v . " ..' ........ THE UNION REPUBLICAN. WINSTON-SALEIL N. 0. SEPTEMBER 21, 1911. J REFEREE BOBBINS REPORTS. SAYS FLYNT IS ELECTED SHERIFF OF FOR SYTH COUNTY BY TWO VOTES. Gives Jones, Republican, Middle Fork Township ana riym, democrat, 15 road bay Township No Appeal rei ueciaea upon Text of the Findings in tne case. - . ; ,v, : Capt. F. C. Robbins, of Lexington, referee in the case of the State of Xorth Carolina on the Relation of D A. Junes vs. George W. Flynt, filed his report with the clerk of the superior fourt -Monday auernoon at 5 o'clock, the report being in favor of Sheriff Flvnt. . liie reieree ueeiuea tne vote in Broadbay township in favor of Slier iff Fly n't ami the vote in Middle Fork township, precinct No. 1, in favor of Mr. Jones, giving Sheriff Flynt the of fice by a majority of two. The referee sustains a priina facie case as to Broadbay township and finds as a fact that Jones received 433 and Flynt 214. He finds as a fact in Middle Fork township that Jones received 196 votes and Flynt 4!), giving Flynt a major ity of two votes in the county. The referee finds that in the event he has made an error in overruling a prima facie case as to Middle Fork and that Jones only received 18G votes iu this precinct, then Flynt 's majority would be 12. The report of Referee Robbins in the Jones vs. Flynt contest case for the ofiice of Sheriff of Forsyth county and filed Monday was a lengthy .doc ument, covering 39 closely type-written pages. Whether or not the case will be argued at this term of court on exceptions filed on questions of law we cannot say, or whether an apeal will he taken or the Referee's decision be 'accepted as final, or has the coun sel for Jones yet decided. The history of the case is familiar to the readers of The Republican, but as a matter of record let us briefly summarizei Nov. 11, 1910, there was a contro versy before the Canvassing Hoard as to returns from Broadbay and Mid dle Fork township No 1. The returns gave Flynt, Democrat, the office by a small majority. The Republicans claimed errors in making out returns in these two townships, which if cor rected, would give Jones, Republican, the otliee of Sherif by a small ma jority. Jan. 20th, 1911, Attorney General Bickett gave 1). A. Jones permission to bring suiiJn the name of the State lor the office of Sheriff of Forsyth county. Feb. 3rd, 1911, summons was served, entitled State of N. C, in relation of I). A. Jones vs. George W. Flynt, ask .ihg that he recover jossession of the ofiice of Sheriff of Fjpyth county. Feb. 27th, petition to have the re lator appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court to be examined under Sections 8t" and 8Gu" of the Revisal of 1!)0." wus inade and an order was is sued to Coroner W. N. Dalton to noti fy the relator to bo present before the Clerk of the Superior Court on March 7th and on. this date the examination of tlie'adverse parties were held. March 21th answer of the defend ant to the complaint of relator was filed. At May term, 1911, Forsyth Superi or Court, by agreement of counsel, the Judfre presiding appointed Capt, F. C. Robbins, of Lexington, I.., as Referee to ascertain the correct votes east for the- two candidates in.Middle Fork township, precinct No. 1, and in Broadbav township. All other mat ters were waived. July 13th hearing of evidence was begun before Referee at Court House in this city and lasted several days. The stenotrranhie notes of evidence covered 57(5 typewritten pages. Coun sel for 'the relator put on 44 witnesses in direct examination and in remit tal. Counsel for the defendant put on 19 witnesses. Counsel for the relator entered 23 exhibits consisting of tally sheets and tickets and counsel for the defendant entered G exhibits consist ing of the original returns as made to county board of canvassers, " August 30th case was argued before Referee at Lexington, N. C. . Sept. 18, Report of Referee filed with Clerk of the Suierior Court. the parties and their counsels, the re lator being represented by his attor neys, Lindsay Patterson, A. E. Hol ton, R. C. Strudwick and W. P. By- num, r,sqs., and