HILLSBOROUGH RECORDER. IllLLSROUOUr.II, N. C. BY IIGNNIS IIBAKTT, VI THRKK ooli.aks a VKAH, HAYAIILK HALF V K \ H I. Y IN AOVANCK. Those who do not pive notice of their wish ,n luve the paper discontinued at the expira tion of the year, will be presumed as desiring ,t> continuance until Countermanded. Whoever will procure nine subscribers and guarantee the pav menU, shall receive a tenth tfrjt s. advertisements not exceeding fourt een lines ? ll he inserted three tiatr-s for one dollar, ami j vent) -five Cent* lor each continuance. -(inscriptions teceived In the printer, and ,rt of the postmasters in the state. \il letters ujmn business relative to thepa r must be post-paid. ?/ tlentleinen of leisure, who possess a ^ste for literary pursuits, arc invited totavour with communications. Surrri inj,' Compass and Ch.t'.n, of pood ?|. II K AIM 1' IV ijcui1* jin'ili .Miir, in HilUhoroti^li, N. C* * |M|ifr, t<) be entitled T II K NO!* Til C \KOI.TN \ Er tiller lie a I In 'Ml i%c n c rr. In w'i.c'i * II tic ifivm tin- ti >?%? important in l'i i. ?ti< ratnm ol" llie c iitvl.'io'i ni ilir lmti;?ti Um>lv, uiili siirti n''i r hi nc?" as niiiv be :ntcrc?iiii^ to ? in r?,ri?v.m i ?-4iler, ??rr?si(iiialU rniivt-nrtl u iti r- li^toiik 4n>l moral t ??*\ ?, atul litfhtrr * t> ntliii|( le, anil oliservc (Ite improvements wh.cn are dail* taking place in i he condition (t( man* k. 1. Wr perceive ih?* dark clouds of iifiio raucr arid error, ut sup.-rs ition and lana cism, pr.lnllv w ast .n^f aw a) , and th-h<>n/ >11 ^>U d?- 1 -a t'i a hi i^iorvss indicaiinjj the approach of i morning glorious to linnianity and itch t th (?!? 10 the children ut men. I lirnr lie ?H-cIk ?. r?n,r pni>|N>cit arc the na'ural re sul'sot extende*! mfoi mat ion, hut more p?rti> culariv the blessed eflects of all i-Xpalidiuj( kft'iwle lcie t ? to ditluae llie r> litfiou of "h-. Jfospci, and t ? mciilcatc a more atu in i?e f?b?er ? .l, moral, aod religious dill tea, are attended with a success cheering to the heart ot the pniit. I it mil i r audi cirr nfn>tai>cc* that w e pre ?mi *o the friend* of christianitv in this and 'iif> iHrtj*hl?iriii|( slates, proposal* tor pnblt-h Wjj .n tin* (d ice a weoklv paper, calculated to aid the Call ?e ill which so mill) ore eiijfa (ffdj and are induced to hope that aiichanes taSl shment wouM n ?t he am'in? the least ef ficient mean# of pr*) not iiij; ndtRiona informa tion It v th? multiplier ion of political papier* tiie n- nds of tnc |n:ople of thia favoured coun tt . ha?e hitn enlightened in the sc.eoce ot ?o?ernmci?t above s I the nations ot the eaith. Tot I'ljjh t'if same mrms is it not reasonable lo PTju-ct tliai ini'Til darkness ma) he diaai piled, the lov r ot religion b?- incuh ?lnl, and a warmth b* infused into the lieart s o? heiiev '"tf christian which would ur^e them to ?' 11 greater curiums' For though we arc pleased in COotemplating the general advance ment of ctiris ixu k'ms icdjje, and tlie IBi'lin. i. ted condition ot mankind, y t we find much * ? lament when we look around ut and per ? ? lie lio? inmv are still en* eloped in slothful ??'tio attf, toe victims of vic? And winioralit> . ' I'lujjh hvi'ijj in a ? :n otian land, there aie v?m? , aim inanv, who oevef enter a church, ' i i it ??r open a l? tile, who never rurtect on t1" ? a ite or stir purpose of their enstem--. M iv not the <1 fTisi ot religious intclhgent-c ten I iu renio IcsMiela? May it not ??* ile I i i t|i | |(r\ May It not l< a ) to comic '? in' in ref i . hi itrml Thr con iiui d dropping* ot water weals toe had' st stone*; may tiot *?vkiv admonition* and repeated example* nu ll ueait* nl sione' Hnrrly there is room to hope that thr I'ontempUied work, if propcrl) ? iroura^t ,!, ,nay conirihute in some small d. ^rer, toaatiN hastening that ^lornui? pi m '?'I, alien " die mountain of the land's home ?!iull lie estaid abed in the top ot the nioim t nns, and shall lie exalted above the hill*, and ".1'iwna shall tl rnv unto it " In presenting tins prospectus to the public, ?' is unnecessary farther to explain the nature of the proposed publication. In its conduct, *11 possible rare will lie taken to select such Waiter aa ma) be nioai mi crest injj and instruc Vive; and the promised assistance of *ev< ral rmim nt divun a, it is ex -ectcd, will athl un - hilness ami rcapurtabilit) to the work. CONDITIONS. The Kvingeln.il liit?