. V HILLSBOROUGH RECORDER. HILLSBOROUGH, N. C. PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY DENNIS HEARTT, \T THREE DOLLARS A YEAR, PAYABLE HALF YEARLY IN ADVAKCK. Those who do not give notice of their wish hare 'heir p?per discontinued at the expi- I J?tion of their year, will be presumed as de ,.nn^ its continuancc until countermanded. Whoever will guarantee the pa> ment of nine ?upers, shall receive a tenth gratis. ' Advertisements not*i*ceeding fourteen lines u ill be inserted three times for one dollar, and senty-five cents f??r each continuancc. Subscriptions received by the printer, and snosi of the post -masters in the state. All letters upon business relative to the pa per must be post-paid, ?/ (ientlemen of leisure, who possess a !i$ r for literary pursuits, are invited to favour ,.s m ith communication.'. TUF. celebration of 'lie anniversary- of St. John the Evangelist >?ill take place on the -27'li instant. The members of Kagte l?nl|{c No. 71, are requested to attend, at lo .'cl<<W. t. M at the l.odge room. All breth ren of regular staiuliog are also respectfully j-.viteJ to attend. David Yarbrou^li, Sea ctiii-y. UilNboroufch, December 7. 41 ? Valuable Land FOR SALE. rpMIE subscriber offers for sale hit tract of i land containing Thirteen Hundred and Fifty Acres, Situated on Haw River. I ue attention of such as may wish to pur chase la>J m this part of the country* i"? in * tr<l. The terms 'Iwill be accommodating, for farther particular* apply to the pnqwi r\or, Uichard I). Ashe. lk-cembcr 13- 44? if Fire Cents Reward. RAN away from the subscriber in Julv. ItJlH, an apprentice b?<_, named SI. LJI If. 1Un, about fourteen years of ago; 1'giit ? 'irlv hair, grey eye*, tolerably slim built. Die above reward vk .11 l>e given for sax I ?p prentice, if broiiglit borne, but no expenses William Hart. 3UW) Creek, Orange count*, Not. .io, 1820. 43 ? 3*t K OT I 1 E. HAVING qualified as execute'- to tho last will and testament of IS.I.1C //<>/,? />#.'. V, deceased, I shall procr-d to srlt, on the 2tt'h instant, at the late dwell, ng bouse of the deceased, in tiie county of Orange, five 1 miles east of Hillsborough, to the highest bid der, on a credit often months Fifteen or sixteen likely Negroes, ir^wt. of \*bom are young and promising ? also Valuable Stork of all kind*, together with a number of Farming Tools. I'urchascrs * ill l>e required to give bond with approved security. I hereby give further notice, ? hat all creditors tc? the estate o4 the said Jrceavl arv required to make known their claims Within the time prescribed bv law, otherwise this advertisement will I** phadtd in bar o| a recovery: and all debtors thereof >*c required to make immediate payment. Thomas W.llolden, Executor. December 2, 1820. 43? 3w N UT 1 < K. \f?UF.KAlll.Y t r> the dirt rtir>ii? of tb e la*t will and ItiUnirnt of H.I It'l'/l'U.O ?V/.M I. H.I Y US, la'r t' I'crton county, <1* i ? mm-iI, I ?ImII (>.n Frul^v, tbe 29'h day of *> crrol>rr n< it, u< In* l?tf reiidcnce un the viIt? nf South llyeo) proceed to tell at pub lic auction, nil tlic per.?hable cttatr of aaid <?' < r^snl, cons ?<in^ of llor?e?, (Utllr, Sheep, ?m<1 a qntn<ii> <>f < orl), Hoililf r, Wlifit ??n I < one Wagon, one t,i? anil Harnet*; II ''in li>> 1.1 and K.tchen Furniture, 1'lanutinn 1 !< "mIs, '<r t*.r. Also a valuable voting negro !nj,ii |?v tlic name ol MjvK" (*n CXCclk-nl br.ckl.jrr) On tli? second dav of the fair, A number of Negroc* will bo liirftl out for tlic r ii.sii i ii^ year. A credit ot twelve months will l>e pivfn on <1 stunt above fmir dollar*, the purchaser bond s? ith approved aeeunty. Farther ,?r'iCulai s will be made known on the day of W 1 1 1 i: L 1 1 1 L. llaypH, K.i ecu tor. I'eraon county. 'Wtl> N member, 1H20- 43 ? 2w | A* O ft T, /V Nf)TEnf hand, drawn by Jam** Scarlett in favour of John and Samuel S.CIaytor, i ?r Mity dollar* and ? ? cents, dated Augu?t 1 'Hi, lH^O, and p*\ able two months alter date *11 ptraon* air tor warned trad in ft for mod a? it Imh n? ?? r Ik en endorsed or tran*. l/rrrj to any pe I'aon. ?If >liii ^Hamucl 8,(!l?ytor. ^"Vfmb?r Ijk I THE NEGROES BELONGING to the heirs of William F. Strud wick, deceased, will be hired out at the Market-House in Hillsborough, on the 28th of December next, when and where all persons interested will attend. James AVebb, Guardian . November 21. 