HILLSBOROUGH, N. C. Pt BL1SIIKD WUKIT BY DENNIS I1EARTT, at TMUKK DOLL A ItS A YEAR, PAYAItt.K half YKAHLY in advance. who do not K'Tr notice of thrir wish In litre their paper discontinued at the expi rjti.fi> of tht ir year, will be presumed as de siring us continuance until countermanded. Whoever will fruaraiitee the put men. of nine paper*. ?h*ll receive a tenth gratis. \dvertisemeni? not exceeding fourteen lines will he inserted three times lor one dollar, and twe n< ? -five cents for each continuance. S'ltjscnptions received by the printer, and mcs. of thr post -masters in the state. Ml letters npon business relative to the pa pfr m'ist t>e post-paid ?/ Gentlemen of leisure, who possess a u? ?? for literary pursuits, are invited to favour m with communications. just rrcet\cd, and f?r sule at this Office, a q'lsntitv of viz. Ainsworth's Dictionary, Virgil Dclplvni, Schrcvelii's l i reck Lexicon, Hixtorias Same, Viri- II iniR*, M air's introduction. Tytlrrt Elements of History, (tulilBmilh'K History of England, Goldsmith's History of Rome, Goldsmith's Histnry ol' Greece, Will tt's Geography and Alias, Murray's (vratiinr.tr, Murray's Exercises* \N raster's S;irlliii? llook, fiihli-s, Testaments, Kv. A more extensive assortment will be short ly rrceivt-d. K.N1 LP.MKN >if the Rar. Physicians, and " t^er*. run be supplied u itli Professional and .Miscellane ous Honlts, from the I'hilad* Ipliis market, at short notice, oti appl cation at tins office IX c 2 o Valuable Land FOR SALE. nr^HF, *nh?cr?!?cr (ifiVrs for ??It lilt tract of X l.md containing Thirteen Hundred and Fifty Veres, Sitnntrd .?n llav* River ir>e tltpniion of such as mav uiiii to pur* rliaap la'wl in tins part ot tlir r muln, i* ill v trtl. Hie trrn-i v*. .U Ih accmnv dating. For farther ; an cuUra applt lo tl??r propri etor, Diehard !). Ashe. Ptrrml>rr 1 V 44 ? tf ?V V> T \ V v.. TV '! r *.far 1S1'*. I si 1.1 a negro !i?? mmrd * 77/T.S, U?rn al/oilt ? < rir-i old, to S'l.iilt, Win, as tlif If >\ h'.x'c*, hmJiI li.;i to Jfihn MilLr, in t!ir s':i'c- ??' (icur^'t, ,"* ?> li?- ??%<> result * in tin* fnm \\ oi Morgan, lie retorted to t!n? a' out ilirre moodi* pas', d'lnic ttlucli Mri.e I Itmr Irvn endea* v-mring tfi N^c<-rtaio u lici r lii* *na*t(-r n sides, hn'. \? ii.ooi rficfi. Yli?* oWiii r n rroiKklril to ^,\p ?lir ?ut> v-ntit r ilie nrce?*ury ii.f.<rni:ition, v l?o u |: r? n<l.-r am -i?-*i!kt.?ncc in Iiis pouiTto b.ivr ilif i> y delivered to li.ot John Coicini. Wilm'.ngion, Nov. 1 1 . 4- 3'.v T Valuable Land inn s.ii.ic \w U\c WrtVi V\v\vVs. UK Mihseritirr offers Ins tract of laud f?r nalr, containing Kight liundi'ed :ind forty \eres, f'na'cd i?) tin- (law K.eliU. teo inil< *? ?f*l of M ll-l)'.rou;'h. I l?c attin'mn of Midi :?? may *i*'i to piirrlnir land in 1 1? ? ? iritt of t !??? Co'it'lry in in\itc<l; tin- tiim* Will tie jcrnnt* 1 '?i!,t|Mjr ?r farther particulars ?p|d} ,n <W proprietor. S. 8trud>\ iek. November I V 40*? lOw N T \ V. PJ 'H" subscriber ha* ?|)|kiin<ed TflO.1f.lS * H It. If rs Inn agent to transact husi* "< ?s lop iii hi during nia ?hst nee to tlir Cut) wf Washington. James S. Smith. Xovrmhft 8 ?i!>? I, WATSON, OF <;i(KI .?HMl('i| (411, N. C. keep Cons'.;inil\ on h;;til ? (pi.'intily of ^ '>VA Wftriw-VtmsitA (U^aKINOUl iU'JLj ?'?flRcient for ih -upplv <1 in d c.il gcutlctnrn in tins Hi cM'ti of 'lie s. ?(?'. f' /? t per ''Od'f f'i> Cn'il f'rr**r i nnr i hilar ' r r-ity, II t,rw f'rvtied one if iilur ? ???' e >t; to | uicliaac can ta>il) l?c ??!'?. c?l lit shi at .inc. ?* vcoiUtr 1. ' 3b? 3\? TTIE NEGROES * BKI.OM.lNf; to tlie heirs of William P. Strudwick, deceased, will be hirc<l out at the Market -H<xue in HilUbirOupli, on tbe 28th ol December next, when and where all persons inti Tested will attend. James Webb, Guardian . November 21. 