HILLSBOROUGH RECORDER. Vo\. WEDNESDAY, JULY 5, i820. v? 5.-1 _____ I ' L *1 ? 4^* UILLSBO ROUC II, N\ C. PI HLISHKD Wl.F.KLY RY DENNIS IIKMM'T, AT TtlitKK D< >1.1. A US A YK%U, PAYAUI.K li \ I. K VKAHLV IN \D\ \ N C F? . These ?!i<> do n?'t fcive none of the ir \v:*di to have -heir t??il ?***" tli-cnntiiiuert at tfie expi ration ft' th'-ir \*-?i, will Ik* ;.rc-?umv?l as d? ? jinn; us continuance until coumei manded. Whoev e.* v- ill iT'i^r.intvr tin- p. iv m?-n of nine p:>pcr?. si. ill ?ece;ve a tenth gratis sd-t -t.seinrrv ? n?*ic\cenlm? lourteen lines will l> inserted .hi ee time* tor one dollar, und fi*?- c lor rufli continuance. S-i' sriijiti'ii^ received by ? lt? pi ititet , and mi s. ?>l* ? !.?? p usiers in tlic s'a'e. Ail l?- t? i ? upon bu*>ioc?t? relative to tlic pi nt r ni'jst 'if post-paid < ?< iiil< ui''ii nf 'leisure, who p'j'?? ss a ?is'.- i * i rr j p'iriiitit*-, arr inv'.lcd to l'uv>?ur u Mi c ini:nnnirati??*i%. N <>\ "\e e is Xu'v^A)^ given, '"J^'ll \T i?> M iihI i\ the l'i'h cluv of .1'ilv 1 iii \-. 1 *''all ?tt?-nd us th** h- iim 'if ( ll'u) G? ?n Albright ? *>;i I ii< ?d i\ tin* 1 It i .-it tlie |in 'I J 'It" l^'iifT. ?'??! ? We in<->iht\ the 1"2?V .? the house "f I ujf II ilt. ?sjj ? on Tluir%'lt\ t' l* 1 >t!i, :<t 'lit hni.se ut Jjta.i s Hii'rli'inn, i iq ? <ii> 1 uUy the 14th, it the Su?r <?f \ndrew M't .? ?le\, ts j ? **n iviiur. day the 1 5' U. ut the ?? .re of ?;*-or:e * Me* hv>*' fi i <? ? o'> Ttmrsd tv tl>e 2'j'h, a' 'he liiii.*.'- of John l{.i\ , ?*?! ? o > Kr., a\ In.* iJsi. :?t O..* fi >i.*it* ??! flunk in M'K * , **-(j -in *?.i. turda\ th*- J- h th?? ?i. irt lioti-e *n II Hs f,,,~ i*jr'i? i , : i Tl. ..>d.?\ "I,** 27th, at t!ir house of' p'l- oil! t'ook ? on Ft. dux t i>?* J St I, :.t the 1 1?) , ? f .1 ,in>*s < "o"k ? u'i.I ?)?? ^jtnirfj\ the a' ?'.?? ??>>r** of N;t irew Unci s, fir the ?. .tv.osr of. ill* C'n if t !,<? tiT ? I ? i ef f*.r t'tt* \ car ISiy lf - h >(< <1 thai all ?l. '.?%! coiiccrilt d Will v i I ' i?rr^s**1vrs ol 'his ?iO?*r . Th. tn.i ,r <tr .t* s at'^o n ?-d h Hie la?t c ni't of ,, j'i.1 fj .r * r S ??? nn?. to wit Jo'in 0 .on e? j 'ot ">1 ih-'-Tt; |>.,\ id \tp. han* , ? i] f.**- ?)? ati^t dia 1 Ifnrv I u,np* gfitx. rsq 1 r 11.1 ?'viMiUlt di*;rirt, ui-d 1 1?- rv Ur. unock. esq f. >r i 'h.tth.??n di ?? net , w;!| ?t ttm! ut the 'iriif* utid pi ices, in t' e t re.p? civ* dis rir's. tort u purpo?f ut t.,k n^f a 1 1 of i\uoi' "> and tuxuble p-operty fur the preien' \r*~ Tli 1)111 us CI unry. SherijJ .1ii<ie 21 ?1? Jw N o r I (3 K. A I.I. {>erif?'is tn J imf# ^ '?nii'li <>r t'i J?it? ? S arc rrq'iet' t<l t'? N'ttlc iti n uccuimu, a* lie f ?)i i;?ve n*? further indulgence. J. S. Smith. lliUsboroii/!i, June 2 2. ? f n o r l c i;. AM. persons ;n?l liin I to "lio !a'e firm of .? \ % ! KS JF.KI KKS ?*'()? ;tl,er in n'?p or o*|?' r < is?., it ?? rr<|U< s't<l '<? r?mi' fufward ar?l m ike payment, :?n m > ;t?Jiil^cncC can be pM-ij Kit her ??f the ?n!i?cri'itrs *te kullin* nscil to ^ianl ?l ?clt ?r^?-i J I urn'Ti him) 1 S\i i^'i* mif J. Hit' S. Sin it li? J partners llillaborrxi^h, .lni?? 20 Tin* Still. ni:iiiii? v 1) t. r r' *<l ? ill erCat er (?' .1 km'i T?i '?vr jllll ' . ? i *>. Mlll'tl I ll< \ l? iVf (Ml ll.. ?! t <:'i.?i?'