41 ? lm Grocery Store. T1IB subscriber lias received a fresh sup ply of Groceries, &c. among which are the following articles: C?ffee, Brjwn and Loaf Suptr, Imperial, Gunpowder and Hyson Teas, Sheny and Malaga Wine, West India and New-Lngland Rum, Cordials, China, in boxes of 48 pieces, Salt, In.n and Castings, Gla^s, Liveipool, Crockery and Stone Ware, White Lead, dry and ground in oil, Red Lead and Spanish Brown, Window Glass, 8 by 10, and !? by 12, Putty, Best Spanish Indig*, and Prussian Blue, Spirits of Turpentine, Sweet Oil, and Varnish, 4 . Duponi's best Rifle Pender, Bar Lead, and Shot ot all sizes, Cheese. Also, a Urge assortment of Men' ?, Women's, Boys\ and Girls ' Shoes. He also expects from New-York in the course of a fortnight, Madeira and Sicily Wine, Cognise Brandy, Holland Gin, I'aints and l?ve Stuffs, all of which lie is determined to >ell verj low for cash. D. Yarbrough. Nov. 27. 42? 3w ?VOTICY. IV the year 1816, 1 so'.d a nepro hoy named 7777/.V, then about twelve \ears old, to Joseph Sm th. who. as the hoy states, sold him to John Miller, in the itatc ot Georgia, who l?e sa\s resides in the county of Morgan. Mi returned to this place about three months pas', during winch time I hare been endea. vouring to ascertain w r>. rt bis master reside#, but w about cH'cct. The owner is requested to give the subscriber the necessary information, who w II render any assistance in his power to have the b \ delivered to him. John Cowan. W tlmington, Nov. 1 1. 4- ? 3?' \\ \Wft\ioxougA\ Aca&euvy . THE exercises in this institution will l?e returned on the first Monday of Janua ry ?ext. J. Withcrspoon, Principal. November 22. 41 ? Valuable Land FOR SALE in l\\e \\kw YieWs. THR subscriber offers his tract of laud for sale, containing Eight hundred and forty eight Acres, situated in the Haw Fields, ten miles west of Hillsborough. The attention of such as may ?isli to purchase land in this part of tlie country is invited; the term* will be accom modating. For farther particulars apply to the proprietor. ?S. Strudwick. November 1.1 40 ? lOw x one i?. THF. subscriber ha* appointed 77/O.lf. 7.V [)? It.ri'l'.S Ins agent to transact busi ness for him during Ins absence to the City of Washington. James S. Smith. November 8 39 ? L. U. WATSON, OF OKEKNHBOKOtJOII, 19. C. will keep constantly on hand a quantity of CuV\ ftniV \V ft* ?ASlf?Ui sufficient for th? supply of medical gentlemen in this section of the slate. J'' ire firr l<f>ttle fnr the Cohi Prmafrf one rfot'*r twenty: five rent*, H'aitn-/'rc**ed one <loU*r. Those wishing to purchase can easily be supplied by the stage. November 1. 58? ."w IBaiiiSt'JiS ot various for sale at this office. Among which are, Jugucrs >nrr?n<?, Executions, J ('a Sd. Iliil Warrant*, Attachn.cntt, AVn!*, superior and ; county court, ! Executions, do. j ?Vubpfurnas, do. .VJirrifT'i Deed*, I'roarciition Bond*, < Marriage bomls and j liCCIlCCHf j mhii hoikh, ' Appeal !>ond?, f Kccojrniz.ancf, J (iuardian'* bonds, ( f :011st aMt-'.n l>?nd?, ! W ititcn#' tickctn, su | perior and county f court. Jltror'* tickrts, do. f Indictmcnt*, f Commissions, | Kxccutions f??r militia \ tino?, kc. L.C: a?^i\srs3?asT HAT MAJ<Y3? ACTORS, ?Vo. I22| Market Street, Philadelphia. THE subscribers having brought to perfec tion their newly discovered economical HATS, which tbeycan afford at three dollars and fifty cents, now offer them to the public to test their improvement. Being conscious that they have arrived to that degree in the art of Hal Manufacturing which is the true Frankhn Ecnnomica'. tlyle, are willing to hazard their future prosperity, by the sample now offered to the public. I One trial of the $3 50 Hats will doubtless establish the fact in the minds of th; citizens of Philadelphia, that they?Timd unrivalled tor c/teafme**, durability, and 6eat//y,and are justly entitled to the favorable appellation of Frank' j Hn, to whose gmitit and invention we owe so much. They also offer to the public, their Super. Jtne Water Proof lieavert, of the best quality, and newest fashion, ami not subjcct to fade and become foxy, as Water Proofs generally are. AUo, a peneral assortment of Drab Beavers, ! Castors, Korams, youths' and children's Hat*, | children's fancv Hats and Jockies, ladies' Bea vers, trimmed or untrimmed. Hatters supplied with finished or unfinished J Huts. Bespoke hats made agreeable to directions i and at the shortest notice. j Hats of every descript ion, manufactured and sold, wholesale and retail, on the most reason- { able terms. j All orders thankfully received, and attend ed to with dispatch. CAUTION. No hats arc the genuine patent Franklin hats but those manufactured and sold by us and our agents, and have our stamp in them. Those who wish to purchase, cannot be too particular. Rankin Toiclc. I Philadelphia, September, 1820. 