the defendant bv his attorneys, C. B. Watson, A. II. Filer, G. II. Hastings, and E. B. Jones, to near me evidence offered by the re spective parties, and on the 30th dav of August, 1911, heard arguments of counsel in the case. i; To N save words, the relator of the plaintiff is spoken of as Mr. Jones, the defendant as Mr. Flynt.; "Ex." is used for exhibit and the lire person al pronoun instead of the word ref eree. , As to the precinct, Broadbay, Mr. Jones contends that the countv board of canvassers counted for him ten votes less than he was entitled to. that is, that they counted fori him 433 votes j w hereas he contends that he re ceived and is entitled to have counted for him 443 votes. The evidence he offers in support of his contention is contained in substance in the forego ing recital of it, but since it clusters around his Ex. ro, 5, I bere give a brief summary of it as consisting of plaintiff's Ex. No. 10, known as the Reynolds return, and the plaintiff's hxs. 13, 14, 1;, 10 and 17, being en tries made on tickets by the several witnesses on the night of the election, and the telephone message overheard, all of which, it is plain to Mr. Jones that he received 443 votes: Also plaintiff's Ex. No. J8, being the poll book of Broadbayji township showing GG8 votes cast at I that box. Also plaintiff's Ex. No. 21, (being du plicate return of votes from Salem precinct, and plaintiff's Ejf. No. 22, being duplicate returns of votes from Third Ward Winston, and plaintiff's Ex. No, 23, being duplicate return of votes from Abbott's Creek, j Ex. No. 11 referred to in the evi dence was abandoned by ijtfr. Jones' counsel in the argument and numbers 12 and 20 on account of! misunder standing, do not appear. i And on the other hand! Mr. Flynt conteitds that he received 214 votes at this precinct (about which there is no dispute) and that Mr. Jjnes receiv ed and is entitled to have counted for him only 433 votes at this precinct, and that the same were properly counted for him by the county board of canvassers. M In support ot his contention he of fers in evidence defendant s Ex. No. 2, which is the original retiirn brought in by W. U. Kominger, registrar, ap pointed for that purpose, tjo the county board of canvassers signjed and cer tified. by the judges of election, which was passed upon by the bord giving Mr. Jones 433 votes, written and in fiViires. and Mr. Flvnt 214. written and in figures. There wa ? also before the board defendant's Ex. No. 3 brought in fronl the office of Mr. W. T. Wilson, secretary ot the county board of elections, where it had been deposited, also signed nd certified bv said office,r showing for Mr. Jones 433 votes written and in figures and for Mr. Flvnt 214 votea written and in figures. Both of these Exs. No. 2 and No. 3, are what are known as the "long sheets," the onlyj official ones, Mr. W. T. Wilson testifies, which were sent out to the several precincts. Another defendant's Fx. 4, was al so introduced, eoming from the office of Mr. Wilson, found by him in the envelope with Ex. Noi 3 and signed and certified by said officers of elec tion and showing for Mr. Jones 443 Votes, written in words, and 433 in figures and for Mr. Flynt 214 votes, written and in figures. This Ex. No. 4 is on what is known as the "short slipct ' These two Exs. 3 and 4 were introduced by Mr. Flynt for the pur pose, so his counsel said in me argu ments, of contradicting Mr. Reynolds may be beard by a canvassing board, and moreover one of the presumptions iifuu uru iue aocinne ina tne re turn, is prime facie evidence of the result of the election is based, is that sworn officers will discharge their du lies with care. Therefore, in this case, wherein are some peculiar feat ures, with some misgivings as to the soundness of my ruling," I overruled the objection and admitted the evi dence offered in behalf of Mr. Jones Having considered and weighed it all with care I here state as briefly as possible some of j the points in it, which led me to the conclusions reached : Plaintiff's Ex.; No. 10 showing 443 votes for Mr. Jones, written and in tigures, and 214 for