V u\ . I. WKDNESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1820. ,\o. 3C?. lill.LSnOROUCS II, N. c. It II 1.1 b 11 I 1> U K.KKLY II Y DENNIS UK \RTT, AT I II It K K n? >1.1. A Its A \K \K, I'AVAHI.E IIAI.V YKAKLY IN ADVANCE. Tii 'sv who do not irive notice of their with Inve their paper discontinued s?t the eipi ;.,ti ?<? ?'? tliv-ir \e.?r, will Ik- prtMimdl as de ns continuance until countermanded. \\ ,< vi r ? ill guarantee tlie pa men of nine i"i rs. sSijII fiTfivo a tenth gratis. uliC'i'seiiifins not r\cw iliii^ liiirtccn I ne* v r ?. ?1 three time* for one d?.|lur, -ml a. n? . -ti c * :? tor racli c<>n'<nuunce. ?.? ?c* . ? > ."I'Cnvi J l?> tin pi inter, ami ^ s i > .t. - ? m the st*tt \J" t ? ;.on bnsnii'si relative to the p~ , .. ? o r?o? -? id ? ? i. m! ui' ii i i' leisure, \>lio possess a t.. ()? linrtf. rsmts, are invited to favour ?t. uit'i o- ntifonca* -n.s. i.i^r ok l? Tints //, rs i'i< tit Hi'' Office i n //ill* 0,u\ ?N". Oct. 0, lS2l?. A Etisebius !? ! . i -h " '? I !"<ni:i?. l.^xuirk, !, \n '?<?' ?> ' ? ''"I'll I ? ??>?" .of Jaincs) i ... \ . - ? '? ' , \ \ m 's> I- jr. , s *! ' >1 - ? ?< \* 'C, .lartirs M nr.* ; \l!"? 11. ??? t n| U-n, e \?i ir. Ws, \ |) M.ti-ln, -J Tn r.- \\!, ri A I) Mo ry, 2 li John V. Mrtniii j J-: r.l noiWfll, ?' !?? %1'N il. I, \V i itc**, V jj? S 1 1*' \ , M ? , * tl-vaii, I ?* ????!, j ?? s I III.". >| \V ?!? /"? Bi-ai Th, .'"'m M. !an, j., i s Ualil * in, M-> ? M' .i iu ? , \\, |,in U.ickw'Mn!, Mr* S_ ra- M'K /'u-, J i;i-.rk*i,o?l? J'* ii-" M? 'CT'i.i; 6 j.,, .. II r? >, A !r v . ?:? (>. ... \\ j a HioaD. Kl /.!><.' ? M itdoclc, Cif.rW-N K-t b n ? :u<l"n, M -tl.. .i '.fCill, C Mi' Hi'.tiav W'n -j m .? ? rabtrecj Amir, w * '< -lloch, J ,?,n Cr?tf r.vjfi!, John .Matlu-u * Oi'i~n M ' ' ? ' Jji\t i'r. rt.Uilii, Nancy R ,!><?* i Cat- s. J ? ' ? V. **>m, ^ |,. , rt>, Saliy N v ' r-i;u?. us, () Tl, ii.-* ' 'ouch, '2. Mm. Nancy O Ftn ll C,- ? :*? (Jl.?ncc\, "(?? M i U yim ? ?iij?s, j ,,in H ba:t? Map. I'liiiTis I'.rkitt. 2 .5 >'iii J ? n >g'?n, j hoii, 4..l k ? >< O bupc- n llt|CP>,r;,M> r.>. . |{o0 r |^.r Ihv d l.Utk, \\ |*ati-rv>i, Dui ' in C-mt;nju jt lf? 2 **? djfi-rw, !?? ;l;rk 2 McsiiiPuH-'r&Kolx ni I lav..! i)rlk, - \ rVc ! lavis, ?. _ ,,, ?0|(|s >..7. .f. |)i\ I'iSUK, Mr> N. Cv \\ ;l I) -l. c, M * \ .. Ito tCbO.i, 2 Svuur I?i.\*'<i?. V4.?. It r?*, !'? .1 li > It ? b.-r v, Sin.-it-l r.?ln:?"?<?n, 2 vlr K ii> >n, J I.liiiiiii, 2 J?? ^1 itiiiM'lli I <a i H ifj. j F. iU v, l'n.4*..n' .A. il-.. J?i. r ? <ji? ?*, 5 s"? !- ? B t'"K? j, . n (. ? , 'H.a i It ..in. D-n.rl F?.rc*-t. S ( ? Jj'i ? s v V., ??, *. I: 1'frt v "?.i ith, .I'm *;?? a% :i ?tii, "I I *>nii'ht ft. ? r , It' ? S'i i !>, 1.? C? J"l '? ~ ' ' ?? * \\ ,. t, i< i, s ?iu . . S'r W ifll ,, S..m *. K Vi >i irk, "VV fn l.jilt, ^al'ah S'Ti.tli, 2 P. , ..i <-9, I' .l.?iiif? (>arrard. 1 1 < * r T ??.???. ; i : p.?!?5', f-j.ii-iei II M .sell, 3 - . . I I. i. s .n, 1. , jti'i II ?? r, IV. j '? T / .v , i . * . i. s 1 1<. ?.?!'?'?>? h'.in . . I .vifir, ,i<, n II'.' .. .tV, J'-ii ? I . I . n r. 'I ? \V I tin irn, 2 I V. .?? I! ckn?.i'i. J.ji; * I i.vt?- J T \. s II r,:s, 2 | a | ,1. .(. H .'I ?>???!? #m, \ u \\ |!i^:j, \ in i-var link. V. II ,u/c, 2 .) %y*"\ H., 1 U.H.U, ,,"V' ? j u , 11 M':- ?? m Nt.:-; ,v ? 