THE NEW NQR Til STA TE. Wis. S s pALL EbiTon. - llie Finance Vettv Wednesday, April, 29th 1874. TltOMAS It PURNELL, j . c .Fbrxjlw - Worm-d-sh,' jUi ar-other pb.tbe ttesssef the Pre len t; Yetoirg wLi is generally fciiowil! as the Inflation CHJ. It seccu Uci tUt Terr llUl more can be said besides What th President so clearly and forcibly n- The great rains cf tlh Utv low weeks, bare inflicted Knots damagi cpou the southern ootxslry. ' The Mis- ksippi river has overflowed iU Lanka, tnathe smaller streams t.avo also flooded: tbo country, carrying "death and devastation among the inhabitants. Tlic Pre Mrut' Mr-J. tUkre-ag U-TTtr&ta veto ases- r Or flu l-mwita 1 nrarn Uil N. Cl?.et!U ed Aa act to fix tl axacr-rx cf t'md ftm ocOm au4 t- tlzrolilkia of rt-lWjd Unl aid far other rJVJ-ja" iiLt say Ttr?.L la doto fc I tao4 rrrc.- rry tv-r? a Uiug aLU to citi cst BM(t.t to a &iean wtka V t.Tt fwN-xiber of cattle and hogs hare per-.Has ncmed the mmdniwTUiii preGses; for the only question is, after ,v,t, " itL lo fLo- b,tu iJTLa.Uw. The m&wnAbrm woold rcrpodfaQy ng-it t!it the eosTewpendx nt af the Era u bo tirna him If lj c-lfjrd I-r?iw.b- bears' ihonll obtain the ccrj-rid vl in- divid-als bcforoVt-le.-r thejr t-ame- to a noto ff vjeuhi:? thi f- abhcatkn cf hit article. Jt-xa-x jlWeseemetobenor 4oubtthat the ofBtdd MountafixhavT been re ly alarmed, and, it appeaM, -with good reason. "We gite tbe lateet account elsevtere. t ' , cf the Lrgiiiatare declxnr the rtccit all, whether or not tbe currency shall u' " k 1 ulj " v' . .... TirtbxttiLrra r . . . .... r. . drowned are ttamnc. . Tbe people are i to da a&t br.ii. to juu'j wnctt -) A great Lao and cry Lx Wxu rayd ucoeu u u a war ...... . . i iLii Demi' iwcTil awit nr inc Enmnp i fw nnarr omcwrm ww n ti u ni.uiwM 1 1 . .. . 1 1 . . ... . -.,- . t .1. . ; newedauyaijepowwji rtBideismay ridOetpbeiet General. Urant, in Tie w of bia pabt - r thedweUersonananaruiemoTmuuiiaregre u-ecordiuwl utterancos. could not weU r . . . lUnkj ail rrAJUtui tetat kti te4 L. "I " " 1.7. : "7 iM.o iL SixL- i-llm aJ do otherwise tnaato, dieapproTe this , , , .... ... J." xTTT .TM " -t.i I t-l of a!lfiicf rittA.auf other taUj HiUr tb , Sec.aUja rl tie measure: and in. doint? bo, be calls the i . r; 7 . 7 r - . 1 UxeoicUJiT tie UUlurrtrtlmi-r cirroU- and cooatriee tocooeioto Ncrth lt-l-1 i-ararc. asrumii py tte attenUoniOf UepubhCaCB to . tbO ISCt, JLaatef Mm.Mtad(r cirraWl. . wnottLc,ht a!rL3 cuUl t.t ItcUul in .l-wmtjoo; tint in t.4 t l;r&6k vae fwt, sea an ee cf tbe vtlif el oCca botrwr. aante! tie Js.1jc Ltt- ?n a e no t-wn ttmi iwnwsl re tcri-v le lore u.t rctsse CA?nrt cf ttiaU. eosunacaic Tn ltttr t?irt-r ar. II abov by kAt astberitr b bod U-4 !- noe ex uoTemar, oi um fu aa- wtr to Uaa vr.t 2J tbe rroOaH-oa of tbe ceruScale t'xdtjr Lte"trflrtr For Sale. '-VT BUGGIES, A1 fcal feome of oci southern co-temporaries see in the President's veto, an attempt on bis part, wy iuk ft V4 wrw ea lit tf . rr:. i ; . r v inL I ea2 and vetoes Jth fii iximbecaBathiplahe. .... i,if , TVa imu haanothirgto Both claee, Uunlcth7 jr . . . -oW ftfft taond, at first opposing this cLanpe, dwcovt;revilirioavesinuierrd6-t)ec "VP",? -.-J mi a i r At e i -n it I" " ' , 1 i; . 1 . .1 . . - : .nv . 1 t uoat uiToung xor vue nuance uw, , . - . v . i. mfc rirr. t . . - i - i. limn liif iittiiiit'i iu virrc.'Liuuni. Tmi'i nunirii rn i.rninr nnni nn iairuiTT 11'. 'j - " to be a-ewKMate for the thud tornaOthmaajl are departing Jjpnv. tbe declarauonal . .. . .... , .1 i; vo14 ic:v eimjaoixi. It to a tar the State by the Kin of Orwrt HnVun bbciTen.tsa111iopcs M, ttw f their ca-j ,T7 -r , , , 7 lw'rWB tUi tt to iwctioc. tfc-lprl, to ths I'.errunry wr, and o "reui-TO . I It f r.d t,at the f.nt Gortrracr w t m inu-nht w . nnT r.i . . i n n&. i - ' - - " I . . . - . . : L M Tl ' . f k hmth rhA I Til. nnOITIPGH 1 1 . I I - T I 111 LilH UJU11U T.I V .. . I liieiT own ueexus ure iuu vi - w w - t w c'-u.l nt la Ac biJKlf a pert to tb east. - . " Il tu allrl al the &ae a si dcr- W'S pendvi.ey vl thu itiiry Out Bresident etoed the bill, for