c 3 Youne PEOPLES " DEPM1EIIT. . DapartaMnt ta which the viaf PPl W" tB XJJiloii ISnbUcM are oppoma tTBxpMW Thoughto, tiJv Bjpon UCu TonleB " tataSt Tueas. - 7 ' rrost Two W. C. Bisters. .i Editor: We take the 0. R 7" w, kt to go to Sunday school, " icn't live near1 any church but 5? f,itive baptist, so you m they kT ttuaday echool .there, and we ' M go. Wish we eould. Vt fiooi at Sedge Garden. W a don't I " i,T ap aire where we live much .ut they don't have aay v. Sunday T.v. a ran to to. An of ?..u Jlfftrls that wish to write to us, ad m 1 MABKL HTACK filUs traarsvilla, N. Q- R. 4. " 7a Broadway N. 0. ConsiiC. "-' editor: I have juat been read- JSJ good old U. R. Am alwayt .i .fcea r'riday cemea ao I can road m k is idi Louuiii rage. ,nouiu i uat tor Bradahaw and Ben Wat kiM. al the othor readera that writ .! tool lettera, to writo mora often. t 'Slfanal 1 n farm (near L"road- , tj.i ana y kddoi naa v; ind I am Tory lonesome. 1 like" to !Tts Kfcool but I like summer time muei, Liter serauae there are ao many pretty iTvtri ia bloom. The fruit treea are Juat tntim vitii Iruit. I think that ia beat Wall a"'1 Jou' Alt0 there are lot of iltil kiada of freah vegetables to eat. iiur bi( "in, doesn't everything r.L frtfii and greeqi Seems like ,,,, life baa been laid upon tn. Lj '": - 'loo . planta i look green be fu taey hare been watered. , 8o It ia cr hnan bodiea; when they are W a' watered with; spiritual tuinga. nuti (feat f to make a noble character. Vrf. r aa the graaa and plant of the (tit- Taey are always ready to lend typist hind. I enjoy reading good nenta aad books. I enjoyed readinr "Im Witness." Whea the paper would aaa list was the first thing I would 1 think the bugging and biasing atjKt has been diacussed enough. Why 4 (at some now subject a to discuss I till lave it op for each individual to fiwH a subject of their ownx hoping u stt tome letters of discussion upon w, topics. MARGARET E. BUCHANAN. Bwsdw.y, X. C. R. 2. Box 15. lore, and What Kind. lira Editor: I ain a new cousin, al ItM(k I read a lot of the cousins' let an is your paper. I think it ia a grand ifportauity to the young people of the matrr to have the privilege of eorrea tsdisg with each other thrtfagh such a u psper. I will take Love, for the f jtiple part of my subject. Love ia at ( the sweetest words in the Eng iut Unrasre, 1 think. But what kind d btvs do wa mean lY My exnerience baa bam rsch as to make me think there us several kinds of love. There ia the u love of Jesus Christ, which is the test wf all love. The love we have for at an iove. me love we nave ior j sBotlwr. The love that one baa 1 as eiie or she decide to take far Iks for tktir life companion and what I ' all saipy, or bouie made love. Iear cmiIss, this is tbe kind that I am so badly apposed to. Although I bave made tuts a bit" of it, but let us be more ctRfsl in the future. It aurely is, aw Isl te aisiie one tdini you love them, mi t them to make you all the prom im jra can, and then prove -by your tctie that you didn't mean ft word you Mil I ts a boy, between the, age- of it" sad 23 years, - and ' bave had some Kills experience along thia line, f I find, sovftar, it is easy to tell ft girl you love iff..' Wt teem to want to tell . them MBsthiiig good, and that ia the beat uum we can think of. So we jtllt-' lose tnem up, aa we call it. and call ' nw tweet little names and tell them ms ood they look. Boya and girlal 'It careful." and don't aay something I ns son t Bean. 1 aee aoroe of you reuist are opposed to hugging -: and iiiiatf, sod some are not. Somm "of ns tank t can't have any good tiw', un less ws sag and kiss. Welt,- aaya one. "taat's all right; there's no hirra in that." 1 can't aay there ia so much otrar is hugging and kissing alne, but il Jcldt to evil so easy. I'll bet there's do! a en of you cousins who had not ratlwr have one who would not allow TM to pat your" arms around them. " or kin them, when yon go to marry. Now I isi tpcaking to the boys, as they do las Boat of the falae woV. Couldn't 7t be better satisfied with one that could Mil you with a good face that there had Mter yet been a -bo-'i arm around her teas j be could with one who you knov ad alwaye . followed the habit t We thai are -opposed to such have a poor iy of helping ourselves in this part dl lk world, as we have never known u?tDing else, but I will say to you that save never taken up- the habit. V'atay wt," and. you will never regret it. I ould slmnut say that those that bave a "start full" or a apoon fall of real love, kirs is religion, will -never be fvund a jhat class. I wonder how many of yocreuains are Christians t I truly hope V all are. but I fear there are some vie sre not. Just think, how. sweet it 'wild be with, us, when we come to die, baif our records clean, and feel and w that we are free and safe from 4 danger, and ready to enter tbe beau ".'1! City of Heaven. What a glorious tneught thia would be. And then think " sad and- awful it would be to hear ri(8siour ssy, "Depart, I know ye xt. friends, we ran all live in such wit that we will not hear this said as, if sll will "only try." Wilt "er sll mail. ALPHOSSO THOMPSON, Dwrhton, N. C. J . rroni "A Faithful Friend." f Loral Editor: Jnst a few momenta, as savea't been to see, you all for quite wt!,K bl,t tIU. I bftve been enjoying 7Mlf Ins reading your letters. I will T tad say a few words on Love, - as it the sweetest word that can be spelled Tu letters,, and these four lettera atand wr 1 good many other things as well, 'b'' stands for Love. "O" for Obe- , "V" for Yictory. and "K" 'for l-nit, snd Eternity a t a n d a for SB Am-kb m. A. . . . . . . I aiBost as Oed, a creature without er blemishes and fairly radiating, nwor thU delusion "while it ia aweet.' u dsngetwus in the extreme, for all rs. Wives, husbanda and aweet aearts can only be human no matter to T"t extent onr fond hearts glorify Mem I . 