THE UNION REPUBLIC AN. WINSTON-tfALESL N. C. SEPTEMBER 21, 1911. SEC . YERKES WINE H i ,rM B 1 iBI flt I il I If 1 a lull HilV 1 HBrilf n F I III M. Hl ii if PJ HI Vf il O Y Take Yerkes Wine Extract ol Cod Liver Oil. YERKES 1 - PALATABLE --".v;.v WIN .. EXTRACT OF su Hz D ou FEEL. BAB 7 V .1 "Meet Me at the Fair." i I It tones up your system straightens out diges tive tanglets, builds flesh and strengthens the nerves. The best tonic known for all diseases requiring building up treatment. 1 I 71 i i I TVi ' , ! i ajajia'ajajaaajj.Jij'J H' -Hi aavaajaaaiajaja.jaajajjatavaja wtfui tttf-ttpft' itntttMtnmtttttttMttMtttufiit THIS GOLD WATCH Will be given away During the Fair at our Booth. Be sure to call and get particulars. fill rilpy 1 iiiilplffi?.. . ' I i j P HOME OF YERKES REMEDIES. ILL DEALERS. i, -, -0 U Per Bottle. 6 Bottle's $5. il MdHjpjplisplifej Tbit Preparioa Coottfm t AlcoKol. 20 Per Cent. Tfa remedial pcioclplc nd fi produeinir COfMitacnt from 4h brf Cod Ltvf Oil, fra4 atitkt from th fait portio and aoUauot tut. of C4 Livor Oil, antWnbat.Ma "'""7 T cwtiMMBtirg w(B extract o Malt. Wild Chcrr bark u Cm. pound Syrup o th HypoptiotBbiua. cociainiug Lima, Pot.. Iron. Uodt, Hingtw, Q.ainlnaand Strycknioa. Thia prcnaratJoti maraaa trirh nam. cbt and ia mora Mlalabla than nan Cod Livar Oil. r any cmalaiona o Cod Livar OiL A auparior tonic end rconarMcti of aipeci.1 vaitto for raatorinc too and via-ar la the cntira tvatcnt. Indicated in Genera Debility. Ner-' VOUlPrOrmtioa Tuknruln... ! iatioo, ScrofukMit. Wiotos 'cotirn. BroncbtUa, ate. . , OIRCCTlONaW FOR ADULTS On iable.ooor.ful Ufofe earti daily meal and al bedtime. FOR CHILDREN. According to tkcif ace aad condition, one ar two ' Uaapoonfuti thraa Or oar timea a day. ' Guarantae4 by Vaaitbn CntUbfiald Co. under tbe Ponrood and Drur Acta, Jane jo, 19C6. Serial No. 15 $8 PRICE - $1.00 Vauhn-Crutchfleld Co. : WhltMl and Maiwiactifrjnf, DnggittB, Wl$TOII-MLEM. . C lim 1 r r. 1 r r 1 rlr'l :.r Mil; Ml!- 5 i 5Ji I'M: Mi 3 11 Winston-Salem, W. y; vv-vvaay'yaya ieajaeejejeeyteej n Donnoho musterel 4 men Strong anl one rusty half loaded pistol, property of Kasley. The party took a urvey of the Htrength of the enemy aul fouud them mustering 3 men strong with a pistol apieep: ami one brand new Win chester riile, whieh wa lounging lazily against a nearby sapling. The party separated in 4 different directions, Kasley being given the most I open point of attack on account of his j.supt rior artillery strength. Just as ontt picket line icloned in on the plane .'out! of the meii ' saw them and they I all left in i'.s many -different directions . I as then; were men to go. The line of One of the finest pieces of work ever j retreat followed by James L. Cox was done by the local Tinted States Mar-!.vr.v foftuante for he ran full tilt into shal's 'force was pulled olT Tuesday ! th' ,u'avy artillery corps and almost night, :i miles north of Kuliin, lv ) knocked him down. Hefore Kasley eould Depot v Marshal 'J.' T. Donnoho :thd T. get out ' of the way he had captured W. Vincent, when "thev cut tip :i still j' ox, in toto, with the exception of Ins of 100 .gallons, caput it'v, and. -apt urt d I t'"t :ltH' ,i:lt which he had forgotten Jam. s L. Cox, oiie of 1 he three men wh.t ! '"" I,,ft behind. The other two men were opcrat'ii" the plant. jruineil a lot of good , timber in their Along towels the latter part o (he !!"'';' ' escaped evening the two voting mm, of whose j The netin- outfit was demolished and coming the officer's had b on. ii-formed, j thl' 000 gallons of beer ami 5 gallons ricoryc Miti and Krnest Kviuih. "l winsKiy were pourea iuio me creeK, CAPTURINGA BIG STILL AN UP-TO-DATE MOONSIIINEE'S STORY. in rockinWm county. Deputy Marshals Vincent and Donnoho Make a Capture Thoir Succeiisful "Work in Detail. drove into' town in a two seated buggy. The officers' took c-liarge of the on! lit and found it contained i'O gallons, of blockade whiskey, it being contained in 4 kegs. The two young men were hand cuffed and madied to jail. When the baVs began to loom up before the pro ' phetie vision of Mitchum his -consc'i. 