the smple that he thought it right to do sa II, reason being measure tiU part thp Virginia lcgiali-1 fio inerinslderablo in amount, -l - li iL.l -Z 1" when 4 comnared- wiOT tho constanllj iare 80 l3M wo w MTOU-in increakngcaltbotia population of 6lato. farther ar.gbng in the Co.lrva X. gUe the expected rdirf. xtzr xras Klcbnnl Ca-rwc lb a mrpt Ug- rooa wiia anacu c:t;iA cossaxanu m TliulhtrT. b jr."llil U a dpirtaxt j xr.rr h.tAl firrwlbyau tXcf ba bU in bi baaX a tionui inUrJ?t.iskmja 'lt t . to etoditar. "rs air rtnr itry to rw NEWEL .POSTS.' ext 4 t ml f i . aal pi V ft - "' "tThe new Board of JHrectors of tbe At- ltic audN Cbn and ! Kould hereafter be gS qstionbeing disposed Cf, not h elated lb . King Preadif and recui imr rmaiM fcnt tba amtrtrreiTrr eon. a whoeunchdinatobthe Jtft4P ."i,'T VaiL l-l. "Out Western fricnd3 is muddle will ha to be settled the I 4, WTOHspeeuiauoB . uvv . member it i3 aTOTreni and this; 1 courts. should re- tnat Bolt to. xtlxe effect tbe ,Teto,jwiU t baTe npcnj KaciTH, the great EepubHcan Railroad 1 fbA Rpunblican strencrtiL I Mocrul cf this State, manafred to r.ick V J?- Read the article on CarpeV.tce;sp w flutter f excitement OR during (ho past year , some $0,000 4 r. i- 11 Ai.c.'na t personal perquisites as lieceiYer ox passes away,;e .bebeT?. ell classes of banlruft Western Korth Carolina Republicans will acljiowlede ana jas: I luilroad." Noes. tifj,the President'a wisdom; and tbe - . -MMd-- tendency wm be , to barmo . disoor- remembr; Jt haa tioqpermanenU Neither the moneyed Lanacement, there would not bare men of tbe, north., wbo areJcnown xo oqq topict. The major w m accora.yim uu. -r f. ijy in the West, well earned, nor uia politicians, uo wo Tuwxig, uv considering, the eftect of the Presi dent's action upon parties, it is well to regard in what manner it will, influence part tf V M pudftJ porti-V rf prtvaal rwws M xniM m le j ntta every an nual tacAvRe a.ttCcn2a axwl in each il.- La wy axiuwl'Tif "1 taConrwa la De aUi, t uiu praa4;uai ,ja: iiui3a tt c 1 zrxi.zvz of tlertbrl lion, and net Jvt r xrlta, U that of aa 4xr du-vtAlAc caxnny It la an eiril wLkU J boj SII .uJ irn.. fM'Knn ft tat Xo i -card to t: aa-rti a xaeatt2. ox ,t r-rocUr.'.;rra of tbe Ot- poiumg madbtltex jbotansur Kotwithstanding, in 1 t;mes, outsiders settled here, and couuiu ' nted fhe reputation and proepaity of tlie Btuti it would seem' to be the policy of th,e 'DeWcratio-CbnierTatiT, of to-day, to ex clude the eitizens of other states 'from settling in our inidsL:- NOV flat the i adtentarers that came sbori after the war, to prey upon the peo ple, have been cleaned , out, we think it about time to cease the ory, of "Carpet-bagger, Carpet- bagger. i..;"Hi": "7jl. ' " ' : i" clrb of anvarjioy ralae. TLb tspltee a n-turu to a pucf taia, autl ao aaWctue M it cca be dfTid. It fdboull be cromeocwl ur, and reached at tbe axiht rrteticabi ttw n)a.tcouvu4xt w.thafr rtra to lite mux w The liitsBt news from Arkansas uww effect that tbo civil war tiast ceoaed. Baxter's forces hate difibBnded and gone to their homes. ! A Rort of riot first occurred, bowever, one or two men being killed and several wounded. because of bis great ability as n rail road-man, cannot bo injured by any suczi contemptible flings as the forego- . mtr-m. ing. : lne western peopio xnowrery mow wuu swwf.uioa. . eU wholLeir -friends" are; nor do try. It, may. be safelr assumed that , ni , Tv,mn ift?lfiAr, The shots were all area Dy tne caner uie great , majoniy oi uio pwi 3 te Broots,the governor mpura i pend, upon ine.iapor oi uieix had nothins to do w3&& wMs it -The gjlj dreceiTe wages for their ebt cf Cuj ii' ttor cUsa. VlraxaedUte rammptioa, ursactioabl,rakl not bv J.irUfl. It vocli cvr'itl the d-ttot cLkM to m liTTinJ rentrrta lb rtrtnlaaj . ... OU Cla .t llO UiOd VI thO IHJr. Lm, woulJ briig Ku.rtij.ty and rtua to LLoo-iCU. l-luctuattous tl lbUUiUXo to tie intijvftt biukkess an aUM wLcrr futur ajB.tJU U U Laj na.U boU. puttu m-ecuLiU- u U wbu vui Ue lie w r tb currency to i pcuaaart roeuTra- i rm 3kUy rxtxii.iinoi.J to ) uu, VttAjx ad kteUUua as will iiwiic a vlal letuio to ie lj mentis andimt an !Linii5it !.r to Cuctsa- ofilcca in tbe &LaU daring bis ticj tbxn any cartt-bafer cf ancect or mod ern times. by Abncr Kaah, a carit-i.