1! - THE REPUBLICAN. . THURSDAY. MARCH 21.1895. Entered the Post Office at Winston i Second-Class matter. J. W. G0SLEN. Editor. JVOXXCJEI W are mailing accounts to all in ar rears for wbscriptioij to the Rapra mcam with ah addressed envelope in which to enclose remittance. We do this because we need, the money and to afford a convenient wjay for sending it Don't write' you will pay us-at ' Coart or as soon a$ you can, but get .up the money and send it along. A post office Money Order is and costs ' only a few cents., . If you send bills it is safer to register the letter. Remember we need the money and we want every one in arrears to get np the amount of the bill sint him and send it in and at onc. Don't send postast stamps. You will j always find some one to wait on vou in Ihe.-iofBce when M THE ICOME TAX. The constitutionalitybf the pres ent income tax law has just been argued before the United States Supreme Coart at Washington and opinion is divided at to how the coart will i decide the law. On Saturday the coart took a recess until the 25th inst. The expecta tion is that the decision in this case will be rendered soon after the. recess.- The case attracts much attention among lawyers as well as among the general public. If the law is declared unconstitu tional Congress will have to be convened or another bond sale made in order to secure the reve nue sufncie"nt to defray the run ning expenses of the government. AS OTHER! SEE IT. Legislator irthese papers were as earnest 10; tilting the troth, pub lishing" thelgod, m comparison with what jtfey -jclaim as evil, the State amorih4me-f oiks, and es pecially abrc)kd,5would be present ed in a more honorable light. In a futile endeavor to make i "moan tains out of! mole hills" and in a final effort: to foist Democracy and twenty years of ; barnacle rale or ruin again upon' the' people, they are doing the State a vast amount of injury which they are slow, or, too politically "blind, to realize. Fair and unprejudiced statements are due all . parties and organiza tions, political, social, religious, or benefices I, and the paper that will villify 2andJ purposely injure the reputation of its own State and people for pnrely political ends, is more of a ptrblio evil than a pub lit benefactor. 5.V hen the Raleigh fellows yelp, "the kittle dailies and weeklies along the line, from the The Democratic Raleigh, N. C, News and Observer is working itself into a perspiration and print ing the most hideous looking car-1 mountains: to the sea set up a howl, toons in order to excite the race never for a moment considering the in the city.;Gray Udck. south of Court prejadices of the white people of trotn o thastatementa, nor the Ed. & Proprietor, tnat state ana anye mem one effect, and sstill lees, that they into the Democratic party again. e sounding; thjur own political President thev would give him all But before the News and Observer death knell almonz a much dissrust- the auDDort' thev could mnster. In f I - W I a A 4r ed, conserv,ativ--thinking people. State politics the Democrats draw House Square. ei jhft record of thej Legislature satisfactory to the Populists. Writ ing the Atlanta Constitution he says: - ' j ..; j ; "There is no reason to doubt the permanent retirement of the Dem ocratic patty, so far as North Car olina is concerned. The record of the: Legislature is satisfactory to the people generally, and already a proposition to endorse its work by public meetings is being circu lated. The experiment of co-operation has been a success. On State issues the Populists and Republi cans are in harmony, and ' will re main so as long as the present Democratic party can show life enough to attempt to regain the State government. On national issues there is a well defined diver gency of opinion, and each party wil(voe their convictions concern ing national matters.1! The Popu lists will bring the financial ques tion: to the front and will make it an issue, the chief feature of which will be the free coinage of silver. The; Republican party shows some division in its ranks on the ques tion, i The State Democrats will make for their national issue whatever cornea from National Democratic Headquarters, and if Mr. Cleve land should be renominated for WASHINGTON LETTER. . i it A vet batata: Report sf - Prcti- dent t ev-land-4restiaitt's j Conversation "Mighty .Interesting'' RtadlBC. i f 1! j . : THE DAVID B. IlIlX TRAMP. The Commissioner ef P(Bini Meets Another Defeat. EDITORIAL PARAGRAPHS. The late Congress! voted away itnbrej proceeds any further in its ghoul- prosperity than any other that ever ei- j ieh campaign it should hire some isted. ' It is estimated thkt Mr. Cleveland's ducks wili cost the country $8.75 apiece. of the age. The Democrats learn that Rhode Island and Michigan wiirhold State elections next month. one to chop out its pictures who is familiar with seme other instru ment than a hatchet. It is bad enough for the intelligent people of North Carolina to be told that "DOUGUASITEs" NOT IS IT The Governor of Virginia Dines a Massachusetts Negro. the icolor line and will make a deg' perate effort to regain life through the death of Fred Douglass. This is their only issue and hope. In comparison to the living material issues which the Populists wilrl present, it is safe to say in advance, Special toTaf RkrusuaiN; 1 j . WAsmKjjTON,iMarch 18, "95. i A verbatim 'report of Mr. Cleve land's conversation with Secretary Gresham concerning the diplomatic happenings 6f the past week would unquestionably mike what the late Horace Greely would j have called "mighty