(HILLSBOROUGH, N. C. VI'BLISHF.O Wl.EKLT RY DENNIS HEARTT, I IIIRKB DOLLARS A YEVU, tMYAM.K II VI. K YKAHLY IK ADVAHCK. II ose who do not (five notice of their wish ? kc 'heir paper discontinued at the expi >, i of their Near, will l?e presumed a* de ? ? its continuance until countermanded. \ loever will guarantee the payment of nine i s. shall receive a tenth gratis. . verttsements not exceeding fourteen lines ><* inserted three times for one dollar, ana i \ -five cents for each continuance, i Ascriptions received by the printer, and ? of the post-mi'stera in the state. . I letters upon business relative to the pa ri Ht S- post-paid. , ' < .?M?tlrmen of leisure, who possess a < f >r literary nurnuits, are invited to favour . th communications. I ? - ? ===== TRISTEE s SALE. virtue of a lk*cd of Trust, bear-nj* date lib'li o- IK'cemSer last, axecutcd to the fri'ier by Joseph R. Si aw (which has been ? {recorded )? to secure the paxmcntnf c?-r fi Kts due 1'homas N. S. Iltr^is ?nd \Vil A'ij tte l, jun. will be sold at the market in i his place, for cas'i, to the highest Itr, on Tuesday the second ilay ot M:i'xh "At court ('he Cist iitst ) tl.r? e Nc r >es, \ji:iiul In r tu:ic!i Ulr. n <iikev ar.d t l.e?,le% , ? .tlitiftuy of s l?*-??i ;?s iiiiv !>e sitfHcu nt to sa ?v s.iid trust, *.h ? c is> .a'temlin-j thotXtru 'i It the saint , _'kI the merest ac ruin^ J. I*. Snectl, Trustee. !.|shomu{?h, March 7. .5 ? 2w Ji\\fc ce\eA)ra\ti\ Horse. \ OS, IUC11, .If II J- s'and thr ensuing sT.s-on, to mm '' me nee the hist d*> of \prtl ?n?l end ?wis", day ol' August; i>n Monday and I nn. ? ,?? each week at J aim* MurMw's^m Cane 4t ; on NVi'di <-sda\ ?n ?-arli wc k at J -mes ! fCiison's, esq; and on Thursday, Frulav ,/Katiuday at Maaoti Mall, alt n. * ??- mttnt) t Orange; w.ll C"*rr matvs at the rrduced ? ?? of four dollar* the leap, U?e cai'i to be - i! kt the time of service; six dollars tin- va paid at any time within the season, -rvvise eight dollars Will be charged t>r lesson. and ten dollars to insure a mart *h foal, which money will become i|;ir as ?n^? it ea i be ascertained the uure .? vnih J.0~ the property changed. A I possible care will he taken *n pr?vent c.-n#nts, hut the subscriber vuil no: be liable ir *?} that may happen. PF.DJuU ?. o^t'.cS. a beaut. Till bat bl..ck Ti:iie ? .! (ail. t"i\e feel four inches hi<h, aa-? thir ? 'U years old I* .>t Jut), va* b-i -1 by A lie ? i i#vT, of the county of Metkl.'doir,:, in t *,? foi V.r^tni ?; v.*s ifoVen b\ ?l.e in.p .r < -1 $ Wrangler, ard c-ime nt of t c I ? r.i ,lnt?Te Fnl -et. her % re the iTj^Lfrd ?? li.'g, her clam b\ til ! M? setrap ?V olid Mason. >| II. CentU men l'vu.e .v a ihatancf. ?? h > I. nl pro[?er to ?? rH. 'hnr marts to t !? . i ~ ,i r at. M t*o-. II .11, an* intornie i 'in I i i* shall b- wil <?- . 1, ami pastur-.d % < ?? %rch 2, 5- 3ti iSlason Hull Ea^lr Jhtlel. A. MASON', ; JT * iSHF.:s ?o inform h;s 'ormcr nis'tTn-i Tl and tin public .jeniTa'iiv , 'bat h? !???? s?ri finish*-' I his bo'.\?-, s i !,?? s now to jfi 'inriv dale js iiiin is ?n;i\ '?* ?% -ir f i * :'i rticn r ni.ji.nv . II j I <.o<.- i, I ,r ^ , 4 in/ i Vfi C' ni fin ' '?? ro- '*> ? -*lirh 1- I ' ' s in theru, si]!,'?'.!< t' . t.'iiT. , <r #v i !' 'tiif jfrnllen.t n >v i?ti ri ???< 1 1?- Iih-? |<r >* (i < I ?! iif.ls. I j i ?I-..'*'- .1". I M' | 1 1 k ? ?> V"! a t ast'f ot ^1, >-mrh>>ol ? I arf?i:i'. V ula ? ; < r ? \ iib ?; u.tii ,'hmI s*ah|< ?, a<?l ili .1h.i . k ?