- " 1 ' " , BSBSBaataBBJ.BJBaBUaBaa .... . ... I yoo:;s people's EEPJUDBIT. . ruaartnient ta wMck the 1 ' ,- mi VaA tha Union noon - " Ihlleaa ere Given an Opportun EwtJm Th.lr Taoughta. nr aa TaiiIm Maae Briefly- vP r i THE UNION REPUBIJ CAN, T, IITSTON-SALEM, N. C. JUNE 8, 1922. Page Seven From Vlrilni Con.tn tHEfeTl!-- writ to school at Blu. Ridge ArdmV"-l 80 ! ryw Jolly Country Girls. . "Ve iota go to 8unday School. We '-.," and like farm work. Wo tV Mh dishes, iron and do other ' "TlLiul the house, but we r small puTareJbotli years' ' ln't Ir rot iooi looting boys want to LEX IE 8 ETTLEr 1 ' RUTH UOLCQMB. tossa. X. C. W, Vi and Company. i j ra i tor: Wo have just received ir 1 sad ere sitting around, reading rJ.ina' Page. Wo like the paper .in.- riis. tat firat V... i. ear nret correspondence k ,,( tannins, nd would be very glad ""L. re job all. Some tako it aa a V. u bat. wo take it aa a p eaa i Vsader bow many of you have been ' tins spring v Wiah aome- of vou . aod co with 4a on our 3ah- thii evening. Couio down aome V"1 ",fj H all co on a big pienie. By t , . .1 i ... ...... i - va ionful di 1 vr .bv.. vr 'r;,'r aet old ma ids yet, neither 'Z. reriDr ehkkena. Alt wishing to h tb-eo "bashful" girls "SSSt .'.. GLADYS EVANS. ETHEL FAULKNER, t . . ' JESSIE GCRLEY. flatls C'Bo 76. ' Tn Two raraer Boya. v,(il liitor: Wo like farming. We kii riM tobacco and wo both co to sLeat School and- are pretty good bat u'Im d ouffht to be. W ZJt k Bt0( nd crJr o(tn uk th to eorre.pond with blJck oyid zirT l mail bo, i. open. I will ,Vk ; .'Addi? Crooked aa a rainbow. ttk niT- and you rn't ffuaa K. a. Box it, aiuuy your lifetime and (Dai. T Th Hollow, Va, rrom a Qood Looking Girt. Loral Editor! T ' Tb.ro ar. . ,It "fn" ehet. I do and would like to xehao ? " . ia aweet le. Ynii .ouain. are wriunVVin 2 kiaajnif but to tell it. I Son't 5 I am not n M .T..i!T e aee th. ..7.i- r v wo aome and whether I will Mt. Gilead. N. Bo," rrom a Beout oiri. aprinf weather t' I T 1 . autiful i.r.. .we. hlnf aome achool and l will bo 77ua "1 u,n up. v. I he joined th. OW BwS an.1 o hate ., tlm9 driMing. Somo ou ....... wiii do real ain. gome of to. Cirla coma down - i.t V. y" of you g.rla or bora would like to pond with a Wond. addrena " Caah Corner, N. If any correa- AXME BARN'vs rroB JoUy Old Sniff. Local FHitn. t 'i . . . f . real U. ' . tome :,f 1 lne. euma. I think aome of the couain. ought to trV to M hao the book: "D .i v...i... " i Way. ... Where la old Karat I " " T fock the u" k". nZ. T." 81 ou wnt fine -let toti1 F'PJM bo " want Trom Two JoMy oili. .Loral Editor: W. I.... u . .. ' " " w wen readera of the " ' u i iMPHa. u: . . . . rtr (in. . - ti Jtima narria- Wo ll.a inPtZ H0r Mr- c- A- Milton. lifS " bnt if i.h e0UBt,,r"'l litt country eweiLl r,T9i dJik fw. Ju.t work a.. i mny jtina or i "uami oiiiaftB, wora will rwA(w ... i ... be 1 .h-!' Mlther or apun, IhL njT year and not a 1.7? frnf 8 You eaa't ue it i r th; ii,?lb ; ?? Uhont u a what rhIkiUpon blaek. black upon brown. lecTi,DSg."nSPa'?d !5 Ieg down' row a. ofd a. 5 " "i,lnd- 8othlf ft la not "V old r n aliTO, Im b Would like to hear from aomo of you couaina. Addreaa - v, JEWELL M1LLIKAX. . -Troy. X. C. LILLIAK CALL1CUT. ;..':--'.--. rrom xwo Oouaiaa. -' 'iJfZ I m . ao blue thought Perhapa it would ebeer me to write you fi "m,J? f 1 h eceived lota of let v.n hTe.n t ?e 'bl to write to but thlnk vn De ,t home beoryou rt,ad th.a. I am at Ir. Lawrence'a hoapital in Wlnaton-Salem. Where have ,ouPgotten to, Fred Leaganat ion't think Jiard of ma for not anawerlnft for I will when I get .W.1L. ,Uuu Ella Wall ia my room V - - Miapah. X. C. AXXIE JOHXSOX. ' K . ' From Aran. Local Editor: Will you couaina admit Jolly country boy to Join in with yon all I Now I want aorae of you ceuKina to Jat move ever and give me a aat ''.r aome of those good looking girla write auch nice lettcra. I wonder how you all like to live tn a farm t I enjoy living in the country and if you all don't believe it you just ought to aemt plow ing. We raiao tobacco, corn and cotton. Now aomo of you couaina juat eotne to me next fall and I will givei you a nark .and let you help , me pick rotton. I da 'not like that job very much and I wii! need aome help. If any of you girla want to write to a jolly boy between the age of 15 and 18, why let your mail come thix way. A VAN MITCHELL. Mnow Hill, X. C. R. 4. to write to ml, addreaa t , x. N IFr" BALLING ER Leni'. X. C:, K. a. Bo ai. ' rrom a Sharpaburg, H. C, Conaia, -y "'ifTT? MmK mh of the l. I think i ai ed. I live on th. farm and tn nTif "a" a tuuch Utter place to live than in the eit? Z"' aweet uow'.r. and .Am la nW, ana you uw wb n jmii- jri r them.- The more go with Vim tk h""1 w" enfojSt. I Some din't b irtit bat we likef them juat fine, i, aitht dance little if nobody didn't We are between 18 and 20 not jtt U bachelor yet and don't aim to y vt tn help it. Both are good baae ull plsjcn. One ia a catcher and the tcM ii a pitcher and a hard matter to m iwit from ui. if any of the young JiM eist to write to us, addreaa m , J03EPH PATTERSON. CHARLIE INGLE. ". BmWob. N. Ch R 4. - Out Wrrt Letter. IksI Editor:-Our fathera take the U. I mi enjoy reading the couaina page. if it between 13 and 15, and we i ta a farm and like farm life. ; Our ?r raiae corn, tobacco, cotton. , cane. . idH vcirctablea. We anre don't like . nrk in tobacco, for It. ia ao gummy. if e ia on ' e ' ii' 'iua, ''lid the tan can't melt it. W Un yo jti you' can't help it. . - . Ttobi ia the pitaker, inr i the howl. Wi aa't catch a aweetbeart -'T uf our aoul. , " il tti? of you couaina e-iah to writ to at liirtu BESSIE PEKRY. p NANNIE SAVAGE. JtuiUiro, X. C. R. 4. y - . Trow a Sorry county Couain. Unl Editor: 'ra. Macg.e Pullv. f kf jut gotten bark from the State