HILLSBOROUGH RECORDER. SATURDAY, JANUARY 13, 1821. Xo. HILLSBOROUGH, N. C. PI' BUS II K D WEEKLY BY DENNIS HEARTT, AT THREE DOLLAHS A YE\H, PAYAHI.E HALF YEARLY IN ADVANCE. Those who do not give notice of their wish to have ?heir paper discontinued at the expi ration of thi ir year, will be presumed as de sinn.' i s continuance until countermanded. W oever * iiJ guarantee 'he payment of nine papers, shall receive a tenth gratis. \d- e tisements not exceeding fourteen line# will be inserted three times for one dollar, and twentv-five cents for each continuance. Subscriptions received by the printer, and m,>9. ?f the post -masters in the state. All le'ters upon business relative to the pa p<-r must be post-paid. ? ? fientlemen of leisure, who possess a tustc for literary pursuits, are invited to favour us with communications. Lis I OF LETTERS nm'trnn* at the Post Office in HiU? burough* ?V. C. Jan. I. 1821. A C.rorne Ai en, 2 ]>,lj??iin Armstead, Mrs. Mary I). Vshe, CulMt \ nil res, Frederick I. Avery, Faoli A9lie. U Sarah Rail, 4 Tu? -ma"* Hi own, Geiu-ral Bird, Reuben B.?clilor, Hiciiar.l Breeze, John II. Hu.gu.n, John li Blunt, Tn ?m.?-> Hacoti, Daniel Harnett. C Archibald Cameron, Miss .lane Cube, Wiluam Clark, James v Inld, S. St W. C. Cochran, S?n. 1 1 Child, Cuilen. li Clark, Joshua U. Ctark, Th iiiiits Couch, J. Cow ?n, Mrs. Maty Campbell, Jamrs Clancy, Harden C.-uch, James Craig-. Tno '.as ? hristan, Stephen Clark, Kdward C ?ok, Jolm Campbell. D J.ures Hemming, Jam- > i) Daniel, Aliiry Dick e, l!.-nj., r.in Duranjr, John i)? nnis, t\ ?in Daniel, Divi-i \V. Dickerson, 2 Uavtd Dell. L Jacob Epbian. /F A. Falkner, John Forest. ( i Alexander Gattis, 2 James Grady, William Lewis, Mrs. Ann Lockhart. M C.arred M'lls, 3 Daniel M'Ci mmon, I In. nas M't i icken, M>s B-tsey Moore, William Maclin, Alexan er Morphis, 2 Kobert M'Lemore, Hernion Mon Holland# John viulhollan, I so in M'.tchcl, Edward M'D.de, A. D. Murphy, 2 John Mason, William P Mangum, 2 Hugh Mulholl.ui. N Richison N-.chols, William Newcomb. O Barnaba* O'Ferrell, James II Otey, Jack Or.nge. P Noah Parker, Allen ParkeSf Mrs. Sarah Pickett, Mr. Pickett, Allen Parish, 2 Alexander Pickard, Charle- Pet igrew, William Pannell, R'.cliard Peacock, Eliza D. Pannill. R Pet'-r Ililey, Thomas Reding, Delilah U'n ?de?, Thomas Rnflin, Wnliam lioacli, S Col Win. Shepanl, Pe*er Stout, William Smith, Mi s. Sarah Smith, John Scott, 2 Col. llarbert S.ms, Joseph stubbing, Samuel Srmdwirk, Sheriff ol Orange co T William Gray ham, 2 c, ?i -m ? James Gattis. En?ch Thomson, II "fhomis Holloway, John II. H II, James M. Mill, Holiert Ilastngs, William 1 licks, Eti/.abeth 1 . 1 1 arris s, Hubert llarriss, Sterling llarriss, George Hooper, Miss MaryC. Ileming. J William Jordan, Callierute Jackson. K Jrrenvah Kinft, 2 J -hn Kcrall. L J ime.s l.apslie, Jacob Lt mons, R. L. Jan. 9 D ivid Thompson, M issElizaH. Thompson Elijah Ti asl \v, William Thompson, Richard 'l'orrans, James Thomson, Win. A. Tliarp & Co. u Delilah Upton, Dr. John Um stead ( 2 V John Vanhook, William Vanncvar. \Y Willcv Woods, Robert Walker, Jonathan Woodie, James Wilson, Doiiirla- \\ ilk.ns, Harrison J. Warren, Jaini-.s T Wynne. Cook, /\ 47? X V> V \ e V. ON Thursday the 25?h inst w II bp sold the tract of land whereon I now live, lyotg iuiniediatch on Flat river, ten in les south of I' rson court house, containing .>00 acres, which I:iih1 in of the first qualit, in t h :? sec- j tion of the county; on which ther.* is a good 'wo story dwelling house, kitchen, smoke house, still house, gr.uiery, and a capital tl rcHhtng machine. Terms will he made known the da-, ??F sale. Also, wdl he sol?l on s ?id f aV, two or three thousand pounds of pork, . W'veral sows and pigs, about three hundred ?MslicU of wheat, two new .stills, * quai. it} of "g?n? household furniture, a stuck ot cattle, Wnnng ntensils Jtc. &. c. A credit wdl be Riven until the 2;>th day of 1>< c? mher next, purchaser giving bond with appro* ed wcunty. Jesse Kvans. J?n. 1, 1 H21 47 ? 