-lliK<*MC< r ? ill So pub lished imcr ? ui'i U, :i 1 1 ( I contain eight ijiiario |??Kes. nratlj primed i?n good paper. The price will hr thr.-c dollars a year, if pniil In ndvancot otherwise four dollar* will l>C demanded. No subscriptions trrciK'l *??r less than one }*?ri anil no *nh icrption will lie discontinued '?tiiil nil ^rr? ur* are paid. ntiK^i at the option ??l 'In1 publisher. \ failure to )(iM' notice be fore thi* end of ihr year of a nil to ili>r?n '''Hie, will hi* considered us a new eng^rrm nt. To pi- rsons procuring e ght s?:!?scribers, ',r?il remitting the amount of t li?" subscriptions, ' paper w ill tie sent gratis. I lie publication will commrncc the first *aturda_\ in .lamiari next, if sufficient cncou* ragement be obtained. ?1 /'I'rinters favourably disposed, particular 'y in this and i lie adjoining statin, aft* ro ?|'ic?ted to gi>e the ul>vve two or three in '?W It'JItS. Halter's .Materials, Faints , Dye Slnjfs, ? Medicines . subscriber having lately recfivrd hit A. tMU supply* bis baurtmeni now consists of the following, besides many other articles: 40 0 lbs. prime Brown Sugar, ?00o lbs Green Cofl'ee, .'.(?U lbs. l?at Sugar, I4v lbs. Ini|>e lb?. ttuecdidi Iron, mostly wagon tire, (?erman Blistered Steel, Wagon Itoxt s, 4 J by 2f, l.iverpool ground and line Salt, 16 ke^s Cut Nails, 4, 6, 8, 10. 12, and 20d, .? ke>;s wrought ditto, 6 at>d ttd, Flooring ami ceiling Brads, Molasses Cliitinpiigii, Madeira, 'I ciKT.fti! (London I'arti i r>..rr? i tluvar.nah Honey, culur), I'oi t, ( Ijret, and Malaga minks, Frtncli llrandv, Holland (.in, W. st India and No Mr Fugland Itum, Apple and Ptjcli Brands, R\e and cjmmuti Wtnskov, I'orter, l.imf Juicc, l'J IxiX*-* Window (,la?s, Puis a?ui 'iiitc'i liirnt, \V toiling Hot-*, Hid - and ly-adiiii? l.inrs, ? ? D ip'itu'v I'.ivnl- r, v^ai lafitcd good, Shot, jii'l Ihr Ix-ui), (.li .cii.?tf. (linger, Spio?.*, iVj.^r, ltai*i*ik, AI'IhUhIs, Ciiiii tiiioii, Vlko*, I.Ikvci, N'ltnti-gs, A Ur^e 4>?irtnitiil ot' slmrs, M'ti'j tii.*- aiid t'iurse II ?*???, (aln-s, Munr, and tluecns Ware, ( Innu iu l?o\i s, 6 lu ib* (? i?*Ii?-ii t'liti'ie, N-.r'li-Mi llunirtj'tin, < ? mi'.! Cotton, I* mini I'i'iii, Km ami Cotton V:t?'Ck r?g ditto, ? CUewiiig I'.ittKCii, Sun(T, Wi ping antl Ixtter Paper, W?'vr<, l?k Pnwdrr. Wibk'nS, N u -York, ll.lvvorth'a, aiul Uni versal Spoiling H'??ks, A nt-ricati \S li.te So?p, l'nrpentine dnlo, Shav.ng ditto, W li.l tciiiOrc'* C,?.t(('ii Curds. I latins' Materials. Red, Yvrllu* anJ Itl.icW Morocco ^knift, AMm. i t'urilt, > eidlgTls, (jn.ck S.tver, It .w Sn in^s, Stopping Itnislica, Haodin^ and limiting, (?me I'aints, Dye StufFs? Medicincs, ^c. Wtote l.i iid, by tin- keg or pound, U< d I. a?ini Lack, >p?; its Turpent ut, by the ?aJI in or boi*,?v Cop.,1 Varnish, I'utiy , Cli Ik, It d linden, Cimwioil, Madder, (.'oppent, lti -?t Spanish Indian, ? Allooi, Brimstone, | Salt I'eirr, Epv >in and filaoher Sal's, ? Pe*rl A'li, Fig Hint*, Cmur Uil, by buttle or phiaj, Sweet Oil, by ditto 0|?ideidr>c, Lauilvium, Calomel and J dap, H.ir^kfHr r, I'.r.tisli Oil, Hjtem?ii(? I >r ?ji*, < *i I of W oritisrril, Sjnr'ts i?t Hartshorn, E.?enre of loveiidc't', Lemon, llurgamott, and l'e|)i>? i iiniit, Crmm <>t Tartar, White Vitriol, As if .?lulu, G iimptiscum, la-e'*. I)- iv all's, and Braj'g Si Jones' Anti Mil op? mmr iti.d Wormwood Candy, I 'am;-ior, It d ll.trk Kxpe? ted so?*n f-o'n N -w Yo^k, half a ton r> t I .< >i; w oi it I . IMm lbs. Goshen Ghtcsr, > bu shels Med (.lr?d, Il?s Spanish Indi g.t, I'aten* V? I . *?