35 ? 3m FOB SALE A handsome situation adjoining the town of Hillsborough, ON which is a good tiro story dwelling house ; also a good kitchen, smoke house, dairy, and stable. Tlie buildings are all new. For terms* inquire or The Printer. A first-rate work Horse may be had on good terms. Inquire as above. Sept. 11. 32? tf State of North-Carolina, o/!.i.vcr. COU.\TY. Superior Court of Law and Equity, September Term, 1820. J am** Me bl ami Frederick A executnn of James ff hitted, tie- j ceateJ, ?s. y In Equity. Jotrfih Dickey and Cfies'ry F. Fan- I cett, *urxii-iitg partners of "aid j Janet IT /a tied, deceased- J IT is ordered by the court that this cause be referred to Thomas Clancy, esq. to Uke and state an account of all the dealings and transactions of the firm of Joseph Dickey and Co., of the stock in trade, dealings and transactions, of esch of the said copartners, for, of, or concerning the said firm, of the pro fits or loss gained or sustained by the said firm, and of the losses therein by the fraud, covin, larlcs, or neglect of said defendant Joseph Dickey; with liberty to examine all the books, entries and accounts, papers and vou chers of the said firm, and also the said par ties respectively and their witnesses on oath, ami to make report to the next term of this court. And for as much as it appears to the court that the said defendant Joseph Dickey docs not now live within the limits of this state, hut hath romoved thereout rcaidc.9 in distant parts: It is ordered by the court, that the said commissioner Clancy may pro ceed to take and state said accounts, and make reports, w ithout personal service of the warrant, or notice ot reference on said Joseph, arul after giving notice of the time or times of taking and stating said accounts, by way of public advertisement in the newspaper called the ffi'U'iotyttijrh lircurtler for and during the term of sixty days, which advertisement shall be drrmcd, taken and held to be as valid as personal ?crvice of notice, to all intents and purposes. And it is also ordered and dccrccd, that said commissioncrCl.incy shall, in his said report, state such special matter as the par ties may require him to state. A copy from the minutes. Test, James Webb, c. ?5 m. e. 1 PURSUANT to the foregoing order, I do hereby appoint the 18th day of January next, at my oflicc in the town o( Hillsborough, to take into consideration the several matters and things thereby to me referred; at which time and place the said Joseph Dickev, and all others concerned, are hereby notified and re quired to appear and produce before me, on oath, all hooks, papers, vouchers, accounts, and evidences whatever in his or their cus tody or i*>wer, relative to the matters in ques tion in the above cause* at which tim? and place I shall proceed to state the said ac counts and report thereon. Test, Thomas Clancy, Commissioner appointed by the Court of Equity. Hillsborough, Nov. ?. 2m ? BOOK ANI) J 0 11 shbuskmsni Promptly and correctly executed at the office of tbc ildlsboroiigh llccordcr. REPORT Of the President and Directors of the Board for Internal Improvements, to the General Assembly of the State uf North-Carolina. Raleigh, J\ov. 27, 1820. The attention of the board during the present year has been directed, 1. To our inlets. ? 2. Our primary rivers. 3. The public works under the di rection of the several navigation com panies. 