HILLSBOROUGH RECORDER. V?A VV. XV EDM. si) AY, OClOliEK 24. 1821. HO. 11 ILLS HO ROUGH, N. C. BY DENNIS II EAHTT, at TMHKK D'M.LAMH \ YEAH, PAYABLE HALF YkAlil.Y IN' AUVAKCE. I'hose vk h<? il<? not give notice of their wish u have the piper JikcoutiniK d at the expira ? .9.1 of" the _\car, u ill he pre:>uni?d u? J. suing it< cutilimunce until countermanded. Will procore ni ??? ?u'.>9crihera and guarantee the pat inmtt, shall receive a U nth gratis \d?ert*ienients riot exceeding f ur'ecn lines %r h he niM'rted three t irnrs for one dollar, and tuentx Cv*it'? tor each cmtt inurwue. S.i!)>cr p':u.ii received by the pr liter, and in. si 01 the post ilia* tern in the state. All letter-, upon business relative tj the pa- ' per iiiiist he post-paid. ?#* tien'.lemeii of leisure, who po?.se>s a ! pot for hlerarv pursuit a, arc invited i v> favour u. with communications. "n, of good , I'VULtSilKD WEEKLY FOR S.)LK, <> ??.ih? r J ^ 6 ? 3t i>. liKvinr I'r .j'osts publishing, in 1 1 illciiarmi^ti, N. C * religious paper, lu tic drilled I II ir. NORTH CAROLINA Evanxrlictil Iiiitllizni c e r. l.i v?'ticli >? It be ? iven thr rro?, impor:?nt in to m.tiiMt rrlstivc to ihtr ipreao ot ?lit* jrov [??!, ant thr mil oribon ol ?h? c. ?!.,! ? ,..n i>t tlic Ih.m jI) ?iiniK . Willi mhIi ?>tli< r lic.f a* nut be intrintinK t?. tlir clif*?t .an reader; ? all \ i ill v? mil u 'it r? I ;r .^is ami nxiijl ? i?a ?, mi<i rr ? '<!?? tt-iit! in >r to pr< nxito chriavtn cha fit) ami liv-^v? uly-ini'Hiccl?K-?> l'R< TL'S. TO ? contemplative no ml it i? nl< as'njj ?o iihitc alir.nl mrr ih?- v ar.ot.ft port ,<>ns <>| t c fclot***, j t??l o'-net"*!.- the niif r<ikc*m>-iits w|, tu i-e i?ail\ taking place m ?h** ? wifiit i<?n . t iii*r. k.inl \Vr jirtti'lVf tt?r ila'k cIimhIi t 1^1 o r aii ? a< i rr or, ot ?n [> r ?' .* i .n aiul a .a ,?? ?n., ^r?<lu<||\ i. a>iiiu , in, J tli' hoi./ i. ipl J' i a III a lirijt'i'tl' Sj ill'l.cu i'i^ t'.r ap( r i ifli ?it a nMirtnn< J<iri'iii? to hmriatiitv ^iul fi ? tli t?'? i?i'i^* i?? il.e rli lilrru <>: no it. I h?.s? te ?r' ?* li-. ? rinkf pr<i<t|K.riit ate tl.r m ur.?i rr ???I ? ?>' cxtemlcit it fi mi* ion, but n.nre j? ? rt . iii!.?ri? the blrxrd ??H'Ck of at) ?-\|.?i.i'..-i, know i?-?1jff ? t t ti?- d.v ,nf pi\ pt* <>f" i r ?? r u-.? t *? t,'|<io?i. A genrral U.r.st im know ie.l?r ? ersto Ik* ?<viikriiril, ami rhr cH"r'% no* tii l?\ Min.n.njft, l> Ulr, .i'hI i 'l,i * c ir ? t Cs, 111 -llflusC t! r r l-k. ?0!l of'l, , j;.i?p?-., hi?.l I culr^ t ? nm r at'i (III ve ? -Ixcr * a nc ot o.?r f v I, iiKirul, itiiil '??Iumohs < I ? i 'f?, are ??? ?, 1 ?-? 1 ? li a Hire Ci.cerit.g ti? the heart ul liic pi.lai.tUropikt. I is -Unit t am I" C rrnm-tv f'i t ?>i?t w e prr ? v- nt tu i In- triMi'lft of Christianity in ih:* *r?! I.e nri^liti.irinK ?, |>ropo??ii? tor piili!i?li? i't>; ii tin* <t c ? a w?--Wlv paj>?*r, f.i.-uli<ei| t?> ?.<l Mi. c ill M lltCM so n aii\ air i'ii^j f <1. alul ?l'i in. I iC? J to lio .?? <il.it inC.i Mi', c -? ta'il stnnrm wi.iilil no? !?? .inning lur l? a?' t - riit n?? a'"i? 