-rr from I lf-r t ruuU bo enter! oo reo Vinnnia,and be by Thomas ltoibe, a l c lucry cU slUtUQ t thii carpet-b.t(37;r from Irelar. b Ootenwr 1 J arte wns st:cceeded by Airianier Xfariin a rrrw t-l.LY'or f rum New Jf r- mr,A iK. r.,niATr a TtLj.l J Oovtrr-or, wbo toa witn rnaAa ancucai. carubv-imnjcra u i - - they csxaod a county after eacb of them ana ag-Ain elects msweu uot cmor. After Caswell's 1 term Samoel Johnston, a ou-pct-iatr from Scot land, wa elected Govtrnor, and then Alesandcr Martin, th 3 carptt-battT xrom .cw j t racy, 100s. as UOTcmcr. cru-r, Uiciuij csanai 1st, taa order (LrccUs bun. in tbe eftctcf aa alvere aootiou, to tLspcrM tbe court rwd oo rtooru. tutat, iu ftkn. aa aa LialorrsU erei.1 thru-u. Utt ca the. thxrxcUt of vhe lblicuan etarrlain tbe fsadto&s of clxlras tLait&xs tbe mbU bira and Hx. t v . ' eoatrotcrty w;a Urouia We do n4 AHGHZTBCTf mi tiaa. x. a HATTStJ 1a4 ta? trOTWsm as a i) aa4 'Art Ci.- U W-e m2UA U L' vm Las V- U U lECUITECTUnE, iImCv'!;IaUi U tW to tW SS lUi f jrce d jpUyJ used dii, in fict, of tbo ccrt. cbsj lbs trai'. lalk'3 l lbs dccu&o PEKN? YLVAKI .V HO U Til Ua Ibis as it tnay, Mr. Brow.' jt-1 uana t&aiat tbal tbe qacatioa cl r I as Utwoea JUtaba IU1W an J Jorj:. Till Fctrlru Uit U u'Jhe Only AH Rail RouIb' Mt lUrbara DoLb.sW?hLaw. Uxockawasnot raised before tbe ra- howtTrr, ia u rrr . . , 7 7 , t 1 . " . . ... . r.m CVert in thm asit La wbirb rtlcs- ufaUaiU.vd)ki UtnacnUl pci-isgser irca irriacu, m..,- 7 7 1 . . 7i ,vf , Mr oflr-J.. It kia1-s itc nun of i OoTcrnt r. r : invUtttury cuablw; for, la all I Tn 1Tn- imt. ! Ai'-.o a dpafrrdict' l'rooas coaia XiOl C cocosra py wua. difficulty is by no means adjusted, but it ia un- 7ia' oniiniioli tha "TT 7!. . ... , . J a ill pJiiiU, tad 1 -nrU acuua ilSTth "fhexe trill be further bloodshed. - services.. :.Xhese people, altbougbUie Republican party will be broken to rJend assy mVU1.- ? -' - . ' cmrecy, might be incased, in all b Uie Teto. ... Bat Fentoa has been J. ISfitVf liJfwSS TancZiScSu vetoed probability Jwould receive no additional g to lweak up the pat, for eeTeral i 1 by the President, isfityl,e4jtbe i'Merriaionln- remuneration for their tofl; while tbe profeftsiag to be a member toUrmen iLefuUic cmlta the nation Biitr-HHVery ?FtoP?:lt?i esignabon, purciiasing cAnacitji of a dollar would f iL ' ? , . 'jKb rti 4a. TbstlacrdiT torcoot ay -.t 1 t ani t?.Ati .Tr..L I Datie. a cant-o.VKr Irotn Kostar.i. As early as lcrisW 4, loto, tie i;we of I was mdo Governor, and be Wik fa! ErwJ4UT ijwd a xokoluu, by a vcu of uyk Ci by Got. Ikn. Williams, a car 1U J4 tO C DiJAWWtimm " U IW iki w . . , t. I .rml. know. necoMMiy Oi a couuacuJS! ox cui ivacj -miam tk to as rly muruso oi rcc y- menu as Uve buuoor inUrots cf Ute eooutry i . . . cd Oorcmor an i wtu tbu Hist natito oon afler tba conc2aoo of tbe t v..,.u i'-.i.... -u..l t.. i! ,.17-.- wrrrtrJo sat Mr. lirooks ccsaotured e ..t i l.,.t l lk t. n rr-..-rw7 fflUll IU CS QWatOSiat.'.. .f tikO Stale of Arkaii and tbe i ft rv, ii.i ' a su as e v. s is e , dou t rfrof. uuLtMinni, I lA'i'LnTlUX. ixmtstAiMLa, wberf but Juo. II. Vi.Klr for ha rf.Tf so in bis hLtonr. Gov. Wilhams v as baptnly anwod ed br Gov. Turner, a carpet-lacker from lrgiLla, tut in Ibu j tic actoaa natiTo Governor. Dr. 2at. A.exanur, of Mocklenbcnr. was ekcUd, ai.d bo was in turn sure! il by Gtv. Wil liams, who didn't bav o any birth place tiooht tod.a torroM cf tie GcTamuu to I that UoL neelcr knows ox. . . . ... . . . - ..... . tUsclarge all it oiuucas to Us uinc ereo-1 Turnicc to the J udvoal brancu oi itowaiidtottieftflKqncwana ia- iih(s Sutc cmvictit, we find John ir! "v.rrj7 '"4 h : I LonU TstI.s ct-U from w. Mnan v.