II -ri THE UNION REPUBLICAN, WINSTON-SALEM, K. 0. NOVEMBER 25, 1920. . " 1 i .A A. i s 4 I UUli TUUNH . PEOPLES ' DEPARTMEHT. 4 Cltitrtainl in whir .. T f T Paonla Whn ., tt.: W 1 5 lican, are GUvest aa Opportunity to J5 1 'XExprese Their Thanift. 3 5 Upon sack Topica aa m t.,.. X . " vaurc Rett Sunday. :s If I knew you end yott knew tne "How little trouble there would be -4 - We weald not pass eaca other on the B4 juettrwae out end let us meetA ' f '--) -' A church next Sa U l? An2 rtf thlr : Wbor on the square. ' JBut th'5 m.iht n underhand J Wfcj To don's tak him by the hand' at;.', M Chnreb next Sunday. si Y V'1 wortd ."ur u bur pc j - in me race liit tor social, houra im t The six week days. ut all should be - ttx " A church next Bandar. . Brown fiummit, N. C. JOSIE BALDWIN ' t from Charity. -' w,; men Man" of Cana. N. C. as I too -am from Cana. Maggie B. Pally, I wish - you many happy years of pere and con ..tentment with your husband and abund V ance ot good health too, for wo don't i xeslise what our good health means to na ).mniel Wtrrtley. where are you -Here's V three cheers for your good letter. It was rfc!.p,l-i rnd--JM.7 ''orits books are r'vst. Elmo" and kittle Women." I go ta MrtT,8ftohif the Baptist church um Mm,,J7 Bsptis. I think we 11 should go to Sunday School and try o get all tne good out of going that we Ln- .. otJ itt " nd to be r?e''n:u nd 'to e be fine diaplsy of fssh rlon that eomes in. .. I m great lover of i;-usie, especially sacred hymns snd ? f?ronte on" "Peace Be Still" U?d- n0, ,1nV' J- l'h. of f Mars HilWouf letter was excelleat, I'd ' T,st ? delighted to meet you. Are you -attending school aV Mars Hill! How many ef you girls and boys go to theatres snd dances! I do not and am thankful. My Hiotuer taueht me to reantwt mvuit f man to go ana even to keep company with girls and boys that do go to dances end theatres She always taught me to be nice . r'i fins ia everyone, but tn -ti nai-. iul who I. kept company with. r vans, i. u. k. X CHARITY, From a Stanly County Cousin. ; . Local Editor: I o anm nf ik . rinsare etilr arguing hugging and klaains: 1 I don t see any rood in that mvinlf It "ft vouia btuu.v tne tfuble while they sre V-1. arguing. H. K; they would get more coin- V.J710U aenae out oi it. 1 don't study the i.a-ord of God like I ought to. The time Js coming, -when the people will wish they iad oo-ved Ood's word more than they ikhsve They will go to' dsnces and to VSnowa an all kinds of things. Get drunk, f flay cards snd curse snd take God's name .n vsin snd some, of the girls are worse i-than the mn to take up bad habits. Don't i-tnderstand me to say they are all that ay for I know they are not. Borne will Hf out car riding Saturday night, get up "iindsy morning and say, ."I donFt feel Hike going to Sunday School and preach tf'K thi morning," and stay st homa till f evening snd go on another ear ride. I rtnow that to be so. I go to Sunday fUchool snd preaching every Sunday and retph a rises of forty-eight. I know some ref yon cousin friends will ssy, "she is rit talking because she can,' but dear mends, 1 am not. Guess you Ml sre de- '.penning on a good time Xmas. I am forlWhilo ithr. r.H it ;h i,..i J ra Roing, to practice Xmas exercises and I sm depending on that. Anyone wishinfll - .,v , V-'. ""a KtsstUi, Albemarle. N. C. R. 4 B. 92 ... ' From a Davidson County Boy. f. Locsl Editor: I hsvebeen a reader ei. your paper for three yesrs. I shsll I q , rift attemtit to write or- discuss any spec - ial subject, such ss hugging and kissing 1 will leave that for you consins who tan ibeen advanced farther than myself. Mr. tt'ollins, of Rocky Mount. N. C I' took ym keen intereat In your latter. I also I wish to congratulate . you on four nice Uettor to the page. Mr. Collins, while ; yon were in .-AsheviMe you should have i fine over to the Rockalled Lovers Leap. This is 1 a very beauiVul place. I alao can say the same abouV, casting my first rvote .Nov. 2nd. It wss ' Republican too. I greatly enjoy riding horse4isek motor cycle. Ford ears. I am' alao very fond of- boxing snd wrestling. I work with Mr. D. H. Lambeth. He is a jolly, good boy. I. in tin cousins, you are making fhe -miusina paee more intereiting each week. 1 like country life just fine but I live neither an the city nor the country. I Am in the city juat about as much ss in the country. A arnod old prominent Demo crat of this community has been presett ing lo the people of thia-connty and sd jiiining counties thst the very day end l.iiiir that the- Republican party gets in power they will vote eseh snd every negro but he failed to prove thst they would, llifw many of ynu cousins sre living for the -Lord I If you are not don't wait until you have no chance. ; Now is the time while you ere in good health, atrong and young. By experience I urge you to (bewar of too much 'worldly Dlesnres. -;J?esd the -Sermon on the Mount. Matt. l6:2,3. You see you don't heve to be slck to enjov life. Any one wiahing to - ; I i t tit nDiTtiti rTrriio -cwme aiitnm. u. ? . 1 homasville, Ji. C. R. 4 From Majurie Bradshaw Polly. T Local Editor: I think I'll make s nnort call this Kundsy a., m. iiope you are feeling good- t era at present icei- rWhcre do you think I am! In Virgin'"1 fft nt fither's.l left La Grange, N. C. tS)cl. 17th. arrived here Oct. 18th. H-d s pretty had trip bnt feltbtter when I got iere than I expected. I snd Mr. Pully : "went to 4roldsboro the night of .Oct. 17th mil spent the nltrht. He returned home next morning while I' took an early trein for Emporia. Va.,' thinking I'd not have to change trains, but I had to change a Kooky Mt. N. C. They told me there that the esrly train was gone and I would ' have to "st.iy in Emporia and Lawrence vlle. Vs. all night and would not get to Ch'Pi City till next day noon. I knew I could not , stand that so I got a car at t . - , t. i . ... t- t . . An Emporia for Bovdttn. Vs. It was 60 miles. I fold the driver if 1 liven inroun thst' I would surelv live a long life. The roads were extra .fine and after the