HILLSBOROUGH RECORDER. \*o\. 1? ?. WEDNE8I)AY, JANUARY 10, 1821. Xo. 4rt. Ill LLS borough, n. c. PUBLISHED WEEKLY by dknnis heartt, at ih;u'E dollars a year, payable half yeahly in advance. Those who do not give notice of their wish (n have their paper discontinued at the expi ??t" th> ir year, will be presumed as de ,,r.n,r iis connnuance until countermanded. U " oew. will guarantee the payment ot' nine pif.i'rs. shall receive a tenth gratis. ul c t sements not exceeding fourteen lines uii; he inserted three times for one dollar, and Cents for each continuance. Sti script ions received by the printer, and su.*- ot* ti e post-masters in the state. \i! le-ters* upon business relative to the pa p-r inrnt be post -pa id ?/ (ientlemen of leisure, who possess a ?js'e ?or literary pursuits, are invited to favour Ui Willi communications. JUST W.AVAWAV Iiip SiC.iy M.nicir. Win? , ?1 quartet casks (1*20 nails.) Mala ga Wine, Squatter casks (65 gall.) Old French B-andy, I cask (60 trails.) Holland Gin, ?JOO lbs Madder. 3 ) ;bv bc-t Spanish flotant Indigo, C-.tton Cards, Cotton Yarn, Some dtmijons of old Madeira Wine. 13. Yurbrougli. Dec 26. 46? 3w Just received, a:id for sale at \his Office, a quantity of viz. AinsworthN Dictionary, Y.rjjil D'lpliijit, Si hrevelii's Greek Lexicon, IlHlorise Sacra, Viris Ritnzc, Introduction, Ty tier's Elements of History, Goldsmith's History ol England, (i L'smith's History of R'tme, G-ihlstiiithN History of Geeere, \Y ;i'? tl's Geography and Atlas, Murray's Grammar, M urraj 's ** xercises, V vjister's Spelling Book, A more cx ensive assortment will be short ly rt ci ived. * W ?V A \W /jFAMLRMEN t?f the Bar, Physician*, and ^ can btAsupplied with l'vojessional a fid .Miscellane ous Books , fr-im the Philadelphia market, at short noticc, application at this oilice. Ore. 20. Yaluable Land TOR SALE. rT*HR subscriber offers ft >r sale his tract of X land containing Thirteen Hundred and Fifty Acres, Siiuated on Haw River. I"'?e attention of such as may wish to pur cliiiiH :a'td hi tli:s part of the countrv, is in v.tcd. T?.?' terms will be accomm .dating. Jr'ir farther {particulars apply to the propri etor, K ir hard I). Aslie. Dprfmh"!' 11 41 ? tf Valuable Land FOR. S.lLli \n W\c, Www VkVAs, rpHK subscriber otters his tract of land fur X sale, contain'iMfr Kight IhiihI red and forty O * ei^lit Acres, Vended in the Haw F elds, tt-n miles west of H ?1 - ?M?r? >(i|* ti . The attention of such as may U'>'| 'o pnrrhase land in this part of the coi: *rv :g invit?'d; the teinn will he uccom 1 p(J|. jart|1L.r particulars apply to "te proprietor. K St rud wick. November 13. 4<> ? low ,\?T 1C E. subscriber i.a-. appointed THOMAS ?* !> f( .11 T.S his Agent to transact bust for |)iri, during Ins ahsi nee to the City of Washington. ?funics S. Smith. N> vcrt.hcr 8. 39? I, Ci. WATSON, supply of im diCal Icinen in llns so-c 1 n ot the state. f i*r f.cv hoi i r }?>>? I 'if (Vrf- I'rcneJ one ilolfar " '' i t C!i!st H tti in- /'ratxed our il'>i'uv I .i,e to purchase c*n buil) be ?Up|,| Q,\ . J,c ^ntfyber J. 38?3* ? f Teunessee. "Land Iot sale. Fifteen Hundred Acres Tennessee Land for sale, of a prime quality. , For terms apply *? A. B. Bruce. Hillsborough, Dec. 26. 46 ? tf Grocery Store. - TIIF. subscriber has received a fresh sup. ply ??f Groceries, &c? among winch are the follou ing articles: , Coffee, Dr wn and Loaf Sugar, Imperial, Ci^jnpowdcr ami Hyson Teas, Sheri y and Malaga Wine, Wi st India and New-England Rum, Cordials, j. ' % v China, in boxes of 48 pieces. Salt, lion and Castings, % Glass, Liverpool, Crockery and Stone Ware, White Lead, dry and ground in oil, Rcm Le d and Spanish Brofln, Window G 'ass, 8 by 10, and 10 by 12, Putty, Best Spanish Indigo, and Prussian Blue, Spirits ol Turpentine, Sweet Oil, am: Vai nish, Dupont's best Rifle Powder, Bar Lend, and Shot of all sizes, Cheese. Also, a Urge assortment of Men's, IVomcWs, ttoys\ and Girls' Shoes. II* also expects from New- York in the course of a fortnight, Madeira and Sicily Wine, Cognise Brandy, Holland Gin, faints and Dye Muffs, all of which lie id determined to sell very low lor cash. i). Yarbrough. November 27. 