't |?i > ' oi rt I , 'xis Mill. i n.(. t i lt\ ?lir nmlupl Cation it pul'tic >1 p ?p? r* till 111 1 1 II U 'I ll.c . |)lr ill tin Sutou'vil Cilll. tr\ li*\t lirvii i-iilu lit* i.c-i5 in *li<- ?< ?? rr ol if i? i run ir lit :?!??>% c ? I t ii? 'i a' mi of iln* ? tii. i ' ? r? ? . i ^ h tliv imin ill** ins .s . t not r? ai.>i. i'??r c\p ci si,*- moral tUrk .i s* ma\ !>.? ?l ji.ni il, tin- l,,\ r oi religion > . it il< at ,1, .uui ? <*.irin'li Sr mlnnC't itno ti>i i ?< a i*oi I v ? ''?H vlirntia'i* wlnili wml I ?iv t'li in to ?' ll jffi at'-r r\i n ^i1 K ?r tlio |.I| as.-il || ci|i ||* n pi * I n jf till' I'r < I a I Jilv a'iCi ? tin nt nt rlu tan h ? 'in cit^i , .m I t or ? ? I ? - ' i ii Co i'Ii. io'i ill ilia kiin I. \ ? I w r li . I 'li 'o la.l.i-.tl vv!i? :l r li?> t irmi > I 'H ???' f p r? it \f ' iu in ?i i v aii s <li ? iH'> > I ?'? ?l"l Inl . 'I'l-jtli'i', tin- \ ? 'ii. s ?! ? .C? kml mtnotal iy. I '</'i Ii?iiil' "i a r''t si'i'i lain', t itTi nr* ? tic, ala.s mit'V, h* lu i i tii r rnt.-r a i 'i- rcli, ? li ? iirvi r lip, 'i .? b.tiir, wim ill in 1 1 tJ ? ft iHI tl > runs* hi tlir p i ii pi.?> tl i'ir ?*\isti ncc. M u ii jt tin <1 t'u?i.?ii oi rd | inti lo^frm r t< n-1 i. r. iiiov? to a Is li'ssnt ?* X'a> it nut ? I I' to itupnr , M t\ it mil I a<l lu coii\ic io hi. H mat. ? i- I In ' on mo^l ilroppmgt of wa'cr ? ran tin* I > ? ? 1 ? si st-ini s. nay not *e. Wi\ .ii| III mi t inns nil M'pi ,rn| t'Mmplfi melt I. rails i if stone' "snrr!\ t:4t re ? riHiin to liopr 1 1, at tlir I'oiiici pi a r,i m >ik. if pioperU ffiC'iurimd, 1 1 ? -.1 v c h/i. oite in n?nic ?mall i'i -^riT, t im i'*i|h lias', n I'm (flortotis prri. *?*! , *?!,? n " ,i,< iiiinintaiii "f .it* l/?ttl*? liiiosr sln.ll lir ?',t ?lil i? ' 1 1". I .n tli ? * p of tl.e ilioim ? ' lis, aii. I ,l,?li I r rx oti il above i lie liillti an J all liatlOIUl sl< ill tl ? onto It M lii pri'sfi't mjj > 1 1 1 ?? J r ?| rrtin ?mlu poblic, it is iiiiiiiTrniarv l.iriiirr to ? xplaui t'ie iiH'i.rc ''I tlie pro osril pi.1 I. ration |o it? comJilct, all p 'MSilile Care Will II*" taki li to ielc< I mi ll ma trr as ma . I>r hi si interestinjT .mil untrue no! t ir pr. nuird ann imc ot several rni it- i.t i|i\ inr*, it m ? gpreicd. Will ?i!il U>i* ?uliii ss atul ri ap- otability to ?be v?oik. CONDI I ION'S. Tlir V. \ a"^i lical lntclliK,'"t-l*t" '*'11 l,r pob lolii'il in, ci a \ cckt ami rimtain "i^'it ipnrio tf'atU printi il on yo nl p ipe t In? pricf \?i.l be tlir. e iloilara ? \ear. ;f j i ill >n ail* inn, i>Uicrwne four ilol|?r? Mill 1 ' 1 'If ntfirulr | ^ ? sul s pui nt rrccivc I f< r less tbunonc : ? ;'t ; aini no sob cr>piion wll nt iliacont intird , ' ' all arr? .irs ri'i* panl. liiili ss .il tin o,il o i i ''I 'I'i pnl.lfti. r. \ la lliri* to ^ivc noine In - | ' 'In i tu! ,,t bo M ir ot ? wmIi to ilisi-on- | ' , v. ill '? r, insult rcit as i new eii}fa^rin< n:. j I" p, ts'ins proc irm(f |fbl autiacnlirrR, * *' * ' i' nil i i'.jj i m Mdimiot ol ilit? ?ti|>*v.r.piioiia, ' 'fii ; .ipiv \> ill I" sen! i^fat. a. lb ptiolii'H i n will cointiiwr *br tint 1 ''hi, in .'