first 2.1 mile I felt better, but when I first started I felt as if I should have to give It up and not go another step. My fsther lives 8 miles out in the country from Boyd ton. Va., and I had a man to meet me. there but when he went and I wasn t there he went back home, so there I was. bnt a o-oo,l wir wonld have it a gentle- m "incumo up who knew my father and H lived near , him. He offered bis. sesist- ". ami he had his norse ana uukkt there already to start, he brought me to fther's door snd no' tongue can tell how glad I wss to see them and they were glad to se me. It had been a long time since I had seen any of them. They are going " leave her soon. but don't know whether they are going back to X. C. or Pot. The don't like Va.. but this is a k""?; '"'intcy. nix uvea m n r -a grown up with cedars and-pmes and last's why I love l the country for i m fin nciHv. All the : vir Iran Emporia to this piece is the prettiest country I've ever sen. "J'UI expecting, to start back Nor. 17. l sm going to ffcke siter My with me t" timi.oir.. - ma T m hate to go end 1ee the rest of , them. I feel like this will be the last time we will T (-nth.. 1T t. i v n A writes me - i- i-'-iti cm til. , to burrv and ome on for he 1 so lonely He c.Vf atsnd it end if 7 et better so I ran VII .t.-t fin dread tne trip. r..l .i.j ..' i. 1.. Hth me . If nnl he will be Mtlsfied. We want her to to to Jiool some if she cn and will tor if children can't heve a -duration thes' it. . .itnntut snvtning. i didn't get much but I wouldi not take many Hollars for whtT did - want to see my husbsnd and foibtifU. lw I am going to try snd rJ. tnnth.;n.i. t ri4i yon sll e eTtr - . a! m.- 1. - - a IckIi. iWell. -""r t me. nntt in , anw - , - , sm reclining in bed this . m. Its lPnndy nd probably the last I'll "" at bom ut. .11 i. T .t nieht was real "Cnlit .t,A I. . hriht sunshiny dsv ft.v ,. paii 'n.lril N. C. I'll enswer Wins. L..K T - aaaSkstnVM home. Dsv'" ' " I l-linr WTifjn j. in." . .i, O i-iii:. T i .nu nlnyd VOUf talK "lllll, A avuiiw -"i- , with ii rwi T-n.Mil Wditor. I had tne ti....... him when I wss in Winston-Salem. He i Vnd entlmsn MAGGTT? BRAISTI.W-PULLX. La Orange, N. 0 ; 5 . My First letter space enough In your ood paper for as f H5t ?!PU ? wP'w.oup thoughts, is, i ""P1'" Lora Harris on her nicsletters also. Verdla Barbour of Benson m- ' f ?-10 ,cho1 n lo s-o. f " ii5 Anyone wiahing to write me stddress VIOLA KING Angisrt'X. C.-B. 1 ' Ftom a New Cousin, Local Editor: I nave been reading the eoustn. peg. 4n h. U, R. for a long time ana l do ntnv Mail k. i . . iivs 8 miles from the Atlantic ? i. 1 mT 1 Pn, P,rt of my racation --".'' "" ean. - J. mm very fond of school. My teseher's nam is Davis. I am wry fond of out-door games and love to rifle bicycles and horses. ) I live IS mass from Beaufort and can go by water or Und either one I choose. If any of you cousins want to write to a bins eyed girl address. v ACLOLIA DAVIS iaTis, W. C. . . . , From an Arkansas Boy. Locsl Editor: I will writ short let- l!"-1 5m.Ter3 buy letting up corn and my school will commence Not. 22 and 1 wsnt to be ready. Our taaehara nama ? -.v T; ,onn Kton and Miss Mary smith. I receiTed some nice letters last week and will answer as soon as I have reaa most all the time that I sm not at work as I don't hava any one tO DlST With. I kniw it wnnM - fiTV brothe' to play with and help work lbut I have no brothers, only one . sister w uni in xaaxin county. N. O. I haven t any people out here only my dear great uncle and aunt." I have some unciea that take the V. B. Yes. Uncle amiamu, x am going to write letters to the eouMns payte as long as the good Editor will print them. Mr. B. C. Boger, Uncle received .your letter and will answer it soon. ; If any. reader 1H muu) TT t have any msgstines that they would 'like jo aena to a motherless toy I sure would bs glsd to read them. Kins -Adams, write again. -1 like to hear from my school mates that I used to go to school with. r, . . . . - MARVIN WOOTEN. Buford. Ark. P. O. Box U From ft VirglnU Couto. XacsI Editor: I have got big black eyes snd black curls a yard Jong and am just sweet sixteen. I've got Tots of beaux Pf .eays'it's because I'm so cute. I m awful vain, 'specially 'bout the beaux x m so good l don't let them go wttli me anywhere except to church. I -tfS Just ,ove nd leel so proud of our soldier bovs. i""""y wonnaeo. ones, i see some If cousins are going to quarrel with suffrsge, I don't think w wor tv,.H. wwwbv , in jun - wuca- vn woman to slave for the men. We've been kept in "So all these years. .Now is our chance. Let s be up and t it. t course we can't expect the boys to gre with us. "W. man's place is in the home." Bshl I in tend to be President, so when you coua- wa near i am running ne sure snd vote for me. I don't believe I will lone my soul just because I am gayr I don't like these goody, goody eouaina. - It's so easv to tell whst's rifht and so few of us prse tiee whst we preach. I like the funny ones.. I'm a singer, an artist, an author and a poet too. I'll send syou a poem next time. Some of you cousins . write me and when I am famous you ran boast about it. Does anybody want me t write them I JUANITA pA-LOMBA. . Idlewood, Ringgold Va. From Josie Baldwin. Local Editor: We take the TJ. B. and enjoy reading-it. I wish to compliment Mrs. Msggle P., Mr. Von Cuthrell snd Luther Purifoy on their nice letters. I will take for my subject "What Resdeat Thont" It is one thing to resd the Bible through, Another thing to resd and learn and do. Some read t with design to learn to resd Some read it aa their dntv nn wb- But no instruotions from the Bible seek'. iiw;i ai a. .... .With no,regsrds to how they read it nor - where. VBome read it as to know, iHow people lived two thousand yesrs sg. v3ome people read it because their neigh- . bors do, ---- J ' hw ow n-it wiU Uke to resd jt Some people read it I have often thmirht To teach the Book instead of being taught And some there are who read it out of spite. I fear there" are "but 'few who read rt right.. ; So msny people In these days. Have read the Bible in so many ways. JOSIE BALDWIN, Brown Summit, H. C. . -. . " From a Brown Eyed GirL Local Editor; Cousins, I am going to tell, you about a man that was in prison 18 years. This strange, ailent. lonely man has not Isughed in 20 years. He was captured August 4, 1898, and he is searching for his wife and child. Mr. H. M. I.anrrne had been wounded three times in th world war- He was wounded Dec. 3, 1917, was csptored by the Turks. He made a talk, in roan 'am Saturday nic-lit the ftth. I w.U everyone of yru cou. n- rmiM hv. h..rri ktm tnli, ... Turks. His hair was 36 inches long an.