-( | > |i|." in-s' pr"Vend?r The ? m.i' tne plare i? pi a*.ant, arid \tv t il iiv <? mleinen w ilim^ i'i visit lnm iv.tli <? f ? iiiu i s. d'inn(f I h?* mmmi' \ s .s'.n. ran j arc >uiii|i><lat<*il on ri,o'l?*ral'.* t^rn.s I !i<- kcejtcr ol ihtu ? stablisli*>M'nt |iled{* ?? ifnsi !t 1 1 1 the {iiihlir t?? do all .n Ins po? it i > |e iti- jii 1 ^ive eti.ire sahafa' 'mil. (.i iiili-in? i. call ' an amuse t|inns?*!ws in r?-a'l ?!??? tw<papers in bis fialbroom, where he k* ?-j l? s of pap< rs Irom almost en ry par; of iiic U'i 1 S* .Ics. .Musoti II. ill, ilmnc riui.M , N.f, J Feb. 4H, 1 >i0 $ 4 | I NO IKK. *1 "* III*, i" rut ii.fi i f ' 1 i ; mhiir '?? rr ']ii?-?l ? ?! ?1 t ) - fi||li(Wit>\" ' '?.?lit Oiillir I Satur I ?v |l?c 1 'i ii.? .. the li'imc of the lil>?rri'?? r, m?i Hh tit r n- ? k, v. *a pJiti-ri -I {luring f i ii' . I?\ lolni lit*'. ;itif a"d a f'cr initiat or (jiil !??!?.? . ! |?,< ?-y M' i' irr, tlw iliti^Mcr of f <1 i , ? w furci'/!* .inrl cnrrii-d a ?\ hi ?? < ?ip bv the Kid Hrj*n I' i? b* -ted tli!i? lc- has a t?'i/f.| l>ill of *alr lor 'he irl, pur(Mirtii4.' :?? have hrm rvculed '?y l?*r ili?-r, ai<<l it n -???! ?fr i he lm curi'ird ihe <i i?? t ,c I'-iiih, w.tli he 1111 cut Kill <i ?r. Ujrr\ Moore h m Im-d will til** *<?t>?cri ?i ev IT ?mCf: "111#* M .I? litti'Cn flKitltSlI old, ami ' fact of Imt freedom c<n l?c ^r ivo<l lx > <nd !Niwibiti(y of 4 d-t ')? S ?? it '.m\v %rut"?n M'trs old, tiv fci t hi,?h, With :? ?''<i\visli r ?nplrxiiMi, thick bnaiiy ha r, and i iM riii^<? to I :**1 ? ,.-i . Mr an ib.it -ii ?'??? t hl^li Hliir t vn, ? ii ? rout I ili sin i- rr?l, aid ban .? lon^ J N". I i' '? It' p -.1 ?!'??? * ',? r'i *> i mit r?q?ie,t I to i( ?v t' r / ? ,f in iiiA' rti'ifi i ?? i i r ?>; ???r.tiv | I ?? it ? i m ?? !%? r > it* ? ? i'" ?'i ( . < r> 1 1, is , rl, who Iimi an uni|iiui* I I ' '/C r ?r, ? 1 1 'o Ill' I ? ??ilnill ? ?:it liai ino hcc. I* i f? i i-rrV, f'mvi -i ) oii.i!\, I IV .r.-r^ ' I 5M To the Public . WHEREAS tome yearn apo it my un fortunate lot to be married to m Mrs. Nancy Ihinnaffan, and notwithstanding evrrv effort has uniformly been m*d? on my part to preserve harmony and peace b?*t>*fcet? us, yet it has been all in vain. She bus now abscond ed from my bed and board, and betaken her sclt 1 know not where. I hereby give notice that 1 am rrsnlved to pay no debt* which she has contracted since her elopement, or may hereafter contract. William ILinnuli. Orange, Feb. 24, 1820. ? ? 3 w CA&U STOWfc. THF. subscriber h ?h l*? -|y opened a More in tl.lUbnrmi/h, in tr.e house formerly occupitd b li-.i<, w 1 1 v r< lie ?.tnrs Icr sale mi very low t;-rm? for cash, u very emu derablc assortment of 2K33S32I (&??3)3j anion ? which are, \ la tre assonnwnt of viperfi-ie, Unr, and coarse bmad cloths, Mtp< rfiiv aiul fine c.t&s> m.-r?s, bed, duple aid Ihrcli hi ?ok t?, coal in?*, \osl>n?S, uluie a'?d c? ?!??? 1 1 ?-*l pl.t. 'is, 'Illinois .md b?"*es cas*i nere vid I anion crap.- sluwU, collie. s, bomba/et'e?, c<n on m>*e, black silk handkerrh ??!?. an a**or'men* of .fiTv ??