4. To the laying out and opening a road through the Cherokee country. As the coast of this state has under gone many changes since the discovery of this continent, the board have been anxious to procure the earliest charts which were made of our coast, believ ing that they would aid much in ascer taining the operative causes of those changes. With this view, Peter Browne, chairman of the former board, then in England, was requested, during the last year, to procure, if possible, a copy of the chart of our coast made by Dr. Har riott, the astronomer who accompanied Sir Walter Raleigh, and also to procure copies of such of the papers relative to this voyage as would illustrate his chart. It is not known what has become of many of the papers of Dr. Harriott; nor why the university of Oxford, to which it is understood they were bequeathed, has not published them. An account of his astronomical papers was lately given to the world by Dr. Zach, who found them in the library of the earl of Lgre mont. Mr. Browne informs the board, that he had applied both to the univer .!?_ _f r\ r ? ? - ? - - ? any 01 vjxiora ana 10 tne carl of ligre mont for such of Dr. Harriott's papers as related to the voyage of Sir Walter Raleigh: t'uat his application had been politely attended to, and search made for such papers, but none could be found. The board have therefore lost the hope of being; able to get a copy of the first chart which was made of our coast; a chart, which, no doubt, would shew the position of the inlets then on the coast, and the depth of water at each. At the first meeting of the board in February last, the civil engineer made a report on the want of buoys on the coast and in the channels of eur several in lets. As the erection of buoys belonged properly to the general government, the board transmitted copies of this re port to our senators and the represen tatives in congress, to be laid before the president of the United States. This ap plication was promptly attended to; and congress having directed a survey of our coast, captain Elliott, who was charged with this survey, was instructed, as the board understand, to place buoys where they might be wanted. In pursuance of instructions given to the civil engineer, he has examined the inlets at Ocracock, Beaufort and Cape Fear. His reports upon these inlets de tail a series of information that will be found very interesting. It will be seen that the inlet at Beaufort requires no improvement. This is the safest and one of the best inlets on our coast; but to render it useful to the commerce of the Albemarle and Pamlico, it is necessary to complete the Clubfoot and Harlow creeks canal. This canal will open a communication between Beaufort and all the commercial towns of the Albe marle and Pamlico. The estimate of the engineer for completing this canal is 25,000 dollars. There is no improve ment which c,an be made for this sum, that will give such facilities to the com merce of the state; and the board ear nestly recommend its patronage to the general assembly. A survey of the ca nal was made by the engineer, and also a drawing showing the existing state of the work, with a section shewing what the proposed canal will be, when com pleted. It was gratifying to the board to learn, from the report of the civil engineer, that the navigation of Ocracock can be improved by a removal of the swashes and other obstructions. Although this will probably always continue to be a dangerous navigation, owing to the want of good anchorage and a shelter from the winds, yet much will be gained by a removal of the Swashes; as not only the inconvenience and expense of ligh terage will be thereby avoided, but ves sels will not be detained either in enter ing or going out. It was proposed to remove these obstructions by a dredg ing machine, which it appears may be also used successfully in deepening the channels over the bars at the Cape Fear inlets. The general assembly having directed a survey to be made, for the purpose of I ascertaining whether it be practicable to form a good inlet at the lower end of I Albemarle sound, the board, at their meeting in February, gave to the civil engineer the following instructions on this subject: " Hamilton Fulton, F.sq. Civil F.ngineerof the State of North.C*rolina. Sir ? The board for internal ira provements wish you, from time lo timc? to give your attention to every part of the stale, where public works have bce;i commenced or contemplated, and to make reports to them at their respec tive meetings. Your attention has lately been directed to the coast; and as the season is favorable for an examination of our inlets and harbours, the boaid wish you, 1. To repair to Albemarle sound, and ascertain, as far as you can, within the time allotted for this service, the several