-i his sge is 45, weight 144 pounds. Hi- tslk brought sadness to many, a heart. I am going to write another piece which my uncle wrote when he was in the army. Itjiave never seen him. He is my moth er? s brother. He lives in Savannah. A SOLDIER'S THOUGHTS. I am not complaining, mother, -But the truth is very special I wish I had obeyed you And little sister Ethel And bad not joined the army For Uncle Sam to fight Although be has sufficient cause . For wbst is just and right. Do you remember the dsy I bade you all good bye I And not a tear waa there Within my -hopeful eye. My thought were all for glory, Nohsrdships could I see For I supposed when I csine back A hero I would be. I had a good position V Was making money too I left all and came. To join the boys in blue, From duty I'll not shrink , But by my fate sbide. Yet do often think, Of that dear old -fireside. Only a few years since When I was but child. My heart went forth to liesr 1 The struggles fierce and wua; jo i unu .n As a child to sit and think than to be a real soldier. Thinzs are not what they seem. And persons not what they appear, When you go to church They will seat you in the rear. They seldom ssk you uacn And never home to tea, Thev seem to think you are nothing ' And nothing will ever be. We didn't loin the army For the work or for the play" But we csme to stop brutality And ive the world fair play. -We left our homes and loved ones All for the people'a sske For the people are tne naniou And their honor was at stake.. W know there are some bad ones' Among ns here and there. But the smallest patch of grain, Will always hsve a tare; t And I think it Barmy ngnt , To let all go to waste - Because there are some parti That do not suit your tsste, Tf we are all soldiers We are not all the same; N For what the bad ones do, , The good should not be blamed; , But it seems to me It is the people'a way, To judge a nocx oi neiF By the one that goes satray. Sow friend, this I ask. v When good' things yon are partaking mmemner tne imuierwj. Eating hardtack, beans and bacon. Ad if a prtyer for us To heaven yon should aend jt.k about the' "must-r out Before yon ssy "a-men. Bought experience la tne west, Though sometimes rather dear However. 11 aiiv? I won't recret I am here , In the future when t'uncle Sam Gets in a kon ' . . He e t deoend en tne . . -To help to4 ret out. r a . v ! J . . TT Vsnta. Minnie Cline, you wrote a Jdler end I agree wit Tif E NICHOlS. Farmville, N. C. R. . ,rrom Benson,; V, 0. Oootin. . - - - v r uij v . f vw 1 1 1 1 IV folks know how hard It is to be so you can run wo pisy; witn oujer children. , ,ip and leg trouble and have to Sit and Dlav. I ean tint ro tn ulinnl But I can pky the organ when some one peddles for me. RACHEL BARBER. ttenson, y. Q. R. j - '. From Oavlo County OirL Local Editor: MTinnrla iik. ts. TT B and I like It fine. I want to compli ment A. E. Franklinl and Prir. Charlie Glesler. I think yout letters are fine. I am goina to school at FarminrtAn Mv Xeacher n Mr. J. W.I Vestal, f think it alright for the women to vote if they want to. If I was old enough I would vote-a Republican ticket. I iliva in h nd .like It. . fiellMA Ft tiesU- If any of yon eousina wih to eor. respond with a 15-year-old blue eved girl address MARY M. RIDDLE, , JOarmington, N. C. From n Jolly K. C. OlrL lioesl Editor: I appreciate the privi lege I have in writing to the dear old U. K. . Wonder if everybody is done picking cotton. We haven't much more to pick. You can bet I will be! glad when we get through. I have brother in Denver.' Colorado. He enlisted; In the army last Sept. ft year ago and his never been home since. - X am a girl of wishing to correspond Change photoe address, ' Jackson Springs, ; X. 1A years.., Anyone witn me end es LILLY HARRIS. C. . ; From ft Surry County Cousin, Local Editor: I like1 to read the Union Republican. I think ID is the best psper printed. I am soinr to school v-t I k GroTe. I live at the ' foot of the Brae Ridge Mountains. I like to live in the ctmntry.t-i tike-to' take a trip to the city aometrmea but would not leave the farm for the city. I ami between 14, and 18 There is nothing like education only more oi it. : my-teacner u nr. L. Schuyler. I have an organ. Esther piers the violin and my Irttle brother plays the bsnjo. If snvone wishes to write; I will snawer sll msiL MAMIE OALYE'AX, Low Gap, N. C. From ft H. cL Cousin. Local Editor: "My school started the 27tw f d.m.nk.. 'u. ...i... . !.. Addie Carnthers, AHdi. r.mTrk.r x( LJ .' xiT.. " ithera M dek mats i Hntti.!?""" tl vrwJ wvea us . we ought to e?trke wiiS love each ether I Listen friends, do you Sk you write ood letter. cl,im IoTe God nd h' anyone! Study i tt I ..