.nm ,rt ni'kl, it mllicieiii eneoti | nt In- nlt'aiilCi). I . 'mtei s ,aVoti' il.l\ il sp?>, il, particiil.if- | ') tins mill ilie a<l|".ii ii^, - >?'' i al'* it- I 'I ' I 'n ^fivc lot ib'io- i vi' liifif in- I State of North Carolina. WAKK C il'NIY. In F.<piity. ? In i tic matter of Thomas Cobbs and nthi rs PURSl" ANT t?> a decree of the honorable (Joint of K ju:t) . t r fit coun'y and state aforesaid, I shall i tit Sale on Monday tin third da\ ol IK eemh< r next, the noose and lot in the cit\ ot Ualei^h, known t>\ the iiuine ot the I. moil Tavern, now occupn d h) Mrs. *?a:uh Je ei, and loi.nerlv b\ capt Wil liaiii Scott, si naud on i'a\ettevdle street, near ilic court-hontc. A cietlit id one, two a<ul three \e.?r? will he jri\en, tne purchaser "V bond with approved ttcrurity, o- gut a ble an J puvalih at either ol the banks in tiiis place John S. Kllis, c. St m. n. Halei^l., Oc ol>cr lj, 18^1. 88? I * n o i i < i ;. TIIK purchasers at the *?de of tjo* pT sonal esta'e ol \\ >1 am I. r?l. il" , e*.j t!?'C<?seJ, re miorimd tlu' tii.ir no'es in.vc now Let' nil- dm , a*id they arc requested iu " ;.kf pax tin i>1 w thoni ?lela\ to \\ >11. am II. I' ollijiti; a' d ili '-e intieiited to vnO estate ci'hrt* ti\ iiote ot hoi.k account, are also re ? pies'ed to set'le 'Ik san.e without dela} witlt said \V li.ani II. 1*1. : I* p?, who .s dull -it tlnti ibi d hv us to itccnc jtu iiieuts and gram d.schar^i ?. James l'inllips, J ulill \ .idn*/ u,ntr>itort. Oc: 9. ?7 ? 3? ST It A Y i: 1) UO M i!,e miIim ril'i r on \Wdne*dav the ">?! u.s'. ?i.t, m small SHHilt.f. .H.'iHFs, I- ??: vears old l?-,t spring, a sma'l l)l?/e . t > hi r (divIm'U'I i lUiiiliii^ down 'u her no e, shod tit f'-r' , two hind Ictl Ixrlieved ti> lie vliite, vli'.i.M. r li'irt Uitii the saddle, tail triHii ill m ith a knife A reasonable ColBpen ? si'.i m v? ll Ik- jiitcn In an\ person who Will r. torn >4 d niui-e in t. e hidi-cribcr, ot ?i>e in'ortnaltcn so tlu' l.e r.iu _?-t her .losi'pli Kaiicrtt, Five n? K s N VV. ot lidl-Wi.tou^h. October 10, IS-'l N 7 ? . w W N OT I C K. *11 I. 1 ??- i n?-r? d ii?r hale, on 1 I ? ? i r??<! u\ 'lit 23'd -ft , tlu- plaata'ii n un uliicii I 111 IV, |i*C, Ci-n'ailiili^ (hie Hundred and Fifty-six A ITCS lvi:-^ on the v? *ti-rs ot l..t le river, ten miles ? p. ? ri ? ll'U*l?oii>iit I., on the ??' -ad li ?? iiii* to ? . -si ei. \ a rood W'ajjoii and two II uses, . ne }olr ot s|r,-t? aii'l < ait, V .ill my crop of ( oi ii *i 1 1 tnKCii, and *>' a k of all k.nds, III nkl Furniture, and a variety of other .loll II Douglas. Or *i?c rn.,n'\, Ort 8*?,,* FOB S.J LE, M li'i'.s? and lot, or. Queen street l or t.rn.i tpply to Wm. Knkland, Ks'j ? tr l)i \Vi !?l?. William ISider. Ortul.rr 1 -ill ho? tf N O i l V K. OV Tin tsd?