1 , - ... -. , . 1 oivine, out 11 ia aiso rrjological, hence it must be gauged 1 th standnnint both of aniritnalitv md "Mality. To rob love of its ' high !'! meaning Would be taking trom ae quality which enobles and puri '7 ""kind. Love ia rapable of t-o i-os. It may carry the aoul to the "lit pinaclea of . bliss or aink it in J aepth of misery. Without love this Hu. .ft no SHina. ou jovw 1 ' -'"ining -ise 11 it - is not cum- I . .1 U wiu wither. But if it is d in the right manner it ' will C V.", ur" B noil vou can not Bin 1 I-0?. fake no difference bow yon o, ior worlds would we dream 01 i... V,. onr love. Sometimes love hitT stesls np on the heart and 1 bardlT prevent it, but over through it ai we are conacioua of a h ' ll-ronsuming secret, and as the f.7kg T w "nd ourselves longing ' sound of one particular step and !T trassared voice for it ia He. our at ? th tbat little word Love Jo'- Oil wht sacriflcea have been ,"" "Pob this altar of lov where the !". so blinded by the glamor of !n.K,V,h-t they could not perceive the ftIBrH Vf dord onel Ask it 1 L."" 0,stloii, and then answer ' mitT: , th. obleet-f my love, 4j ."'thy of my affection t" Love ,, " 'tbt is by no means rare oc wnf, ind wher, u u true ,0ft whl(,h , swiftly and surely, it is wise . that two affinitica have found otW; "Falling in JveV i j,,, 10 ' be of such avdianry occurrence " el oMiged t point out a rtin "s error. Young people take sodden .i,k.feB timea extraordinary fanciea. X .7 froneously consider to be an ' of genuine love. . It anv of von ' d girls care to correspond with come ahesd. my mail bo is open! Edtson, N. C. LORA ELLIOTT. 1 tnmg. if we will juat thin I can get you, iu . " " ..tiiilwe Pnd it. If we spend it attention to them. Just r? " . 'nt'w? j "Heaven," it would be a aweet , meet un with those people again am. 9fl'mt sure, but if we waa to spend then talk about the Bible it ' 4 is tha nth.. -1 t - ..... M I..11 h-m hnw Jesus wanta them tolve airK ni mm i n i -ua. tat r.tjtnrmn Front Aa TJnfortan&t nti tlia TJ B . .. " cousins of mm i r th' raoney that was sent me, ss I am D unfortunate girl and to "onev for mysllf efat ef"Vm'ltlnw: y appro: eiated. I have blarlr k..;r T,."! w5a;Uge.4Vte,,d hrt w f t "V.i. 1 11 ' wk -otter rn0. llk orrMpnd witi MARTHA HAYWOOD. cbip. x; c. . Trom Kaw Oonala. . C.ri0' "l-rWw Worn. of Carl A. Manesst Maggie B" p often; Round W. Clare and ' Ben Wat kins, write often -H-' .." w" pne do. -I certainly an clad anrine- i. aon in the year. Anyone wiabing to write to a country erh-l is . come ahead. " ' t , VIII, Trom ft Jolly Little CHrl. , ii"1 "o;: Here cornea' a 17 year old sporter. I wonder bow many of you eouama would like to write to me! I have dark hair blue eyea, and juat as cute in doll baby. . " Cream in the pitcher, ' - . Sugar in ft lowl. - v - L ca et weetheart To save my aoul. I love one, I love twenty, I love jou and that's ft plenty. " . Will answer all mail. v , OR1CK O. TUTTLE, Rural Hall. X. C R. a. ,Ttom a Sampsoa County B07. Local Editor: I am a reader of your paper which-1 eniov van .. v on farm and like farm life. We bave organised . baseball team and I like to Play. I go to S. 8. and preaching every Sunday. How many of ou cousins talk about each otherl Thirf I don't think we aamild do. Many times those whom w talk about may be better than our selves. Always speak kind and gentle words to hearts that may be aad. If anyoue wishes to correspond with ft blue eyed girl, addreaa . - - - - CALTOJi WARREN, Cooper, X. Cn R. 1, Box 107. Prom ft Davie County Glii. IcaL fcditor: My father takes tbe u. R. and 1 sure do enjoy reading the Cousins' Page. I live on the farm and like farm life, but believe I -would like city life better. Mrs. Maggie B. Pully. I enjoy reading your, lettera. I wish to compliment Thelma Robertaon on her nice letters. I go to Sunday School most every Sunday and enjoy going. Round aa a ring that baa no end, So is my love for you, my friend. 'If anyone wishes to write te blue eyed gisl, addresa J - RUTH SMITH. Calaban, N. C, R.'l. . From ft Rockingham County Cousin. Local Kditor: -I just wish to say a Lfew words in regards to 'some of the lettera I bave read. One can not spend uuur better than reading good liter ature. 1 am 18 yeara old and go to r- f.mtt every day. My lies Is to obtain an education, for it is the only thing that lifts-one person above another. My lather is dead.. 1 have one fcrother ore s ster and a dear old mother. I bave been taught to do all the duties of borne. I try to make borne happv. If you plant htDpinesa around the - home, bountiful will be the harvest. Anyone wishing to correspond with a light bead and brown bippinesa around the home, bountiful eyed girl, my addresa CLEO HOLLAND. Stoneville, N C. From Walnut Core, SV C, Conain. Local Editor: rHave been awful bnsy of late, working and preparing land for future crop getting - ready for : coii, tobacco, and so n. I hure been liaving war .with the roots in a new rround for the last day or two "Uusb" don't ' that make anyone aay the most - lit tio old unnecessary funny word? Cous ins' 1 .Want to . say " a f e ; words ' this morning on the , subject of Keeping Cheerful.' You all know there -are times wKan .p.rvnn.', Koa rt ajtckms ind ilUtrir and vet it 1 oar dutv to keen cheerful, even though our own hearts be breakinr. Let's bide our heart aches anj gorrows behind a aanile. Speak ords of cheer to those aroand us who em more .'troubled than we. do. for hen we langlr the world muglM with us at if we weep ' we. weep alone. Bv tint keeping cheerful we help others as well as ourselves. So. - therefore, let's look on the bright side of life: If we da so we c?n get throngh the world muen better.' .Address