lUwftV F?cni\o\\\y. " \in! \our r.cS soil, Exuberant, nutuh 's Heller blessings pour OVr everx land." For the* llillshoroiiph Recorder TO AG R II U I /I* L R A 1. 1 STS. The committee of i< iiuirv. appointed hy t' v Cain C'rcik Agricultural S -rirtv of Orange county, N.C. t-avii.g taken into consideration thr depressed and lan guishing state oi Agi iculture* amongst us, tu l it iheir du'.> to impress upon the minds of ihr members of this socie ty, and ot ail otheis who feel an interest in litis first an committee are liiite-ate; but the Zeal the) feel lor th< < ;at'ti >1 inip'ovemcnt; it is a> tual (xpt-riiuvn judi ious'.y made, that ate it < | . i i c cl . Ti.c indiv i'lu ds ?>f tins com in t t*' , j s well a-, malty ot/.rr member* of this s< eiety, ha\e s veial y l.s to many valua ! ?f authors on agiiruhure, and also to reports of * uni'le and judi< ious r ;,pei tk :na' e i;i foreign c- ui*lt ir>; hu*. many ot the "C have only served to 5??>nie us. Ksp.ricice teaches us. that dill' rent soi.s in different climates re ?jii.K di IT: rent trra'inent; it is therefore jmportaot fur us to find out what treat ment is ino^t coi'^cniul to tfie various suits in out own < lunate. In tl.j, parti cuI ji we t- ?. \ t : y thirty to learn, anr) (r? (jucrrly m?y in. prove l?y our triors. '1 ! us it \? iil itu'iiiy b<- pcrccivcd how T,r. c?;-.s*a ry lb u Itci c miiii;iii? 'p.nsitmn cjf a ow - Ic-I^e so ficr e1 s'.ry ?? t e i x ?t ? ic-is f.| a;rri> ui'.ui ai d 1 n ;* p'1- ??>( d of th; in.]) r* nt f-iC.s wh;t ii v i.ld tlcn be df-vc ' p'-d, by ad ir.j; ir..ijvi} to oui ski I we ii.;. i ? t n?? k. c- i -? pio p".^tt*sin tin inipt'>\eiii( it! ol i i. r fat in ,, and thus iiir i C'lSC out ? on his aitd t 1 joyinc-ir*., awl a! '! til- I *ptt?ah.iity Uiid wtal'li ol ll.e st 3 ' e . '1 ln.S'- who ntry he phased to com tn'.nr.' atf tothisi ommtttf ro\r rn< tits they ha^c n w e, oi uiiy cxpni tncii' \\ hi h may !?c in ai y debtee use ful. Will M?? ct till III to J$il!i Nt'.V.ili, t haii inan. Liiv-U y'? s otc, N. C . l i.i# ? minnittet have also lakrn into < onsid' ' 4te ii '.he pre '.ci,' situation ol our rotirrry, and the prospect ol ihe support ol i's inhabitants me f nsiiin^ vcai ; o?i r (.tops ol w oeat h .v in^ rm asor - . a'/ly I'aiW d? an ' from pi ? sent tippc hi am r c ur ( orn crt p w ? 1 1 i.ot oe over ;< ui.- in?, nhith most br our p'iixipal di-pen* ll.iie !>?. ii?K it* i 1 fie i fiint nor tui ?iis u> j. i* e our iiO?v a vtait. Under th ?>< ?~i< ? uius'i.n' es no;ild it not be ad visable t ' ?'< bi> io la* tlx ci^.iilui.^n c) ;jt-ii. tuffi ciently high to amount nearly io a pro hibits ii? \Vc arc of opinion that a tax ou w turkey, e*en when we have a sui plus of grain, would be sound polity. Ardent spit its is the mother of a lat?:e pot lion ot the viee and immorality that al)<>uiuls amongst us; and deprive many promi ing families of the comforts, and even of the necessaries of life*. So far as the pine oi it is enhanced, so lar is it placcd out ot the reach of the- habitual drunkard. We besides view it as the destroy e l ot the common wealth of the nation. JOHN XF.WLIN, Chairman. 