HILLSBOROUGH RECORDER. WEDNESDAY. yoVKMBBi. ,C HILLSBOROUGH, N. C. IT B 1.1 H 1 1 V' D WEEKLY RY DENNIS HEARTT, VI Til ItV.E llOLLAKS A TEAM, PAYABLE IULF YEARLY IS ADVANCE. *!"!? wSu ?lo not kUc notice of tbcir wish to !????' Weir pa|KT discontinued at the f.\pi ration ?>?' iheir year, ?* ill be presumed ?? de i, ir.nK' ?'? Continuance until countermanded. \\ .* vc r will guarantee* the pa\ men' of nine pajn rs. shall receive a tenth e rut is. \d e' UscMionn not exceeding fourtee n lines v,!i inserted thtee times for one dollar, and n:\-fivr cents for each continuance. Su >*cripiinn* received bv the prtuler, and mo* '1 P ??'- "aaters in the state. |l leUei s ujMiti business relative to the pa? per must be pos -.:r.id ?.* Gentlemen of leisure, who possess a ' j ,?e lor liteWi y ? irsuiti, are invited to favour uj wilii communications. | UW\:shot?v\y;\v ?\ciit\em>f . rpilfc c\ami>iat o . or 'hi- >tU(kn*l of this 1 a> !? .ii\ w ll tak<* pluci- on Prulay 111(1 Su'.unu), 'hi* ITU. aiul 18 h ustant. J. \Y ithci>|?ooii, Frincipul. Xovctiib'-r 7. 3'J? .\ O T V V. fc. r~|"'ll>-' s> t'?c t? r lia-i appoint* d THO.W.JS 1 D. H .11 'IS his aj; nt to transact his: i?e%% ? durmjj I ? 1 1> absence tu the City of Washington. James S. Smith. November 8 J 'J? .X OTIC V,. '"?""?'IE iiibicrihrr licin^j d?.-> rotis of rerrr.v. X uijj .to tlf state of \Lt)n>i, v i ? oir. r I fjr *;Je |it his r?-s;.dcrn c, on Thursd v 'he | 7:h of lK*trrU.i r, ? | *el\t n- int'is. J the purchaser* ?ivn.g b' nil.* w Ui appro* d ! irewmy, his Crop <>f - Corn, Kod?i?T, ami \\ lu at. Kursri, a?"l Hon *t hold urn! h'lldttu h'uru;*ure. r. r. As i.e. H?* fields. Nor- S. S'J ? ? ^ State, of Xortli-Curoltiia. oRAj\t^r. coL'.vrr Sapcri ii C.otirt of Law, Stptcm'utr Term, 1820. It i'\nt h . Irmttrtin* and Polly hi r/ij Junei /Iryrifj unJ Cm/. ii*v A i? iv fc, Mil IMdbrn ui . . Su Uj K-> wfc, Vn.fr | Ji.iif Ai//nn<''N . fleit. idr Jit- ^ . . bimo-i, anil Elitubclh Hubirxtm, i n s ' " Laj.d. vs. ti'illuim tintl .\fuluiel Hobiti'on. J ' IT i?j peunnjf to the satisfaction of 'h court, 'ha* the defcnd.ini \li. ha< 1 Kohinv.ii h-utl ?xcceMtvclv, that li e sai?i Miclml Kob'tia >11 rLkkc h<* (?? rsonal apj>* ar.?nre a! t o?-x* tern: ot tint cone', on the think Monday in Mait!; reiki, and answer the iKtit'W ?l the f itit ??r>< r?t o'hervibc iIk- -uine will b< t .ki i> ? <^f.svi heard ex parte, and deenid fc( Cunlin^h . A . 15. Bruce, e. s. <\ rot.ph, October .9, Iii20. 3tt? Jvv ill>, hit"\ Cat/.,:- j rii und I ? . ? I I*. 1 1> i? i ,v.? tu State 4>r Xortli < * :i r >i i n :i? OTLiJWE corr.vrr. Court ot Ltjui') . -Sct. c.nln i 1\ i in, IS I). PtllKCWV In a i1< cvr of ilir liniKHiraMr C- tirt o| E?|'ii-y t^rti ?.? ?? c??tnvy, will l>e exv ^td to pu.ili.- s?ii- u1 ttie market bot^c ?t. IHMshtiruti^ti(<>n li e .St i d\v of NoTcnib^r rt'.\r, uiie seventh p.?rt of l'liree l.oU ??f Lantl, "it the waters of Kno ro-r, adj'iin.n^ tlie I.k.Hm it .?t ?? it (?einjc the ?: .h\u! d "''are .>i It ???