.i'^ '?? jj'hh! s' )l?, ,\n l u ,1 l>e reacU at *rv ri.t* in l|.i\e *' H- 'U'lf t?? * ? i i ? ;>i:cha %t r? .ft. r anv pat< m ttiey may sh^cv. 2U ? tt Val liable Properly r o n s . 1 1. /?;. 1\ >1 yff ('. . r "i* of r. m' 'vi'ijf lo ?h< \V< .? i-pi < <i.,n n . \n?it to i! ' 1 1 !.? ill \>li i< ? ? 1 ? 1 1 ? i , * 1 1. m fi'fi' lei j >i| * I . i r? % * ?i t ? ? : 1 \ ifi 'II ' r*i Ik- ?-??? 1 ?<<?! <*a. II. r "??> I i rjii.il '?> aiiv ii til h ? < 'r ?i ??? cunn'r\ , ?1 li? cnl'Mi't* of .ill W ??!? ? i* ijr i m, r 1 1 i ? in inn! t' '< ?rri?. i'" wlmli 1 1 1 <? c in<l ?'Uhlr ?l\\ > i! l?<'<v , ? ''li 'it r nv fnl utit imijt s. i 'I ? 1'ii.i'it null i> I ?' ? i ! ? li i v 'i* ^;?v>il (i ll. i. .i \ ? i.i? <? *i.ii I "I tr m t?rl?c In tinmen li<m li< <! .? ( ? t ?l?- anl p. .?? K trrn, of clinirc Irii i, i'ih' hi'ijinnnii' 'ii 'n'jr Thr tilmtion ih plena ?t?? an?l 'I'-.ilt >\ , hi a I tf'rtxl ??i*l ri <?(?<?? l Mr ir !ili ii . r'i'i. ii I , nr it In (mic nf lie liol ir i i .|v n t lii* * ii i , ii i.i li t ? Ii' ?.*?rr nf tin H?'? Win II ? n?. wl iOsi- rim I ar-rr '<& Wi ll .1 rill ii r ill% k i"' *? J \ ill * II at i Uir pi'K i', *?><( "In- ; .i\ii?i m shall !h' an ifiniimUtint! t<> Hir pn cli;?*ri i? |?>m*ilil . "I .'in- wild \ i*li t" p. i ????<?<? an rl.^iMi , |il> i 8*jn", ii'i'.l pft >ll ? *Me it lor I1<1<<I1I< >.?, WOH III lift ni'll lo i ? ? ? 1 ??? a, n| v \v If fir- iniitNi ti n iiuim norl'i \?<<?t <il ll.lU'Miroo^li, o, an^e 0"tiiii* >ni tin ru.nl li i'ti 1., from 1 1 l! .Iiorm^li ?u < a?well court Ikni?i< .lollll t ' 21111 |?t>?'ll. .V n Tln< poirliavr ran lia '? a tlni'tv >tork nf C'lt'li i IHIK1 all' I ?'n-ep, > itli all lliC '41?' .lUjf lllell?ll<tt ItOllscliO li .nil I kt(i It' tl I II V* ? tn nrr, tlir rro|i nf coi n, wlicat ami I nl lev, or <?ii> |?aft llivrt <?f. ? J V. Jan# 6tl?, Ic20 I J? 3*v JS'uWce \a UcreY^ i"*HA I' u 9 the l:??t M V liTHi <>t tin- ronft 1 f I'lcas ami <Jn *1 1 ? r ^cih ihih, lirl-l I <r ?her imt\ ol Orange, li t t> r* of minimis' *tmn ?in tin' pei sorial ck'alr <1 \VII.Ll\M liO\!?, Inte of icnncNTi (lerCiiKil, ?< ?s <f nvctl io Hit iiilncnlM r; all prrsniu uii i ? letl to s.ml ?? ?atr, are rrottr.stril lo ill ik?* pa* lii?-iti; .i nl tlilisr liaVtliif r.laitlt* a^.'lil'llt tl" S:?llit'? .< hcii In ii?it In ii ta pit *< it' Hit hi v. I'll 11 ''ir limr p-fM i ili. ii li\ la.v, ollu w si li.m noln c ill Ik* pl(*4il> tl in liar "I 1 C' rot > ft I ii! \ ariiroit^li. 't M'boro't|(li, Juno J J, l6'J0. I ? >? :?\v DISSOLUTION. TIIK copartnership o Win Huntington & ?;<>. was this ilu\ d 9* lived by mu'iiitl consent \ 11 penunt iixlrb <d <? said concern ar<* leques'ed to ^gll uii either of tlx- subscri bers is earlv as possible, and close their re spective accounts ; as they arc re?o|\cd to base their accouir* closed by bonds cr other* wi??. ... .. >>111 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 <J^I Oil . J oli ii Van Hook, jr. Hi! sborou^ht June 6ih, 1 i JO VV\V%\ (?7* The business will be continued by Win. Hon' n^tui', uho bus on haiid a liai d.?otne as s .ri*i nt ? .!' IVutehes. Jewelry, Silver I Fare. i/c. which hf u II sell ver\ low for cash, nr on a rr -dit to those whose punctuality cun be reli ed Oil. Watches, Lc. rtp iired at the shortest no tice, and w <u rau'ed. Win. Huntington. 