Mr. Flynt writ ten and in figures, is signed and cer tified by election' officers, and Mr. J F. Reynolds testifies that he made it out and that it was the first one and put it in an envelope, and Mr. Rom- inger took it ; and Mr. Glenn Hoover one of the judges, testified that after they get through, sijnuus returns Mr. Rominger took charge of them; Sid ney Teague, the other judge, testifies that he don't know whether Ex. No. 10 was given to j Rominerer or not. Mr. Rominger brought the sealed en velope of the countv vote to the can vassing board and Mr. Bynuai, secre tary testifies that he took out of that envelope defendant's Ex. No. 2; that mere was no other in it and that Ex. 10 was not in it ; and Mr. Foy testifies that he saw Mr Bynum take Ex. 2 out of the envelope. Reynolds further testifies on his di rect examination that he made out but two returns, plaintiff's Ex. No. 10 and defendant 's Ex. No. 3, and per haps one other for congress but on Wilson's examination, when confront ed with defendant's Ex. No. 4, he ad mits that he filled that out also.. He also testifies that while making out Ex. No. 10 he did not sav. "It is easv to think one thing and write an other," in. which , he is contradicted by Sidney M. Teague one of the jud ges. And Mr. Langston also testifies that he thinks Mr. Reynolds made that remark. Also when he; came in before the canvassing board he testifies that he walked up to. the table and one of the ii Ex. thing wrong about this," and he also denies! pulling Ex. N. JO out of his pocket; whereas several witnesses for Mr. Jones, to-wit : May, Tavis, Savage and Boyles, and several witnesses for Mr. Flynt, to-wit: Foy, Shamel. Conrad, Goode, Hinsbawjand others, all testi- ty thai he hrst got hold of the wrong! return, defendant's Ex. No. 2 and said, "It is not right, or "it is Referee's Report. The Republican prints herewith the findings of Referee Robbins, together with his summary of the evidence in both Broadbav and Middle Fork town filiin W 1. it f'linmrises the essential fentiir. .," Hio rpiwirt ' The rest of the document was a review of the evi dence, verbatim, as given at the bear ing before' Capt. Robbins in Mns cii) To the Simcrior Court: In obedience to the order of the court in this action made at May term 1910, appointing the undersigned ref eree to hear and determine said cause and that the referee shall consider and determine only the votes actually cast for the office of sheriff of said, county, in the township of Middle Fork Pre cinct No. 1, and the township of Broadbay, in said county, for the re lator and for the defendant at the election of 1910, the referee makes the followinff report: : After due notice the referee pro ceeded on the 11th, 12th and ' 13th days of July, 1911,in the presence of and other witnesses. Excent Ex. 18 all the evidence of fWpd bv Mr. Jones was in apt time ohieeled to bv counsel for Mr. Flynl, - . . l 1 A. for that it is incomieicni io comm dict official returns ami in many pla ces, in the book or evidence, u iwars that the objections j was in general terms, and Ex.jNo. 21 and '3 were obiected to on the ground that they throw no light on the ques tion at issue. i Wlnlrt the statute provides for but one original return, or statement of the result of the election to oe sent un bv tlm nrecinct officers to the coun ty board of canvassers and the dec lfirrttion of the result of jthe election bv said board issues a'-right '.of the oiie (Mr. Flynt in this case) thereby ascertained to be elected, yet in a timcpedinor like this the matter is oien to examination to determine the correctness and sumciency oi me re turn and thd true result of the elec f ion Wbile manv of the authorities cited bv counsel for Mr. Flynt and others I have been awe to consult- miu iu snoli evidence as is offered by Mr Jones is incompetent and sbonld be excluded vet-1 find some conflict on that point in the course of the differ onf ctnliitP: nnd tnose cueu i num wrong, ' ' or soraei such words ; and Mr. Beroth and Mr.! Stafford testify that he did not get it, Ex. No. 10, off the table, nor was it handed to him from the table