San tttrnm. I stayed down tSere. montha hit 1 ta at .home now. Well,' how lont MTM.aiay wncn you went tnere. lou;, thia. -".y" a vu jrvaai aju " niceto t kind to everybodv io apeatt kindlv to .. and I. WMt to a Dealt a ..rrf . ' tne couaina, those that wrote to sue and iild id ' "' for "'y wereppreei. ated. If any of you couaina want to cor respond with me, address . X.AMIEJWILUAMS. Sharpsbnrg, X. C, K. I. 1-13. rrom a'DtTU County Girt. W 1 wt . . t i.ocai Editor: How did you all like awry tnai was in thtv U. Kl It was just grandl thought. Ar big meeting waa held 'May 21at. I woAW where yoi are going to take your vacation. Mr. Urubb, 1 wish you a long life. Henry B. i-yiur, l would like to receive a mesaage 'n.m jou. At rV. Turner, your letter was juat granu. I stay at home. Thi tic ta ma piece lor ar girl to stay at Diamonds may glitter, f Stare may ahine; ri 1 win i.. . .. A i Till you are mine. ' ii any ot yoU . cousins want to write o ttii-, .uureaa VA SMITH. Cooleemee, X. C. Box 57. . From a aaweU County Cousin t.ocal t.ditor:-Move over iuat a bit and give me a aeat bv BeatrU- Whitlow i "C?,,r"-B ininK you wrote a good letter. mlf oat evera k t e people don it tat Saattorium. . They . are all thrrr '. N ef th oatinl are atill making Iht ,in needle basketa. I bonrhr a. ta to bring home." 8ay, Ui, vera tbe women- doing punch ... la you atayed there 1 'I hey are Kffii It aaar. the prettirat worL I ever did m. '1 learned to do it whu I vice. 1 taiiik you have the right idea of true love. Iht-re ia ao much false love in ine world today. It see ins like every thing ia going to the bad. il aeeuia omy a ziew are m ine rignt way compared wttn the vaat number that are coins; wronc. I thirik it is an awful ain for a trirl or on either to prove false- to. each other, lor 1 Edrto5!I.Te n aick lor the last two montha and am in Lawrence hoa pital now at tbia writing. I'm lonesome f1. that war moat of the time .for Ur .S"4"" ln lbo hospital. I'm In JfVard 12, second floor. I haven't been operated on yet but gueaa I'll be operate' a on very aoon. I aura ) Jr.j . believe met Will like to hear from any of yon eouaing. ilugt stop. I bear the iturse coming. , ELLA WALL. lobaccoville. X. C. R. 3. - My Second Letter. w. Local Edit ing the dear old IT R T t-.i.u it good paper, especially the Couaina' Page. 8 f c,!'ool every day. I like to go tq av-uvui. m r. J . Ia. LAnf m til fawahdan Ha in a rood teach I n. .k. 1 . - . f. - - wauw acaa iu uu like farm life fine. - I mm aijrav. when apring cornea, for lhera in r h.n. pretty ilowera. : Mama baa several gera tiiuma and other Drettv Anmr win some one please aend mt i Ju... mine. I will appreciate it, for 1 am fond of flowers. How. manv nf vn like summer time? Mr. Ben Waikina you writo interesting lettera. . 1 aniriv reading them. My age is aomewhere be tween' 12 and 13 veara. I nln good booka. How many of vou couaina ever read "Stella Uooaevelt!'' That is a good book. 1 would like for some of i wmihi a come to aee me. this sum mer, it any of rou cousins come to Bran non to spend your suuuner vacation, atop in at the hotel and see me. Mv school vf out the 15th of April. I am planning io nave a good time. I would like to rurreapona wnn aar of you, cousins. Will answer ail mail received. Yadkinville. X. p. LEOXA HINSOX. rrom n Blind GirL t-wt-m r.iiior: a inena ot mine ia a subscriber to the I". K- and ha h h.n telling me about the Couiins" Pago, ao I have decided to write a letter myself. I hope you will print it. First L want to "Mai little blind girl, and have never jeen ine Beautiful light of this world, aa nave oeen ui:na irom bird. I am . cousin of Prince Greene, who hail written lettera to the U. R. My pi pa and hers are brothers. It ia very, sad to be blind and cannot ee. I often wonder what this te.iu.ifu world looks like. I shall never aee this beautiful world here ueiow, nut i expect mine eyea to be open tl in tiat heavenly world above where all is I flit in the pa I ha of glory caat abroad iy me saviour wno oiea tor you and me From an Old Cousin. s . Local Editor: What a kind man the Local Editor must be-to print all the Couaina' .letters. I wish to thank him for the ones he ha"printed for me.' Couaina. I guesa moat of your achoola have closed. Mv-Brhrvnl wab mi i n.11 T.U T ... ry for I like to go To school. My teacher w. aiiaa uori juesaow, of Keidsville, A V; V.ha in t1" world haa become of Carl M.,' Beulah Brown, - Blue Cindy. Janie Belle and B. E. Eulchert I haven't heard from them lnva long time. I guess' titer have gotten married and forgotten the old cousins.- Wonder what has become of B. WV I haven't seen a letter in .the U. R. from him in a long time., Good old sum mer time ia here and. I jrueaa most all o' US are glad. I love to aee tha anm vmiv. ing and hear the little birda ainging from jnuruing tin nignt. Maggie B. fM I hor' you are moat well and enjoving yourself 1 would like for you "to writ to me. All that wrote to me and did not get an anaWer, don't think your lettera were not welcome, for they were. Mr. Jones, of vendeinere, N. Cl would have atiawered vour letter but could not make out yout first name. Write again and I will anaw next time. Here is a little aong I like ana maybe aome of the couaina will too. nere as tver a song Somewhere. I have been attending school at Raioigh, X. C and am now at home for a vacation. r i!' wi,I my 'atJ:er and mother i 1 W Met to 11 man mv attidiaa false to been to. Uuess same one will aay 1 have tooled, but I have not. iou't ever I ' can use a typewriter very well. : and write my owit lettera on :it. I have ft typewriter of my own. and I would like sr l 1or ""e Couaina to help me buy one. If marry for anything but true love for jf , the couaina and readera of the U. R. would j, il. .nH