% Woiuli, (inc nl the chddr? nof tin s ii?l John W'ixmI*, in |I<<- said tliree o| land. X cre dit ol mx nionttia will hr ^ \ en I oii \, twelve month* credit for another sixth p-"f? a'ld two years t >r the ren SoiiM}^ loiit i:v h parts, the pur cliast tn >ti ? \ t . r interes'. It md* viih ap ptove '. fo-rurity will b< rtptind, mwl deeds Will l?e i X' rnted to tin* purclia.'Ji r li\ the cl< rk and master ol tins court. James \\ Vl>l?, c. M. R. IIilishori>ni(h, tKt. 9. 38? ts FOll S.lU'l \ Ita.ifUoitif HitdHtion ndj'iinin^ tin* towfl t?T IlilUhnroii'^li. ON which is a i??>od w? storv tlwell.nff house ; also n ^Tood ki'chen, ^iitnke n d twms. Inquire as above. _ Sept. II. 32? tf WANTKI), An ?Ipprcnlice to the Printing Jlushn8H, Apply at thi* ofl'^e. ] L G. WATSON, OF OKKRK SBORorOtt* K. C. will keep. constantly on liand a quantity of CoU aiu\ \Vantt-Vtes8e4 sufficient !*o? i lac supply <>f medical gentlemen in this section of the s'ate. ' /''ire per bnttic for t',e Co hi- f-ctsnf one ihttar tirrnty-JSve cent*, li'urm-Pre** -d on- dmlur I '.<)*?.? wis i ii|( to purchase can euJv be Mipj), e?l b\ lb ?l-.^c. November 1. ' > 38? 3\\ t: A s it Wtl.l. Bt: UIVF.1 ?ot C\ta , OW ft \\ Aft A P. liuaitiiigtuii. October 18. 3 ? XO'tVCE. * TIIF. firm of I). B. ALSO i> HOOK' Z> Co. having tor -ome IiHk: been ilmyjlvril, tlu*r >ml< Med by iu?te or accf?ii.it, wit do well tA call an-! .settle as soon ?s possible, as no longer iiuinlgvnct* can be ?;veu. I)a\i?l I). Alsubrook. ll:iljbormi(rli| October 10 "5? U.\T .W.iA'YS }c ACTO&X. .No. HH Street, Pliiiadvlpliia. rpiu: tiib^. ibivi liav'og Irronpht iu ,< -i l> c- | 1 i.. :._*wl\ ? 1 l.t i at! ! hi \ c * s, im> ? ot? . tiicfii to 'he p.?Uic to lr>l i. r i '?!;?:?*? cm i?t 11?- !?>? c i?*c . s dial i!i y liuv" -.rrived ;?? !? i u* iv. i i i' ? .?r' nl II. i M . nit" cuiTin^ w ic ?? ii. o true /' i ?' ' ? >t Heonim; cut ?t9U, ~T a ? It: ilf tl fta/.ard tut r t||* i||x* |J SpiT.tJ*, by he wni|il' no- Hit. (i > tin* pom e. I O it* i rial ft tiie ?y? J Mat> w .11 ti<< .btlesa I I >l.i |||)'| t?K t.ict ill tll? II >1n 111 l!H- r.tlZlDS i'' I* ? I .J 1 1 ? . a, ih*t tli* ?? ta;i nn ivulledioT I ru f>\r- , <1 ?ri'.'i.ilt' , .1. I .>11:! are j istly ei -. U- ii ? . lin* i .v iira'i! - ..;-rit*'l . .ii of Finnk fin, '?> *tiosc gem it* >i>? 1 ..iIi.il. >ii vu- i.we so mi i !i. I 'fy als* ifT n? tin* public, dieir Strfter. j'u. If'.. V; /'. '? ?/? -Heave"*, i't tiii* lu s' q-.ality, - . u itj?.ii h ai.i! in'' -ulij.'c in I k .ikI licnmir in\i, j- \V.?: r fronts iftrneralW are. Alui, * ^ ii r.?l assortment of Itrit'j 11- <\er?, C.>s hi, It'iiMiii!., yi'itiis* aud c!i : In i*.? Hat , t,'i liil' n'-. !_? <-v 1 ia< s and J .CkK s, ladtC*' . it a- I vcf?. trimmed or mii< i nnmed II >l i . 6 with tin. sited >?r unfinished I la' ?. Itesp. ike hats made sirre d?l?* to OitVCtioil* and a' tlir ?' ?'Pes! i.,?'.."t*. tl.? s it : v r, d?v-c"ijrti.?n, m*!.u;actnred und sri \> i,i, i ,j|i tut. i rcU.i| un liie mu>i r?-asr.tii abl>* terms \l ,ii i - tliink!'nl!y icr< .vul, and a'.ti i d til to a 'It d spatch. I f J IfJ.W No hat.* arc iln getiuin * patent t i .nkli . i ?> tit li >sr n.aiii. at'.urcd and sold in ii ? ai.d nut ?>{?*i?tb, and have i?ur ,-tani;) in t'tin I' ov \K .it> w isli to pU.rliase, Ca.no lie to i particular. fiat C' Foirle. I'liila !?-lp..m, Scpu m.itr, 1 Jj ? 