19? tf. Taken ?t/) ami committed to Jail, V\F,(iRO min, wh?> < d!? ' imso'f JOHN", uiul *.?)? In* Wi< r?"rcli.?>cd l?\ a Mr I irn- r. ancj;ro ir.u'.- r, m<- April l.?st. tn?ni I !ioma>> hi (ilo'iciv.T c-mtitv, V irgsma; 'lut lie r a'? au?k .!om tl.e Said I <r ncr a' -lit tliipc or four wtvks atf" I'll'' Si.'l neiTo J"lin :*pp- ars to ii?; ..liout ' ?* ? *i:\- i^h: o r thjr y \t ir? old, stout ti'i.l', five 'ect five a?i<l ;? lirf.1t' iiicli' s Till' ottiii r s ir quoted In C''nr forward, prove l..s propertv jtuy Cl.ar^t*, a .id lak- f. in ?wa} ?1 miles Clancy, Jailor. 11 I'ibom-iijl;, June lu $19 DA 7 XJ) cor i' i: it smith. INFOUM* ? ?> t'r.i 'it!s a I rustniiii rs, tint tic i- t(x< ts to r c v? , ? ?\ T ?? n* X' arr,%-al of In- steam !*iat, a ral Msvrlniei.1 r>f Strong Copper Sheets ami Bottoms, suaMe fur rr al >>j vil's of from tlnrtx -li* t in riglit\.fi\f ^.ali'ins. w icl> lie I' miiti': ? quat atn m ?d?- ?<i ttir L'niteil s a'.s. I' 4<>n? u s!n> g t j purcoasc *i!l plra?e call at li s ?'iop in U dial* 'rough street, aiui j ?.?.!<? tor t'ti M' ? xp*c * to k"cp on 'iand a eo.i-t .n snp? p'v fit ?? I IH iir><l of material*. w cii 1 < i ?'i o l.ini i<> ? *t-rnt?* a'.\ ord. r w t:i udi cli ? <u ir ? iuU m?\ tavwur lutn. F.y?leviVe, .May 10. lSJt). 15 ? S i Grocery Store. ? Till: miS-c "i'jit li-is ??p n- il a i.roc S ?? <*, ill tll?* IrniSO til. ?'!?? rl> HC' lip. Cii bv Xt ' II .Coil a* ? -?? i ? * top A litre, alllullg ??;litr .r.iti s, mav St.- uad, ?i ca?l), Coflee. ti ?? un 1 s- c i . 1 <jm ilit}, Hi hWii .?nd !iat .'iijjjar, Mobuct, fi- <m! i (1 K'I'Tl. N c\v K i la> <1 ditto, Pi t >tc it itraii !>, Si. i r\ iil l Mai ip.? W.i.r, t'onwr y 1 1 Ciniiiui, I <i;,friij IV ?, 1) t. ? in oinutcrs ;.f 1a" p iund cacf?, rifir quality. I ?Iilla, III l?"T*? ot t ?; t V-f . ; ! I * t>:rCfS. I u" ;> >'?!, (Juct n (? >-?? I "ti?Hf W ir?*, M iinc.v? I U I' '*?? si ' '^Iti Nii s an < \lni'>ml*, \ i Ih. 4 <"?, <H. 1 '? :?'>?' ? ' I. \\ ...in t.I .*v H'l?\ 1 . . nl 1 i l.v '2, I' ? tt\ U lute l ead, l.'ni l.l" d, afV.l Sjjaii.sli Un- \ ii, I' |lp<T H'd **1)11"^, V. i tVv a '*d I < ttcf I'.iprr, I' .ts in. I <l\ ins, II 8t U ?1v I'.i ? dcr? anil Shot of all si/rs. *Y'j c fiitl con "? .i-i'" f>r *ll). Yarbniuj^li. 22. 16? 4w .V V* Siwi'A & il o. llAVfc JUST II c> IVKD I II I IK SPRING ' SlTFl.Y < K 2> vO & li ab \ w inch 4re, SI'PTKFINK e'utli# and caH?imrr?, linens, thwtt?,curii'>ric ?n ? . ?? ? n?, calSiriws, l?om!>a ?? tta, s>l k n. inol slim, ilimiiiea, \r?Ungtt ??n k"Tn? of rem knid?, ciitoii an.! silk li >s , ilMinentic -trip? cli. c-k*. and pl.nc. men's line straw Imuhw*. ?h es, umbrellas, para sols M t lt.indk< relne s, cuii uii crn|H."ifiU|K,rb crape r ?!*????? J*c &c I Ivv Ii.iw l.itrly received from New Y??rk A gOOll *SSO' IlllCIlt ?>? S A\)\> \4V,\l\, V I 1 Saddl -tre. s, lto?