- v . ..t; hrwbTT-roridsd and iWkrvd that the ULih of Ireland, as Chief JnUce: Jouu UaH, J J 77 . . . the Luital Buuoi m aUeiuuly pWdgedw the a eatwtbcxer from irxr-nW ta ine 1V8T. xr. n cjtxjbii. lyistnci ouper-1 Mr-,Mit hn or iL. ..tniv&LAL oi an tiei r . t i rn . iN.r,. rrun : "RoTMiMiftan rrtv has ao-lj: t,- .Mm will rp-adilr tjeroeive I - ... a .... n - i tmici- t. rnici m rltl. iprcmo wnn n'81,i . . - - - . . w. , , . -- , .i liiicuucuk lut uia aimh vm wwis i : o . . . - . . I be diminished. H Thus they, would be pwd 1ow constantly inflated wuuu ssj so wiv. --. , t - , the Senator has been., Ever since nejooxxns . n infiaUon of the cur- Beat, he has inundated bis storing - atorswith kab. Among other things, t he has rency. aiiis proposiuon o. ( . nawbatLSma; and in the course cult to understand, and if the currcn- of a speech, delivered last Friday, . takes occa-1 cy-question is made promineni m poi sion to say: To THt OmcEBS ajtn Faiotcs cr tux i Bxblz Cause ei Noeth Casoiosa. Tbe j : - ;t , ; its acta nas mmj -j ' "the Senate. . . . . . i . . i K r-i riw 1.1 id i'-it l r 1 1 1 1 1 a 11 l . ...i . bo sunplaft xacfc v. . ciety, has been ' filled by xy transf er Uhexe the "uiix lis U? of any Justice: John IL DonuUba carpet- Thia rtrtxiant is csi-ociallv atronx from tbe field of iliddle and East Ten- pnch Uuka ba Aprojrwraa i u-r-r from Iraland. JnuVe bopenor - - .1 I f... uniA m IT ll.J inkiUIBK)bT. WtOI1. - ' - ak. - fa -rn?c1fm. " - ItS BCTS TOW sjuxiiasBas9u t -.rA Tint atich as commend tt to the American people" The doctor is partly ngni, "e' . ,1 I tlw wua max Ut, -It la k.talno&?y. or in 1 Tv.r.-ti . r . ; . -. , Uri tn no oT-Tlia'trt th.A HnMiMan r.rtv Ol t In rflii T was tjw QTT-ovf ivllv ! .i . - ....., (. (the south, which is made up, , almost called five years ago. Tbemany and nfne ; entirely, from the laboring classes; tmd strong ues iormeam my new noxos, -fl . V , . , ' , where I had a rich experience of the L, sr Ti,' T)emctic-Consemtive" party, aoUei'throh its Execute &on cwiaeinmng couo Dirine goodne88,- and my devotion to m a. i . i 1.1 ,H htav .ni inun hl iiiui. ALU ill ; A & A.l n a t is vint fnrth a stxlllff 0ire60lU0n8.-.- J.n nxi. vkj i uia cauueut, - I m uuuuruui. ui uutuou w uju mw many years public welfaro; and now I return to renew attachments which neither time nor distance can ttJwiSIimeit-l-XloWiUKli, wnl vu. . w ,u- .! oli i rWud or rjaid befers I Conrt: Jamce lredf.lL a carx-et-Latr uiitv. uuia a; sum uuiea u v-n.iw t mm h nrLsmi. jnan rvar-enor voii- forUble circumstances i the south v but the rule will bold equal- cure the eaily complenon i meir prujcv unes. very B . ,7 7T, , wliT, ffnA with them, even in the north-Ucfiaken. and to devota mrself to that cratic members ox, tne iass ii. -j & - " r- .... . . . . , ,. .7. , . Bamethoughts, when they passed theridiculoua we8t, vrhich is supposed ,to be in favor cause which lies at the foundation of 1 va Ln Thii law was foisted upon . . A ' " all individual and national prosperity, connonbilL J of inflation. , . and in whicbl can co-operate with all the Western people .one of Someof southern . co-tempora- all classes, ami with every spuokou v 7 i tornKvnaervatrve lrienas SuttiSt note a!U bu ODnverotls into cola at tls option of th iiv'l 1 r, or -.t a-i lua bonli of tbe I'juI Statw. bannR a krr rate of intirrat than the bond to b mi-cd, can be aolJ at par in coin. And tu Uni'.M Ftitta ai" -?-Tiitly pldgwi Its futh to iik L rtslaaruou of tie ImUd suu, u, ! woanng the lojnrg y ( . . , - i uirown ovtx wuvui ui wnv4i.- vv-jt. a i w This act still rtxuuna as a eocUnumii rU I Lamba of the tuth of the Un.tcd Elites "to a-it pev- rp..;, -r:,.. mk-bt b extended al fcioM at tbe the procurable room-ot lor . . -...l ; , i I In la!r davs wo find sntb eminent carpct-baggcra as Jude Ho&tb, frora New Hampshire, Jud Warrtn, from Connecticut, and even kince tbe war. Judge Cillev, f rem New IUinpL!iT, j rv ar.d ccucicrccals tbr tLat be La.1 laa llly cUcUd to tbe uicts,wbib wasUicr wrveaMy witb bcid lii'Ci hicu TUa ric4 tbe broavd tiutrsUda on iu merita Oa tbe trial. lUitrr dccbnM to make aa appearance aiuu for tbo purjxjae cl dfajitg tie iarLctioa cl tbe court Ibe coart. . . . . . m . a a fail examination ox tne rnacace tn tbe cat, tt bcici? dieiy