interesting" reading, but as neitheij of the principals in that interview ar likely te tell what was said thv country will have to wag along without the knowledge. It has leaked out, however, that Mr. Cleveland thinks it would have been just' as well had : Secretary Gresham! who . is still far from well, not been in such a hurry to prepare and send thai demand to the government of Spain, and that he would have been better engag ed in trying to nurse back his strength ! I Allowing that the facts are as they have been stated by thq cap tain and other officers of the Alli anca, the language of Secretary Greeham's demand for an apology lro111?' from Spain and for the issuing of such orders to the commanders of Colonists for Liberia. . . . L THE WIDE, WIDE, ; WpRLD. Philadilphia, March 14. The tiik iewi or rn u oar rievi.y Danish steamer Horsa: sailed from here this evening toi Savannah, Ga- having been i chartered by the International Emigration Society to take about two hundred negroes from Savannah to Monrovia, Li beria, i j The steamer is unde commard of Uenry Wihourgd The emi- TOLD.' 'i The following telegram went to As a duck-shooter. Cleveland is n-1 - iha nnhV, thmntrh a ' Hi snatch to I thaf ta Dtmrv Jr. ;ti deciabjy one of thS greatest statesmen they are influenced in political .. pu;,,,!:- Record rDem.l The people of the State know that action by passion and not by judg- l nA it- .a.tnha i. admitted th$ wiU tever be ariy negro rule " I x i . a . . I ; o I - : I i , will bo pained to mem, dus io nave some ntaeoas h R-vhnS ni,ti r.. u,l-""u "W' 1 o no cartoon that looks as if it had been :uij fr: ,;. '""K" " errors ior mem. . it.. A.i.,. Z Referring to appropriations he I oaj a tUD uvyciuyi B hiio it an pier into tneir laces is aninsuit. ine ducks as he baa killed American ipdns tries. nf-.M.ii M0a .nortfimw. lul lnelt 1Bce 19 aujusu.i,. -nt- Thia ia an&ther onse for the but he can hardly Hope to kill aiuaaf News and Observer had better get Raleigh Jfewg Observer and The earl v sorine flections all Bhow T'.rinki.v.n rain khnu f pat i f vie that prei uaice ana maKiDg a itself into touch with the events of the day instead 01 mousing around in the catacombs of race laughing says : . j "The public school fund was in creased from 16 to 18 ceutson $100 the TwinCity Daily in which the J worth of propertv, and a law was the more the people think about rtm ocratic rule the less they thnk of it. . The iocoine tax I twill cost -.Cleveland $920 this year on bis salary alone, and so he is estopped stock of itself .Philadelphia Press. PEACE BETWEEN JAPAN AND CHINA. froin denjinf?; that wages are being ri Jnccd under Demo cratic rule. The wheat spurt will give the Pem- The rays of peace rise in the Eastern horizon promising the furling of the battle flags there in Douelasifes-i ar. not "in it" but the Democratic Governor of Vir ginia is: I Washikgton, D. C., March 16. Governor O'Ferrall, of Virginia, entertained ra ccsored man at din ner yesterday, in the Executive Mansions He was a member of the Committee Qn Mercantile Af- onacted providing that,- with the consent of the people, counties might levy an additions.! tax. "flu the matter of appropriations there lias been conservative- liber ality. Funds for public education al Institutions wtT- iicrea8ad; en larged provision was made for the charitable institutions. Retrench ment -was made iij some cases whjpre the public interests will not say the good Jimcs GO cent wh8, is not ocrats a chance UA are comiug. liut as encouraging v: farmers as it . politic ins. The cannonade Congress issue im Maine to CulifornU.. ' Alrciy cuckoos are a ifcittering their reverberating is to wings sq 1 squaw tbemjmore pap (juawkiQ g dismally. from . the little Oive fairs of ihd -Massachusett's Legis-i 4 ... i : i lature, wnico na oee i examining be ninrnd hv annli hnn Th a short time ana tne resiorauon the lactones oi ?ne huid, ana was wee ,he most troublesome matterc of the agitated Orientals to their entertainea -fty ltne uoveruor as with which the reform Legislation wonted tranouilitv. ?.cnwlul. n '-" ooneagu had to deal, for it was confronted - inn noma is i ftrhorr i ua rr r n ouni ii. e . n j. . Peace will-be a ood thin, not , lnat !ne ex , " : . lne Klri "n" . hMiOditures for the past two years njr.uiBi.u urmv wu.i- coiniui nisirici;oi uosion in me hail Ix.en G7,000 more than th uower xioust-aji uo .unBiituureti i rooeints. and th rroiint. nr nHurt Legislatttfe.s I Ode of his white col- o trm -,,nr....'Uhii. nn leagues saia lo-igni tnat ne un- be available in the future .Added t (lerstoodniiwaf tne nrst time in l this was the fact that the usual the hlStpry, Ot V irgima tnat Its Intiridrpimial ii-at.m.i,t nf t a v vol. uovernornsB eujerisiuea a negro UM, muat be made this vr .nH on loiithn billion dollar tries, but tor all the worm as wen. China has been beaten, and after she hits paid the indemnity will have leisure to meditate upon the causes of her defeat. She will find them in the obstinate attitude of Jat dinner in th Executive Man- i ne legislature Taninea some isolation which she has always acts. ahV because) they were not in ao- maintained, and which cord witi Demociracy, the press, of that she will She will sion. Teamoji 'fa popuiar with his white ccleasuei.' and thev were . i i j oi 'ill -'i. . ' - t r i r i h v d rn m rMnnnn ,- nu u 111 Aj - ...... - .11 t. r. i.i'l.o.l.,.;. oo,Ti., I buuuvou.: w nuuu in an un thabthe verv de Jil is to pay -and so it probably, go. t,o work at once and cities they visited including Wash is so far as tbey are concerned. ineton. thev could not eet