'net worked so fast -that he told the officers he would lead them to the plate where the juice was distilled, if they would flint him loose. The bargain was Btruck, and a good one it was on the part of the officers for they were not aware that a still was within I'O miles of the .place. A hack was procured, driven by Kd V. Kasley, he being mtn tioned later 011 in the. story for the he roic work he did and' the drive was be gun to the still, 12 miles away. . Young Mitchum was true to his bar gain and he led the officers to a point in the road and 111 hushed tones told the driver to "whoa." lie was' hand cuffed ami the two officers following on either side were Jed about 1QO yards from the road. At this point Mitchum made a sign for absolute silence mid getting down on his hand and knees bade the officers do likewise. In this manner the trio went about 100 yards further, the end of the trail leading over a bluff overlooking a small ereek about 30 feet below. A Iteautiful har vest moon (supposedly harvest moon), wan. shining and it illuminated a sight that has made, the moon famous in , North I'arolinn, iu fact the 'moon shine" of this state takes a prominent part in the history of the entire Houth, The sight that met the officers' eye re sembled the t'asjier emnpa'ny 's plant in its most balmy days. The still was T11 a nned by three men, the fires were lighted under a big eopjer vessel aud 1,04)0 gallons of still beer. was foaming and frothing tit the month in its anxiety to be tumbled into its cavernous mouth and to seek its way to purity through the crooked pipe. Mitchum had made good and the steel bracelets were removed. Further more he was most cordially invited to -.participate in the festiities that were shortly to begin. After calling up the rtserre torc-e E4 iV fcUU-y Cuplauu. nearbv, and the fish were 'driven- to drink. I ' ii inspection it was found that the Winchester was loaded to the brim with lead 1 and -powder ami could have given 12 separate ami distinct ac ct.unt of itself Krnest Kvans, who was caught with Mitilaiiu at' Kcidsville, was locketl up in the Wentwoth jail, he being unable to giv bond, tj'ox was rleased under a bond of t.'tOOj for his appearance at the next term of; Federal court. .Mitch um never lost anything but his part of the "0 gallons, j The officers know the other two men land will capture " them lii due time. Greensboro News, Sept. lb Undo Jesse Knits Tisa Nets. . Jesse Williams, the old colored man who sits in the shade of the. trees on the streets of Henderson and knits fish ing nets all day long, has made a-wonderful record it his trade. lie is 74 years old anil has been knitting fishing nets for the past twenty years or more, lie knits two net four and five yards in a day and realizes a profit of from 50 cents to $1 off of each one, making a yearly income of about $234.73. He has made many thousand nets during the past twenty yers and he says that tbe demand for them is greater than he can supply. Henderson Uold Leaf, Forced to aYe Honle. Every year a large number of poor sufferers, whoso lungs are sore and racked with coughs, are urged to 70 to another climate. But this is costly and not always sure. There's a better way.' Let Dr. j King's New Discovery eure you at home. "It eured me of lung trouble," writes V. R. Nelson of Calamine, Arki, "when all else failed and I gained 47 pounds in weight. Its surely the. king of all cough and lung cures." Thousands owe their lives and health to it.' It's positively guaranteed for Coughs, Colds, La-Grippe, Asthma, Crouj -all Throat and Lung troubles. KOe & $1.00. Trial bottle free at P. A. TLonipsoa 'a. 1 i HIS : PROXY- BRIDE.