h.n.l.ij,. . .H1. .nd Iu way so mane uiein tnink very nuca in music, and tnmK A, rede It with Even the men are fSu " !'d J -J1 'J "1' . .i.. . i j . t. . r vis wim suintj uiavr win or dot. vrii arte . oiri ,ot panrn worn bdq ran uo iv I tkiran-e v.. -- - - - .11 aa the women can.. They have got b'"kl OD' C-"1 the uf hmrmary done now and it rev-. Ulalr it a fine building. They are co in U build new dining room. I would Ml ua asything for the lev I have ""I a sw-t of ih nurses' pictures tt large card and I have picture -I n.. i.ie i. kt.iel ao long. I was is Ida he. jll the -- r-i-. is hri too and two of the doctors were a il and severs! ot the nurses too. 1 mm and doctors certainly were kmc tt u patients all the time. Aunt Lnlv Kohartsoa in atill there teachinc the girl w auks pine needle baskets. . Capt. While Is there yet too. ' MRS. J. A. BLUE. Wait Plains, X. C. : From a TJ. R. Reader. Local Editor: I want to say it hi WtassaM time ainre I wrote to the U. K hSTen't forgotten the cousins. I beta reading the Y. P. D. and I no tit tome write very interesting letter's while athers are not ao interesting. I. for at. think it is time to drop the old ub i"ti tnd. diaenss some new ones. How y like spring, time 1 I.for one. T "1 ta pm with my school friends and r, hot ss we can't alwaya be to- V, we mast part and trust to meet ' I wiah to compliment Maggid B. ' at her nice letters in the U. It. Any Mthit has good health don't know how "tt to appreciate it. Cousina. one and B, Itt'a write on more interesting sub M live on the farm and like, farm life very wn because we can get plenty (mill air. I do not believe in going to "urea sod shows. I do not believe i tirtiaf. There are lots of girls that will I with a boy juat to get to ride in his U that, isn't flirting I wish anmeone vnalJ tell me what it is. I will not ntifta any of the couaina for each one Heir own ideaa and way a and aome alds't change their ungodly waya for MrtHa ln the world. I want to aay Jiii some nice lettera through the U. a. las I hop to receive some more. Aunt "iu. come oa with tour l.-tters. 'I J14 lo te meet you face "'to faoe. .1 Mieta that Van ar the one that would FASHION DEPARTMENT 'rii- YT4t3i I sere ia aver a nnr umak.M . m. . . . There ia ever a aomething singing alwsv I here the song of the lark when the . skies are clear, -.',.-. , And the song of the thrush when the akiea are rray. - , Th sunshine showers across' the grain. rru. vi v i .... ... . i iiw oiue uiru triiia in tne orchard tree. And in and out when the eavea drip rain. The awallowa are twitterins- eaaanlMalv Chorna: :- - , - - .. . . "... There ia ever a aong somewhere, my dear, Be the akiea above us dark or clear. mere is ever a aong that our hearts ma - - hear,- .... . ... - " There is ever a aong aomewhere, my dear. mere is ever a aong somewhere my ' dear. s : . . . Tn tbe midnight black or the midday blue. The robin pipes hen the aun is here, 1 And the rrirketa chirrups tbe whole night ' through. . The- buds msy bloom and the fruits may . . row And the autumn leaves drop crisp and sure. Kilt where the "sun or the rain nr tha annw There is ever a song somewhere my dear .Anyone caring to write to a Mue-eved girl between 16 and "20, your lettera and cards are welcome FLED A THACKETt, Price, X. C. R. 2. ? From a Blue Eyed GirL Local Editor-. My papa Jakes the dear old IT. R. and I think it a fine paper. I am glad when Friday comes so I csn get to read the couaina pa;e. I also enjoyed reading . "The Witness.". How many of you cousins thought it a nice story I I am a new writer but an old reader. Does anyone know where the Bible says Ye shall be judged according to their deeds done in the body,.' or ia it this way: "Ye shall be judged according to the deeds," which way is it! if any of you good Bi ble readers know where it. is, please re fer me to it. Maggie Puny, come again. Your letters are nice. Will ask aome rid dles. . 1. -On what toe does a corn never grow f 8. What is the ' difference be tween a donkey -and postage stamp! 3 Why are not a aide saddle and lour quart measure alike I If any- of yon cousins wish to write, all man answered. Low Gap, ,X,.C. XUIACE MURPHY, . From a Stokes County Soy. Local Editor: My father take the" IT. R. and I like to read the Coiiainif' I'age I'm a member of Mt. Tabor rliurrh. I think everybody ought, to serve the ly ti I, go to school" at- Germanton. X. C I live on Ihe farm and like farm life.. I don't believe I would like to live ;in town. My age is between 12 and 19. If auy of you blue-eyed girls want to write me, my mail box i open.- Address , j A COMFORTABLE PLAY FROCK. 4031. The good features of this style are readily apparent. It may be attrac lively developed in percale with bind ings of a contrasting color, or in cham- rey, pongee or crepe. ' The Pattern is cut in 3 sizes : 6 mos.. 1 year and 2 years. A 1 year size re quires 2 1-8 yards of 36 inch material. A Pattern of this illustration sent tr any -address on receipt .of 12c. in silvei or le. and 2r. stamps. Be sure to give number and aixe. From Snsie Johnson. Local Editor: I just thought I would vuuiv ui ior-a mat. uive me a seat be "iue f rwiH. .jeagans. Now red, you uou want to oe cauea an uittdei. Now, my fritnd, you think you are a descen dant of a monkey, do you noil Or aome thing of that kind I Well who made wast you were a' descendant of. and why did not all the monkeya turn to people if aome aiui ; i ii sum 1 1 ail people uo uot use ttie same Bible, but there ia but one Bible jiio that is the true work of my creator I'Ucd). Science is a fake if it tries ta der.y the Bible. Where does the Bibi sayma .arth is flat, only says aa flat as thit edrtu. Uf course the earth is flat aa aa far aa we can aee.: exe. pt the hills and nouowa. i nave