but that he pulled it out of his pocket, Mr. Stafford saying, "on j of his left breast-coat pocket." Mr. Ilinshaw testihejrthat when Mr. Rey nolds got half way to the table on coming in he saw the paper in his, Reynolds' hand; and Mr. Crouse tes tifies that that paper was not on the table prior to that time. This with other evidence on that point shows by the greater weight of evidence that Ex. No. 10 was brought in before the board by Mr. Reynolds. In filling out defendant s Ex. No. 3 he testifies that he did not sav, "No Doe. (M. E. T.) aint that right," and "is that right" but Mr. Lang ston testifies that he did say it. It seems to be a matter of some weight, if not of considerable weight, that Mr. Reynolds suggested that the tally sheets, especially that of ' Mr. CTodfelter be left on the table at the counting of the votes on the night of the election, as Mr. Clodfelter testi fies that he did; and again when it was suggested before the canvassing board in the dispute about the vote m Broadbav that the tally sheets be sent for Mr.- Reynolds said they were destroyed, so Mr. Foy testifies, and Mr. Bvnum says that he thinks Mr. Reynolds said; they were destroyed. Basins his ' contention that Mr. Jones received 443 votes, upon his in spection of that tally sheet and sev eral of his party friends also point- inir to that tally sheet as the source of their entries on tickets it is little short of amazing that Mr. Reynolds did not see to it that that tally sheet was safely preserved. He is also contradicted about drink ing liquor that night and about ask ing somo gentlemen to go by Ins house for "Wilkes t ounty l-orn," and other minor points which appear in the evidence,1 but, which 1 do not stop to mention. ! It is also very significant that after admitting that he took great interest in the election, and while contending for 443 for Mr. Jones is right because he bad so written it that night from Mr. Geo. Clodfelter' tally sheet as he says, Mr. Reynolds then wrote out de fendant 's Ex. No. J which for Mr. Jones 443 written and in figures and for Mr. Flynt 214 written and in fig ures, and then another defendant's Ex. No. 4, which shows for Mr. Jones 443 written and 433 in figures. It seems to me that these mtroduc tions and thiar sort of action can only be accountedVfor on the ground that Mr. Reynolds' memory is treacherous. and on the fhrther ground that being anxious for Mr. Jones' election, under the impulse of partizan zeal to run his vote up, he Some how or other got those figures' 443, into his head under the force of the same zeal now wishes to maintaiit them. A number of witnesses on both sides testify that i Mr. Reynolds claimed ined oeiore me ooaru ana yet it is significant that Mr. " Rominger after being sworn as a witness for Mr. Jones, was not examined, although he was one of the election officers which Mr. Reynolds claimed knew' all about how the vote wasand whether Mr. Jones received 443 votes;' and- it is also noticeable that neither of the jud ges or the election Air. Hoover and Mr. Sidney Teague, testify as to what the vote for Mr, Jones was al though both were examined for Mr. Jones. ; t'1 - "-.' These two judges testify that they heard the declaration of the result of the vote when the counting was com pleted.'The statute says, "The count4 ing of votes shall be continued with out adjournment until completed and the result thereof declared." But I have not been able to find any decision defining the meaning and purpose of the words "the result thereof de clared." Whatever ltsjneaning I do not think it can mean simply a dee laration made by. one tallyman to an other, as Mr. Clodfelter says he did to MK Teague alone as they added up the tally sheets, although it may have been overheard by three or four men standing around Mr. Reynolds, Mr. Charlie Teague, Mr. Sides and Mr. Stewart, as appears in their testi mony. , i Andrew Stewart.' Cicero Jones, S, A. Sides and J. F. Reynolds all testify that they saw the tally sheet of Mr, Geo. Clodfelter as he ran up the vote and it showed 443 for Mr. Jones and it down on said me that it would Fork' making' 