3m ?T> \>o\\v\rs Wvvravd. ST'H.I.X <>ut nl ilu !>? r'* bt?bl?, on tin ni^lit ot 1 1 iv 21 ii msiant, living in (?nill'?r?l c nintv, N' (y a lila-'i iforsr, al>->ut ti I- ti ana a hail hand* hi^li, rising seven )?aJ!? i.l.l, ni.ik?. I witli a si. all star on Ins ft jviirad, lar^ir main* on Liv?'di sidi ?> oi Iim n* rk. o .e mud 1 1 Hit wtutr not recollccted uliicli. trout and par ? I iiavc ever rea>on to belli-. e tlir* !io m; vi as stolen, and a ill ^nr the aiiiivc i'i m ,ird tor liir Mppr?'lii*iii>iOii ot t!:c duel, or a .*r i^'irs reward ? .11 !??? jf ven tor a'iy information jt ttiv hois so that I gc, him John Stub It. (?ui'ford. X (!? ^? pt.2rt 34 ? ?>??? N OTIC K. TIIP- eopaf tnership of JO//.S' ft CI'At ir (' v\s YvimYs, toi Salt- at this otfi^ J. Among wiiich are. Jus iCfs' \V irrints, S (tail Honds, K\ecut?on?, ? At>peal bonds, f ' h. .Su. ' Kcr"?rn;i!?ncc, It nl \\ ?rr..nts, ? t inardia-i's boivla, \ i'sclitfti Ms, ' < onat aide's honds, \\ ri *, "'ill' rior and ' >\ itnraa* tickets, au county C'.ii*1, S pci'ior and county K%mt?| nn?, ?lo. ? court. .Viity <* 'as, ?U?. ; Jur^r'a tickets, do. .vi, .-i ill's l> ctl?, } Indictments* IVosoc i ion It nds, J (lumnmi ons, \|4i ;:e lionda anil J I. x? e.ui ions for militia licences, f fines, &.c &c. v%% / JKN l I.F.MI* N uh granted 10 ihe siihscribrr, ? lio th? n qualitird acording to Um : All persons ii? inuke ,i;i\ ini nt without ?Ulu\ ; ami 'hose { having clainit a^ains- the same lo preseijt j th^iii Wv I '.tlu i'iiCa.eJ t> i settlement u. th in the t nie ;> e cr-btd b\ law, otherwise tins notice ? ili 3e pie.id in bar (if rt-oiveiv. 5I?CAL'LY, Jtilm'r. S. pv 16.1820. 53? 3t rrHK sobeet .:?crs have for sale at thctr ?L shop in Hillsborough, \ number of Wagons, both lar?;c and small, wlncli they w >11 dispose of cheap for cash, or on a short credit Young Turner. fCj"* 1 '>c editors of ih?* Ral-igh Minerva, Star and I4e-*i?ter# and l e Milton li.iell.gen c- r, wi.l Ih- pleased to insert t lie- liiuVt tor ti?r?: r week-, aii'l forward their accounts to this office for settlement. V. & T. St jit. 2 J. 33 ? Valuable Land i on s.ili:. "k AM desirous o' r < ovmg to tie western ' ? c .uniry, a d wi-h u ??.h tile land where on t now li'. e, vi/. Two Hundred \eres. tin- soil cqoal to ami in tins s? c> on of the coui.tr>, ad; pt- d to the rulture of ad k mis of gr.i ? ; p. ssible to tic purcl>.s?* who w ->?i 'o purchase a good har^uili would do well o come and view tlie premises, ten imles north-cast ot Hillsborough. James Robinson. Srpt. 18. Co? 3w 1 OR SALE, * A handsome mahogany Secretary, Apply at this Office. Hillsborough, Sept. 6. 31 ? PRIZE \li:i).1L8, orrrntc bv i h k Humane Suci^U ?(' Philadelphia. "" I ' 1 1 F. d.scotcpe* whicli hnve attended thr J rec?-n' l.iho ir> ot pl?y->i?>l?r^ists, have en* (?(?nriiii (I he inan*?'iT? of t!:e Humane 'socie ty to fcch.ve, that c ?nti'i .ffd attention to the consideration ot Susp -nih d \mmation, m.?v !