hirr ac commodations at hotels or restaur ants. Th,y had to teljgraph ahead I develop her railways, reconstruct ' Wiggins is onqe more cdujiuk iu inci . . , , , , -ihulo. iiifr uuu wi:(jiopu ucu vrl5.n,i ,dicti a rfPat disaster! The civilized staJidards, provide her- to an9 for 1B entertainment worst feature abbui these old. weather self with a new navy, and in other! by prominent olored men, who quacks is that thpy seem to prefer to be I ways, conform her usages to thel treated him most hospitably. ' birds of evil oradn: That these ptophe- methods of modern progress. She Papeete ffictpries with cies prove false floes not disturb.tbera. j j8 Jikely to de m t l 1-- under existing coiiditions 'he yaaucs will fall much Ijelow what they have been, thereby seriously diminishing the sources of general tax receipts. To overcome this, new sources of revenue were sought. resulting in the taxation of various professions, etc., thereby requiring all classes to contribute their fair share of the burden! of taxation.'' The smallpox at hot springs is on the decrease v-jllij'j- j .j j . The Atlanta city council ffu to allow games of ball on 8anday.. Good. Dr. John Broad us, the eniinent Bap tit t divine, of JLionisrilleKy., is dead. Senator Marion Butler has! had his desk moved nvertojthe Bepnblioan'side of the Senate j ' ' j A hurncaae has jost swept over the Fiji Islaoda, deairoying towns, villa ge and oropaJ ' j la Japan It is believed that' the war with Ctiina will continue. The Japs distrust the Chinese.' j j Rev. D. Al Blaokbnrn, of Charleston, 8. C becomes pastor of the Church of the Strangers, of New Yori. Dr. John L Wise, "one of the most prominent .phjsiciaas of: eastern Vir ginia, died on i the 16th inst. j' Holt, Sehaefer & Co.. largs tobacco dealers at Lvnchbnrtr, Va ,i make an assignment with lia'iilitii s at $450,000. Edison's great-graod-father died at 102, his grand-father at 103, one of his aunts at 108. while his father is alive at 90. i 'i . Walker O. Hammer, the embezzling bank teller of iLynchburg pleads guilty and is aenteooed to seven Tears in the .1 .1.L i.a ......I . . . . montns until iey nave Duut tneir I penitentiary, own homes. Good mechanics, car-1 At Kw Orleans evervthintt is quiet: penters, especially, if is claimed, I the troops cost the Ntata about $1,200 can have plenty of rk at good wages, while those familiar with farm work can engage in coffee grants will be accompanied by an agent- of the society.; The Horsa will probably arrive nt Savannah on Saturday, and if possible sail for Liberia the same day. The society has organized its first party of emigrants with great care, selecting them j mainly from Mississippi. In makibg the selec tions only men, both single and married, of good physical condi tion, have been chosen and permit ted to join. The marrjied men will be accompanied by their wives and .families aud the society has made arrangements to give! the unmar rieTcolonists ten acres of land and the married ones twenty-five acres upon their arrival in; Liberia. The Liberian government will shelter the colonists for three Big Opening of Fall and "Winter deeds AT Leader in First-Ciass Goods at Low Prices. Pricks Jumbling Down I Woolen and Cotton Goods on Everything, j J 'ery Much Lower . Bif Saving all along the Line. The digest Stock of Shoes ! Satisfaction Guaran-" nas Ever had at corres- teed in Every ppndinglif Low Prices. ' v, Particular. Ip fine drilling condition, for less money than any previous year. M With best wishes for my many friends and customers, I remain ar THE OLDEST MERCHANT IN TOWN, "t G-OODS t C, r. A.Y. V, R. U. MX LIMBO. the Uoanoke at Southern. Spanish warships as will make it I Rumor of a Consolidation with certain mat no omer vessel nying the U S. ng and engaged in a- le gitimate business will be fired up on, was jail fight, although unnec essarily! strong; but there was no occasion lor, such undue- taste a da and tbe entire appropriation for active service is only $o.000. I Banks contione to close in tbe North and West od money matters; continue! cise. uemocracv is i appamntir glaring financial legislative fail n re. Nebraska ; comes to the front with a horror of horrors. In Keys 1 ana county a Mrs, Hoi ton is outraged and then hanged . o arrests have been made. : Goodman, a conductor on the old B k D. who shot and killed Col. Par- ir Buyer has returned from Northern Markets with a larr? line ot nfiw and deiraole br ess oods im wmm chaDHr than e ver before ; also a nice line of Pant CJoods. Linens. Totals. DomeR- tics, and many other desirable goods. 1ST COME AND 8EE TJfcJ. TRULT TOUKS, ' A case of oonsiderablq interest came np at Wilmington,; N. C;, Tuesday be fore BDeoial Master R. ti. Martin, for preliminary bearing toi take evidence sons last r ail, nas just neen aquittea lor the U. d. Circuit Court. The case nis trial at JhariottTine, iva. Americans -j With: all their f other lis a suit to fore lose a ded executed by I A daughter of Chief Jnstice Fuller, faul'S are credited by all the world I lno armera xoan x tr us iyo.f oi . i Mrs. l"alme Aubrey, would marry ith-si' lAwik .nf mi nl.w Tt I J BnB v.(jci. .an, Mainst taer father's wisbes. bbe now .v.y';v. " ' . ' 7 - I . I . . 1 . . I . . . ... an I , "K-r,- '"n " :iuuaeu- . . ! . . , a , .""uto v wuvuuniui in wuiv-u qpbb to uer nusoanu vuier.ic.u pocremry ; oi uu uen. Jobn UlU was appointed receiver. ben guilty.of threatening a weak-1 Prior to th institution of this suit er nation ubtin an e parte state-1 the C. F. 4 Y. V. K. R.