-re. with yu thtS' bonfthla for a moment. You cannot love itt 1 sgreewith you on the vot- Ood u. in. ,u r.:K. Carter. Beatrice Ellis,' I think Nsncy Lev ing subject, though I am not eld enough to vote. I don't believe in women voting. I think men onrht ta ho ahl tnHn tka I think men ought to be able to do the Ben Watkins, I think you wroTe a 'good letter to the cousins page in a recent iasue. tnougn i aon t snow west a mother s love is for my mother died 'when I waa small but 1 bare had a good time all my lite I wish all the motherless children could have as good' a time-as I have had. Map gie U. V., 1 was surprised to hear of your marriage. I ,wiah you a happy and auccesaful life. I always look tor your letters first. What : hss become of Blue Cindy and Janie Bell. They seem tr have forgotten the cousins page. Marvin Wooten, of Ark., wjite; again. If anyone wishes to correspond with a blue eyed school address. fLEDA THACKER, Price, N. C. R. 2 i j " From a Harmony, X. C. Cousin. Local Editor: Have! just finished read ing the good letters: of; the cousins page. Can't hardly wait to-read it. Paps wants to read the political news first.. I want to compliment Essie M.irton. Idislina Lev itt. Texie Wilmoth, j Mey Hunter, Albert Yeatts and Farn H. Hutchens and others on their nicely written letters. I aurr was proud to get so many nice letters snd thsnk you all for complimenting my sorry letter. Have been pretty busy here late ly picking cotton.' I see a good many of the girls can do needlework. I. can cro chet and like that work; Eunice Midgett. I too, like to set up and crochet winter nights. Have got. a; good many patterns. The soldier boys write iintereating letters in the U. B. Come oh, you Yadkin county cousins snd write. I feci sorry for t body that is afflicted Id any way. Would be glsd to ret some more letters snd photos too if you have at. GLADYS 1 RICHARDSON, Harmony. N. C. ; . ' From Two's. O. Girls. Local Editor:' We will take our sub ject ' on- mother. What! is home without a mother t Mother is the dearest friend we' have. How manf of you realize when mother is gone your! best friend is gone. Do we obey mother or do we nntt Boys snd girls, when you; are gone from home mother is praying for you that you may not be led. astray. ; Boy a how many of you gamble snd drink Snd curse? Don't you ever think you sre jbresking her dear heart t The time wiU come when you will regret it. But it is too late to regret it after she is gone. When mother is gone to rest yon will say. 1'If she. was here -with me, I would live la better life than I havej in the past.!" i Alaya give her a kind word and s ' smile and-obey her. I, Lola, sm 18 years old snd I Cleve. am j " "5 iSh ZtZtM wm from any of you that wish to write. W ill snua n va e ta us ass . LOLA CRATER, Winston-Sslcm, N C R. 1 B. 142 . i i CLEVE TODD. Winston-Salem, N. C. R. 1 Box 14. From a Cabarrus. N. C. Cousin. Local Editor:' I i will ' take for ray subject the life that each one ahould live to prove a blessing as days go by. Cousins I love to resd the Voice of the People. I wian, to compliment :. i Walter Spence on his poetry 'of October !28 for there are very -few boys of thesej trying days that ran say those words: add it will prove a blessing to them. I am) trying to do what is right every dsy the beet that I rsn. I sm trusting in the Lord to lesd me the wsy thst he would have- me to go. I st tend the Internstion Holiness church to which I belong and; I jwill advise every one to attend the church and do what is right. I live on the farm snd like farm ife slnght. I go toechool in the winter time. Let us cousins ytirive to .- ter itte end e or s niesmg to tnrs dying world. Anyone wishing: to write you e my address. DELLER TROUTMAN, Gold Hill, N. C. R. 3 1 From a Virginia Cousin. Locsl Editor: I find the letters from the msny boys and girls very entertaining. Yet the subject of s feriv discussions arc amusing. I will not take it upon mysr to uphold either side. Experience will teach you which way is -right. I write to ask you if any one knows two fellows by the name of Daniels, snd Martin who died with the A. E. F. in England. I wss with them in the hospital, when they died. They died safe wdsys after the armistice was died a few days alter the armistice was Msrtin of measles, i If 1 1 could give any information that would; be comforting to the parents of these: boys J would be glad. to do so. I nnd that aj parents sre eagr to see or hear from any one who waa with their sons during fheirj last days end I for one am willing' to help them in any wsy I csn. I -nave nearo people say, 11 I knew my son snd my . promer were wen cared for I would! feel better satisfied. Let me -assure you thst these boys had the best of attention, i If sny one of theiH people want to know more write to me arivins Tour address' and I will write a full fMnnt' tellins you of their care aa I know it to be. i' . i. ii. wiusu.v Baywood, Va. From a Maryland Cousin. Leeal Mitor: My brother tskes Uhe TT. K. and I like it flee; 1 live on the farm. and like farni life. "I wss born in N. C in Alleghsny county, end 1 tinned front there to the Western states. Tdo. Montana. Wyoming: end Utah and I like the West but 'best of sll 'states I freely ssy Maryland has got eu of tne rest sunneu s city block. We bevel all he fruit here that grows in thesTJ. f. except tropical fruit. I live 4 miles from the town of Delta, Pa., and ene Itourta June irora county read. I than tne people ior electing Mr. Uaruing. l neipeo o i myself.: I em a ; Kepwiiean. i .' God for riving trs soother Kepuoncasi President and I slso lanK umi ior xne crops he hss blessed us! wun. x nave m 12 acres of com snd think I will ret be tween 1.200 end 1.500! bnshels. If any one wsnts. to come and look over this country, just iwrite. ineiwben yon will be et DeRa Pa. end Iiwill liave a man there witb a machine and will show you any nsrt of the country yott want free of cost. J also congratulate Etta Tysinger on vot h. .tut Mtnii B. iMyiage is between 15 end 25. If eny of yoU girls wish te reepond wit a ome eyen ooy ie jour letter and cards fly. Address I lore he moon.; I wre the stars, i love the roaring eea. But best of I love the one , That love, end or Whlteford. Md. R. 2B. 51. ; JTom an AsHe County Cons In. -j jjocai Kaitor: My brnlh.r t.V Jh.l f:, w think, It - Is the finest psper,! printed. I am a girl of 12 years. I ro toechool all the time. Mr. M. H. Harris, party. Just , think of sitting In one po IP, t5.Ber I .a-o to the M. E. church sition aH the time and an-' t do a thing to and alsO the Bantiat when I can. MaU B. P. I hope yon will get' well and also enjoy married life. Papa is a Republi-' ean end wouldn't be any other way. - I will ask riddle. Anyone answering will receive a card. What shoe maker makes shoes without .leather! With all the elements put together, fire and water and carta ana air, every customer has two P,ip- . .' . DORTHY PARSONS, Todd, IT. O. From ft Carterett County Cousin. Local Editor: N How many of yon cous ins have ever seen the Atlantic ocean I I live only about 8 miles from the ocean. I spend part of my summer vacation bath ing.. Large crowds of us bovs and trirla go over to the beach in the summer bath' mo piaying ioa toe sand bins. Oh, we just have lots of fun. I am going to school. My teacher's name is Davia. I Ko to the Free Will, Baptist Church every eunoay. aj mat you may know I am a Free Will Baptist. If any of you eons Ins wish to write to a blue eyed, brown haired girl, address, CARRIE WILLIS, :; Davis, N. C- ., . . -.