42 ? 3w Five Cents Reward, . RAN away from the subscriber in July, 1818, an ar prentice boy named SLiH IVAHD, about fourteen years of age; light curly hair, grey eyes, tolerably slim built. The above reward will be given tor s? Philadelphia. A'oy. 2.5, 1820-5 FROM recent direction, exhibiting their false documents for th<- pur pose of obtaining money for the ostensible ob ject of redeeming some of their near relatives lYum \ Igerine slavery, others to rebuild chut Ch en destroyed by fire or earthquakes, to assist distressed villages whose all had been swept awny by some sad catastrophe, or to remune rate for lo-ses lately sustained by pirates on tl.e ocean. 'I housands of dollars have heen collected in this way from the charitable a*id humane, who little suspected that the whole Was a base fabric, at ion, goi up, supported by forg*n and fraud, and the proceeds solely ap 1 phed to and divided amongst a lar^r j;ang of | these < on.edfTaied villains. From p source that can be relied on, they have a rendezvous i- litis city, from which they issue in their de- . pi i tlatory excursions, and aft* r bcug absent from three to twelve m.ipths, ami sometimes 1 I >n?.-r, they return with their spoil. It is believed, by some persons who arc ac quaint, d with the system, that from six to e ghteen thousand dollars have been Carried to Buropo bv several ot the differ, nt individu als who have been engaged in these dishonest schemes This exhibit is pit hi shed in order to put the un >ary on their vua d ami to caution them a;r inst placing any confidence in docu nients that may be handed to them ciotucd with all the apparnt formality ot consular cer tificates, seals a >rp? have arrived at th s port front Furope, and after being fur nished in this city uith forged documents (for, b\ the bye they arc all, it is believed, manu factured her' ), they started 'o the westward in company with tweive or fourteen other wv n who have been engaged in the above practice for hOint ti..ie past. It is to he hop* d that the magistrates >f Hat Manufacturing which is the true franklin Economical style, are witling taid accounts, by way of public advertisement in the newspaper called the Hillsborough Recorder for and during the term of sixty days, which Advertisement shall be deemed, taken and held to be as valid as personal service of notice, to all intents ami ptu poses. And it is also ordered and decreed, that said commissioner Clancy shall, in his $aid report, state such special matter as the par ties may require him to stale. A copy from the minutes. Test, James Webb, c. m. e. PUR8UAN I* to the foregoing order, I do hereby appoint the 18th day of January next, at my office in the town of Hillsborough, to take into consideration the several matters and things thereby to me referred; at which time and place the said J<>sepii Dickey, and all ot'iers concerned, are hereby notified and re quired to appear and produce before me, on oath, nil books, papers, vo ichcrs, accounts, and evidences whatever in his or their cu* tody or power, relative to the matters in ques tion in the above causc, at winch time and place I shall proceed to state the said ac counts and report ihereon. Test, Thomas Clancy, Commissioner appointed by the Court of Equity. Hillsborough, Nov. 8. 40 ? 2m BOOK AX I) JOB Promptly and correctly executed at the ofticc of the Hillsborough Rccofdcr. House OF BEPRKSEjrrATITES. Thursday, December 7 Mr. Cobb~gave notice of his inten tion, so soon as the question now under consideration in committee" of the whole, should be finally disposed of, to call for the consideration of hij^1 propositions contemplating a retrenchment of the expcncesof the government. MISSOURI. ' ' . The houte then revived itself into a committ? e of the wholes Mr. Nelson, of Virginia, in the fchu'y, on the resolution declaring the admission pf Missouri in to the Union on an equal footing with the