>c product >ve of bent fitt they are therefore in doced once more to ? fli-r, 1 or the hi st practical dissertation on 'lie means ot restoring persons apparently dead froT: dm?ninfr, a (*old Mvil.il ol the value of thre hundred dollars. For the second hest 'dissertation, a Oold Med.d of the talue ot two hundred dollars The diss< i tatiotis may he written ill the Kn glish, French or i.atin language, accompanied wit'> a seal< 1 p .per. containing the author's nam' and place of residence. T ev must bv sent to the secretary of the soi iet\, on or before the first day of the First ironih, (January), lbj2 They shall he submitted to the judgment and decision of t lie college ?f physicians oi Philadt Iphia; and those which are not suc cessful, shall be returned to their authors. By order of the managers. Jost-pli Crttksiiank, I'rcs't. .1 Wdson Moore, Sec'ry. Philadelphia, 6th mo. (June) 14, 182'). N. II F.ditois ot newspapers through the United States, will please give the above a few insertions. Sept. 20- 3 J? Valuable Land ron S ALE. TIIF. subscriber olrrs f >r sale n tract of 1?and, lying immediately on Tar river, adjoining the 'own lot* of Louisbnrg (Frank. Iin court house), containing One Hundred and Mighty Acres; which land is of a supt rior quality, indepen dent of its connecti'Si w.th said town, and ttisy he seen by applvin,; to Mr Daniel Shines, who resules ?>n it. The payment would be made easy to the purchaser, and w i ni- known, by addressing a letter to tlie subscriber, di. rected to Oochran'i Stnre p- st office, Person county, Which will he attended to. Nathaniel Norfleet. /Vrssn Count $ , ?1iUf 2^ 30 ? 4w Hook \N I) J (Mi Promptly and correctly executed at the ofliwti of the Uilhbcrough KvcoHer \V\vru\ Economy. We art- happy to observe about us a rational and at. a !v growth ot public o pinion it. favour of agriculture. It ar> gues weli lor the ;M< -^icuty nl o?n touii try to find nun < I due tion and felling jCtinjj a> pactital taiinrrs. ? l*f. a(;ll culture, a nation that h s i i ?e right am bitiuii ot b ing virtftous a ui urta', will first address tself; and (iieiccao be no netter pruol t .at the nearly and sound ieiu< lit* of pmiticn- fcunoniy, are tho roughly iindt rstoud n: ti.at ton try win rt the plow^t.man aiH corn grower ate rvspe. ted .tiul i* spe ? hie. Nothing, ?t this i.i mcnt, bo contributes to the du tabi.iiy of China, ami lur povLinn e-.t, with i overgrown and hungry population ? no thing so contibutfa to ! he. u^honliiif, ot toe huge la mic < I i.s government, -s the amazing vemiation i Ii- rc shown to farm; rs and to agricui ure. T<.? n bits' spectacle, among all the p.u-jt'.i ol war and polities, and a.l tin- pageantry and cotruvaiion ol imperial povc nmiot, !.^r ? he < ontt n?pl ition of ' he philosopnct and the s at* *>mau, must b- mat, in which the Rteat emptor ol China, the t mperor ol a country whose smallest provinces are ctnpii ? s, is seen, public.* turning u > 'he earth, hi the pte*cncc ??( ail his s'lwji cts, nil his armies, all his nubility, all liia . ton ->e hold and household g?d-> ? with a plough. Such is true no otlity! ? Sin ?> is o-ing indeed tnc fall*- r u| on . > ouir r v . We ar?- ii. a fair way ?o feel a like v nerati dt f?.t the tillers of tne earth in A nei ic... ? O hi latimrs oegln t<> fvel ?;iat t iere i- a greatness as well as good ness and *innvccnce m working in the open air, ai.d trusting to the Ciod of harvests for a Meannir upon thi ir labour. I'll v are losing th_i id.e and childish ambition of seeing their smis lawyer*;, mi it ust i rs, doc or?