CD. DAVIS. Walnut Cove, X. C, R. 4,. Box 26. - From ft Rockingham County Girl. " Local Editor: My grandfather takes the U. R. I think it ia a goou paper. I will iml- for mv snbiect. What - t Takes tn be a Good Cltixen. You shouH yt to school, bbey your parents and yocr teacher. Be kina ana true-to every r.no nH ilm ur "I'll try" to al wu An n v i.Kst ! tro through life. have a kind word for everybody, keep nice comnnny. talk nice in company, nev mr v anvihinr to anvone'a bark that vim wouldn't Ml to their face. Also you should read the Bible and study the word of. God and go to Sunday ti.hnnl snd church everr Sunday in stead of going to other places and er l.linfr 1 think It annum do me mien itm mn hit? and virl. aa they en id.r aehnni and flundav school, to do 4helr very best In trying to be ft good Viti-cr for onr country. I wish to com pliment Maggie B. P. and Etta rmd: .,. n tie lei tors of 'Mar 4th. and ln- Fme.t Brown of High Point. If you will practice what you preach you ni v... . mrmA old hubbv TjerhaDa. bal hl What are you cousins going to do file summer I We have a great dik wo-tr melon patch, also lota of grapes and apples nd peaenes. bo h 1 -nualna - ill come to aee me this sum- T rill treat -van on lota of good thin, to eat. arid a good time. Anyone wishing to correspond with a 14 year old girl. MHn CARDWELL. Mayodan. N. C. R. 1. Bon 86. From ft Randolph County GlrL Local Fditor Mr father takes . the good old TJ. R. and I think it ft goo i,.per. I want to aay s few worda on scripture. Yon conaina know that there are some people always trying i ti somebody else's buaineae and tryin to run you down to the very lowest they ft. A BA Wft VB AW. TlSl V Mil a -I III .an -hafl whaftr th beenlwr'onW,'"snT the? will it to yon. You cousins know thkt we are to do good unto them that do evil unto ua. Pray for your enemWTa. !- ?ou? neighbor!, aa yourself enl do unio oTher. ai God would bava. yon . to do unto you. Obey yoJr ia:beri ard uiothnr end I am snre Cod ;i you. You cousins read the 5th kpW of St. Matthewa. That ia a wonderful ?hspter It say- In Utk snd ! 1 :th verse. "Blessed are ye when men hall rerile you snd persecute you, and shsll say Sll manne? of He. . against o fely for my sske. Rejoice and be 1"rl,n -lid. 7for great is your reward . in tr....n for ao Tersecuted they tne Propheta which were before yon. know sometimes when IMopto - .1.-- 1..4 . wa eet mad over it nytning ''. - " - " v snd aiy something ftbout the m. out we should not pay BBy attention " they will aoon atop it when hey think are trying to '' PrtJ! 11 Saviour, ftnd they will think ?. bad better try to do their part. That s t"er .d better do J" stead of talking .bout you. When you do Tor part here, on earth your - re ward is great in Heaven, and so eoo"" let get right down on the job and do more i tur "L.W-' A"Tw ?ne past for our God. Then tbe f will be very lain to us. The Bime mIV "And Tall things, whatsoever ye Zhll ask in prayer.' believing, ye ahalj receive" So we had better watch an-1 pwy and we had hetter pray o"'' SiTt aometime. Instead of;Prin Mher people and .Wveourilyes out. FriensTlefa bf; PP"!. i?... VI tn compliment M. B. r. on Itturm, My " emmI SMITH, . Ashsboro, N. C, R Trom ft BUet City, K. 0, Coosin. TMjal K.tl,..-il ' .1... . " nine uoy nine yeara old and enjov reading the TJ, R. .? ,0" l! . H died January su.-lti.ti and T ne. : 1. 1 - - - bmiv wu bub nun. ja 1 nehool r an:i o t j . . , , ' I - " - - " mmt Lmm uiu,. air m 1 . 1 11. J A mm m . ' . . . s got B rer- ii,j rvfj"' v"?. d,y nd not b- ing tardy. I help farm now and enjov it ery well. Her ia little erae 1 usually quote when l ret tir.d- I wish I vii a rock. Bitting on ailL ? I wouldn't eat. I wouldn't sleep, I wouldn't eren wash my feet. - - - . wu ! k. I wi j mm tuuu.MUU inn. 11 .Im. ft... 1. 1 ' a . 1 is - - - www wj ...m'i riauie; wdst it that goes around butting I Any of the . ( uuri wtsuillg I4j write me, address , "ERBERT TEAGCE, tier City, N. C, R. 3.' Bi From ft New Cotsstn, Local Editor: My father Ukes the . R- an4 I tkinlr t im m ..J. m - mm I.UU aN. Some t say , they don't go to Sunday School. I would like to know why! I live near the Yadkin river. I am. 15 yeara old. I will ask you cousins some questions, and tbe one answering : them correctly will receive a letter. I How Binv rntrinm war f Mm v. baaj t 9 Who waa" the 4kost faithful man VVTho waa the strongest man! 4 who waa the irst Vin T....1 1 s Who was the wisest man t 6 How long did it take to build the1 templet Mag- r, nope you are Better. Also Mattia Oivan. Anvnna wirkinv tn address LUCY VESTAL, -Boonrllle. K. R. 2. . From ft School Girl. - Local Editor: Mv fatbee lrja tha XT. R. and I think it ia a Sne naner. Father, mother, aister. and I tnoC n trin to Maricopa. California, three yeara ago. I stayed eleven months. I saw a great deal en my way there and back, we went over tbe Southern route. When' we started for borne we spent one day in Bakerafleld, one day and night in Los Angeles. We are planning to take another trio to California tbia fall. I have--, four uncles in California. . Uncle Cletua, Curtis Stafford and Uncle Jake Teague and Robert Williams. And also two aunta. Aunt Mageline Teague, and Aunt Mary Williams. My addresa ia J1IS.M1S MA1EL1.MS TKAUUE, Kernersville. X. C. Box 11. . From ft Florida Cousin. Local Editor: I bave been livlnr in Florida for the past eleven weeka. My former home waa in Punn, N. C. I am a Tar Heel, and proud of it, but nm I will be a Cracker -from now en. fori am ia love with Florida. If tome of you cousina from . O. will come to ae me I will show you a good .time, for I have nothing to do but go swimming, and on picnics, and eat orangea. How many, of you cousina remember seeing a letter" from me in the TJ. R. wbile I wae in Camp Sevier, Greenville,. 