1 , u ' I II ostoii, 2 ..i :.fn t * ?11- ... . ? , \\ Ih .'i, J . \v . I. n. If .ii linljje r, | Sup, ,i. u rt '? .lll'l, | Wt'.H'lll, Wi.l. ?' "? ??? Mm. <?<>il*, J ' ?' ' ? " s' .1 ? ;? \\ .I'm', Il I,.| .1 | v < w Wiiitn-.l K \\ 1 1 i m \\ ii H'1'1. ? :??rr, V l\iai!)all, \ls Mil. \\ v.y.n, 4 N1 ' S II. Kiii>y. .1 ,1 | \\ I. A fil l M W.i.n*, ?' '" 'i l.?\\ '?*, Aii'i W 'If '? ? . K I. firing, ^ .i > l,?. aMivr-., 2' ?' V .t .an V.H'k ry. n. i . Cook, /'. m. ^c'o'mt 4 .14? Ynliin!>!t'< Land i 'UN s.i hi :. | \ \| 'l?"s "'mih r.-nKivtiij; ?> i v w- vt in V -iniir- . a.xl v* i-.li (<> s. II (it* himl U Ik rr "? I li\ P, M/,. i Mo Hundred A errs, "?'? 1 < fpl.ll |f| ?!?V III I'll.H SI ?-l IIH .||' ih?* ' ? r^ , itiii.|ili (I 1.i tin rultnr* <>| .il imln fl . . on uh cl? i? a r onil'irlrii " <l.vrllni? >? III ii*' !hI ..lit h'Mis' h. I v il si II a ' , ami III.. I'.. * i p:i\rnc>: m as :? - as pi 'ss M< '?/ iIm p.ii' ti..s r. I li? s.* i l'i ptirt .i is \ jj"''"l har;. on iM '? . ? il in r?nn' it I . . .. Ji' | iviii.:,. s, Icii i ? iivi lh u-l 'it I I.!i ij'li. liol>in*on. yy. 18. 3 < - J .v 3?OT\UY*. I AT \ii?ust tern- of Ormp County Court of Picas and tjuaner Sfuioni, ttdnti mat>:?tion of the jjumlii and chattels, r'^lit* *nd c-?d't*, which wire of 'VlltHtPHILUS 7'WO.U PS(K\\ decmcdi wan ({' iliied to the nuliscriht-r, who th< n qualified according to law: All pmui's indehti <1 to ??id estate are requested lo come forward imn.ediatclv aij^l settle their accounts; uiul those having claims ajianiv si'i! estate an* tvqimtrd to present them for settlement wtilnn the time prescrib ed h* law, otherwise tlus advertisement will Ik- pleaded in bar of a recovery. "Ill <?s. N. S. llaipis, Jidmr. Sept. 77. ."A ? .V OTie Ya. YT1I.I. I* sold on Satunlax the 1 4th of \ \ tV'oher, Ml the late dwelling h<msc of I". i nphd s I'horupson, deceasetl, all lh< per sonal pi dpi 1 1 y helnnci"^ to staid u at? , con* s'stinjj of Cow -, !lo>;s, H >? i s< hold ami Ki'ch er Komiture, and a few l*lu?tation I ools. six iii'-nth* ctvdit will lie j:.v-n the purchaser upon givmjj bond v. itl? approved security. I N. S. liavgis, . idmr . s*t 27 , 34? .vvvvvevi. \t.l. persons in ic'i ed ilie es'ate of cap am Joint T. It <\ . tl< ceast d, are rvq ent ???l to.mak.- |M\ nu ot m ho?tt 1 1< - |:i\ i and 'liosc having cta.ui aj;T?:ili* 'i- Same to prts? nl them w I ui.thvMt <"? ei5 f i st.ileuien', w. th in t' t nte p e>cr. .il !i\ l.?w, otherwise tins iiotir- '? ill l?e p>c-td in liari.l r'Oiverj. \ M-lAl LY. ?iilm*r. H? pi . lo, 18.0 33 ? 3t NOTICE. I^IlK r partnership of JO//.V /,' f f',1/. ('o. hat I" ? n diss<it d, all p tv>'i? an- l.? rtd?\ notified in Call an. I s.-t t'e th. . arr*?<i?it- wnh (icurc VV Itr. C". vim is lit r ' \ fnH\ authorised to *? 'th t ?? >?a't e ai.d v.' int disc ai . < % acc .rtli . Joh it IS. Cnnimiiig ?? Co. Hillsborough, S? pt. IS. 33? Jw TT^IIf' s'liisrritx rs have f.?r suit* at the r 1 shop II) llilliln>Mi||;h. A iiitiiihrr of \\ a???*<nis, hotli am! siii. til. which thcv w ill tlisp >se of clu ap for ca.sh, or on a short crcdit Young N Turner. I'hf editors < >f the Itili ii;h M'tierva, >i >? .nd ICc^.-tcr, and llic M<lu?n ? ?ttclhgm Ci r, wul be ;>! ?