studied pliyaical aeog rapby, yet it never hindered me from be lieving the Holy Word of God. I'U.tell you all, if you never read a .book any worae than God's, word, you will reacii that Holy City not made with hands, eter nai in tne ..akiea, il you will onlv obey From Three Jf, C. Girla. Loral Editor: Now rousina, don't ge and make liirlv faces. We won't Slav lone. We go to 'school at L'arlie's Grove. We think every girl and boy should atrive for an education. ' Just think of anyone that ean't even read or write. W hen you wish to correapond with a' friend or anyone. yon would have to. get someone else to read- and write for you. Y'ou couldn't have the pleasure of reading" good books Just think of itl 'We are no high .school girla, but wouldn't take anything for what education we have, as it would seem so hard -to go through, the' world without any education. - uuess you couaina tre glad spring is here. ; . We are. we aure do like nice flowers, en W'atkrna, we wish to compliment you on your nice let ter of March 16 about nice girls, for we think there ia nothing ao precious aa nice girls and boys. There are so many thit are not nice. We can all -be nice If we will try. - llSoyg like nice girls, whet'ie they are nice or not themselves. So let's all try to be nice for a good name is let ter than gold.. Wre wiKh to- compliment Karo N.tuiiii t'ole, David ('ollins end lots ot others. Mrs, Jeff, why don't you write more? Also Li.xie Holden. We en JoV your letters. We would be pleased to get a letter from any of yon cousins.. .ir.i-t.Mr. .nii'i I JEX.VA snd lL-V BOONE. Oakhoro, N. C U..1. THE QTJIXTXE THAT .DOES SOT AF FECT THE HEAD. Because of its tonic sod LAXATIVE nitUMIi, ytllNIN B Tbliji can be tak en by anyono without causing nervous ness or ringing in the bed. E. W. UROVE'8 aigoatnre on box. SOe. Mrs. A. WALKER FOR A COMFORTABLE FROCK THE LITTLE TOT. . 4032. This will be pretty in dimity or chintz, aa well as in voile or batiste. The sleeve may be finished in wrist or elbow length. The Pattern is cut m S S-.zes: 1, 2. 3, 4 and 5 years. A-4 year size requires 2 3-8 yards of 36 inch material. A Pattern of this illustration sent to any add on receipt of lie. in silver or le. and 2c. stamps. B'e sure to give number and sue. -A POPULAR SLIP ON STYLE. 4C28. This frock reflects the season Its ribbon trimming may be replaced with embroidery, hemstitching or drawn work. Gingham, as well as crepe which is here -portrayed may 'fie used for this style. The Pattern is cut in 7 Sizes: 34, 36, 3$, 40. 42, 44 and 46 inches bust meas ure. The width at the foot is a little over 2 yardi To make the dres for a medium' size will require 4 3-4 yards of 32 inch material. !' '-'.A pattern of tlm Illustration mailer I sev addre on receipt of V2e in ailyvt of le and c stamps. Be sure to give number and aiae. . DAVID MOXTGOMERY. Germanton. X. C. R. 2. ! From a ShuUs Mills, N. C. Consis. ' Local Editor: I ami s codntry! girl and like rnuntry life. My are is between IS and ii. Well, I see tiiat some of -the cousins be'.ieve in dancing, but I am one that don't. I think if girls and boys would go to church Instead of going to dances there would be more better girls and boys than tliere'are. Would like-to aay a few words about kiasiog:i LOVE'S ARITHMETIC. If a kiss is just nothing -divided by two. Does the problem sound quite mathemati- ally true! Well, let's snake a test then yon will de- - cide - t - When all else haa failed, that you have - to divide. ' - --. j - If you steal a kiss (after much vain pe tition!. - ! Can you take away aomething and call it adoition I . ... i Siinuld the maid give a kiss, (4 most un heard of action), I Can ahe put somet'uing back and call it subtraction I : Xow if you should multiply nothing by " tWO, .' . "' ' .-: There' d be nothing for her (nd nothing for you. i That is good mnthematice that nothing -accruing, j : But apply it to -kissra, no, sir! nothing - doing 1 . . r ; ... - So -a kisa Is just nothing divided by tw. And I give you a rule which will always hald tirue; : - It you wish to divide, or to kiss with precision, - . Put your heart in your work, and use long rii vision. If any of the rousing wish to write to me. here is my address. , PEARL E. GRAGG. Khulls Mills. X. C- . i A; -r ' Aiv I JL , ; : A - ? V Www 4 5 ' (sx(-tWt' UCAITU IC VITAI . IIJLiALiSIA SU Here is How to Tale Proper Care of II - Covington, Ky. "For a long time i' have Used Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets for biliousness and constipation to my entire satisfaction. I have also recom mended the same to other people who have later thanked me for telling them about these 'Pleasant Pellets'. Just take , them according to directions and relief ia certain." Mrs. A. Walker, 1325 BankJickSt. - ; Constipation is at the root of most ail ments. You can avoid half the ills in life k by taking Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellet. Your neighborhood druggist has them in small vials, convenient to carry easy to , I take. Price 25c. , Do Like Your Friehds Have Done Get This Wonderful Set of China -':-' . ...... . j' , . - " . - - - .-.V .''-". ' - . - : '' : - .... For Only Eight Subscribers ' ' it only telle what evil ia. warns us at tat vila of the world and many girla get has you ao i am aure you will cot live a kapprJife". Don't marry for richea for wealth will never bring you nappiuesa. 