| wtiich are of* Verv superior quality; tr ce clia-n*, we'd *>; <?oe?, fn mu t?a-s. anriU, vires, si dg? j*i ??! t.a'id hammers, bellows (?i|)> s and band., c ule\ and blister t-?l steel, earpen'tr's pianes, imported waggon bo\e?. paten' cotinjj knivei a: <! if) he blades, and a very large assortment of llaidware aun Cutlery. Ktrklaml. \V> hb & fV?. have always on har d a considerable q.i nt.tt of skirting, bridle, hag, upper anil soal tea her. I wish to employ a sober, steady yrvnnjj man, who can come wed recommended, *?nd who has been brought op to the mercantile business, and is a good accountant. Win. Kirkluml. Hillsborough, Feb. 23 3 ? 3w 1). HEAHTT propose* publishing by subscription Tlir. PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES Convention ofWortli Carolina O.. Jic adoption of tlie Constitution of The L' lited S' ?tr?; TOGET M c. R wirii The Declaration ?>t lights and Consii t-i'ior ?>t" h- St. tc. to which is rmriMn I'i?c Constant !u ot ?ne U :it?.d Stitcs. ? I' f >rrn"r ed.'nwi of work hav'np bcconii i.i ?.c ?rce ??? to rrt'di: it ?! tficuli to p.orurc * enpv, i* hss f?r?"n so p ,r-?? <| to tlip p>iMisiirr t'i?? a ne*' edition ???mH bv ?rrp t.iti'? tn t'ie pub* c; h<* li a ? accordin^l} ?.fiSirwr ?. .1 'hr propoK.t! I >r tlu-ir piltotuj;*, "'?l w t!l comim-nr** tin- pi|>i>r*tion as soon as ?or ntpi'uT of snh*mhcrs -'>uU be ?urh a - t<> IM.t f\ ?; r (ir-.-'i't iPif . I l.c <!?-ba e* ol 'h?* > r < -?.lit.. i <"./? ivi tt'ion on tlif ad>p>ion of ? lie r '?h*i . t ? it i <ii ? .1 tt?r Stolen, n>nn r?n*.n'\ rvc ti- sufticn-n' .n'tr? st lo prevent ? 3 it- . ?? let >nui? e*IMif1, it then f'Tr pr? ? iiimfil !?(.?' ?lie pr?.p?. .i .! < in ion will lit ci te istttrly palroncu-d t.'iroiivfhout the state. I The work will comor m 1 in a duodecimo | v ? ili ? ?? "? nf .. ,-tt tlin-r hiindit-d p .i |5 < h, oe itlv I printed fin fin,- paper I rh?,pritptOMih?cr.ii'"r*tti'l I e one dollar I a%d fifty cms, I. and- jiih!) hor.nd and let ? .red. It w.l! b pur to pre*, as s>?on as three hun dred vib*rril?Ti are obtained Si|l?>cr pii'm* ri erived at lb * offire, and at ? nioit ot 'hi-1 post-olHr.j s ?n ilie it?ie. or THE rn\ i)i ; io\s .1 A M KS A I\ I) U K \\ T ./.\V> J. l/HHS' At.lk KH, /'UN rfifl i. (up p-?st ?i?vour?, ha% the |?l a " J ?ur<- of announcing to i lie Sadie* and ifen j tlcrm n M llsborou^li a:u| iti vifimty, 'hat hr I lm determined to offer tin in Iiih profemional I iirrvicf *? and beiii? po<ta'?*e! of a pcrlVri If lowlrdfje of Ilia* lu'r di*Co\crv, 'lie art of rot'injf to fit the human ?hap'-, "hr ^a^ncu'lv solicit 9 their patronage, and **tiir?i them lhat I all ??rd? r? will be* oxi-roled in t J?c* fir*t atvle lfniform? of every de?cription made in a su prnor manner. Lid it ?' dre.?*?i m.nl? with and ele. fiance. lie will be regularly tnj oliod from New York with tlic newest London and \incriean faahioni Feb 10. 1 tf WANTKI), \l?\Vf.LI.INfi IIOt'*K, suit ahlc for a small family, ai'nated willnn t? conve nient diatanre from t!i?* e<Mirtdiou%e, in llilU bnrongh. I'osHt -s?i<in would be required in Murcti Inquire of the l'rintef. ISlin K A N I) .1 O II I'rimptly and CorreeMv exeented at the oflirc of the lldlibor.xi^b l(<c<ir>lvr. Among the subjects before congress, which are likely to be overlaid by the Missouri question, we much fear that of the Bankrupt Bill will be one. We fear it, we say, because the deep anxiety ma nifested on the subject, from every quar ter of on" country in which trade has been carried on to any extent, evinces the important light in which it is there regarded. It is due to the thousands who tremblingly cling to the hope of an alleviation of their condition fvoin this iim ans, that a fair decision on the ques