*? <1 to ii : crt the ab vo for I iiic week-, aii'l forward their accounts to this i thcv f r settlement Y &. T. Sept. Jo \\ .11 be puo!.h?d, <>n or about the first of .lat-ua-y ne\t, an rr jii i A M A SOX II I'll K M. It) TIIOM.1S /.Oli/.VG. " Serpens d> crp.t nte." The w ? rk wll I t- printed in pamphlet f.?rm an. I t alned a' t ucnt'rjit c rr?i/?. Oriiro lor co pies w.Jl m iccentd at i nllsburuiigli, N Se;> t 2 ). 35? tf VIUZE MilD.ILS , orrtRiu ?v nit ll'iinaiic S??cipt\ ul' Philadelphia. *"1 "* 1 1 K discover.es w loch have attended the 1 r rent lab..' r-; ot pliy>iii|iii;i>i ?, have en < i.?r a^-il "lie Hiaiu^ci i hi the Humane St?ri.-. n to beli? w, that continued at 'trillion to t *? < n?i'.!?r.itinii <i >iisj?- o h i! Animation, niav be product t < <>f benefi!, tlirt arc therefore in d'ltetl iiiiri' iit'-ri to ..(!? r, For III** b.--i pr e-ic.il dissertation on the mc\.ns ot nstorirjf pf *-?o<?* app:?r? ntl\ dead fin.- iSro n. n^, a t?old M i! ii ni the Calue of thr. iui' drt ii dollar*. I'or 'hi second beat ilittrriilion, a f.old M. i" I tt e value o' ttnrhiiiullvil dollar* I b ' sst : tat i< >iih mav be wi to n in the Kn jd * , t 'mu b or l.atin language, accompanied vs. .. tl p per, containing the author** n.t ? and pi <c- ot residence T.,e\ must I"- ?< n? ?'? " c sreretary of the sm !? t\, < n or 'h ft ire i i :?? fits' day ot the Kir?t i* on b, (Jannaiy ), ly.'J. I'h' ? ahull be * ilnnittcil to If* j cUmrnt ami <l<'i -i .|| ol tb< college of p'iy ticians ni I'lulaib Iplna; and those wh.rh ? re *i'?t #iic cosful, nhall be n -iirn< d to t fir uulhort. Il\ order of the innna^rt. .1 >si jdi ('ruknliank, I'ii-m'!, .1 ison M i re, Src'rt I *1 1 1 1 id< Ipiiia, (i'h mo (.lone) 14. If2'i N. It Kdi'Ois ot in tVH'iaprra through the I'. uied Si.i'i s, will please j,itc the .ilintc a Ii w i .se ' .oils. S' pt Jf). 3i ? roil -> \i.i.. A IiuimImoiiic inaliogauy Srcrt* t nr\ , Apply at this Odirc. II illshomiigh, Sppt 31 ? nil: s.iu; A liaiiilsoinr til ual i<iti ?t<lp?inin<^ tli*' Itiwn ol 1 1 ilUlirifmi^li, ON which is a good ?wo fury dwelling house i alwi a g'lod kitchen, smoke h use, tlaii v, <o>d ?? tabic I'lir b-iildiu^n ate all new. for lei'ins uifpnre of I in- Printer. A first -rati* \v??rt llorne inuy be had o o d term*. Inquire n? above. Sept. 11 32? u ot yftTiott# k\m\A, for dale at this office. Amort^ which are, Justices* Warrants, | Hail Bonds, Executions, , Appeal bonds, C*. 6'a. j liecngnizance, Bail Warrants, j guardian's bonds, Attachments, { Constable's bonds. Writs, superior and i Witness* tickets, su county court, i peror and county Executions, do. < court. ?S'libphccoatt, do. * Jnr>?r's tickets, do. .VIierifT'* lK td-., ? Indictnn nt>, I'rosecuiion lt<>mU, ? Conin.iiMvns, Marriage bonds and * I Mentions tor milt'ia licences, { fine.-, kc Jkc LOST OH MISLIlh. V* <> i K o. hand fir six*e?-n d I ,?rs and sixtx-s * cents, dltiv. n b\ J l.n Wilson lit favour ot s itniit i Hancock, iU> John Herry as vnttU'Sn. Tlie nuU- Mai dated in xlurch 181l>, mo utile one day afier dat<-. \ll pei vn s are t>>rv\varncd tradmtf for sart note, as ii lias ne\er ??een endorsed or transferred to any person Sum no I II uncock Sept. 12. 32? 3wt YVWAUllNti. Tiik sii!.