1 don't believe 'anyone, can ever, truly love but one. If they marry an; -me eite but the one they truly love.' thev will never be , happy. Mra. Annie A. Ur-ibb, 01114 'on m IIU .llUUtni UUD V jruiir auu,t IVltVr a. MARY F. BURKE. ' . Yanceyville; N. C, R. 2. From a Nash County Cousin. Loral Editor: Much haa been aaid about tne Bible lately, ao I will take for my subject, the Bible. A few weeka ago Air. rred a.eagana hsd soniet.iiug to aay about tne Bible being, taugnt iu public achoola. I don't mean to criticize Mr. Leagans, for thia ia a free country and he baa a right to his opinion, but I do differ with bira on. the subject. We need tiie L'ible in our hotuea. ..We need it taught in Sunday-School.' We hear it preached in the church and aometimea on ihe atreet, and, I can ee no reason -why it ahouldn't be taught in the public arhools. All denominations have a right to teach and preach, the Bible if . they wiah to. The Bible atoea not-contradict geography, although it seems to me that geography root radicle the Bible in aome respects. God made the world and the fullness thereof and he knowa the shape and movement of tbe world. ' The Bible waa written by inspired men of God. It is a true book from lid to lid. I believe it should be taught more in the public, achoola than it haa been. I have read it through two or three timea and I have never seen an imanoral or obacene pas sage in it yet. There ia not a passage in the Bible that would senu anyone to the penitentiary, but -oa the ether hand, if those in the penitentiary had read or been taught the Bible when they were young many of them wouldn't be there today. If the girla of our i country were taught the Bible like they ahould be, you would not aee ao many ef them loafing the streets and going to disgrace as you do. h to have some fun. Com. down Well I could writ e more on in a .uojec. rv!"'?. -ilL 'w,Vthk, f,ri"M,r." &J&$&yl,i . . 11 .1 . . n . m i . u 11 1 .nti. ... -- . . , . r . - - . . nr hA AthM Mn.iiii til .Tnr.m innir I .ijs oa tois anbject. Thanks to Ik cousins for e-mplimenting my- last letter. Couaina, write me, one and an. VAV1U tVi.l.li-i. -Roeky Mount, X.'u. K. 1, Box 173. w tmna me. let your lettera come this ins nail box la waiting. .... , DELLA TROUTMAX. 1 M Hill. X. Q. R. 3, Box 72. i ! Froaa aa Kkia, X. C- Couain. ' -. Local Editor: Once in "the dear, say beyond recall" I ventured to a letter to thia paper. Although ery modest and unaasuming ip J'J. .H attracted-so much notoriety anl Wlieity that 1 very humbly ceased alt V ' literary efforta. L'ut I waa recently X."jT seiied by great aspirations and "J"'- I would entertain the nubile ,s- I truly hope my efforta will not nin. although I will admit I'm at -nt loas for a eubjeet. Frankly. T rw 1 read your page in.ao long that I T sot know what theme ia papular among J- I faintly recall that the last time ".' hufglng and kissing seeaned to g wpwially favored, but surely thst has J ra thread-bare by now, and any y. . that is ao very old-fashioned that i wosioa t care to waste my time discuss es it. Snppoae I Juat comment briefly farioos subiects. For inxtanre. the r?"" '. with rolled hoae. bobbed "" phicked eyebrows, freedom of 'week and manner, and many other ebr "'riatlrj too numerous to mention. Just do yon think of herl I'm in n rlltKln tn I.J.. r . .-- T n T2 Prrjttdiced, and besides Ifa a very Jnal matter with me, so I respectfully k I' 7 ,0 lhoa l ay be more eapa ia .1 ,r''i,,i'" the girl of today. There 'so the oueationa of tbe movies and Its l"1 hich ia hein discussed so broad- ? "sty. Are its effects demoralising or ""Pirntf 1 .1 1 in Pi. ,'!',t0. they're very tireaome. The 1, ' 01 taaing an hour and time Ik,, ,u v . . I- 11 .aH MW good time and investing it in the ""tea ia silly to ma. But tn aavone who J. " "Jov a Dirtnnt. let 'em "en to it only give me a little sum each I could buy the much coveted machine. I then route' write you lettera on my machine in piain English so that yon could read them yourself. You never would miss the mon , ey. and you newer would know the enjoy ment that I would derive from a machine of my own. Thia world ia not ao cold and indifferent but what aome kind-hearted people will reach out and help others who are in need, and I hope you will not disappoint me. J am. Yours sincerely, t MISS) ETHEL GREEXE." Stony Fork, X. C. Here's UtUe Maggie Again. Local Editor: The aweet birds are. now ainging and I will pay you all my promised visit. I'll not make a long stay for I am quite busy these days.' How goes the world with all of you theae aweet spring aayai jstyi out 1 get somewhat blue and lonely sometimes, but it seems that' all the 'world roust be glad, but -4ne .cannot help getting i sad. How many have gotten married since mv last viaitf Quite a number I guess. I hope that all of you who have gotten married since my last . visit are happy. But ao many are not happy. I believe if girls and boys -would wait long enough and make aure of their love, that there would be uappiness. Where love is, happiness i there also. ' So many will take the first 1- i-re. uot thinking of the future, just thinking of getting married. We all must realize that it is a life time of happineaa or Borrow. It ia aure.te be one or the other. - When you have forsaken your par ent try to find a companion who will be a true protector all through life. Above all be sure of your love. Let love be first. What is wealth and pleaaure if love is not there t While visiting-my sister a short while bark I bad the pleasure of reading several copies of the 17. R. The lettera were grand. Ben Watkins, of Pcice, N. C. your lettera are great, i cuoas you farmer cousins are getting rettly for tl;e tobacco fields.- I will be lii vbn 1 can start my row.. It is so pl?