*km?, >r?rt l? and straining wrli'iin , pi i U'<| and Cuin noit bridle bitis, hi i rup ir<?ns "? tlic I ?iesl faViinit, tnicklen ot various kinds, Ucks boss nails, ornaments, kc. Tbe\ liavc on conninnmcnt and f.>r sale, 50 linsn I* o I *> Vl.l , J lio^jtlifads of IlKOW N >> I (? \ l{ J luiri'l? (liltU) and 1 lio^slit ad ol M? >1. \S l.S fltil'ti'itO'ifh, .1 hiy I (J. 14? tf | ?M \W\ i\v >, W n&imwxa . I i ' \ II 111 I 'I pi 1.1,1, >1 I he I " I lied S* I, <? * 1 |? < n 'ii- lloll ,?f North 1 alolloH i I i 'ii< iili \i ii< li iMc'i, li.ivt' t>r,'li |iniv,d''il ?' hi- iilHci' ol i lii- ll.nik ot tin- fnilnl Suites ,i i .w it? vilu- I'la iiis duly authenticated, will : i p ltd o-i <|< m.uid A pul M. TOST OTFUJfc. THE subscribe r takes tins method of in forming the public generally, that there will oe n?i more credit .riven at the j>ost office tor postage account alter the last day of this month \ All those that arc indebted for postage will call *nd settle the amount on the first of J-ily 11 xt, as no longer indulgence can or v.- ill b g.vct.. \ Those who with to keep an account can do so by making deposit* in advai<ce. Kicliurd L. Look, P.M. June 16 h, liB20. 2u? 3w TmeWw'a Inn. A. MASON k W* sCLilTON, H\ VI \G purdia-ed that weL known stat.d hi Hillsborough from Messrs. Umt'.m St llr mc ill Pctcr-?burgii, formerly the j.rof.eri\ of Mr. Iknrv I hompson, inform their fruuds and the public generally, that they are now pr? pared to accommodate as m any as tnay ho m.ur them witb tlieir company Tliey ate pr? \ ided with good beds, liqi^rs, 8tc. aid will keep as good a tabl?- as the Countn will afford 1 he\ are also provided wi'li good stables. and will always keep tt>e best ??t provender. Tliey solicit a share of toe patronage of th*' public. ?lr Ciitt n will al\> a\ s give his personal ser v c? s, and pledges himself to the public to do ail n Ins |wivi r to please and (five Cntoe sa tisfaction. HiUsboit'iikh, X. C. ?pC'l 10, 18^9 It? 10 .Mason Hall Ea^le Haiti . A. MASON. ? I TTTISIIF.S to 'tifi rm his former customers W Mul tin- pnl>lic fff erkilt , ? !?ut in- It** neark fini-lnd his liotis , ho ti :?t s now *!>!? to acc-inm date as m. n\ as ?? <\ honour It irt ? with their r?i" pany.* lis tmiiv is lar^e, l?:?\ ij'vr si'vcn comlonahh m.rnUi c!i haw fire places ir them, su"u.i>le f.n (.>>'?? ' e-, ir trivrllnij: ffnllemen wWi kl' nch. IU haspro vulnl good liedti Ikjuors, >i.' .?? d will k-- ?? as u table as the "? 'ifhl)in:rl"Ki ' it dflmd. '?e is also provided with gtM.d >.?..(;! ?, a d u' U keep thi best or- ?% cnde* The "??ttiat'oo i?t" the plnce is < 1 :is.u> , and ??ealthv Gentlemen wish % to \ t i,.n w tii i'i-;r finuhes, dure .. tin v .-. hi, can t>e accommodated on m- deril> i tins. I he keeper of tins rsuli shnient pledges ti nuelf to the public tu i i.? ? i mi his power to ok'-iSi ami ifi\e i ii.i'e sa sf.?:t u?. <. m!i men who i all ran aru"?.c t !?? in read n. tiie ewspape ' s m his hal i-r. ?? , where he keeps tiles nf p.i;n r? Tom ulniosi. < vei \ part of tne L'n ted St..tes. Mas in I laii, ? tranjfe root.*. . N* C. ? Feb 1 i2li ^ 4 ? '~)T* II. UK VIM T Proposes publish ng b\ subscription TII K I'KOCLLDINdS \Nl) 1)KB \TLS OF IMC i 'onrrniiuii at' .Vor.'