2,924 ' giving Mn Geo, W. Flynt a majority of 12. , And I find as a conclusion a law in either event that Geo. W. Flynt was duly elected and is entitled to the of fice of Sheriff of Forsyth County for the term of two years next ensuing the election of Nov. 8, 1910, and that D. A. Jones relator, 'was not elected and is not entitled to said office, all of which is respectfully submitted. F. C.ROBBINS, -.' .... .. ',.:..:;, Referee, they severally took Exs. While it seems to be competent evidence for one present at the counting and figuring by the judges and who saw and heard what they said at the time of the counting and figuring and saw what they ac tually did to testify to it: yet it will be observed that the testimony clus tering around said Exs. and the en tries on the tickets are based on what. Mr. Clodfelter, a tallyman, said and did and in the abseuee of the tally sheet I am in grave doubt whether such evidence is competent at all and if competent, its weight is quite an other matter, and declarations of by standers and excited 1 partisans and entries made by them on tickets under such circumstances are I think enti tled to but little weight. W." A. Hege testifies that he got the vote from Mr. Clodfelter 's ticket. 443, and it seems to me that this had less weight than the ones last above mentioned. "Viat J. A. Nicholson testifies he heard Geo. Clodfelter phone and what Charie Clodfelter heard him say in the store i excluded as hearsay Mr. Jones, Cicero Jones testifies that independent of the ticket he re members the vote was 443 for Jones and 214 for Flynt, but how he got his opinion does not appear. Dr. M. E. Teague, the other tally- roan and a supporter ofMr. Jones and who must have known what his own tally sheet showed, filled out the offi cial return, defendant's Ex. No. 2, sent in to the county board of can vassers signed and certified by elec tion officials, showing for Mr. Jones 443 votes written and in figures and for Mr. Flvnt 214 votes written and in' figures; and Mr. Reynolds filled out defendant 's Ex. No. 3' showing for Mr. Jones 433 votes written and in figures and for Mr.Flvnt 214 written and in figures, and both of these Exs., Nos. 2 and 3, were filled out and signed some hours after the entries on tickets as aforesaid. . The sworn election officials when they sign and cerlpfy official returns (notwithstanding SCme carelesness in signing and certifying too many pa pers) must have known and seen to it that they were sending up a correct return of the votes east for Mr. Jones and for Mr. Flynt to the county board of canvassers at this precinct. Broad bay , which return shows for Mr. Jones 433 votes written and in figures and for Mr. Flynt 214 written and in figures. After a careful consideration and weighing of all the evidence, that par ticularly specified and all the other offered by Mr. Jones, I am freed to the conclusion that he has failed by a preponderance of the evidence to overthrow the prima facie case made in favor of Mr. Flynt on said return passed upon by the canvassing board. I, therefore, find as a fact that u. Jones, relator of plaintiff, received 433 votes and that Geo. W. Flynt, de fendant received 214 votes at Broad bay precinct. " Gives Middle rork to Jones. I also find as a fact that D. A. Jones relator of plaintiff, received 196 votes and that Geo. W. Flvnt, defendant, received 49 votes at Middle Fork pre cinct No. 1. If, however, it should be found by the court that I have com mitted an error in overruling defend ant's obiechon and admitting the evi dence offered in favor of Mr. Jones, in that evidence I find as a fact that Mr, Jones received 186 votes . and Mr. Flvnt 49 at this precinct Adding the nnmbers herein before found for the parties to the numbers respectively admitted for each in the order of reference. I find as a fact that Geo. W. Flvnt, defendant, re ceived in the whole county 2,673 (ad mitted) plus 214 (Broadbav) plus 49 (Middle Fork) making 2,936 and that D. A. Jones, relator or plaintiff receiv ed in the whole county 2,30j (admit ted) . plus 4.33' (Broadbay) plus 196 (Middle Fork) making 