-.ant avhen the sun is shining so bright i'mt if-makes the tears roll down my cheeks. Yon kro-i it is a real pleaanre. Maggie Polly. I am. glad that you have a cosy home. I have received aome nice letters since my last letter appeared in the U. R. Many thanks for the compliments. Ail - keep smiling' until I return. MAGGIE M. CAYTOX.t Madiaon, X. C. A DAINTY FROCK FOR SLENDER s: X FIGURES. ; ' 4020 Just the right style for a grad uation or party dress is here portrayed. In crepe de-chine, net or chiffon it will is also its teachings. Why didn t you base your he very pretty nnd.attractivc. It 1 tatemetU on Xiod'a Word I, I luve reau.Vf-j Kf,H mnl inert ' all the pasaagea you asked us to read anajs 1 tatttta . and Itnert. The- Pattern is cut in 3 btzes: 16, is nd 20 -yearn. An 18 year size .requires nir'u,"?"."? i'.m!",w"rwit? wr'!lfe 7 8 yards of 32 inch materbL :"".j::r- Jl".. "iul f""wSm.,W--.A Pattern of thia lilustrntion sent tr was awiui vuioc iruilJL UrlUa IB. rrVU. 4 1 a a . - . f held mv breath when I read that vnoTaLld "r Sddresa on receipt of 12e. In ailvet murh of the so-called Word of God wi-i-0- e and. 2e stamps. unfit in bo : 11.. i,.n.t. r i,ii j ...- rw- Tumuer and aire. r red, I'd much rattier a child of mine (if I Be sure to give P interesting thaa Itin. t hate Al p-Trt . :: .. - .... m 1 , -"rwnr a anyiamg. wnen nuat " are ever on It we're going to have "re and barn every Algebra. I want , . tbe aahea too. Je me fatigue. ' al pas rien ecrere, excuses ins'r li?D' JUlt- Anin- ' ' - - 1 AR0AftET ANTOINETTE DALMAIX. -'kia, N. 0. 4 From a Traveler. ," . T.neat Fditor- I want to CatTY a chat with the girls, aa they are very fond of travelers. Now, girla, I will tell you all bout my experience. I have founa tnat necnliar. It is hard ror a fellow to understand their nature. So I will tell you all about the eountry. I like Virginia, aa it ia noted for he scen ery. Tue climate is that Of a healthy breeze, and also nas many j- joy watching the cattle graze. Xow for Me' next. 1 like down South, where the cotton pickera live. You all have heard the song 01 iixieiu ""Vi." . .not breeze, which we' all like. The beaches N are wonderf uL x The touriat en- ioya the pleaaure J""" riHinV In this I wiU tell about .vialtine Pinehnrst In Moore county. That 4ia a winter resort. . This town ia owned by Northern people ana "'.'""' most interesting towns. The rlimote ia a warm mild breese, which gives everyone rbreafh of fresh air. JU town , h many tine golf links. It is beauty -and ia a town of mpai homes and the most) n'estln h'S aee and to VmMilltiTlVm Country Club lay a fine building. Also the Carolina hotel. That 1. the North Carolina. In the apri jig time th le blooma and bloasouis ef the peacJi or- eharda aeni a fragrance of PfanJ .. . c. v . mv nralae to thecltv erpTnehurat foV'belng the neatest little city In Xorth Carol ., I 7J?n.n7.7 f1-" 1?: I"",? ecum.Unc.a.Von't .1- nui y 1,. 1 .l.h tn aav low me to aee y - -r f v . I "L..r n?" , 1 r : Smith in hel- y. every body, with a "wind word. I also saw "r They are both fine look Fann Denny. They m bd Perhaps 1 will call again for a .J. Wish everybody a happy life. iZJtH GRYPHO'X TRAVELER. Pineburst. X. 0. VI. ll.n.l.l I. vi..i i a v-irvinia. triia ; u . " 1 mm' m,uu t"j "V,... Thelma Robertson while 1 ii-.. I lk about school as I met Miss T Tbelma o e h T llr?. "rT m."u'- .f attractive young lad . .,Te": ra7.v.th;;7n of iif nd greet. 1 From a School GirL Local Editor: My honrts is in the coun try. . It is situated on the State Highway from Wiaston-8alem to Elkin. I am sta tioned here in Boonville going to school. I thinr everyone ought to try -to get -an education while , they . are young, and when they get old they will never regret the time they apent in the school room. Anyone's .school days are their happiest days. Tbia is, my first year in high school and I am planning to finish. I have a sister older than myself and a brother younger, here in school. We like, to go to school here because everybody' is so kind to-us. I have four different teachers. I will tell you what their names are: Pro feasor - Pardue, Mr. Burris, Miss Etta Smith and Misa Ruth Fleming. We stu dents have to be in oor room every even ing at 6:45. I am always glad when I ran go home because home is the best place we can go to.' We ahould all be thankful that we have a home to go to. Some time perhaps, with some of us, the charms of home will flee, the flowers will de and weeds .will rrow in their nlaaea. the treea and fences will be removed.) thinga will change considers Dly wnen our dear old fathers and mothers are gone. It will break our hearts to go back to the dear old home that we once loved so well. We never stop to think how proud we are of our home until -we away from t. It doean't make any -difference bow far anvone geta irom their home, aomething will appear to thvn; that will make them think of their bonfe and loved onea there. Some of us, I am afraid, don't appreci ate the rharma of our borne aa we ought to. W hen theae charma are all gone on" brothers and sisters are scattered all er the 44 states, will we. step to think ef the good timea we had around the dear old home I - guess au 01 you cousins are glad that spring is Sere. Spring ia a verr nlesaant time of the year. Karo; I enjoy your interesting letters. ' What has become of the Soldiers and . Sailors who once wrote to the Couaina' Paget My are Is oi-tween 12 and IS. aot hardly an old maid yet. "Will appreciate all mail re- ce'ved. Addreaa valui, nuauj Y&akinvUle. X. C. I had any) was reading tbe Bible thaa any other thing they could do. You tala ao much about tbe Bible, being unfit for children. What did you ' read w;ien were a child f Fred, I believe you make out- you don' t believe the Bible. W ill you. just for your dear old mother's sake, read John e:47; I Cor. 2:1. Daniel 1:IQ; Prov. 3:S-7;-Iaa. 42:10. Sometime you, aa well aa myself, will .have to stand be fore the great Creator and account for our lives. Eccl. 11:9 We cannot serve two suastera. Fred. God or the devil is our master. Matt. 6:24. Will you kindly anawer the last part of I Cor. 3:1-17. we must preach no other UosDel