8. C.I received -groot ' many letters and cards nd annreceiated them -Jill, but- it was impossible to answer all ef tem. If O ..- !lr this letter please answer it. If any of you cousins wish to answer thia .letter, send ym- wll to - LEE ROY STRICKLAXn. Maitland, Fla. From a Virginia Cousin. Local Editor: I am a stranger to tjie TJ. R. I live in Virginia, end have for three years. My' home is in North Carolina. That is how I got acquainted with-thia paper; I just want to thank tha cousins for aome of pieir nire letter, especially on the seripture anil how -rtrls cught to dress, and how people ought to live. On February 22, 1910. I fotn' peace with Ood, th'OOsh Jesns Christ, anf 'mm thxt dsy until now I have enjoyed life, and e'-er dy. tbanV Ood. ret better. Lillie Thomaa. of Winston Sulem N. C. yonr letter wa good. I thank vou for it. I tliink th's pnper ' wouH be a real good paper if it were filled up with such sermon as ' tht instead o' temporal things. If the Editor wPP be ao kind as to permit me to do so, I.wjl' write next time on tbe subject of Re pentance, the Xew Plrf. R. BT. POWERS Roanoke. Ve- 629 S. Jefferson St. "Jtn a Consul." Local Editor: :Hey dar, Cousins gueaa you'll be "aprised to see me come in, but I won't stay long. Vat haa you coHirinl tinlTydufve' oftu-domg aince de ol rabbita laid! 1 naven t aeeu -. uc rabbita yet. Oueaa I'ae been too mean, don't yout Well, where ia dat old "sub -iectl" You all know what 1 mean, don't you i Listen, somebody start a new subiert next time. 1 can't, 'cause von see I'ae a wee bit bashful, seei Ssy. does anybody know where Karo and aome of de ole auntiea are! I'de sure like ter kno. l ie a getting sea sick to bear of them again. Oertrude Cooper, I saw your riddle, but it was too. much for me to answer, but I want to aee that answer to it. Well, I be lieve I said I wouldn't stay long, didn't I f So don't forget me an I'll be bacK real aoon. JESS A GIRLIE. Tobaccoville, K. V. , . From ft New Conain. Local Editor: My father takea the TJ. R. and 1 aure enjoy reauing it. Cousins, don't you think the Editor is s fine old man to be so kind aa to print onr letters 1 ""'I do." and I am aure all of ua appreciate it, if we don t we should. I am girl between 14 and .15. I go to school at Fuquay Springa High Scuool. I enjoy going to school very much and I think everyone ahould atrive lor aa education. Herd is a piece of poetry I would life to see in print: "MEMORIES." As I eat in tbe auadow of nightfall, Old memories came back to me. -I beard the call of my mother, Aa I aat under the old apple tree. Memories of dear old mother, n All my aecreta I fain would tell. Memories of dear old father. Who did hie work ao welL Memories, of my dear little sister. I rocked in tha old rocking chair, Memories of my uear litt.o broiuer. With beautiful golden hair." Memories of when I went to the city. And left all my dear ones behind, To get a good education ' A" aoul and a heart and a mind. And now I'm going back to my dear ones, Back to my dear old borne; To be with them, now forever. So over the fielda 1 can roam.. L RETHA SMITH. Fuquay Springe, it. C, Box 188. From a Siler City, K. 0. Cousin. ' v 1 rjA. Wonder If yott neODle -re -e-l busy now f Well, you ean juat Imagine that I am. Hello, there I E. Bar- .u..tk.h,U. a 1 an hnl 0-11 d you do not recognise me in this suit. Well, i m tne same iu vnnr - nraiurr. uu -. . - early laat fall. Do you remember now f Kula r tetcner, vrara ti'"""" or rather me. what ia the aiae of the . - xu.v.t and all abnnt it! town 01 . , -- --- lo you wonder why I eakf Why, that ia my name, auu "." ... ... ! 1. r ,m r.llin. ni -AtBff to ffMiieU m mm. mmmm ---"B Watauga county thia auutmer. Perhaps Will get tO V1SH IBI.rawn. . . .. Tk. w a wmr mhilm wiaa you an - - - ---- dren that need an education are tbe onea that could not get " . f-"" . j n aatul the atndenta to school, most of them -would not be able and we would find a few thst care noth ing about education, kov ana uieu, " hear aome uneducated .person aav, "l t along without en education, and I am . I liu inhn - a HMirf ' inat aa row- " ""..""", , -Those men are atandmg in their own . 1 1 ney Beeo 10 ir""" ' . world enough to see what an edu- the tion ia worth. I am planning to go ca school this aummer. 1 wu yard getting an education. ' Hello. Butler, now a --- you back at home. jU our to one to tne b ' L. Beavol Johnnie Zieglar I m with you ;: din.. A naaatsl IS tit il- at dlH DOUI IlBllURa vsww--- .-.v . V A rusting to hoar the boys talking about f!s "-kiasing girls." bon't ;-1 knowl .Haven't I eoBslns, nrotners - ana friends I "aH -". .T7 ..i. Ilnre a a pea picture ei wjr. . -. Itere a a . k v, k.;. enmbed color ia becoming to . and would look real ugly if it waaa't . 7or the freckles They show up so welland of course I them. wcif a "-"T .. . . 11. v swabs . alata .J'lABt DltMity of jrtermelon mud caaicloaps. cotts.nl, for I like thoo - ... . XJAsUaU Vib ' Siler City, X..C . - THE UNION REPUBLICAN, Y7HTST0N-SALEH, N. 0. JUNE 15, 1922. , From ft Wake County Girl. - Lock Kditor: I so to at-bool Fuquay Svringa. My aa-a ia between 14 nd 15. My father is ft Democrat. I won't aay what I will 'jo when 1 get old enough to. vote. I aui going to ask some questions: ... 1 White as milk but milk it lan t, green as grsss but graaa .It isn't, red, as blood but blood it isn't, black as ink butv ink it isn't I 2 What and where ia the shortest verse in the Bible! 