tion should be had; that they may know, without the possibility of being inistn ken, and without further waste of time, the ?vo*-st thry have to apprehend. We have ? canon to think :hj?t the dis tant at id .cattercd papers of the trading t part of our country occasionally con- I tain cssay> on this ncg'ccted subjcct, which deseivc a better fate than to ntuulder on the spot where they origi nate. Two such we have met with in a Philadelphia pap* r, which appear to nave bet n occasioned hy one of 'hose mournlul r:rcumstancc* that frequently occur union * tho^e u'?o become involv ed in intx.ricabl ? flictilties un Ur tU> ?.'.ate laws O.u ? f ih<*?< < s> u> . we piV ii^h to-day; tin ?e?. in; s ah ?.<l he loin; deterred. .Vaf In:rl. pp m the Philadelphia " The spirit of -j nw wilt ??i?ta>n his infir miUC?, but k \eonndtii t[*nt wlm t?'i licur?" Prvv. The "a'.e distressing att. mpt in our Debtors* Apartment, and the frequent i ecurrcnee ut -tin i'.ie aiming inswlvcnu, has led me \o consider whether this self destruction arises from the impatient and impetuous, or from the desponding a?d melancholic dispositions of the indi viduds, or trom any peculiar hardship or suff'iing which our laws inflict upon t"?t in. fortunate. I have rot been ahle to learn that ihfH unhappy men were remarkou *>s aving st* oni?er passions, either vehe ment or desponding, t:ian most other men. 1 had therefore to seek, lor the ? awse in the operation of those laws to whtch they bccame subject Ououfcli misfortune. Here a view opened that exri'ed my antaz' nvnt; n<?r can I conceive w hy this vii w I. as not long sincc been exhibit* d hy abler hands that. mmr. Nor is t.us amazement lessened when I consider how mat.y of our mov. enlightened and humane citizens are " going to anil Iro upon t^e Larth, seeking" dis tant avenues f<.r tne overflowing of iluir justice, humani y and benevolenc e, as if ail chjorcS at home v.c filled with th ir superabundance. Hut there appears something in the Ir>n?j acr ustom? d and habitual sofT< ring of evil, th.it paralizes our ? fforts, judg ment, and uruletsianfiinj; as to that evil, and lea'ls to a belief, that, because it never lias heen remedied, it i* ieally without remedy. Where these evils arc so extensive as to involve thousands of our fellow be ings, we (?il in, and follow them as a tiling of coin sr ? and those of us who csi ape ??? e vortex, look tin with uncon cern. The negro who is born to ser vitude quietly yields to his fa e. while Ins owner merely onsidcis him as a natural inrrasc of property. The soh!i' t loses a limb, and remains forever a helpless cripple, and we eon s'uler him merely as a man taken I'rom our effe' tivc force. The frautlMlenl debtor secures to his own us** the property of those who ? rusted him and then lives at his east ? the honest debtor yields up hi- last dol lar and ih.-n quietly suffers the igno miny of a jail, and an unavailing te spotisibdity for debti which he can ne ver pay; and the credltois of both rer.t tamely satisfied with their useless claims, yet know they will never pro duce a cent. Slavery, war, the depression ?,f nonest debtors, and the protection of fraudulent ones, and the total loss to the creditors of each through preferences, i*.? . sanc tioned by custom, seem, by long usage, and inveterate habit, to be considered as nmong those 44 ills that flesh is heir to M Happily however the nrcM evils