8th mo. -5th, 1SJ1. Vovei^n AuU'Wi^ewce. New York, Octoher 11. The fast sailing packet snip Albion, cap'. W iliiams, anived this morning in 4 1 days trom I . i\ e t pool. 11 y this at i ival, the i dittos of t'?e Commercial Adverti ser have r? etived Iroin their a tentive < or espondents, tilt-sol various London p'peis to the evening of the 3u'h An- I gust, Liveipnol to ti e .1 1st, and Lloyd's Lists t ? ? the J8 ii ? all iu> li sive. The to, |o*\ in;.; summaiy embraces a notice of eveiy late occurrence winch appears wcrthy of attention. SPAIN. The a? roniKs from Madrid arc !o the I 17ihof August. ? W'e are gratified to j peiceivc that pto'ound tran| ulous cities of Spain, and there are strong indications that po litical liberty and liberal principles are bcc< ming mo: e tirmly established. The hordes of banditti, how ever, sill prowl about t hrough various disu icts. and in some instances they laugh at all t l?e measuies whicii the government ovt crs a r inst them. ? On tlx S h ot August, a piocla.i ation w as issued bv t .c , olitical c! it f of Valencia, slating lout tnc k'.r.g had ordered lo,000 reals d< Ycil-n to he paid lo Juan N a^ ai ro, tor ha\ m,! kil led the famous Marrana, one ot he chhfs of Hie hat d of Jaime Alfonso. A reward of 30,0oo re 1- is uflV. red l>?i c apprehension ot Jaime himsi II, 1 o.- cr> j tor that of each of the individuals who ' have been more t?an foui years with j him, (so long has ht rariiod on iiis de- ? preoations,) and 6000 for each of he j . ithtr p? r sons vriio be>ong io the bund at ! >iit publication or this notice. Almost simultaneously iihthe pnb li(t- boy 'a lad ot I5)~hkll be flay _-d ali\ e! What a dread fol alternative- for a poor father, lie i* r'otng his ut most to collect this i-noi i nous sum, an?? rii tninjl cotlc and the codc < t p:?-r e tui.fT. ti c ii'j'.ii '? .'i?>n ol the ofh c:i ?? of j?o\ ?' riMiitnt; tne n- > es- I surv means to avoid ihc heuv y injul y -ofl red hy the ration from t: t < ma lion ol fa?"' "r d< te< live Ion ti_n ii.| an oi^amc dt( i< e a-> ti# ;|.? j nasal force. The Cores is to he invulhd ':*> t'.>e 2l'h S'ptemb?'t, In tame U is o.-y i n, j I ai d!y f jil to t j. in imI :,o;h t hot i,.: o: ht r nations of '.hi- salnur ot the Sjumjim against t?i' ir Ion i,? i ci emit < ? eir ? "ii s am s in advi ? ..i y, tj.eir d ??ii i ?.nd put - p'r C to live ill just lib I ' > , a?; ! : I) I ii I r>y - ai'.v and Jove to he au^uS' p r-.on anil lamiiy of the K n.r. (?h KF.C 1\. This :t? coun', !i "tit t he shaj r in w hich it tonics, is en'n ltd to iiiu< h moic < ic- | flit than the oilier, although l'.** other j pin poi Is to he ''AO hot 1 1 s 1 h t * i A'.'! |t it ; he 1 1 u? , the *' ln'? Hune ol ( in t i ii ii- J In i ty is ov- r, an? I the f ?i i 'am lali- .in, ?>f daik-ttss aid dc-pou-ln." 11 ,t we I have n< if ? r time nor loom to indui);c in sp? eolation. Tnr (iiuk ration is engaged in the !?>t m it ion of a ernnn nt, to he < xii ? f is?"' hy a s< natc .???*! ?h pni(s liom ihe peninsula ai.rl n ai k?iis inlands. Leontari, near ihc f entr? of the Mom ,?,is chosen lor the srat of jfiivi inment. The Turks are leehk m the Mmd, hut in the north* ei ii piovni' es th? ir powci is completel) es'iihi shed. The maj'-r part of the accounts arc rather it? (avot:r of the fireeks. There i- a It.'^niMi' ol an addiess Iroin Cier niauo, ni' h hidiop ol Aetna, t? z t. and Munmibasia, arc Ircc under the co lours cf the cross. Seven hundred anil twrnty-fcur villages art* beside* liberat ed fruny (lie yul.c of lie Tuiks, who, shut up in t I.e fi rti esies, must, it is said, be soon siaived into a surrender. The story abeut a great victoiy gained ovi r the Turkish fleet, v? .?