8 What ia it that is ao ashamed that it keeps its hsnds over its fsce all the timet . PAUUXJC GRIKFIS, Fuquay Springe. X. C. Frsm Aa Old Virginia Bachelor. ! t Local Editor: I wiab ' to thank the Local Editor for printing our lettera, for it a nice of hint to give na ft' Mge to bxprena our thougata. : also wish to thatak all y.w rouairs wbcf havj written and complimented me on my lettera. I think it's, so nice indeed to bave some one to give ua boya good advice aa aome of yon cousins 'do, aa I am sure a lot of tne boya would be a lot smarter i' they would1 take tbe good -advice aome of tbe cousins give them. But it seems like there are lot at boya who do ao bad I can't see bow the .girls could love them, and there are a lot of bad girls uu. lney jnst do' su mean I den t aee bow a boy could love them at all. I am almoat sure that a aweet and s nice lit tle girl - ia the niceat thing- on earth, and God's beat gift to man. This sure would be a happy old world if all the girls and boya were smart, aa I'm -sure ft girl or boy will never regret being nice and smart. - We ran take notice of the nice girl who ia ateady and smsrt, for moat of the boys don't care to go with them because they . can't have a big time with them, but if they want s companion they will call on tbe nice girl to be their wife.. Moat -of toe boys like the girla that . they can bug and kiss because they can have ft big time, aa they call it. I gueaa that is human nature, for it is very- bard to keep from kiaaing a- pretty girl, ao most of the boys aay. Most of the boys like to hsve a big time with .the fast girla, . who - will give, them a big time,. It a ft mystery to me what keepa the boya from eating the girla up, for we can very often aee aome of the boya with the'.r arma around the girla' neeks, and also aome of the girla will have their arms around the boys' necks, and it ia a mystery to me what keepa the girla from eating the boya uf. rm mis ia what the girls and boya call having ft big time. I don't believe nice girls and - boya would -want to do that kind of a way. Someone was speaking of boya drinking whiskey." I'll aay that ia a very bad habit to take ap. for whiskey is all right in aome ways, and all. wrong in other "ways. But I think, it is best not to use it, beeauae moat of the boya who drink will keep on drinking. Having formed the habit, they cannot quit until ruined. A cousin said in a recent issue of the TJ. R. she didn't I'M what ft lady could promise herself if she married a drunkard. I'll aay I don't know either, but- nine timea out of ten they never do amount to anything. Some of the girls ssy they had rather be poor man's darling than a rich man's slave. I'll aay a poor man's darling ia a lot better off if ahe haa selected a poor, man. because most of the irlch mai want to be having a big time aomewhrre ue, and leave tueir wife at home' 10. his slave, ao I think that a about so. Some men ssy all they care for a woman ia to atay at home, and they aay home l the place for women to atay. I'll aay they should stay at home and help their wives aome, too. Oirla aure are fortu nate to get ft nice man, and men snre arc fortunate to get a nice girl. lo not think I mean there are no niee men, for I think there sre lota of nice men and women, too. Thelma Roberaon, your let ter waa fine. Also Etta Tjrainger had a real interesting one. , Annie belton and Lottie Cobbler, have you deserted the TJ. R.T I wish to coinpiainent Kauni Leak, Josie Baldwin.' Jennie rulit and Ernest Brown on their nice letters. I wish to, thank -all you cousins for your nice let- tera and compliments. May Ood blesa) each and everyone of you. I think tl ere isn't anything any nicer :nsn a good lits tla elrl All who- would care to write. your letters Will certainly be highly sp-, preeiated. - BEN WATK1S8, Price, y. C. ' - '. Doc and. Karo.". ....U Local Editor: Once more - we vnnr circle inst for a while. We a at Simms, N. C, bnt we are leavih iwn When von cousina read this. Kara) will bt back home in -lft: : Holly Uae gatdesw. spot 0 te WArld. 1 Wfa I atay where we never aee ft gin and nc many " boys. The ones we do seey si wild. Of 'course we can tame wild womei but we can't get Jiear enough to si "Howdv." to the girla down hre. Waa we Ion; for ia a pretty girl and a moon light night. "Oh Boy. you ;kt "nh Rv " von all know tne song. Oite Me the aooniifns. -uive ma a srirl ana leave tne rest to me That 'a us " exactly. It has been" a few months aince we have been with a girt We like a little hug and kisa once in a wl ile. We are going to get mir ried if we ever have any spare timf M in too busy now. Old-"Doc ana "Karo" aure do believe in, a food time. We are goinc to give lessons on bur ring and kissing before long. The les sons will be free. 1 am "kinda 'fraid it will be dull bnainesa, because most people already know hoWi ; Write ua, girla, each and every one. "KARO" JOHNSON. Simms, J. C, Box 82. ; p. Trom a Poor He'pless Ona. Local" Editor: I thought I wonld write again to let all of the dear readers 1 ear from me. Well, kind friends I s feeling some better since I started tak ing the medicine I waa telling you all about in vny last letter. My joints have about all awaged down and I don't suf fer with much pain now, and I can rest pretty good. at night. Bnt my jointa are atiff yet. They dow t aeem to Le doi very little loosened. I hope and trust in God that they will get ao I can walk again. So I ean ' do for myseM. My Ammmm f.l.nila tun IciHt it roes bard wi'H poor me to bave to lay here perfectly helpless and can'ti do a thing ior my self. Bnt I hope and trust that it mar be God'a will for me to get well. I am more than thank al to you all that bar helped me. and I hope and tru that yon will continue to help me a lit tle ao I can get my medicine and a few clothes to wear. Would .be glad to meet yon all and bave a good long talk with you all. and I know If-you all ennld see me and aee what a bad 4a dition I am in you could not help from Im mg sorry for ne. I am all. drawn up in a pitiful condition, and I know al that bave any feeling for . tbe poor and afflicted ones could not help from