(Co., had put j - . -I i . .. .. a econu mortgage on wie ioaa io toe amount of 85,000,000. j .With this issue it was intended to reftire these first mortgage bonds and pay off its indebt edness to tbe North ! State Improve- DO 1TOTJ FEED? UTTS POULTRY ment oij a case, in the face, too, of j an assurance from; the Spanish minister thatiie would present a statement of the other side as soon as the Spanish authorities in Cuba I ment Co . for its constriction. The! could cOmmnuicate with, the eUn- holders of the second injtfrtgage bonds boat which is charred with having reinsea to accept tne sona mortgage Kr t,hA ailiar,!- nA t tvl bonds in lieu of thefOrst mortgage T , i " I bonds, and the road ifMlmg to meet turmer assurance irom me panisn tlje interest of thefirstmortgage bonds misietef that his Country would I a receiver wasappointed. Prior to the aDologiiB if the firing had taken I appointment of Sir. iohn Gill as re place as' charged unless it could be cr, the North State; Improvement justified in a manner satisfactory w,"cn ,waa -V"fJ " , f , , . . u . ... . ; wkii n. n n i w iu ,.wuimi. t " '""'"."I hands of a receiver. Mr. J. W. ires. thoroughly nudiplomatlO tor the f SalSm. "being the r!ceiver, male a Spanisty minister tai have publicly motion to be allowedi o intervene i" criticized Secretary (Iresbam's ac- this suit wherein the Farmers' Ioan A tion. hi ignoring his assurances Trust .. is plaiartiffi An able array A stock com pan v icomprised of wealthv sugar planters and others in terested in sugar, has been formed fpr the purpose of establishing; a Repub lican morning paper t acw Urlens, La. Capital stock $150,000. Publi cation will begin about April 15th. Mis Coleman, a voonig lady of Bir mingham Flu., met with a peculiar death at that place March lf'th. She wh on tbe way tow arils; the college to take a part in an entertainment. Tbe night was dark and rainy ana a negro airl with lantern was accompanying her. The college is but a short distance from her hpnie. While crossings bridge two wRgon came along,; and, stepping aiide she fll ffom the fridge on her bead in tne mod. Ineilittto negress screamed and assistance; came at once A physician was hastily jsumtnond and fonnd her it o be dead and her neck bro ken. The fall was only !six feet. i rc 1 mm ilBorse Food 12 Pounds for-T5c. and making a direct demand, which really isi ati ultimatum, upon Spain, it certainly is not surprising. One does njt cease to be a man upon liecomiiig'a diplomat, whether he be a Spaniard or an American. It is I not difiicult to put one's finger on the reason; for Secretary Gresham s hasty action. Nor 1 that reason creditable to him from auv point of view. His action is nothing more nor less than an at gai talent represent tne respective isues involved and tbe taking of vi dence will reqnire seviifal days. . ..1 a ii r . ji aispatcu irom nan iniore, aionoav says : lte coromitlfe representing the first mortgage bdnilholders of the C. F. A- Y V. It m held a meeting here to-day and combletel final ar rangements fir estabtinLing tbe claims lor tee urst mortgage uonunoiii. rs. I bis committee represents about S'2 C'oitou Mills Ite-xold. lOUl I if M. ,i r n :j rn- ! .- 800 000 depoite.l nndflr tbe terms of V"P ' " f'asvMiefj lor o, BETTER STOCK OF CEKERAL MERCHANDISE tlifth any house in our city. Best Flonr and Bbip Htoff, Sheeting,' Tarn, Car pot; Warp. Grain Baps, Pound Ginghams at 'Xc per pound, and still hold tbe largest aud best 10c Soap in tbe world, the best 5c Tobacco and the best line Hnuff. Our stock of Hboes and lists is a mystery almost to ouraelvea. We 1 he entire property was pur- oftiD croW(jed wh-n other partsof tbe city looks desolate. We can advise job somewtiai on ituano. 11 you wani io succ-eeu in a crop oi .nne iodsooo, don't fail to bnv Orient Gnano, which has the best analysis for growing rich. wajv, saleable Tobac -o of any sold on our fmarket. Price 92.50. turka The Hermitage cotton mills at Keidsville were resold last Wednes day chased by Messrs. V '. H. Forbes i and J. B. Pace,of Richmond ; How ell, Orr .StCo., of Charlotte and A tbe first'mortgage bopjbolders' aree ment, ont of a total isstle oi :(,.r0O,O00 rhe property has been operated by 700. The plant is a largo! one, and it is understood that the new man agement proposes to! run it to ijts iuiieBi capacity. Bone and Potash $1 60. Enreka 8. C. Hone' 145. Come and see ns. We ill save von moDey. respectfully, Win.Mn. N C... Jn. 31. H IV PniVOKXTER. Old Town Ht. He his TRAOK COyDlTIO.S. fnose the dvnastv colleagues, tutasihown no social iTher its rSiv courtesy anywhere by a white man Lies ner, its poncy except trhen h4 was entained at ni-innmiil (oxln in rj A'C... 11 W Filer. and Atunufitcturers ncouraaed by the Signs of ral Although Gradual Revival of Business. Althonch-it has been a most wintet there has- been less complaint havingen a principal factor in dinner by Gove.rQ0r O'Ferrall than usual of suffering uiong the In- her calamities, and with the in-1 ' - m T.i:..'MV u. ...ii..:; . j : I T II,K Xi KG IS L.AT IRK. umuo. v v...w - r i sj.aiiat.iuij ui a uvw auu uiuid ou i - I i - . i j. ; , r n "i t -i L i i i l . . . ... I 1 , I nvwu mo suinuromeui ui Von- .Ma nut M iTa tTAtmral fnnj tm eare mr I 1 : 1 l J 1. . - Mil . i.- . I 1 J wi vm v.,... 0v..