save that of God. Gal. 1:9. There are over 240 religions in the world to-day but only one true one. the Word of God, and none other wiii stand the test of all ages as it baa. I Pet. 1:23. Fred I've not given vou up ha hopeless yet, for really- 1 think your heart can be changed, for God aaya ao. Kzek. 36:26; II Lor. 5:17. It's murh easier to live always on thia earth and never .die bodily than it. is to die and never live again. ' You' said the ao-called Word of God. Why didn't you aay the Word of God I That'a exactlv what it ia. Xow, my friend, aomeone ia responsible for your aina and you are doing a great wrong in writing aa you do, aa you may cause aome poor aoul to make their eter nal home in the awful flames of hell. To- uay is 'a time when people need to 'live real close to God. "Fred -you wrote me once that we would not live hereafter but would be eatan by millions of worms. Our bodies -may. but bow about tha aonl? It must live forever and can't be destroy ed. For when God ' ereated man he breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and ha became a living aoul. To prove to you some things that are really ao: Does not the Bible say the rainbow is a token that there shall never be an other flood! So we all ran see the ram bow and knew that's true. . In tbe be ginning Ood created-the Heavens and the fcarth. We can aee the earth and the heavens. Gen. .1:1. verses 3 and 4 tell ua of day and night which we know we have, v erse 5. We call darkness night and light day, lust as the Bible says God did God divided the waters -under the firma ment. We know that is true. And God said: Let tbe waters under the Heaven be gathered unto one place, and let the dry land appear: -and it was so. God called dry land 'Earth and watera Seas, iust as we do. and Ood aaid: Let the tarth brine forth graaa and herb, yielding seed, and fruit tree yielding fruit. Read all the Address: 'FASHloX DEPARTMEXT Union Republican. Winston-Sem. X. C. first chapter of Genesis.-for everything i just as it -says it is, and how any sane man or woman can deny it ia more than 1 can see, for every passage, every word is true, and all leads away from sin, Fred. l- aaa yoaa aa a mend of yours, to not write anytning to influence anv nnt front living for God. Some say only the igno rant believe the Bible. Well, then, I hope I'll get more ignorant every day. I hone none of you will follow aome blind guide. There ia no other way under Heaven whereby man can be saved but bv Jesus blood. Acta 4:12. While aome aav there is no uod. but aa we remember, it was the fool that aaid it in his heart and their way is hard. - Prov. 13:13: Iaa. 57:20-21 God tells as if we climb up any other way save his way. we are a thief and a robber, So we will have to take it aa our ahare, if we are doomed to hell, we go boranse we get wnat we wort for. So I will say to all, mind who you are working for, For the one vou . work for will nav vou. My letter ia long now. I just wrote these lew lines, hoping lhar by them perhipa someone would be able to see everything without Christ was a failure' and always will be. Kind readers, don t pay anv at tent ion to what people say.- A religiow- without jeans Christ la vain. So don t accept any other, no matter whit people aay There are more preachers of fables in these days, than there v-ver were, hnt none can stand. Rome foil becaoae rhe forgot God. ; , Germany fell because tbe ruler and , most of his penole put them selves greater than God. Bill alwaya sa Me and Got, putting himself first.. I just ak - you all to follow, none but Jeu Christ and -yon will be safe, se hope you all wilt heed the warning and aome dsv we will see where Fred haa emu to th fold of Christ and aay he has been God's enemy before it's tre late. Fred, confess Christ will forgive, love nd bless vou. East Bend, X. C. SUSUE JOHXSOX- , "Back Again." Local Editor:--W ill you all admit an old cousin into your httppy band again. Although. I baveu t writleu in some lime I have not in tne leaet forgotten you an Guess you all remember me as I onre wrote real often. My maiden name war Misa Naomi Moore but 1 married a young man -by the -name of Cute, but our live became a failure so he and- I have parted. We onlv lived foeeluer from Dee. 17th, 921 until Auril 1st. 19J. uir.a, emu. take-warning from one who knows. Be sure you know what you are doing befor. you marry. My lite used to tie nnea wun joy and pleasure but oh, today, it a s different. . -Never did 1 think my young life would be so unhappy. I say young. because I am boCvIh yet. Home on asked me aome time age if I knew Aunt Dinah, Blue Eyes, ' Dedo; 'and a . Blue Eyed Blond." Yes, I know them, for it's me. - 1 just signed those names 10 iooi vou cousins. 1 am full of fun. or used to be. and since mv husband and 1 nave parted I am nearly aa funny as always. When husband and 1 were togeiner 1 wa like a bird in a cage, always confined at home and be waa so jealous. Girls, for heaven 'a aake don t marry a jealous man for vou will alwaya hate it if you Jo. Walt until vou are at leaat 20 years age, for a girl's pleasure is ended when she marries a jealous man or sometime any kind. If you all care to correspond) with me your kindness will De appreciai ed. AU mail ana were. MRS. SAOM1 tULE. Gold Hill. X. C. I N ; "A Brown Eyed Boy." Local Editor: Guess you girls have been havina? a- nice time since spring ha come for you all can work in your flower gardens and yarda, or 1 guesa an firm are alike, for my sister is alwaya work ing in her yard. Gee I boys, she makes brother and I dance if we throw anything down in her yard or break off her flower stalks. You see she wants to save mem for her beat, ha! . Nov don t a one o! you all tell her I aaid a word about ber lor she will pull my wool, uiria, oian 1 vou all aak if I was good-looking I 1 er r am veal mod at looking. Really my sir uva I am aweet. but you can i ever irr when a girl does love you for they just love to fool us boys. Listen, boys I 1 will tell vou what a trick the boys piayea on me the other Sunday night. I took rar Jane borne and they hung white aheet and flash lights behind thm to scare me, but- they didn't 'scare me very mucn noma aim a aked hew tall I was. WeH no' nu ike aiv feet and don't weigh but little over six hundred. - Some size, eh ! Girls, wriw m and aead vbur CllOtO with VOID first letter. -1 must get my Ford ready to co bm mv ffiri. or she will think I have gone back on her. Gold Hill, X. C, R. 1. Box la. Tv.