- From Two Mitchell County Oousins. ' , Local Editor: We are two happy read ers of the TJ. B. I, Sine, like to read the paper just fine and I, Claudie, do too. We both go to school st Bear Creek. Mr. 8am Turner is our teseher. I, Sine, will be 13 years old the tenth dsy of December 1920. X, Claudia, will be It years old t. e Uth of. February 1920. We both live in the country and like country life 6ne. We wonld like to get letters or cards from any of yon cousins. Come along old maids. We are strong Republicans. , But don't aim to ssy' anything against thr Democrats. Some of yon . cousins write to ns and we will answer. Address, J 8INA BUCHANAX, ucuger, a. j. a. i a. an. ; CLACDIAE BUCHANAN, Ledger, N. C. K. 1 B. 42. From Thomas Myers. Local Editor: I want to take for my subject Love. Did you know that love ! "o reategt thing on earth I Did you know tliat if God loves us. we ought to God and hate anyone, for the Bible tells you so. I wsnt you to turn to your Holy - Bible, and read the first, second and third Epistle of John and eee what it tells you shout love, the love of God. The Scrip - - ture also ssys: "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever belie veth in him should not perish but have everlasting life." Friends, I am glad to say that I love the Lord, and I want to arva him tilt the end. -1 want to go to that Heaven that Jesus is preparing for me. You can have the same privilege if. you serve the Lord. I am glad there is not a one t'tat I hate. I love all because it is the love thst God gave me. I am glad to say that there is not a night passes over my head but what I prsy. (Friends, if you claim to be a child of God, you must not forget to prsy for prayer is the msin thing to do. Learn to love God, and the Savior Jesus Christ:" Prepare yourself for heaven for if you miss heavn you miss it all. THOMAS MYERS. Winston-Salem. N. C. R. 1 B. 166 From a High Point, N. C. Cousin. Local Editor: There is one subject I wish, the cousins would drop, that's H. and K. for there is no good in it. Wait a minute, I see Susie Johnson coming in. Hope she, don't take a seat by me. I think she is getting too uneasy about her soul. But she can't saMTTtar soul, if she thinks so she must be s ststue. It seems thst she boasts too much about what she does. Now. we will talk about our debt. Oh! isn't it awful to think that Mr. Wilson has got our nation in debt six billion dollars. I guess if they had ot in the White House four more years we would be in twelve billion. 1 sure am glad that I csn say "Hurrah" for. Harding. I had a father, mother, two sisters and three brothers-in-law to vote straight Republican tickets. Etta Shields you are right about your vote. Always vote Republican tickets. I'll tell you wnc I am. Everybody knows there are some Primitive Baptist preachers. "Oh, an old Hardshell,'1 I heard Susie ssy.. Well, yea know Elder 8amuel McMillon. Well, 1 hear what you say Susie, but I am hit. aaugnter and live in the county of Guil ford, town of High Point, and I'll ssy this i is some good old Republican town too. 1 1 am glad to ay the majority of the. United States are Republicans and the majority of Democrats are Roman Catholics. They Influenced the National campaign wtiicn elected Wilson, and his Private Secretary is a Catholic. Over 70 per cent of ail the appointments made by President Wil son are Catholics. Five states hsve Catho lic administrations. Thirty-one have Roman Catholic Democratic Central t'oin mittees. Twenty thousand public schools hsve one-half Catholio teachers. Over 100, 000 public scnoois .are largely taught by Catholic teachers. - Six hundred schools use Catholic readers. Sixty-two per cent of -all offices of the United States, both elective snd appointive, sre now held by Romsn Catholics. New York City, Chica go. Baltimore, Philsdelphis, Buffslo Cleveland, Toledo. St. Louis, Los Angeles, Ssn Francisco-, and Boston now have 7: per cent atiiolic teachers in their public schools. Jioman Catholics are in the ma jority of the city Counril of 15,000 cities snd towns of United States. Roman Catholics in 90 per cent of the esses, were criminals thst are executed. The man who shot Roosevelt was s Catholic. Thi man who shot president McKinley was a uatnollc. Uhe man who ahot Garfield waa a Catholic, also the men that aliot Linroli was a Catholic. More than sixty-five per cent of prisoners, convicts of sll grades are Catholics. These things sre swful t think sbout thst the Democratic partv is ipaaing me uitnoiirs to rule tne world we should be sstonished when we think that only about 12V4 per rent of the entire population of the United States sre Romsn . r.thiiM vhii. tt,. w a7iz . ,re Bot. U ,nrely looks like the Demo- j rr,u would rather the Catholica to rule than the Republicans but I sm proud I rsn ssy we hsve a Republican President tor mis time. MARY ELIZABETH McMILLIOX, High Point, N. C. 809 E. Green St. From Me. Locsl .Editor: Well - I'm in school these cool days snd like my tearher fine. She has never got ill on ns ret. but we expect it snv old time. Say, Hettie Smith end Essie Marton, I didn't ask you to read my letter and' If you don't wsnt to read Themi nat let them alone, darlintra. snd lon't toother things you don't like, is sll I hsve to ssy only, I wonder if you thought people liked to read your sweet little honey doll letters. I sure fcsd a good laugh over it. 