>'?. e ntlif r ; .nuts, f*c. Ml ol wln^h ? ill lie ?old I >w for cash only. I). Yurbroii^li. IlillahofoMgli. Nor. 1 2, lb.'l yJ--l\v N Oil V K. '"I"* I IK. NKt;l{OK> belonging to the heirs of 1 the !.< cemlx r r,< \t . Ml persons concerned will i .} auU\otU)( o1l VUe. Stfttc of ^otUvCtitoVma. IlIliLSItOROUGn MASONIC LOTTERY 1 Prize of 1 2 2 10 10 100 2590 5,000 Dollars, is 2,000 1,000 500 1 00 50 10 5 $ 5,000 2,000 2,000 1,000 1,000 500 1,000 12, :>oo ^ 6z 6 nil'26!8' ?More Prizes than Blanks. 25,001) 2374 Blanks, J 5000 Tickets at 5 dollars, is 25,000 ST J TIOJ VARY PIllZES. The last drawn ticket on tfie lsf, 2d, 3d, 4th? Gth, 7th, and ? 9th day's drawing, will be entitled to a prize of 100 dollars. The first drawn ticket after four thousand ha\e been drawn, will be mtitled to a prize of ?,000 dollars, The last drawn ticket on (lie fifth da\'s drawing will be en titled to a prize of 500 dollars. The last drawn ticket on the last day's drawing will be en titled to a prize of . 5,000 dollars, All tit* other prizes will be floating in the wheel from the commencement of the drawing, 2 nl lOOO UuWavs. \ \ 500 i a \ oo of T>iA\hts. & I'rizi's p?yalile itinetj ilars after the drawing is completed, subject to a deduction of fifteen p0 acres, l)ing : ti the Haw fields, adjoining the lands of Richard Christmas, Mexander Mien and othi rs, hav ing on it convenient out houses and ail excel lent dwelling house with ten commodious rooms A tract situate in Rockingham count), and called and known by the name of Lenox Castle; containing abnit 1650 acres. A ' met atl polling the town of liny wood, in Chatham cuuii y, containing about .70 acr? s. Als??, sundry lots in the to\?n of I l.i) u sml. Also, between 30 and 40 Negroes; and other property, which some time since I Cinveyed to James Webb and David Yar brou^h, ? stjrs. of Hillsborough, to secure cer tain debts which I owed. I lie abo\c property will be sold with the assent and on Otiialt of the said Trustees, on a credit ol one and two ytars, the purchase money bearing interest, and the puichas'-rs giving bond with security tor the same. A. I). Murjil icy. Oct. 30, i?:t. ys? tds I \T the same time and place will also be otleied for sale My I Muiitation in the lliov lleUls, containing about 80u arrrs, on a credit nf one, two, three, ami four years, or lor notes negotiable at bank <>n accommodation. On tint (limitation b*? In rn r lea red within the last three or lour )cars, a sufficient <|tiant>ty nf fresh land to raise four or five hundred barrels ?l' corn. Samuel Strudwiek. Oranjfc co. Nov. JO, 1821. y.?? .s.i n i> h k n r. AUX. \N IIKU & II \KlttSON have on hand a large assortment ot Saildlrs, BimIIoh. H;?r?i?ss, Wagon (ie.iis, i'ollars, and every tiling in thfir line, which is offered on very moderate terms for cash, grain pork. Their shop is on Queen street, over !)? \Vel>l?'s medicine simp. November M, 1821. 92? Mrs. IHC.KLOYV RF.^PhCTKULI.Y informs Iter friends and the public, that slit* lias lately received from Petersburg a complete assorunet of STUAW BONNKTS, Straw I Timming* and Bands, fash ion tble Ribbons and Band Boxes. S!ie has also on Ii.nid a var!i t; of SILK BONNKTS, an>l will make to or> iiiiam uider. October 3, 1821 86? tf Five Cents Howard. AX away from the subscriber on Friday LI last, S.1MUEL VH.1HTRF.E. an ap prentice to the farming business, in the JOth year of hi# age; had on when he went away a black given coat, ami pantaloons of the same, striped cotton waistcoat, and a new w??ol bat, not bound; took away with him a small halt stock gun. The above reward will be given hut no charge* paid for apprehending said runa*a\: ami all persons are forbid humoring <>r employing him, under the penalty of the toll SAI.K, V second hand llackgam in 011 Hoard. Inquire at this Office. law. Thomas Horn. Orange Co. Nov. '26. 94? 3wp May U. 66? \VuTtt\ tlcOlAOlW^. ?? And your r'ch soil. Kxuberant, nature's better blessi nf ? peer O'er ever) From the Provii'tn > Joum. 1. Do Agricultural Socie iem besto> h ir pre miums 011 prop^ object*.' The exer ions that*are now making in New Kn^Iand fur improvement m agriculture and manufactures. a e truly commendable; for whoever cng.