/i Carolina Oil the adopno > nt -he < (institution o| the L' ?: . .1 S... v tool r h ck \vi r h i'Iic Declaration . ?t H; i s i s and Consti nr log i?t ?. ii St -.c. TO WHICH i; PREFIXED I" ?( Coiistr.ti i < o ? L' till d States. *I^IIK farmer edition of 'hi* work li..v n. I .?< ci-nie so >< ar? ??*..> to render it d.ftic l< 'o procure a C<>p\,it has been su^^esti d tu t'ie publisher that a new olri' ii would be acceptable '<? the publ c; he has accordingly ubini: ed .lie prop "*al fir tin ir patronage, nid w ill C'lintTii ore ' In ptiohcaliot as soon ,-s tne number ot suhsc die. s ^ I ? n II he such a- to I ? ??t . t \ thcundcitak nt H.e dcr>aie* oi the Virtii Cai lina c?iii\ti> i n the ad iptioiiol ne const t >it i< n ot t-.i Umicd n ust ? t Handy ? \cite sidlicien interest ? ? ? pre vent ben luromiUii < \' nrt; it is theft forr pre unied tliat the p; |Ni!>cil cil'im will lie ex iciisiveh patronised t iroiigh nit the state. CONDI luNS. The w nrk w ill ne t ? tinpftsed >n a duodecimo volume ot a'Mi-.it tbr i imudied pages, ne.ith print? <1 oil fine paper. The price to mbscr ?!>? > <? w II be one dollar and tilt\ cents, handsi'ineU bound and let ?<-ed It will b put to pr. s- si* soon as three bun died subscribers are obtained. 8nb?cr ptions ri c< veil :?t tlusofTire, and at mo?t of i lie |ioHt-olli<"? s n the st.(ie. To llic lU lu roU III (1)1(1 llil - mil nr. JOHN D/.IKK \ N SK\ , a voting man from |{(urnhi'rf , m 'lie kmpdom of Prussia, and a clotli maker by tnde, left \mstcrd*m in Nogiist, 1818. on hoard a vessel bound to North \menea. Mis brother, Joseph l>zie knn?kv, now |i\ injj in H'iseiiberg, not having received ihe smallest int. rmation of either his an ival, or where he mi^hi have settled hrn self. is extremely anxious to he appr-zed whe ther Ins brother John i- yet alive, and in what part of the I'nitcd >t ?ie> ttc might tie sojourn ing lit* bees. tin reform, the m ><l of the Citi zens of the United S" i *. should any have a know it- Igc nt said John l)/.iekan?k\ . or should this advertisement Come to the immed nc hearing of the person himself, to inform, with out delay, the subscriber, living in the city of Washington, where lie will hear pamculais nntrh <o his satisfaction Any information ii spectmg the above named person will hi th.oik'ully nceived, and a lasting obligition conferred on a much distressed brother. Printers throughout the Un>ted State s will pic as - t i aid a favouring hand to the above mlwi tis nit nt b) going it a lew insertions in H'rt tlcrit k C'ana, their papers. Washington C it y , tunc ? K. C. 19? tip From the National lntrllij*enccr. THE INQUISITION. Every liberal iimkI, whatever reli gi<?us tenet* it may have adopted, or whatever ri ligic us sect it is her- duali ty a'tachcd to, n ust r? juice at the de struction <if that moii^t ?>us engine of ftnalical despotism, the 'nquisition of Spain. The sec rets of this dnadtul tii* bunal will never b?- fully developed, un it the se? : i ts <>t vill hearts shall be iaid open; but snffn i ill has transpired, to make us slmdder at the atrocities com ?niited under the sacred name of reli gion. M ?y its dungeons never attain he ? ci upi? d l.y tne v'utirnsof intolerance! Spain was ne tir t anioi.g modern nations {.'