'Msy God bless you both and may you never have to do any - read them just let them alone, darlings, good by. James Hal Olive, wish our land waa filled with boys snd girls like you. The old church would wake np and I think the gates of heaven would open to receive the prsyers of the people. Jeu himuolf wnnlit ratniea if he nrer did. T don 't see why so msny people despise S 8. and the word of God. It is the only food for the huivgry rare-worn souls. Come ana nsgged st him. The first thing ne said, sgsin James Hal, for your letter was "VotTre waotfnar tot of energy." he de worth the snare it ncennied and then -elated. 'end besides you've-got en old- some. Alta Ei Franklin, yonr letter wss fsshimed. out of dste idea. You're think flna Writ rm Vin 11 atm tn iM Inir thet you ran ret a raise in salary snd me, especially thoe two who don't like my letter- Perhaps they would like me. Hal Hs! Hal I sm one of them kind that dnn't rare what neonle ay about me. its not hurting me and I'm not the one that "ill have e answer for it at the Judgment day. ntiinV f wfist ynn v hefoT von aav it T.t,xn tn ilnna' vnice and obey it. Think of the one you. speak harsh to: n wnit tmi fal if tt ware yon 1 Th'.nV af . when I am rone. And. the harsh words you hsve ssid If yon can't-speak kind of me when I'm jiving t Please don't when I am dead- If you hsve flowers for ie, ' Remember this now snd totay - Jive them to me when I'm living And don't plant ihenTo'er me in the clay. . I believe in honoring the living And not wait till they are deed. If there is nothing good tn thent. Why nothing at all shoold be ssid. . 6CSIE JOHXSOM. East Bend. y.'C. Habitual Constipation Cured in 14 to 21 Days ULX-rOS WITH PEPSIN' Is a ene. e?lly prepared 8ymp Tonic-Laxative for Habitnsl Constipation. It relieves prompt ly but should be Uken regulsrly for 14 tn 21 dsvs -to indnee Tegular action. It Stimulates and Regulates. Very Pleasant to take. 0e per bottle. or - y ; Trom a WiOtsi County Inyalid. ;T..I f.l4. mi i . only long enough to ask the resders of the ood old TJ. B.. tn m,m . s'.v.t.f.. earn ! one cent. If I could use my hands I could do so many things to help my poor wer-wuraenea wite along put alas 1 can do nothing but sit here in my old wheel ehahi and depend on her to take care of ma and do all the other household duties. But ;I promised to not star lose ae I mnsi be going. ' Please, every one that ean, remember me at Christmas. I do get Ho loaely and discourajred at times that -.it seems I cannot endure it another day, I I- have been belpieas 18 years snd we are now in very needy circumstances anu any neip tnat any one can ive ns, be it ever so little will be thankfully re ceived. LAFAYETTE 8 WAN SON, xouwr, a . a O. 00. y . From Two Virginia Cousins. Local Editor: I. Perlie ha. flivvnr so if some of yon girls will come I'll Uke yon for a ride, though I'll not promise you that TOO won't ere t a a-nad -tolt. We wish' to compliment Beulsh Brown, Fsith, maa nope and can Maneaa, on their nice letters. X,ast Thanksgiving we were Invit ed toj dinner where there were lots of girls snd no boys. We're quite bashful where there; are so many girls. One of them ssid lone of ns woultf have to serve the turkey. So, I, Robt. begsn and ss the knife was quite dull the turkey slipped into my lap as if it belonged there. There is where I jumped from the table and ssid froodibye. I guess yon sll will say our ettet was not one bit interesting, but maybe we will do better next time. Write to us please. Each and every one of you rirlsj ROBT. BEAMER, i PER LIE STACKNER, Fancy Gsp, Vs. 1 From ft New Cousin. Local Editor: My mother takes the TJ. B. add we like to read it. Think it is a good; paper. My father has been desd ever since July 1919. That waa some sad timeito me. It was the first desth in our family and . there are ten of us. I cer tainly can sympathize with those who nave lost ttieir parents. Listen, girls ' and boys. Let u all be good to our parents tor we don't -know when snd whst , noui! Ood will call them swsy from us. wheft our father and mother are zona nnr bestl friends are gone. So let us sll be good and kind to them. I like to en to I cornr ahuckings. I have already gone to six his fall and sure had a nice time st all of them. Did I hear someone say, j is a lemocrat"f You are mistaken ' I aI not and wouldn't be for anything. ant sure glsd thst .Warren O. Hardin la oar l-resident. My age is between 14 snd jl8 so you see I am not quite an old maiq. If any of you cousins wish to correspond with s lue eyed girl address ' . BERTH A BUKirESS, Tsylorsville. N. C. K. 1 B. 70 From a Bertie County Cousin. Local Editor: As 1 was- reading a letter from Guilford county and was much interested in the subject that it was written on I decided to write a short let ter which I hope may be of some help to some one. I don't enjoy resding sny letters better thsn I do the religious ones. I want to call your attention to St. Mat thew oth chapter. "Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven," etc. I wonder- how many of us keep! these commandments f I am afraid ther sre s great many of us thst do not "let! your light so shine before men thst they! may see your good works, and floi-ijfy your .father which is in heaven." see that some of the cousins believe in criticism. St. Matthew, 7:3. If we could only see our own faults as good ss we csn see someone else's it seems to me thst we Would do much better. Therefore al things whatsoever ye would thst men should do to you, do ye even so to them; love your enemies, bless them that curse you. ! Do good to them that hate you, snd pray; for them that despitefuj-ly use you snd (persecute you. Let s sH try to live a better life snd pray thst God may help us te work for him more" esch day, for we know not the day nor the hour that we mayibe called away from this world snd we can serve Jesus no