\ the 1st dnv of November next tin re wi'.l lie sold to the hii;hfst bidder, ? ?o a i ? ill of twelve- months, (die pur-cliaae- , ?v vij?k ?? >nd with approved s. ci.r.ty) at ti e !.,te ri s.jence ol J aim* Mm , sc.ir d. ? I' ? ihi <1, six !.ik lii.v s; \ 1 1 I us ciop id ('..oil, I i ddcr, ai.ii !"o bav cu; and Srck ot all kinds; I lotischol ! and Kitchen 1 nature, and I ti'tniiiif U'cn-iis; witli nn'i> oilier artic'es too tedious to tv n t-on The s.de to Continue troin da) today until all i* Mud. All prr*oim i i ? <1 * % 1 ? f ?m1 to s*id Ctt.ilc, .irr r? tint st??,| to inake piiimeiit i i n i.ed''?ieh . or tin % rn ?v expert to find ilieir ;irc ii iis in 'lie liatids ot an othc* r f ir c>lh c t n. ,?ud t use liav iiu cla'int a.ia us' the same to |t.i s -nt tin in well autlient .cat ed |'.>r net ? ?leimnt, widintlie I line prescript d by la*', othervv ii.1 1 1 1 1 9 notice will he plead in burnt r,t Urn. Murray and J ul mi Mil array, iccitors. October "?, 1821 . ?< ? 4w Slate nf .Ytirlh i'molina, oh.lvm: cor vii . C ?Utt id 1*1 iis an<! QmhHpi Si ssiotis, Aumisi 1 ci hi, A. I) 1821. f Justices' execution ,\'i ttrti ('in, I | h-vie I on two 1 1 acts tl | of Ian I, whith ile ./'/?ir1 Hi. A^r, nihni set nded to t !??? elol m.'v/i <?/(/.- <if Hai'fth I dr. n and In-irs at /?.mi/'ft (/irni'ti/. | law ol mud l{ ilpli ^ Katicctt, deceased. IT bei'tp- mflde appear to tlie s iti<tf?etion of the eo-ii t tliat l-'.niore l anrctt imd Sarah l.i'idsev, wife of \\ ilham l,i-idse\, two ol t lie l.eirs at I i w of the said II dph, d?-c?*as? d, are not in'iah it am <? ol tins t|int<? Ordered, that pult. ca i??n be made for 'hf'.-e mont'is mi die I Idlslioroii^h Iteenribl, for tliP nai'l Elmore F.iii?*et', W illiani l.indiH-v and Safah hia wile, to appear al the nrxi term of said rouri, to lit* held I'H Hie rounfv ol Otan^t , a' die court Iimii ?e io O l|?lio'-oii^li, oo tlie loiirth %fomla\ of Nov? mber next, linn and there to slio'.v ? anse, it ,(nv t he\ h:?? > t why tl"" iaid plant. ir slionld not liati jiid^:iicnt ,,nd CXeeiitini a;ra n?t tin- real eslat?- of the s:ml Kalph. de Cf 1'ied, | r tli<' aitmunt ol her d bt and covls of Mint. .1. Tiivlor. ('Ink. I'rice ?dv 7 n0. b2? ftn Full ing-M ill. COX 1 1\UK earr\ o-i the Polling Hu?i n?-??, wiiii the a s?. stance of Mr. Jamti Bojle, the well known iiurilicru i>nd work man, W illi as great deapatcn as possible, and on ?? reasonable U ru.s ai can be afforded. \\ illium Pickett. I Orange County, N. C. |u? m.lca -? ? east ui 1 1 , lUboi ou^li, June 5. 5 ? pio 95 State nj ?' Vorth Carolina, Ort.l.VGh l OLNj')'. Court of I'leas and (^ larter Suasions, August Term, A. 1). 184.1 f Justice's execution? It'iflium t\iuce!t i le\i< d on twu tracts vs | of land, ulnch de ,1'inrr It \iU-tr, iithni sc< lldrd to tlie Cflll fwlW tn?ti (if<,r i ,f Itu jj't i d-'cn and t.eirs at /?'.until, iJcc<rii?rj. 1 law of said Ralph ^ I uueett, deceased, k 1" iiring made appear to the satisfaction of )t t!.e court 1 h;it I- 1 more Faucett and Sarah Lirdsf i, wst'e of William l/;i*dst*%, two ot tlie lit-.rs at law oi the sa.d ILipii, ilrCrasfit, are lot inhabitants of thin state: Ordered, that publication l>e made for three in >nilia in tlie ?l ill*ix?rou;jl> !