of record. deoded to favor cf tirooka, and (brca- ed a writ to ime to tbe ebcnS, t&andtc? bra to put Hrooia in aion of the othtm of Governor. Uca 11 e- callv and wroafttUy held by Mr. Dai tr. and IL ahtuiz. tjwx ItfucAa naa taken tbe oatb of oCce before ins ulic Justice of lb BarrcAae Cocrt cl tbe Slate, executed the writ by eorpcraHy pulling Ilaxter oat cf tbe eaecotiye of fice, and paturg iirooas tnio vum cw tbtva made vacax,L Tbe tck;ranis of tee Aseoctsted T xva dUring thai the coort "took a ax? Indrmcat oa HxxUr. tn tbe abstaoe o his roactb"' ad that airooks tamed Ikitrr oct bv L rce of ara. are cross ly cntma. -lUxtrr rcfat-ed to taxke jn pearaacc ia court sjtJl aaawar to Brocba cl'.in. II'S cxhii.! cannot. the A12 rU-U. a XcvX. Wu aad rJWVsO. Ukto S T a4 frtkM X.m, aaI Oilj Route trlthout Oioni of Cttr, brttrcrn Washing ton ami AVu"lorA. rdw titts Can XTT AST Tara PV v aU ricx ALVA t a At unr aa OIKXHLIMI nrar class ircxrra w ci . . a m ar m mLU ax aa tnr- .i tlklv (jOX.C H tL ai It A Ik & SL rxvvW.tx to gwdtow H asy W,t wis ftad tt U C. t aJKtor to sU a or adtnaw ' rswfW it tirasrfM JL C. . OOn hmm la Aut, aa A to Om tow III ly. ..... , . LUMBER! LU1TBEP.!. axcco rixr a dm U4 . . Pine Lumber, Uf ty rmj Lt U It rYbuTslLZL tl fWiM iiMas A-ifc. refore, be pro;wrlj said ia have ben a tl UJ l y-' a t abwat, fur he bad no ouausU ia ,117 JT ... n i! i-M. . t 41... f U..V. f TAan. flll-tat are I -ricm rtf thA UemucrSua i;m ". " uoucm, i uiauw ui iu- vuui li j wow, wuw SeattigT rail against the President This is to God will bless and honor those and ei)B 1 8 . , inn,VrTipm. , . , , , . . v;:c.m only those, who honor Iii3 ord. And the mountain-people. , - Why, two or three Dem- be expected, and; we look for criticism lhxh ihe Miaistr f this Word ocratic senators themaeivea aauuuu, from eource.. The Dest answer 'f that can be given is that contained in ?rZZ L veto mLage itself,, whtch says; great Jood to parry. Bins of omission. in consequence of these Kext Friday, the first day of May, wiU " It is claimed by the advocates of the measure herewith returned, that there is an unequal distribution of the bank- I was dis- --" . . I . ... l mt - 4 Job. I .-V. If - .i.rt dI LL i lirOOXB. UUt U aCrUl. 16Q, f .-.III 11 V-J V M. N " ww- I - - - . tij totu lsiinr1 rWwlartln uf In Jn:wiwdenm ctntion of a wnt 1. or io i l . ... ci.i. - Imm., ,.r nf il ctviri. in io.r- mil-1 w wii owvi, " i I. . . , , . - . . . - -- . . n v w . w. . . . . . . - - . . . iK 'nn,ii.ui of tlia Uxutaa bt-AwS nc in I "JV"" - . coin." A dclfir-.ticn contaiaed in the art 50, cr-atxl ail, obljs-dxa U-U amount cf I cite! Stat'ti nut'.- Uwra LnsL aU-Mild nr txc-rd focr hondrud l.!Lii- lie amount ui acto-l cir Uoa w nct iIiy rwJujwdto tlreohttUilrl Aid fi.ty-a raillioiof do-Ux-. at nbkJi point Oen- grw. jwvwrl tic ret, daunury . . a--1 . , , 1 ,r r in Wee-1 pu.IiL; tlo furthrx nikuoflhe currry. pc. - tvl !L a 1! W ii.??-fcnt xailUoi-i hate ever bwuxtr- teru 2ortb Caroiica, was a crj-t.-, dad a-a rest re, to be ud only in c oflbaK't r frora Oiiticxkcnt; tbat our euurrrn j. sues as um'um t"r"1 w I Melwwc us came xrom an insn carp- that Dr. Jcs.pb Caldwell, first iciuiuwwx'v --i . i..;.T..i rtr rt, ,r r -rnjtarar lcau v;: e iik iiwusut vi vw . - . . , v.. ,V in fha historv of tie wempeiiuu; iuu wv MJV wAA OKvv ' r I la.A it xdovement in North Carohna. On that day, lposed;tO give' great weight to this View k tH tA frobiHt the sale of Liquor to wi- . . .0 -nftfiKon t first, but, on renec nors, goes into effect, as well as tnew ur vu Better Protection of Human liie, vHMjr - . frinril the interest in that administrative sys alono that society - is to be improved, good government secured, and the wil derness and solitary places made glad. That 'department of this Ministry over which I am now placed is com mon crround to all demominations: and t il ..s annAil r nil ! unoii a rcserrc W noctwrirj, wi.7rr twJ v7i- 'T,ZTt Tvi Uonal ccmucy. emoting to af nr nul the supremacy of His revealed Truth, J -t Bwiy be s.UJ that ich a return of frwcooovl and to every one wno