41 ? lm Grocery Store. TIIK subscriber hss received a fresh sup ply of Groceries, Inc. among which are the following articles: Coffee, Br wn and Loaf Sugar, Imperii!, Gunpowder and Hyson Tfcas, Stwriv and Malaga Wine, West India and New- England Hum, C'>r<iiais, China, in boxes of 4 8 pieces, Silt, Iron and Castings, Glass, Liverpool, Crockery and Stone Waie, White Lead, drv and ground in oil, Re<' Le.id and Spanish Brown, Window Giass, 8 b> 10, unci 10 by 12, Putty, best Spanish Indigo, and Prussian Blue, Spirits of Turpentine, Sweet Oil, anil Yami*h, Du pom's hest Rifle Powder, Bar Lead, and Shot of ail sizes, Cheese. Also, a Isrge assortment of ?Men' 8, Women's , 1loys\ and (litis' Shoes. ( He also experts from New-York in the J course of a fortnight, Madeira and Sicily Wine, Cogniac llrandj, Holland (.in. faints ami live "tolls, all of wl.ich tie is determined to sell very low for cash. 1). Yarbrouf^h. I Nov. 27. 42? 3w Fire Cents Reward . I RAN sway from the subscriber in July, Ial8. an *r>..rfiitice boy namcu Si.iH H '.lit I), about fourteen year* oi agej l.'ght curlt hair, grev eyes, tolerably sliin built. The abov.- rrwalti Vk .il be ^tveii *??r said ap prentice, if brou^i.t home, but no expenses pj l William Hart. Stony Creek. Orai^e county, Nov. $lt, l-.V 4.>? - 3w t W \Wr\i i\r owg\\ Ae at\e, \\v$ . TIIK exercises in this institution w.ll be icsumed oil the fust Monday of Janua I ry next J. Withersponn, Principal. November ?2. 41? P U li L I C I N KO R \ I A T I O N . Mayoi's OrncE, .Nov 2;-, 1820 } FROM recent discoveries and f.rquent information received within the last tnehe or fifteen the mayor of Philadelphia thit ks i' Irs ?|?|T\ to apprize his fellow citi zens within the IViiul stair*, thai th< re has hcf-n, for at least that prnnd, a nmnbir of fo rc pners, "f ,-o<xl address hot of bate and <1. pruril |)r.iir',j>lri, ?? ho h;ivr vi?i'mI our coun try with forced credentials, counterfeit recom mendations, anil spurious siatcinents of ailed ir*d losses These so> s of deception havetra ?.T" ? I the c mitry m ;ilnn?t every directic. , I exhibiting thnr ta!sc documents for the pur pose of obtaining nmnev for the ostensible oh. lect of redee-niiifj some of their near relatives Irotn \ Iprine slavery, others to rebuild church es destroyed In fire or earthquakes, to assist dis*r? is? <1 villages whose all bad been swept aw iv hv S' i*iii ' s i'l eat-isimphe, or to remune r..te h>r lo->e? lat. lv sustained by pirates on tlie oo ao. I lioiisands of dollars have been eollee.ied in ibis Wa) from the charitable and liumafv-, u o little s'is{iected that the whole M as a bast f?hri"ai ion, poi up, supported l?y f< t>jrn and fraud, ami the prore.-ds solel v up phi d to at d divided ami ?Tiffs'. a lar^e <anj; of th?i>'? r.on ?ed? r;i! ed villains. From a source that 1 in |i ? relied on, ihev have a rendezvous 10 th. ? ciu, from which they issue in their de predatory excursions, ami aft r hemp absent from three to twelve mouths, and sometimes I >ti?er, they return with their spoil. Ii is believed, by some pers-uis who are ne. quoutrd with the svstem, that from six to c j;hteeo thousand dollars l.ave been e irried to F>uro|x* !?\ v\ eral t.l lie different individti sis w ho have been enjfs^ed in these dishonest schemes l itis exhibit is piihl.shed in order to put the tin > arv on their ^uanl. and to eautieit them a^ .nisi placing any confidenee in doeu mei^s that nt :i\ br handed to them clothed with al! the Mppar-nt formality of consular eer 1 iflC.ites, seals a id signal nil's, as w ell as tilt' names ol oilier highly r? s|xciahlc diameters, as it .s lulls belie t ed, : hat seaicelv 111 a single J I'is'a Ce are the) genuine ol bc< It honest!) ob tained. The nnders tftvd has jost lieen creditably informed, thai, within a short time pa?t, ten additional reei'iii's to th" c? rps have arr.ved at tins port Irom F.nitipe, and after beinif f ir imbed in 'Ins cits with totted doc.umepts ('of, b* tii I ?v *? , they .tie all, it is liehevf d, niami<? (.lOtmed here), tlicy started *n the westward m e(''?-p:<iM with twelve or fourteen other men who lw?e been eiij^ap' d in the above practice lor sOnie ti.i e past. It is io !