3w Ai K\ a T, Thursday tho 27' wV? ""*> ti'-U r; at'd w'.li lc ,*.? it at . I *4*1 | ir ?l4is's .to** u? 4 1 < i?'is O.irs, F?ride> . Hav. and Household and Kitchen Furniture, Put nlalion Tools . dfe. At the sam<- tune also, the land will be rented aid the ni -throes hired. The sale will commence on the 25th inst. and continue nn till tin* w uole i> sold. Bond and security will be required from the purchasers. Thomas Armstrong, \\ iliie Shaw, Executor t. Jan 8th, 1*21. 47? N O T I V B. ALI> persons indebted to W1I.1.1AM SO*V are solicited to c.dl and se.tle their a? count.', either bv ca.di or note. Those who fa I to do so must ex|K*ct s-?<>n to fi:ul 'heir accounts in the hands of an ofiicer for coilect;oii. Win, Cain ?5 Son. Jan. 9, 47? 4w JY3ST HVXfcWEJI. S.c.iy Mideit Wine, 4 quarter casks (1 20 galls.) Mala ga Win* , 2 quarter casks (65 gall.) Old Frcnch Brandy, 1 cask (60 .jails.) Holland Gin, 200 lbs. Madder, S'J lbs. best Spanish (lot ant Indigo, Cotton Cards, Cotton Yarn, Some demijons of old Madeira Wine. D. Yarb rough. Dec 26. 46? 3 w Tennessee. \iauCL ?ov ssv\e. Fifteen Hundred Veres /~\F Ttnntssee Lai. d, for sale, of a prime quality. For terms apply A. U. Bruce. Hillsborough, Dec. 26. 46 ? tf Valuable Land F O 11 SALE. THE subscriber offers for sale his tract of land containing Thirteen Hundred and Fifty Acres, Situatnl on Haw River. T'be attention of such as may wish to pur cha??* land in this part of the country* is in vited. The terms will be accommodating. For farther particulars apply to the propri etor, Kichard I). Aslic. December 13- 44 ? tf Valuable Laud 7 ?OR 8.1 LE \\\ U\e VlaNv FieAAa. fllUK subscriber ofTers his tract of land for I sale, containing Eight himdred and forty - eight Veres, situated in the ;law Fields, ten miles west of Hillsborough* I he attention of nmcIi as may wish lo purchase land it) this part of the country is invited; the tei m> will be ac.com modatr For farther particulars apply to the proprietor. S. Strudwiek. November 1.1. 40? lUw \\ W\stooTo\ig\\ Academy . ' I "MIK exercises m this institution will be I. i t sumed on the lir.it Monday of Janua ry next J. Witlierspooii, Principal . November 22. 41 ? N O T I U 1"*14F. t'il^c. iU r has appointed TflO.W.IS h. n. J sunt?* 8. Smith. < 9 HAT FAliT WBLX, JSmo. I22| Market Street, Philadelphia. TIIK subscriber* having brought to perfec tion their newly discovered economical IIA rS, which they can atlord at three dollars and fifty cents, now offer tliem to the pontic to tr?i 'hrir improvement Be n? coii>c out that they have arrived to thai decree in the art of flu Manuf ctnrinff winch is the true Frunklin Economic*! *ty!et are willing to hazard their future pr spcr ty. bv ?hc sample now offered to the public. One trial <>f the 50 I lata will doubt les*> establish tin fact in the nnnd* of il?erit.z?ns of I'll ladelph a, ihut they -t-uui uznirn/Vrf lor c/ieapnes*, durability^ and beauttft*nu are jusily entitled t.? the l'?v rabif appellation ot Frank-' lin, to whose genius and invention we owe so much. m They -ils" ofT? r to the public* their Suffer* %fine Water Proof Jieavrra, of the b?. si cjual t\, and lit u - ~t lashioi. ^;?d not subject to l;dr aiul bec ome nxy, as Water 'Proofs gcnerallx are. A 1 -.o, a ;?*n ral assortment of Drab Heavers, Cusiots, Koran. s, youtiis' ai?d children's Hat--, cii.ldren's t'aecv Hats and Jorkiis, ladies* Ilea vera. trimmed or untrimmed. II , IMS suppl.ed with finished or unfinished Hats. besjKike hats made agreeable to directions and a' the shortest notice. Hats of every description, manufactured and sold, wholesale and reiail( on the most reason able terms. \I1 orders thankfully received, and attcrd ed to with d spaich. C'.IUTIOA * No hats are the genuine patent Prankhu hats hut ihose manufactured and sold h\ us and our agents, and have our stamp in them. Those who wish to purchase, cannot be too particular. Rankin Ftnvle. Philadelphia, September, lbJO. 33 ? 