helping me if they . just only could see Tne. I sra a poor boy and help less and bsve nothing at all to aupport nrvself, only what 4a given to me by people that bave mercy on me, and n iome. Ho yon alK aee 1 have a bard lima and a lot of trouble. I am aeemg trouble now, for I feel that no on carea anything for me and dont want me around them. I don't thins that anyone will ever lose anything for what they do or give to a poor helpless one like me. -t ami sincere in v have written. Some may think l am ten ing atorlea. but if ; anyone don't believe what I have said, please come to sea me. Have mercy on me and help me a little ao V ean get my medicine so I csn continue taking it. Now I want to apeak -a few worda to the young boya ana ffirla: Mnva and cirls. I don't mean al' of yon, but the moat of the boya an" . . ... !1J m. U Alinfl giria nave gone-wnu, mrj saw here. An the most of them ia studyins ia a bir time, going car riding and . night meetings, and they will go in all kinda of company. The most of tbe girl" have gone eraxy it looks like.- It tneir parenta will let them, they will go off with anyvkind of a boy esr'ridinr, day or night, and will go with them in any kind of company. But. girla .let me tell you, there are lots' of girla today that e ruined forever, juat by. diaobeymg their parenta and . going car riding ; with everything that comes along, and stay ing out at night until midnight with the boya car riding. Now girls, if you .ever expect to get to Heaven you will have to atop, that ear riding and going win bad company and obey your parents and to euch and get right with Ood. it tou don't, you sure will go to torment. Yon must study what ia going to become of yon after yon leave this world and not study the worldly things. There are the boys, they will get drunk and curse and go in ell kinda of bad eomnany'. and do everything that is mean. ut no" d .rs let me tell yon an yon are go ing to bate tbe way yon are doing so-" But it will be too lata after tne devil haa you. , Let as ask yon all. for Christ's sske, please stop doing wrong and do rieht, ao when yon die and lest this world tou" esn go to Heaven. want' you all to remember me and -help me all you can. - K. O. BISSETT. Middlesex. N. C, E. T, V. 2, Box 93.' From ft Springfield, K. C Cousin. f.fw-.l . Vj !. . . ... ' rr i . . . TOour 01 tne w. R. and think it ia a nice paper. I school girl 13 years old, ftnd think erybody ought to try for ft good edu cation. Some of you cousina .writo in teresting letters, while some are not ao good.. Daddy's Girt, Mirpah. MC. C.. gueas you are atill doing fancy work aueh as 1 - watering mulea and i aplitting wood. Would be glad to hear from me of yott cousins. 5 o , . , t DALLI8 WAGONER. Springfield. IS. CV , i i From ft King'a Mountain, IT. Q. Cousin. Local Editor: My father takea the u. R.. I think the Cousins' Page is I1,."':.:.1. M only girl in , the family. I'U be 16 yeara old tu July. I love te go to school. I think everybody ought to get an education. I love to go to Sunday school and v church, i Any boa y wr'ing to correspond with me, my ad- , . JULIA WILLIAMS, King'a Mountain, N. O, do Pboenig Mill j From H. C. Conain.! ' Local Editor: I am a little girl, 11 years old. I like to read the U. R. I think it Ia ft good paper.. It is so nice of the . Local Editor to let the cousina have a page to expreaa their i thoughts Thi ia my first letter, ao I may be a little green at first. I go to Sunday school every Sunday that' I can. How many of you cousina like to read books? I have read - "Temptest and Sunshine," "Littls) Women," and "(arlata of the Rancho." How many of you cousins take muaiel I do. I like it just fine 1 take twiee a week. Thelma Robertson, your letter waa juat fine. : If any of you cousina want to write to a blue eyed girl, let the mail fly to ! JEWEL FARLOW, Glen Raven, X. C. i From Two "Good Looking Consins." v Local Editor: We bsve read ao many good lettera until we thought we would write a abort one. We are both fond of car riding. I, Robert, have a ear,, and my sister and myself get another boy snd girl and go ear riding. I We bave quite a time. Both of ua would be glad to have aome of you good 'looking cous ins go to ride with us. How about go ing to aca some of you aometime f I. Robert, am 20. I, Murrel, ami 18 years I of age. So you see we are ' right about ; the right agea to enjoy ourselves.- and help others to bsve a good time, for you see we are fond of each other. Ssy, what has, become of Princie Oreen f We are very sorry for her. Will: aome . of yon cousins send ns her addreas t We would like to write to her. We would also like to hear from aome of you good looking boya and girla. Let ua try to keen the lettera good. All mail will be answered. ROBERT '-AND MUBKkVL RUSSEL, Holly Ridge, X. C. ; ! A Wilkes County Girl. Local Editorr-r-My papa Ukes tbe rood old TJ. R. and yon better bet I en joy reading tbe Cousina' Page. I-can crochet and tat and do many other things. Mr-. VJ. B. P.. Naomi Cole. En Watkins and Karo, write good letters. . Ruby Hart the answer to your riddle is M. Send on your card. I live on the farm, but like city life better. I have been to aeverat different- citiea and it waa lone some when I came to the country. I am the only child. I have no brothers or sisters living. Papa, mamma and stay with grandma. Orandma and I have lots of flowers. .We both like to work . with them. I dearTy love mv -randma snd if ia lonesome when she goes away. My pets are a kitten an' little cbickena.and a calf. Clemie and Me DiUard of Hays, N. C, I think 1 know you both. If any one of yon cousins wish to .correspond with a 12 year old girl, address . . OMA WALKER. Reddiea River. N. C. R. 1. Box 48. - From a Country GirL V Local Editor: Father i takes the TJ. R. and there is no