* piema'.ute. At the latest dates, tin fton was on its w?iy. with a st:ong lone, to succour the 1 ui ks in the Morea It the (irand Seig nior should succeed through the medi ation ol Cheat Biitam> to parity the i.zar, it is doubtful whether he ct uld ! succeed in indueiug the Asi ?tie hordes to teturii to tlietr nrritory without the exprcted spoil, m* hiinglhe inhabitants oi the I'oitf to witness tranquilly there* constt uction of tl e cbriMi m churches. ? It is asserted in an aiticle iiom I'osen, t'.at the lhi>siaii troops cantoned on the Puna, had broken up lor the southern lii'itt'crs. Th ?-re is another report ihut t!ie l)i Nan has a< cepted the mediation of 11. ??? land. In th' meantime a secret negotia tior. is ?airied on UiWien Russ'a and Austria. 1 lie mce'ing i>f another con gress is expected, in wiiit h will e ile ci e .1 t iie de litiiti ve exi?ti:n c ol 1 i rcei r. I i : e tht ee divjs.t ns ol r.e R us-ian at my are coiicj i trateu on the Pruth: they have then advanced pot, is on theix tn ii j e frontier loi tne purpose of wu'eli ing The u.oxemcnts , t Oiiotnan lor ces i J ? i ss > : fl Pacha. The prince Alexander Yr-i.arti is plat ed under toe siii ve ilianee ol an Astrian oft'uei At Constantinople, iool icr.ces l.?\e tak- n piace between the Divan ..nil the Avis ti tan Ii K-ru>, that toe cabinet ol S . Jainis* has tl* ft - nitivel) d. -eland it-si . i n.eciaior. Various ac? ount ? in the (j> rtnan pa ptis st^'e, the Russian ai ini?*s to be anxious lor oi dr i > ??, inter tl;e Turkish tenroij: the soli!ii-is an ed with nli^ious tiit u -ia->n , > n a<. i on ol > ne atrocities commute.! hv tnc Turss against the Greek Co" viuns. It is di - clared that Constantinople* inns' b- a t c kedhy sea and land, and that ilu Cir- i k. . emp?re must be te-otablished. Not- ] withstanding that Vpsilanti has nem wit; d< aw ii Ironi \\ ? laclr.a. which w as ? eaus. d by the dcserioti of tne A bantsc, ' tin insurgents remain in cousideiablc force. Iti Lit* It W ai achia almost ad '.he i com er.ts Iravr 0e? r> foiii!,e>' ny them} j and tor (iii-i k < hit l:.iiiis ? cunyin* the I mountan | o-Ki> f t ?> ne ? I5i:s o A cnief- f tain ol very loti pid < hai act- r, atui well t v< r?i d in w . rt .r< , i? ut t . . head o? 1 2? 0 ! formidable waiii n rrreived in London o t.ic Id it of August Wr find no f-xit arts rtntn g diitriiy toiheaf 1-irs of I'ortuga . A. thi sit of ti?e C oilcs on toe 1 lih of Augu-t, sundi y despatc lies wt n u a-4 r< latn.g to the late ore uri enci s a: Ii zil. 1 i.ry sprike c*f I'lo^i an 1 f^is.dl ci.oos, and ma< luna tions, ol a "hid ous disposition," w liich ' xist ?? to Uisui ite t:.e I' .nuuuese of the t^o Ir nujj.ncr' s It iippiuis 'hat the j Junta ol Jtjliia hit v e lul .scd to act un < er the ^riei urn. nt of the Prince Re cent at J'io J .neiro, oi ai.v gov einmet.t except dimtlj n'.