HILLSBOROUGH RECORDER ? y ./? . , r, APK] Yol.I. WEDNESDAY, A PHIL 5, 1820. HILLSBOROUGH, N. C. PUBLISH tD WKfr.KLY BY DENNIS HE\RTT, XT THHIB DOLLAKS A YE* H, PAYABLE HALF YEARLY IN ADVANCE. Those who do not give notice of their with ?o have their paper discontinued at the expi ration of Ihfif year, will he presumed at de Hiring its continuance until countermanded. Whoever will guarantee ihe p-tvmem of nine papers, shall receive a tenth gratis. Advertisements not exceeding fourteen lines will be inserted three times for one dollar, and ; went* -five cents for each cont inuance. Subscriptions received by the printer, and ;oosi of the pust-niastcr a in the state.' All le'ters upon business relative to thr p= per must be post-paid ?#* Gentlnnen of leisure, who possess a tas'e for literary pursuits, arc invited to favour us with communication*. for Sale, Tito elegant Viunus Forie. TIIKY are both new, and will be sold cheap for cash. A Negro C;irl of an a?? from twelve to fifteen years, would l?e t-iaen in part pa)ment. Application must be made immediately. Inquire of llie Printer. Atarek 15. Otl NOTICE. J\ MRS & Snders i?o Meb;? ?w?-en tour and tive d??l li"?, which still leave* a butane** unpaid. I do tn en- to re fbrewarn the said Jamii Si \nder?on M'-Uane Imin paying the said balance u? a?>y p?rmii but myself, aft I have never trailed or as* n ?-ach wrrk at J.on< s H'ltchiftun's, c*q; and on Thursday, F?-day and Saturday at Mason Hal), at) in the roun'y of Omn^e; will cover mar<-? at the reduced pr.ee of lour dollars tlie leap, tne cath to be paid at the time of ser\ice; six dollars the fa son, if paid at any time within the season, n'heftvise eijfht d-illars will be charged for tlw season; and ten dollars tn insure a mare with foil, which money will become doe as soon a. it can bo ascertained the ni.* li-tble for any that mat happen. pp.oic;uk.e. Ostrich, a beautiful bai . black legs, mane and tail, fi.'e feet four inches high, v. o 'Inr teen years old last Julv, u ??? bred t>\ Allen Vounjf, of the county of Nleckl.nhnr^, in tbe vtu.e o( Virtfi'ii ?; ? as >fotrne Wrangler, and came out of t\? celebra ted mare M.*s Fid^Tt, her aire the imported Sterling, her dam by Old o setrap John M ;ison. V ||. fjcntlrrr.rn living at a distance, who t'unk prnjx-r in send their marcs tn t'n ?. 4IF. K K'l T Prop->k< ? pul>likh n^ l?y subscription I II V. PROCEKl)IN(;s AND 1)1.1$ \ ITS or we C onmilwit of ,V(H'lh Carolina On tlicnlnpl iniml the Constitution o.' 1 1.** llniiril i?tatr"?; TiOf. l Htll with I )c Declaration ol Kti;ht ? ?nd Consti tution ot the St itc. TO which is pur. rixr. n r he Constitution ol tne United StJtcs. fnrmfr edition of this work havinjf 1 hf come s?> scare* as to rendfr it difficult lo procure a Copy, it ha* be. 11 *n|fif"?ted to 'hp publisher t lint a new edit ion would h< ?ferrtahle to the pnhlc; he baa accordingly submitted the propria! f >r their patronage, and Mill commence the publication a? aoou as ? lie number of inhir fibers shall !>n fine paper. The price to subscriber# will be one dollar and filiy cents, handsomely bound and lei 'trer| It will h<- pot to press as aoon as three hun dred oihscr hers fcre obtained Subscriptions received at (hit office^ tnd it oio?t of the po?l-off\ct-? in the atate. T Mason Hall Eagle Hotel . A. MASON', WISIIF.S to inform hia former customer* ami the public Kent-rally, tliat lie lias nearly finished ma house, so that he ourlioo<< will a HT.rcl. I Hp is also provided uith pood stables, and will always keep tbe b^?t provender. The situation of the place is pleasant, and very heslthv. Gentlemen willing to visit luni with their f es, dnri'ijj the aummer season, can be accominodaicd on mode-ate terms. 'I lie keeper of tins es'^bSishnient pledges himself to the public to do all til Ins power to please and givretwiiC saiisfarti??n. Gentlemen who call can an>j?e l hi nisclves -n read:?c tlie newspapers in liis hal'-room, where he keep* file* of p.t|>ers troin almost every par of the (Jn ted States. Mason Hall, Ornnjf county, N . C. ") Keb. 2 a, 18 20. ' 5 4 CAStt STOYHE. TliE subscr.ber lias lately opened a store in Hillsborough, ,,,c bouse lorn erly occupied bj him, where he otters tor sale on very low terms for ca?h, a very considerable assortment of 3>303II 3) among which are, A large assortment of superfine, finej and coarse broad cloths, ?upt.