paper I enjoy any better. I read Mrs. R. W. I Alexander'a letter and thought it waa fine, for it made me want to write a few words, for I think a flirt ia about aa low down as Derson can get. . A flirt is a liar, and can a ur itunnu -.nc . . v will fool np some good girl and tall ber all kinds of -lies and she will be true to fclm, and be will get her to loving bim all he can and the next thing you know he 'Is aome where- else- feeling - aome other girl the very same way. i He baan't any earo for himaelf or anyone else. They. , . V. . .vi 1 A;.. a lw.tr I ere everywhere you go. . B'oys. if you aon t care anyming ir jmi bo. She will think more of you. I hate to see boya flirting with a gin anoevery fin" sre "vs to mm ia irus, Bewsre i - - - n ,Pt ju(tt wbst you -- --- - - . .,, . ,. th. .orv ., VW 1 mtmjmm, mmm m. f. . . , way. All they care fori is to get that boy to love them, and then th?y will let bim go. and bras: about it and think she ia doinr fine. But after a while no one will notice her, and that is Just what tiT . cap. 0:rl and boys. oi t flirt, for that ia about the worse thine; vo c do. Let' hear from some of you on" this subject. Hope the paper will keep on improving in every way. ' lOTTIK MAIK SIDES. 'Ashley HeigliU. X. C. j " .' . rrom Two Uraly Conains. Local Editor: Do you like to go In bsthingt We are just icraty about it. We are going to the beach : aometime soon nd r in bathing. We! went car riding last Sunday and you know we earnet our "bestest" girlies. Etta Lewis snd rra Cooper, we like to eread your lettera. Also "Jack'a." Daddy 'a Girl, come gin and tell ua about yonr quilts. Gee I it will be a lucky guy that geta you with all that many quilts. Do anv of you remember Princie Green a aa dreset If so, please ' write us. Etta Tyainger, we think ru would make a. very rod preacher. That's right, lit tle girl." Keep the good word going on. L. J. MeGee, we agree with you. We don't think- a hug and a kisa is sny hsrm sometimes, but you know too much of 'anything is worse than not enough Cousins, we are planning to take a trip U California some time the near fu ture. W sre expecting! to have all grades of fnn. We wish aome of you couisns could go with uaj We are longing for you, girhes, Longing dsy by dsy, j We kno- it won t be long, Till we'll te away! ' im wen FnWARD i EVANS, EARL EVANS, : Holly Ridge, N. C. j j - Trom "a" Newport, X. 0 Cousin. Local Editor: The girls and boya of this place are preparing wo nave grr.. aport gVing in bsthing this w'J" the big pond. S live three miles a. in.ntii. Ocean, and we have some fnn in that pond during tha summer months. If any of yon :..t t earn to be' .alii water dnck. eomi down and I will g.v yon a dip I am between the age oi ii ana your card and VTKkLLKWIS. :Kewport,y.C. R. f. D. 1. Box 43. Trom Two Surry County Conaina. Local Editor: Our father takes the TJ R. and- we think it is a good psper. We csn make lace an i center pieces Fannie Leake writes good letters. If sny bf tou cousins have any geraniums, we would like to have some "?,nfr m . . - ... v i.n !V did have navtr a nine - - --.r ,ui . Anr and the other day in followed grandpa to Pilot .Mountain, and it atraveii off or followed someone. Me was a little yellow flee. Hie name was "Trin " If any ot you cui him or hear tell of bim please write tt a card and we - will i come after ftlm. a cara ana gf,TB j WHTTAKE'R, ALLIE WHITAKEB, , Siloam, X. C. R. U Bo 84. "Hero Wo Coma." ; Local Editor: I think it Is kind o' the Local Editor to give the yniing W pie a pe tn this f wonderful paper don't youf -Wonld like to have a seat o-r by "Karo." for lust one or two mroutea. If he don't mind sitting byus. How are tou getting alonf-f ' hope. Carl where; m the world bave . Wa read yonr vletter in Comfort, and it waa just tdT' rnd. Msrrie B. Pnllr. Ida .Tnrner. Etta Brad ahaw. Ravmomi - uassa. ry. ."- -mond. .Gilly, O rare Wile.. Mattie ; llflll VnnfV IM'I" , ..... mmmm - - - interestinr letters, wo win mail. Addresa Ol ADYS BR ITT, Bi'scoe. N. C, R. 1, . '. l"xATIVC BROMO QUININE Tablets remove the reuse. "ero le out on "SI Onlnina." TJ W. GROVE'S Big- nstoro on box. SOa. ! Advartiaomant. WILL STUDY EUROPE'S TRADE CONDITIONS . 1 Col. Michael Friedsam, head of B. Altman & Co7 New York, was selected by President Harding to investigate the . trade condition of Europe - Colonel Friedsam, when head of the Fair Price Commission, was once asked how the people might know when they were get ting, fair prices, and instantly re plied. "Read advertising." Piles Cured In 6 to V' Days Prnggists refund money if PAZO OIT T : n! ! Mt.T falls to core itching, Klind, uieed Ing or protruding Piles. Instantly reliev lulling Piles, and you can get reatfn aleep after the first application. I'rli-e V eanta. n Advortiaement.) Do Like Your Friends Have Don Get This Wonderful Set of China i For Only Eight Subscribers saVJaMaaaavMafft 'w-aaBBjMsaasjayfjpar. JO m: $IA. Some ol tbe many who have gotten! a set o! ware aad are pleased with it. Pearl Jen'-.s, Neuse, U. C. R. Mrs. .las L. Godw -Benson. N. O. If. 2 Mrs. W. H. Blalotlt. Lurama, N. C. j J. A. Young,- j Madison, X. C. R3 Miss Marv Dull. I Lewisville. X. O. Mrs. L. B. Gardner. Fuquay Spgs, N. j C Mrs. Harvey Glas coe It. 1 Kernersville, N. f C Mrs. C. T. Boylos,! High Point, X. C. Mrs. T. P. Bowles.! Hiflcnito, N. O. John H. Moflfit, It. (1 Ashebnro, N. -C. j Mrs. Roy Collins, ! Elkin, N. C. Mrs. J. E. Warren! Germanton, N. C. Miss Ruby .Tarvis. ! Roaring 'River N.C -- i Miss Mary Win free, ttummerucld, N. O. W. Money. Winston Sulem, KC Mrs. Lou Vestal, Asheboro, N. C, Mrs. Willie Rowers. Thoinasvillo, X. C. Mrs. Floyd Jernigan Dunn, N. C. . K. 8. Jen Wins, R'. 4, Kings. Mountain,! Miss Thelina Dawkon Dunn, N. C. K. ! 