(!ei toe kng. The t oi :i s highly appi c.vt of this i f solution, (for v. ii.s'.u we cunri.t iy tie tiiption complexion, i elating to ; lie* a Maiin ? >i tne Ciici ks am! Tutks. A \ ?? i ? i < e ; ( . I \" . cm. his a -y hit hi t . Ilts to y ) will on. y noike a sho> t stay anion" to-, .is he v- til fl' p ?rt iii t )< tola r to rt mi ii to I . rig i and, tak'.iig 1'ai is in nis iou'? tin* lit i ?' '1 ii? ie has been an afTiay at Dantzic, bt w< t n the .1 r us a Vkfl Christians, wiiic h k as not terminated v* ithont hioodshi fl. The liitiisels Ot aclc of the I Si h of August, s ?ys they value the pro perty w he h li' n ipai tc pla< ? ?l in the dif f? rent hanks, ai ">r>,o0'?,0(A> francs. As to the memoirs winch he wrote at St. Helena, it appeal s < r i tain t hat the- re ex iMsthiee copies ol ihcni; I > ti t i' seems donhtlul whether ihey will or d< livered to ihe pi intc t lor some tune to come. N AIM. MS. Letters from N ipies mention, ?hat a resolution has at lust been taken, to ? x j|e a certain number ol pel sons who took a more ?>r less distinguished part in the revolution. The list it is said, will extend t o ahout ninety persons, includ ing I'oei io. 1 1* ?r? Iii, Arc ov ito, |'< tronelli, &? . Liberty will lie i^iven them to re side in Austria, Prussia or Kmtsia. The llriti^h I'lascliei of t he c v? ninck. The Levant ton. paiiy have rtccivcd an txpn *s. hat the Turks have agree< to the ultima: ol llnssia. Stocks have risen in coiisrtpic nc? one ptrccm." li mulK; sctm by statements ?n the lis- J? papt rs,* that thr kirg ol (tit at "riiaiti itit nds, ahei l is teturn hum li eland, to visit his Hanoverian domi nions, -and Miitv the f imi y atta* hint nts ' among his ceiuint n al subjects. ll his ; pioj ct should he ix?tut((!, it is sui; gested th.?t his majesty, under tin- itt.e of count Lunthoutg will visit i'jris i d his way. 1: is also exjiected that there will he aiiothei congttvsol sovereigns at which lie v\ ill lie j-iest nt. It is u cu rious circumstance in the history ol the tiiiM that the assembling ??! the prin cipal sovereigns ol Kuiope to th libe rate up li and adjust the afl.nrs of the continent, should become a matte r not only ol lieipu-nt hut . f almost itgular oitui'c.ic. How long kitul it in tercourse wili last, it is ? i ? 1 1 1 1 ult to ci.u- i jeciui . ; Imi v* hiUt it c?>ntuiuv s and tht ir cons Is taimoi.izr in the manner tl.iy h.iVc hit hi i io tl >.ue, it is ,.|) lit th?l the civihz; d vvt.i Id rn h \ ? xpt 1 1 to si c a new cede it the law of nations. So long as Russia, Auttiiaand Piu-sia shall agree in their measurtt, and Lr. p ?.n hand hall a million ol men iu rxmrc then dtcrees, and fin ish the \ ii.hitniti* of t.nir orders, aid (iu^t ! Tit. tin aii'l 1" i ante shall jtand n\ ut.i <>ncet net I *pt c taior s ol vi hai is pas ii>}.', n is \ f i y app?. ? lent that tiie three inenin tied ^ov eui!? ents \\|j| jri>e uw t?i a!l tht powers ? lKu:o;.i. 1 le>u? ver it is not io he t \ pe? ltd, i eas? .tuny* it <>iii ail i xpe in th? ufT.t.isol nations, and tlie chatacter ?'l governments, that stit I; ? omhinalions can la^t lor any griat length ol time. Daily - Id v . A Warsaw aricle . I July -0 h stales ?4 It Is I umoured ht r that a c ? -.tVi t ha-, taken place h? tween the adv ane?- guards ol the Russian and Ottoman furies on t lie Pi utli.'