longer. I am s member of the Missionary Baptist church but my mother and father were both Me thodista. If we do Jesus'r will and keep his ! commandments. I don't think it makes any difference what denomination we bielong to. Prey that I may be a true servant ot uod and live for him that 1 may ibe ready when he calls me to go with him where pain and sorrow comes no morel Address. R. F. DUXLOW, - Askewville, N. C. From a Lee County Cousin. Loieal Editor: . I will take for ray sub ject this time "Discouragement Which We Often Meet in Life." Mr. Discouragement, did j'oB ever hear of him! I am quite sure i some of you know him. He is one Of this best known chsrsrters in the world today sndhe's responsible for mn-e fail ures and unfinished tasks in life thsn sny other one "person." People in all walks and (conditions of life listen to him snd too snany of them believe; what he says. The pther day he csme to a boy who had s big lesson to get in arithmetic. When he sat down to the problems, Mr. Dis couragement came snd just camped right on his trail. "It ean't be done." he whispered, "you never can do all that stuff The teacher had no business giv ing jyou such s stiff lesson." and the longer he looked at the lesson the harder it seemed to get and after, a while he be gan -to get awfully bine and said, "No. it can't be done. I can't do all th.it stuff It's ; too much for me."vSo instesd of tryinjg to do as much ss he could he went off and left the whole thing. Did you ever; hear of a boy or girl who had an experience of this kind! ; But there are ottief places besides school where Mr Discburs gment hangs out. The other dy tbere wss a man who had set his ambi tion on one of the professions. The day after he made his decision he ate too muck supper and hia head wasn't feeling very well. 'You know. Mr. Discourage ment likes to come s round when you're feeling all out of sorts for he hss a better chance st you then so he just came around and tapped this lad on - the shoulder. "Sajr," he began,, "did you. really mean whst you said, today about wanting to study for that profession!"' "Sure I did.T declared the boy. "why!" "Well, you I sre awfully foolish, that's all. It csn't be done. You ean'lj do it anyway. Look at so-and-so snd sb-and-so " he reeled off a whole list of chaps who had tried to reach some high plane of useful ness! and had failed. And he got thst boy to feeling terribly downhearted. Why he resllv got to believing that it wasn't worth while trying to do anything in life except onti aiong ana ne enaen oy giv- ng iup all his plans for professional life because he has never thought of the hun- dreds who hsd succeeded, but Just the fewj who had foiled. But before I get ' through I want to tell you cousins about another hoy. He started out in. busineae by working in an office and he started out wits the ides of sometime reaching the top.i So he determined that he would br faithful in the little things, would work justi ss csrefully when .sweeping the floor as thoueh he were keeping books or hand- linff the firm's money as you know by this time. Mr. Disconrsgement came alone nrnimotlon and all that by giving honest, faifhful services by doing every task you vi to do faithfully and y being abso- lately sausre. - Let me tell you, boy, it eani't be done. The boy who wants to get -hesd these dsvs needs a pull, that's all. There is favoritism all through business. , I know dons of boys -who started ont 1 ih vone ides thst got a-bead awfnlly slow. Aftef awhile they changed their methnda. Thev weren't -onite as Tjartirn- lar BOUl oeing airaign. ; in mu .no inur hiigs and todsy they ere on the top. I tell you there is ne ensnee lor siow-gotng, onet hoy. to o ahead." But-this 'boy hsd beard Mr. Discouragement talk before and be knew just how to answer him bsck. H: lnoVed Hm right sqnsre. in he eyes and said, "Tom look her. Mr. Lharonrag meht. You're wrong. It can be done and J sm going to do it. I am going to nrevn that your ides Is s sbsolutely f alae. Ton. watch me.' So the boy went strsighS' -head; worked as taithlnuy es ne Knew iow gsve en honest return for every dollar his employer spent on him end nefler left a task nntil he wss unable to make it better. In time be renoed harveat of what he had sown. . His com party wanted a particular piece ef work tinna that called for strict integrity in another locality. He was the one nicked out for it. The next thn Mr. Discourage mest or anyone else tells yott thst a thing fsn't fee done show him that it csn be don tty soing in ana amnr it. nm -an vrnr all mail. I.KS.K COIaET, fisnford, N. C 1 FASHION DEPARTMEHT s , ; , ; , p'fl A SIMPLE .HOUSE DRESS WITH SLEEVE IN EITHER OF TWO STYLES 2991 Percsle, gingham, ehambrsy. lawn, flannelette, snd drill are good ma terials for this style. The sleeve msy be finished in wrist length with a band cuff, or loose, st elbow length. The Pattern is cut in 7 Sizes: 34, 36, 38. 40. 42. 44 and 46 inches bust measure, Size 38 requires 5 3-8 yards of 36 inch material, vtidtn at lower eage is aooui 2 1-4 vards. A pattern of this illustration mailed to sny address on receipt oi cenia m silver or le. and 2c. stamps. A SIMPLE APRON WITH NEW POCKET j FEATURE Pattern 3414 is shown in this style It is cut in 4 Sizes: Small. Medium, Large end Extrs' Large. A Medium size will require 3 1-3 yards of 36 inch ma terial. , . Gindrham. linen, lawn, seersucker, drill sateen and alpaca are attractive for this style. The pocket is stitched unaerneatn the apron st the sides, snd the flap but tons ovir H. The. pocket may be placed over the aDron if ureferred. A patteru of this illustration mailed to any address on receipt oi i- ceuis m an rer or stamps. A CHARMINGLY QUAINT DRESS FOR THE LITTLE GIRL Pattern 3423 is illustrated here. It is rut in 4 8izes: 2. 4. 