>c n ? mplisnte with the v sh- Mil die nt'enit n ot Hillsborough and its uC n. i, :a> recommenced htisinesr, and will s 1 1 1 c ' I \ ?tteiKl ?? the duties ?>f Ins profrsotHi. II- r?'ttirns hi* most sincere thai ks to Ms former cust om r?, and hopes iop a continuance "I their favours. tfcie or two first rale junrne\men can find constant en pi< _\ ami prjmpt [uunent. A>. r?ppie- ticir uliratcan come uril r.'coni tnrnded w.ll be taught the above profession by Jumics Andrews. Sept 6. 31?; Valuable l<nnd von .S.I L K. *""T~,III* s ?l<s< r l*-r nfli for sale a tract nf I I .an*!, 'jin? on T ?r river, i a.lj>:nio>?ti.e ?wn|i.< ?it l.ou'sl?"r^ (Fra1 k l,o ? ?> ir* li'mitr),'- m'? !<?, Out' Hundred and Ki^lity \(i,cs; wbirh land s of a jo.prruir qu.ditv , indepen dent of i ? connection with ??>d t<iwn, ard mav *>e x-rri t?\ n |nMr lluniel Shines, wl.o res.de-. on it The p?\ mcnt u-juld be made o 'lie purchaser, an?l terms known, bv addressing a letter tii ihe subscriber, di rt-cicilju * ?*eliian'* Mtw< p?? iWSc*, IVr*i" county, wnicii mil br attended to. Natl.aniel N or fleet. Prr-nri County, .It 1% 24. .'0? 4w \\ WVsbuv mi?\\ Ac ai\e \\\\ . 1-M, fx-rcisis n Mii* institution will be rt'suim J on tli ? lire. Monday in Jill). J. \N itlici spoon, Principal. Jnn?* 7 1H ? tf !?. HE \ K I T Proposes publishing by subscription r h k IMlOCKi:OIN(iS \NU Dl.BATfcS ur tut Convention ol' ?Yovlli Carolina On the adoption ol the Constitution oi the U'litcd State*; TOGETHER WITH l'hc Declaration ol Rights and Cotisti Orion of < lie- St.tc. to which is rnErixr. o The Constitution of the Untied Slates. ^I^IIK f irmer edition of this work having JL necome s > scarce as to render it difficult to procure a Cop) , it h:is Im < n suggested to the publislier that a nevr edition would he acceptable to the public; lie has accordingly submit ,ed the proposal fur their patronaip-, and wi'l runim- iice the publication us soon as tlx- number ol subscribers .shall lie aiieli a> to justifv the undertaking I be debates ol the North ('arolina convention on the adoption of tbc constitution of the United States, must certainly excite stifticit 11' interi st to prevent their becoming eX' nct; it is therefore pre sumed that the proposed edit ion will be ex tcnsiNch patronised throirghnut the state. coxnuioNS. 'l'hc work will he comprised in a duodecimo volume of about three hundred pages, neatly printed on line paper. The price to subscribers will he one dollar and filo cents, handsomely hound and let t?*i cd It will hi- put to press as soon as three hun dred subscribers are nbtained Subset- ptions received at this office, and at most ol 1 lie po?t?nflict's in the state. IKliik \ N l> .1 O H Prompth aad eorrectlv c\< ruled at tlic office of the Hillsborough Recorder. lii 'sD / ' F. VJ'I.K Ml- N <>f ihe liar. Physicians, and * others. c.in be supplied with I'roJ cssional and '?Miscellane ous I tool,*, from the Philadelphia market, at short noticc, on application at this ollicc A'ijj l'?. T\\e Queen's Letter to t\\e King. Sir ? After the unparalleled and un piovokcd persecution which, during a series of years, has been carried on a guii.st me, under the name and author ity of your ni ijcsty; and which persecu tion, instead of being mollified by time, time has rendered only more and more malignant and unrelenting; it is not v. it ho nt a gieut sacrifice of private feel ing that I now, tven in the way of ic on ns* ranee, hi ing inysell to addi ess this letter to j our majesty. Hut b?