- MINISTER FROM PANAMA AMUS I ED BY INTEREST IN HIS ODD MARRIAGE. HONEYMOON IS DELAYED. Mine. Porras Will Not Reach Wash- ington for Sevcraf Weeks People ! Not So Prying on tha Isthmus. j Not before the latter part of October Or the first of November will the bride jf Dr. Hellsaro I'orrus, minister from Panama to the United Htnles, whom he married "by proxy ' ' reach Washing ton. She will be chaperoned by her mother or brother ami maybe both.' j lr. Porras seems to be much amused over the way the American public ha liecomo interested ii the marriage by proxy. He fails to see why that form ttf mHrritg ceremouy, so ordinary in the little republic of Panama, should be ko interesting to the United States. ."There's much more interest," he sfiid to-day, "in the number of quirk iKiirriages contracted ia your own eoun tv, anil the number of marriages which do not bind the couples for any length of time than in our simple custom. t I Not Yet Officially Married. j "To tell the truth, I have not been Officially notified that I am maried. While I am morally certain j-et I have liot a copy of the contract which both patties are supjtosed to sign Itefore the marriage is binding. That is on its Wav, I guess but I have not vet receiv ed 'it." j lr. Porras does not like to discuss the cjustoma of the country which he repre sents in the capacity of a diplomat in Washington, f ! "In Panama," he continued, "We do not py into 'domestic affairs like they do in Washington.- After the marriage has beeu consummated, t (en the bride niud the bridegroom send out a little card announcing it. May be the papers make use of this; may W they don't...-. j Anyway, Ir. Porras declined to en lighten the newspaper men who called at thejegation headquarters to get in formation 011 the unique marriage. 4 "As soon ns the bride reaches Wash ington this autumn,' he aid, "I will gladly discuss the matter. As yet we are not officially married, and it might offend the young woman should prema ture announcements bo made." -0- No Need to Stop Work. When your doctor orders you to stop Work, it staggers you, "I ean't" you say. 1 ou know you are weak, run-down and failing, in health, day by day, but yJu must work as long as you can stand. W-hat you: need is Eleetrie Bitters to give tone, strength, and vigor to your syntem, to , prevent breakdown and buihl you up. Don 't bo weak, sickly or ailing when Eleetrie Bitters will ln-ne-fitiyou from the first dose. Thousands bless them for their glorious health and strength. Try thvni. Every bottle is guaranteed to satisfy. Only J0e. at P. A. s Thompson 's. - CAUGH T OH THE FLY. BUDGET OF TIMELY AND TERSE TOPICS. CRISP. POINTEBjfJTERESTING. What Onr Shears And Paste Pot Cap tured of a Humorous Vein From Our Exchanges. In Thc3e Degenerate Days. "Huh,." exclaimed the yardstick as it moved rapidly over the bolt of cloth, "you're not all wool." "That's all right," retorted the bolt of cloth; "you're not a yard long, either." Chicago Tribune. More to tho Dollar, tleorge Aide, tit , the recent Lamb 's gambol in New V'ork, objected to the extravagance of the modern wife. "It is true titbit the married men of today," he ended, "have better halves, but bachelors have better quarters." The Mirror. A Real Bargain. There once was a man named Costello, Who -was a most stingy old fello; To church he oft went, . Donated a cent, And brought home a fine silk umbrello. Woman's Home Companion. , o ' . Another View. . Willie Pa, I think I know what the minister meant when he said "it is more blessed to give than to receive." Pa Well, what did he meant Willie Castor oil. Philadelphia - In quirer. - o . -.