-r!iiie and fiiore, the daughter ol L\dia -l/oore, was forcibly tak^n and carried aw iy in a chair b. the suid llrvsn It is be* In veil that he h*> a liirge.l bill of sale tor the girl, purporting u? have been executed by her rn ther, and it is feared that he tias carried the s^irl to t'.e south, with the intention oi s? llmg her. Direv ,l/o'?re h.?s lived with tlie suhscn ' her ever smc. she w:is fifteen mouths old, an. I ! the fact of her freedom c.m Iw pr'>\eM bey >nd the >oatibilitv ivl a doubt Hue is n iw ahout v ell teen vial's uid, live feet higll, Willi a yellowish c tuples on, t' u k bushy hair, and we*?rs ritujs in hero..r* Hnan is about six le-t hgh has blue eves, s a little round shouldered, a"d has a long nuiH. I he editor* nf southern pat are request ed to g'Te the foregoing an i?i9trtion in t'ie Kebr.iary '25, 18 JO. ' ^ 5tf .f V >1 ft ?s \ N l> U ft \\ T \I1. OH limit s' Dur.ss m.ikf.h, (* U \TF.|'I I. f.?r past favoufs* h*!> the j?l a J sure nl to t|ic ladies am! tfen Uemenof ll.llstmrmigli and its Vicinity, that l>c ha* determined to oHVr tliefn his prn)r??Niii?l services, ami hemj* pojsetM-d of a per (Vet knowledge of tliat late discovery, the an ot rutting to ht the htmnn *ha|>e, he earnestly solicits their patronage, nutl assort a them that all order* will he eirnitrd in the fir?t ?tylc. Uniforms of every description made in u su perior manner. Ladi? s' drc^K-s tnade with taste and ele gance. lie will he regnlsrlv supplied from New Yaid District, as to allow to minors the right of the i(ji?ity lor redemption, two years after .iiey *>:.all have attained to tne age of twenty-one years, by complying with t.,e condition now required b> law. Mr. Foot submitted the f. lowing re solution: Ri solved, That the committee of way and mans he instruct- d to enquire into the expediency of repealing 01 amend ing thv act i4 to regulate auil tix the com ;>>. .isatin.i of the clerks in the d.tt'ereut nfFic s," passed April 20, 1818. The resolution was, on mvtiim, so amended as to direct the inquity therein p:<. p-.se !, to b<- made by a select com umtee, instead of the committee ol ways j and means. And tt?e question being taking on agre< ing to toe said resolution, as amen | tied ? It was determined in 1 1??5 negative. So the motion was rejected. The remainder of the day was occu I i>ied in debate on the civil appropriation biil; and chiefly on the clause which proposes an appropriation of one Iv.in died thousand dollars " for completing the contiact* for constructing tlie road from Washington, Penn. to Wuecliitg, made during the year 1817 " On thi* there was "a raiiier animated d? bate; Mr. Slocuiub having moved t<> strike it out ol the bill. Tl.e ol.-j- ctions to it were, principally; I. To the povr cr of congress to construct roads at all; and, 2. To the natuie of the contracts, fconie of u hicli it * as suggested had ori ginated in collu?it>n and fraud. This question has b. cn, in substance, discuss ed so much at large for several succrs sive years, that wc have not 4hought it necessary to report the d. bate at larvae. Alter deciding the quvsnon cn Mr. Slocu mb's motion in th# negative, the committee iw; and The house adjourned Fr-day, .Varcli 18 Mr. Uobcitson submitted the follow ing joint resolution for consideration: Hr solved, By the senate and house of representatives, kc. That .be consent of congress be aiid the same is hereby j^iv efci to a contract or agreement made and concluded uy and betw ten '.lie states of Kentucky and Tennessee, at Frankfort, in Kentucky, on 'lie 2d day of February lb Jo, to adjust and establish the boun dary line be' ween them. The resolve ?as read twice, and or dered to lie on the tabic. The engros-ed toll to authorize the secritaiyof slate to cause tiie laws of the Mu bi^an territory to h? printed and di>iui? tid, was iead a third time, pass ed, and sent to t:te Senate. The hoire a.-.ain resolved itsrlfintoa committee of tlu whole, Mr. ll.echei in the chair, on the appropriation bill for d Irjymg the civil ? xpences of t!ie go vernment. Mr. Coob renewed the mr?ti >n which tic made the other day on a> other bill, but th? n withdrew, to insert in the bill an appropt iauon of thirty thousand dol lars for negotiating a treaty with the O'.ek and Cherokee Indians for the r\. tinRuishment of tlv ir title to certain lands in the Mate of Georpia. Tne motion was support (I bv Mr. I ? ?