{' cord' r, fur the s.?id Cliiime Faucett, W 4il am L >ds?\ and Sarah li s uite, to appear at tlie next term ui said court, to be lie.d ior ?he count y of O.ange, at the court Iiiimw in llill>b<>roi.gti, on t. e fourth Monday ot November next, thtn .nd there to allow c?;.s< , ifaiiy tli?-y ha\e, w l.\ the said p! iiitill should not have judgment and execution against tlie real estate ot .lie said Italph, de ceased, for tbc amount of bis dibl and Costs ol suit. Test. J. Tavlor, Clcrlc . Price adv. 7 00. 82 ? 3ni Slate o/Xorlh Carolina. (ni.Lvat: t otwrr. Court ol l'ieas anu Quaitci Sessions, August Term, \ 1). 1S21. f Justice's execution Cu fit Li C fancy I levied on two tracts ?. 4 | of land whicn dc . Hmrr II', !k.rrt mlini-4 ?cciiilcd to the ciul ni'fr itor o f ka'ph I drcn and heiis at J-'a icdtf dictated. | law of said Ralph t, Faucett, ikctaactl. IT being ma<k* appear to the- satisfaction of the court that Klmure Faucett antl Sarah lands**} , u nV* of William Lind\< y, two of the hrin a< law of tl'r mu! Ralph, deceased, are not tnhah tan s ot 'his state: Ordered, that publication he made for iltrer months in the Hillsborough R- corder, f?r die said Klmore Faucett, William Linda'-v ami Sarah his wife, to app-ar at viic nc?< t.rm ?>f said court, to he held for tlie cmny ot Orange, at tl.e court house in Hillsborough, on the fourth Monday of November ncxi, then and there to sho* cause, ifai.v :hev haie, why the said plantifT s'.o il I not It .ve judgment and execution a^a nsi the ie..l e^.aie of the said Itdpli, de c--as?-d, tor the amount of heir debt and cost* of suit. .!. Taylor, Clerk. * * Price adv. $ 7 0.). ? 3m State of ,Yortli Carolina. UU.I.YVK t OL\\~l V. Couit <>f Plc.is and (Quarter Sessions, August Tct in, A. I). 18-1. fJus'ices' execution ? S | h vied on two tracts of land, vhch de .}'ii I'.. ' ??', iidmi sceuded to the c'ol ???*.' ? ii'nr >.f H. /?? j i!, : H and heirs at taint .e i et.ii ?/. | lj\v of saiil Ualph V. Fain ett, deceased. 1^ 'I' l i nr made up|? ar to the satisfaction of 1 t:e c c , : . : t t,>a\ h hi-ore FauCett anil Sarah |.nid<te\, ? ill- <>t W.ll .on Lindsov, two ot the h e : r? at ln> oi tin- said l< a I ;>h , <1 ceased, are not ii>!ia! itar.ts <1 this s ..:< O. der?d, tli.it pnldic >1 k ii l-? maoe lo) three months in the li U? ior? .oe.! i R> ?:o i der, for 'he ?aul F.lmotc Fanceit, ill. am I. in. 1st \ and Sarah his wife, ii, appi ar at tlie te xt t< riu of said court, to he heM tor the county ot Orange, at the Couft In. nsi- in llilismi?init:h, on the to ?rt h Monday ol N >v? iiih'-r next, then at.d there to show cause, it anj tin y have, wh\ the said plamtitl s'ould not have judgment and execution against 'he real esiute ol the sa d Italph, de* ceased, tor the amount of his debt and Costs ot suit. Test, J. Tnylor, Clerk-. I'r'cr adv. ft 7 0>>- P2? 