- V , Th ITAal Man, I want to see the "head man, said the man iu the drug store. "Won't some other man be able to wait on you f ' ' t; . Nope. 1 want the head man." Anything special! Yep; I want, some hair restorer. More Than She Knows. "The last time I saw your husband he was trying to stop smoking. Has he stopped?" "I don't know You know that he is dead." - -4 o- : " . -. Where Would You Be? If a ehigger were bigger, Say as big us a Vow, , And its digger had ihe vigor Of a sulmoiling plow; Say Mr. Picnicker, - -Where would you be now." Chicago Tribune. am What He Thought. . "Johnny, do you know what I going. to whip you fort" "What father!" , "Pecause you struck a boy smaller than yourself." ., "I thought perhaps it was because I am smaller than you are." Supply. New Minister-r-"Now just one thing more before I accept this charge. Have you got a supply f " ' Deacon "Well, yes, though we nev er said anything about it to the last preacher. I'll show you where it is, and get you the key, but I tell yori you will have to be just as eaTeful about using it as the rest of us! " Puck. ' Johnny Won.- "How's your -little brother, John ny!" , . - "Sick abed. He hurt hisself.V "Oh, that's too bad. How did he do it"' - 1 . - "We were playing who eould leau tlnfarthest out of the street window and he won." Cleveland Plain Dealer. She Flew. Miss Fullsoul ' (of a 6etical turn.) Which are you of ojuuion one should say, professor "summer flies" or "summer flees! '' . . Absent-minded Professor (great on ntomology). The two species, my tear young latly are entirely distinct. IWw tne common house fly , Then he wondered why she suddenly opened a conversation with the you 11 g man on aer tight. Sphere. ' - - -Y V-'V It Wasn't Him. The story is told by a traveling man of a'prrttv 5'ouug lady who steited into a musie store in Springfield. Mo., the otter day. She tripped up to the counter where a new elerk was assort ing music, and in the sweetest tones asked, "Have you 'Kissed Me iu the Moonlight!" fhe elerk 'turned half way round and answered: "It must hive been the man at the other counter I've Wen Here only a week." Buffalo Commercial. " ' ' ' . - o.i What He Knew The lawyer had a somewhat difficult witness, and finally asked if he was ac quaintel with any of the men on the jury. ' .. ." , v . : , , - " Yes sir. Mot, than half of them." "Are you willing to swear that you know more than half of theraf" de manded the lawyer. "Why, if it comes to that, I'm wil ling to swear that I know more than all of them put together." Milwaukee Journal. -.,', .. '-.-.V - ;- -1' Barking Up The Wrong Tree. Probably sugar is going upmerely to keep company with the other- neces sities' of life. Charlotte - Observer. - And yoii never hear word these daya out of the crowd who went wild over the high cost of living and voted for "a change. ' The lumkin who pre tended to think that .a Democratic House could ; control - tho price of the food supply of. the , country hax dis covered that he was barking up the wrong tree. Albemarle Chronicle. ; -'- 1 - n . ' -'. ; Every family has need of a good, re liable liniment,- For sprains, bruises, soreness of the muscles and rheumatic pains there is none better "than' Cham berlain 'b. Sold by All Dealers. OUR SHOES; ARE THE BEST. ; I MALLORY CRAVENETTE HATS. F. C. BROWN SON'S CO. GENTS' FURNISHINGS " and FINE SHOES. ' I Tailor-Maile ClothesFit Guaranteed f 'Phone 137. WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. I - : - ' ' ' -' " ' Y:.' ' I ' A New Pair of "KOR RECT SHAPE" Patent Leather Shoes if they Break. : They are guar an- teed. f'' . Peopi r. - , 1 avf e's Shoe Store. i EFIRD L. HINE, FropH.tor. ' I CORNER OF MAI N ANJDT FOURTH ST3. h .. .'- "ai.. .ajtx. .- 1 . .31 2 v t ( aV t 2. . i , t -2 . ; ' : ' - .-""." ' ' . -