Uim was as large as Job's or do larger 1 1 than that of Cincinnati)*. In some soci- { ctics h reward is proposed to him who ' shall produce the best cheese, or t tic j best (it kin of butter: now, it would be a ! little singular it you could not find a ?? pood chee>e in a poor dairy, nor woud , it be strange if a p rson s'>oulo make a very good firkin of butter who common ly make s veiy bad or possibly none at J >11 except on particular occasions. Why ? rot. in this, case, let the number of cows j I e known, and tin dairies which tluv ! make, and give luin the credit who I makes the largest and best dairy from ; the smallest number of cow*? This would encourage the making ofdaiiirs, not a single i hcesc. Much the same might he >i*id \*ith regard to the tflvct *>l the encouragement given manufac turers: they m.ikf a solitary effort once a y?.ar to tn.?ke sonn thing ol a superior quality, &nd probably succeed, but they to not act upon a pi an which they can i font mi nd to others for its u; in t'.re. the e? il si ems to be, that encour ag tnent is gi\rn to t!>at kind ol ntan b-'euient w h.ch is t.ot ol pnldic uti.ity. a iwrmi:h I i>\* i4 \gn \ \\t e\\\ge \\c c . New Tori*. November 19. In thi? d*y"s tiazrttc. our rt adei s w ill find verv interesting e\' tacts from Lon don and Liv;rpool pjj>ri?, ieceiv?u last evening by 'he f.M sailing -Ir.p t ones, captain Uc I otl, in 38 days ftom Livei - pool. Trf -trre of the ctops in Europe, but panirtiUi 1> in Lnglar.d, en^iossing al most liit so It- al'.t n ion oi this commer cial qoirmnni'.y, we h.i ve given ali that we find ?>i? th:s suf jcc . I is a fact, thai the news ? ! ! ad weather, and bad crops, is ftil y confirmed by I ' i is am\al; but Mi;c her c jie tobe benefitted, is some what problematical. Tnc kiii?^*.'t Lngl nd arrived a* Brus sels on the 27fi ? t S ptcmbei. and on the following day dined with the kiugnt the Netherlands a' the paiac ol La< ktn. On t e first of Octol.ei ne pas-' d oxer the fields ol \Y aterluo lartic B a- olid Li nv, and proceeded lo 11 mover. lUii's Weekly Mesne r get cf the 7tii, coi-'a ? - tnr follt wins*: ? " \\ r havt* ijtciy abstainer.' from any men'iMiof the affairs of Spain, .est on the one hand, we si.ould appea> to give ei'icouivgt ment to pnnciplt-s cer ainly thete cat tied to excess, and lesion the other, wc should sieni to take part with her late ft e jlt at.d despotic government; feeble, as to the protection of person and 1 fO| < rty; and despotic, ii somut h as t tie will of die k:t>g, an'? the power and ii; f!uen? c of the nobility, occupied ihe plare of law An event has now occurrtd of si serious a no to re, as to r? n<'er i; ne< tssa v to te'ini. ait l!n> toibearance. Our rcadets wit. le.it n, wi'h some sui prise, tnat England and Spain a?e upon the eve of a state of tl.ings very little short of actual ?ji; and a lea her, al m st. mav turn the s< ale ei.hei w,iy. ?* I" ia . tTair ts hriufiy as follow-:? In a Spanish paper, called t lie Regulator, appeared m t? nor the following para graph. ' 1* is aOti med, r?at his Hi ilu rtl?? will do himselfihe honor of tnk:n.? a secon.i wife in his pttsti.t journey to the continent; and ti.at tf.is l??'y vv <11 he chosen horn one of the G' rman court- ? ;)' rhaps the youngest pnn e- s oi me Aust. ian house ol Ever hazy ? a young I d\ ol the a;^e of IS vearj, and therefore extremely will sere. I to th** ma'tiie yaisof h:s 1 > itish Majesty, now in his 60th year." The paper men goes on to add, 4 that this j.e?vs can ex ite no surpiisc, since there are persons to whom ^,1 nimes a-e permitted, an:l who. though the ob ject ol net til exe? i a' i >p, ne\ erthi less e'j"V all the favors of fortut>e, if tc ?oo!S?; do not