6 Mrs. Corbin F.Veret t tnocowimty.ji.tj A. W. Moon, Ri Snow Camp, S.C. Geo T. Manly. ' High Point, X.C. jjiiss r iorence l oggings rsanii.ra, . c. Mrs. II. PaROnr, Dallas, N. G. Miss Mildred CraTch, . v-aiem,. Zi. u. ier j Snow Hill, N.C.! Miss Z.McPherson Asheboro, X. C Miss Jessie Mills, Neuse, N. C. i From Cedar urore, N. C, Cousin. Lornl Editor: I . haven't enough ex perience on tbe II. and K. subject to swimming any time. How many of you sute my views. At east, I prefer like fishing! I think it is fine sport. I hope Karo finds his corn-fed girl, with corn-silk hair, . and - corns on her feet. M-.! ral Has anyone heard ot Van Manesst He seems to bsve disappeared Hope he will write, soon. How many of you eouKins csn answer thia riddle! What is it that first walka on four legs, then on two lege, then on three legal If any of you cousins wish to write to a blue eyed boy of 18, addreaa j Y. K. COLE MAS, I Cedar Grove, N. C, B. 1. li'o 20. Recommends Chamberlain's Tab- lets. Chamberlain's Tablets 'have been used by my husband and -myself off and on for the past 5 years. When my hus band goes away from home he always takes a bottle bf them along with him. Whenever I have that heavy feeling after eating, or feel dull "and played out, I lake one or two of Chamberlain's Tablets and they fix me up fine," writes Mrs. New ton Vreeland, Minoa, N.-'Y. Take these tablets wher troubled with constipation or indigestion and they will do i you good". Advertisement. j NOTICE Of SALE.. Having as a mechanic repaired one; cer tain Chsndler automobile, belonging to W. H. Tavia. of thia county, and bavins charred for making said repair the 1 sum of one hundred and thirty-one dollars and fifty rents, which amount the isaid W U. Tavis bas failed to pay, and 'hav ing retained possession of the said Soto nubile in -order to preserve my Helv o' 't. Now. therefore, in aitordanre with Section 2435 of the Consolidated Statutes of tbe State of North Carolina, I will, en the 2 6th day of July, 1921, at 12 o'clock, noon, sell at public auction at the fc-nt door of my shop, on 502 E. Fourth St., Wiuston-Halovti, -V C, the said handler Aatouiobile, to the highest bidders ior eagh. i INDEPENDENT WELDING' COMPANY. E. K. Cullorn, Attorney. 2t. - ' . ' i The picture you see here represents a beau tiful 24-Piece Dinner Set of high class Chi na. It consists of 6 plates, 6 cups and sau cers, 1 large platter, 1 vegetable dish, 1 deep bowl, and 1 cream and sugar 24 pieces enough to serve any, ordinary-sized family. Each piece is handsomely decorated in four colors in the Berkley Scroll pattern, and is of the Colonial style in shape. A gold band encircles the edges with a j delicate blue stripe on the inside. The plates are 8-inche3 in diameter with liberal proportions for all other pieces. - j Imagine how this "beautiful new set of dish es would look on your table1 for every-day or "company" use, and how proud you would be to show them to your friends and tell them you got them without paying a. penny out of your own pocket. HOW TO GET THEM - To tell you in a few words hbw you can get this entire set, we will say all you need to do is secure eight new subscribers to the. Union Republican for a year at $1.50 each. Send us the names and addresses, together with the $12.00 you collect, and we will for ward direct to you one of these Dinner .Sets carefully packed in an individual carton. You will never regret the little time and effort required to secure this small club of subscribers for your favorite newspaper, and the sooner you begin to work, the sooner you will receive this handsome reward. THIS OFFER IS OPEN TO all and we have enough D nner Sets for " everybody. START RAISING YOUR CLUB TO-DAY! and be sure and write your. order plainlv and fully. Forward it to j THE UNION REPUBLICAN Premium Dept. Winston-Salem, N. C. Page Sevexl To Stop a Cough Quick Uke HAYES HEALING HONEY.- cough medicine which stops the conch by healing the inflamed and irritated tissue ' A box of GROVE'S O-PENVTRAH SALVE for Chest Colds. Head Colds and Croup is enclosed with every .bottle ol HAYES HEALING HONEY. The salve should be robbed on the chest and throat of children suffering from a Cold or Croup, The healing effect of Hayes Bealinf Honey to side the throat combined with the healing effect id Grove's O-Peo-Trate Salve through tha poree td tbe skin sood stops a cough. Both remedies are packed In one carton and Um cost of tbe combined tre mentis 33c. . , Just ask your dtugglst for ;HAYES ' HEALING HONEY. . , THOMPSON'S DRUG STORE EVEBYTHXNQ IN DEUG3 MEDICINES, y s TOILET ARTICLES AND TN SUNDRY AND VARIED goods. ; truss rirrraa A SPECIALTY - PARCEL POST -. ORDERSIGIVEN PROMPT AND CAREFUL ATTENTION THOMPSON'S OLDEST MOST RELIABLE HERE ABE OTHERS. Mrs. Alvin Morris, Norwood, X. C. Mrs. I.onal B. Dawson, 11. 6, Dunn, N. C. Lurinda Bissett, , K. 1. Sims, X. C. Geo. Cofer, Spray, X. C. Miss Belle James, Wjnston-Salem, X. C. R. P. Ferrell, R. 2, Lucama. N. C, Mrs. D. B. Dupree. II. I, Angier, X. C. Mrs. C. W. Skinner, It. 1, Fhsrpsburg, X. C. E. M. Wstts, i Rockingham, X. C. Mm. .T. P. Slapback, Henderson, N. C. , W. -F. Dollir, West Vurham, X. C. D. R. Ingle, Glenn Haven, X. C. Mrs. P. T. I.araiuore, Winston Salem, X. C Mrs. J. M. Junes, Kannapolia, X. C. Sad ia Cobh, Farmville, X. C. L R. Tucker, ' F.ther, X. C. Mrs. Ouy P. Ambura. Max, Va. Mrs. D. P. Yokelev.. K. S. Winston-Salem. X. C. Eliza J. Cook,' K. 1, Altamahaw. . X. C. v - Miss M area ret Fite. R. 21. Iluntersville. I. Xewton Smith, R. 1, Hiddenite. N. C. Mrs. L. B. Gardner, , R. 1, Ramseur, X L, D. M. Dennis, Troy, X. c. Miss Oladys Horton, It. 5, Durham, X. C Mrs. Kyle L. Coltrano R. 1, Randlenian. N C. Mrs. J. H. Marley, Ciastonia, X. C. R. T. Wallace. Sinithneld, X. C. Miss Alms Tultle, R. 3. Thoaiasville, N. O.

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