-atingin mind that royalty rests on the basis of publtc good, that to ihi-> paramount con sideration all others ought to submit; and awate of the consequences that may icsuit from the present unconstitutional, id };al, and hitherto unheard of proceed ings; ? will) a mind t: us impressed, I cat. not r?f ain fiom laying my giievous wrongs once more before your majesty, in th?- hope that the justice which your ?n.-jesty may, by evil nnntled council lors, he still disposed to refuse 'to the claims of a dutiful, faithful and mj-ir d wife, you may be induced to yie.d to considerations connected with th*? ho nour and diurii'y of your ciown, the sta bility of your t ?? the tranquility of your dominions, the happiness and safety ol your jus; and loyal people, whose generous hearts revolt at oppression and ctuelty, and especial. y whin perpetra ted by a pever^ion and a morktry of un law. A sense of what is ?luc* to my charac ter ai.d sex iorhi'.is mc to refer imi.uU ly to the real causes f our dom? stic ;-ep aratiou, or to the numerous unm< litec! insult* offered nie previously to that ptiio' ; bu*, leaving to vour m-j- sty to reconcile \v i ? ! ? the marriage vow the i aci ?.l driving, by such im at.s, a v\itc from beneath your io?'f with ait infant I in hei arms, your majesty will pcimit me to remind you. that the act was en ? ir ly your o>vn; that th?* separation, so far from being sought for bv mc, was a sentence pronounced upinme, without i aiiy caibc assigned, ot::er t!ian that ?f your own inclinations, which as your majesty was pleased to alle ,e, were not und r your control. t Nut to have felt, with regard to tv.y strll, chagrin at this decision of your I majesty, would have argued luteal in i sensibility to the obligations of deco rum; not to have dropt a tear in the fact- < ! of that beloved child, whose future sor rows it was then but too easy to for.*>ce, would have marked me as unworthy of the name of a mother; but not to have submitted to it without ri pining, would have indicated a cons iousness ol ?b - merit, or a want of i hose fecitugs which belong to aiTronted aiid insulted female honour. The "tranquil and romf??j table so ciety" tendered to me by vour majesty, formed, in my mind, but a poor com pensation f>r the grief occasioned by considering the wound given (o public morals in the fa?al example produced '?y the indulgence of your iiujcmv's in clinations; more especially when I con* t' mplated the disappointment of tiu- na tion, who had so nuiniliri ntly provided for our union, w 10 had fondly cherished such pleasing hopes of happiness arising from that union, ai.d who had bailed it with such affectionate and rapturous joy. Hut alas! even tranquillity and com fort were too much for me to enjoy. From the very thieshold of your majes ty's mansion the mother of your ? .iild was pursued by spies, conspirators, and liaitors, employed, cncou ra.rcd and re warded to lay snares for the feet, and 'to plot against the reputation and life