othir states of tTie Union. And the question having been a<;ain slated? Mr. Sergeant rose, and in a speech which occupied upwards of two hours, opposed the resolution. When, On motion of Mr. Starrs, who desir ed an opportunity of syuin^ the reasons which would induCe him to vote aga/nst the resolution for the admission of Mis souri? - *. I The committee -rose, and the house acjcurned. ? i Friday, December 8. . ' . The spe& k?:/ ;aicl bi-fc?re the house a letter fiom the secretary of the tfeasu iy, transmuting, in obedience to a reso lution of the holism of representatives of itie 28th ultimo, sund.y statements, shewing the'amquntof moot ys drawn from the treasury, for th^war and navy departments, from the 30th day of No vember, 1819, to the 13th day of No vember instant; an account of transfers made during the last recess of congress, from one ap ropiiation to another, and of payments made during the. same pe riod, by ?the treasurer, agent for the war and navy departments, during the same p> riod. Mi. Foot moved for the considera tion of a proposition submitted by him a few days ago, respecting the discipline of the navy; but the house refused now to consider it. MISSOURI. I The house the:. agaiL resolved itself into a committee of the whole, Mr. Hill in the chair, on the, resolution iU- daring the admission of Missouri into the Union on tin equal footing with the ori ginal sia'ts. M. . Smrrs, of New Yoik, in a speech of aoout on hour's length, assigned the I reasons which would induce him to vote I against i he resolution. Mr. P. Barbour, of Virginia, in a speech of somewhat greater length, de fended the resolution, and vindicated the right of Mis.-ourrto the form of admis sion into the Union. When Mr. Barbour concluded, there seemed not to be a disposition in any person to rise. . Mr. Smyth, of Virginia, said that he wished to present his* views on the sub ject, but was not prepared to do so this afternoon. He therefore a*ked thai the committee should rise, and ask leave to ? sit again. ? The commiUee, however, refused to rise. Mr. Archer, of Virginia said, that he, too, wished to address the house on this question, but was prevented fcom doing so to-day by bodily indisposition. Another motion for the committee to rise was negatived. At length, however, after one or two^ more refusals, the committee rose and reported the resolution to the house; and, after several ineffectual attempts, a motion at length prevailed to lay it on the table. And the house adjourned. Saturday, l)ecember 9. Among the petitions presented to day, was one by Mr. W end over, from the Mercantile Society of the city of New York, praying for an imposition of a duty ol 10 per cent, on sales at auc tion; also for the establishment of an uniform system of Bankruptcy; and for such a modification of the tariff of duties on imports, as is demanded by the best intere sts of the nation. On motion of Mr. Cocke, it was Hrso/vrdy That the secretary of war be directed to communicate to this house any information he may possess, tending to shew whether the order given by col. King, of the 4th regiment of in fantry, to shoot deserters taken in the act, was approved by any general officer in the service of the United States; or known to, and passed over in silence by him, as stated in the defence of said col. king before a court martial, silting in the state of Alabama, in the year 18 19; and also any information he may pos sess, shewing that corporal punishment has been inflicted on any soldier, where by he caine to his death; and, it any, by whose order it was inflicted, and what measures have been taken ralauvc thereto. On motioa of Mr. Whitman, it Was Resotved, That the committee on th? public lands be instructed to inquire into the ex^diency of extending tho timet for issuing land warrants to sol diers of the revolution, and for locating the same. On motion of Mr. Rankin, it was Reiolved, That the committee on commerce be instructed to inquire into the expediency of establishing a port o1" entry at