iiS^ail them at e*e?v hour ;?t d every minute oi the dav, and if they a: e pet nutted to erij> y the it uits o! tnen misdeeds.' ?? i mn.tuiatciy upon tne ptil>i:cjt on ot this iT >? i' us J ? ' ?c I. - .it III 'ti-> i am <\'/r to lot- S \'t -vet. uncut, and (It: ma : >ran? jury, or *|ia< is tan toil iottie Spanish adfiutiis tra'ton of ju tice.ihr; v out n% shouid term r, the bill. ew!oi situ* upon the luck of it that they no matter ol pc seeutioit in the >' t ail (Km fl. I .itr It' itisii mini , ' he* i to e, a <1 .he pow erful rnoiiai It w ho in ii 1 1 pt cscms nav < received no sj'iihu tion fn i his at tori m, instil", and, so tar a> SpwWi an ? ncr -o vernment a-e concerned. Iuv? no ? xp i rati-.ii or aaUvfjc ion to expert for one ol the rn '^t abominable libelant in. ueui tini^H '* Ti ?k? v. ? The paper of the 7 ? l? con- ' tains U?e follow ini?:? A ? r-t ; c i Irom Smyrna, (ttu-d ihr 29'h Au?*u-?t, has !>c ctt received, whii h men tions a lact of (,:rc at importance, n m truth ran be relied on. 1? male-., ? hat the ?mnrsiy ol the 1 ?> ? kisn ^>ui an had hcen cfini'iiunn j I ed to '.h< Ciie? k fleet m the Archipeia^, and that maoy of thrxc ship* had determ.ned to accept it, and ?o ahan'ion the coires*. This mfoima- i tioii was ^iv ri at Smyrna by a small ? f-'rcii' h vessel of war, the master ol winch dr< larfJ that he harl met several (iieek shiph oi war returning to their respec tive islands to disarm. Letters dated the '5th tilt, have been received frcm Odessa, but still without | finally determining the ejuesiion of peace or \v#r. No doubt is, however, enter tamed of the amicable termination of the difference between Russia and the Hone. ? The appointment of another ambassador to Constantinople, ii is sup posed, witl be the mode in which the pacific \ii ws of the empt ier Alexander will be ii. iiUsicd 'o Kurope. A letter from Leghorn ol >he 18?h Sept. sta;e>, hai ve>>el* which left Constantinople, on the *2 2d August, all agreed in their aci runts i.f a complete vu ton hating been gained by the G e<.ks over the combined Tuikish and Kuyptian fleet. London, t>ct. 4th. F.xtrart of a letter from toe a^ciit 10 I.luti'i's at Constantinople, iLud Au gust *2 5; ? *? Since my la>t of the loth inst. eve i v thing has remained lr.u.quil, and this is tiie mure fully on hinted by the re newal of some coniiucicial c petitions. In coiisequei.cc ol the guvei nint.ni bav in.: re fused to t??k> any tnoie coin, ub.?ut I 1 .lOcar^iit s hate i onic lorwai d, amongst | w inch at e sevci al that had bv< n i onli a? - ted foi 50 days i'go; and it is to be leat - ed hat some ?ei iou> losses will ensue, as they (ouldnot be in a state toenduie a ion,: voyage alter such dett iition. Tne C>nit>*ian liigate arrived at Smyrna on t ie 18. h inst. The getter i opinion now seems to be in lavour ol pea^e." SPAIN. Ti e ravages crmmiited by the yt How fever in Spam, is most disti cssing. Tne l*ien;c-?tures. The Turks were completely defeated. i netware repo: t- through I rank for?, thai the Toikih Reel has sustained a new defeat. 1 1 is also s*id thai *.hc ( ?i e?. k Uistiup uf ^>u.loi?ir ii , and many merchant have been m^kacrtd by 'he Turks. A I* t (r I loin the Pai.idith of ' he firoek communion, was, on the 1 9 .h of August, read in ail the ( irtek Churc he-. ^Constantinople, ab? ir ing ll.r fire! k. ? oirimunity of the protection ol i:.c government; ant! a' flic same lime, ricomrneuding praccuhle ( onduci. 1 he guns of a i^rat number having lewer tnan I i; and ol 500 rt h eh a.e armed from 2 lo j jjuns. The lai get da-soi * esse ai c