>e hoped that the magistrates and other ci\ il oHictu s, where they make their appearance, will apprehend them, and I j ml ic oils mi asurcs are adopted there is little doubt hut that they soon will disclose the whole plan ROIIKWT Wll MM ON. Mm,*. The printers io the United States would rei dt r an rus, ntcr benefit to the community In fciviiijf tlie above one or more insertions in Iheir 1 i'?p? ctive papers, and by repeat injj the a.. me toi a <ew tunes for twelve months, when there is a dearth ol news wo&sri&Lira WAT JNYAJCAJVACTOIVI, JVb. 1*21 Market Street, Philadelphia. THK subscribe! a having brought to perfec tion their iicwl) discovered Knomickl H Al's, which they can afford at three dollars and fifty co.ts, now offei them to the public to teat their improvement. Be.'tg c<>nsc?>us that they have arrived to that degree in the an -?f Ha* Mar, uf ct tiring 1 which ia the true FrtmkUn Economic a' ttyfo, are willing to hazard their future prosperity, by die sample now offend to the public. Oi.e triid of the $3 50 Hats will doubtless establish the fact in the minds of the citizens of Philadelphia, that they stand untivaUerf for I cheapnet*, durability, *nd beauty,* nd are j-is ly entitled to the favorable appellation of frank /in, to whose geniun and invention we owe ao much. Tliev also offer to the public, U?ci?* Super fine Water Prvtf Heat-en, of the best quality, and newest fashion and not 'object to fade and become foxy, as Wat? r Proofs generally are. Also, a general assortment of Drab Heavers, Castors, Rorams, youths' and children's Hats, children'* fauc\ Hats and Jockiea, ladies* Hea vers, trimmed or unrrimmed llatters supplied with finished or unfinished Hats. Bespoke hats made agreeable to directions and at the nhotest notice. Hats of every description, manufactured and sold, wholesale anil retail, on the most reason, able terms All orders thankfully received, and att? rd ed to with despatch. C.WrrOM No hat* are th< genuine patent Frankhn hats but those manufactured and sold h\ us and our agents, and have our stamp in them Tho*e who wish to purchase, cannot be too particular. Rank in fc? Foicle. Philadelphia, September, 1820. 33? 3m FOR SALE A handsome situation adjoining the town of Hillsborough, ON* which ia a good two story dwelling houac ; also a good kitchen, smoke house, dairy, and stable. The buildings are all ne?v. For terms inquire of ?* ? The Printer. A first-rate work Horse may be had on good terms. Inquire as above, , Sept. 11. , 32? tf State of North-C arolina. OH.IJSTJE COUATY. Superior Court ol Law and Equity, September Term, 18 JO. Junwt Webb and Fiederick . x executor* of James H tutted, dr- j censed, vs. y In Equity. Jonef'h f He key nvd Chr*lru F Fau- I celt inrtivin? par inert of *uid | J a met If tutted, tlecented- J IT is ordered bv the court that this cause be referred >r> Thomas Clancy, esq. to tak?- ami side an account nl alt the dealings and transact ion* of the firm of Joseph Dickev aid Co., of the stork .11 trad , dealings anil transactions, of each ol the said copartners, t'>r, ot, or concerning the said firm, ol* tlic pro* fi's or loss gamed or sustained fv the said firm, and of the losses th -rein !>> the trat.d, covin, !ach'S, or neglect of said defendant Joseph Dickey; with liberty to examine all die hooks, entries and accounts, papers and vou chers of the said tinn, sth| also the said par tie- rcspectiv< ly and their witnesses on oath, and to make report to the im \t term o! this ronrt. Ar.d f<-r as much as ?t appear* to the coiirt that the said ih lrndant Joseph Dickey doe* not now lue within the limits of this state, hut hath romovi d thereout and resides in distnnt parts: It is ordered bv the court, that the said commissioner Clancy mav pro ceed to take and s ate said accounts, s? wl make reports, without personal service of the warrant, or notice of reference nn s.u.l Joseph, and after giving notice ol the time or times ot tak.njc and stating said accoun's, by way of public ;<dvemscmctit in the newspaper called th?* /{reorder for ami during the term of sixty tla\s, winch advcrtiscint nt shall he de?*mod, taken und held to !