3in FOR SALE A handsome situation adjoining the town of Hillsborough, OX which is a good *w.? story dwelling house ; also a good kitchen, smoke lv>u?e, (iairy, and stable- The buildings are all ncA'. For terms inquire of The Printer. A first-rate work Horse may be had on good terms. Inquire as above. Sept. 11. ? 32 ? tl State of North-Carolina, ORANGE COUNTY. Superior Court oi Law and Equity, September Term, 1320. J nine* I 1 ehb and Fretleri ck \ executors of Jatnes IV tutted, de - j ceased* vs. }> In Kquity. Joseph Dickey and Chcs'ry F Fan- I cetty s arriving partners of said | James It hit ted, deceased- J IT is orderp.J by the court that this cause be referred to Thomas < iancy, esq. to take an.l sttte ail account of all the dealings and transactions of the firm of Joseph Dickey and Co., of the slock in trade, dealings and transactions, of each of the said copartners, for, of, or concerning the said firm, of the pro fits or loss gained or sustained by the said firm, and of the losses therein by the fraud, covin. Inches, or neglect of said defendant Joseph Dickey; with liberty to examine all the books, entries and accounts, papers and vou chers of the Raid firm, and also the said par ties respectively and their witnesses on oath, and to make report to the next tc rm of this court. And for as much as it appears to the court that the said defendant Joseph Dickey does not now live within the limits of this state, but hath romoved thereout and resides in distant parts: It is ordered by the court, that the said commissioner Clancy may pro ceed to take and s ate said accounts, and make reports, without personal service of the warrant, or notice of reference on said Joseph, and af ter giving' notice of the time or times of taking and staling -aid acccyu's, by wa\ of public advertisement in the newspaper called the Ifif!s/>orottgh Unorder for and during the term of sixty days, which advertisement shall l>e deemed, taken and held to he as val d as personal service of notice, to all intents and putposes. And it is also ordered and decreed, thai said commissionerClanc; shall, in his said report, state such special matter as the par ties ma) require him to state. A copy from the minutes. Test , James Webb, c. ^5 m. e. W% WV pr HSU ANT to the foregoing order, I do hereby appoint the 18th da\ of January next, at my office in the town of MilKborough, to take into Consideration the several matters and things there by to me referred; at which time and place the said Joseph Dickey, and all others concerned, are hereby notified and re quired to appear and produce before me, on oath, all books, paper*, vo ichers, accounts, and evidences whatever in his or their cus tody or power, relative to the mailers in ques tion in the above Cause, at which time and phcc I shall proceed to state the said ac counts and report thereon. Test, Thomas Clanev, ? ? Commissioner appointed by the Court of Kquity. Hillsborough, Nov. 8. 40 ? 2m BOO K A N I) J O IJ . ip^JiWl?2T(a ' l*rt>m^>tly and correctly executed at the office ? . of the IlilUboroM^h Recorder. CONTINUATION OF 1 OTfclgn lu\e\V\gencc. London, Nov. 16. It is said, there will be more than one protest |>y the peers a amst the aban donment of the proc edh.gson the char s' s brought against hci majesty. The tollo* tii?; was entered on Saturday at Pailiament Office, and left for sig nature It was already signed by lord S effi".d and the duke of Northuinbcr ia.i : ? Moved, That the fourth considera tion oi the bill be adjourned to this day six inunti.s. Which bring objected to, the question was put thereupon. It was ie>oived in the affirmative. *? Dissentient, " Bv cause no s'.fficirnt ground ap peals for the abandonment of the bill founded on the charges against I er ma j--siy the queen, which had undergone the most solemn and at curate investi gation; chatgesin which the morality of :he country was deeply interested, and on w ich ail the peers, spiriual and t mporal, who driiveied their opinion*, with vt ry few exceptions, declared theii conviction of her guilt; and the aban donment of which is a deicliciion which niiiy bring into disrespect not onl> tnc cltara< ter of