> ar.l shopkeepers, l li' V b< gin to regard a gentleman farm er, with a stock of ?oei ;hrory in hi-> brain, and a good piaoticai knowledge ot fat'.nmg and grazing, to cmpcr i* experimentalizing , as the n lit- v^ci tie nan *fiei a'l. A I they are ri^h' it '? a proud name. To he iu'jceci . Kaiimkh ? is to be one of Clod*- own chiidrcii ? a good and wise mm. / \d. Rrfi. New- Haven, Oct. 24. NEW-IIAVF.N SHOW AND FAIR. M^ny articles wormy of notice were xhmited, without having b in cmcred for |>i emiun.s; amoti); which were | An appie, we'ghinu 28 ounces, pre sented by the Rev. Mr. Cornwall, of Cheshire; , l?o a variety of upplts of un ton inon M7.c. Two sweet potatoes, one of 4 pounds weight, i he other of 3 1-2, by William K.liott of Guiifoi d. A radish, weighing 15 lbs. by C. II. Pond, esq Several samples of Mangel Wuitzel, I o > xtrjonaiiat y size. A \a iety ol very large winter pears; 2 i >y Mr. Jared Bradley, one weighing 23 1-2 wunccSt the other 21 ounces. A few eats of corn, the rows from 13 to 14 inches in length, by J. Ptiny mart, ol ClKsiiirc. A tinioof an apple tree, bearing fruit in every sta^e of its progress, from the opening of the blossom to the ripe ap ple, by Lbcu. 1 1 unguis, jr. of this city. . Several spti linens of marble from the Millord quart y, wrought into various ust !ul and ornamental articles. Two fine I. lack lace veils, by two young ladies of this city. Two nc' die woik counterpanes, by Miss Hull, of Cheshire, cloth im ported. A toilet cover, and a small basket composed of musktnelon seeds, enri ously wrought by a daughter ol Mr. Jo el A water, of this i ity. A bed qmlt, wrought, with the ex ception of i.e (juiit'ng, by a daughter of Mi . Samuel R. Ciauc, before tnc age ol 3 years an.l 9 months. Two pan ol snk sto< kings, from the shreds of taffey, . no? mure t? an an inch long, picktii, ca did, spun and knit by a laoy ol 7 5 years of age. An open work in ispensanh , l>y Mrs. M. S. Not thiop) of this city, 63 years of age. I A shawl and vandyke, by Mrs. M. A. j Clai ke, of this city. A si.k pelissr. i?y Mr*. Marcus Met riman, of i 'is city. A Worked vandyke, by Miss Stran A i wat< r, of this city. A puce of carpeting, by Mrs. Ii. I lagg. To presrrve /'otatufs. It is said, p Mines may br kept the whole year, by dipping them in hot wa | ver, as the Scott* preserve eg^s, by kil ling the liring principle; and as the )rcim is so near the skin it nuuM not <.utt the potatoe. One or two minutes at most would be sufficient, in ?n open woi k basket, a toll might be < uied lit an hour or two. .1m. /farrtcr. Cheap and Good Beer. The papers give the following rcceipt to make that wholesome and necessary drink railed beer. It may be made in five minutes, and fii to drink in twtlve hotits ahei ? and need cost but one ccut a bottle: Take one spoonful of ginger, one spoonftd of rream of tartar, one pint of yt asi, one pint molav?.