facts upon which an opinion may be formed. Whether it be practicable to form an inlet at the lower end < f the sound, which will be permanent, and have ? sufficient depth of water for com mercial purposes? It is not probable, that on your first examination, all the facts necessary for a correct opinion can be collected. It will requite a conside rable time for you to learn the state of the tide upon this part of the coast; the several currents, with their direction* and relative strength and influence; the relative levels of ihc waters of the Al bemarle and Pamplico sounds; the width and depth of the currents through Croatan sound and the marshes, the quantity of water discharged through lliein in a given time, w hen the sounds are not affccted by wind*; and a variety of other facts necessary to be well know n, before a correct opinion can be formed upon the question, whether a commodious inlet can be here made? The former commissioners of inland navigation were informed by one of their body, Peter Browne, Esq. now in Eng-^ land, that upon this, as well as other subjects, you could be aided by the ad vicc of the civil engineers of Europe, and as this is a subject of great national magnitude* upon which the opinion of several engineers may be desired, and you have suggested to the board the propriety of procuring their opinions, the board wish you to collcct and ar range facts with the view of calling to your aid, in forming an opinion, the as sistance of Messrs Telford and Rcnnir, of Great Britain, and of Monsieur Pro ney, the director general of the public works of France, whose attention has been particularly directed to the coast* of continents which are afl'ccted by al luvions. Your own personal acquain tance with Messrs. Telford and Rennic, will enable you, without difficulty, to procure their opinions; and the board will endeavour, through the secretary of state for the United Sutes, to have your reports forwarded to the American minister at Paris, to be laid before Monsieur Proney. | If this work should be found practi- ^ cable, the plans of it will be determined upon; and you will then be able to mako out estimates of the cost. Much time and much reflection will be requisite for you to collect and arange tho facts which are necessary for form ing an opinion upon the practicability and plans of this work, and the bouvd wish you to devote to this subject, a* much of your attention as your varto.ia r duties in other parts of the state w ill permit. 2. From Albemarle you will proceed ' to Ocracock, and examine the inlet at that place. You will learn, as accurate ly as you can, the changes which this inlet has undergone, and the causes which have produced these changes; the several channels, with their sound ings, fcec. and report to the board whe ther any thing can be done for the im provement of this inlet, and lessening the danger of its navigation. 3. 1' i'om Ocracock you will proceed to Washington, and examine the shoal below that town, and report to this board whether the channel across this shoal can be permanently deepened; and if so, in what way, and at what expense. A. I'rom Washington, you will pro ceed to the inlet at Swansborough, and report to this board the present condi tion of that inlet, and whether it can fee improved. You will make out your reports to the surveyors of the Clubfoot *nd Har low creeks canal, and of the inlets at Cape Fear, and submit them to ihe pre sident of the board. You wi'l report particularly upon the huoys which are necessary to be placed in the rhunncl through the Fryingpan shv?als, and over 4 the main bar at Stnithville. Your repo on this subject will be forwarded to o',t4,>^ senators and representatives in congrt^'Jj." to be laid before the secretary of tW treasury of the United States, thaify may tske the proper stops for hav*|ir buoys erected. A copy of yeur report on this su p*,^s you will forward to the collectors I customs at Wilmington; and a c?herev.^j your report on the C lubfoot and crecks canal you will forward toi ^'JTy president of the company incorpor for opening that ranal. As you proceed from Newbei, *(|T_ Swansborough, you will examin< rRj,?_ Trent river, and run a line of .. from the h*ad boatable water* ,,m river to those of th? Whit? Oaf ,n at jear,

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