3m Slate of Xorth Carolina , oh.i.YdF. COU.VIT. Court of S'lc;is aiid (j'larU r Sessions, August Term, A. I) I h: I. fJuatic<*s execution William Cain <J St>'i I Ivied on two tracts vs. | of land, which de . ihtter IVnUrcr, nrlmi scended to the chil* iittov of //1../1/1 j ilren and lieirs at Fumrtl, <ittru fii J law ol said Kalpli V. Faucet', deceased. I T being made ipnear to the sat isf.iction ot the eonr U?st Khnote faucett and Sarah Liwlsvv, Witt- of t\ ilham !. ndse%, two of ttic heirs at law of the said K.opli, deceased, are no' nihah.'ants of 'his s'^te: Ordered, thai piihli' .iiioii i>e made for three months in the ililhhorough Recorder, lor the said Elm ire Fatii ett, \\ ilham l.indsey and Sa'ah his Wife, to appear at the next t?-rm of said court, 'o he held for the county of Orange, a' the court house in lldlshor ugh, on the tourth Momho ot Nnu mlu r ne*?, then and there to show c iiise, if any the* have, w hv the said plaint ifl' should not have judgment and e\ecu 1011 ii)!.o"st the r> al rsta'e ol the said It dph, de ceasi il, for the amount ol the>rdcht and Costs of suit. 'lest, J. Taylor, Clerk. Price adv. 7 tU Jtn 1^3 ot W\e SU\tu ol HII.I.SBOUOUUII MASONIC LOTTERY. 1 Prize of 1 2 2 10 10 100 2590 5,000 Dollars, is 2,000 1.O00 500 1 O'J 50 10 5 $ 5,000 2,()OU 2,000 1,000 1,000 500 1,000 12,; oo 26 2 o Prizes, 2371 Blanks, i .More Prizes. than Blanks. 25,000 5000 Tickets at 5 dollars, is 25,000 STAT10XARV PHIZES. I lie last drawn ticket on the 1st, 2d. 3d, 4tli* 6th, Tth, and 9t!i da\*s drawing, will be entitlid to a prize of 100 dollars. The first drawn ti? k? t after four thuusand lia\e been drawn, will bo entitled to a prize of 2,000 dollars. The last drawn ticket on the fifth daj's drawing will be en titled to a prize of 500 dollars. The last drawn ticket on the last day's drawing will be en titled to a prize of 5,000 dollars. All the other prizes will he floating in the wheel from the comir.enrcment ot the i!rkwinjj? viz. a A^oWaYs. S \ 500 S ft 1 OO "DoWars. i u\o iv) i ft Prizes payable ninety days a^ter the drawing is completed, subject to a deduction r>f fifteen per Cent. Prizes not demanded within twelve months after the drawing is completed, w ill Le for feited to the wheel. The drawing will commence as soon as a sufficient number of ticke's are s Id The drawing Mill take place once ? week, and ti*c hundred tickets will he drawn < s?ch da* until completed. Notice will be given ill l lie newspapers published in litis place and at tialeigh t t the commencement of the draw ing. Tickets can he had of the manager*, and at most of the stores in this ph:ce, and at tlie post office Letters addressed to either of the main ers, with the cash enclose <| ai?J tl.e postage- paid, will be promptly attended to. Tickets will t e lot ** aided to the principal iww us in lh t state, and to the Court houses ol the adjacent counties, tor sale. James 8. Smith. ]) un id \ii?broi John Scott, Thomas Clancy, j Willie Shaw, J Hillsborough, May 2. PROPOSALS OK IIKM. St TlluS. KITE, I H1I.ADFI PIIIA, For Publishing by Subscription, A NKW, rOMIM.KTK 1'XIVFRSAI, X A I I [I A L II I sTOKY, Of all llic n,<?st r markable Quadrupeds. Itirds, l-1 