* A ic'tcr lioni Nuremhri n pitilii- j hited. On the d? paiturc t.f tne last run- I rirrii?iinViet.iia, it was believed that ! w ,.i w a- iuevi'able. 1 lie duke ol \\ ill.ngh n has inspect ed the fortifications nt I) ai t,, ? and Huy, and proc? cdrd t< L? lye. The pi tip. e iheie rtsk " why docs he come here lo examine cur lotufjt ( a pi a i 'i Lr u-, j: lived at Uovon, w ho left St. p# ici shurg, August m orrt.s I that tbc lu.k ? ? i* a i vi iih i(,e p,,. ^ , ,,n. j 'u.ued, as it had h-r two f t t ?: ? ? < mm (,s. A large Iiumbi: ol ' ps, 1 tiding c imperial guards, had Icic St. l\tctshui.. in detachments, it Was s-id, h,i t e f, tiers, it was expected i( a tl;e t mpe i <.r would soon set out for t .c sju,c uc?n nation. A very beautiful girl, r! j,), f,am. fl Ann Kaine, of respectabie parents, httc ly marie application for a bed at a pub lie house iu Mo ?re fie Ids, London. N.,t rising in the morning, the landloid w m np and burst open her door, and found I'd in bed apparently in a fit of insanity. She was s< Hired and ki pt un it li r mind apptan d to have become tr.iinpii|, when her attendants having left h. r alone tor a h w momt nty, she oper.ed the window of her t amber, and jump ?d out; a l.ei.;ht ol fn > jc.rl. si.e died I iniinediateiy alterwaids. She hud been , (.isaf>point< d iu m.-.rr i.>gr. WciliioHiliiv, < Irlobor 2 I. y CONVKNIION. Ro\ eu t Fi ar Krnirilt r, Cdiitmunl. W'c liu\c proceeded mi our remarks, in a < nr?oiy manner, to the coin hiding numb* r of t he addn s? of 'lie editor of lli'- (jape I car He order. A m?>i c ela borate treatment is not required. ' ver he* has advanced having the appear ance of argument, has h cn before rr pcatcilly 1 1 fitted. Throughout his v* hole reasoning, the cnpidi'.y of s? It |?>v <: has I lindrd his perc? ptiotis of light; and a determined endeavour to sustain the power of thr eastern section of the state lias rendi red him deaf to the demands of jnMice, or the powers of argument. The following (jootalions compr ise near ly the whole of his last fiutnhei; and will not only verify wlntt we have just said, hut will nerve as samples ol tne icasoning hy w hn h it is endeavoured to support the undue preponderance of the eastern counties. In our remark* we shall he vet y l?i ief; little more heing nercssaiy than to point to the fallacy of the positions advanced. " The const it lit ion of North Carolina, hke 'liat of most of th< slatr*, have no provision lot Ms future amendment. We must, therefore, look to other swiree* (or that power I he people ??? the " West" tell us, that the power i* ? ii liitlvK veated m 'he I'l-'.i hoy',J wish * Uwptisul by tlic lr);iiltliih ; k)l(j (l ?liunl(l, u. its wisdom, tin m i? it'cxpeditm and at variance with tin* u t< rrst , r(. man m the commnniti , that would beht \> that tin peopled that part of the mat* wot,, J have a 'li-Ar *?? enact iht law tht mst lv?-s, Ul(j take it a? % Iter rule ol' their action, and jvi tmhavour to enf rre it Ujin other*. Ylw? p< wit ha* Lr -it t>\ the cunsUtu ion (.| 1|i. S*ai?, Veslttl ill tlit Ic^-is'atnrr. ait* I tin* v?a, the ?(?' ol tL* pcopU . NN lit iv i* ilir ditr. r? ncr, we woi^M ask, as it irpnU tlic passage ol ? law* lav n je a tax on an iicri' ol gmui'd, or in divltlt a intir v, luin 'hat ol one Calling A ron\ < lit ion 5 *l"o o? r in ni' s, i lit n* is iinn. ; |, ,, it tli?.