-ges in a good cause, deserves i relit, whatever m >y he his success: lint it is very nun t to be doubted, whether the societies, or ganized for this laudable purpose, u-o i he best means to effect their object. If the object of the agricultural societies be what it seems to be, namely, the pro motion of the general interest of matfi facturers and far me is, it appears that nothing ought to he encouruged w hich it would not be for the interest of all to practice, who are engaged in the same business; but, upon examination, we shall find that those societies manage upon a Id different plan. And to eluci date this subjtct, let several things be noticed, not with reference to any par ticular society, hut from a knowledge if several, in oifferent states. li ib the common pi attic e ;o prornise a p.eiuium to iiiin who shall ia:-.e the likeliest call ? a farmei who can afh r?? three times as much ;js he is uotti.. Now, what advantage has society or the laimtr derivid fiom this management: is it a method of i aising taitie to be re commended i Ai>d it not, why eucoui ? age it? A puiiiium is offered in the tali ioi the largest spting pi^*s and a weal thy fainter keeps several on milk aw ! men!? (the ta?c is r.ot a suppesid nne.) i.is> pig* ai e found me lar^tst, s-. uc* he is t'eclaied the hi 81 hand for fattening hogs; but is it, in leality. tl.at kind ot ecunoiii) which ought to be rec< inmen dtd to our farmers? By feeding an ox at the s'uil Ioi seven or eigh yeais, anil not working him, ne may, doubtless, !>o made large, t>nd w(ll command ? great price, but who that has had any expeu ei.ee in that mnde of making beef, wnl not say, that the cost !'ar overbalances the profit? Itccitainly is not good policy lor a farmer to tut none kind of prodo* e into another, unit *s that last made be of tnc most valut: li the la: ?ner, who makes an ox worth an hundred dollars, expends what would l ave brought hna an hundred ?nd li!" y, he is net only a los er him->eil, but he is doing an injury to society. Upon the ?0me principle, may it rii the doublet!, \v nut her the tady w.iu spends six montlisof a year in wot king a counterpane, whicii is i.??i tvorth hall the labour bestowed upon it, ott/.ht rather tjbeiewaidi.il, than site, who, in tne same time, manufactures several hun dred yards of cloth: or, is it the ohj* ct to reward those wi o make the fin; at thing'? If so, those will obtain the re ward who have the most leisure and money. Again; it is the general practice-, in agricultural societies, to reward bun wno snail raise the most grain on a g.v cn quantity of land; therefore, farmers are induced to expend their labour and manure on a small p.irt of their land and neglect the remainder. It is well known that many tarinei s often under take to cultivate too much land, and, in the end, by not doing < notign, lose what they have dent: so, in tltc other ex treme, by doing too much, the profit does not pay tor the labour. The tat met will a. ways think that the best ma nagement, which products the greatest profit, in proportion to the iab'>r bes towed; nor will he ol.en want sagacity to discover it, or rewards for adopting it, whi n it shall appear; but we do no! find that the mode of cultivation which is recommended is practised, except in particular cases, where a premium is cxpcctcd, or at least the name of hav ing raised a great crop. ? Would it not be better, in this case, it those who would encourage the industrious and econom ical, would require all those that arc ambitious to excel in the art of hus bandry, to till a certain proportion ot their arable land yearly, fixing the quantity by a just rule of tillage, and estimate the manner of cultivating the land according? This would encout-r age farmers to husband their whole fa? ms w ell, instead of part, and every farmer might enter the kin, whether hi*