would promote currency i t vmyuja. uapw- ATiwi i.aviraa -ai iikiuu tv a m V3t " . waa from M--xbuMtts, that Waiut- atill Avcrr. tho ancestor of tbo diUn nst at alb And tbe dw-ratjon teat snap ju lent " was stderd ap i .rsto L wjuaUy uaLroe, aa is the ait ttu lI thl llruoka pet 'Baxter oat 21 was nof In tbe ax ts.sae! by ace of a sad pot Brooks into tla eiectttar or-cx. t-U c4 trcA.ra Trrms feoivk fc r TVOfOw J. y Oa to wJJLl?L riiLaa airrxnt -wy t raiftrr U. 1 htcriul RsTa Dial BANKRUPTCY. Tfttri Awig xsee'a olice Is vif a xt-vwv -f vr i : vtrr, the public welfare to unite heartily I let strus . s 11..1 il . ... - v . . . i i un WUl C ITOiKl u-i wnn - tioit it Will be rememoerea uio witn me in enorcs 10 aeepen anu w iueu "" fractK., curwnry as rapidly aa it can be uio micrrav iu mat nuutuuuuiD io- itm.!i..i uj acii ute rixjuiviAu vides against the adulteration of liquors. Many still remains .wv.vw . tem which cbief itrumentabty La anciently low rnt.with the . .i.:. , v ml then TOU tO OTOfllo- hMlK-nOlBCirCluauuii iwoituww " " I v V. f ion nnrl I f United bUia noiaiu up. it the sale of ardent spirits within their limits. f&fo less than their quota, not yet dissemination of the written .Word. 1 .SJS Zu under the Local Option law.. Anus aow ' Tjq addition to this tne states LZ Uing less than their'qnola of bank anceis BtiUrue in tne ianu, uauiuu. , : ' -' gradual -adernind, and the time will circulaUon have the ?X graauiu-, morfl. to be taken from those aOuDicovio - . r ' , i a Tt I no eous mien wiU be choked out of existence, It states having more than their propor- acd ulfii the rcn-.i-i.i in got! amoaia LxniU, ana tneTrm.ury ,i,t mn tn Im aLLn ta rvkwtn inecn in Tlio American Bible Society, foster-1 demaad. it will then be ade to inuux- ed and watched over aa its Agent by j to a syuw of froo braikirg mith such pxyvts- ii lMt v i k : i i i.; t. m TTvk coxnDuWjrv idcnr4oa of the LI1H. lllllXUll ill t mnrira. UM 1UU1UIU ' . r j .:il..ii.: -r: I rirroMiiWT not nriwHi l iilii iiiiii ibi ixi lb'u.. ia imxiuii. - been ; most abundant in useful labors, and is now eniracred in oterations of pet-batrnrr from New Jersey; that Ste phen Oubarros and F-ancola X- Lvrtin were cr-rit-bani from France; thst Gov. Moitbead was a . carpet-btgr from Virginia; tbat Governor Graham is tho eon of a enrpct-vcr from rennsjivania; tbo lato Judge B-drrr waa the son of a carrH-t-barcr from ConnacticuL and Jotlire Gasloa tbe to wr.nt Tf WjsAatoB- Hto WAT Oi i fc -fW i iuiu.wVw tV f.m mtm ft itm Ml kf mf T- A. Ai(X H V r. a. t w. w- . C rjw IN Ol.KDtENCX TO A.X OllttK e Us r. a itrrt0e-wewwwitouv Cotlrctors OtTlce S tixxzuauoi l iixx.-w, a-ax i.wT.i a. a. i r.itj . m rw.d a Ua( K-aii lw ll I (atwd Xwr-. r y I - two corrrct srnxa 1 narrl 5C OJLLLOKS WliTSHX 1-14 T.wi rrre eerxxams '.C-k aaU arty. X-O to a pcX 1 a-4 awvkaMa-., lis wulAa Unr dwUtxmwL . C fi. WT53TTAIX 13-41 Oufc-;. ww.ww, ww. n ' W .AkfU UfW.U, I 4 1 I W W W 1 . t T 1 1 I . . ... ... . 1 . son oi a carpet-ot r iron. xcuji-1 be cti, to tlx l-wwa i.vt. o. m So it would seem that canl-Dagism im iaosm ta 6 :ro Ferula GKZZXSZOZO. X C fwev. T. M. J0NC. D. rrrxJnL of the ia coin or in or As a measure prrpar-tory to free baxJdcg, immnnoA rrfont nnrl mTrfAlir' and for tUcmc tie Uoverunvui m a u, i tive in this good old btate will continue cable moment," the rtTwnuea ahould b inrrl ao as to pay tnmTnt11' true to the Union in the late war. ia creatlv to be regretted that o2 good citizens -yhen all this is taken np, do.not take port in the temperance reform. Bpecie payments' are fully re- wiaVl-a P- toration, jt -fflb- tone to coimaer . e,e class, and that the AanUarr So- ."J 7T..& - 7 v nnestion of mcro currency. - 4 cieties which cover tho whole territory try of the people. t;cmvA v. quesuon pi. m-xo j . -1 i .u -MrPi th mm- a - .