of her, whom your majesty had so recent- ' ly and so solemnly vowed to honour anil to cherish. In withdrawing from the embraces of n.y parents, in giving my hand to the son ol (ieorge the Third, anil heir ap parent to the British tluone, nothing less than a voice from heaven would have made mc Icar injustice or wrong ol at y kind. What, then was my asto nishment at finding that treason at*, ainst mc had been carried on and matured, pel juries against me had hein metho dized and embodied; a secret tribunal had been held; a trial of toy actions had taken place, and a decision had been made upon those at lions without inv ha ving hc? ji informed ol the nature of the cliaige, or ol the names of the witnesses! And w hat words can express the Jeel ings excited ny the laet, thai ibis pro ceeding was founded on a request made, and on evidence furnished, by 01 'er ol the fa her of mv < hilcl, and my natural as wed as legal guaidiaii and protector? Notwithstanding, however, the un preredented conduct of that tribunal? conduct which has since undergone, even in parliament, severe and unan swered animadversions, and which lias been also censured in minutes of the privy council ? notwithstanding the se I crccy of the proceedings of Urn tribunal JXm ? notwithstanding the strong temptation to the false evidence against mc before it notwithstanding that there was no opportunity afibrdid ine of re butting that evidence ? notwithstanding all these cm nmstuno s, no decidedly favourable to my enemies? cvcjj this secret tribunal acquitted nieofall ciime, and thereby pronounced inv accusers to have been guiltv of the grossest perjury, lint it was now (.iftri tlie trial vr.it> over) discovered that the nature ?.f the tribu nal was su< It :.s to lender fais* s?\ earing bt for? it n?c I: ;?\* lly crurinul! And thus, at the sugg. siioti *nd tetpiot of your majesty, Inid be. n created, lo t-ike < og niz u.ee of and try my conduct, a tribu nal competent to administer ciiuis- ? r inpe ent to ixamnc witnesses onca'ii ? eotnpctent to tvv ? -CMnpefni to ac cjuit or condemn ? and compete! t, more over, to screen those who had ?'.worn falsely against me from sufi"?*iiii;? ' ?<e pain? and penal'ies which the law r wards to wilful ami corrupt pe:j.M\ ? (iteat as my indignation naturally must have be n at ibis -hamtlul evasion ot law and justice, that indig ation w.ts kst in pity lor hi in who could lower irs piineely plumes to the dust, by giving his countenance and favour to the nv.t?c conspicuous oi those abandoned ami no torious | >i . jll! crs. Still there was one whose upright mind nothing could warp, in whotc hrcast injustice ncrvi r found a plucy, vvln,sr hand was always ready to r..:s? t'.e unfortunate, and to rr^nic tl e op press' eel. While that jrood and gt'ac .ous lather an<! sovereign re opined in the cxci cis; ol I is rt.yal iuncti >ns, Lis un offending danghui -in-lav had n ' ?< ?, ' to bar. A-. long as the protecting bund nt votir late t vt-r-ht lov ed ?.o?' cver-lt incntcd father was held over me, 1 vr.s sale.? lint the metum holy event wnicii deprived the n.