of war and slavery arc now exciting the humanity and talents of the country? but the looses of creditors anil the evil of thousands of our fellow citizens of acknowledged ititc v? t i? y and industry, suffering under petpitual responsibility anil never eliding poverty, creates scarcciy a murmur. An attempt at suicide by a runaway slave under the drcail of being returned to his master, excited more sensibility in the community than the self destruc tion of many upright and respectabh fitizens whdsc niisfoi tones brought on thgtn the horrors of insolvency; o; than is now excited by the suffering* of the humane and gallant gentleman* lying under the agbny of his wounds. and the stiil greater agony of feeling which our laws inflect on the unfoitunate freemen of our country; laws, from which death is so often sought as the only rfll'uge. We see many eanfeatly engaged in obtaining the pardon of criminals, al though these crimunlsare fed, clothed, and provided with employment. Mur derers have found numerous friends whose whole ener gies have been exert ed ^n obtaining the willing petitions of our citize ns to avert the course of the law. Runaway slaves have purchased their freedom with the liberal contribu tions of ? few inhabitants of a city where the b.d and wretched furniture of ho liest citizens are often sacrificed at con stable's sales, for p;dtry debts ? end where poor hard-working women have been dragged to the sufferings of a pri son with infants at their breasts, and this in many instances for debts not amounting to a dollar. And what is still mote inexplicable we see men cheerful ly encountering expense, toil, and argu ment, f.-r the freedom of those whom they never saw, and yet will not move a step to ri ga.n tneir own liberty, or utter a word to solicit their own rights. I.et it br* remembered that I explicit ly make this declaration once for all, that I do nol v. i?-h in ary degree to les sen the seosib'lity whicn happily exists for the fiu- criminals ai d of sluvis, incl of th.- many obj-cs ot public cx ri'tmcn?. No; the decaying h .iid tha' w i itcs tl i.', would sooner rise against th< life wiiich yet sustains it, than touch, with impious intent, " The Mercy Seat" which i he voice of Omnipotence placed 14 over the Judgment s at." I mention (hit sensibility only to con trast it with i lie indifference and apathy matii lasted for the fate of many of our tn. fortunate brethren and fcilovr citizens who have become insolvent, and who *re really placed in a more deplorable and h-dpicss situation than any part of ? he- litir ns or subjects of any ci' iiized country <m earth, except the fraudulent un? ertifi ated bankrupt r f Mn^laud, \vho?-c punishment consists in hting ir/i in the same ??itua'ioii in which our im becile laws f.'ucr the honest insnlve.1l of the f i rest country in the w >rld. The credirois with us fare worse than creditors do under any other vjovtrn* inent Our country vitaily suffers from protecting nien in their ease, or con demning them to idleness, who, in any other civilized state, would at once be punished if fraudulent, or restored to i rhist'y, usefulness, and liberty, if in noeent. I Tl?e inefRcacy of our insolvent laws is too appjicnt to he illustrated; t?