-w ' m." a. i ii baa ar-2 av a-a erav umbw-'w ww . w v - - The President, in this allusion, does mnnitie3 hich they are located. t V. wAAna tli a RnnthpTTl RL&.I.CS. de vetof Finance Bill caused great re. w- -- - -- - - . .a st A i t-t tna'ToifiTvnnH i us lhb a aj iv one hundred guns were fired, and the dispatch anat General Grant, and ask whole field in one view, and there- of the couutry UnotecTertwtUntoitatrx. x v Vinn!' ---as ' central I 1 - - . , . . . .,. a 1 ; v-wtwii rtirl cuou-iexo - much as WHluuuw- n o, I ct pnrrOTiPV ' I fit U1PIT1 lUUUtV fnM ha chnn i rtA M) A Ifl IMI UIU D W ' . ... has boca tbe rule i a ortb C-xcu:r.a from tho formation of tbe State, and United Sutes notes, thcosfelres redecxa-ble and J the wonder i! tbat the Deuiocratic par- made eq-iralent to coin. e. I ty. with all its A I w - In C01 i aasiltt i-wwXi-1 about it batora the Iletnbl-raas elected SJmvi iloddae aa4 of the country fuW carpet-baggers to oHiceho were j J- hammu GRlwI-XSBOnO, N. C, oaths ItwhwUvew XLV. If.L U arr l&trwa ta a tract of T cover tho fact and raise a hue and cry 1 1. .-o-.iini t2 uada c A. IL Uvy. Lw, and &l a surptas to be reUined tn tie 1winww i n f"itit I t -t. nr. . . IvftTrr in asv arUlc-u SBwtloa Of I rr-lring paper money equal to who, whea the ey are located. coin U not owned cr had rwwiy o w It is mv desire, the Lord willing, to promise to py, fee paper 9?? ... " . i, . t-ii.i.. i i nnr. Ihn nmmisffi M tT. IOJ M TMCJW visit every part oi tne oiaic; out ui : '"7.7... ,Vunt of com taat V - - .1-1 '1 - - !. i. th&xa. ot thecurreijry and a-sAi-Md ciiiiiai-i rza ki-c js cr Ittzstt W. I tw.1 Tnitl La iihi nil WB K t-O? K Clirr- ti laTilA wtdw -tn-U I've fxd twUilin r-r ttl rY-s. X. a it HILrSs. . - . . iwWsai4.Xi'w-t rM. ?r.f-a - ! any ether product -" The surplus will set k a - a throughout xanaeeaom. . -wu v . - . Vnra to nV nn what thev erate throuirh others, and to re-arU all 77i;." Tv-. will anv oiWx .uxuloa. The lowrdtuai-v some of them .sew to wau . w " . - ; local oficcrs and ' agente of the Bible baUnce of trade has authiuK rt iw-t Tlic Arkattnat Difficulty. Wo bare taken scmo rains to invca- tigato tho imbroglio, and prracnl the following dirpaAsionato statement of facts. AJ between the two men. who aro both Republicans, our cliotcc is for the man who waa elected, and Ibis w aa. we think. Mr. Brooks. f Mr. Ilaxter was the raralar lto- Tt Y. E AVLt. alrwrw. tL icmmm'.x to Hi ail Wrer 4 tb r!k-i. T-t tt tXi aU brxnmtm S dating U Wad daxUMO. . t a TOWKsExn. IV. wt .tinn of the President will disruptihe Ke-1 are already entiuea to.-, . , f The wish is ataer m ine tr. j .. iw small dilierence to VJf-if,7T 7T17v HoweveritmaJtea smau ouiexenco one of a united nana. Ane respon-, ' ;f77r:17I rVIa in the i r? thought 7 The -people - here are no, h ncli oy how litUe fault the Dem- sibflities and trials of my position are Xo ,Q-e this supply I no w.y "mTL V one way or noiber, abou t tn; and r th Praent. , If very great and I deeply foel. the neodl b.oovaru System as his assistants, end .iiimseii fwi . . do with tb pnoiican caaui&iw uruuiuuwi w rZiriM L-iiu; rworurtd to Arkansas in 110 oua w u.e year -i. . i ,nt imd fur k-wli. About I lHT'i ilr. Brooks was the . .. ,-a-i V I - Tt- . ltMV.4nnnniuH tho irtfla. I J "J on the one wayor anbtber, about "the matter; and r this vvwwrr Ka,nnrli.f Th f UBS Is HOt triads bvlhrf twople, butby tberpoUticiaiia,whd ho Democrats 'had opposed the mfla- e - J Tho ; loves the Bible Cause; are looking for ; something, to; turnup., 'lias i OIL bill, there mignt be more .consis-1 an(j -0uld respectfully call upon tne inctiyeiyp-apu bocieties, ana finance measure is not distinctive Mr. Brooks was tbe Indepcn- ublicsn can Jidate far the same ;UwUj eJoC!1-"'; V IT" . 7 -! 