? a' persecute a men for specu i Jiivi opinions, a>.d Priaciliian, bishop ? >f AviU, the fir^t victim. Tins prelate was wealthy atid well-born, and distin X*i is1 >c?l lur his talents: amongst which, eloque: c< w.?s pre-e niner.t. This qua Iih ation, \\c may presume, did not ope rate t? I' ssen i iit- ugor of persecution, us 11 was a powerful weapon in propa ga . ng his opinion*. With Priscilliun -nflVred many of his followers, and amongst tlv ni r.uchroMa, a nobl ma tron of Bordeaux. They w < r s nten > ? d to f at'i i*v t'w emperor MiX'mtis, An-.o Domini 3^5. Tun e years after, 88, he was <liivn. from his throne a*i siain, under the s..nrtion of Theodosius This ortiiodox prince uas emperor ot "?e East, ai.d had. in fifteen years. pro- I mul/ated filt< en eilicts against Aiian sin, yet, at th? solici >ti<m of Jiutma, (tin ?? other of the youthful emperor Vah ntinian,) who ope y avowed tliii ??cit.sy, he engaged in tiiis *\ai against Maxinius. It did Hot I mow, trial he embraced her tenets, ahnough lie m.?r i..d if; daughter, ti.e h: antitul priu ? Si CiaiL. 1'. is irr?- evant to niy sub jec, t'< sa\ more on mis t.ead than to ?> Mil-, tlu:t I'hei'dosius ap >i>ii,t. d (see Ci i .hoi.,) office t, couth d ?? I quisitor ?f the laith," a name most utseive ly drone , y? t we are assured tin <x - cuti'.n of tli penal edicts was ?jild?-m ? nloiced; and that th^- pious en pch.r ppeared less inclined to punish than to ? claim. it not ie:<sonable to suppose that this a;>p >ii.trnei.t laid the founduto:; i'.>r the dab-dical institution, who?c door*-, I trust, aie forever prostrate. In the beginning ot tu?. 12th century, Pope innocent III sent Fatlx r Dominic . : i J lus followers with orders to ex?it< !:? Catholic ptincL-sand iheir people to extirpate here'ics. Hcnce> they ' .*ere jIso ca'l d Inquisitors, and t .is*f*tive hirti. totiie formidable uibunal, the Is qii-tro*. It <*as received in Italy and Spain, excepting Naples and t h? Low Countries. Conrad of Marpurg, the first Cierman Inquisitor, who derived i?is commission from Gregory the lXtli, was a. tificed to the public indignation n h.s attempts to establish this dread inspiring office; w hich gradually ^pi cad in Catholic conntries, until tow ards the close of the 1 4th century, when it-was located, in all its rfgor and injustice in Art agon, under the protecting influt nee <? <; intemperate zeal of Feidinand ann Isabella. There, the spiiit of intoic Mice appeared to be embodied, aim the iiolv offi e, (wiiat a perversion of term.-!) its designated saneuiary. In 1485. the Inquisition was fully re co^niz* d as an ecclesiastical tiihunal ? ? quail) contrary to Ih mild spirit of tin gospel, an c! ti e rights ol man. In 1483, l'tidinavd had obtained a Papa. Hu.l, ..in . ? >i ising a ciusade to expel toe Moors fioni Grenada, the only posse s moii they then held in Spain. During several centuries, tlic Moors had dispu ed the right to the soil with M.e Spaniatds; and, duiing ptectding m igns, had endured every degree