our highest court ol judi cature, but that of the nation itself. And i. is with the greatest concern we ob serve the extreme want of consideration for the sov< reign, by the derrliction of proceedings so necessaiily brought on, ny *hich a witc declared by the house ol peers 10 have been guilty of aduile ions intercourse with a menial servant, aivi of a conduct the most depraved, is to remain bis Queen Consort, thus low ering the dignity of the crown and em barrassing the country with far greater difficulties than those which seem to have induced his majesty's government to relinquish the prosecution of the bill." Protests may be signed by the peers until the rising of the house on the day i to which it is adjourned, viz. the 23d instant. The hon. Keppel Craven, one of the queen's vice chamberlain's, has by or der of her majesty, written a letter to the earl ol Liverpool, demanding a suit able resioi nee and establishment for her majesty The 'eiter states," that he had her majesty's commands to requiic fro n his majesty's government, that, without any further delay, a pa, ace and establishment should be provided, suit able to her majesty's rank in li.e coun try in which she is now to reside; thai this had been much too long deferred, wi.h a view either to the station of her J majes y or the honor of the crown; ne vertheless, that in the circumstances of the time, her majesty was willing to overlook such delay; but that it must j be evident that no further time ought to elapse without finally arranging this matter." The queen intends going to Ham mersmith church on Sunday next, to receive the sacrament; and on the Sun day following to St. Paul's, publicly to return thanks to Almighty God for her deliverance Irom the loul and wicked < onspiracy directed against her honoi and her life. A communication has been I made to the lord mayor of her majesty's , intention, and we have no doubt but that his lordsnip will attend in state, with a considerable number ot the cor poration in then robes, to meet her ma jesty at Temple bar. Her majesty nas fixed Friday, the 24ih, for receiving a considerable number ot addresses ol congratulations already voted. Her ma j s- 1 y has invited many distinguished no blemen and thtir ladies to dinner on Monday next. IKr m.?jesiy has recei ved, in answer to her iettcr to lord Liv erpool, demanding a suitable palace and establishment, that his lordship has communicated her demands to his ma jes.y, but lias, as yet, received lio an swer. Lord Livrrpool pleads his ab sence from town as an excuse for his delay in answering ner majesty's letter. A guard- room lor an officer and 50 men has been erected round the king'* cottage at Wind or. It is rumoured in he fashionable cir cles mat the queen has declaicd ner in tention of commencing an action for slander against several members of the loyal family. It is generally understood that Mr. Canning condemned the proceedings against the queen, and refused ois co operation in mat odious measure. It is aLo said that he o lie red to resign his office, but that his colleagues requested him to retain it, and that he kindly yielded to their solicitation. Globe. The rumor stdl continues of the de sire expressed by the earl* of Liver pool" and llariowby to retire Ironi the cabinet. The noble lord at the head of the treasury is sai4 to have declared, that he could not concur in any general detlatauon against the queen, of ti.e na ture suggested by lord Ellcnboroughj and if his colleague* enter'ain any such purpose, he will ccitainly resign? although every means have been re ? sorted to in the highest quarter* to in uuce him to change hit resolution. A court of common council is sum moned tor Tuesday next* ?? to consider the propriety of presenting an uddrers to her moiit gracious majesty, queen Caroline, upon the wctory she has ob* laired over u foul and atrocious cote spiracy, seeking no less her majesty destruction, than aiming a blow at the known laws of the land, and the dearest rights of Englishmen." In the ease of