  • ra. Letter'* ir?mi Tuition mention, that a s< cmd sfpu' ron ol ohs- rvaiiun is pre pat ing to >?ail lor lh? coa* s of (iitcc< . lias it.r indent slipp d f i ? m 'he hands ol Hi Haiti in o thosi ot I'ram c? Vienna, Srpt. 17 ( irrrrr . ? T f following ?l e It Idlest a< < onnl telativt to (>i eek atlail s, which is in have been ie< u*ed. ''Hostilities have i e scd for some time pay if Albania ji.f! Lpii uv The rumnis w inch h.ivc mcii ( uTcnt of the pioi;ti>sot All, of hi* having fmnicdan army, 6cr. ait > esMinle ot foundation. 1 1 e [ins no; Iclt ins lot tress and has lost all Ins tte< it; since it is known that he has ma'le propositions of a? commoda tioti to Hit l inks, which weir rejected. I'revcs remain* in possession ol t.ic 'i'uiks. 1 lie (finks have gamed soine advantages hi the More*. I i ipol?-/./.a, and two lorn have burrcndci ed. f'atrus continue* ?o hold out with Napoiidi, Homanid, Coron and other fortresses. I htssaly has been evacuated by the Turks. ? All attempts which havf been made to fonn a ( oncetrtraied (iicek j;o vernment and to dissolve the separate authorities, have hitherto proved unsuc cessful." The French papers contain the fol lowing articles: Lc|(l?orn, Sept. 10. The spectacle which !l the fortresses of the Archipelago, aud the conquered Turks have surren dered to the (lierks. arms which were destined to have been employed against the in. I.r^liorn, Sept. 15. The Turks of Monumha~ia, *''o have surtendered thai foiuess, ??re - 1 in c k. with t e fiininess diplayed in tin ir conlerences by the f*r?-eks. In tnis fortress, one of the stuuigesi in the rea, the lit eeks ha\e tound more than 9 j(>0 stand ?.t tii e at ins. and a great quantity ol the muniiinnsof war. A vessel Iroin Sytta brings us tlu following news; The I Utoinau fleet, after its dt feat on the coast oJ Sanio*, sut rccdc*'. in rt as sembling at llie Island ut 11 ?lod-s, ? in : c it even formed a jun- turn wi h 12 -aii belonging to the P?c!i* ??! K'-ypt ? l'he commanders ol tne Turkish scpi..dron spread ahi??i*d the report, that i ne ai i val ot iMitail (itbralui the a<:ini.al ok tl?.s little stpiadrun. would ^;i\e vctory 'o the Ottomans, and thus te-animauu their men, who vsc piump* to uki as to lusc courage. H.?n.>vcr, ^rpt. 2 J It is affirmed, that out a,aUs w? t be convoked immediately at. ei 'lie aiti\a? of the kiii^r. ami tna. his maj -sty mih m^ke a p. oposition, tci.dmg to n.tvi the country fiom the bin t?? ii of main taming an a> tiled loice, diS|?rop>n uned to its resources. To attain this nd,.ii'y at the time. A tew davs .>a- k ?c eight Citeek bo dies float by our snip, ant somciiirus they have kdled twenty Cirreks in one night. ? S:iire vrv have b- en ncie the Gretkshave taken Irom the Turks a corvette and :wo bn^s. and burnt a se venty-lour and mx b'l^i by sending tiie ships aiiicng them." RUSSIA AND TUSKFIY. Although we weie If^ci o ? clievc 'from the pape-s we rtccitco >?sicidj>, thai ?c should hear no mo ? <>t a pro babilry of hos 1 1 1 its on the par ol Rus sia; yet it appears fiom t'.e following aiticlc, cop it cl fiom the Ci.nrie' ol 'he 8:h of October, tiia'. thr- Tt .11 n r not no yet U 1 mina .erf. ? / 1* ( i>m .Id v. S?? pt -i. Tlie hoper-f niaint . um e .* e < inu' n dntr is.t 1 (I. At Wjruw, it is . ei ? v? ? iii.s in if.^ will imnierltxtciy r.,rnm'-:re. ? Ami.nc tne manifold r\pons t iyt arc i.. 1 iicu lation on 1 1 ? 1 -? t'.it.i fjutstion, v? . 11 ti?;it one power in .e ou ii of l.uropc, w iio-e tnnimci it in he < 'ttoinau do minion* is not mot '? favour, tl, i;.>-, ui. t i ? e > *> in < as?- ol war, this powei uillobscvt tnr ???lict est neutrjli y On the othct hai d, 11 is whispered ? lint an undrrs'ancin cx.ms between the couttsoi Vieitwa and 1 .on don as to the iim 1st suitable manner of ?? 