ol misery, in the efforts to expel them. A elegant writ i r on this subject, says, ?4 W ither the merit of naving introduc <d the fine arts, or abstruse sciences; theii knowledge of agriculture, and ski I m manufactures; neither tin charms ol music or poetry; n<?i the influence of hospitality, valor, or iloquenee, the boast ol th?. Arabian conqm rois of the West, could plead in their behalf to a bigoited and i^iorant people." During the long period of the wais between the Morcscos and Spanuul-, historians of the latter sa), ",7ou btt.les were fought. Aggregate t umb> is ate to be lakin with caution; and under this impression, Robertson say*, "a curding to the magnificient styn.'' bee. ? yet, win n Foitseca tells us that 1 lo.uuo Moors wi re banished to Africa, we do not dispute it, as ins patriality would rat he i ttmpt him to diminish than in i* i ease nunibi is. Tin conquest of Grenada w as follow ed by the expulsion, or rather the pil luge and banishment of the J> ws. Marc ilia, who certainly Would not exagger <tc the cruelties committed on this unlor unate lace, Mates the number banished i ,d destroy < d, to be I7t?,o00 lamtlies, oi 8 ,000 persons! This vast amount kes in (ue w ir?i ml**., at different i ciiodt) Wht) wi if "in I'oiii t e kingdom by the Ulootf-hovT^ of bigotry and superstition. The Inquisition was not, however, established without strong resistance; lor although the Arragoncse were no less desirous than C-astiiiaiis to root out tnc seeds ot error m the Jews, and heresy in the Moors, yet they *ook arms, and murdered the chief Inquisi tor, because their mode ot wiul vv ts in consistent with their ideas of lii>er'y. In 1756, Mecanza wrote a defence of the Inquisition; and, as late as 1788, it was re-printed. He vindicat- d this dia bolical oflice, on the principle of recri mination; particularizing the persecu tions, for conscience-sake, in the icigri of Elizabeth ol England. He further vindicates the punishment of heretics, by such vile sophistry as follows: 44 For although the sword of the holy law is sometinus rid with the blood ot crimi nals, yet even then it is done with a >icv to convert many, by the punishment of one." For obvious reasons, this fanati cal writer passes over in silence the days of faggot, exile, and proscription, in the preceding reign; for u bloody Queen Maiy's" husbai.d was a Spaniard and a Catholic. Yet would 1 not be con sidered to say that a persecuting spirit belongs exclusively to ti.is sect. Alas! no! Were I to be so illiberal, the annals of history would refute me. On the 24th of August, 1572, the Ilugonots were massacred in Paris, un der the auspices of that demon, in fe male form, Catharine tie Modicis, who tuled France under the nominal reigns ot her sons, Francis 2:1, Charles 9th, and Henry 3d. The 24th of August, 16G2, in England, was the day limited tor the non-conlormists lo come in. In 1* ranee, 7i>,o00 poisons suffeicd under religious persecution, in ei^ht years! And there, the national church was Catholic. In England, it was Piotcstant, and in the reign ot Ci.arhs tl.e 2 1. 