-- - I i lirriLHIieil TI11H a UHW C&rHHr Willi rI'U . I 1 . L V. - .J An.nArt ..a.. .. . Ua nF tL. T . ..!. , , I P I iiio lirK'BioLuio um ouiuuiuai lEicot uu aiou ui tun oiaie lgis lature trade conditions have per ceptibly improved. R. G. Dun & drent case, where rat8 bavetn open f? her ThJ next time and itf) work j Q be passed upon " rt' ' : :? t he is compelled to fight she may bv the Keoplei iThat there is an It. is a noticeabte fact that u 1$ the not be whipped so easily, but thel9ffort oithe part of the Democrat Bmocratio statesmen who have be- leggon she has learned in.dafeatli U ; v.i: .The man who; JJemocratio come auddenly 'lenamored 5f the beau -. ' tics of life in pr vate station. No one ---jEan deny the.seiitiment is popular, tbe only pity-, being fliat the statement iB H0t universal Co's report for last week says : ouuib uu' kin uai L ui uu c lycuim. 1 1 l I leBSOn She has leamea in defeat ; rvroaa 'in nroinHiea nnblin aonti. LLr .-a r.;.,r. j5 , line state Substantially all indications of a at at a rt Knai nnatx a va of Vt w Will be Worth to her all It has COSt.1 mAn dbnrlv ia evident That it t,. furoKT r.,m . nrnAr.t. w - w -j '-y t- luwi j auvxsaMVfAi-s im. fa aaa - a wauv O will fair is equally evident to our ar-3 a little higher railroad earn mind. ?The people will, a T : r a 1 1 eil A 1 r - I U t A .1 - :t nnM t..w ,M '"ouo "l v-8u. .y u, -A.W. . er in ccmnur annl with tin vpih i " I , t -A- I 1 1 . 1 I A 1 A-. 11 A 1 A A .1? A 1 1. I . 1 . : J hen the ie,gQ ewsana ODBerver io maae a smuu niuyriue eiieui 01 vuo iw I ago than in February, and most due tbe first of May4h, Col. Fries. President of the R. 4 13., is quoted as saving that ;be still ;llieves the X. A- . will retain control iI tbirf road and that so far as the interests of our com munities are concerned it could not fall into better hands; POLITICAL SPLEEN is President -son of Colonel Fred Grant becomes of political point refers to three mem- done, its efject jon the State and of the industries show a somewhat .n ..a nn.Mnt. tnr ,im.Ksinn tn West bora of thn rnfent Tcialftture hv scone friV ttnofl nr evil before mak-l better iront, though this gain' is Point will receiTve a letter from an ex- nnTnn ah drunk two as Ponnlists I iner tin their verdict. The laws en-lD0 'arJ?ev and nn3a e. Rennfelican. We Urted are KV. nr r,rinrid in thistitv Alouey markets; continue undis- i,. ,. . I . , f , , . I turned, i lhe operations of the nave no patience W"h, or apoiogy ana iflE ujcpdbiican naaeen giv- eyndicate still prevent exports of to make, for a man who will persist en access fc-r copying such of them gold, and withdrawals from the in- mttkine a oublic exhibition of as it desires to liiv before the pub- Treasury have of j late practically k: i: - nt ;ni..tiAn l.ii. nA it nmma.i avail itsolf ceased. There is inot much en thu- uiuiBnu ill a BLOIO vi iukvaivuviwu. V a. a V . a ...... .v - ' - - - President, written long befpre; his .death, asking tVnt his grandson be ap.- pointed a cadeuin tbe Institution. "'The eriininat Ciren.it Courts estab lished by the Legislature have two sets of Judges, one Set elected by the Leg islature and tlie other appointed by the Governor. , As to which' will holdi h a tjiifstion wjth the Supreme Court and will be decide! by that trtbunal. am o tw n ri ill r t hn sitnal iaxi-n h -vw but we hope the demands of public oi me Dnviiege.i run synopses oi . r because the Rain i8BioWand morality may never require that the Revenue law, the School law, business we A crreat huo and err is being raised t . - i by Democratiq jpaperabecau.se theL-g- racy poises itsqlf as the guaruTinrs venerable parent of public education. Venlvf'c insistency, thou art a jewel."! some to causes wnicn ao not maKe for prosperity. I ' " The higher price of cotton, which has risen to 6 06 cents results from gam is yet a long way from disrec-ard the feelings of the etc., etc -will; uieretore be given what was once considered a pros - o I 1 . I . i : a : t?" a! il. .mother or wife of tbe man who so frdm wfeeS to week as we have the Pous uumou. , , .u.Br, iu L.L:i.:i. au:. v- i anacA. I-Ttf thft diean- tim we nre- Hlu 18 uuo lo rxiuyus muioen. '"i""" i-ju-i-i ir w 1 . -r- ,...! plnIMrFvl ranxii' snH in I 7 t - . ... i - - - r . . " nai named and in tne cases reier-iBcu ..i gcuucuin. istatnre increased the School Tax lust red to. we are constrained to believe 'J1 " . luo F'"" two cents: And yet this same Dem"C. lt a caBe Qf political spleen purely nel andwf rk oif tjie present body as tt.a fhe. nrn.A ftf well as jot. those pt past years. Air. ------- " I j. n . . I t-w. 1 1 f that r YiCm oiraorra this vonr correcting public morale. Thos. lv rarnei, oi tiaieigh, writ- c ur tV TZ 'a wll". v - t- im . - ... i win in v irni.i v i r-u in . ii nrni Persons in Raleigh at the open-rtM8lut;f8' T.- haa ri8en "u cents' because the Gov ing of the Legislature will remem- fers to ittteTgasjature. lie says : erDmeDt reported only 75,000,000 her that it was an every day occur- "It dddo some thingtMviido not bushels in farmers' hands March - u;u t.to,,-; like but tjiking all in all it waras Istj though practically nobody in rence to see a high Democratic . Legislature we have the trade thinks the estimate cor- wnKKoi.ug, uiuu '" had sitasell havei been in Kaleigh rect. and .the accented estimates twentyiyears. 