7if.TT!. It is cUimwd-bv -be aJTocalcs of lis mra- I lrcsi lcccT all the orponenta cf Bax- sure herewith retwUfcd tto4 thefs, aa an tmequal . . clon dlAUiiod Uoublicana, s . w a, ww whvvm.a ai nK unsim- s fft tbA flA- nrxm all others who are able to offer AAV V-AWVV W ww ' i. , . . . . i. ' i av - tw I suir2restion8 or to furnisn uilormation rorted and kfeoseiby Dno and Be, t. - important to my mission, to put them- Doctor MwrrWcWwmgalA a --j Democrat, Is tbetatherJ6f the Ifflfandtt was ""7 fl i-wwiirfw. Ti;w-eW Be,! feat of the lnflatic Tmblicans alike.'All ths stuff about an alSanoe betweeaffeuWanranrth-west, against the middles!' New Tglandaatesf's mere fancy. sThexeis sojaething more than sin-face-excitemeiitf In this , question, i The, President will condentned, for adbering tobis eon 'JiMim Ta mainera which the veto wtvs rftctavei sowSwiNw'aigerT :nt"lood ' appeared Id wheato(wnea.wha'mwe'wwf rnftil. . The wLedom and firmness of the: Presi- . - dent will be recognized now as7 been heretofore; and the tendency will be to strength en, and not destroy, the BepubUcsa party. publican, organizahbn'7 Vo are sure, J 8eivca in cbinmunication with me and 1 SO to Sr?Sw-s "i" of theoT-ewtioo at fer-t; but. oa trlwcUon. united in the support cf Brooks, lie ll w-ui m nuuBwfnw ---- www-ww 1 vaus ucuiwio u i-uurj v, - r 1 "w - . ... . . .. 1 iKjii:ii iJk 1 . uw " J w . . . . r- f nATiMi msmrm Ti.n I i r. . w. . ..t rw 1 . 1 . . hu. uo.. mi r. vii I - n . - - . NOTICE. "Ocrraant to as ocJ- CX ta Wr-f X atlSrutTrTwiH. .,, ,JV. AI 1 tSw flLteffl HWIW ll'lwi o wTw... Mt-J l. r j. cikr to Hxc r. ajva, ea t'.H (Lav fSf J-A-wXf I -J l V- c 1 w. tft.wi'crB rw-v3 to ur. -l-tr 1 wIt t fd Jar 13 -st. 00 or brl n tto ta davcww-?y l.A - i:ui AT-1U.VI CLAIT. c a. a. . . a a Trr.r. ttvstild on. ui-aeTr-w. am 1" Jt OO. 1-J f-r UwX. w-dr ci;lW aa aoo a tl Awtzal OX asd p.. -! v CLCr.. scy nTinn tL Tom 1 ?. t rui ns-t&s 1 nnnri .t.-bA JW-S-w l 11 w. tiLEf roa concernoxb thev will.sustain the' veto, supply. our; P?W d v.-.. . ' ... m jvri -a .tfw w-a. PTifiiti iiuci xaa : ss-avx a.s.1 w andtlwaidc tne irreaiue ttJ iUwv Vt-a this - - - ' . . " . ' 1 ' 8 - I - ' - w m T " ' - . inrr ife N otwithiiLanaine' wnav may oe . l hnnm und abroad." Iin -a 7 . . . . 1 Kiu' " w - . Vv Vtt rmTwMitK of XhB ftfiminig-i Fnr th present mv aaarebs i f" -Jr-.-rT -t i r ... . 1 . ,z- JT : .11 tration, the southern Republican sUtea Ureensooro. n. auu uuvu,. I to bears nat,ng i inaa - j. , -f i- ftf:OTmilan0ljL da-1 IV r.?!?ft t 7 Tim. ubbdv and rHl circu-wtioo bare the opoua w iwwri lions woorv to be taljea from taoaa iui crxxxa W CU3SXS0 OCT AT . .. i 11 . ? j I r mTeai 01 any caaniiQ. WiU steadfasuy aunere w uir ixieuu, " 0 jj. TTIJuEY, .!1 L-n 1-TV tr When tTwl-S SXW rUI- 1 mdcMtn an in ra; wiU l the time to evwidcf tho jwiMm of more currency. nul- Tfttely, tbat bo waa unswerving Rcpob Yl beau in ptincipb-7. "Wbea tbe txttirna ct U wtrpiwjwwca-i mrm iu-i - - - I.i l..l I,, 1; 1 .1 r I . . i-, - TtmnVl nd Lis 1 iifi 1 iiirrniut " the PisidenVtbe.m be- cause be is faithful to his "convictions, and persevering in bfi right. Dist. Supt. for American T - - Bible Society in C Ap. il, 187-, C a Gaum Exxccrrrs kt-aifa. April 22, 17L Take that bairU cf ro and I out of tho Court-hocsw. fw,-,? ?t,.;.ld that tho amarcnt ma jority for Baxter was brought about br very groas frauds. 1 means of which ashes mauv 'thousands Cf ii vtnew Brooks were cot 000-100. xaxw-x wo V A-ifx. 1 i- ;; II CDICTNAL I'Jvi-. ta roc- C-wUi. C-- Itv-Wrry, wta- ruE - ' : rxssrtJs. Do-jI f-J to cad a ulwM Uwpwttoa rbcvWt. ... .. - . J. 1 71-l-y. 1 OUT AT rJw0l'X0 rCX3 sA QtTAT-1 Cr NCwITll CAllOLlXl, I , O l'a i -'t Cc - 1 . . ... . . I wV 1 . fk.Ua Lot ad A3 1 IvoU-jX a-w- - - . ClCwi'tk Ltr , llwoor tl Ar- 141 wn.lL O-edsa ae4 --de X-wta. a Aaf aa4 jasa- Ltm-. iKt aS,mt to Te tW tww-viw-wf IU1 ij A Coex?y-Crw- To ar Lrrly Crsxa.dw4 to He Dwiad-. aS-wt M-4 a U-ry W l-aa wA. ta yc t y. toarp-- & Ctt e Cae hwpVw Art tor U 0ar t-uUA. WwU-ss tarr orx --7-ru e llSi ttrrsmtir M ihras ivJwii Ie 4ifsf-aaTiKaw4wrT rr;4, aecr-r f Ui Uwpwwlu Cw-CVti eZm aVAw-v)wsa Jwt-Mtfi7 t-atos. mrlUw aw-.iwAc.t twla w-d trf. latsJSwiU tale Jatc- -toas wb iwS-f w----dda -to Mr- .. - liirrf '.Tars, fc-l Wtil w-,tfle Him w--r to-J "-" tiira-yu-af--,irA . . a s rfW a m e A. ww. f - -w - ttw-kCfry. la tiSs -A I" arr-''- tw--V'' iw4.ils(.-j lsy.C-rf fVrllf t-tod ta tu ity-- a w X - - - w-4- al tlwt -ca r-U aww cza He Jul -.tow- Cutn ef fCs li A--w Urd.lw'w ii . - A. XXI -a-r, - . "PLANS FOB BUlLDir.G.) rr'.:vM 1 110?-. Cf ? A- bar- cf et I I r4 m Urn CJs ITA.-jsf U. L-JT21-, t - a IxTA Ai t r l