the mouth of Pearl river, in the slate of Mississippi. sThe speaker laid before the house a letter from the secretary of the treasury, transmitting* in obedience to a resolu tion of the house of the 5th instant, tho latest return made to the treasury de partment, of the general state of the Bank of the United States and its offi cers; which letter was read, and, with , the statement, ordered to be printed. MISSOURI. The house having resumed the con sideration of the resolve cict laring the admission of the state of Missouri into the. Union? A. Smyth, of Virginia, delivered a speech of two hours' length In sup - port of it, and Mr. Strong, of N. York, a speech of one hours' length against it. When*, on motion of Mr. Nelson, of r Virginia, The hous.- adjourned. ? ? Monday, December 1 .Williams, of N. C. made a re port on the petition of the owners of v assets sunk in the haibourof Baltimore to prevent the approach of the British ships in 1814, accompanied by a bill for their relief; which was twice read and committed. On motion of Mr. Butler, of New Hampshire, it was Rcsolvrd , That the committee on the post office and post roads be instructed to inquire into the expediency of pro viding by law for prohibiting printers and editors of newspapers, and ail other persons who are proprietors of any such printing establishment, or in any way concerned in the publication of iKwspa. pers from being mail contractor* or postmasters; and, also, prohibiting post masters from being mail contractors, or being employed in conveyance of the mail. On motion of Mr. Baldwin, it was Rttolvcdtv That the secretary of sta'p be required tfl communicate to thi^ bouse any information which may have been receiv d by that department, touch ing any alterations in the commercial laws or regulations of any of the nations of Europe, which may have been made or adopted since the year 1817. On motion of Mr. Johnson, it was Rrso/vedy That the committee on tlip judiciary be instructed to inquire int.> the expediency of amending the 11th section of the act, entitled ?' An act for regulating process in the courts of the United States and providing compcnsa tions for officers of the said courts an' for jurors and witnesses providing for the removal of suits and actions in cer tain cases." ? The house resumed the consideration of the resolution declaring the admissio: of the stale of Missouri into the Union. Mr. Archer, of Virginia, delivered at some length his views of this subject, and the reasons why he was in favour oi the passage of the resolution. When he concluded ? Mr. Hill, of Massachusetts, movrd an amendment, qualifying the assent to thi admission of the new state into th* Union by an exception of a particular clausc of the constitution. This motion, however,"was withdrawn by Mr. Hill fur the prs. nt, on the representation o! Mr. Lowndes, that it would embarrass the main debate, by bringing on an in cidcntal one, and would deprive him o the opportunity of replying to some oh jections he had not anticipated, and t<> others arising from a misapprehension or evasion of his first arguments in sup port of the resolution. Mr. Baldwin then moved to striki out the preamble to the resolve. Mr. Lowndes assigned briefly th< reasons why, on more mature reflection he should assent to this course, though he had at first preferred the other. The question being taken on striking out the preamble, was decided in thr affirmative, 87 to 65. Mr. Hemphill, of Pennsylvania, deli vered, at Considerable length, his semi menu in hostility to the resolution fo. the admission of Missouri as now con stituted ? And the house adjourned. Tuesday, December 12. It was moved to instruct the commil tee on commerce to inquire into the ex ? pediency of providing that exports i, - spected in one district) need not bo l\ inspected in another. A plan for the reduction of the am to 6000 men, vraa communicated by tb s?crct*ry of %ar. , The re^oiutiow for admitting Misso ri was again u ider consideration. M v Miliary, of Vermont, and Dr.