6. and 8 years. A 4 year size will require 2 5-8 yards of 27 inch material. Challie, embroideries "sll-over," voile or hatiste. taffeta or china silk, serge albatross ana gabardine, also linen and trine-ham may be used for this style. A pattern ot this illustration mailed to sny sddress on receipt of 12 cents in silver or one - cent or two cent swops. FOR THE LITTLE ONES' WARDROBE 3001 You will find this coat very com fortable and pleaaiag in velvet, plush" or other mitr fabrics, also in silk, velour, bedford cord, eiderdown, serge and other coatings. The cap could be ot material contrasting to that of the coat, and will be suitable for. lingerie fabrics as well ss the heavier materials. The Patrtera is cut in 4 Sizes: 2, 3. 4. and 5 years. Size 3 requires 1 1-2 yard of 54 inch material for the coat and 1-2 yard of 32 inch material for the csp, with 3-8 ysrd of lining. A pattern of this illustration msiled to sny address ou receipt of 12 cents in silver or one cent or two cent stamps. Any of the above patterns trill be sent to sny address by the Fashion Department of The Union &epnblican on receipt of price quoted, silver or stamps. Be sure sud give NUMBER snd SIZE of pattern From a BOckingham County Cousin. Local Editor: My father tskes the U. R. and I enjoy reading it. I live on the fsrm and I like farm life. I go to school at Mt. Hermon. My father is a Repnbliesn snd would not be anything else. I sure sm glad Mr. Harding wss elected for our next President. I believe he is s honest msn snd will try to do what is right. Maggie B. P., write again. Verdie Bar bour your riddle lis a bed. 4I am a little boy 10 yeara old. May an angel guide your footsteps -Wlrtle here on earth you stay; And heaven be voiir resting place. When yon are Called away. WILUE JARRELL, Reidsville, N. C. Route 4 If It Is a Bilious Attack. Take three Chamberlain's Tablets and a quick recovery is certain. Thos. E. Holleman Optometrist EYE-STRAIN AND SIGHT SPECIALIST Office Over SHAPIRO'S STOBE 417 1-2 N. Liberty St. , Winston-Salem, N. C. ' 0p6n CHECKING, MERCHANTS TRUST C the THE BANK OF GOOD SERVICE ? FLORESTOM SHAMPOO CTare a soft ctamy lat.hrr that clonrmrd tneriair ana axmlp, Ki-niov-s an dirt and Hiandritff, makes thr hair soft, flu IT y and taay vo uo up. sua at, urugvuiu or oy mail lllacpx Chemical Works ru?hojrue, N. Y USED FORD GARS FOR SALE We can make immediate deli v erjT of Used Ford Cars, (with or : . without starter. If interested in a Ford Car. it will pay you to vis it the Universal Auto Co.'i new , building on corner of Libfrty and Third Streets, where you tan have choice of most any model Ford you want. t . j Universal AuoCo . Corner Third and Liberty: Streets. Incorporated THOMPSON'S DRUG STORE EVERYTHING IN DRUGS MEDICINES,) TOILET ARTICLES AND IN SUNDRY AND VARIED GOODS. TRUSS FITTING A SPECIALTY PARCEL POST ORDERSVGIVEN PROMPT AND CAREFUL ATTENTION THOMPSON'S OLDEST MOST RELIABLE ASPIRIN Name "Bayer" on Genuine Beware! Unless you se the name "Bayer" on package or on tablets you are not getting genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians fjor twenty one years and proved safe by mil lions. Take Aspirin onlvias told in the Bayer package for Colds, Head ache, Neuralgia. Rheumatism, Ear ache, Toothache, Lumbago, and for Pain. IJandy tin boxes-of. twelve Bayer Tablets of Aspiriri cost feT cents. Druggists atao sell I4rger pack ages. Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoacetica cidester of Salicylicacid. Adv A NASTY COLD EASED AT ONCE ' Pape ' s Cold Compound ' ' then Breaks up a Cold in a Few Hours. Don't stay stuffed-up!-Q' lit blowing and snuffling! A dose of "Tape's Cold Compound" taken every two hours until three doses arc taken usually breaks up a nasty cold and ends allagriipe misery. The very first dose opens up your clog-ged-up nostrils and the air passages of the head; stops nose running; relieves the headache, dullness, fbverishncss, sneezing, soreness and stiffnjpss. "Pape's Cold Compound" is the quickest, surest relief knowrj and- costs only a few cents at drug strres. It acts without assistance, tastes nine, contains no quinine Insist upon Pace's! ISeware! Unless you sec the name "Bayer" on package or on the tablets you are not getting genuine Aspirin pre scribed by physicians for twenty-one years and proved safe by millions. Take Aspirin only as told in the Bayer pack age for Colds, Headache, Rheumatism, F.arache, Tootl' Neuralgia, acbtvtum- bapo, and for Pain. Handy 1 in boxes of twelve Bayer Tablets of Aspirin cost few cents.' Druggists also sell larg'r packages. Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacturing of Monoao iticacidester of Salicylicacid. ' an account in this Strong CERTIFICATE, SAVINGS () OM I - drove TausteleM chill Tonic -restores vitality and energy by pnrifylnr and enriohlng jthe bioou. You n soon feel it Strengthening. Invigorating Effect. For Expectant Mother' Used By Three Geheiut.3:.s tens roe eooKurr ea auTMinooo aas vm MSY. r aAonsut Bseonvroa Co Din. S-fuATwrt. c. mmmm BETTERS LIVINGS- CONDITIONS i( Deko-Light helps keep chil- " drcn on the farm. It makes the home bright and attractive;,! arid offsets .city attractions. Delco-Light proves a great ben efit in many " other ways, by -famishing bright electric light and dependable electric power. Write jor Catalog HOKE C. FLYNT, Dealer, Winston-Salem, N. C. - 'Here are advantages obtainable " only in the new De Laval Cream Separator: GREATER CAPACITY: New capacities have been in creased 10. CLOSER SKIMMING: The improved bowl design, together with the patented mfllc distributor gives still greater skimming effi- ; ciency. EASIERTO WASH: Simplet construction makes the bowl easier, to wash. J A BELL SPEED-INDICA-, TOR on every new De Laval. EASIER TO TURN: Low speed, short cranlc, and automatic oiling throughout, make it the easiest and least tirinj to tho. operator. -A i Its much lower bowl speed, high "grade of materials used.and care Iul end exacting workmanship the De Laval outlasts end out ! wears other makes from five to j suteen years. We're bere evary day te explain (ha De Laval to you to ao into nil tho details, Cease im aod talk it ovar. ' DALTON BROS. WINSTON-SALEM. N. O. , Bank A BANK and PANY ' " 'J

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