1 miiKiMi g ti.e .'ifj^airs of I'lnkcy. Notes are saiil to have been ^x< handed be tween those jjoveinments and tt.e Ku-< si in cabinet, and 1 is thought the nego tiations arc not nutty tuou to leuni nalC. Fr?itn the Caracr as <.. ( x< cllcri' y, the vn c |?i rsi'lrn', received the lolloping j?t micd sheet 1 Iron 1 Guay^qoi:: ? LXTHAOHDINAHY. Stm?Lv, 5ih An^iitl, 1821. Official Ittici iioin tlx f,ovirir of ' Tru^illo, (or Troxillo) ur.ir'|uisol I'orrr 1 Ta^le, 10 ihc nupeimr government <*f this provii?< e. 1 Hy an extraordinary courier sent to me from the ministry oC war and ma rine ol the liheialin^ army, I have re- ' reived the Ciu/.eiteof the government 1 of Lima, which, among ?ither things, contains the oflit ul letter ol his excel- 1 lency the general hi rhiel to the m.i^i*- ? tra' y of that <"n|?iial and tlx: a< t agreed to in const quence of it, of which tw.j J documents lite lolloping are lueial co- | pies: Mw>t excellent sir? Desiring as much < as pn?sib!e to promote the happiness of Peru, ii is indispensable for me to con sult the wishes of its inhabitants. For that purpose, I hope that your excel lency *ill convoke a general junta of respectable ciijzcns, who, representing ihQ body of the inhabitants of this capi tal, may sta'.ejvliether public opinion be decided in favour ol independence. That there may be no dt lay, your excellency will be pleased immediately to choose prisons of well known probity, intelli gence and patriotism, by whose opinion I snail he directed, in order tu proceed to take the oath of independence, or to carry into execution what may be de termined upon by the said junta, inas much as n>v intentions have no other obji ct than th.-t of promoting the pros pet tty of Atnei it a. Cod preserve y; Francisco Sat ale; Simon Itabago; tlie count dc la Vei;a iL t Kin; Ji?srf Manuel 3/aio (!c .!/<> n.?; J'e.lro de la Puentej li?iulsion \?a-> ^rau'ed; ami t"C commander ot the fleet, with his ofticeo, were admitted to cuter the citjr? wherr they ; ai ti< ipjtrd in the joy of the triumph, (ici.erat Uermudez is said lo have covered himself *i.h glory on the occasion, both as to his valor and the generalship he displayed. Lrginhtw e of Worth Co vol inn. SKN \TE. Friday, November 23. M r. Wi'Ii .iiiimiii presented the peti I uon of J < < In ? Wnfoiig. ol I.ilcoln county . lespcitii-.r a t.tx on cei it 11 Mr. Welibo ri prewired l !??* petition of l).*i:l C'jmpbril, of Ha>' TennesscCf lot j iji <1 wjirant. Larh referred. M . 1 i ink pi esemeii tiic petition of rtiimhri of iiih3t>ltts of Mi fien prav i < 1 1 Oc aniitxtd to Coiiiiiibu*. ? Ke lt r? <1. < ),i iiim i(>n ol Mr. Scawell, Mie folio w i ?? ! .|> 'toil v? ? s ttdu^ti S"d?*ra 'ion so iii'K h of ' liC govcriioi 's mrssagr as m H io h< judir.arv, tnc expedien < y of i pealing or o.odifyiojj the art* of pit: lr pa?->ed at tltc Ust session, i ts,ii i Mil*; he rcliel of hone->t dt??ior*>; and t i'jjul jtiiij; certain s-iien under exe ? U' loll. Saturday, N'?vrm' rr 24 Mr. \V illiuinson |ircHiitcd th?- peti tioti of John lloke, and others, praying to he mroi poratcd at a l ire Kngiue company. M . Ill ark. t l>e petition of Mary Mar ker, of K'iIk'soii county, p> ay ing to he se? ured in such prcpnty as ?hc may hereafter a< f|iiii e. l.aoh iHerred. Mi Leonard presented (lie billowing P % >1111100: Rr*'if\'tdi Tliat so much f J bci i ) , the com mittee oi? mutual impiovenum was it., sti lie i cd to inquire into the expediency of imtuu ing a boon' of commmiuners in e-ch county to superintend the pu!:. Ii> roa anM ol transferring from the county courts to said board, the super intem'ance and regulation ot the sanir M . L onanf presented a bill foi the further suppression ol tire and iinmo t alt y. Read t * .?