>o notorious to he explained? they oppress none hut the uprigh', protect none hut the fraudulent, and give no relief to the ' creditors of cither. But waving all consideration of debtor and creditor, and the profits and loss's of the mere trafTV king part of the com munity, it should be < on-i 'ered that : lu sc laws do not enforce ifie provisions of our constitutions, nor protect the unaliena ble rights and privileges ol our citizens. ? Humane, because he plunged headlong- i in'o ihf ami aaved his cluel maU- wh>? had f?l.< n overboard and could not swim, the sh p bcuy* uithoii' a jolly boat, and goingnine knots, he sustaned him more than n hour "on the mountain wave" before they were reliev ed. Thi* achievement forma a subject of painting among our artists, and the * oilth thus saved, although then lir<t officer of a lar^e ahip, was Inn in the gristle of nineteen, lie was afterwards one of our brave lieutenants v. ??'? ga\i- lo??re to the late War, anil vet in tli> na\a! service of his country, the pride of Ins family and the. consolation of an aged mo ther. l.ail.mt, because tha?, with hi* second mate then but eighteen, and the same who is men tioned above, toiij^men and two boys, he van rpiidird a prise-master ami fifteen able sea men, recaptured his ship and brought her? ,fe into jHirt This exploit is reeoPiled by other li nuU than m.ne, ami remains on a splendid piece of plate. ?' Presented lo capl. ? , master of the ship , ,,f Philadelphia, by the gentle man concerned in that vessel and cargo, for his brave exertions in recapturing their pr>> peii\ from the possession of a French priva teer, on her voyage (mm Philadelphia to Mal ta, in the vear 1809.** These thing* are known ami can Iw spoken of, but no persuasion can prevail on the aub jer.t of them to suffer his own or the ship's name to appear on the present occasion. house of nnritKswr.iTii i:s Saturday, February Mr. Smytli, ol Virginia, from the committee on military affairs, to whom was reft- ried an in<|uiry into the. txpc I'unry of establishing an additional na tional armory, made a report unfavour able to the establishment of an addition al armory, which report w as, on motion of Mr. Anders- n, laid on the tabic. Ml^souttt Bll.r.. The order of the day bcititj announc e<l from the chair; ? being the unfinish ed business of yesterday, Mr. Hill renewed the motion which he made yesterday, that the committee of the whole house he discharged from the further consideration of the Missouri hill; hut the motion was not sustained by a majority of the house. The house then again *resolved itself into a committee of the whole, Mi. Cobb in the chair, on the said bill. Mr. Siorrs, of New Yoik, mored to amend the bill, by inserting in the 4ih section, (immediately preceding the re strictive amendment adopted yester day,) the following proviso: That in all that tract of country ceded bv France to the United Stairs, under the name of Louisiana, which lies north of thirty-six degrees and thirty minutes north latitude, excepting only such part thcit-of as is included within the limits of the state contemplated by this act, there shall b<* neither slaveiy nor invo lun ary servitude, otherwise than in the punishment of crimes, whereot the par ty shall have been duly convicted: Pro vided , air ays. That any person escaping into the same, from whom labour or service is lawfully claimed many state or territory of ihe United States, such fu gitive may be lawfully reclaimed, and conveyed to the person claiming his or her labour or service, as aforesaid. Mr. Storrs