*? as valid as personal service of m.t ro. to all intents und purposes. And il is also ordered and dccrccd, that said commissioner ('lane ? shall, in his said report, state sucli special matter as the par ties may require him tosta'e. A copy from the minutes. Test, James Webb, c. ?5 m. e. w% wv Prnsi'.ixr to the foregoing order, I do hereby appoint the lt<th day of January next, at tnv oHice in the town of Hillsborough, to take into consideration the several matters and things thereby to me referred; at which time and place the said Joseph llickcy, and all others concerned, are hereby notified and re quired to appear and produce before me, on oath, all books, papers, vo .chcrs, accounts, and evidences whatever in his or their cus tody or power, relative to the matters in ques tion in the above causr, at winch time and place I shall pn?ceed to state the said ac counts and report thereon. Test, Tlioma* Clancy, * * Commlssinnei appointed b) the Court of Equity. Hillsborough, Nov R. 40 ? 2m nook AN l> JOB TCBUSriRfSKB Promptly ai.d correctly executed at the office of the Hillsborough IV. order. Annual Treasury Report. Treasurv Department, l*c 1, ISA). . Sin ? I h?v? the honour to enclose a report, ptepyied in obedience to the act, entitled, "An act to establish the trea sury department." I have the honour to he, very respect fully, sir, your /ibedient servant, \VM. H.CRAWFORD. To the linn. Johji XV, Tayi.om, | Speaker ot the House ot Representatives. j In obedience to the directions of | the ?* Ac t supplementary to the act to establish the treasury depart ment,** the secretary of the treasury submits the following report: I. Of the Revenue, f The net revenue arising from import* and tonnage, internal dut.es, direct lax, public | tan?U, postage, and other incidental receipts, during the year 1817, amounted to | Do!i?. 24,265,227 34 viz. Customs, 17.524,775 15 Internal duties, 2,676,rt8J 77 Direct tax, 1.833,737 04 PuMic lands, exclusive of Mississippi stock, it.015.977 00 Postage, a >d other inci 1 denial receipts, 313,855 38 i That ?h:ch accrued from the same sources during the year ISIS, amounted to 2<y?5,2<.'0 65 viz. Customs, 21 828,45 1 48 i ' Arrears of internal du ties, 907,246 33 Am-ars of direct tax, 263, J26 01 Public lands, exclusive of Mississippi stock, 2.46^,527 90 Postage, dividends on bunk stock, ami other inciden tal receipts, 590,348 93 And to tha: which accrued from the same sources during the year lfcly, amounted to 21,4J5,7uO 69 viz. Customs, 17,116,702 96 Arrears cf internal du ties, 22r ,444 01 Atrcars of direct tax, 8u,850 61 Pubhc lands, exclusive of Mississippi stock, 3.274,422 73 Postage, and other inci dental receipts, 61,2b0 33 First in>taln eni from the Bank of the U States, and d'vidend on slock in that bank, 675,000 00 It is ascertained that the gross amount of duties on jncrchandizr and tonnage, which accrued during the three first quarters of the present year, exceeds 13,540,000 dollars; and the sales of the public lauds du ring the two first quarters of the year, exceeded 1,?40.00u dollars. The payments into the treasury duiingthc three firs' quarters of the year, are estima<ed to amount to 16,819,637 49 viz. Customs, 12,378,513 12 Public la ?ls. exc.u si\e of Mississ'p pi stock, 1,124,645 32 Arrears of intcrnul dulit -s ami direct tax, 10 1,769 ?0 , Incidental receipts, 5/9,749 1-1 Monies received from loans, 2.545.4 >1 47 Repayments, 8fi.5J9 24 ? And the payn-ents into the trea sury during the fourth quar ter of the year, from the same sources, are estimated at 3. 4.