Reptiles am! Inserts, IN I HE KNOWN ItOHI.D; Illustrative if their Nat'irts, Manners, Dispo sitions, llabits, S.c. rilOM lilt LAST I. o >' DON EDITION OF J. MACLOC, KSQ. Much improved and enlarged in tlif Descrip tion*, and l?v the introduction of a grear number of Animals wli ch were not in the Lou< Ion t dit ion. K:nbcllishfil with Fifty-Seven Copper plate Engravings, And representing near Fourllundrcd Animals. \ v-\ VW HY RF.NJ \MIS M \YO. v%\wv The vvoik w'll be contained in one large duodecimo volume, pruned on goi <1 paper with a fair tjpe ami well bound; price to sub scribers I'wo D 'liars The work <s expected to he rea !v for de livery ill the 1-tli mouth (Deccmb* r) next. d^J? Subscriptions received at this office. Ang. 15. 79? N o r I V K. ON Thursdav the 8th dav of November next, will be exposed to public sale, t ? the highe?t bidder, tor cash, at the market house in Hillsborough. Orange County, N C. Seven 1 1 k ? !y NejajrocH, t<? satisf* an execution issti- d from the cir cuit court of North t Carolina, against Hugh Martin S. ."Sou, in favour ol Wontald, (*ott & \\ oniahl. Bevcrl> Daniel, Marshall. II > James 'rnrner, I K ptlt) Mai shall. Scpt/18, 1821. 84? ts .v o fv \ i: v;. Vl.l< those indt bti d to the snberiher, ei ther by note or hork account, i*re re iiiics'Cd to call and make pavment hi fnrc tl e iuth <>l O' tol?er next, atier dril da\ all tin it account ? will be lel't in the bandsof an officer fur collection. (?nrrril Mills. Cliapil 11 U, b'rpt 17, W21 84 -5* joiin c \Mi?m I L, Of Orange countv, N (' proposes publishing, in urn- iMivUomv octavo vwlume, the follow ing valuable v*uiks, viz. Firs', A CHAIN OF TRUTHS; OR, ! A Dissertation on the Harmony of the (ioxjM'l Ikdivertd as a Compendium <>t F;?i h. liy J. . Men, a Uriel Trinitarian. St corn!. The Baptists \intliraUM from 8?>m? Groundless Charges. liY JUH.Y E. 'I liird, M > ives to Love ri lid Unity am ->n? Cal vioists who iiiflet in some Points. \ dialogue bet ween (nristuphihiji, t'i.ilakti.?? un I F.ii'a^atlii.s. HY JO//.V It m.YE. Fourth, THE CHRISTIAN PILGRIM; oa, I'lie Travels of 1 1??* Children of Is rael Spii itualizei). Fifth, Till; DOC TRINES o r The imnut'j'ion ol mm to Christ, and th* imputation ol his Kii?ht< oumicss to hi- P, ?)|?lc. Clearly ?tatcd, explained, ami improved HY J. HHI.YE. vv\ CONDI rlONfv The work w II hi- nmily printed, on fli# Paper. with a plain handsome type, and con tain about four hundred pa^es l'lie price, to suhftCribers, will l?e two ?1. ? I - lars, handsomely hound; to nun sn!is< n ? .* rt tt.? price will be two dot Lis i uentv -ti>t cem ? Any per* >n who may be disposed to encou rage tin- wmk, ami who shnll pr oeurc ei^'ht snhscr ihers ind become reapnns-hlc for it c puymoit, "hull be entitled to one cop\ gratis. .1 V Subscription* received bv n C.?np bell, Orange c lunl), and at this olftce. March 6. S6-? K)U S \1.K? A second liaml Hitek<nui\ tuon Hoard. lr^?irc at thi> 9(Tic?. May I* e??

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