-.'-': . :-- ajfaawaaaakarr - :" -' v:':::: ""- -'--' - : x -v. j SsjBrt"sBB :-:'::-: JfiVk1' V - " , J'y , W"3 UK' ' ' - Some ol tte many iho have gotten a set cl ware and are pleased with it. R. 1 i . rrom auue Again. Ijval Ciliisr: I have lost been read ine th. mod old IT. K. I think it la the beat paper I ever read. How do . you enuaina lilra to CO fls'lingl I like to g afc.n a ernwd nf good looking bovs Slid girls will go. I live a mile from the PeC Dee "River. - I wiah some of you couainf would come this summer to go with me My age is between 13 and 14 years. Some f th. .nnaina don't believe in hnczinr and kissing hut they do if they would tell the truth. I do. - Etta Duckworth, your letter was fine. A. nn aa tha vine grows round the . trestle; t ... M. a S11 have to hnstle. v All mail annreciated and answered. If vnn Hnn't believe it iust write me and lee . AXXIE BYRD. jft, Gilead. X. C.B. 1. Box 16. t ' -' rrom a Stanley County Cousin". Local Editor: I sure do appreciate the kindnesa you have shown to us cous ins. I certainly tsana you nmaiaa ior tout nice letters. They eheer me up when I read them. My father is dead. I hard 1 in., what a father ia. for he died aVk.a I w.a amalL ' If inT of you cousins wish to eorrespond with a blueeved girl, j addreaa curt aai, uuniu, Albemarle, X. C F. 0- Box 491. Pearl Jerhi, Neuse, X. Mrs. ' Jas L. Godwin Benson, X. O. R.2 Mrs. W. IT. Blalock. Lucania, X. j C. .T. A. Yonng, I Madison. X.; C. R3 Miss Mary Dull. Iwisville, X. C. Mrs. L. B. Gardner. . Fuquay Spgs. N. C Mra. Harvey Glaaa coe K. 1 Kernersvillc,. N. C. Mrs. Cs T. BoyTes, High Point.: X. C. Mra. J.' V. Bowles. Hiddcmite, N. C. John H. Moffit, R. 1 - Asheboro, X. C. Mrs. Roy Collina, Elkin, X. C. Mrs. 3. E. Warren Germanton, X. C. Miss Ruby .Tarvis. Roaring River N.C Miss Mary Winfree. Sunimertield, X. C. G. W. Mener, Winston Salem, XC Mra. Lou Vestal. Asheboro, X, C. Mrs. Willie Bowera. Tbomv.isville, X. C Mrs. Floyd Jernigan Dunn, X. C. R. S. Jenkins, R. 4, Kinsa Mountain, Miaa f Thelma Dawson Dunn, X. O. it. 6 Mrs. Corbin Everett v Chocowinity.X.C. A. W. Moon. R2 Snow Camp, N.C Geo. T. Manly. . High Point, X.O. Miss Florence Coggings Stanford, X, C. Mrs. H. PsRour, Dallas, X. V. i Miss Mildred Craven, W-Siilem, X. C. ; Mrs. Jf. WT. Frsrier Snow Hill, X.CV Miss Z.MrPherson, -Asheboro, N. C. Miss Jea&ie Mills, Neuse, X, C. The picture you see here represents a beau tiful 24-Piece Dinner Set jof high class Chi na. It consists of 6 platesy 6 cups and sau cers, 1 large platter, 1 vegetable dish, 1 deep bowl, and 1 cream and sugar -24 pieces enough to serve any ordinary-sized family Each piece is handsomely'decorated in four colors in the Berkley Scroll pattern, and is of the Colonial style in shape. A gold band encircles the edges with a delicate blue " striae on the inside. The plates are 8-inches I in diameter with liberal proportions for all other pieces. j Imagine how this beautiful new set of dish es would look-on your table, for every-day or "company" use, and how proud you would be to show them to your friends and tell them you got them without paying a penny out of your own pocket. v HOW TO GET THEM i i tr To tell you in a few words how you, can get -this entire set, we will say all you need to do is secure eight new subscribers to the Union Republican for a year at $1.50 each. Send us the names and addresses, together with the $12.00 you collect, and we will for ward direct to you one of these Dinner Sets carefully packed in an individual carton. ' You will never regret the little time and effort required to secure this small club of subscribers .for your favorite newspaper, and the sopner you begin to work, the sooner you will receive this handsome reward. - THIS OFFER IS OPEN TO all and we have enough Dinner Sets for everybody. . START RAISING YOUR CLUB TO-DAY! and be sure and write your order plainly and fully. Forward it to THE UNION REPUBLICAN Premium Dept. Winstoh-Salem, N. C. HERE ARB OTHERS. Mra. Akin Morris, Norwood, N. c Mrs. Lonal B. Dawson, it. 6, Dunn, N. C. Lurinda Biaaett. R. 1, Kiiua, X. C. Geo. Cofer. Spray, X. C. Miss Belle .Inmea, v ,naton-Knlem, X. C. R. F. Kerrell. R. 2, Lucama. X. C. Mrs. D. B. Dupree. If. 1, Angler, a.-U. Mra. C. W. Skinner. If. 1, Sharpaburg, X. C. E. M. Watts. Rockingham, X. C. Mra. J. P. Stanback, Henderson, X. C. W. V. Dollar. West Durham, N. C. D. R. Ingle, Glenn Raven, X. C. i . Mrs. P. T. Laramore, Winston Salem, N. C Mrs. .1. M. Jones, Kannspolis, X. C. Sadie Cobb, Farmville, X. C. L. R. Tucker, Ether, X. C. Mrs. Guy F. Atnburn, Max, Va. - Mrs. X. D. P. Yokeley. Winston-Salem, C. Eliza J. K. 1, X. c. Cook, Altamahaw, Mlas targaret Fite. . R. 21. Huntersville, X. C. . I. Xewton Smith, K. 1, Hiddenlte, X. C Mrs. R. 0. I. B. Gardner. 1, Ramseur, X. I. M. Denn;s, Troy, X. C. . Miss fMadvs Horton, R. 5, Durham, N. C Mrs. Kyle L. Coltrane U. 1. Randleman, N Mrs. J. H. Marley, Gastonia, X. U. . R. I. Wallace, : Suiitbtield, X. C. Mias Alma Tut tie, . . U. 3, Tbomaaville, N C.

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