>!?, at considerable length, and also by Mr. CutM>ert and Mr Abbot, all of (i(i4. M ibb 15. Rhea, Livu'iuore, ai.d Campbell aiso engaged ill the de oaie. The motion was agreed to by a large maj ority. In t tie progress of the bill, a motion *as made tovtiike out of the apprnpna lion for the expenses of the commission under the 5th article of the treaty of lihent, so muc h as provides a compen sation for an agent under that treaty; and, alter a short debate* the motion was agreed to without a division. Mr. \Voodbridj*e moved to amend the bill by introdu< in? an appropriation of wenty thousand dollars, to defray the expenses of extinguishing the Indian title to land in the tcnitory ot Michi gan. The motion was supported by Mr. Woodbridgc and Mr. Ross, and was agreed to without a division. The bill was then reported to the house with sundry amendments} and the (piestion presented itself on concur i ing in certain of the amendments. Some discussion took place on seve ral of them* On the question to concur with the committee of the whole in filling th? blank for the appropriation of one hun dred thousand dollars, to be applied to the payment for contracts made in the year 1817, for making the great Cum berland Road, the yeas and nays were taken, and stood as follows: For the appropriation, 90 Agjinsi it, 66 So the appropriation was concurred in. Obji rtion was made to the appropri ation of 6,000 dollars for paying to Mr. Trumbuii tue 3d payment on account of his contract lor lour National Painting?; on the delivery of the second of which, now nearly completed, this money will be payable to him. The principal ob jection to the appropriation was, that the money is not yet due. TNe appropriation passed, in the end, bv 7 6 votes t?> 54. And the bill was ordered to be en gios.ed for a third reading; and The house adjourmd. Saturday, March 18. The bill from the senate to suspend, for a further time, the sale or forfeiture of lands for failure in completing the payments thereon, was reported by Mr. Anderson, from the committee on the public lands, without amendment. After some conversation between M essrs. Cobb, Hendricks, M4Coy, and Taylor, as to the proper course to he V'iven to it, whether it should be com mitted, read a third time at <>n''e, or la>d on tut tabl; ; the last Couise was adopt ed, ayes 65, noes 52, and the bdl was laid on t!ie table. ?Mr. Anderson, from the committee on the public lands, to whom had been referred the bill to change the mode of disposing of the public lands, (from crr ! rit to cash, Sec.) reported the same with amendment. [The amendments propose to strike out all that part of the bill which change the s-les from credit to cash payments.] After a short discussion, as to she pio per disposition of the bill, it was com mitted to a committee of the whole I house. Ti e engrossed bill making appropria tions for the support of government for the year 1820, was read the third time, pass'd, and sent to the senate for con- i currence. The bill making oppropriations for the centre building of the capitoi, and (or other purposes, passed through a committee ol the whoje, Mr. Beecher in tne chair; the sums inserted by the committee, (111,789 dollars, for the centre budding.) agreed to by the house, and the bill was ordered to be engrossed for a third reading. On motion of Mr. Crowell, it was Rrtolvcd) That the committee on commerce and manufactures be instruc ted to inquire into the expediency ol es stahlial.ing a light r.ouse on Mobile point, in the state of Alabama. On motion of Mr. Anrteison, it was licsc. Ivril, That a committee be ap pointed t?< inquire into the expediency of providing l>y law more effectually foi reclaiming persons held to service or Jabot r in one state, and escaping there - fiom into another state, and that the committee h ve leave to report by bill or otherwise. HfcVOLt'TIONARY PENSIONS. The house then resolved itself into a conin ittce of ti.e whole, Mr. Beecher iii he chair, on the bill to amend the act ? I Mi'ir.i 18, 1818, providing pensions lor persons engaged in the land and na val service in the revolutionary war. Mr. Bloondi' Id rose, and, after stat i'li; the contemplated effect of this bill, entered into a particular history of the pn gress of tiic aet of 1818, through the two house*., tlie different features it as sunu d, and its ultimate shape, compar ed with the hill originally reported by the commi-tee, of which he was chair man, to shew that that committie aie ii.noeent of having produced the rmhar ra^ments which had grown out of the act. To try the question whether -the house was willing to repeal the existing art, he concluded by moving to strikv out the first s< ction of the bill. Mr. C ai.non moved to amend the sec- I tion, by striking out that part of the first section which allows to officers higher pensions than what is allowed to pn vates It would be perceived, Mr. I', said, that the object of this amendment was to place the officers of t:onie length. Mr. C. however, waived his motion to give way for an amendrmnt, wh.ch Mr. Barbour inti mated 1uh intention to off r, winch em braced what Mr. C. had in view. Mr. Harbour then submitted, by way of amendment, the following