8.000 person* died in prison; 2,00) pious, orthodox miniate*, s were ejected trorn tl?? ir liv ing. ?nd in the vvuo.e, 6o00> persona Miff red under the act ol o< iu-rniity, and wei< pil aged ot 14.00CJ.i 0v) of pro perty! Turn wouid fa ., were 1 to pro t cd in tin. d.ead catalogue. Per iaps I rcland, in Chark stln l'ii st's rei-m. and France, in that ot Louis the 14m, exhi bit as shocking scenes as any i edited. T e Crutadis, in their ei rht differ ent divisions, trom 1096 to 1270, 1 for bear to dwell upon, as they embrace too many importun. points to be abbre viated within the limits of a single essay. Tlie Inquisi ion st^ll, however, stands pre-eminent in cruelty; and, for nearly a o niury after Ferdinand and Isabella had made it the instrument of their cru elly. it continued io exercise its abomi nable privileges, by acts of far.h, the nOri oi s of which nature snrmks from tiiirking of. It is difficult to believe that tue lei lings of humanity, mplanted by Aunighty Clod in our breasts, could so tar be deadened, that incredible num bers were drawn from different parts of tin kingdom, on the celebration of the .1uto daft; not the base and vulgar on ly, but tiic noble and honorable, nay, (in 1630,) royalty itself sanctioned by iis presence tnese violations of every just and humane principle. Can it he credit d tnat females .i.*o, of delicate habits and manners, with pions eager ness attended these scenes ot death death iu its most painful a..d horrid tor 111 1 In 1770, a royal mandate was issued r?'Mricting tin jurisdtchen of th,? i o.y office to heresy and apovtacy. lit fore t:.is period, the slightest pretence was sufficient io drag persons, without re spect to age or sex, into imprenctrabie dungeons. There the ey ?? of kindness never beamed; the ear of pity never listened; tin voice of compassion never sounded! There, light nor hope ever entered! Can we cease to rejoice that thi ? Hydra of cruclty, 'his weapon of intolerance, thi. instruoient of despot* ism. has fallen! May it never be revi ve d! Learned men assert that u no term in th? ancient languages i^ to be found to express an infidel, as coirra-distinguish ed to faithful: no creed >y wiiii li the canon of orthodoxy was settled; no such duty inculcated as the suppression of heresy: no court established to pre vent schism.*'? These refinements in prise cution Wi r imposed in later time ? ian we s.<y in mor* enlightened ages? The woid heresy signifies s ct or choice, and in us carries'. acceptation, dnl not convey any reproach. 11 rctic is a gene ral name for such persons as inculcate do- trim s contrary ?o the es tablished tan it. Happy Americans! \c can 11 wo s.iip C.o l in the manner and seasons most agreeable to ihe dictates of i otistiencc," and can ?? enjoy the li\e exercise of religious prolcssion and woislup, w iihout discrimination or pre ference," and ?' no man c m be com pelled to attend anr religious worsl.ip, o. erect, or support any place ol wor ship, or maintain any minister, contrary no tie di< taies ot conscience." And tines* important puvilvges are gu?r.;n Utcd by constitutional provisions in eve

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