the king vs. sir Francis Hurdett, in the court of king's bench, the further arguments were resumed this morning. Parliament will meet again the 2 3'', but it will meet, we believe, only for the purpose of being prorogued. ? It is likely to assemble again, for the dis patch of business, about the middle ot latter end of January. CourUr. Lon '.on, Nov. 17. The future destiny ot tne queen it pr? sumed to engross at present the at* tent ion ot ministers. The insertion of her majesty's name in the liturgy, is the first ditru ulty which they have to bu i mount. The French papers announce, with some confidence, that great events are ?? expected in Italy; aiid add, that the ad vanced guard ot the Austrian army is concentrating ut Terrona. Apprehensions arc entertained, that tiie spirit ol revolution is making a ra pitt progress in Switzerland. All its machinery is represented as in fud mo tion at Zutirh, Basle, and other princi pal cities of tli i country. The secret societies in ti.e Tyrol are said to be in timately connected wiili those in Swit zerland. All their cornsponden e is carried on by verbal communications, made by travelling agents. The king of Prussia left Berlin on tne 4t n instant, for Troppau. An article from Franklort states, that a treaty has been concluded, by the British government, with the Porte, whicn lias offended the emperor of Rus sia, and may even influence the negoti ation ot Troppau. It also meinjoiis a report that the emperor Alexander had withdrawn the contract lor clothing his army, from England, and conferred it on a company of Prussian manufactu rers. London, No\ IP. The Kentish Chronicle says, *? Wo heat tha. count Bergami passe i through Asiiloid on the 8ih insi. on his route to London. It is said that he embarked at Boulogne late on Tuesday nighty in a iiahing boat, and landed on the coast ol this county." It is said, that more business has been done in London since Friday week, than for live months preceding. The appre hension excited in the public mind by the proceedings against the queen, ha. I caused nearly a total suspension of com mercial speculation. The Ann rican ship Bengal, at Cowci, 95 da>s Irom the Suaits of Sunda, re ports that a British sioop of w^r had been atiackcd in those Straits, by a flee of Malay prows, and lost 49 men ki.led and wounded in beating them ofl*. The Bri isfi squadion und r Admiral Moore is ?o remain in Naples B.y un til the decision ol the allied sovere igns, to be declared in congress at 'Troppau, as to the future political situation ot Na ples, is made known. THE DISCOVERY SIIII'S. Few particulars of their iiignly inter esting voyage have yet transpired, the officers and crew of the ifecla confining themselves to casual observations, until their commander shall have laid h.s journal hci'ne the lords of the admiralty. \Vc understand, however, that licut. Parry entered by Lancaster Sound, pro cceded over capt. Host*' spccial chart of land, a. id reached, in the parallel of 74 or 75, 1 14 or I 15 west, about 5 50 miles farther than rapt. Ross asserted tUc pol.ir sea to be navigable. In 90, the ships fell in with islands, which contin ued successively till they reached the extreme westerly point of one in 115, where winter overtook them. They win tered in a snug i>ay in Lancaster sound, and did not get clear of the ice till J?o 5th Aug. ir is year. From Octobcr till February, or lor a^out 100 days, they were in darkness; but with ahundum o of wholesome provisions and other re quisite comforts, they passed the time very agreeably. The crew were amused *ith games ol every kind, and occasion ally they acted plays for mutual enter tainment. On the breaking up of the ice this season, attempts were made to proceed westerly? but immense barriers of ice from the polar sea to the not ill ward shut up ali hope of succeeding in th* parallel ot 74j and before t ey could return to the eastward and ren*ft the atteuipt in a lower latitude, the naviga ble reason, wliich is confined to August and a tew. ?I%vs in September, oilcrcJ