> ion m the active ? x> r lions of its viituou* km??. berett o.c- < f friend and protector, and ol ail ' ? p i i luture tranquillity and safety. ? ? ?? e- - lumniate your innocent wif? wasi > v\ t ? shortest road to :oy.d favour; and tone tray her was to lay the sure in Uln.il'-; of boundless lichesand tries ot :?.?r un . " fore claims like the-e, talent, \mmv, long scr\ ices, y< or ow n personal li i : < }*? ship, \ our royal emtagfimMits, pi < i.>. ??, ami pledges, written :*s ? !l a* %;?: , incited into air. ? Your cabinet w .s founded ??n ihi? basis. ? You t?ok t? v :?.r roun ils men, of whose persons, 3-> v. < 1 js wh principles, yr.u had ii.\- i iy r\pr?sstd tiie strongest di>lik--. ? I r. inn rest of the tat ion, and even \ out v. u feelings, in all nth- i respects \\ u ? a i riticcd to thr gta'.ifi ation of vo ,v <.?? sire t?> aggravate my suffi ri e;r, :?? o to insure my humiliation. Yon t<? << your councils and to y ur bo<om, nin whom you hated, whose a band ?? inert of, and whose readiness to su ifi < -ve were their only merits, and whose poe ? r has l>? en exercised in * manner, and !.a> been attend* d w ith consequence s w r t!iy of its origin, I'mm this unpt I end unnatural union hav? sprung t:.e manifold eviis which tins nati ni h.-.s no v to endure, and which present a mas- ot misery and degradation, arcomp. i.i;.? 1 v.iih a< ts of tyranny and i rueltr, i..toer than have seen which indicted on his iliusti ions, tail tiul, and bi ave p< op,e, y?:ur royal lather would have p^ iw.td at i lie head of that people. When to calumniate, tevile, a*.:J '>e tray me, ocranie the sure path to hot,. \r and riches, it would have been indeed, if calumniatots, rcvilcvs, and traitors had not abounch d. Youi ? ??? t became mucli Itss a scene of po is.i -I manners and refineo intercourse than < f low innigue and scurrility. Spie-, .. n - ciiatialiao talebearers, and foul c Iin;>i ratois, swarmed in those places w hi. ? had before been die resort of soVuiety, virtue, and honor. To entnncrate ...I tt, : various privations and mouiiie.ri*.; > which 1 had to endure, all tin- insuhs that were wantonly heaped up(?n me, from the day oi yrur elevation t<? 1 1 ? ? ? regency to iha' of my depai*ur? for t he continent, would he to dcscr i>e every spci u s of personal offence tl at could be offered to, and every pain sh.ut < ( bodily Molnicc th.it ran be inflicted -n any human hv'ing. Herclt t?l paren-, brotlu-r, and father-in-law, and my h,is band for my deadliest loe; set In r ti;o?e who have promised nu silpfioit tonight by rcwarc's t?? l?r among my enetni. ^; rcotrained from accu?:n/ my fix J t.? t .o Jac.c of the world, out of regird f< r tn-J character ol the father of my chil.!, I from a desire to prevent her hap, .nesv from being disturbed; shunned f' oui ..;o tives of sedislmess by tln?sC who v u :: my natural associates; living in obscu rity, when I ougtil to have bn ? t!ij cei. tie of all tnal wjs spkn -'id; t us humbled, I nad ?me consolation I tt-? the lo\e of my dear only child. Topi i ? tnit me to enj'?v '.his was t??o real a > itiduly;cn< e. I'o see my daught r; t > fo'd her in mv arms to mingle mi ? \ with hers; to receive her che.eiiu,7? resscs, and to hear Iroin i?et lips a . du rances of in ver-ccasing love; tims to !<e coittfotlcd, tousolctl> 'pheld a d ?

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