>0,00<) 00 M:.kinj? the total amount esti mated to be received into the treasury, tiering the year 1820, ' 6 <7 49 Winch, added to the balance in the treasury on the first day of January last, amounting to 2,076,60 7 14 Makes the aggregate amount of 22,326,244 63 The application of this sum, for the year 1820, is estimated as fol lows, viz* T.? the 30th Sept. the payments have amounted to 16,908, -*13 fcO \ iz. Civil, diplomat ic,and miscellaneous ex penses, 2,u78,573 25 Militar> service, in cluding fortificati on*, ordnance, In dian department, revolutionary and military pensions, among the mili tia, and arrearages prior to the first of January, 181 7, 6,043.068 00 Naval service, inclu ding the perma nent appropriation ? for the increase of the navy, 2,946,762 00 Public debt, inrhid ing 1,1 42,87 9dolli 55 cts. lor the re. tie nip t? on of the Mississippi certi ficates, 5,840,010 5S lhir.ng the fotirth quarter it ia estimated that the payn??ma ? dl amount to 8,0 0 00 viz. Civil, diplomatic, k. mis cellaneous expenses, 450,000 Militsrv service, 1/.HKI. >00 Navsl *? rvice, 806,000 I'ubbc debt, to first of" January 1821, 4, 900,00? Making the aggregate amont ?f 12i.9o-t.413 80 And leaving, on the Hnt of J a- u.. nuary, 1821, a balance in Hie . treasury, estimated at '2,688,169 17 2. Of the Public Debt. . The funded debt which waa con tracted before the year 181 J, and which was unredeemed on tite fir* t of October, 181% amounted to 23,668,254 71 And tliat contracted subsequent to the first of January, 181-', and unredeemed on the first mtik .of October, 1819, amounted j fH to 68.000,336 30 ! ? Making the aggregate amount of 91,728,59160 Which sum agrees with the amount as stated in the last annual report as unredeemed on the first of October, 1819, excepting ?he sum if 63 dol lars 49 cent**, which was then short estimated, and which ha* since been corrected by actual settlement. In the fourth quarter of the year there was added to the above sum, f>r treasury notes brought into the treasury and cancelled, the following sums, viz. In 6 per ceiu. stock, 4,152 13 In 7 per cent, stock, 10,5Jj Oo 14,677 18 Making 91.743,268 18 From which deduct Louisiana 6 per cent stock reim bursed on the fir^t ? of Oct. 1819, 2,601,871 U And deferred slock reimbursed be tween the first of October, 1819, fit first of Jan. 1820, 242,063 47 ? 2,843,934 61 .Making the public debt which was unredeemed on the first of January, 1820, ? 83,399,333 57 From tl?c first <it January to the 30th of September, inclusive, there was, by funding treasu ry notes and issuing 3 per cent, stock for interest on the old registered debt, added to the public debt, the amount of 34.550 13 And by the loan an Uiorised b\ act of May 15, 18:0, 3,45-1,431 47 ?? O c*fn noi f.ci 7|?oi vr# Making From which deduct the amount of s'ock purchased during that peri od, And the estimated ivimbursf-nient of deferred slock, 25.3,752 78 253.793 13 Mr.kintr, on the first of Qctobt r, IS 20, the sum of y 1,225,522 11 To which add, in the tourth quarter of 1H20, on account ui the loan of May 15ih, 454,567 66 Making 9 1, 6 SO, 089 77 There will be reimbursed of the principal of the deterred stock on the first day of .fanuarv, 1821, 249,4 44 i6 Since the 3(th Sep. tember Lut, the residue of the Lou isiana stock has become redeem able, amounting to 2,216,403 78 2,465.852 94 Which, if d.seh:?r(?ed before the first day ot Januar), 1 821, will leave the public debt unre deemed on that day. as esti mated, " 89,214,236 1 C The treasury notes yet in circu lation, are estimated at 27.656 (JO The whole of the awards made b> the commissioners appoin ted under the several ac's ?>f congress for the indemnifica tion of ccrtain claimants of public lands, amount to 4,282,151 2.1 Of which there has been received at the general land office, 2,439,308 31 And there wjs paid at the treason 66 per cent, on dolls. 1,731.655 69 1,142,879 53 ? ? 3,582,187 86 leaving out standing, on the 30 th September, 18*0, 699,563 76 3. Of the Estimates nf the Public He venue find Expenditure*, for the yrur 1821. In forming an estimate of the re ceipts into the treasury for the year 1821. the amount of revenue bonds outstanding on the 30tli of Septem ber last; the sum due for public land; the ability and disposition of the com munity to purchase, and especially the quantity and quality of land in tended to be *xpo??ed at public aut> tinn in the course of the year, pre sent the data upon which the calcu lations must be made. As a portion of the duties which accrue in tl?e I fourth quarter of the prtacut )ear, 91,479,315 23 40,34

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