- pro pit o| one sct-Mon ?.f tl e fctaic aright. wnl.oit tlif ct nsent ol the legislatim or what is worst, in direct op)ui r to d,, tlif other." "1" In* if. in tlic :ihovc q(iot-j*t<;n is too alistu ?' io u quit c r? lutation. I), he a< know if \_;is. the power to ainmd the constitution " is rxclbtivrly vcsirtl iu lie people," uhat autlioiity has legislature to exercise (oiilroi over till m: T.:f rncni'.ei s of he li^i?latuic arc the i epi cscliluMves ot the pi ?p|. , ussc mhli il t.jr the p< i pose ol ? na< t it ? lavts for their internal novcrnitunt, ui. ! tne ri i;til.?!i"ti of their affair*. Tt.?v have ii> umrii>'mcnti the rii*ht wonl : i : coursi h.i*e rctiKiitetl with the pccpi- . unitiilucnrco t > jr the legislature; ihr pt n pie tneielorc won hi even in that I. jvc had the N^ht cl calling a rnnvu. tion It is not, howevet , fr. their u?. scciuiants this most valuable 't their p: ivili -^es. T lie ailv?.ca'c? of the eonv rn1 ion forget, > . the arthir ot tl?eir pursuit, that tin fui.?'.. I111<11<4/tii il 't the nioat sacreii In le..(1i*t it n tpurt s a nuj> the provisions "f tin* c nttact A..?l ui u ill a>k, I it vt *s tint .nti inieu bv iht par its io I I ,r if>sti <:i* i-iit, lit >t fact i parn.i i hi ? I rr v? mils, ? I us, . lit* a l?oC itc*. of l he * ** < o il? n> ; t- r .i? J-.*ni?l would h<* too absurd, aiul would il.iW fat tl.c\ ai r witl ' iit plansihdit > , a* v ? Ii aa v< itliou' ju?' i icc 1 :.e< , il v?. Ht r c.?. tt-ct, that ? ac' i ???iii tV i ? llu ?' >t?* is a * fnirittr an.l iSltlH' I t' *? cii atit ut mn, Hit (if. pie of il.c "? * inn >t t!> ?> iov tlu r '>u n ;.rn i ipk ?, <1, ;hr\ s ?? , li.a> l? s than a n aj r.t . ol -II tlit i o? n t ilie r n - 1 1 1 - t tr nu ll. t < ', ! >s lit- salfe \ icr as V r lvr>.f s ? <<< claim a pitilniMnac< o>i r Wit* twe former, a* I ir t'.r r??iint> nt l(i w an lo claim it over tliaT ol' Nrvv -i I tii ivt-r Iii ti c aboxc quotation cur traders can s< e a spei inn n o! the rrc?r-nit,if u?ed by \ !?r opp* ncnts ol a convention; ti e flimsy c bweb tixioie of which cannot cs< ape '.he dltht'i vjtioii ol any unpriji. i!i? ed ii ? it .(I . i hr scvi ral slates cump' ing this L [nun weit 01 initially ?eparato and distinct ^ovcrnmciitH, totally inde Jjtn .ant of cat h o;her; tlniclote eacii ?U:c couhl propctlv be coiisideted ,-s a ilnttMi fl irty to tlic ronip.irt which fount d this Union. lint in tois respei t counh >* in a state: pn?i?>?. no analogy The i omit i? > in vt r w vi c i? dependent sovereignties, ami theufoic ? oyld nit ciilcr into such a coinpai t. I'lie consti tmion of the state is formed for the I ? ? nefit ol the individuals composing the state, to r i filiate t f . c it govi i unit lit* and to secure their linriy and happincs*. Ilvciy individual is a party to the 1 ins is to thr'.i shall seem nu*?* -likely to e tier: t!i<:r safety and "nappincss.'' lint, we would ask the editor of the Cape Fiar Href' der, from what source did tiir conn'.""* ol this state obtain the corporate my he has ascribed to them' 1'ioin * hat rule of right should ?>ne ? iti/> n ? ' Washington claim equal pi iv ilegt s * ith six iii Kowan? Yet the Rci order wool'1 argue, that bei ause of t!ie divisioi s which Imve been made for convenien* e or by accident 4000 inhabitants in the f??r mer count y should have an equal voi' f" in the government with 26, OO') in the lat ter. Hut it is not diflu ult to perceive ti'e motive he has in view in thus endeavotr* ing to piove an analogy between t ??r count cs ami the statrs. I le is c.ins 'inns that if the question is left to the prop ' ? a larg* ni'ijoiiiy would be ayainsl hii"?