1 are about 60,000,000 bushels high ..The I Progressive Farmer, the r. i Yvestern receipw nave again Is. i rS. . ; . Iriafin nhove. and ei-nnrta enntirine 1UOUOKV1 VI nuiu juuiuMi a a vvvaa- , - . , a . . i ,0 u s.juwma.A.wuw, f" neciea fuc;iiT wiiu wie otaio of the cotton and wheat crop, or a ' Atlanta, Da., torm a itepuoncan ciudi uoi w me buu umei uemg uiuui, i reasuryi a cuin oi uaieigu ana great decrease in production would protection idea Hitherto .indicated a bout with John L. Sul- familiar with tla several Legisla-I hardly be an unmixed blessing to Livan and was the subject of com- tures flrl years J now, referring to the country. Corn has risen one mon re-mark by all-yet if the in- the past one say's: , ! following wheat; pork $126 s ' . . , , . i I :f . .. per barrel, and hogs 10 aud lard iciuent-was ever reierreu- vj iu as wuoie it vtas lub uesi let- Republican, Populist or Democrat- lslaturs that ha assembled m this J : A ,,rvt ICWU) B(JJ" IaID WOl. . HO lAKlBltt- ture ot ipi waaargiBotr-one, dui it the matter would be explained and the opportunity to tickle the jin-an b accomplished.! Although the :. . a : t 1 a U : U . . . . . V. . ft YV roil has i f f A n I tA. I in thfl in 1BUU LV imilUU UUL P 1 All - I " r. ;J iu,;. . Iterest on the bonds dh the It. k S. DlDUUlAlg V 11 1 A W A AAA Ulf . J A O AA prominent national trait) of tbe American people, would be forever lost.' It is rather late tor this ad ministration to try to ' pose as the protector of i anything American. either - abroad or at home, after having turned over much of our manufacturing to foreigners and even a' lowed a syndicate of foreign bankers; to; raid the C.b. Treasury. The people qt this country know what real Republican protection, at homfc; and abroad, is, and they cannot be - taken in by .any such rank counterfeit as that now put forward; by Secretary Gresham. Uavict Ji. lull not the senior Senator from New York, but a tramp tromiUowhere is serving a sentence1' bft fifteen days in tfie Washington-workhouse, because he could not pay a fine of 15, which was imposed upon him in the police court, for being drunk and disor ; Walpolo, .the banner Democratic town of New Hampshire, elected a full Republican board of local ; officers last Lthe first time in twenty- took Wal pole a long time sunshine, but she has i is said will Tuesday, fot six years. . ft to get into thej arrived and it President, as Constitution, ever G0.00O. procession Several hundred business men; upon the all the members were true-blue Demo crats. Next Week we will print an in terview with Mr. James D. Collins; tbe I State official the corridor of the Yarboro Hotel keep in the I and his face, from cuts and bruis-l es received from a fail while onj printed in the Atlanta ' The Pemocfatic press fails to bote I ic journal in the State we the fact that the Legislature was con- see it. This was a case at the very feU Wnila thjB ne in the lity fronted with Jho necessity of providing I door of the News & Observer and Qf worfc ; done.1 The legislature of lor a-uemocratic otaie aen'ieney oi Ob no! But they are swift to discover that the rate of taxa tion has beeto Cleveland anil icome np with1 a defi ciency. was not mentioned by that paper. 1 1891 was a well, behaved, economi- There is another, familiar to mem- cal bodyiof men. But it stayed in increased! Tbey follow of tho Legislature and other, A society has been organized in New York whose ; chief purpose is to see that the Constitution and the Declara tion of Independence are poSted in public places throughout the United State. Before they start in on their missionary work we should like tora mind them that if signs don't f nil, the "Wh,ite Hoise, Washington, D. G." is in great need Of their attention j ' --- ' I ' ' t A ? From a report of President, Winston we with pleasure note the most pros perons year in the history of the State University. There are 463 students en rolled.. Preparations are under way for an appropriate celebration of Jthe centennial year. Haa $1,000 for; the Summer School for teachers. Seventy- two counties and "eleven States are rep ' resented in! the student body, while tbe graduating class numbers lorty The moral life of tbe institution is both vijronrdus sod betunif of a bigb Democratic official who kept a semi-private bar and him self was usually "full." If forced to retaliate these cases are familiar to men all over the State and can be rjamed. . ' 30 cents per 100 pounds. The output of pig iron March 1st was 156,979 itons, a decrease since February 1st of 6,412 tons weekly, and the increase of unsold stocks was 52,900:tons in February, or 13,22o weekly.; ince January 1st the weekly output has decreas ed 11,43.5 tons, and the accumula tion of unsold stocks has been 125,515 tons. Prices do not rise .i L usii i.:aaU to be no general; increase of de- missioh ; was the only advanced step taken inihij; way of legisla tion. lpi ed a new a county government bill, which when fully in force will solve that ni-nblArrt and a in ner rent, inter. est lawisomething that no other Uresigns of improvement, appar- legiBlatfre has ad the courage to ,ntT caused ny the advance in raw do. Either oi the three bills are b""s. general: mand. I In the cotton manufacture there FUI.VCIPLE VS. POL,ITlf:s. "I ." r 1 - a M, ' of as mch importance to the mass. i he msfVBLicAN cannot oevoie hutUB6B interests of the time nor space in answering ine state if the lalroad commission interrogations of every little conn-1 bill. HBt of the minor legislation try daily or weekly that loads it- was wise, ineegisiature found a self with chronic. fault-findintas ii?68?8- confidence that present values for goods' will be maintained, so that the fall in print cloths has been checked and there is more ! buying 'of other goods. Failures for the week have been tin io mMt. itnu nri nni Aviri-i 7hh in me I niton ttatjaa airainRr f. , . . . .... I A A , . . " . ' - AA A V A. A 1 A- I - - AA. , -nrnianiKi in nnnmiM Anintiliei , nff oa-i r Lui'n i..a i , .. , H"-"""" ipieinejvariouss oiate institutionsoi ia8t year, ana n try-seven iu ujr wu noin-wuwjiver, ma snu wi wu viuim. I lie pmy Course tvauaus, against piiy-nve las yer, be found in other large State