana cnuareu. iremenaoas etocx oi p DRY G00i)S A17DGR0CERIES.,, tr w Amt ii. rw . i Also a very large stock of FALL HATS whiei; be. is selling lower thsa ever. He wishes to return bis thanks to all prosniae to'mertt a cootinua ee cf ttma word. Look to your int-ret and see ir -ft Bespectfolly,? j. : ij i : Winiton, N a, Angtitl6th. jl88g - '"WAni a - e aa 1 - 1 a-W e taeaa5at - 1 1 'HATH STREET, I am how folly prepared to exhibit IhCVO AXIXOXL iUL i- : ': argest aad best appoiated eaUblshment of its kiad in North CaroUoa. j MY PTOCK tB 'MM FRESH AND NEW I I il. : . i ;; I M HI -. v1!!-l ; - i IV I '" I I parchased for reeh f'om first haads in ' every insUnoe. I im determiaed to mark my ttoek so low that it eaniot fail, to attract the attention of any and all who may favor me with aneeeall - i 1 ' - -4 h t - ,11. I J BED BOOM BETS FROM 81SL0O VP. r PARLOR SETS FROM 838.00 TJP. WARDROBE SETS FROM 88.08 UP.i , p f i : - - 1 ' W y'i K':viJ' i.U - ft -'lit j: .- I .11. ! j xizQons ptCTvnn waxEs pAtxTtxes . 4 OXR02aX03, STEEL i i- : CARPETS, tSOMETHING NEW. , . I am sole agent for the new Carpeting made from the fibre of the leaf 'o the lo&g L5s,f pioe tree. It not only earns highly recommended for health, bat tt the beat wearing material ia the market. Oall aad examine. No trouble to snow gooos. ;W ALIf ITS "BEE OCR COOKXNO BTOVES - J - : . I - , PIEDpST AIE-LISli, -f, h -1 jCOSDEKSED SCHEDCJLE. . I la EfTeot 5ovmU;r 4th, 188. ; TaAQts arm art 76 Maaxxnaa Tufa. ; BOTJTSfOTJND. - .' J A ' DaUV. f ; No. 60. N6X Lve New York, 1 Pbildeiphi.; 1315nigt4 80 pm I 'JO m 06' : 9 45 -m i .. 1 'it 4t i H iy. eg law ! A W " i 6 6i y- j 1ybtiHtf!--- at uuivmts i it -: :; 2 30 " r. 3i -W hit Mj! - em -I lit: 8.42 Lv Uu-bmoud, J - tlaflcovillay " Keysviilo, Dauville, 4 Ar Greeesboro, Lv Gohisboro " Raleigh, " Darbam, I Billsboro,' Ar Gteeasboro Lv Saleaii, Greeosooro, High Point, 1 1 8 60 -1 10 85 " ) i 240 p as 4 6. pa ": I o6S J8 10 pm 145 am 812 am I 6 l a. 14 &6 a as 740am 8 30 9 60 - f 1H6' I IO 45 11 15 12 t mn 161 . i 7 4M . " Salisbury, j Ar. idtaiaetiilej "Aabeville. 1 .1 Hot Springs, j Lv Salisbury,- 1 Charlotte, j S! artaubarg,' - " Greenville, Arr Atlanta, 1 11 l& M 1212 p a 4 44 810 9 20 12 26 am 11 23 am : I 15 . I 4 40 S 6 60 1100 am 12 40 ; 8 87 " 4 48 " i 9 40 Lv Charlotte, , ! i 2 10 " Ar Columbia- ; 30 am Ar Aogaate ' IO 80 - : f i NORTHBOUND. 100 - 6. 