2,934, giving Mr. Geo. W. Flynt a majority of two votes. ' Or in'lhe alternative event: Mr, Geo. W. Flynt, defendant, received in the whole county the 236 aforesaid: ; and Mr. D. A. Jones, relator, received The decision of Referee Robbins was a surprise and it was not. The Republican had formed one of two conclusions as to the result. First That he would declare, that while Jones had received a majority of the votes in these two townships, that he, as Referee, could not go behind the decision of the Board of Canvassers and thus throw the question npoii the higher courts for decision. Second: That he would divide "honors," giv ing one township to Jones and one to Flynt, which he did. The contest seems to have been virtually settled per the agreement. Naturally the Re publicans still believe that Jones re ceived a majority of votes in Broad bay Township. Middle Fork No. 1 be ing conceded thim by the Referee, ami there are Democrats too, of the same opinion. If there were mistakes in one, it is quite probable that there should be also the same in the other and t life Canvassing Board had the right to examine witnesses and inquire into and settle the matter when the vote was canvassed, had they been al lowed to do so, t he same as was done in Bethania, Old Town, Salem Chajiel and perhaps other townships, when no votes- for certain officers were given on the returns and they inquired and accepted figures from those present who had them. At the next election, however, the majority for D. A. Jones for Forsyth of Forsvth county, will be such that there will be no need of a contest. The induction of Flynt into the office of Sheriff, this term, under existing circumstances will produce such a result beyond any question of' doubt, i MOVED TO '. ; I I Stronse Q I and t Brno " ' -:'' I PINE I ) ) C ( . I L 'I ) I o j ( i T y-M - I h ; MM l Cm y ' fTftousc ano9 (. . . . ; Mil i " B. J Stetson ii F J I N E s H A T S II yoo want to be the Best Dressed K&n at tie BU Fair iti Into a t STROUSESUIT AND TETSON HAT 0nr Fall line is the biggest iq town, and oar prices lower. Fill line sow ready.! Always welcome at Winston Clothing- Company I North Side of Court House. 418 Liberty St Is .SI ft I For the Whole Family. More Room.. Increased Facilities. You will find here a complete line of SHOES I s New Fall Shoes 1 In Latest Styles and for Every Occasion are now on Exhibit at Our Store. Exclusive Agents for the Famous I Hanan & Sonfs Shoes fop Men 1 and t)ie TTT en M- J 1 . . . M A. . a. ueie oraiea oei snoes ior w oni From Either of Which it is Easy to Make 3 a Selection. Special Assortment of CHILDREN'S SCHOOL SHOES. 3 1 J. A. WEELY, Winston-Salem, N. C. that Mr. Rominsrer knew how the vote ! in the whole county 2,30." admitted ber oftbemapplyonlytowhatevidencejwas and insisted on bis being exam-'plua 433 Broadbay plus 186 Middle W. C. WEIGHT & CO. WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. Wood's Fall Seed Catalogue just issued tells vrKat cropi you can put in to make the quickest grazing, or Kay, to help out the short feed crops. Also tella about both Vegetable and Farm Seeds that can be planted in the fall to advantage and profit. Every Fanner, Market Grower and Gardener should have a copy of this catalog. It is the best and most com plete fall seed catalog issued. Mailed free. Write for it. T.W.WOOD $ SOUS. - Seedsmen, - Richmond, Va. Ci O O o o o o - o o ' WWW W W W WW WW W WW CasN 3 W WW WW WW WW WW WW i o C) i: We will pay the following Cash Prizes for the best and 2nd best Cakes and Light Rolls baked from our Flour. '' . ' - - . For the best Cake baked from our Rising . Sun Flour, .1 . . S5.0(5 Second best Cake baked from our Ris ing Sun Flour ! . . . S2.50 For the best Light Rolls baked from Our Purity FloUr .V . $5 00 Second best Light Rolls baked from Our Purity Flour '. $2.50 The Cakes and Rolls to be put on exhi bition in our booth in the Exhibit Hall at the coming Rair. No entries will be received after lip. m. Wednesday, Oct. 4th. For any further Informatian call at our office, Phone 118. FORSVTH jROLLER MILLS, i cccccccccccccoccoccccccc:crcccu ) ) l () !!