dail-lett was. to ieav the tax valuation ies from special correspondents at tnasaae and add other -things for i Rer Dr. Alexander O. MeAnly. of RalkiVb ,l,n r ttAM-a.M u"l- cents was added Philadelphia, a Presbyterian preacher. .T.o, on to publicl sshool purposes, ed 75 years and for 42 years a minis lead the Democrats back into tK)t- I wKuthlra kriTaa wilt t..A i i. 1 ter. has been adiudeed euiltv of lead A A AA A V. A. , -,n w AA V A"J n A A A A AA l Ai MIIaMJIB I. - .. - . , " . . A MIA .1 .A RMMAntn. I -J I AA K KU,a. A. A A . n f. 1 AA K AA VA U AA AJ B AAA. UtDl A A.A.. . aJLllZL: :-w-LJi.l J!LJxw;t--:- ' I will be arraigned before the Presbytery ui-gou uvi iryuuHui v Mirvuw' ( ouwi nrju wtouOuQO ttcst month. Xhe tcieravte otu Futal AfTi ay la Ka j el teville. ; . t The observer of Marfch 14th says : lorn Taylor, a youth! of 14 years, and Joe Sparks, of about the same tempt to restore to the present ad- Oeh. John Gill, of Baltimore, as re ministration the popularity which ceiver, since April lst 1891. and has it has bv its incomnetence lost, bv I shown satisfactory results, consider- t.r. - . . . . "I; a, a.. nni-.i-A.ii ii , mittintV .t t.hn noaitinn rf rhflm- I iK me uruea. ine uopuaowerB nope pioiimg the American nag. tie term of Coort wi, pfobmi,,r anew mefM?.uflupr iu uu- bny tUe propertT wheniit is offered lor "Tom Taylor, a youth! of !14 years. o : ...I- i j i I t a.- . t: ..i.. i opmu u;u wuuiu i urammiin xo cvogwuim wnu v u ooe u is ebeftced in an affrav vesterdav submits anv humiliationtJ avoid current that a proportion to form an f!:,!,! LfS L T?7iJ. n!v lu) -u-A it.a.a.j ci.t. xr., I alliance with the itoanbke Jc Southern "-"'.'6 LtJ bLtJw Wh,fc. 1uilh fTO' h bond Spark, a fatal blow, crushing bis. BANKRUPTCY HAS WROUGHT 7, i . r 7 , , r. I uoiders oi botn compatiies, but untUIBKUll. liotn colored. ! foiice Uffl. inai ii ne wauea a reasonaoieume tbe 0. F. k y. y. R,;n , matter is set- per Ren ton arr.-ated Tavlor and tied inotbing detatuM blong tbis line carried him befor(J U&jOI W. Cook, who committed j him to jail. spares nas since aiea. THE- A IiJIIGHTY DOLLAR. BARGAINS FOR ALL OF YOU. RUIN TO MANY I but it enab'u s the undersigticd to place on his cohnters I'ublished by Ueuest. Goi.nsnoKo, N. Ci March 18, "!5. Editor Golen- EncSosed pleaRefind an article addresnel to the Arms. I de-ire its publication. ;Tbat paper has made a charge against jnie in regard to a certain bill, and will not all"w me the use of their colutuns for my de'- fence. I'lease publish. . Rispeotfullvj j J. F. DohsoN. Editor Argun. I atu at a loss to know from what sonre yon obtained he information in recrard to tbe fate of the Goldsboroi Graded School Bill as published in yonr itjsne of the ICth. lhe insinuations w,onlri do me a great injustice were it not for the fact that thongbtfnl people! have long sinre I learned to pay little Or; no Iieeci to tbe if n i-AirAt inn n il u Vi n h nf tliA 1 1 n . . . I deny ana trying to mane a nea oi i cratio press. nd jcaliniity bowlers on tne BldeWalK. I the stump and street; corners The Commissioner of Pensions I As I desire to atarid' well in the es has met another defeat in court. Pf6"1 k.0011 Popiei i wib to say R.,H it is th Ivelipf nf Uwvera that '"Pu cuiqmqs.o! your paper .r , r j PS. W. H. WAKEFIELD. CIIABLOTTE, K. C. rRArrb'S Limited To in in mi i nm In VIXST0X SATURDAY ATRIL 13 j UNHEARD OF VALUES, Read the Following and be Convinced DUKE Cigarettes t furnishes I a precedent for the restoration of every pension which which you so freely Ie4d to the abuse I ot Republicans, Uiat; J know notbintr of tbe wav the bill goi into the office has been reduced or stopped since! of the Enrolling Cle;. Dec. 12-1893, until after the pen- Mr. Mnnroe asked Sme to look ont sioner has been served with the and 1 Pr(lmised to do 8, : I i .i . J.. a'a.I Aiut iw, tuf'o w.-rti ojsqt s vweive iMaj iuiij ur b uuuuo uumoiuuiii I i.a,v. : ,v. I,, Va,ii , . t.f..ll .t.tA .t V.A.. . . U.A, . a. .iuii am. n uo wwuicui .71 .uj I int0 my JjanJg pntll if took it Villi a charges or allegations upon which I bundle to have signed bv tbe Speaker. it was Dronoeed to reduce, modif v I Mr. Monroe knows all about the way or! dron his Pension." I tbe bill was taken by mistake from the : .1 t.Al. . 1. - 11.. .. A A- 11. A-T A :l a : . -I far he wan fetid- If h desirAA tn ill sioner was peieaiea was mat, oi rect nomment fr0m his vote on the ben. William bhakespeare, of Douflrlas resolutions' ffor which I do Michigan.7 w bote pension was re-1 not attach any blame ) he should adopt! A . A A. n . a. n.1 n I Al Ja .L. - ' ll-.A . 1 I Cigarettes .' .V. ArA(AttFCfOA. ."a .Va wTulit .':'isvSVA. ..QyA "AT . ke Sons a Co. jaemcu rciuccaca' .AC AS ... RHUS. W.C Sheets of Note Taper I cent. 0ne f nil paper of Pins, 1 cent, fo Xeedles lc. i$j0 yards Machine Cotton 2c aVpool 5T) good white Envelopes 3c. I ply Linen Collars, 7c. 4 ply Union linen enffs 10c a pair. Men's water proof collars 7c tuffs 12c. Fancy woven Domet Shirts 49c. 3 ply bosomed linndried Shirts 42. B inch Lan.lies Shears 4c. p good Table Spoons 6c. II dozen Lead Tencils 2c. jA full stock of Ladies Hats, trimmed. Job lot untrimmed felt bats 25eeach. Ladies trimmed Hats, 25, &0. 