% and si\ quarts of water, mix together cold; let it statu! a t.w hours till it begins to ferment; tli^n bottle, set H in a cool place, and six hours after ii Hill be lit tor u?e. V ureigu ln\e\Uj;ence. New York, October .10. Yesterday morning the White Ouk, c.ipt. Fowler, arrived from Liverpool, alter a passage of 22 days, furnishing Livfrpool dates to t.n 4tii of October, lit the afternoon he regular trading ship Importer, capi Le-, arrived ftom the same poit, in 21 d.? S'rand, and the space from Whitehall southward, but Bhick Friars, Waterloo, and Wcstminsier bridecs, and every intermediate street from which a view ol the river could be had or hoped lor. At I l o'clov k, although a great p a t of i lie procession had passed, it was impossible to get nearer Waterloo bridge than the houses on the north side of the strand opposite to it. The number of boats far exceeded that col lected by any of the annual shows on the water. Among th-.rse, three large steam vessels, filled wi h passengers, made a conspicuo s figure. A very large batge, with Hags and a band of music, contain* ? d the chiefs of the procession, and ma ny f^n ales. After some preliminary business, the queen's counsel were called in, and Mr. Biouglism commenced his speech, wnich was not concluded until the next day at half past twelve. Tins speech oc cupies fifteen columns of t lie Courier. At 20 minutes past one, Mr. W. ad vanced to the liar, aud was proceeding to address the house, when the Lord Chancellor offeerved, ? that, as it ap peared to be the intention of Mr. Wil liams to folio .\ Mr. Brougham in a se cond address, he must remind their loidships, that it was at their discretion whether to admit the course conlTrv plated by the counsel for the dcfcnctj but he was sure i. ' nousc wou.d agrre with him, that in so important a case, it would be best exercised by permitting tt " I he suggestion was unanimously acceeded to, ami Mr. Williams com - mrnred. The speech of tnis gentleman i- not contained in th? London papers. The Paris dates arc to the first of October. The Moniteur of the 30th September is nearly filled with an official account of the birth of the young prince, the son of the duchess of Berri. The prince has been named Henri Charles Ferdinand L)i u-donne, (find's gift.) The following is an extract of a letter from Paris, dated September 2S^r "S me important arrests have taken place within the last 21 hours; public tumor citcs several of the most Celebia tcd revolutionary characters i.i France. I am only able positively to announce the names of Col. Fabvur, M. Courccl les. Hon of the deputy of Lyons, and M. Combes Sieyes, a prefect during the bundled days, and nephew ol* the con stitution-making abbe Sieyes." A L ?ndon paper of the 3d mentions that despatches have been received from Persia which ?' announce to ministers the intrigues of the Russian agents in that < ounti y, and i dicate the designs of the court of Petersburg. The regular army of Russia now in Georgia, and on the line of the Caucasus, is upwards of 100,000 men, and the Russians have taken possession of a place on the Cas pian sea, near Alterahad." Au/i/e#.? Fhc intelligence from Na ples is to the 1 2th of September. A let ter ol that date states, ?? that accounts had been received from Sicily of a san