supported his amendment in a speech of considerable length? em bracing, incidentally, in the range of his remarks, an examination of the right of imposing the slavery restriction on Mis souri. Mr. Randolph next rose, and spoke ?note than four hours, against the amendment, and on the topics connect ed with it, the subject of restriction, &c. When he had concluded, (about half past four o'clock,) An ineffectual motion v. is mf.de for the committee to rise. M . licecher, of Ohio, then look t!.e floor, and proceeded a short time in r? speech on the tubject, when he ga-. ?. way for a motion for the committee m rise, which prevailed, and about five o'clock The house adjourned. Jki nj.iy, February '28 Mr. Randolph, l.om.the selct t corr uiittee appointed on that subject, re ported a hill for the relief of the lami!;, <>{ toe i-iC O'.-vtr ilaptaid Pe- ty, and ft tne education of* his children ut the pub lic charge; which was twice read ard Committed. Mr Smvih, from the comtniitec on military affairs, reported a bill respect ing th." military establishment. Mr. S. lrom the same committee, re ported a bill authorizing grants of bonn ty land in certain eases; which bills were severally twice read and committed. Mr. S.oirs, from the sclect commit ter appoint) d on bis resolution of the 10th December last, to inquire and re port whether any of the public monies appropriated by congress lor the pay ai.d subsistence of the regular army of ?he U States, since the 4tn ol March, 18 15, have nee 1 1 applied to the support ? ?I any army or detachment ol troops i aised ithout the consent of this house, or the authority of congress; made a report ther on. This report is of very considerable length, and accompanied by voluminous ilbtsti ating and supporting statements. Tnt report having been read through: Mr. Kcid, o( Cicor^ia, moved that five thousand copii s thereof be printed for the use of t e bouse; in srpport of which lis reinatkid that this was a govern ment d? pending in a peculiar manner on the strength of public opinion; that the hou?e would r< collect that the de hate on the Seminole war had ^nne be fore. the public, that a report ??t a com mittee ol tne senate at the las; session had abo gone forth, and that a vindica tion of tin president of the Unit? d States ami nis commanding generals, pr< pared by an unknown baud, had been put into circulation, and tumid its way even to their tables, and that, without any pre judices ol anv description to gratify, lie uisned all the facts and evidence (now laid before the hou^eTjv '"lis report) to be as extensively sprr d 1 efoic the p o ple as the documents, See. to which he had alluded. The motion was opposed by Mr. Slro ther at some length; who argued that it would be an unnecessary ex pence, an the report would prohahly receive a ge i.eial circulation through the public pa* pi is; and that t'ie usual number, (f ) copies) would l>c sufficient for the '.sc of memt?crs, kc. The motion to print 5000 copiM was Inst ? as w.?s a motion to pria 3 *> >, nd a mo ion to print lo0>; aftei w i cb, tno usual number was ordered, * #d the re port was committed to a c mmittce of the whole bouse on the statu ol the Union. On motion ol Mr. Crawford, it was liriftlvrt/% Tti'it t ie committee of ( I.imin b nstructcJ to inquire into the expediency of pro*" Jing by law lur the

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