- li st Mine. On motion of M r. Campbell, (of N'-'w Hanover,) 'he committee inquire into ? be expcdiet - cv of more effectually p ovuliui; by Lw tor tbe cull-c.lon of public Uxes lioui mercuants n> tbe expediency of v? ..mcjiding tht laws foi tbe t?t-v?itim' i.t ofextcutors and jdunntsiiaiors, as *?, provid- ?or an eijiitaMe disti i'iuti"n if tbe a-s- lis i on it ^ to tht it ' ands auu.r.^ the creditors ol any person who may |,er? a'trr die in oivent. M>. 1'iink pie veil d a bill infantine* :o the superior couitil Columbus ori ^ii.ai a-xl exclusive jurisdiction i:? ail ju'v i auyf>. Rc^d tht I -t and Jcl tirn^, aid i cl> 1 1 < (Ho t lie judiciarv i umniittec. Mr. R< ffin ^(Mn;tO the fubowir^ resolution: Ke*ulv(di That tbe judiciary con? mii rc inquire into tue exp'diency ct bj\in< but iwii juries in tbe court of picas am' quiiir sessions in each and cviiy cuun.y, annually, anu make re put thceoi..? Adopted. WeilncMli), Nn>i tnber 2H. Mr C iiii|i eil, < t liriiell, pr?*sente-! a bill to cxpialo and amend the ai t cf 18TO, linuti << thu time in w hi h ju'*g ii. ems lakfti bclore justices ot the peace in.?> be levnid. M?. Flowers presented a bill to a inend the a< t respecting public io,ds. Mr. [) >m? i, a hill lurtber regulating the mill ta of \\ ayne. On m ion of Mr. Wade, (he c^?m mit'.ee "f finance \vj- instructed lo in quire into tue exp>. diency of taxing ihe several per-ons residents of tms state m no own capital stork in the bank of uie U. Slates. ? Adopted. HOUSE OF COMMONS. Friday, November J>. The g??crtmi % communication was referred othr lotion cnmmttu es: t hose par :s w hi* It r*. a e to iii? ju diciary were referred to t:.e ju? iri?:y r?? nmiltre. consisting of Messrs. Slant) , H'llru.m. Bia< kled^r, S r an^e, .?nd John tltll.nl ihcc mmcm; an?' Messrs. Sra wel , Sju^h; (of Ct aveii), Bryan, (* laves and \v miamson, ol li.e ?enaie. *\V nai r> litis to the militia to Messrs. Bar. ingcr, (i raves, Blount, Setters and iiaird, <>t the common*; and Messrs. Cirnvrs, Campbell (if \'ev? Hanover,, M*1 .ta;), Lindsay (. of the ?? nate. \\ fiat rriatt* to interjpal improte incnt, to Mr sis. Moo re, Turin r, La mon, M'Dowili, a;.d II wkins, of the common; and M? ssrs. (i at < h, Miller, Wade,Scajts ind B aoley, of the senate. What relates to public I nds, '?? Menli. Fiahir, B'i'tain, Anderson. Love and N. M*N< i!. of the commoi ??, and Messrs. Williamson, Outlaw, Il.ni>', 1' lower* and Parker, of tnr sen.re. W hat telates lo tnr boundary line be tween this state and the states ol Ten nes-.ee and (Jcoigia, to Mcssis. J I). June-, Bea I, J. S. Smih, M'Lcod an'l M (V chcail.ol t tie commons; ami Messn Koffi i, Wellborn, House, Kaiborn and Campbell ^o Itedell), of the senate. Whir relates to the pe< uniary ein harrassmeuts, t*c. to Messr*. Hnn y, Brickcll, Slade, Carson ar.d Shaw, ot the commons; and Mess?s Leonard, llolt, 1 1 y man, Deberry, and Reddick, ol the. 11 nate. I>li . Si-red, from ihe com muter for cngrofttmt; clerks, reported that S.tmnel F I'?*i tci son was duly elec ted; Inn that Knottier balloting was nc rrssaiy fr the third <1 ik. A message was received fiom the go ve i nor, iit< luting a copy ol a letter from the sccreiaty of war on the subject ol an improper use being made of the seals of oflirc in i his state, referring to the rase of Smith and Wright, who some tint? ago attempted a fraud on the U S'atrs by forged papers, t<> which thry imp"?* p< t ly obtained the nt al ol the stutc. Hc fci r< d t?> the committee on military land wai rants. Saturday, November '-'4. Mr. Hill, from the balloting commit* ee for the thud engiossinK clerk, re ported that Mr. Win. M. White was July electcd. Sir. Fisher, from the committee ap pointed to draw up tubs for the g