75 and SI each. Sailor Hats 10, 15, 25 and 45c each. A nice line of Dress Goods. Double width Cash i meres 11c s yard Ileavy table Oil Cloth 15c a yard. A good stock of Shoes, Crockery, Tinware, etc. AA Sheeting 4 3-4c. . . rants Goods, 'Flannels, A-c. Job lot of Ladies Walking Hats 25c. worth $1 25. i Mane raoM ...r High Grada Tobacco PURE asn ABSOLUTELY Come and S(v Hie. t i Opposite Fanners' Warehouse, Old Town Street, Wilis' on, V. C. 408 AND LIBERTY STREET, TERSONS going to "Winston to do their trading should not neglect to igo toSCHOULER'S RACKET STORE as it is duced from 72 to $30. The Com missioner , acknowledged, m his ariswer,!that:lhecoriteAntion of Gen Shakespeare's counsel asto the thirty-day notice was correct, and stated that the pension, had been restored some other mode than! that of bearing I false witness against Ms neighbors. I J. ' F. 1JOB80N. Unfit First Ass't El" roll g Clerk in tne I Legislature. Sliipments ot Moaazite. r.rorer Gets Uatck Home. WasiusototDJ (j-i Jfarch 16.- President CleveJaodN:ame back to Ws Vi i n trtnn tbiia 'aitpriYnnn after The Ionazite ibusipess is still I his eleven days recreation on the bpoming. I he shipment continues I water; As he stepped down the heavy. , Onei thing those who have gang plank from th? S'iolet to the monazite to well should remember, wharf he looked haje and hearty and thttt is that the highest mark- and smiled broadly when some- el price can! be obtained for all I body in the crowd shouted, "Bring sana tnat is iDrought to tonemy, ont the ducks." ! Messrs. litsttys & Palmer, mona-l Enouifh eame wa broueht back iite buyers, hipped 34,632 pounds to send hampers of bame to all the Tuesday, and will ship 38,000 Cabinet officers in! town, to Mr. pounds fronj Uailney City Thurs- Thurber and to, the Ihomes of the day. !. : s President s compahions, not to Mr. Kemp Kendall, a monazite sneak of aolentifulSsunnlv for the nuyerf pnippeo op.wu pounas on White House tablfc. Wednesday,! which has all been Most of the spdrt was had in purchased in the last two weeks. Pamlico Sound aria the President Mr. Kendall pips direct . to tier- bagged a fair shirp. Capt. Don many. S : !, I aid of the Violnt L-4va Mr Clovo. M.r. Boyal. another buyer, will land is one of the hfest shots he haa ship SUUU poundg tbis weelc. I he ever seen. The patty had much price of good mbnasite is 9 centsl bad weather bu did not suffer any uer vimuu. iwimuigii uieiei m i inconyenienciep. ; work at monazite than raise 5-cent cotton-CleTelaiid Star. FRESH mm SEED ALL VVHIETIES: -AT- THOMPSONS DRUG STORE. WINSTON, N. "MM Bueklen- .iUica Naive. The Best Salve tn the world for CnU, . C; In order to afforil the? pnblie an op- Bruises, Sores, Ulicqrs, Tetter, Salt portuoity to supply their wanU or to Rheum, Fever i ! Spfes, Chilblains, advertise matters in general in an at- Chapped Hands, Coras, and all Skin tractive way and sit a nominal price, Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, we offef the following terms and style, or no pay required, j j It is guaranteed Tin R-ARI7ftT.TiiAW Mnnll itM Al-Alllaiiilt artn wit mm.iim9jtiw m maaa. at 5,000 and there is not a better ma-! refunded. Price 25 onta par bottle! TTJST WHAT YOU WAST &mu ut km nta i Try it awl see. . , fw sm Whi by; V.a TJiompm, itmiwtf gw wsr-i.w ! -Tn FOR DRY GOODS, I'rimmingiAi, Hosiery, .Gloves, Shoes, .NOTIONS of all Kinds, MlLlNEliY, I In fact they carry anything almost you can call for. I ' i 1 Extra tine double width Cashmere, all colors filled for 15o nerNard. fcrcals 86 inches wide for 8c t er yard. Pretty Calicos, all shades, for 4c per yard. Best 'quality Checks, 4c per yard. Good Domestic 4c per jard, rnea 5c. Lace Curtains 50c a pair. Jbood ingrain Ca'pets 25e per yard Rujis 50c each, good-size'. Extra wide Table Linen 25c a yard, table Oil Cloth, 12J to 15c a yard. An extra "fine c rset for 39c ; worth 5t)c. IN eedles four papers for 5c. stamped ruiow Miams Tor 20c a pair. Sice Shopping Bags for Ladies 26c each Ladies Gloves all colors, Irom lO-np Ladie- Hose, extra heavy, 3 pairs i&c. Lad es ests from 5o p. Turkey red Marking Cotton 10c per dox. Six cord Machine Thread, all colors, 2 for 5c Extra wide Silk Ribbon, 5c per yard. ' Ladies hem thed stitched handkerchiefs 5c each. Good I hoes for C hildren. Ladies and lien at bottom prices. SHOES. SHOES SHOES. Men's plain Sboes only 63ci ; better enes for 99c. Half stock Shoea forth $1.50 for $1 25. Gents fall dress Shoes 99c. fl.25, 1 35 and $1 50. t'ach. Ladies Finer Low Cut i hoes 50. 75 90. $1, $1.25 and I $1.50, fiiKh Button Shoe 99c worth $1 25 : $1.25 worth $1 60, Pat. Tip. We are spelling Douglas shoes for 80 days pnderthe regular price, $t for, $1 75, 2 5u at $2; $3 for $2 50; $3,50 at $3. V e do this to introduce this ex cellent warranted Shoe to part es ho have never worn them. I Trimined Huts om25jup. We carry the largest line of MILINERY in the Twin City. As we have a number of H iliners we can trim a hat foi . you while you wa t, and in a few minutes. Give ns a call before purchasing else fhere as we an save you money. f3r Orders by mail promptly nuea. Aeents for Buttfrick's Patterns. Send for Fashion Plate Free. Sheet Vosie 5c a copy ve' 8000 selections, tend for list free-. Wtoawya faUUnewf Wall Paper v . ' ., . j ' . i .'..')- . . -.. ' ' , .. Poultry, Food 25c per Pack. a- . . . . m . m m 1 A WW UBIV .UU BUT UUIBQDi WWD. UVWLBa O i 1 i 1 1 a. CY 11 Hi I k. sbeep or poultry that are not thriving as ifjey should ? If sp, buy Pratt's Food and feed it. It is far ahead of com- moi Uaitie rowe'era as our unanos are aneaa oi others -oi sme price. RKpiEMBFU We Srll THE BEST of EARLY EYERYTiIIC!T Pratt's Food. Anchor Brand Lime, and Biewers' Seed Corn, whiehrtook the prize at the World's Fair. We are selling the best Western Clever Seed, Gr- cLuM Grass, Timotby and best Northern Seed Potatoes, Seed Oats and Gar- aen;Eeeas. e nave a V 4 V i. i. i i 1:1 1- i- . i

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