2-1 p m 915 pm Daily. ; i No. 6L No. 63. '.T0 am Lve Augusta, t i 5 66 pm Culumbu, Ar Cbarlotte, ! Lv Atlanta Ar Greenville At Spartanburg, Cbarlotte, -" Saiist ary, Lv Hot Spring, ' Asbeville, Stateeville,' Ar Ssliabnry, Lv baltabury. ; Ar High Point, " Greensboro, "Saiem. ; Lv GreeiiiSboro, Ar H-ltsboro, " Durham, " " Raleiah, ii " Goldsb'iro. Lv GreensborO, Ar Danville, , ? Kevaville, " Bnrkeviile, " RiobmoEdj 10 10)am 12SI5 pes 4 00 am 6 la : 615pmf7 10 am 1 06am 1 61 p m 2 52 6S0 i 7 05 " ! 1210 pm 2 11 -' 4 50 ' ; 6 22 8 05 pm ! 9 66 -. ' 8 80 am 14 3' -t 6 27 r7 8i t 8 00 ill 40 9 60 11 65 " 12 35 pm I 1 65 ' 140 pm 6 01 f I 6 8 " f 7 12 " ! 8 14 i 8 40 - : fl2 34 m 10 60 pm 3 10 " 4 30 am 6 66 i 11 45" 860 pm H 4 10 " I 8 06 .m l! 9 47 !12 41 pm 1 1 26 -f 8 30 I 12 40 " 10 20 1 44 am 2 36 " 6 15 " Ar Lvnch' org, 12 66 Charlottesville, ; 2 55 3 00 - 7 00 8iW " ! Washington. 1 1 J pm I 8 60 I 3 00 am S.620 Bitimre, Philadelphia New York,- 10 47 " i 1 20 pm Deflyi fDailyt except Sandayj ' for Dacbam via Glarkf-ville Train leave iuonmoni aaiy. 3 io p v is.'-j-villa g 00 p m; arrives Clarksvule 7 21; Oxford 8 30 p m; Henderson 9 30pm; Darbam 10 30pm; Raleigh 11 45 p m. : Return ing leaves Rale'gb 7 00 a m -daily j Durham 8 15. a cs; Henderson. 8 30 a m; Oxford 10 10 a m; Clarksvile 11 35 a m; Kev.vllle 12 41 p m; arrives: Richmond 5 30 pi m. 1 ': Noj 51 and 63 connect at Richmond daily except Sunday for West point! 'and; Baltimore. f - , ! ' i' f Noa 50 and S2 from West Point has daily connection i X Richmond with No. : 60 for the Uonth , i i i I ! i Noa 60 and 51 bneet at Goldslx ro with trains to anc from More be ad City : and Wilmington. ; i i SLEEPING AR SERVICE. j On trains 60 aad 61, Putlmae Ballet ' Sleeper between Montgomeiy and! New 1 York, Danville and Augusta, : Raleigh i and Morristowa, Teboessee. .11 i f Oa train 52 eod 63. Pullmao Buffet i Sleeper between Washington and; New ' Orleana, via Montgomery, and between Washington andTAugosta, Richmond and Greensboro, and Pullman Parlor ; Cars between Salisbnry and KBoxvi'le. i Tbroagh tickets' on sale at principal stations to all points. j i For rates and information apply to ; any ages toft he oompany, or to - SOL. HAAS, Trafie Manager. J. S. POTTA Div. Paaa. Airt. i j i Richmond, Va. ; JA8. Im taylor; Oea'i Faasanea.? Agent, ATTENTION ! BMP! srsxsvjw tBBBLTass axSsat 1 : ft - i :t ( i i WHEAT AND SELL AT 82 00 PEE SACn Ladiea. also BOOTS and SHOES for Mew i. bis customers for f past fsvora and will Fair an d aquare dealings my watch- him I : ; - tf i 6 D- a EHX - k ' 1 ricos I WXHStOfl, m c. i to my patrona aad the general paotie the ' :((;.' ; !.? ' ' ' .., - .- ) i BRANCHES. AT BOTTOM PRICES. ii ! I ; ret. il if I m 1 ill fit, i -in i ' V: i. l,:Ss l a i III! j ' :- : ?i 1 ' - r : ,

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