provisions, n lieu of those contained in ihc oiiit Be it enacted, U"c. That every per | son who now is, or hereafter may be, I placed on the pension list of the United t States, by virtue of an act of congre* ! entitled " an act to provide for certain persons engaged in the land and naval service of the United States, in the re volutionary war," passed the I8ih of Mjich, 1 8 1 8, who served for the term of nine mouths, and for a term less than three years, shall, so soon as he shall have received the amount of two years' pension, as allowed him by the said act, be forthwith s'ricken from the pension roll; and every person who now is. or hereafter may be, placed on the pension list <>f the U. States, under the act afore said, who served for the terra of three | ye^rs, or longer, shall be entitled to re ceive ihe amount of the pension allow* ed him by said act, for the term of two | years, from the date of this declaration, and afterwards during life, ? ?? ? dol lars per annum. I .itc. a. Jina be it further enacted, Tliat 110 person who now is, or hereaf ter may be placed on the pension list of the United States, by virtue of the act aforesa.d, shall hereafter receive any part of the provision to w liich he may be entitled by the said act, as amended by the provisions of this, which shall be due and payable after thai which be came due 4th March, 1820, until he shall have exhibited to some court of record in the county, city, or borough, in which he resides, a schedule, stib ?xribed by him, containing his whole estate, (wearing apparel excepted,) and shall have, before the said court, taken and subscribed the follow ing oath or af firmation, to wit: 44 1 A. B. do solemnly swear or affirm, (as the case may he,) r hat I was a resident citizen of the Unit ed Sta'es on the 18th day of M.trcl;, 1818 and that I have not, since that time, by gift, sale, or in any manner whatever, disposed of my properly, or any part thereof, with intcn; thereby so to diminish it, as to bring myself with in the provisions of an act of congress entitled 44 an act to provide for certain persons engaged in the land and naval service of tlx: United Stales, in ihe ic voJutionary war," passed the 18th ot March, 1818; and that 1 have not, nor has any person in trust for me, a*,) property; nor have I any securities, contracts, or debts due to me, other man what is contained in schedule now de livered, and by me subscribed "?nor until ihe person applying for the pay ment of a pension, shall produce to the secretary of war a copy of the aforesaid schedule and oath or affirmation, duly certified by the cleric of the court to which the said schedule was delivered, and before which the said oath or affir mation was taken and subscribed, toge ther with the opinion of the said court, also certified by their clerk, of the va lue of tht property contained ii. the said schedule: Provided* That in every case in which the pensioner imy be insaiie, the court may receive said schedule without the a lores aid oath or affirmation, from the committee o> o her person au thorized to take caie ol such insane person. Sec. 3. jlnd be it further enacted , i Tiiat the original schedule and oith or affirmation, shail be filed in the cleik's I office ot the court, to winch the sche dule shall be exhibited, and before winch the said oath or affirmation, shall be ta ken and subscribed; and any p> rson who shall swear or affirm falsely, in tt?e premises, and be thereof convicted. sh:?ll suffer as for wilful and corrupt per jury. ScC. 4. And be it further enacted. That the act to which this is an amend ment, shall be so construed as th ?t no pe rson shaii be entitled ;o its provisions, whose property is of the value o( which vaiue shall be t&ken from the estimation of the couri, to which (he schedule snail be exliioiud, and which is hereinbefore required to he certified to the secretary of war. Ser. 5. And be it further enacted , That so much of ihe act of the JS.n M-rch, la IS, entitled " an art t<> |no* vide for cettain persons in the Ian*4 tr>d naval service of the United State*. in the revolutionary w ir." a* is hiropsis tent with the provision* ol litis ac:, sh-dl be, and the same is h rehy repealed. Mr. Barbour explained to the com mitter the substantial oj.ct of il.'s amendnv nt. The firs object, ns would be ween hv the first sec ion, was to rc peal the law, as to ail tf-osc who hud served for a term less than three yrar>, after they shall have received thru pen sions lot two yeais.and to continue pen sions lor I ? f v , to all thov who had scrv ?fli ers and soldiers an equal sum, alter i v. ? n influenced, he confessed, not a luuc by